Xander stayed close enough to Tony's friends to make it obvious that he was with them, but not close enough to touch. Xander wasn't about to trust anyone he didn't know. Especially after the day he'd had.

The trio made it out the door without incident. The sheik and his friend immediately got into the limo, but Xander hesitated at the open door. The younger of the two men stuck his head out, "Aren't you going to get in?"

"Um, if it's all right with you, I think I'll just stay out here. No offense, but I don't know you. And I'd feel better if I had some room to run. You know, just in case," Xander said nervously.

Hamid laughed, "I understand completely. I would no doubt do the same." Hamid saw the boy shiver in the cool October air. "Would you like a coat? You look chilled."

"No. I'm okay."

The conversation dwindled down to nothing as the men waited anxiously for Tony to appear. Ben was on the verge of going back in when his friend exited the mansion and ran for the limo.

Tony hustled Xander into the car and told the driver to head out. Tony felt how cold Xander's skin was and pulled off his coat. He wrapped Xander up carefully and pulled him into his lap. He was gratifyingly pleased when Xander huddled closer.

The shivers shaking Xander's frame didn't cease however; they in fact, got worse. Tony ran smoothing hands down Xander's sides and murmured quietly, "Xander, are you all right?"

Xander shook his head 'no' violently, "Wiggins."

"Wiggins?" Tony said in confusion.

"As in, bad case of." Xander said.

"Oh. You're safe now, Xander. I won't let anyone hurt you."

Tony's quiet words, the strength of his arms and the warmth of his body gradually lulled Xander into a semi-conscious daze. The events of the last few days caught up with him all at once and he fell into an exhausted sleep.


Tony spotted the car the instant the limo turned into the drive. "Oh, wonderful. Peter's here. What in the Hell does he want?"

"Who is Peter?" Hamid asked curiously.

"He's the director of the L.A. office. He's very good at his job but I personally can't stand the ass. Which is why I avoid him whenever possible." Tony looked down at the boy sleeping in his lap and sighed, "This ought to be interesting."

Tony lifted Xander into his arms and carried him towards the house, Ben and Hamid right behind him.


Peter Taylor had been waiting for Antony DiBlasi for hours. He'd been stunned when he learned the CEO was in L.A. and hadn't come by the office. Taylor didn't like mysteries and decided to come see DiBlasi and find out why he was in L.A.

Bright headlights swept over the house and Taylor saw the limo enter the drive. He jumped out of his car as soon as it stopped and hurried over to DiBlasi, hand out stretched. "Mr. DiBlasi! I just heard you were here and came over to see if there was anything I could do for you. Will we be seeing you in..." Taylor's voice trailed away when he realized DiBlasi was carrying an unconscious boy in his arms.

"I'm not here on business, Taylor," Tony said firmly, "so you won't be seeing me in the office. Now if you'll excuse us? It's been a long night."

Taylor tore his eyes away from DiBlasi's burden and stammered, "Certainly. Whatever you say Mr. DiBlasi. I'll just...I'll be going now." Taylor hurried to his car and spun out of the drive.

Ben stared after the fleeing car, "Whatever was wrong with him, Antony? He acted like the Hounds of Hell were snapping at his heels."

Hamid got the door open and Tony shouldered his way into the house before replying, "I don't have a clue, Ben. The man has always been a little strange. You two know where everything is, I'm putting Xander to bed. I'll see you in the morning."


Tony laid Xander on their bed and gently undressed him. The boy's back didn't seem to be any worse for wear and he decided that a hot shower would be good for both of them.

He got the water going and undressed. After checking the temperature, he carried Xander's sleeping form into the bathroom and stepped into the shower.

Xander started to wake up when the blissfully warm water hit his skin, but he was still muzzy. He opened blurry eyes and smiled sleepily when he saw Tony.

Tony smiled back before tipping Xander's head back to wash his hair. Xander grumbled happily, he'd never had someone wash his hair for him before. Tony carefully rinsed the shampoo out of the thick, dark hair and pulled Xander forward so his head was resting on his shoulder.

Tony washed the rest of the boy's lanky frame, paying particular attention to his groin, smiling when the quiescent cock woke up and began to pay attention.

Tony dropped the sponge he'd been using and gently pushed Xander against the shower wall. He leaned in and ran his tongue down the side of the boy's neck while slowly caressing his erection.

Xander whimpered and spread his legs to keep his balance when his knees threatened to give out. He started to protest when Tony let go of his aching cock, but before he could get a word out, the older man had slid down to his knees and started licking the head. Xander groaned and closed his eyes, the hot water pounding down on his chest combined with the heat surrounding his cock was making him weak.

Tony felt the minute tremors shaking Xander's frame and grinned. He put his arm under Xander's leg and pulled it up onto his shoulder.

Xander's hands scrambled against the wall for purchase, but found none. He finally relaxed and trusted Tony to keep him from falling, which became a real possibility when Tony's hand ran up the back of his leg to his ass. One adventurous finger began rubbing across his hole, sending waves of sensation up his spine, making his back arch against the slick tile.

Xander forced his eyes open and looked down in time to see the older man suck the head of his cock into his mouth. The sight alone was almost enough to make him come, but it was the finger pushing into his body at the same time that sent him over the edge.

Tony swallowed the bittersweet cum greedily, still pumping his finger into Xander's tight passage. When he was sure he had pulled every drop from the boy's body he allowed Xander's leg to drop back to the floor of the tub and slowly withdrew his finger. Tony rose to his feet and stared at the picture Xander made.

The boy was splayed against the wall, mouth open, trying desperately to pull air into his heaving lungs. Tony growled and lunged forward, thrusting his tongue into Xander's mouth.

Xander whimpered and clutched Tony's shoulders. He felt like he was being devoured, and he loved it. No one had ever wanted him this badly before, not even Anya. He tangled his tongue against Tony's, returning the kiss with everything he had in him. He could feel Tony's hard-on pressing into his stomach and hesitently wrapped his hand around it. Tony moaned into his mouth and thrust up into his hand.

Xander tightened his grip a little, and began slowly pumping, using the same motions he'd used on himself so many times.

Tony allowed the blissful sensation of Xander's hand stroking him to continue for a few minutes before he pulled away. Xander started to say something but Tony kissed him into silence before saying, "We're just getting started, Xander."

He turned off the shower and grabbed a towel. He carefully dried Xander's gleaming body, being careful to avoid the pierced nipples and belly button. He ran a towel quickly over his own body and pulled Xander into the bedroom.

Xander blindly allowed himself to be pulled down onto the bed, between the lack of sleep, anything resembling food, and Tony sucking his brains out the end of his dick, he couldn't seem to think. But he could feel, he could 'definitely' feel. And Gods, it felt good.

Tony's hands seemed to be everywhere at once. Stroking down his sides, brushing across his stomach, even running through his hair. Xander wanted to return the caresses, but couldn't seem to get his arms to move from their position over his head. So he gave in and just laid back and enjoyed the attention.

Tony couldn't seem to get enough Xander's body. The feel of it arching under his hands, the musky smell of his arousal, even the silky feel of Xander's hair against his hands was making him wild. He desperately wanted to bury himself in that body, to feel the heat of it surrounding him. He knew he was more than skilled enough to make sure Xander enjoyed it, but he wanted Xander to be more than willing. He wanted him begging, pleading for release. A groan rumbled up out of his chest at the mental vision of Xander on his knees, begging him to fuck him. Tony set out to make that fantasy a reality.

He slid down the bed and began kissing and massaging Xander's long, narrow feet. He smiled when Xander tried to jerk his foot out of his hands and grabbed him by the ankle.

Xander's curse came out more like a gurgle when Tony pulled his foot up to his mouth and began gently sucking and nipping his toes. It tickled, but it was also sending a message to his cock to wake up. His cock listened. He reached down to relieve the pressure but Tony pulled his hands away and placed them back over his head. "Don't move, Xander, and don't touch. I'll take care of you. I'm going to take very good care of you."

Xander nodded and grabbed the edge of the headboard. The dark promise in the older man's voice more than enough to make him comply with his orders.

The sensual tugging sensations returned to his feet for a moment before moving up his legs. Every inch was stroked before being licked and kissed. When Tony finally made it up to the crease of his inner thigh, Xander was almost out of his mind.

Tony ran his thumbs across the soft patch of skin on the inner curve of Xander's hips, then swooped down and latched his lips onto the tendon joining leg to body. He sucked strongly and heard Xander wail. The boy arched up off the bed, pushing his copiously leaking cock against Tony's shoulder. Tony pushed him back down on to the bed and sucked harder. He finally let the abused flesh go and looked down to see the mark he had left behind. The faint light from the bathroom was enough for him to see the wet bruise, dark against Xander's fair skin. Tony chuckled, enjoying the sight of his own mark of ownership.

He kissed his way up Xander's chest, stopping when he reached the pierced nipples. The small gold hoops decorating the raised nubs of flesh made his mouth water. He couldn't wait until they healed so he could play. He very gently touched just the tip of his tongue to the left nub, feeling Xander shudder under him. "Does it hurt?"

The boy's reply was strangled, "No."

"Good." Tony laved his tongue across the nub once more before moving to the other. He licked it once and then blew a stream of cool air across the damp flesh. Xander hissed and Tony felt a new flood of precome dripple out of the hard cock pressed against his stomach. He definitely couldn't wait to play with these, but he didn't want to hurt the extremely sensitive flesh so he moved up to Xander's collar bone and traced it with his lips and his teeth. Xander sighed and settled a little. Tony decided he liked Xander unsettled and began nibbling on his throat, slowly moving up to his ear.

Xander's moans of pleasure turned to pitiful whimpers when he felt Tony's lips nibble on the the curve of his ear. Warm puffs of breath heralded the arrival of Tony's tongue into his ear and Xander went nuts.

Tony smirked, "Like that do you?" he said before diving back in.

Xander cursed under his breath, 'nothing' made him hornier than a tongue in his ear. He felt his balls start to draw up and he panted for breath.

Tony felt Xander stiffen and then begin to shake, he quickly slid one hand down to his swollen balls and tugged firmly. Xander yelped and glared at him. Tony laughed, grabbing Xander by the back of the neck he pulled him into a deep kiss. Xander struggled for a moment, but then responded eagerly, moaning in the back of his throat.

He finally released Xander's lips and began spreading soft, slow kisses over his face. Once Xander had relaxed, Tony drove his tongue back into the boy's ear, earning himself another high pitched wail. It was time to push him a little farther. He flipped Xander over onto his stomach and started in on his back.

Xander tensed when Tony put him on his stomach. Being spread out face down wasn't a very comfortable feeling. Tony murmured in his ear, "Relax, I won't hurt you. And I won't do anything you don't want." He tried to force himself to relax, but it wasn't easy. The gentle kisses spread across his shoulders and down his back finally did the trick.

Tony paid homage to every welt, bruise and mark on Xander's back. He might not have been the one doing the beating, but he still felt responsible. When he felt Xander relax under is hands a strange sense of awe came over him. Despite everything that had happened to him, Xander trusted him. It was a heady feeling.

Tony reached the dimples on the small of the boy's back and kissed each one, making Xander shudder. He placed gentle kisses on each perfect cheek before nipping one lightly. Xander yelped again and glared at him over his shoulder. Tony shrugged, "I couldn't help myself, you look good enough to eat. In fact, I think I will."

Before he could say a word, Tony spread his ass cheeks licked up the cleft. Xander thumped his head back down on the bed, shoving a pillow under his face to muffle a scream. No one had ever done anything like that to him before. That wet tongue came back again and again. Sometimes so slowly it seemed to take forever for it to reach the spasming hole. Other times so fast Xander could have cried.

Tony licked the dark crease for several minutes, throughly enjoying the muffled whimpers coming from the head of the bed. It was time to make him scream again. He slowly circled the ring of muscle guarding the entrance to Xander's body with the tip of his tongue, then flicked across the edges as quickly as he could. Xander pushed his hips back, unconsciously asking for more. Tony gently thrust his tongue in and out of the slowly relaxing opening, going deeper each time until he could push completely past the barrier. By this time Xander was shaking so hard, he had to hold the boy down.

Xander was losing his mind, he knew he was. He was shaking and couldn't catch his breath. He felt his orgasm approaching rapidly and fought against it, not wanting these feelings to end. He was almost relieved when he felt Tony pull his balls away from his body again. Then that tongue, that wonderful tongue went, back to work. Xander grumbled and pushed back, needing more, but not knowing what it was he needed. He soon found out.

Tony scramble up the bed and yanked open the drawer of the nightstand so hard it fell on the floor. He blindly reached over the side of the bed and fumbled around for the lube. His hand brushed something hard and he picked it up. It was a vibrator. One he'd bought for himself after he and Randy had split. It wasn't very thick, or very long, but it did have one very special feature. The head was covered in small raised bumps. Guaranteed to make any man scream and beg for more. Tony managed to control the urge to laugh and grabbed the lube.

He slicked up one finger then went back to tongue fucking Xander into submission. It didn't take long for Xander to start pushing back again. Tony gently slid his finger inside that incredibly hot body and stilled, waiting to see what the boy would do.

Xander groaned when he felt Tony's finger breech his body. It was good, but it wasn't enough. He pushed back a little and saw stars when the finger brushed against something inside of him that sent lightning shooting up his spine. He felt Tony pull his balls back again and hold them away from his body, but he didn't care. He pushed back harder and felt the lightning again.

Tony's mouth went dry when he saw Xander pump back onto his hand. He pulled the boy's balls back to prevent the orgasm he knew was coming. He spread more lube on his fingers and a second soon joined the first sliding into Xander's body. The moans and whimpers turned into breathless pleas for more. Tony was more than happy to oblige.

Tony pulled his fingers from Xander and lubed up the vibrator. He gently teased the slightly relaxed hole before beginning the push inside.

Xander didn't know what Tony was using and he didn't care. It just felt good. It bumped against that magic spot and Xander collapsed on the bed. He couldn't have moved to save his life. Hell, even if the whole Scooby gang walked in the door and watched he wouldn't have moved. Tony's big hand wrapped painfully tight around the base of his hard-on and Xander had a split second warning when he heard the buzz. Even the pillow under his face couldn't muffle his scream.

Tony was panting so hard he thought he might pass out. His desire for Xander had moved past 'want' straight into 'need'. He had to make Xander his. Make him so insane with lust that he would never leave. He clamped down on his own needs and gently, oh so gently, pushed the vibrator in a little deeper. Xander couldn't even scream, he just shuddered. Tony set up a slow rocking motion with the vibrator, feeling every shiver coursing through the boy's body. He kept a tight grip on the base of Xander's erection, not wanting him to cum until he was buried balls deep inside of him.

Xander had dissolved into a limp puddle on the bed. Endless jolts of pleasure kept running from his ass to his brain. He heard Tony's voice but couldn't answer. The removal of the source of all that pleasure brought a slight whimper but that was all he could manage.

"Xander, I want you. I need to be inside of you." Tony breathed in his ear. Xander nodded his head weakly and that was all the older man needed.

Tony ripped three of the pillows off the head of the bed and shoved them under Xander's hips. He grabbed the lube and smeared a generous amount on three of his fingers and thrust them back into that welcoming hole. Xander just spread his legs wider and made pitiful little mewling noises. Tony added some of the slick to his already wet cock and placed the head against the entrance to Xander's body. He leaned over the boy's back and whispered in his ear, "Squeeze your cock Xander, you aren't going to cum until I say so."

It took Xander several tried but he finally got his arm to move. Even just touching his cock almost made him cum. He squeezed it fiercely, blindly obeying the man above him.

Tony rocked forward a little and felt the head of his cock ease inside. He took his time, moving forward little by little, until he was completely inside. He held still for a moment to give himself and Xander time to adjust to the new sensations.

Xander felt like he was going to explode. There wasn't really any pain, only a slight sting, then a burning sensation that turned into pure heat. He would have begged if he had the breath, luckily, he didn't need to. Tony began moving, rubbing hard against that spot. Xander clamped down harder on his cock, knowing he was going to cum, and cum harder than he ever had before.

"God, Xander. You're so hot, so tight. You feel so good. Do you want me? Do you want to cum?"

Xander didn't answer and Tony stopped moving, "Xander, answer me. Do you want to cum?"

"Yes." Xander said, so faintly Tony almost didn't hear him. "Do you like me fucking you, Xander? Do you want me to fill you up with my cum?"

"Tony, Please!" Xander wailed and tried to move. He needed more, but Tony held him down.

"Will you ever run from me again, Xander?" Tony growled.

"No. No, no, no." Xander babbled.

Tony licked the edge of Xander's ear and whispered, "Who do you belong to, Xander?"

"You. I belong to you." Xander forced out.

"Yes, you do." Tony replied and pulled almost all the way out before pushing back in, hard and fast.

Xander screamed and arched up off the pillows. Tony wrapped one arm around his waist to hold him and yanked the boy's hand off his cock and replaced it with his own. He rode the willing body with short, hard thrusts, jerking Xander off with the same motion.

Tony felt Xander stiffen and thrust faster. The boy thrashed against him and screamed. A loud, high pitched scream of pure pleasure. Long streams of cum arced out from his body and soaked the pillows under him. Tony tried to ride out the Xander's orgasm, but the clenching muscles surrounding his cock ripped his own cum from his body. He managed to keep from falling on the boy and landed on his side, pulling Xander with him. Both of them still connected.

Tony nuzzled the back of Xander's neck sleepily, "Xander, are you all right?" When he didn't answer, Tony carefully pulled out with a hiss and rolled Xander onto his back. He was out cold. Tony chuckled weakly and pulled Xander over onto his chest. They both needed another shower, desperately, but Tony couldn't get up. They'd deal with it in the morning.


Peter Taylor paced all night. His boss, the man he idolized, was undoubtably with that 'whore' right now. God only knew what they were doing. It was disgusting. A man like Antony DiBlasi with a rent boy. This just wouldn't do. It wouldn't do at all.

He took a shower and got dressed for the day, his mind still running around in circles. How was he going to get rid of the whore and get Antony's mind back on business?

He stopped at his favorite cafe for breakfast and found his answer waiting for him. "Ms. DiBlasi! It's so nice so see you!"


She let herself into the Malibu beach house and walked quietly down the hall to Tony's room. She carefully opened the door and grinned. Tony's usually immaculate room was destroyed and it positively reeked of sex.

She crept across the room and settled on the end of the bed. All she could tell about Tony's 'whore', as Peter Taylor had put it, was that it was a he, and had dark hair. She couldn't see his face, it was buried in Tony's chest.

An evil grinned crossed her face and she ran her nails up the bare sole of Tony's foot. He grumbled and moved away. She just followed and kept it up until he opened his eyes.


Tony opened his eyes, ready to kill whoever it was that was messing with him. He groaned when he saw his little sister sitting on the foot of the bed with a huge smirk on her face. "What are you doing in my room?" he growled.

"I ran into Peter Taylor this morning and he had 'all kinds' of interesting things to tell me. I never liked that putz, so I decided to see for myself." she said.

Xander groaned and rolled over. She drew in a deep breath, "Wow. Nice Tony. Very nice. Now, want to tell me what's going on?"

"Not really, no. But that isn't going to stop you is it?"

"Never has, never will. Spill it big brother. Or do I ask him?" she said, pointing at the boy.

Xander heard voices and forced his eyes open. The first thing he saw was a young woman dressed in a silk suit sitting on the end of the bed. He pulled the sheets up over his chest and turned to look at Tony.

Tony flopped back on the bed and threw an arm over his eyes, waving a hand at the foot of his bed he said, "Xander, meet my sister, Voracity."

The young woman smiled at Xander and said, "Call me Vo."

Next Part