The smell of hot coffee finally forced Xander to open his eyes. He blinked several times, trying to clear the sleep from his eyes. When he finally managed to focus, the first thing he saw was Tony's smiling face. The second thing was the mug of coffee the older man was holding in his hand. Xander forced one hand out from under the sheets and reached for the mug of life giving elixir.
Tony started laughing. "Want some coffee?"
Xander's totally intelligent response sounded vaguely like, "Blurgghh." Then the taste in his mouth finally registered on his sleep befuddled brain. He scrunched his face up and said, "Urrgghh."
Tony completely lost it. "I told you to brush your teeth before you went to sleep." The older man said, in between hysterical bouts of laughter.
Xander clawed his way up the headboard and snatched the mug from Tony's hand. He chugged the coffee without stopping, but it only served to make the taste in his mouth worse. Xander thrust the mug back at Tony and slid out of bed to stumble his way into the bathroom. He was gargling for the fourth time when Tony came in and started the shower. The older man pulled him away from the sink and into the hot shower.
Xander let the hot water drum the rest of the fuzziness from his head. He finally opened his eyes and looked at Tony. The older man had bruises on his hips and on the inside of his thighs. "Uh, are you okay?" He asked, pointing at the bruises.
Tony grinned and pulled Xander in close and kissed him until he was breathless. "I'm fine, better than fine. I feel great."
Xander rested his head down on Tony's shoulder. "I hurt you. I didn't mean to."
Tony dropped a kiss on the top of his head and hugged him close. "Xander, I am more than willing to deal with a couple of very minor bruises in order to be with you. They'll fade in a couple of days. But, until then, I have a reminder of last night."
Xander finally relaxed, "Yeah, it was good, wasn't it?"
"Yes, it was. And we'll do it again."
"Tony?" Xander asked, quietly. "Are we going to do that other thing again? Like we did the night of the auction?"
Tony's voice was equally quiet. "Do you want to?"
"I liked it." Xander whispered.
"Good. So did I. There is nothing wrong with finding pleasure with each other, Xander. Physical pleasure is one of the perks of being human." Tony finally raised Xander's head from his shoulder so he could look into those dark brown eyes. "But that's not the only reason I want you around. I like you, for you. Not just for sex. Although that is amazing. I want to get to know you, spend time with you. I think I could teach you a lot about the world, if you'll let me."
"I think I could do that."
"Good. Now let's finish this shower. I think we should to out today and have some fun."
"Cool. What are we going to do?"
Tony brushed the wet hair off of Xander's face, "I thought we'd take one of my cars and cruise down to the boardwalk and goof off for a while."
"I can do that. I'm a world class goof off." Xander said, cheekily.
Tony grinned, "Yeah, I thought you might be. And then, tonight, if you're up for it, Ben and Hamid would like us to join them for dinner at the Wiltshire."
Xander's face turned red, "Uh, they know about us don't they?"
"Xander, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. Ben and Hamid are a 'couple'. They've been together for a very long time. There's nothing to worry about. Hamid liked you, he'd like to be your friend."
Xander shrugged, "I guess I could always use a new friend."
Xander stared in stunned awe as the car rolled out of the garage. It was black. A deep mirrored black. Xander could clearly see his reflection in the glossy paint. The engine rumbled and growled, Xander could almost feel the vibration through his skin.
"Come on. Get in."
Xander slid into the leather seat and accepted the sunglasses from Tony's hand. "What kind of car is this?"
"Xander, this is a 1970 Dodge Demon. It has a 350 small block engine, a 283 posi-track rear end, anti-sway bars and 16 layers of black lacquer. There are very few of these babies left around today."
"It's gorgeous."
"Yes, it is. It would be worth a lot more if it were all original, but I personally like power steering, power brakes and CD players. It's my toy, I can do what ever I want with it." Tony said, in a very smug voice.
Tony was laughing so hard he almost dropped his ice cream. Xander was riding in a gyrospere, and screaming his head off. He spun around, upside down and diagonally. Once it stopped and the operator released the safety belts Xander staggered out and Tony grabbed him before he could fall. "Are you all right, Xander?"
"Oh yeah, I'm good. Give me a minute, I want to do it again."
Xander fussed with his suit, trying to get the jacket straight. Tony smiled at him, "You look great, Xander. Don't worry about it."
"I don't want to embarrass you. What if I use the wrong fork or something?"
Tony smiled, "Don't worry about it. Hamid usually eats with his fingers. He can't stand all of that nonsense. And neither can I. Xander, I grew up in Brooklyn. Our whole family was incredibly poor. After our parents died, I took care of Vo. Not that she really needed much taking care of. She's always been very independent and strong willed. I delivered pizzas after school and worked two jobs to put myself through college. Vo took care of the apartment, made good grades, Hell, she took care of me. After I started making money, people who would have spit on me, used to fight to get near me. I couldn't care less if you ate with your bare feet."
"I don't think I'll go that far." Xander grinned.
"Xander, if you really don't want to go to the Wiltshire, we can go somewhere else." Tony said, seriously.
"Nah, I'll be fine. Let's go. I'm hungry."
Ben and Hamid were waiting for them in the bar at the hotel. Xander saw several very rich and very famous people sitting in the room. What was really surprising was when the Hostess almost hurt herself trying to get to Tony's side.
Xander and Hamid shared a look. Both of them thought it was pretty funny. But it didn't stop there. They had three waiters just dying to take their order.
Tony ordered a bottle of wine and a glass of Coke for Xander before sending the waiters away. "We'll call when we're ready to order."
"Very good, Sir."
Xander looked at the menu, but didn't really see anything he wanted to eat. He wasn't sure what Foie Gras was, but he didn't think he'd like it.
Tony leaved over and said, "Goose liver."
The older man pointed at the menu, "Foie Gras, it's goose liver."
"Yech." Xander said with a totally disgusted look on his face.
Tony nodded solemnly, "Totally yech."
"Don't they have anything normal to eat here?" Xander asked.
"The lobster is usually pretty good." Hamid offered.
"I've never had lobster. I mean, it looks like a giant bug." Xander said. "I don't know about you, but I don't really want to eat bugs. Oh, they have pizza. I'm saved."
Hamid laughed at the expression Xander had on his face when he saw what kind of pizza was on the menu.
"Tony?" Xander asked. "What kind of person would put goat's cheese, pate and baby corn on a pizza? Are they barbarians? Where's the pepperoni? Tony, they don't even have steak on here."
Tony smiled, "Xander, I'm about to show you the privleges that come with being filthy rich." The older man waved at one of the waiters. "My friend and I would like to have steak. A big steak. With a salad, baked potato and rolls."
"Don't forget the sour cream and butter, Tony. Baked potatoes have to have butter and sour cream. Oh, and don't put any of those green things on mine. I hate the green things."
"Right. No chives on the potatoes. Ben? Hamid? What would you like?"
Hamid grinned at Xander, "I do believe I'll have the same. And I'd like Ranch dressing on my salad please. Not a vinaigrette." Hamid leaned towards Xander and said in an undertone, "I hate vinaigrettes. They always give me vinaigrettes."
Xander looked up at the waiter, "I'd like Ranch dressing too, please."
"Ben? What about you?"
Ben handed off his menu, "Why not? I do enjoy a good steak. But I prefer the 'green things' on my potato, and I'd like French dressing on my salad."
The waiter had a slightly strained look on his face, but took the order back to the kitchen. All four men laughed when they heard the chef yell, "Ranch? Green things?"
Tony and Ben both choked on their wine after listening to Hamid's hideously bad joke.
Xander grinned at Hamid, "That was a good one, man."
"Yes, I occasionally do manage to, uh, pull one off."
Xander just laughed, "Dude, we're going to get along just fine."
One of the waiters came over to ask about desert. Xander immediately perked up. "Do you have chocolate?"
Their waiter, who'd been having a great time serving them, smiled, "Sir, we not only have chocolate, we have Death by Chocolate. Seven different kinds of chocolate layered together, guaranteed to make any chocoholic happy."
"I'll take one of those." Xander said quickly.
Tony nestled against Xander's warm body, "So. Did you have fun tonight?"
"Yeah, I did. Thanks. Hamid is pretty cool and Ben seems really nice."
"You're welcome. They both like you, you know. Would you mind if I invited them to come back to stay at the house until they have to go home?"
"No. That'd be cool. Hamid said he'd like to go swimming, so would I. Do you think my back's healed enough for me to get in the pool?"
"I think so. But I'd like David to look at it first."
Xander got brave and kissed Tony's neck, "Okay. What's next?"
Tony tilted his head back, encouraging Xander's exploration. "I was thinking we should get you into college."
Next Part