Xander pulled away from Tony's greedy lips, giving the older man a cheeky grin when Tony tried to pull him back. "Uh uh. You said the soap drying on the paint was bad. If we don't get it off now, we're going to have to wash the truck all over again."

Tony growled at him, "You're right. Let's get busy. I want to get this done."

"In a hurry?" Xander asked oh, so innocently.

Tony raised one brow and let his eyes drift down Xander's half naked body then back up to his face. He didn't say a word, but the look on his face made Xander blush. "Right. Rinse truck. I can do that." Xander babbled. As he bent down to grab the hose, he saw someone out of the corner of his eye and turned to see who was standing at the gate. Once he got a good look, his face went pale and he turned and ran back into the house.

Tony saw the panicked look on Xander's face and called out to him, "Xander!", but Xander didn't even slow down. Tony turned and saw a man standing at the front gate, and from Xander's reaction, it was obviously someone his lover knew, and wasn't happy to see.

He walked towards the gate, wanting to know who this person was and why Xander was so upset. "Can I help you?" He asked coldly.

Despite the fact that the man standing in front of him was half naked and dripping wet, Giles found himself to be rather intimidated by the man's attitude. This, obviously, was Antony DiBlasi. "Ah, yes. I'm Rupert Giles, I was hoping to be able to speak with Xander."

Tony didn't even glance back at the house, he crossed his arms over his chest and glared. Giles, despite the fact he'd faced down demons, pissed off girlfriends and a Slayer suffering from PMS, found himself thankful that a strong metal gate stood between them. "I was the librarian where Xander went to high school. I've known him for years. His friends and I have been concerned about him."

Tony hadn't really lost his temper in years, but found himself dangerously close right now. "Really? Xander has been living here for over a month. You obviously weren't too concerned."

Giles could feel his face turning red, "We didn't know how to contact him until yesterday. The others wanted to come, but I convinced them it would be best if I came up alone. At least for now."

Tony's expression never changed, "Xander is not a prisoner here and he knows how to use a phone. If he wanted to speak to you, I'm sure he would. From his reaction when he saw you, I don't really think he wants to see you right now. So, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to see how he's doing."

Tony turned to leave, but Giles called out to him, "Please," Tony turned back and waited, "Tell him...tell him if he changes his mind, I'll be waiting. And tell him I'll try to keep the girls from bothering him," the librarian said as he held out a card. Tony stared at the small square of paper for a moment before reluctantly taking it.

Tony glanced at the card, then nodded, once. Leaving Giles standing in the street, he headed inside to find Xander. But once inside, he turned right around and went back out. Luckily, Rupert Giles was already gone. Picking up the still running hose, he sprayed off the soap clinging to the shiny black paint. He knew he should be inside talking to Xander, but he imagined that once he got inside, they wouldn't be going back out. It didn't take long to finish washing Xander's new toy, especially since Xander wasn't out here to distract him.

Tony half smiled to himself, it was hard to believe that Xander had only been with him for a little over a month. He couldn't really remember what his life was like before he'd met his young lover. He'd always had lovers, some important to him, some just for fun, but none had ever managed to become so entangled in his life. And that realization stopped him in his tracks. He'd loved and been loved, but never like this. Xander was, without question, the most important thing in his life. Now there were two people in the world that he would do anything for. Including kill. Not that Vo would ever allow him to interfer that much in her life. His little sister was more than capable of taking care of herself. And he pitied the idiot who got on her bad side.

Tony shut off the hose and went into the house. He needed to talk to Xander and find out if there was anything, he needed to do about Mr. Rupert Giles. And any other of Xander's, so-called, friends.


Xander stood under the heavy spray of the three shower heads, letting the heat slowly ease the tension in his muscles. He'd been having such a great day, he always had fun when he was with Tony. But today had been one of those days where it was hard to remember that Tony was one of the most powerful men in the world. Especially when they were running around wearing shorts and washing the cars.

And then Giles had to show up and ruin everything. Xander didn't want to see anyone from Sunnydale ever again. And he really didn't want them talking to Tony. Xander knew he was being stupid, Tony wouldn't listen to anything his former friends had to say about him. But there was still that lingering doubt in the back of his mind.

Tony could have anyone, he was filthy rich, powerful and really good looking. Who wouldn't want him? But he was with Xander, and dreams aside, Xander really didn't know why. He didn't have anything to offer. He wasn't smart, or particularly good looking. And God knew that he wasn't that good in bed. He mostly just laid there and moaned. Almost everything he knew about sex, he'd learned from Tony.

Xander realized how long he'd been in the shower and wondered why Tony hadn't come looking for him yet. Xander felt his heart start to beat faster, he must be talking to Giles. Xander knew he was on the verge of sliding into a full blown panic attack and tried to slow down his breathing. He reached out with one shaking hand to turn off the water when a darkly tanned hand grabbed his.

Xander looked up into Tony's dark brown eyes and tried to smile. Tony smiled back and pushed Xander back under the water. "Want to wash my back for me?"

Xander immediately relaxed, "Sure." Tony leaned against the wall and Xander started rubbing the richly scented shower gel onto Tony's tanned back. He almost got lost in the sensation of silky bubbles bursting on warm skin, but shook his head to clear it. "What did he want?" Xander asked quietly.

Tony half shrugged, "Wanted to talk to you, make sure you're all right. I told him you knew how to use a phone and if you wanted to talk to him you'd call. He left his card, do you want it?"

Xander shook his head no, then realized Tony couldn't see him. "No. I know the number."

Tony snorted, "It's not like you could claim ignorance on the proper use and operation of the telephone system. Especially since you and Vo spent four hours on the phone the other night. I still don't understand why she didn't just come over and watch the movie here."

Xander relaxed a little more, "It's fun. Besides, when I made snide comments about one of the characters she liked, she couldn't smack me for it."

Tony chuckled, "She is quick with the hand. Try being in a board meeting and having her pop you upside the back of the head. Thankfully she hasn't done that for a while, but she hasn't been to one of the board meetings in a while either."

"Why not?"

Tony turned and pulled Xander into his arms while the water washed the soap off his back, "For one thing, she hates board meetings. Vo has a habit of calling them like she sees them. And if someone is being an idiot, she tells them about it. One of the department heads is an older man, very good at his job, but not good at dealing with people. Especially women. Vo called him a 'pompous bastard' and told him to pull his head out of his ass before he suffocated. I thought the old fart was going to have a stroke."

Xander started laughing and let his head fall on Tony's shoulder, "I can see her doing that. Why would she go in the first place if she hates it so much?"

"Vo holds my proxy. If I want to take a vacation or just get away for a few days she makes the final decisions. And since I own the majority of the stock, no one can say a damn thing about it. The board tried to go behind my back once and voted to move most of our manufacturing overseas. They thought they could get it past Vo, but they learned the error of their ways. She called an emergency board session at three o'clock in the morning, no one showed so the proposal was summarily rejected. I didn't even have to get involved. Vo knows what she's doing, but she has no intention of running the company."

Xander yawned, "Too bad," he slurred, "bet she could take over the world."

Tony kissed the top of Xander's head, "Probably, but she says she doesn't want to, it'd be too annoying. Come on. Let's get dried off and take a nap."

Xander nodded and stepped out of the shower, "What about the truck?" he asked.

Tony shut off the water and grabbed a couple of towels, throwing one to Xander he said, "Already took care it."

Xander's face turned red and he hung his head, "Sorry."

Tony popped him on the ass with his towel, laughing when Xander yelped, "Don't worry about it. It only took a minute."

Xander grinned at him abashedly, "You still shouldn't have had to do it. It's my truck."

Tony wrapped his towel around the back of Xander's neck and used it to pull him closer, "I'll let you make it up to me." He said right before he kissed him.

Xander smiled into the kiss, "I can do that." He muttered.


Tony pulled the sheet up over Xander's shoulder, leaving the note on Xander's nightstand, Tony stuck out of the room. He needed information, and he knew just how to get it.


Vo mumbled several vile things about the inhumane person banging on her front door. She fought with the blankets, trying to get out of bed and got a dirty look from her cat, Blair, when she woke him up. "Oh shut up, I don't want to hear it."

The banging continued, loud enough to wake the dead. Vo grabbed her robe and lost it when another one of her cats attacked. She shrugged, whoever woke her up would just have to deal with her answering the door in her pajamas.

Vo ripped the door open, "What?!"

Tony pushed past her with a smirk, "Long night, little sister?"

Vo gave him her patented death glare, "Ha, ha. What's so important that you had to wake me up, Tony. And without coffee, nonetheless."

Tony collapsed on the couch, petting Oz when he jumped on his lap. "I need a favor. Someone came to the house this morning looking for Xander. Xander took one look at this guy and ran."

Vo sat down in the chair opposite, a frown marring her face, "Who is this asshole?"

Tony pulled a card out of his pocket and set it on the table, "Rupert Giles. Forties, British. Said he was the librarian at Xander's high school. He and Xander's friends have supposedly been worried about him."
Vo snorted at her brother, "Xander's been with you, for what? A month now? And now they're worried? Why weren't they worried about him while he was still living with his parents?"

Tony smiled, a smile only Vo had ever seen on his face. It was pure evil. Of course, he'd learned it from her. "That's what I want to know. Actually, I want to know everything there is to know about Rupert Giles. And he said something about 'the girls'. The day I picked Xander up, two girls stopped the limo and said they were friends of Xander's. Xander said he didn't have any friends and wouldn't even look at them, let alone talk to them."

"Did you get any names?"

Tony shook his head, "No. But one was a redhead and the other was blonde. Both were pretty, in a very vapid high school way."

Vo nodded, already making plans. "I'll get Kaiya and see what we can find out."

"Good. I have to go. I left Xander in bed asleep. I left a note, but I'd like to get back before he wakes up. I think I'm going to take him to Georgia's tonight."

Vo laughed, "Comfort food. Good idea." Vo followed Tony to the door and opened it for him, "You know," she said as they stood in the doorway, "since you're already taking some time off, why don't you take him up to the lake?"

"That's an excellent idea. Really excellent. Yes, I think that will work. Give us some time alone. We'll plan on leaving tomorrow. You still have the number?"

Vo rolled her eyes, "To your cell, Xander's cell and to the cabin. Go get out of here."

Tony smiled and kissed Vo on the cheek, "Thank you."

"For what?" Vo asked curiously.

Tony grinned, "Just for being you. By the way, nice pj's."

With that, he took off down the hall before she could get her hands on him.

Vo looked down at the ratty old T-shirt she'd stolen from Tony years ago and the equally ragged sweats she was wearing, "What's wrong with my pajamas?" She yelled down the hall, but Tony didn't stop to answer. Vo closed the door and picked up Blair, who was doing his best to wrap himself around her ankle. "Come on. Let's go wake up Aunty Kaiya."

Vo made a detour to the kitchen to get a pitcher of water before heading to the spare room where Kaiya had collapsed early this morning when they'd finally finished studying and dishing on their various professors. "Oh, Kaiya! It's time to wake up!" Vo caroled as she swirled the water in the pitcher over Kaiya's head.


Xander still felt a little groggy from his nap, but he was up and dressed. Tony said they were going somewhere special for dinner and he had something he wanted to talk to him about. Xander could already feel his stomach churning. He didn't really like most of the food they served at the restaurants Tony took him to, and he didn't really want to talk. Everytime someone said they needed to talk to him about something, it was something bad. But Xander had decided that he trusted Tony, and he was just going to wait and see. 'Yeah, right. God, I hope I don't puke in public.'

The limo pulled up to a peach colored building with the name 'Georgia' written in gold script on the side. 'Another one of those. Maybe I'll get lucky and they'll have steak or shrimp or something.' Xander thought, now in a thoroughly snarky mood.

The hostess seated them right away, telling them their server would be right with them. A tall, young black man arrived almost instantaneously with menus. "Would you gentlemen care for drinks this evening?"

Tony looked at Xander, "Iced tea sound good to you?"

Actually, it did. "Yeah. That'll work."

Their server smiled, "Would you like sweet tea or plain?"

"Sweet please." Xander replied, while Tony asked for plain.

"I'll be right back. Please feel free to take your time deciding on your dinner."

Xander opened his menu and started looking for something he recognized. His reaction was heartfelt and caused several patrons sitting near them to chuckle. "Thank God! Real food!"

Tony grinned at him, "I thought you might like this place."

Xander nodded absently, his mouth starting to water. "Oh man, I can't decide. Fried chicken with macaroni and cheese? Bar-b-qued ribs?" He glared at Tony over the top of his menu, "Why haven't we come here before?"

Tony laughed outright, "If I ate here all the time I'd weigh four hundred pounds very, very quickly."

Xander smirked, "I'd work it off you." Tony choked on his water and Xander laughed. "Tony? What are you going to have?"

"The fried chicken with mac and cheese. You want to split an order of ribs? Or did you want the whole platter?"

Xander shook his head, "Nah, let's split one. I think I'm going for the chicken too."

Their server returned with their tea, "Have you gentlemen decided?"

Tony nodded, "Yes. We'd both like the fried chicken with mac and cheese. We'd also like to split an order of ribs."

"Very good, sir. Would you care for an appetizer?"

Xander nodded, "Yeah. Could we get the sampler platter, please?"

Their server grinned and took their menus, "It'll be right out."


Xander groaned as he settled into the seat in the limo. "Man, I ate too much."

Tony gave a little groan of his own, "Me too, but it was good, wasn't it?"

"Yeah, it was great." Xander sat quietly for a moment, then brought up the conversation he'd been dreading. "So, what did you want to talk about?"

Tony kept his eyes closed, but he smiled, "Vacation. A real vacation. I have a cabin on the edge of one of the most beautiful lakes in the northern hemisphere. Just you and me, clean air, sunshine, trees, water. No meetings, no hassles, just fun. We can leave in the morning, what do you say?"

Xander chuckled, "Sounds good to me. Does this place have a name?"

Tony nodded, "Emerald Lake."
