Two Figures

by Cleese

Well folks, in partial answer to Lumina's challenge, I have put pen to paper. I am hopelessly inept when it comes to poetry, so I ask your indulgence and kindness as you read below.

The observer;
A picture of measured insouciance
That belies his inner turmoil.
Measured elegance personified in the cut of the cloth,
The angle of the hat,
The refinement of the hands.

The subject;
A figure of relaxed movement
That reflects inner harmony.
Natural grace captured in lean lines,
Long limbs,
The confidence that comes from self awareness.

The encounter;
A study in contrasts
That challenges perception.
The cosmopolitan and the naturalist,
Subterfuge and honesty,
Emotions hidden and revealed.

The bonding;
A testament to faith
That defies convention.
The melding of souls,
The acceptance of other,
The affirmation of self.

If you enjoyed this poem, please send feedback to Cleese

The Magnificent Seven belongs to MGM, the Trilogy Entertainment Group, the Mirisch Corporation and TNN, and was developed by John Watson and others. Ezra's Body of Slash Archive and its contents are part of a non-profit fan site, and was not endorsed or licensed by any of the above entities.