The song is "It Was" by Chely WrightRight-click on this link and "Save as..." or "Save Target as..." to copy the movie to your computer. It's been zipped to ensure that bandwidth usage doesn't kill It's about 6 MB, so how long it takes to download depends on your connection speed.
To play the movie, you need to unzip the file (using WinZip or other compression software, then double-click on ItWas.wmv where it is located in your computer and it should automatically launch the player.
You will need Windows Media Player version 7.1 (minimum) to play this. If you are having trouble viewing the movie, you may need some codecs. If that's the case, I recommend moviecodec or DivX.
Suzie informed us that there is a version of Windows Media Player for Mac users that will play the videos. The OSX version is available for download here. I believe that other OS versions are also available. Thanks for the good news, Suzie!
Please DO NOT link to this file directly from your website without written permission of the artist AND the archivists. That will lead to a heavy load on our bandwidth usage which may cause trouble for all the other visitors of and EBoSA.
If you enjoyed this video, please send feedback to FireFox
The Magnificent Seven belongs to MGM, the Trilogy Entertainment Group, the Mirisch Corporation and TNN, and was developed by John Watson and others. Ezra's Body of Slash Archive and its contents are part of a non-profit fan site, and was not endorsed or licensed by any of the above entities.