Ezra's Body Of Slash List FAQ

Ezra's Body of Slash is a forum intended to provide those desiring Ezslash, and Ezslash only, with a place where they can indulge their passion. Fanfiction, artwork, discussion, constructive criticism, announcements, reviews and recommendations, anything related to Ezslash are all welcomed here. Works that contain non-Ezra pairings may not be posted here.


Ezslash discussion topics are actively encouraged here, as is onlist feedback to our authors and artists as it can often lead to the discussion and exploration of Ezslash that is one of our aims. (However, if you are uncomfortable with public LOC'ing, please still consider thanking our authors and artists privately for their work and sharing of same.) This forum is open to constructive criticism of works posted here. Flaming is not acceptable, however, of works posted or discussed or of individual persons. Any violators on this point will be unsubbed from this list.


We crave it. We want it. We'll love you forever for it. Please post your Ezslash fiction here. Stories pairing Ezra with any member of the Seven, other canon male characters, original male characters, crossover male characters, any man anywhere are all eligible to be posted here. But remember: this is an Ezslash ONLY list. You cannot post:

  • Fiction containing non-Ezra pairings, in any way, shape or form
  • M/F pairings
  • RPS (Real People Slash)

Threesome stories may be posted here as long as they are Ezra focussed threesome stories. There are possible scenarios taking place in a threesome fic that might prohibit it from being posted on Ezra's Body of Slash. For example, you've written a threesome fic involving Ezra, Buck and Nathan in a threeway relationship. Our scene: Buck and Nathan are having wild monkey sex over the livery, while Ezra is not on the page, being as he's out patrolling the perimeter of Four Corners.

For the purposes of this list, that scene would constitute a Buck/Nathan pairing and would make the story ineligible to be posted to Ezra's Body of Slash. If you have a question or concern about the appropriateness of posting your threesome fic to this list, please consult with either myself or Erika before posting.

Please include the following information in your headers or zero posting:

Pairing/s: All contained in your story must be listed here.
Universe: OW and all Open AUs may be posted here. (Stories in Closed or Conditional AUs may only be posted here if written by the AU's creator.)
Feedback: If desired.
Status: WIP or Complete
Archive: Yes or No to EBoS. <- (If yes, please include, either separately or in your headers, your story's Category and a brief Summary for archiving purposes. Category and Summary are not required at the time you post to the list, however.)
Notes/Warnings/Spoilers: If applicable.

Ratings are not required for stories posted to this list. Since too explicit warnings can sometimes ruin the suspense of a story, authors may post them separately from the story itself or send them to readers upon request, as long as a note to this effect is included in the headers or zero posting attached to the story.

Stories posted to the list by link will also be archived, if the author grants permission, however, our archive will host its own copy of the story rather than linking to it at another site. If you have special formatting considerations or prefer to have your story linked only, contact Mre, the EBoS archivist, at ezrasbodyofslash@e-fic.com.

Violations of the Fiction Posting Guidelines will have ramifications.

  1. A first offense will be met with a friendly reiteration of the list's Fiction Posting Guidelines.
  2. A second offense will bring a warning.
  3. A third offense will cause the violator to be placed on a specified period of moderation.
  4. A fourth offense will have the member unsubbed from the list.

These steps are felt to ensure that each author is given every opportunity to be made aware of our Guidelines and the chance to post accordingly. All we ask is that a few bits of basic information regarding your Ezslash story be included in your headers or zero posting so that our readers may make informed decisions about what stories they choose to read.


Anyone with Ezslash artwork they'd like to share or Ezslash related sites, please avail yourselves of the Files, Photos, or Links sections on this group's home page at Yahoo!, and be sure to send a note to the list informing us of what you've added. If you have questions or need help with using these sections of our list, just give me a holler. I'll be happy to help. Please be advised that the email attachments option has been disabled for this list due to the prevalence of viruses spread by this method.


Please address them to me, Lumina~, List Owner and Moderator, at ezrawey@innernet.net, or Erika Sanely, EzrasBody Guard, at epsanely@hotmail.com.

The Magnificent Seven belongs to MGM, the Trilogy Entertainment Group, the Mirisch Corporation and TNN, and was developed by John Watson and others. Ezra's Body of Slash Archive and its contents are part of a non-profit fan site, and was not endorsed or licensed by any of the above entities.