Title: Crossing the Line
Disclaimer: The only way I would ever own the Magnificent Seven is if I win a
rather sizable lottery. I haven’t yet, but one of these days a string of
sevens WILL win. I need only to wait.
Archive: sure, but tell me where please.
AU: Old West, before they meet
Notes: Please review, it's the only way to become a better writer.
Crossing of the Line
-Celesta SunStar
Camp near Richmond, June 10, 1862
“Ma’am,” the Union Captain said quietly. “It’s time. I’ll be
escorting you across the line.”
The woman, every inch a lady, sighed and nodded slowly. “Yes.... Thank you
Captain Larabee, you’ve made this entire horrible situation tolerable.”
“Thank you, Ma’am.” Chris offered his arm to the lady, and led her towards
the waiting carriage. He handed her in, and she leaned out the window.
“I mean it Chris. As much as I wish this war had never happened, It’s the
men like you on both sides that give me hope that everything will turn out all
right in the end.” She smiled a bit sadly down at the blushing captain.
“I’ll be sure to mention you to my husband when I see him. That way, should
you ever be captured by the South, I promise, you’ll be treated well.”
The lady sat back in the carriage, and Chris mounted the horse held for him by
his friend Buck Wilmington and gave the signal to move out.
As the two pickets were friendly, they were met almost immediately as they
approached the midway point.
Taking a deep breath, Captain Chris Larabee exchanged military salutes with his
counterpart in gray, and said, “We are here to pass Mrs. General Lee across to
your lines.”