Sihn's Empire
Midnight Confessions
by Mre .::. http://Snapshots

Dedicated to Wynde, who is graciously letting me have a look at Betwixt Night and Day before anyone else. I love being the first to see =)

Vin let his arms slacken around the somnolent form of his lover and deliberately slowed his breathing. After fifteen minutes, the man squirmed around to press his cheek against the tracker's chest. Vin shifted, then sighed and relaxed his muscles.

Another fifteen minutes passed before the next movement in the nightly ritual began. Vin kept his breathing steady as a feather light kiss was pressed over his heart. He managed to remain still when the nearly soundless "I love you, Vin Tanner," was breathed over the spot.

Satisfied, his lover pressed a second heartbreakingly gentle kiss to the base of his throat and slipped into sleep snuggled tightly to his side.

Vin struggled not to swallow against the lump in his throat, knowing the click of muscle would give him away. Tears burned behind his eyelids. When you gonna tell me to my face, Ezra?

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Story posted to The Magnificent Two