Sihn's Empire
Psychotic Analysis
by Belle

To Lumina as always. This is my very first Mag 7 fic and I never would have written it without her rabid need for more Ezra slash in the world.

Ah yes, hello. Do you mind if I make use of the Louis XIV chair instead of the sofa? No? Good.

Of course I understand that you want everyone who comes to you to be as comfortable as possible; makes it so much easier to pick their brains apart for your little report doesn't it?

My good man I abhor rudeness of any kind and as such would never behave 'defensively' as you have so shabbily put it. I am here because Mr. Larabee has threatened bodily harm to my person and worse yet to my Armani suits should I have failed to keep the appointment. If the Federal government in all of it's prodigious wisdom has decided that the best way to spend taxpayers funds is to insist Team 7 undergo 'psychoanalysis to determine the stress level of each member' instead of allowing us to do our jobs, well then who am I to argue. The indignity of leaving my bed at an hour ungodly for a Saturday morning to spend my time third generation Jungian knockoff such as yourself is nothing to me I assure you.

No. I do not often find that my vocabulary increases in proportion to the level of my discomfort.

If I elect to use what could be referred to as a more elevated vocabulary than one finds in the current vernacular that is merely because I happen to have an appreciation of the finer things. The finer things including the ability to read words of more than one syllable, not as some type of 'mask' to keep the world at bay.

I am not defensive. Change the subject.

Wasn't that brief enough for you? All right, hey man could you like get around to you know talkin' 'bout somthin' else like you know... whatever.

It's 'interesting' that Mr. Larabee threatened me in order to assure my presence here? Mr. Larabee will threaten a traffic light that doesn't change quickly enough for his taste.

No. I do not feel that Mr. Larabee issues statements of violence more against my person than he does any of my associates. is true he and Mr. Tanner are quite close and as such Mr. Tanner might be allowed a few more liberties than anyone else could reasonably expect to take but that is to be expected. And, yes, he and Mr. Wilmington have a very long association with one another and while Mr. Dunne's youth and enthusiasm make it difficult for anyone to maintain any true ire with the lad those are exceptions. Of course neither Mr. Sanchez nor Mr. Jackson would ever be so foolish as to incur Mr. Larabee's wrath and almost always escape unscathed... but I'm quite certain that there is nothing personal involved; it is simply the way things are. I am quite unaffected by it. Truly.

Discuss what 'feelings of inadequacy'?

My mother? What about my relationship with my mother?

My dear sir you have now exceeded the levels of my toleration of your impertinence. Mr. Larabee may cast whatever dire threat he chooses my way I will not sit here and be so shabbily treated and will now effect my own emancipation or to make it brief to avoid accusations of 'defensiveness': I'm LEAVING!

...yes sirree. That animal magnetism of mine will get that little filly at the saloon to change her mind in no time. When you got it you've just got it. Though, do you know that woman actually hit me the other day? And I hadn't said a word! She told me it was for what I was thinkin'. Hell, if I was gonna get hit for what I was thinking she shoulda hit me a whole lot harder than that.

Inez? I reckon I've been working on her, oh let's see, 'bout a year now. But it's just a matter of time. Ain't ever met a woman that didn't come around sooner or later.

'Pursuing the unattainable in an effort to mask feelings of...' what? Speak English. You're harder to understand that ol' Ezra. Speaking of Ezra what did you do to him anyway? He ran out of here like his tail was on fire. He okay?

Huh? Oh, yeah, I chase women because I like women and women like me.

Attainable? Oh yeah, ol' Buck don't spend many Saturday night alone if you know what I mean.


Let me be sure I understand this. You're saying that I'm always chasing women, who I have no trouble getting to keep myself from thinking about what I can't have. Hell son! I just told you it was just a matter of time before Inez comes to her senses and...

Not Inez? Not 'her'?





OH FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD!!! think.?!? You're sayin'... Oh no! No way. That is not possible.

I am NOT defensive!

Next think I know you'll be telling me that I started buying that gourmet coffee to bring to work just to see Ezra's dimples.

NO! That was an example! Quit that!

Oh that's it! That is it! I'm outta here. Chris can shoot me if he wants to but ain't no way in hell I'm gonna sit around and listen to this. Of all the things to say...





I just figure you don't need lots of words to get the job done is all.




What about my mother?

My mother was a good woman. She was a Tanner. That's all I need to know.

I have family. Team 7 is my family.

No, I reckon it ain't the same at that, but it's more than enough.

Yeah, Chris is my best friend. Not much I wouldn't do for Chris and he'd do the same for me. Sometimes it almost like we're the same person.




You'd best watch your mouth pard.

That isn't defensive, I just don't like nobody talking about my friends.


Chris will kill me if I shoot ya; so I'm just gonna leave now. If I was you I'd just sit there nice and quiet until I'm gone.

Anger management classes? I do too much management. That's the problem. You try managing that group and see how long you keep your temper.

Who have you been talking too? I knew I shouldn't have let Buck come in here before I did, that man has the biggest mouth...

One time! One time I told that nosy reporter that 'I am the bad element' to get her to go away and suddenly I'm surly. I'm not surly.

I'm not defensive either!

Hell yes I've threatened them. You can't get that group of hardheaded, wise-ass know it alls to do anything otherwise. Not a one them will just do as he's told. Especially Ezra.

Because the man is always taking damn fool chances. I might kill him because of his attitude but I'll be damned if some arms dealer is gonna get the chance.

Because Team 7 is a family.

I don't want to talk about the family I lost.

Listen mister, I said I don't want to talk about it. That means I'm not going to talk about it.

I'm not defensive. And I am leaving. I need a drink.

Hey, wow, you know this is kinda cool. I've never actually been in therapy before. Well, I was supposed to go right after my mom died but I didn't because I was so busy with school and all and oh man that was a great school. It was a lot of fun, not as much fun as Team 7 of course, but there was this one guy I used to know who told this joke about a three legged dog that was funny. Wanna hear it?

Huh? Oh yeah, no no, I'm not really under any stress. I mean I'm always in the van. It's not like any of them will ever let me do any of the real stuff.

Of course it bothers me when they treat me like a kid! I'm not a kid!

It ain't defensive it's a fact. Sure I'm not as experienced as they are but I've proved myself. Worked damn hard to prove myself. Not that it matters, they'll never treat me like an adult. Especially Buck. Even Chris.

Leave? I couldn't leave.

Why not?!? Because we're Team 7! It''s destiny.We belong together.

Hero complex?




Well, yeah I joined Team 7 not long after my mom died but I didn't transfer my feelings of needing a family from her to the rest of the team.

Because I didn't! I'm not a kid! I wouldn't need to do that. I don't need six big brothers to take care of me. I can take care of myself.

I'm not defensive.

I'm leaving. I'm gonna go find Buck.

I imagine some of the others have been giving you a bit of a hard time. They don't mean anything by it; they're just a hotheaded group. They're all good men though. Even Ezra.

Well, I guess I mention Ezra because he's always in the most trouble. Chris is always yelling at him about something. Then again Chris is always yelling at almost everyone about something.

No, no he don't get mad at me so much.

Because I don't do the kind of damn fool things the others are always doing. And half the time they get themselves hurt doing it too. I tell them and I tell them to be careful but does anyone ever listen me? No. I don't know why I even bother to help patch them up. All they are going to do is ignore my medical advice and then start jumping in front of bullets the next day without even stopping to think. Hotheads. Glad I'm not like that. Maybe I should just let them take care of themselves...

No I don't feel neglected by the group. I mean just because I let my past go instead of clinging to every childhood trauma like some people doesn't mean I resent those who still have issues with their mamas. Because you'd think letting go would be a good thing and not something to ignore; but that don't bother me none.

I'm not defensive; there is nothing wrong with being responsible. Maybe it's not as exciting as 'bad boy' undercover agent or angry team leader, but I happen to like my life the way it is.

I do not feel ignored! Quit saying that.

That's it! I'm leaving. I gotta stop by the saloon anyway to see how much Chris and Ezra are drinking and what they're gonna need for hangover and you had damn well better not have upset JD to much...

The ox is slow but the earth is patient.

The meaning, brother, is in the shadows. After all, the mule is stubborn. We all must search for our own answers.

Could be, could be, after all why does a man do anything. Why does a bird fly? Do you see crows?

That is an excellent point my brother. It brings to mind the story of the frog and the fox. The frog, the frog you see could jump, but the fox, the fox has teeth. Think about that for awhile.

Oh, you're going? Our sessions over already, how 'bout that. Well you just head on home son. Have a good day.

And he's gone which I do believe means that Brother Standish owes me a hundred dollars. Age and deception beat youth and skill every time.

Please send feedback to Belle
Story posted to A Gambler's Lust