Sihn's Empire
Summer Daze
by Eponin .::.

Vin rested his back against the tree, its long branches hanging down over his head and providing shade from the hot summer day. He stretched his long legs out in front of him and smiled. It was a beautiful summer day, too nice to spend indoors, or in the little dust-choked town he and the other six protected.

He reached for his ever-present buffalo-skin coat laying by his side, searching inside for the book he knew it held. His reading lessons with Mary had paid off; he now found he could read a book of poetry, even if it wasn't the easiest thing to do. Vin's smile broadened and he tucked his coat behind his head, balling it into a makeshift pillow. He cracked open his new book and turned to the first page, letting himself relax into the words.

Several pages later, Vin heard a quiet rustling behind him, and caught the sound of someone trying to hide their booted footsteps. He pulled his mare's leg from its sheath, placing it by his side at the ready, and waited. The footsteps crept closer, and as he caught a familiar scent on the dry wind, a mischievous smile crossed Vin's face, and he relaxed his guard, once again picking up his book.

"Ya plannin' on comin' up here sometime t'day, or were ya just out fer a walk through the bushes?" he called out when the footsteps reached the bottom of the small rise behind the tree he was resting against.

Vin heard a small sigh, and then the footsteps continued upwards, towards him. Strong arms rubbed his shoulders, and Vin scooted forward, making room for his lover behind him. He looked back over his shoulder, twinkling blue eyes meeting sparkling green, and grinned.

"Ya sounded louder than a herd of mustangs there, Ez."

Ezra rolled his eyes. "Yes, well, not all of us have had the pleasure of learning to track and listen for sign the way you have, Vin."

Vin grinned at him. "Get tired of poker?"

Ezra chuckled. "There's nary a mark to be seen in town. Hard to play poker with one's self, so I decided to come and keep you company out here. It really is too dusty to remain outside in town."

Vin nodded his agreement and leaned back against the gambler's broad chest.

"What are you reading?"

Vin held up the book, open to the page he had last been reading. "Poetry. Miz Mary let me borrow it."

Ezra smiled, a look of regret passing briefly over his face, and he dropped a kiss on the top of Vin's head. "I did not mean it, you know."

Vin craned his head around, startled by the sudden sound of sadness that colored Ezra's words. "Ez?" he questioned.

"When I laughed at you," Ezra clarified.

Vin smiled and turned to face the gambler. "I know, Ez," he said, reaching up to trail his fingers down the side of Ezra's cheek. "Fer one, you were stinkin' drunk."

Ezra joined Vin in laughter, once again amazed by the wideness of the tracker's heart.

He picked up the book and glanced over the poem Vin had been reading. "I like yours better."


"Your poem," Ezra clarified. "I read it. The one Mrs. Travis put in the Clarion. I liked yours better."

Vin blushed and ducked his head. "Ez..."

Ezra just smiled and plucked the book from Vin's hands. He settled Vin back against his chest and flipped the page. With a deep breath, he began reading.

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Story posted to The Magnificent Two