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Fandom: | Houston Knights |
Series: | Other Authors |
Rating: | NC-17 |
Pairing: | Pairing Joe/Levon |
Archive: | Starwinder's |
Title: | Another Week |
Author: | Falcone |
e-mail: | Send email to strwndr@surfsouth.com and I will forward |
Standard Disclaimer: Houston Knights belongs to Jay Bernstein and Michael Butler and Columbia Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended. This is fan fiction, written out of love for the shows. I am making no money off this. I have no money so please don't sue me. Any original characters who may appear in these stories are the property of the author. |
Another Week
By Falcone
"Hey Lundy, you ever gon'a invite me back out to your house?" LaFiamma asked.
It was a weeknight, really, late afternoon, and they had actually gotten off, that was, the Lieutenant had *run* them off, after spending the early afternoon wrapping up the paperwork from their last case. The paperwork was done, they were caught up, and they already had more overtime hours in for the week than straight hours. They were headed for the Jimmy.
"I don't know, LaFiamma, you made *gravy* in my best cast iron skillet, and then you left it in the *dishwater* overnight!"
He didn't mention that was the best gravy he'd had since he's lived with his Grandmother Minnie, or that 'Joey had...*fed* him... taken care of him... after Rose Ellen Hale had gotten killed, almost the same way... his Caroline... had. He had loved Caroline as much as he was capable of loving a woman, but most of them didn't want to just be a friend. Caro had had her lover, Sandy, and he had had his. [At least Caro and Sandy had had each other longer than he and Bobby.] He sighed, [This don't have anything to do with LaFiamma.]
They went out and hopped in the Jimmy.
"Well, how was I to know that thing was cast iron? I knew it wasn't stainless!"
"It took me a *week* to get that skillet re-seasoned! All you use those skillets for is cooking meat! Not *gravy*, maybe frying 'taters, but nothing with water or milk!"
Lundy started the Jimmy, pulled out of the garage and headed for the freeway that was his route home.
"Okay, okay, I won't do it again! Uh, Lundy, you just passed the exit to the apartment."
"You want to come out to the house, or go to the apartment? I can take the next exit, if you want?"
"No, no, that's fine!?" LaFiamma glanced at his partner. He was *still* learning how to read the Texan, and sometimes got his signals, not exactly crossed... he and the Cowboy had really meshed uncommonly well... but confused. So Lundy was joking with him. Okay, he could do kidding. "So everything you cook is fried? Don't you know what that does to your heart?!"
If he could get the Cowboy to eat better, or let *him* cook for him, maybe he could put a few ounces on the bony frame. He still had nightmares about the scars on Lundy's body. The Cowboy had saved his ass twice, of course, he had saved Lundy's, or at least thought he was, from Guiterrez, but that *nut* had coldcocked Lundy trying to take away what was most important to him. The fact that Lundy had shot the bastard didn't make up for the fact that it was his fault he was after Levon. He was beginning to see just how important the Texan was... [Maybe I shouldn't think about that... it had only been that one time...] He sighed.
"Nah, you can't cook barbecue in a iron skillet." Lundy glanced at him and grinned. "What's a matter? You tired enough you want to go catch a nap 'fore you go out cattin' around?"
Joey gave him a cold look, "I think I've had enough night clubbing, for a while. Thank you."
Lundy had the grace to look abashed, "Sorry about that... come on out to the house and I'll introduce you to Fooler."
"Fooler, that would be a dog? Not a name for a cat. *I know* that's your cow!"
Lundy almost choked, laughing, "Nah, Fooler's a Quarter Horse."
"What's the other three quarters?" Joe asked innocently.
That stopped Lundy laughing and got him an icy look back.
Then Levon gave him a look that said he was willing to give Joe the benefit of the doubt, "He's registered with the American Quarter Horse Association."
Joe shrugged, "That still doesn't answer my question, what's the other three quarters?!"
Levon shot him a dirty look... took his hat off and slid it upside down into the overhead storage rack. Then scratched his hair one handed, sighed, and said "It started out the American Quarter Mile Racing Horse."
"Oh, so the quarter, is a quarter mile! Look, Lundy, I know about as much about horses as you do about Ice Hockey."
"Ain't that where guys in a lot'o padding chase a thing 'bout the size of a snoose can around on a iced over roller rink?"
Joe just looked at him, "Yeah, I guess you could call it that."
They continued to talk and tease until they pulled into Levon's driveway.
"What, not enough money for a real driveway" Joe remarked.
"At what they pay us, no way!" Then Levon's voice softened a little, "It ain't much, but it's home."
Joe reached out and put a hand on Lundy's arm. "Lundy, at least it's yours."
Levon looked over in surprise, Joey was serious, very serious. He wasn't just being polite. Then he blushed, "Well, you can come in the front door, this time, you ain't got to carry me in the back." He hesitated a second, and said quietly, "I never did say thank you."
Joe pinked in return and waved him away, "Uh, where's this Fooler guy?"
"He's out in back. Come on, I'll show you the house."
Joe just nodded. He didn't tell Lundy he had looked the house over thoroughly while Levon had been asleep on the davenport.
Levon unlocked the door and led the way in to the living room with the oversized chair next to the big old desk. A striped blanket was now folded over the back of the chair, the rack of rifles behind it on the wall, full bookcases on either side of the fireplace and picture on the mantle. Through the doorway was the dining room buffet and dining table, with square crystal decanter of what Joe presumed was whisky. The white kitchen, he was already familiar with, the bathroom with its old fashioned claw footed bathtub and Levon's bedroom, that looked out on a small paddock, with the double bed they had slept in, that now had the quilt from the living room on it.
"This is nice, it's...cozy." Joe said softly.
Levon led the way out the back, blush dusted across his cheeks. He had been puking like a poisoned pup the last time LaFiamma had been here, and he wasn't sure if *part* of it hadn't been a particularly nice dream. Caroline's father whipping him had turned into Joey holding him, cuddling him... had to be a dream. A nice one, that he took out and turned over in his mind, sometimes. Joey was so beautiful. Oh, well, it was a dream that would get him in a heap of trouble if Joe ever found out Levon was thinking about him, "that way". He walked over to the fence where the big roan mare was standing.
"Hey, Babe, how's it going?" he asked as he scratched under her jaw.
The horse snorted and stretched her chin out, so Levon could scratch better. Then she rubbed her nose up and down his sleeve, spreading grassy slobber along the shirt.
Lundy pushed the horse's head away, "Thanks! Fooler," but his voice held only resignation, no anger.
Joe stepped closer to the fence and Levon warned, "Watch, she'll get you, too."
Joe asked, "Will she bite?"
"Nah, she just thinks she's bein' sociable."
"Uh, Okay," as Joe stepped back away from the beautiful red horse who was whiffling down her nose at him. He stuck his hands in his pockets out of harm's way.
"Come on nag... let's get your dinner."
The three of them walked in the barn, the horse on the inside of the fence, the two men on the outside.
Lundy opened a door into a small room lined with 55-gallon drums. He took a coffee can and dipped some out of one, then another and dumped it all into a black rubber pail. Then he carried it over to where the horse was watching with bright eyes and dumped it into the wooden trough.
The horse opened her mouth as wide as it would go and jammed it down over the pile of food, stuffing her mouth full.
"Pig" Levon muttered as he picked up a couple of large-fist sized rocks and dumped them on top of the feed.
"What are those for?" Joe asked, watching with interest.
"Keep her from choking herself to death. That way, she's got to work around the rocks, and it slows her down." Lundy turned and walked back towards the back where bales of hay were stacked.
Joe looked around while Levon was busy, there were the two lead lines he had tied together, that was the beam he had flipped them over, over there was where he had thrown the Texan's shirt and vest, and there, on the floor was where he had dropped... the belt. He shuddered slightly. When they had showered at work he had glanced at Lundy's back, but the scars didn't show. It must have been that conditions were just right for him to have seen them. If he ever met Caroline's father he was going to be real tempted to see how the man liked a taste of what he'd dished out. Lundy had lost his wife and any chance for children. He didn't deserve to be whipped bloody.
Levon came back carrying about half a bale of hay, which he dropped over the fence by the horse's front feet. "You want a beer or some tea?" he smiled.
"Sure, why not." Joe smiled back at him.
They walked back in the house slowly, enjoying the afternoon.
Joe wanted to touch the Texan, to play in the soft gleaming curls, to hold the slender body against his and kiss the firm mouth until it went soft and yielding, but Lundy had made absolutely no indications that he remembered any of that night. Maybe he didn't. He sighed.
Levon glanced at him, but left him in peace. He hadn't noticed any reluctance on LaFiamma's part to speak his mind. If he had something to say, he'd spit it out, probably in Levon's face.
"Do you do anything with Fooler besides... just ride around?" Joe asked.
Levon shrugged, "Well, yeah, she's got some points in cutting." He didn't mention she'd been a Grand Champion at Houston, Denver and the World Show in Oklahoma all in the same year. True, that had been several years in the past, but she wasn't *that* old, yet. 'N with a lot of luck and care, she had come out with her legs sound and unblemished. She had had one colt, a filly, who was carrying on her momma's tradition, so he didn't feel like he was doing the breed a disservice by not breeding her any more. He liked being able to ride, instead of having her laid up pregnant with a colt. On the other hand, that colt had paid for his place. She was only 9, he would probably have her bred again when he had saved up enough for the stud fee. He mused.
"What's that?"
"Uh, cutting?"
"It's separating a calf or cow from the herd to work on it, without upsetting the other animals. It's... pretty picky work." He said with a grin.
His grin got bigger, "Well, cows can scatter faster than a bunch of hookers in a Vice raid."
Joe flashed that grin that made his knees go weak.
"Tell you what," Levon paused to open the screen door and go in the kitchen, "go on in the living room. I'll grab the beer... or you want water?"
"Water, thanks." Joe was touched that his partner had bought a carton of spring water for him. Even though he teased him unmercifully about drinking it. Lundy must have been planning to ask him out to the house. [Maybe...]
The Texan handed him a bottle of spring water and got a beer out of the refrigerator for himself. Then he led the way into the living room and dropped into the chair at the desk, indicating the oversized chair next to it, to Joe.
He glanced at the clock then said. "There's a practice cutting tonight at..." He turned and dug in the stacks of paper on the desk, pulling out a thin, inexpensively printed magazine, "Riverby Ranch at...um...7:30. Would you like to go watch?"
"Yeah, that sounds interesting." [Anything to spend some time with Levon.] If he couldn't touch, at least he could look.
"Okay, that gives us time to grab a bite and get over there."
"I'm not really dressed for it."
"'Sa'right, I've got some boots that should fit your feet and you can borrow a jacket... think of it as going undercover."
[I'd *love* to go under the covers with you, Cowboy!] Joe grinned at his thoughts, "Okay, I guess I don't mind... once."
It was early December in Houston. At home, it would be in the low 40's. He would have been wearing heavy wool sweaters and coats, here, he was wearing summer weight clothes. The thin turtleneck with a fabric jacket looked good without being too hot.
"It's still pretty warm, I've got some HPD T-shirts if you like. That's what I'm going to wear."
Joe nodded.
"Now all we got to do is get you some jeans, and you'll look like a Texan."
"Don't push it!"
Levon chuckled and finished the last of his beer. He got up and went in the closet in his bedroom and got the boots for Joe and an older pair for himself. No way was he going to wear ostrich boots to a cutting contest. He got the biggest HPD T-shirt he had out of the drawer, the one he slept in, and got a regular sized one for himself and quickly changed. Then he took the clothes for Joe back in the living room and tossed the T-shirt to Joe.
Joey caught it in mid-air and dropped it on the chair. It only took a few minutes for him to strip down to his skin and pull the T-shirt on. He was surprised at how fine and thin the fabric was... and how blessedly cool.
"You could leave your guns here, if you like... they'll be safe." Lundy said quietly. "Or you can lock them in the glove box of the Jimmy, with my spare."
Joe shrugged, "I'll just wear them. It's like wearing shoes."
Levon glanced at Joe, the T-shirt that was so loose on him fit Joe like a coat of paint, showing off his chest and the muscles in his arms and stomach. He sighed softly, He really wished Joey would leave the guns off, so he didn't have to wear a jacket, and he could watch the beautiful body 'n think how much he'd like to touch. Then he thought, [Maybe its better I can't see, not as likely to get in trouble.] "We need ta go grab something and come back and get hooked up. I'm sorry there's no place around here for you to get what you like. Hope a 'burger'll do."
LaFiamma shrugged, If he'd known he was going to be here for dinner, he would have made Lundy stop at a grocery store and picked some things up. He knew all too well how little was in the cabinets. "Yeah, a burger'll be okay for now... if you'd said something, I'd have picked up something on the way in."
Lundy grabbed a cap rather than the ever present western hat and glanced at his wrist. "Fooler needs a while to eat her dinner. The time it takes us to get ours and get back, she'll be ready to go." They drove to the Dairy Queen and to Joe's surprise, all Lundy got was a small burger, no fries and a small lemonade.
The older man at the counter asked, "You got a cutting tonight, Little Levon?"
Lundy just nodded, "This is my new partner, thought I'd show him around."
Joe got two salads and water.
They sat down at a table and ate, Levon taking longer than Joe would have thought.
People kept stopping and saying "Hello" and "Was he going to a cutting?" and "Good luck."
They smiled and nodded to Joe, but only spoke to Lundy. Joe started to say something, but Levon glanced at his wrist, his watch, and nodded for Joe to follow him out.
Joe asked, "What's going on Lundy?"
Levon turned and smiled at him, the blond hair glowing like a halo, "Well, I took some time off from work, took a leave of absence, really, and took Fooler to a few shows, we did okay. Some of these folks remember."
[Um, must of been some shows, if these people still remember... unless it's just that Lundy's a neighbor. Somebody from the neighborhood won a prize or two.]
Lundy glanced at his wrist again and sped up a little. He stopped in the driveway and backed down to the barn. It only seemed to take him a few minutes to hitch a red trailer to the Jimmy... put a saddle and stuff in the back of the truck... put some kind of pads on Fooler and lead the mare to the trailer.
He unsnapped the lead line and quietly told her to "Load up."
To Joe's surprise she placidly walked to the back of the trailer and carefully climbed in.
Levon shut the door and latched it.
"Uh, aren't you going to tie her?"
"What for?"
Joe just shrugged and climbed in the front seat. He was surprised at how Lundy drove... no sudden turns... when he turned, he waited until the trailer cleared the turn before he sped up... until he realized it was for the horse. They only drove about 30 minutes before turning off on a gravel road that led to a brightly lit arena. There were trucks with trailers and trucks without and even *cars* parked in apparent abandon around the arena.
Levon parked heading out, and turned off the truck. "You sure you don't want to leave your guns in here?"
At Joe's stubborn look, Lundy just shrugged and hopped out.
"Is there anything I can do?"
"Not really, just go find you a seat, I'll meet you there in a few minutes." He pointed at the bleachers set on one side of the arena. He hopped out on the other side and walked back to the trailer.
Joe wandered over to the fence and looked at it, 3-inch pipe welded into a fence, posts about every 10 to 12 feet apart, the horizontal bars a foot, foot-and-a-half apart. The bleachers looked like every high school football field bleacher he'd ever seen. He climbed up a few steps and sat down and looked around. After a few minutes he started hearing his partner's name... Little Levon... Lena, hummm, that sounded like a girl or woman's name... Lundy... he wondered what the deal was.
There were other guys out riding around the arena, apparently just going around and around the edge. He did notice when Lundy and Fooler walked in everyone gave him space and left him plenty of room. Levon joined the others in just walking around the edge until, at some point, Fooler sped up and mover in closer to the center. As far as Joe could tell Lundy wasn't doing anything, just sitting there. She sped up a little more then turned around and went the other way... and still Lundy just sat there. She moved out toward the center and seemed to balance herself, and went into a left-hand spin, round and round, her mane flying out to the side, then she stopped and went the other way. Finally, satisfied, she stepped out, the legs on opposite sides working in tandem. She went the length of the arena curving at the end and slowing down to a walk. She kinda dropped her head and just ambled at a walk on around to the gate, out and around to where Joe sat.
She stopped by where Joe was sitting and Levon stepped off, swinging his leg up and over the high backed saddle. He handed the end of the rein to Joe and walked around to the steps and came up.
"Is that it? I don't get it. All she did was walk and jog around. Hey Lundy, who's Lena?"
"Who is 'Lena'?"
The Cowboy grinned, the one that made the corners of his eyes crinkle, "That's Lena." He pointed over at the horse standing beside them. Her ears were kinda plopped out to the sides and she had one back foot tipped up on edge.
"I thought her name was Fooler."
"It is."
LaFiamma just gave him a bewildered look.
"Look, LaFiamma. Her *barn* name, what everybody calls her, is Fooler, her registered name with the Association is Strawberry Lena."
"Yeah, so."
"She's a grandaughter of Poco Lena."
Joey's eyebrows went up and he made a *so what* gesture.
Levon just reached over and slapped Joe's knee in a friendly slap, "You'll see."
"Hey, Little Levon, how's it going?" The man was tall and slim, with a shock of graying hair hanging over one eye. A pleasant open face and twinkling hazel eyes. He was dressed like most here tonight, western shirt, ironed and starched, jeans and worn boots.
Lundy sat up a little straighter, "Evening Mr. Wayne, just fine. Uh, this is my partner, Joe LaFiamma. He's from Chicago and I thought I'd show him around, some."
"Evening Joe, I'm Wayne Scott, nice to meet'cha. What do you think?" He offered with a smile.
[Um, this is someone important, or important to Lundy.] He smiled and extended his hand, "Evening, Sir, I don't know what to think, yet. This is my first time to something like this."
Scott had a firm grip but made no effort to engage in power plays. He glanced down at the end of the arena where cows were beginning to move into the arena. "Nice warmup, she handles as smooth as she ever did. I better get moving. See you later... oh, if you ever decide to sell the mare, I'll give you $25 thousand for her."
Lundy just shook his head, "You know she ain't for sale... she's retired, I just came out for fun, tonight."
The other man just shrugged and started to move off. "Just remember."
"Aha, Lundy... did he just offer you twenty-five thousand dollars for that horse?!"
"Yeah. I got to get moving." He stood and moved quickly down to the ground, pulled the end of the rein from Joe's stunned fingers, mounted and moved off towards the other riders at the end of the arena.
Joe sat there, his jaw hanging, [That *horse* is worth twenty-five thousand dollars!!! Uh, Lundy owns a horse worth twenty-five thousand dollars?! Wait a minute, Lundy turned him down, so the horse is worth ** more than twenty-five thousand dollars** Holy Mary, Mother'o'god!!!]
Off to the side Joe could hear a kid talking to his Dad, " Wow, Dad, do you see Mr. Lundy!? Man! He's *so* smooth, you couldn't even see him cueing Fooler. She looked like she was doing it all on her own. Do you think *I* might ever be able to ride like that?"
"Well, Terry Lee, you got to remember, Mr. Lundy's been riding a long time... and he's won championships at several major shows with that mare. You have to put in the hours to get the payoffs. 'N it's easy to see they've put in plenty of hours.
Joe missed the next part, then heard, "Yeah, I know he bought her when she was a weanling, but he still paid more for her than we can afford."
Joe looked back the other way, a number of riders were coming in the gate on that end, including his partner and Mr. Scott on a yellowish tan horse with black mane and tail... kinda like Matt Dillon on Gunsmoke rode. They rode in slowly and kinda milled around for a few minutes then Lundy and Scott moved down the arena about half ways.
Over his head the PA crackled and popped. Some of the horses seemed a little upset about the noise, but Fooler and the other horse just stood there. "Turnback this evening is Mr. Wayne Scott and Neutka and Mr. Levon Lundy and Fooler. Okay, first up is James Henry McCarley and Babe."
Joe watched carefully trying to see what the deal was. He remembered his partner's crack about hookers.
The young man, who looked like he might be an older teenager, steered his horse into the cows, which scattered like splatters of mercury. He stopped and waited a minute then seemed to pick one close to the edge and followed it out.
The cow went out a little ways and then seemed to notice it was alone and tried to turn back to the small herd. The boys' horse matched the cows' turns back and forth for a few minutes but then missed a turn and the cow ran back into the bunch. He pulled up and rode quietly to the other end, out of the way.
Rider followed rider, some managing to stay between the separated cow and the little herd better than others. Sometimes the cow would run straight away towards the other end of the arena, but Lundy or Scott would get in the way and turn it around. Finally, it was Lundy's turn, and he and Scott met in the middle of the arena and shook hands, then Levon walked Fooler down to the small herd. *Then he reached up and pulled Fooler's bridle off and hung it on the saddle.*
The man off to the side was loudly shocked.
So was Joe. [What the HELL does Lundy think he's doin'!?]
Fooler took a slow step, then another... and another.
The man below him said, "By God, he's making a deep cut!"
She took another slow step, and then followed a smaller red cow out of the tightly bunched animals.
The man to the side said, "Shit!, that's one of the Mexican steers!"
[It doesn't *look* hispanic, to me!] Then Joe stopped to think about what he was thinking about, and shook his head. He turned back to what Fooler was doing.
The red cow was running the full width of the arena, but she just drifted with him, almost like a reflection in a mirror. No matter which way it ducked or darted, Fooler was there first, blocking the way.
It looked like Lundy was just sitting there, on the lunging darting mare, but Joe was beginning to see how difficult it was. One time she had both front feet way off to one side, the next both front feet spread wide open... then both to the *other side* quick and graceful as a cat playing with a mouse.
Finally, the cow gave up and started to the other end of the arena. Lundy leaned back in the saddle and Fooler stopped and switched her tail.
Mr. Scott turned it back and suddenly it picked up speed.
Fooler abruptly made two sideways jumps and was back in front of it. It darted one way, which Fooler matched, then swapped ends and went the other.
Fooler rolled back on her back legs to turn around and the little red cow *went under Fooler's belly* and she tried to follow!
Joe could hear her teeth snapping from where he sat... as her feet slid... she rolled sideways... *completely rolling over Lundy*
[*OH,GOD!*] Joe hit the 8 foot fence about 2/3 the way up with one foot, vaulting the rest, running to his partner.
The mare seemed to levitate up after the cow... leaving Levon squashed into the clay/sand of the arena.
Joe stretched his long legs running through what felt like quicksand. His feet were sinking past his ankles, like in a nightmare, he was almost to his partner when Lundy sat up in the print of his body, spitting dirt.
Joey skidded down on his knees beside his partner... reaching for his shoulders, "What hurts!?"
Lundy spit a couple more times, "My pride. That's the third time she's done that to me." He brushed at his face trying to wipe the dirt off, then he looked at Joe, and their eyes locked. He sat staring at Joe, his hands frozen in mid air...
"It wasn't a dream." He whispered.
He started to reach for Joe, then remembered he was sitting in the dirt, in the middle of an arena, with a lot of his neighbors trying to see if he were hurt. He looked down and said, "Help me up."
"Are you sure you're okay? Joe asked.
Lundy could hear the fear for him in Joe's voice. "I'm okay, Joey, help me up."
Joe looked around, several men were slogging towards them through the deep sandy dirt and Fooler had her cow cornered at the other end of the arena. He stood up, moved behind Lundy, reached under his arms, picked him up and set him on his feet. He held Levon a few seconds until he was sure the Texan was steady on his feet, then moved back a step.
"Are you okay, Little Levon?" The anxious queries came.
Lundy slapped at his clothes and ruffled his hair, trying to get the sticky arena footing mostly off him. "Yeah" he said quietly.
"That ain't the first time that's happened." One of the men offered, "That's how you lost the second go-round at the World Show, itn't it?" He turned to one of the others, "He won the first go-round, then she slipped and rolled over him, and still chased her cow to the other end of the Cow Palace. They had to rope it to get it away from her. 'Course then he won the final and the 'Superior' in Cutting, for Fooler."
"Yeah" Lundy acknowledged, knowing his partner was staring at him... he could feel it square between his shoulder blades. "Somebody let that steer out for her, otherwise, she'll stand there all night, holding him."
One of the men waved at someone on the other end, who rode around and opened a small gate.
Fooler snaked her head down and bit the cow, low on the back leg, chasing it through the gate. Then she raised her head up real high, looking for Lundy.
Levon stuck two fingers in his mouth and whistled.
She dropped her head a little, having found him and walked casually back. When she got close enough, she stuck her nose out and "Whoofed" at him making sure *he* was okay.
He stepped closer and slapped her lovingly several times on the shoulder. "Did good, old lady." he told her.
She turned her head and snuffled through his hair some then turned around and sneezed, spraying everyone within range, including Joe.
Everyone except Joe laughed.
Some of the men were giving Lundy's black clad partner covert glances and quietly shuffling out of his way.
Levon glanced at Joey's scowling face and realized none of the others could see his concern, or that LaFiamma was just giving him back-up if he needed or wanted it.
"I guess we better go," he said quietly. He took Fooler's bridle off the saddlehorn and slipped it back on her. "Meet you at the truck?" He asked.
Joe nodded sharply once and turned to wade back to the fence.
Lundy stepped up on Fooler and turned to walk back to the gate.
Behind him he heard one of the guys say, "Damn, did you see that boy go over the fence? Looked like he didn't touch ground between the seat and Little Levon!"
"Yep, that might be a partner Little Levon would want to hang on to, don't talk much, but that's OK."
Lundy was still quietly giggling when he got around to the trailer.
Joe was waiting, a tall, silent shadow almost hidden in the darker shadows.
Levon stepped down and led Fooler over to where her halter was tied to the back side of the trailer.
A hand gently but firmly grabbed the back of his neck while another laced in his hair.
His mouth was delicately but relentlessly taken... a tongue seemed determined to lick his tonsils... yet at the same time his lower lip was sucked and nibbled.
His knees were about to buckle when Joe's voice demanded, "You think it's *funny* damned near gettin' killed!"
He tilted his head down on Joe's chest and grabbed at the edges of his jacket to hold himself up. He felt Joe's arms come around him and was shocked at how safe and protected he felt, leaning against Joe, feeling his breath against his temple... uh, his rock hard cock against his flank. "Lord, Joe..." He reached up to kiss him back but Fooler shoved him hard, between the shoulder blades and nearly knocked *both* of them down.
He grabbed at the side of the trailer and caught himself and fussed, "Whoa, mare!" He grabbed her reins in one hand and Joe's hand in the other...all he could see were Joe's black eyes, black with passion, black with anger, or just black in the poor light... he wasn't sure.
"Uh, can we take this home?" He squeezed the hand he held... and Joe squeezed back.
LaFiamma nodded once, one short sharp nod and stepped back away.
For heartbeats Levon felt bereft... stripped of any certainty... but Joey was there, just a half step away. All he had to do was stretch his hand out, and he could be back in Joe's arms... he shuddered and sighed... and turned around and buckled Fooler's halter back around her neck.
He stripped off the bridle and passed it to Joe, "Would you put these in the back of the truck?" He handed off the saddle and leather ankle boots that protected her lower legs and ankles to Joe. While Joe put all the equipment carefully in the back of the truck, Levon put Fooler's shipping boots and a blanket on her and let her in the back of the trailer. He was fastening the latch when Joe appeared out of the dark beside him.
Mr. Scott rode up. He stopped beside the trailer on the roadside and said, "Here's your money, Little Levon... fair and square," as he reached in his hip pocket and pulled out his billfold. He handed Lundy a single folded bill down and the yellow horse moved on down the gravel roadway.
"What's that?" Joey asked.
"I bet him she could cut without a bridle." Levon answered distractedly. He folded the bill and stuck it in the pocket of his jeans.
He glanced at Joe, "Can we go home, now?"
Joe tossed him a look, "Any time you're ready."
Lundy glanced at LaFiamma, "Uh,...?"
Joe looked at him again. "Do you want me to drive?" he asked quietly.
Levon just nodded.
"Do you need to go to the hospital?"
"NO!" came a quick reply. Lundy sighed again, "I just feel a little shaky."
"I would guess so, having a horse roll over you." Joe muttered. "All right, in!" He said as he opened the passenger door for Lundy. He walked around the front of the Jimmy muttering and hopped in the driver's seat... started the truck... and pulled out like he was hauling nitroglycerin.
He glanced over at his partner. Lundy had scooted down in the seat, after fastening the seat belt and tipped his hat down, a little. [Well, at least this time he's not puking and plastered.] "You can't go to sleep."
"Why not?"
"First off, I don't know how to get back to your house. Second, I don't know if you have a concussion, so you stay awake!"
Lundy resignedly scooted back up in the seat and pushed his hat up. They pulled up to the stop sign and Joe glanced at him, "Okay, that way." He said pointing. "Go up three signals and turn right."
This wasn't like driving a limo, but the need not to jerk his passengers around made Joe be as careful as he knew how to be. "Hey, Lundy."
"What?" asked Levon warily.
"What's a World Show?"
"It's the last show of the season... why?"
"You know what! Sometimes gettin' information out 'o you is like getting' sex from a nun.... It just don't happen!!" he said exasperated. "Now! What's A World Show!"
Lundy had to grin a little, "Did you know Johnny Ray thinks you don't talk much?"
"Where'd he get *that* piece of misinformation?"
Levon grinned bigger, "Okay, what did you want to know about the show?"
Joe turned to glower at his partner for a second, "What is it?"
"I told you... it's the last show of the season. Okay, look, I couldn't go to it this year no matter what. You start in January and earn enough points to go to a show like Houston... then you keep going to shows through the year, Dallas, Denver, Cheyenne, San Antonio, Oklahoma City, Santa Fe, and the little shows that get you two or three points. Then at the end of the season, if you have enough points, you can enter the World Show. That's what its called, 'cause Quarter Horses come from all over the world to compete for the Championship for that year. I think there's about 30 different events now, the only one I ever entered was cutting, though."
Joey sat and thought for a few minutes, driving automatically, "Okay, what's a Superior?"
"That's when you win a certain number of Championships, like winning Dallas, Houston and Denver."
"And Fooler has a Superior."
Lundy nodded.
"Why don't you sell her?"
"What for? Then I'd just have to go buy me another horse, and I already got a good one."
Joe glanced at him, then turned back to the front, "Why didn't you stay with it? Couldn't make enough money?
Lundy sighed, "It weren't the money... I did good, there... Joe, I think I slept in my own bed four times, that season. I *wore out* a truck. I don't care *who* you talk to, living like that is *hard* on you 'n I didn't have a partner to split things with. Turn left at the next signal. Driving, chores, expenses... it was just me and Fooler, and I love her dearly, but she don't talk much. Bobby and I had graduated and," he paused a second, "and he went one way 'n I went another. It gave me a lot of time to think, what I wanted to do with the rest of my life."
"So you decided to be a cop?"
Levon sat with his head down for a few minutes, "Yeah, like my Grandpaw. Almost seems funny, now, but I wanted to help people. To protect and serve. 'N I've been shot, stabbed, spit on, damned near run over... maybe it was easier showing." He sighed. Then he glanced at Joe, "I even been threatened with a beer bottle." he paused, "but then he decided to play fair and square... even if he does talk funny. That's my road, the next right."
Joe threw him a glance that might have been affectionate, before he turned the corner.
"Just stop here, I got to unload Fooler before I park the trailer." Levon raised up slowly, moaning a little as his stiffened muscles protested.
Joe threw him a concerned glance, he didn't see.
He opened the door and slid out, slowly, then held onto the door frame while he tried to stretch the kinks out... went and got the lead rope and let Fooler out of the trailer... latched the door... and started walking her back to her paddock.
*She* would be a little sore, tomorrow. Tonight had been a little rougher than he'd planned. Neither one of them were as young as they used to be. He closed the gate to the paddock and started to take her halter off and the trailer slid by, straight and even as if it were being pulled backward, instead of being pushed. You had to know what you were doing to back a trailer like that.
Joe put it neat and square, almost exactly where he had had it parked. He turned off the truck and hopped out. "Will Fooler be okay outside? What am I saying? This is Houston... she'll be plenty warm."
Levon patted her one more time and walked out slowly and closed the gate. He was fastening the latch when warm hands slid up his arms to his shoulders and started to massage gently but firmly. He groaned with pleasure.
Joe slowly slid his hands down his back and around his ribs until his arms were crossed across Levon's chest pulling him against Joe's body and his hard cock. Lundy tensed up.
He wasn't trying to get away but Joe could feel the tension in the smaller body he was holding, "Levon, all you got to say is 'stop' and I'll quit whatever I'm doing and turn loose." He heard Lundy swallow, hard.
"Please... don't tease me, Joey. It hurts too bad. I know you don't mean it, but...."
Joe tilted his head down and dug with his nose in the dirty curls until he found the back of an ear, which he started licking. One hand went up a little until it found a nipple, the other went down across belly and flank until it came back up and found a belt buckle. A quick tug had it unbuckled... a twist and pop undid the jeans... another tug had them unzipped enough to get his hand on the now straining cock. He let go long enough to push the jeans out of the way. Then ran his hand back up from base to tip of the long slender cock and used his thumb to spread the pre-cum around the head. He slid his mouth down Lundy's neck sucking and biting hard enough for the Texan to know he was there, but not enough to leave marks and for an instant wondered if Lundy had cum, there was so much fluid leaking down across his fingers.
Levon grabbed the arm across his chest as he thrust into the fist holding him and begged "Don't tease, oh god, please, don't tease." His hips were snapping so fast he was losing the rhythm, but he couldn't quite come... it hurt... almost. He whimpered at the pain... not quite... almost... then Joe bit the top of his shoulder and tweaked his nipple, hard, and cum jetted... again and again... and his knees were buckling....
Joe abruptly found himself with his arms full, again, of unconscious partner, one hand coated with a flood of cum. [Damn, how long's it been for him?], he thought. His own cock was aching, but he could put it aside for a little while. He wiped his hand on the Cowboy's jeans and slid his arm under his knees and picked him up, and started to the house. [Well, Cowboy, we've been here before, but this time I'm going to have that ass.]
The first thing Levon was aware of was that something was digging into his shoulder blade... the next, that he was being carried... who was *carrying* him? Then a breeze tickled across his bare middle and it all came back in a rush of confusion/pleasure/fear. Joe licking him... he could still feel the wet spot on his neck... sending goose bumps across his skin... tightening his nipples into aching little knots... the hand on his cock... the devastating orgasm... the strong warm body he was snuggled against.
He whimpered, trying to make all the pieces fit.
"Does something hurt?" Joe's voice came from above... he sounded... concerned.
Then Levon was being set on his feet, and he flailed wildly for something solid to hang onto.
Joe ducked the drastically uncoordinated efforts of his partner to stand up, as he stood him back on his feet. "Easy there, partner, don't slug me."
Lundy jerked away from him, stumbling against the porch wall... one hand grabbing at his jeans the other raised half defensively. He rocked back with his shoulders against the wall and glanced at LaFiamma, then quickly away.
Joe watched the... fear... and maybe shame, flash across Levon's face with a mix of pity and outrage. [No one should feel like that!] The Cowboy had more courage and honor than anyone he knew. A saying crossed his mind, [Courage is acting in spite of fear.] Somebody had beat the living hell out of Lundy, and he had *not* let it break him, or had he?
Lundy tried to hide how stiff and sore he was while he got his mind to work. [It's okay, it's my partner, it's just Joey, not...] He gasped as he rocked against the wall, but the half-clenched fist opened, stretched out and reached for LaFiamma's arm.
"Joey" he whispered.
"Yeah, Levon, I'm right here."
He sighed, "Sorry, god, Joe, I am so sore."
It was Joe's turn to sigh, "S'all right, at least this time you don't stink."
A deep red blush crawled up from inside the T-shirt, up Lundy's neck and spread across his face. "Uh..."
"If you'll either get your keys out, or let me dig them out, we'll get you in the tub and cleaned up." Joey said patiently.
The blush got darker, "You planning on giving me a bath?"
The smile on LaFiamma's mouth got softer, "If you'll let me."
Joe's hands on his skin... flaunting had never been his style, but maybe he could get Joey into that tub with him, give *him* a chance to touch. Then the thought; [LaFiamma might want to have me... don't know if I can let him do me, if I can find the courage to endure the pain.]
He swallowed hard. [Maybe he'll be satisfied with my mouth or hands.] Then reason spoke up. [Joe had said he would stop if I asked him to...*surely* my partner won't... won't rape me like...] He stood up straighter and stuck his free hand in the pocket on that side of his jeans, no keys, then he changed hands and searched the pockets on the other side, no keys. "Uh, Joe, do you have the keys to the truck?"
"Yeah, they're right here." He said as he produced them out of his pocket.
"House key's on that set. You don't leave keys in your pockets when you're riding. Too much chance of having them stuck in your leg, or worse."
"Figures." LaFiamma grumbled as he reached around Lundy and unlocked the door.
They moved into the kitchen and LaFiamma could see how much of the red sandy/clay was still stuck on Lundy's clothes and hair. "Here, Levon, can you get that T-shirt off? It'd make less mess to leave stuff in here in the washing machine."
Levon started to pull the T-shirt off, and couldn't stifle a hitch in his breathing.
Joe gave him a slightly disgusted look and reached over for the hem of the shirt. Instead of ruthlessly dragging it off, he gently peeled it up, sliding his fingertips over Lundys' skin and easing it off... half arousing his partner at the same time.
"Uh... that needs... to go...in... cold... water." Levon mumbled. He wanted Joe, so bad, wanted Joe to hold him... wanted to feel safe, for a little while, like it had been in the dream....
Joe took his jacket off and hung it on the hook by the back door. He unhooked the clips to his holsters and peeled them off, folded them neatly and gently laid them down on the counter, then peeled his own T-shirt off.
He glanced at Lundy, and was struck by the *hungry* yet fearful look on his face. The expression of a child who was starving... and knew if they reached out, it would only net them a beating. *Whoever* had put that look in Lundy's eyes, he *really* would like to *speak* to. They would *NEVER* do it to anyone else!
A slow suspicion was forming... had Levon been raped? There were things... he'd just keep his eyes open. "Com'mere" He asked quietly and he moved to Lundy and slid his arms around Levon's shoulders trapping his arms.
Lundy instinctively tensed, and Joe saw what he'd done.
He tightened his arms in a brief hug then dropped them, setting Levon free.
Lundy reached as quickly as he could for Joe, deliberately wrapping his arms around Joe's ribs under his arms, and hugged him tightly. Then he tucked his head under Joe's chin.
Joe slowly and deliberately wrapped his arms back around Levon and pulled him in snugly. He was almost astonished at the rising tide of desire he was feeling, not just lust, but to protect and cherish, the sense of *mine*! It couldn't be love, he wanted to go home... he hated the entire situation, the town, the food, the music, hell the *air*. [Well, what *must* be, will.]
He raised a hand up and smoothed Lundy's hair back. "Come on, Cowboy, you need a bath." He crooned, without letting go. His hand dropped down a little and he rubbed soothing circles on Levon's back. "I won't hurt you." He whispered. "I promise, I'll *never* hurt you. All you ever have to say is 'stop'."
Lundy sighed and snuggled closer.
Joe held him for a few minutes, then said, "Come on, you'll feel better after a bath, and I'll rub you down."
Lundy took a half-step back and stuck the heel of one boot against the instep of the other and slid his foot out. Then he swapped feet and pulled the other boot off. A heel on the toe of a sock pulled one off then a swap pulled the other off. He let go of Joey and pushed his jeans down the long legs and off, leaving him standing in his briefs. He groaned a little as he bent over to pick up his clothes and carry them to the washer.
Joe watched him as he pulled off the boots and socks he was wearing. Lundy turned the washer to cold and soak and piled his clothes in. Then he slowly led the way to the bathroom. Joe had to reach in his pocket and ease his cock, as he walked along behind Lundy, looking at the hard muscled legs, horseman's legs, swimmer's legs, legs he would love to see wrapped around his own waist, while he was buried balls deep in the Texan's gorgeous ass. [In time, in time...] on the other hand... he had been willing to let the Texan screw *him*, maybe that would establish a connection...? Take his cock from above? That way he could be sure Lundy wouldn't hurt him, if he controlled the rate of penetration... hummm... might work. It would be interesting to see what the Texan would do with his hands free, too.
Levon turned in the bathroom door and hobbled over to the bathtub. He bent over to turn the water on and Joe had to swallow, hard. The cotton briefs were pulled tight across the sleek curve of Lundy's hip, while the muscles flexed beneath the thin skin. His cock felt like it was going to poke a hole in his slacks. He took a slow, deep breath and then another. He *was NOT* going to jump the Texan. But, damn, he was beautiful! [Yeah, and somebody tried their best to destroy his beauty.] The thought cooled LaFiamma's blood considerably. He turned to the cabinet where Lundy kept the shampoo and conditioner, and got them both down. Levon glanced over at him and his eyes widened at how he'd made himself a target... that Joe hadn't shot at, and then his eyes narrowed... was Joe not interested... or what was the deal?
"Is that water ready?" Joe asked, his voice calm and neutral. Poor Lundy, damned if he did, damned if he didn't and damned confused and wary either way. "You need a hand getting in?"
Levon hesitated a second before he pulled his briefs off and dropped them on the floor.
Joe was just standing there, no shirt, barefoot, but with his slacks fastened and zipped. LaFiamma leaned back against the sink and waited. "You got any baby oil?"
"Any *what!*
Joey crossed his arms and leaned a little further back, "Baby oil, massage oil, uh hell, hand cream? If I'm going to rub you down, I need some kinda oil."
Lundy watched him, cautiously, as he slowly slid into the deep bathtub. He sighed as he sank in steaming hot water up to his shoulders and leaned back against the back of the tub.
Joe thought it was really kinda amusing... if he'd wanted to take Lundy by force, he'd had all kinds of chances... all the way back to finding him in the Black Saddle, almost drunk on his ass.
"Got liniment."
Joe shuddered, hard.
All at once Levon relaxed and sank further down in the water. His lips curved up into a smile and then a grin. "Got gun oil?"
LaFiamma shook his head.
Another shake.
Another shake.
His eyes twinkled, suggestively, "Butter?"
That got him a dirty look. "You want *butter* on your sheets from a rubdown?!"
"What's that?"
"More or less, skin lotion for guys."
LaFiamma sighed, "Where is it?"
"On the head o'my bed...Joe...um..."
"What." Joey's voice was gentle.
Lundy sighed, "Joe, where did you sleep, last time you stayed over?"
Joe looked at him with wide blue eyes, "What do you mean, where did I sleep? I slept in your bed with you... ah, Levon... don't you remember?"
Levon suddenly found the bath water fascinating. When he spoke, his voice was hesitant, "I wasn't sure... if... what I thought I remembered... happened... or if I dreamed it."
"What did you think you remembered?" Joe asked quietly.
"I remember going in the Black Saddle and getting a tequila and beer. I remember sitting down at the corner table... having another tequila... it gets fuzzy after that... somebody hit me... then... then... the next thing I know you're holding me." His voice got very soft. "And then I'm on the davenport wrapped in my quilt and you're feeding me, 'n then we shower." A wave of red flooded his face. "But when I woke up, I was alone in my bed... and you were in the kitchen, making coffee. I wasn't sure what was a dream and what wasn't."
"I spent the whole night next to you in your bed. All four hours of it. Do you remember we had a meeting with the Lieutenant the next morning? That was when she told us we were permanent partners."
Lundy's head nodded slowly.
"I started to wake you up, but you were puking your guts up that night, I thought you needed sleep more than knowing I was there."
Levon looked up and shook his head. "If I'd had a choice, I would rather have known you were there. That it wasn't a dream."
"Well, next time, don't get that drunk! Scoot down, a little."
"Scoot down a little, so I can wash your hair, and see if you have any more holes in your head."
After giving Joey an outraged look, Levon scooted down a little more, till the ends of his hair floated in the water around his shoulders and neck.
Joe soaked his hair carefully then massaged shampoo into it gently and thoroughly twice, rinsed it well and poured conditioner on it and let it set while he rubbed up and down the long neck and the back of his skull.
The massage felt good to his partner, and gave him the opportunity to see if Lundy had any odd knots or lumps on his skull, either from being rolled on or before. He only found one above and behind one ear. Whoever had hit him could have killed him with that. Joe found that *really* troubling, the thought that Lundy could have *died* before he ever had a chance to meet him.
"Cowboy?" Joe asked quietly. Lundy had sagged down in the tub, his head resting in one of Joe's hands while the other worked in his hair. His eyes were closed and he was completely relaxed, almost limp.
"Wha..." he mumbled almost irritated sounding.
"How'd you get this knot?"
"I got hit, what'd ya think?"
"You asleep?"
"Not now." He sighed, but didn't bother moving or even opening his eyes.
"*When*, did you get it?"
"Couple 'o years ago. Doc said I had a cracked skull. I's in tha hospital several days with it."
Joe made a mental note to ask the Lieutenant about it. [You don't spend "several days" with a cracked skull! More like several weeks.]
"Okay." He said softly. He was ready to start washing the rest of Lundy but he didn't want to put his head down on the cold tub... he reached over and grabbed a hand towel and tucked it in to be a small pillow. He picked up the soap and rubbed his fingers on it. Then he started washing Levon's face starting at the top corner of one jawbone, right in front of his ear and working his way slowly and delicately around his eyes, feeling for the notches in his eye-sockets where the nerves ran right under the skin. He worked his way across the broad forehead... down his cheeks and chin, that were beginning to be bristly with whiskers... down the long muscled neck and across broad shoulders.
Down each arm using both hands to both clean and massage the muscles... each hand and the long slim fingers, almost delicate hands for a man... that packed one *hell* of a punch... and had wrapped almost all the way around a football. Back up, elbow deep in the water, across his chest and down onto his stomach. Then he pulled back and moved further down the tub and fished out a foot. He started working on the foot and glanced up at Levon's face. He looked, Joe wasn't quite sure how to describe the mix of expressions on his partner's face, his eyes were open, a little, his features relaxed but... puzzled... not completely trusting... but *really* enjoying the bath. Not sure he was willing to do any more but... accepting for the moment. That was good enough, for right now. He washed up the leg he was working on, until the eyes started to get... anxious. He was sure Levon wasn't aware of the signals he was giving off... he set the leg back down in the water and fished out the other one.
He worked on the foot and ankle for a few minutes then glanced at Lundy again. His expression was even more puzzled/bewildered. He washed/massaged up the calf to Levon's knee, being gentle with the bruises that were beginning to come out, then on up onto his thigh, top and underside until he started to get the same tensing and anxiety he had gotten before. He carefully replaced the leg in the cooling water and leaned back, got a towel and dried off his arm... leaving his partner's groin completely untouched. "You ready to rinse off?" He asked casually.
"Uh, yeah... uh, you done?"
Joe made absolutely sure his voice was free of mockery, "I don't go where I'm not asked, less I got a warrant."
Lundy's voice came out husky, "Seems to me, you missed a spot." Somehow, the Texan flexed his body, bringing his groin to the surface for a second, the soap murky water swirling around his penis and balls.
"Okay, but stand up and turn the shower on, I want to be able to see what I'm doing."
Levon sat up slowly and pulled the plug.
Joe casually stripped the rest of his clothes off and laid them on the sink. He reached over and pulled the shower curtain up towards the back of the tub and waited.
Levon climbed slowly to his feet and turned the shower on low.
Joe stepped in and under the water, ignoring his partner. He turned his face up to the water, slicking back his hair. He knew he looked *good* wet. He grabbed the soap and started to wash off, quickly. He felt one hesitant hand on his back and he turned slowly, catching the hand in a grip that was both gentle and implacable... like holding a hummingbird, or a hornet.
Levon's hand automatically closed into a fist.
Joe lifted it to his lips and kissed along his knuckles then said softly, "Only in desire, not debt." Then he opened his hand and turned his back on his partner's darkening eyes. He couldn't completely hide the delighted smile at his partner's confusion. He ran the soap over his skin, working up a thick lather. He slowly shifted sideways so that Levon had a clear view and carefully and thoroughly cleaned his cock, leaving it long and full, as he reached further back and washed his balls.
He shifted his weight onto the foot closest to Levon, putting the other one up on the rim of the bathtub. He washed at his balls some more while sliding two fingers into his anus, stretching it out a little... if he couldn't have Lundy's ass, he'd take his cock instead... and demonstrate how *good* it could feel. Maybe *eventually* Lundy would want to try it himself. He worked his fingers a little more, adding a third as the ring of muscle relaxed, then rinsed off.
Turnning to Levon, he slowly reached out and put his hands on the Texan's waist and shuffled them around until Lundy was under the shower, and incidentally blocking the water. Then he carefully knelt, settling into the bottom of the tub, his cock sticking up from his crowded thighs. He ran his hands down the sides of Levon's hips feeling the flinch as his fingertips slid over hip muscles. It also had the effect of tilting Lundy's cock and balls into his face... or would have, if Levon's genitals hadn't been pulled tight to his body, in spite of the heat. He calmly picked up the soap and started washing along Levon's flank with his fingertips, then down onto his thigh. Then he did the other side. He soaped his hands thoroughly and carefully and delicately slid just his thumb along the crease between thigh and groin, fanning his fingers out along his flank, in and out, washing the skin and the side of his penis and testicles. Then Levon shifted... spreading his legs apart and above him grabbed at the curtain rod and soap dish.
[We been here before, Cowboy! Only this time, I'm not getting you off, yet!] Joe thought, delighted at the sign of trust... with Levon stone cold sober... awake and aware. He reached over and got the shampoo and poured a little in his hand, then gently washed the thatch of coarse dark gold hair above the cock that was beginning to drop from hiding. Joey slid his fingers down massaging the base of Levon's cock with his fingertips and wasn't surprised to have it continue to fill out. Above his head he heard a stifled moan. He continued to stroke and fondle it, rubbing with only two fingers up and down the sides, catching the silver threads of precum and draping them back over the foreskin, then blowing across the shining lines. Using only his fingertips, he gently washed the Texan's balls, while they drew up tighter and closer to orgasm. Then he went back to playing with Levon's cock until it stood tall, almost rubbing Lundy's belly and Levon's legs were beginning to shake.
Finally, he broke, "Ah, god, Joe, I need off!" his voice hoarse and ragged.
Joey looked up at him with wide innocent aqua eyes, "I'm not finished with your massage." Then his eyes sparkled with wickedness, "Why don't you go lay down on your bed on your back? I'll be in, in a second."
Levon looked down at him for several heartbeats, ignoring for the time being, his body that had been wound up like a fiddle string. Joe had made no threatening moves, had been consistently careful and gentle, had *asked* him to lay *on his back*...it was difficult to rape someone who was laying on the target.
Joe just leaned back on his heels and *sat there* not pushing, just *sat there*, with a smirk on his face waiting patiently for him to make up his mind!
With something between a whimper and a growl he grabbed a towel and stepping out of the tub, started drying his hair as he moved toward the bed. Behind him, Joe grabbed the soap and quickly worked on loosening the ring of muscle more. Lundy would feel so good... even his own hands felt so good, his fingers in his ass, the other hand on his cock. He forced himself to stop, panting... playing with Lundy had him so hot... it had been so hard not to swallow him whole, eat him alive... scare him into running and there wouldn't be any more play. But Levon had cum once and he hadn't. At the moment, it was difficult to remember the eventual prize, when he felt like his balls were going to burst. He reached down and shut the hot water off... and stood under the icy spray long enough to get his control back. Joe grabbed a towel and swiped some water off. Though brief, the cold shower had given him back some control. He strolled into Lundy's bedroom and smiled down at his partner on the bed.
Levon had been thinking while Joe was finishing his shower... how kind and patient he'd been... how safe he'd felt in Joe's arms out at the arena... how gentle. When he, Levon, had acted like a nervous virgin... virgin he for *damned* sure wasn't... he knew all too well how much being "deflowered" hurt... in spite of the morphine they'd pumped into him. This was just another pony he'd been throwed off of, and it was time to ride again. Now, if he could just convince his nerves of that. It had been so nice being in Joe's arms in the kitchen, and true to his word, all Joe had done was give him a bath... and teased him unmercifully but he hadn't inflicted any pain, except for the ache in his balls. When Joe strolled in from the bathroom, he held out his hand for Joe to join him on the bed.
God bless, the golden Texan was beautiful sprawled across the bed. "Okay, where's this Cornhuskers stuff?"
Levon waved a languid hand, "Over yonder." He grinned, waving his hand at the bedside table.
Joey grinned back at him, delighted to see him finally relax. He grabbed the bottle of Cornhusker's Lotion and glanced at the label, then opened it and poured a little out in his hand. He dipped a finger in it and rubbed it between finger and thumb... [um, not as good as the real thing, but it would do] ...he knelt on the bed then scooted over against Levon, tucking his knee into Lundy's armpit and his leg down Levon's ribs. He used his thumb to swipe lotion above his eyebrows, after using the back of his fingers to sweep the fine golden hair off his forehead, then under his eyes, a broad streak down the cheeks and a big dab down the nose.
Levon squinted at him, Joe seemed as serious and absorbed as a painter. He used his thumb on Levon's jaw to nudge his head back, broad swipes down his throat and neck, then Joe wiped his hand along his shoulder. He went back up to the Texan's hairline and started massaging... temples, sinuses on his forehead, around his eyes, cheekbones, up and down the sides of his nose, along the jawline... down onto his throat and neck. More lotion in his hand... rubbed his hands together... warm strong hands across his chest... down his arm and hand. Joe was *licking his fingertips!?* Lips on the pulse point of his wrist... Levon wondered when he'd closed his eyes as he looked up at Joe through his eyelashes. LaFiamma was still intent on massaging his hand and fingers...[Lord, it feels *good*]. Back onto his chest... down onto his ribs and stomach, being careful of bruises that were coming out.. feathery along his cock, and he couldn't help rocking up into the delicate touch down the length of his cock... and Joey's soft deep chuckle at the twitch. He shuffled around facing the other way... then firm warm strokes on his thigh and calf. Joe moved again and Levon missed the warmth against his side. One foot was picked up and Joe's skilled fingers were working on his foot. A wave of heat raced up his body when Joey sucked on his toes... he shuddered. "Damned, Joe."
"Just making sure you stay awake." A soft deep purr.
Lundy swallowed hard, "No problem."
Joe swapped feet and worked his way up the other side of his body... then asked softly, "Turn over?"
Levon was almost on his face when he realized what he'd done, lost in a sensual haze, but Joe was working on the muscles along the top of his shoulders and he relaxed, some. Strong fingers working down the vertebra of his spine lower and lower down his back and he couldn't stop his hips from clenching tight as a miser's fist and hard as rock. Joe still didn't say anything, just kept working down his leg.
Lundy heard him take a breath, "Want to talk about it?"
"NO!" he bit out. He started to move away, but Joe grabbed his knee and held him still.
"Whoa, boy!" in an exaggerated Texas drawl. "I ain't done yet." His voice softened, "I think I can figure out what happened, Cowboy. It's okay, just be still and let me finish." He started on the other leg.
"You don't think it's my fault?"
"What? That you tangled with somebody faster and stronger than you, and got your butt kicked? No, no more than it was mine, when I told you about Uncle Mikey teaching me to box. The day will come when you can kick their ass, 'specially now that I'm your partner."
Lundy went limp on the bed, "Oh, I am so confident," sarcasm strong in his voice. Thing was, he *did* feel better, more confident that Joe would cover his back... that... maybe... it wasn't his fault. Caroline hadn't been mad at him... she and Sandy had been having fights... she was so torn up because she couldn't get pregnant, he'd *tried*...to the point of having his semen checked...*he* was okay. He sighed. Then he felt Joe's hand on his hip, again.
"Turn over," quiet and gentle.
He didn't even flinch when Joe touched his hip. He just rolled back on his back. Joe put each hand on the bed above his shoulders and leaned down. He very gently kissed the crease between Lundy's eyebrows, then he scooted down. He swung a leg over Levon's belly and rocked back on his heels, running his hands across the Texan's chest, stopping to play with his nipples. Then he put his hands on either side of Levon's face, leaned back down and kissed him, hot and wet. Then, again, a light delicate touch... licked along his bottom lip and sucked on it... offered his tongue to Levon who sucked on it then stroked across it with his and nibbled it... then offered his to Joe. Kissing him harder, Joe stroked along Levon's jawbones and nibbled where his thumbs had stroked. His balls were being tickled by Lundy's breathing and he shifted up a little higher on his knees but then the head of his cock was rubbing on the Texan's stomach, right below his breastbone, the soft fine skin puddled with precum, and that was even more arousing. Joe whimpered.
Lundy's cock was bumping his balls from behind. Levon raised his head up a little and flashed a grin, then reached for Joey's dripping cock.
"Not yet," he moaned as he knocked Lundy's hand away. He dropped his head on Levon's shoulder and panted, trying to back off a little.
Levon ran his hands up, across Joe's back and shoulders... turned his head and latched on his ear, sucking and blowing hot breath in it.
Joe shuddered and reared away. Lundy was going to have him off, but he was determined to have Levon's cock, although Lundy didn't know it, yet. "Condom!?" He panted.
"Drawer." Levon answered, although he didn't have the foggiest why Joe would want a condom right then.
Joey intercepted Lundy's hands reaching for him again and grabbed his wrists. That was the roughest Joe had been all night. He forced the Texan's hands out to the side on the bed and let go... flattening his hands over Levon's and pushing them into the bed... then sliding his hands up Lundy's arms and laying his head back on Levon's shoulder, while he tried to catch his breath.
"What's wrong?"
Pant, pant, pant, "Nothin'" pant, pant "You can think, to ask questions."
Joe turned his head and took Lundy's mouth again in a searing kiss, sucking and licking his gums and teeth. He slid down a little and bit on Levon's chin then on down, sucking and licking his throat and neck. His hands got busy rubbing and pinching at Lundy's nipples as they came up in hard little points.
Levon twitched his pelvis trying to hump *something* and worked his cock between Joe's leg and his balls. Lordy mercy it felt *good*, but wasn't enough to do anything except get him even hotter.
Joey scooted down a little further and sucked *hard* at one nipple several times, licked it and switched to the other, giving it the same treatment... back and forth until Lundy's body was jerking, and his hands were clenched in the mattress. He scooted down more, his knees a little below Levon's hip joints and sucked and licked his own precum off the Texan's belly and nibbled the skin around his navel while his fingers stayed busy with nipples. One last scoot had his knees locked against Lundy's thighs and he could finally reach the Texan's cock with his mouth.
By then his own cock was so hard he could rub it on his own belly by flexing his hips. He forced himself to stop and take several deep breaths, then wrapped his lips around the head of Levon's completely erect cock and sucked and licked on it, fluttering his tongue under the edge of the head when Levon tried desperately to thrust.
His bruises and sore muscles were forgotten in the heat of Joey's mouth that seemed determined to suck the cum right out of his balls.
Joe twisted his head sideways and glanced up at Levon's face... his head twisting back and forth, mouth open, dragging in air as Joey sucked down the length of his cock and gently gnawed at the junction between cock and balls. Delicately chewed at the swollen tissue, suck and lick on each testicle, slide his tongue down to tickle the back of his balls and the perineum, and ride the jerks of Lundy's hips as he humped air.
Joe leaned back on his heels and gulped air ignoring how desperately he wanted to grab his own cock and jack it the few times that it would take to get him off. He leaned/lunged at the drawer with the condoms and grabbed the one on top, ignoring the fact that it was a shiny black and had ribs down it. He waited a few seconds for Levon to calm down enough for him to put it on, ripped it open and rolled it down the Texan's cock. He quickly slathered a handful of lotion over the condom and scooted up enough to line it up with his anus. Then he started rocking back on it, just a little at a time, working it deeper each time he pressed back on it... delighting in the feel each time as it slid deeper until the head slid in with a slight but distinct pop. He paused for a second to enjoy the feeling, knowing the ecstatic pleasure that soon would be his.
He wasn't prepared for Levon to finally glance down and scream a panicked "NO!" and try to fight Joe away.
He screamed again and clawed at the mattress trying to scoot away, and incidentally sliding his cock deeper into Joe.
Joe grabbed Levon around the shoulders and gathered him up against his chest, holding him tightly, crooning, "Easy, Cowboy, Joe's right here, easy now, its all right." While he fought back the almost overwhelming need to thrust the two or three times against Lundy's belly, pressed tightly against his almost bursting cock, that would *finally* get him off. God, his balls were going to be sore, after this! He had *almost* cum three different times tonight. Finally he got Levon calm enough to understand what he was crying.
No! He wasn't going to hurt Joe...wasn't going to cause the agony that he had experienced... wasn't going to tear Joe up the way he had been.
[Thought so. I find out who did that to him, I'm going to *kill* them.] "Easy, Baby, easy now, you're not hurting me, easy now, just take it easy..." Joe repeated over and over.
Tears were streaming down the Texan's cheeks, dripping off his jawbones.
Joey sighed, Lundy's cock had gone almost completely soft, only the fact that he hadn't moved kept Levon inside the ring of muscle.
Lundy was muttering about blood everywhere, and "Oh, Lord, it hurt."
He started asking "Who, who did it?" whispering softly into the ear tucked under his jaw as he stroked the blond hair back. Over and over. "You and me, Cowboy, we'll take care of it." Again and again, trying to get Lundy to tell him who had raped him.
Finally, the answer he had been begging for "Caroline's father, Boyd Rickman."
"Okay, Baby, we'll get him, you and me, we'll fix it. Now, Cowboy, Cowboy..." Joey's voice was gentle and loving, "Look at me, Cowboy."
Anguished sherry eyes turned to him. Joe tilted his mouth down to Levon and feathered kisses down the long nose and licked tears from around his eyes, dropping kisses as he went. When Lundy's body was no longer shaking he whispered, "I want you to do something. Will you do it for me?"
Levon lay frozen for a few heartbeats then finally a wavering whisper back, "What?"
Joe scooted one knee out a little from the Texan's hip. "I want you to feel where you and I are joined, tell me if there's *any* blood."
Lundy's body went icy in Joe's arms. "Joe? I'm afraid." He whispered.
"Shhuuush. You don't need to be... just take one finger and feel where you and I are joined together." He was worried about moving... much and Lundy's cock would slide right out, and he wanted Levon to feel them joined, without pain or injury.
Finally, Levon slid his hand slowly out from where it was trapped under Joey's arm down his own flank to where he and Joe were joined... dreading the sticky feel of blood, the rank coppery smell. One questing finger found slick latex, warm smooth skin, not his own, the bulk of his own cock, soft bumpy ridges, LaFiamma's balls... the notion was erotic, touching LaFiamma's balls like this, his head under LaFiamma's jaw, Joey's hands in his hair. Memories... the smell of blood, the hot feel of his own blood running down his legs. There was no blood smell, here, a lot of musk... but no blood. He had been screaming in agony. Joe's voice was a little hoarse, but he didn't seem to be in any pain. He pulled his hand out where he could see... coated with the tan of Cornhusker's, but no trace of blood. He rubbed his thumb and fingers together... a lot of lotion, but nothing else. He pulled his hand back in between them, slick latex, a questing fingertip...Joey's asshole around his cock.
Joe twitched..."Do it again!" He demanded.
The same path around his cock, then he realized how it must feel to Joe to be caressed like that... and he got more deliberate. Joey had been so good to him... fingertip caressing around his cock, he couldn't feel much because of the condom, but Joe could. The back of his finger rubbed between cock and the back of Joe's balls. He shifted as much as he could with Joe on his lap, rubbed over Joe's balls. Lord, they were drawn up in a tight little knot. Joe *had* to be close to coming, had to be hurtin' but he had stopped to comfort him. He wrapped his hand around Joe's cock and jacked it once.
Joe's breath caught... twice... his arms clamped around Levon fit to break ribs... three... he groaned and cum splattered up onto Levon's chest, as Joe shuddered and thrust short little jabs into Levon's hand. Then they were falling backward, and Lundy had a 180 pounds of partner literally on his face. Joe moaned/groaned, "OOOOooo Goddddd. Mmmmnnnmmm"
Joe panted a few seconds then rolled off Levon. He lay sideways on the bed sweat dripping down his face. "Oh, god..." he repeated. He put his hand up and swiped sweat off and his hand flopped back on the bed. His back hurt, a little, he was laying twisted, shoulder and head on the bed, one leg still across Levon's lap, and somehow, he was still holding Levon inside the ring of muscle. Lundy must have been so soft he didn't come out when Joe slid sideways off his chest.
The Texan shyly put a finger down and scraped a gob of cum off his chest, then licked it off his fingers.
Joe twisted his head to watch, when Levon moved, and his eyes went hot, at Levon's act. He tightened his leg a little, and Lundy rolled towards him, sliding his leg between Joe's pulling them tighter together. He reached over and scooped a smear of semen off Joe's sculptured chest and started to lick that off his fingers, but Joe snagged the fingers going by and sucking Levon's fingers into his mouth, licked and chewed on them, then kissed them as he released the cleaned fingers.
Lundy's cock was really gaining a renewed interest in the proceedings and getting harder. Joe shifted just a fraction and he slid easily about half his length up into Joe. A wave of heat traveled from his cock out, ending at curled toes and curly hair.
Joe "Ummmmed" in obvious pleasure, and *his* cock started filling out again between their bodies.
"Feels *good* Cowboy." He murmmered.
"Umph?" Was all Levon could muster. Well, *Joe* was enjoying himself, and Lord, it did feel *good*.' He flexed his hips gently, and shivered at how good it felt.
Joe moved the hand he'd been laying on up to Lundy's neck, pulling him for a long sweet slow kiss. He shifted to return it and Joe "Mmmmmmmmed. Do it again!"
He started rocking slowly, in and out, the heat and pressure giving him unbelievable pleasure. Pleasure he didn't know existed. He and Bobby had never gotten this far, or least, he hadn't. Harder... faster... LaFiamma demanding more... faster, harder, more.
Joey's cock rubbing between them... a sizzling kiss... Joe trying to crawl down his throat... faster... lights sparkling behind his eyelids, heat spreading between them. Joe shuddering against him... a wave of heat enveloping his skin as every muscle in his body spasmed.
Buzzing... umph?...what?...a warm body against him... it was light out. Buzzing... the warm body moving away... buzzing... finally he woke up enough to realize the buzzing racket was the alarm clock. He started to move and moaned. Instantly there were hands on his shoulders.
"What's a'matter, Levon?"
'Ummmmm,' that's Joe's voice. He opened his eyes to see his partner leaning over him, worry clear in the aqua eyes.
Buzzing, in the background. He smiled slowly, and pulled Joe's head down for a kiss, and moaned again.
"Do I need to call 911?" Joe asked, seriously worried.
"Nah, all the first aid I need is another kiss." he mummered.
Joe smiled, and leaned down and touched lips... light and delicate as a butterfly. "Now, what's wrong?"
Levon reached up and ran a finger down the side of Joe's face.
"I'm just sore, not hurt, just sore." Joe turned his head and kissed his knuckles, "You are so special." He whispered.
Lundy glanced over at the still buzzing alarm clock, "Oh, damn! We're gon'a be late!"
Joe glanced at the time as he reached over to shut the alarm off. "Yeah, we've gotta move it!"
They hit the floor in a hurry, Joe half dressed and shaving before Levon got his jeans and underwear on. They swapped out in the bathroom, hurrying, and Joe grabbed the keys on the way through the kitchen. He hopped in the driver's seat and had the truck warmed up as Levon struggled out the door.
They didn't even have time to go to Chicken's to grab some breakfast, just ran through the MacDonalds' for coffee and egg MacMuffins on the shortest route to Reisner.
Levon choked his down quickly, and spent most of the drive doing exercises to restore some limberness to his muscles. By the time they pulled into the parking lot at the station he could move without feeling like he was going to tear a muscle loose.
"Maybe we'll spend most of the day doing paperwork?" Joe suggested.
For once, Levon hoped he was correct.
The End For Now