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Fandom: | Houston Knights |
Series: | Other Authors |
Rating: | NC-17 |
Pairing: | Joe/Levon |
Archive: | Starwinder's |
Title: | Partners, Friends... and Lovers? |
Author: | Katherine Lehman |
e-mail: | ksl2025@yahoo.com |
Standard Disclaimer: Houston Knights belongs to Jay Bernstein and Michael Butler and Columbia Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended. This is fan fiction, written out of love for the shows. I am making no money off this. I have no money so please don't sue me. Any original characters that may appear in these stories are the property of the author. |
Things between [...] and/or in italics indicate thoughts.
Partners, Friends...Lovers??
By Katherine Lehman
Rain continued to fall in an unrelenting downpour. It had been raining continuously for the past four days. A hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico had stalled close enough to the Texas coastline to have a dramatic impact on Houston's weather. The storm had been expected to make land fall somewhere in Louisiana or Georgia in the next few days, but at this point the weather service couldn't be certain of where it would go or when.
Spending the rainy days, staking out one of John Wilson's warehouses, a suspected drop off point for drugs, was not Joe LaFiamma's idea of a good time. He and his partner, Levon Lundy, were positioned across the street in an abandoned building. The building had a great view of the warehouse, but lacked any other amenities. It had no heat, a leaky roof, and most, if not all, of the windows were broken. Joe suspected it had a healthy rat population as well. He was grateful that their superior, Lieutenant Joanne Beaumont, had assigned them the day shift so he wouldn't have to know for sure about the rats.
Joe watched the flooded street with a pair of binoculars. Levon had a camera with a telephoto lens mounted on a tripod. Joe sniggered as he watched a man crossing the street slip and fall into a huge puddle. He heard a raspy chuckle echoing from his partner. It was the most activity they'd seen all day. The foul weather had kept most people off the streets.
Joe glanced over at his partner. He'd become an expert at covert glances over the past few years. He loved, absolutely loved looking at Levon. He wasn't sure when looking had gone from just appreciative to outright lusty, but how he felt wasn't something he could ever tell his partner, not if he wanted the partnership to continue.
Joe seriously doubted Levon would be receptive to hearing that his very male partner was having lusty thoughts about him. The man had married his high school sweetheart for God's sake, and to Joe's knowledge had only dated women. Advances from his very male partner weren't likely to be warmly received.
Joe had learned to content himself with quick looks and cold showers. He took in the long, lean form obscured by the knee length duster Levon was wearing. Rebellious blond curls tumbled out over his collar never totally controlled by the ever-present Stetson. Joe's glance took in his astonishingly beautiful hands... long, tapered fingers capable of amazing dexterity. They looked delicate, but Joe knew Levon had very strong, solid hands that packed one hell of a punch. Those hands had featured prominently in many of Joe's fantasies.
Joe followed the movement of Levon's hands as he reached to adjust the focus of the camera, noticing the slight tremble. Levon was shivering. It wasn't really cold by Chicago standards, but by Houston's it was positively chilly. Eight hours in this damp and drafty building had been more than enough to leave Joe feeling cold. He couldn't imagine what it must feel like to Levon, a native southerner born and bred.
Joe felt a twinge of concern when he noticed that Levon wasn't just shivering, his lips and fingertips had a faint blue tinge. "You okay?"
Levon shrugged, burrowing deeper into his jacket before folding his arms across his chest. Brown eyes met blue briefly. "Nothing a hot shower and a cup of coffee can't fix."
Joe nodded. But decided he'd keep an eye on his partner anyway. By the second day of this assignment, Levon had developed a slight cough, and his voice had a rough quality to it that wasn't normal. Joe was willing to bet he had caught a cold, but it was unlikely that Levon would say anything about it. The cowboy had a tendency to downplay things.
Joe watched the rain run down the mostly intact window in front of him. He sighed softly. "I hate rain."
"Much as you swim, I would have thought this kind of weather would be right up your alley." Levon's soft drawl had an undercurrent of humor running through it.
"I like being in the water, Lundy. I don't like it falling from the sky."
Levon just shook his head and muttered, "Water is water, LaFiamma." He coughed once before stating philosophically, "It could be worse."
"Any worse and someone is going to start lining up animals two by two." Joe's sarcastic tone earned him a tired smile.
"We could be out there in it." Levon pointed out in a reasonable tone.
Joe glanced pointedly at the leaking ceiling and broken windows. "I'm not so sure this place is really all that much better, Lundy."
Levon nodded. "You might just be right about that."
Joe's response was cut off when his cell phone rang. Digging it out of his coat pocket Joe answered with a quick, "LaFiamma."
"Joe... Its Joanne."
"What's up, Lieutenant?"
"You two can call it a day. Team two found Wilson at his other warehouse."
"You need us back at the station?" Joe really didn't want to do any paperwork at this point. What he really wanted was a hot shower and a warm meal, but he felt obligated to ask.
He could hear Joanne's smile over the phone. "I appreciate the offer, but I don't think you could get here. Streets are nearly impassable downtown. Some of them are being closed to traffic. Be sure to check the radio report, you might need to take an alternate route to get home, and be careful."
"Will do. See you tomorrow." Joe hung up and relayed everything Joanne had said. Levon packed up the camera and tripod. They made a mad dash for the Jimmy, hoping not to get any wetter than absolutely necessary. Joe noted with disgust that the downpour had become torrential the minute they stepped outside. Some days he was convinced that God had a sick sense of humor, and today was certainly making a good case for it.
Levon fired up the Jimmy, waiting a few minutes before turning on the heater. Joe watched without comment as Levon cupped his hands around the vent. He sneezed twice before turning on the radio. Both of them listened intently to the news report. Power outages were happening all over the city, and the announcer rattled off a list of the streets that had been closed to traffic. Joe sighed. Looked like he wasn't getting home at all.
"Wanna stay at the ranch?" Levon offered when the announcer finished.
It was a lose-lose situation. He couldn't say no because he really didn't have anywhere else to go, and Levon knew that. But saying yes was going to be painful. Spending time with his partner was something he greatly enjoyed, but the temptation was torture. It was hard to constantly remind himself not to act on his thoughts. Keeping his wayward dick in line was nearly impossible. It definitely had a mind of its own. Joe nodded, accepting Levon's offer, resigned to the fact that he was going to have to practice self-control for the rest of the evening.
Between the steady downpour and the flooded streets, the drive to the ranch took twice as long as it normally would have, and Joe kept quiet not wanting to disturb Levon's concentration. Joe would never admit it, but he was impressed with the way his partner handled the Jimmy. The flooded streets were navigated with unconscious grace, and calm confidence with which Levon did damn near everything. Only his silence and occasional white knuckle grip were any indication of just how much effort was really involved.
Pulling into the driveway, Levon turned off the Jimmy with a quiet sigh. He flexed his fingers before reaching behind the seat to grab a flashlight. At Joe's questioning glance, Levon said, "Might need it if the power is off here too. Just cause they didn't mention my neighborhood on the radio don't mean we got lights."
Together they sprinted for the front door. Ducking inside, Levon flipped the light switch and was rewarded with a bright glow from the overhead light. The quirky half smile he flashed at Joe made Joe's heart suddenly beat a little faster. Joe busied himself stripping out of his coat and shoes. Both were soaked through.
Levon stripped out of his duster, hung up his hat and toed off his boots. He headed down the hall toward his bedroom, tossing a comment over his shoulder. "If you want a shower, you better git it now while the powers on. Not sure how long we'll have it. I can rustle up somethin' round here that'll fit you if you wanna change of clothes."
Having been to the house before, Joe easily made his way to the guest bedroom and its adjoining bathroom. The hot water felt wonderful after spending the day in a drafty, damp building. Despite Levon's warning that they might lose power, Joe refused to cut his shower short. He wanted to enjoy being warm.
Joe wiped at the mirror and regarded his reflection. Dark blues looked back at him, but didn't provide any answers. [Okay, Joey. Just play it cool. It's only one night, right? Right. Nothing to it.]
Leaving the steamy bathroom wrapped in a towel, he found that Levon had left a pair of sweats and a flannel shirt on the bed for him. He was surprised to find they fit. Although he and Levon were roughly the same height, they had much different builds.
Joe's mind flashed on an episode of Wild Discovery he'd happened to see. Levon reminded him of the cheetah, all lean muscle and long bones. Long, graceful lines beautifully proportioned for speed and lethal skill. His mental image of himself was more akin to a leopard. While approximately the same size as a cheetah, it had a heavier and stockier, more powerful frame. Same kind of grace and lethal skill but packaged differently.
Joe shook off his thoughts and wandered out into the living room just as the lights went out. He cursed as he stubbed his toe against something in the dark and heard his partner chuckle somewhere off to his right. Levon turned on his flashlight, and then handed it to Joe.
"Hang on ta that for a second." Levon wandered around the room lighting candles on the fireplace mantel, the coffee table, and the kitchen counter. Joe was surprised by just how much light a few candles generated.
"You can turn that off." Levon nodded toward the flashlight Joe still held. "Save the batteries in case they don't get the power fixed any time soon."
Joe turned it off, and set it casually down on the same end table he'd stubbed his toe on. He tried not to think about how good his best friend looked in the candlelight. Levon had apparently taken a shower as well. His wet hair had been carelessly brushed back. He was wearing a pair of blue jeans so old and faded they looked white. The dark blue of his Houston P.D. sweatshirt looked almost black in the limited light.
"You hungry?"
[Oh yeah...I could eat you up with a spoon. Better not say that out loud.] Joe settled for, "I could eat." He wondered for a moment what they'd be eating with the power off. In his apartment all the appliances were electric. No way you could cook without electricity.
Levon headed for the refrigerator. "Steaks okay?"
"Sure." Joe watched as Levon withdrew a small pan in which the steaks had obviously been marinating.
"Want it rare, medium or well-done?"
"You want a baked potato?"
"Sounds good."
Levon pulled open a cupboard and withdrew two large potatoes. To Joe's surprise he headed for the back door.
"Where are you going?"
"Grill's on the porch."
[Oh.] "Uh... Lundy, it's raining."
Levon raised an eyebrow at Joe. "I know. I seem to remember driving home in it."
"You can't cook on a grill in the rain." Joe tried again.
"Don't see why not. Porch has a roof and the grill has a cover. 'Sides, it ain't like I haven't done it before." As Levon ducked out the door he asked, "Will you start a fire for me? Might get colder tonight."
Joe shook his head. Sometimes he wasn't sure if he and Levon were speaking the same language. Joe turned toward the fireplace. It was already prepared, so all Joe really had to do was strike a match to it. The room seemed to warm up almost immediately. The fire was just enough to take the chill off.
Levon was back only a few minutes later. He headed toward the fire carrying an armload of wood, which he placed in the large basket that sat to the left of the fireplace. "You want somethin' to drink while we wait on dinner?"
"What are my choices?"
"Got beer, whiskey, wine, milk, water, and juice."
"Water." It was hard enough keeping himself in line when sober; Joe didn't even want to think about what might happen if he started drinking.
Levon retrieved a beer for himself and handed a bottle of water to Joe. It was, Joe noted, a bottle of the spring water he preferred. He'd always known his partner was observant, but he never would have expected Levon to stock up on something Joe liked. It was tangible proof that Levon valued their friendship in addition to just being working partners.
Levon settled himself in a chair in front of the fire, stretching his legs out with a sigh, eyes closed. Joe sat on the couch. Knowing Levon couldn't see him; he took the time to really study his partner. Stretched out like that, so relaxed, God.... the man was so beautiful. Best not to think about that now. The sweats he was wearing wouldn't hide much of anything.
Joe sent his eyes roving around the room. He spotted a chessboard. Getting up to take a closer look, Joe realized the pieces were made from some sort of carved stone. The detail of each piece was exquisite.
"Caroline got that when we went to Mexico couple o' years after we got married."
Joe managed not to start when Levon spoke. "It's beautiful. You play?"
Levon nodded. "Been a while, but yeah I know how to play."
"Want to play a game?"
"Sure. Bring the board over here. Might as well play where we can see."
Joe brought the board over and set it down carefully on the coffee table. Joe's Uncle Mike loved to play chess. He'd taught Joe how to play when he was little, and they had played regularly before Joe had been exiled to Houston. The memories were bittersweet and best left alone.
Joe focused on the game, somewhat surprised to find his skill challenged by his friend. Levon didn't just know how to play, he played well. That shouldn't really have come as a surprise. Anything the cowboy put is mind to, he did well. Joe suspected it was how he was raised... something along the lines of only doing something if you could do it well.
"Check and mate." Joe was able to declare with smug satisfaction fifteen minutes later. "Want to play again?"
"Sure. Why don't you set up the board, while I check on dinner?"
Joe watched as Levon made his way across the room and out the back door. [Do not look at his ass. Do not look.] Joe berated himself as he did just that. He was like some kind of addict. He knew he shouldn't look, shouldn't think about what could never be, and yet he simply couldn't resist the temptation. [There ought to be a law against jeans that tight.]
With a mental admonishment to behave, Joe set the board up for another game. At least it was proving to be something of a distraction from his feelings about his partner. His competitive nature simply wouldn't allow him to be distracted from the game for long. At least not too long. He liked to win too much for that.
Joe forced himself not to look at Levon when he came back in. He resisted temptation by moving to put another piece of wood on the fire. He waited until they had both retaken their seats, for Levon to sip his beer, before making his first move. He got distracted watching Levon's hands as he made his own move. He suddenly flashed on one of his many fantasies and had to force his mind back to the game.
[Concentrate, Joey.] Joe kept his focus on the game, but he was honestly stunned when Levon calmly declared checkmate some ten moves later. After double checking the board he glared at his partner.
"You should see the look on your face." Levon laughed. Joe couldn't help but notice how nice it was hearing Levon laugh, even it if was at his expense. Levon stopped laughing long enough to ask, "Want another game?" His face the picture of innocence.
"You bet your ass I do." Joe's discomfort at realizing just how good it felt to hear Levon laugh made the statement come out sharper than he'd intended.
"Now don't get your back up, LaFiamma." Levon's brown eyes sparkled with good humor. "I didn't get all snarky when you won the first game."
"Yeah, but I didn't blow you away either."
Levon just shrugged and set the board up for a third game. Joe was determined to keep his mind on the game and off his partner this time. He was successful for the most part, but he still lost.
"Did you let me win the first game, Lundy?" He asked, slightly suspicious of the smile Levon was wearing as he sipped his beer. There was something about his expression that set off a small warning bell in Joe's mind.
"Not really."
"Is that a yes or a no?" Joe demanded.
Levon's smile faded a little, his easy demeanor replaced by one of wariness. "No, I didn't let you win."
Joe told himself to stop being an ass. He didn't want to ruin the easy camaraderie of the evening. Especially since he and Levon spent far too much time at each other's throats as it was. "Guess I don't play as well as I thought I did."
"You play well... when you're payin' attention to the game." Levon said quietly. Joe felt himself blush at that. Grateful that his darker complexion, and low light would hide his embarrassment. He should have realized his friend would notice his distraction. Hopefully, Levon didn't know he was the distraction. Small favor that, but Joe would take it.
Levon studied him for a moment, his head cocked to one side, his expression reflective. Joe had seen that look before. It was one Levon got when he was working out a puzzling detail of a case. Joe clamped down on his fear that he'd somehow given himself away. After a moment, Levon said, "Steaks ought to be done."
He got up and headed back outside.
Joe put the chessboard back with a relieved sigh then took one of the candles from the coffee table into the kitchen setting it down in the center of the table. Under other circumstances it would be romantic. [Stop thinking that. Just stop it. There is no point in thinking about what isn't going to happen]
Joe knew where everything was so he opted to set up the table. Plates, silverware, another bottle of water for himself and a beer for Levon. He wouldn't want his partner to think he'd been raised without manners. Joe smiled at that thought. There was a time when he wouldn't have cared what Levon thought of him. Somewhere along the line that had changed, and Joe honestly couldn't say when it happened.
Levon came back in carrying with the steaks and potatoes. He flashed a quick grin at Joe when he noticed the table was set. Joe had to admit that when it came to steak, Levon certainly knew how to cook. Sitting down to enjoy his meal, Joe decided to make an effort at conversation and ease any left over tension.
"So when did you learn to play chess?"
"When I was a kid." A smile, shy, almost secretive graced Levon's face for just a moment. "Course, I didn't get really good at it till I was in college."
[Curious.] "What happened in college?"
"I needed help with Calculus."
When nothing else was forthcoming, Joe sighed. Getting information from his partner was a bit like pulling teeth. Seeing a glint in Levon's eyes Joe suspected, and not for the first time, that he deliberately supplied so little detail just to see how long it would take Joe to ask.
"Okay, I'll bite. What does your having trouble with Calculus have to do with you becoming a better chess player?"
Levon chuckled and then sipped at his beer before answering. "I needed a tutor. Guy I ended up with..." Levon shook his head slightly, his expression a mixture of amusement and affection. "His name was Andy Tyler. If he stood on his toes he might have made five eight. Don't think he weighed more than a hundred pounds soaking wet. Was an absolute genius with numbers. But didn't have much in the way of social graces, if you know what I mean."
Joe nodded. He didn't have trouble picturing Andy Tyler. He'd seen guys like him before working as accountants for his uncle. All buttoned down and proper, unable to carry on a conversation that didn't involve numbers.
"Funny thing was that we sort of hit it off. I mean, we didn't exactly have a lot in common, but I liked him. He had a truly wicked sense of humor once he relaxed enough with you to let it out. " Levon sipped at his beer again. He leaned back, relaxing into his chair slightly. "When I needed extra help he was willing to give it. Even though I was only scheduled for like a couple of hours a week, he said he'd help as much as I needed, but the extra would cost me cause it was on his time."
He must have seen the question on Joe's face because Levon gave more detail. "Being on the football team the coach usually made sure if you needed a tutor that it got paid for. But they only paid for so many hours. Guess they figured after that you either knew enough to keep your grades up or you failed so a tutor wouldn't really be needed anymore."
"I still don't see how this ties into you getting better at chess."
"Oh that's simple. See what Andy wanted by way of payment was for me to play chess with him. He loved to play, but hadn't found anyone who was interested in playing. Most college kids are more interested in partying." Levon chuckled. "Intellectual pursuits aren't generally a priority."
Joe had to agree with that statement. He knew he hadn't been as focused on getting an education while in college as he had on getting laid. [Down boy. Sex is not a safe topic of conversation here. Not even if it's only in my head.] Joe forced himself to focus on what Levon was saying.
"But Andy was different. Chess was something of a passion for him. He said if I won the game then the hour of tutoring was free. If I lost... well, then I had to pay for it." Levon grinned. "Was great incentive to get good at it."
Joe sat back in his chair. "You're kidding."
Fair enough. Levon never lied to him, and his skill at chess couldn't be disputed. "So... what grade did you end up with in Calculus?"
"Got a B."
"You still keep in touch with Andy...?" Joe made a movement with his hand indicating he'd lost the last name.
"Tyler." Levon supplied. "Yeah. We touch base every so often."
Joe should have expected that. Levon had a tendency to make long term friends. Most long-term associations in Joe's life had been with his family. For the first time he found himself wondering if Levon compensated for his lack of family by building one of his own. If that were the case he was blessed to be among that chosen number. It wasn't something he wanted to screw up.
The conversation drifted to shop talk about their various cases, and coworkers. The rain continued to fall, a steady drumming counterpoint to their voices. Joe watched as Levon rubbed at his right shoulder several times, doing a rolling shrug with it, wincing slightly as he did so.
"Shoulder bothering you?"
"Always does when it rains."
Before he could stop himself, Joe asked, "What did you do to your shoulder anyway? You never did tell me what happened that made you quit playing football."
He'd been lucky to get as much information about Levon's past as he'd already gotten tonight. If it wasn't some how related to a case Levon simply didn't talk about himself or his past much. He wasn't secretive about it. It was more like he just didn't consider it worth talking about or just assumed that a lot of it was common knowledge.
Levon finished his beer, and then gave a resigned sigh. His expression was unreadable in the low light. "You could say I took one hit to many. Football is a rough game, even with the padding. Last game of the season... I'd already gotten sacked twice. Only a minute on the clock when I got hit again... hard. Thought I'd dislocated my shoulder."
Joe winced sympathetically. He knew first hand how much that could hurt.
"Turned out I didn't just dislocate it... ripped tendons, ligaments, and muscle. Tore the rotator cuff too. Had to have it all stitched back together. They did a good job with it, but it never was quite the same. Just couldn't throw a football like I could before." Levon was very matter-of-fact about it, but Joe knew that losing a chance at playing professionally had to hurt.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have-"
"Not yer fault. Happened a long time ago." Levon got up and began to clear the table. Despite Levon's dismissal, Joe still felt guilty about bringing it up. Had to be some way he could make it up to his partner.
"Would a massage help? I'm pretty good at it." Joe couldn't believe he'd just said that. [What the hell am I thinking? Can barely control myself when I'm across the room and now I'm offering to give the man a massage!! Jesus!! I should have my head examined]
Levon shot him a speculative glance, raising an eyebrow. "Massage, huh? Boy, you are full of surprises." Joe felt himself blush as Levon continued. "Used to get a massage as part of the physical therapy I went through after they put my shoulder back together. It helped a lot."
He quirked a half smile at Joe, "I'm game if you are."
[Oh Cowboy you have no idea. Absolutely no idea] Joe nodded toward the living room. "How about there? It'll be easier if you're lying down." No way in hell was he going to suggest the bedroom.
Joe shook his head. "Too soft. Floor would be better."
Joe trailed after him as Levon moved through the room to a spot directly in front of the fireplace. He snagged a pillow from the couch before turning back to look at Joe.
"Shirt on or off?"
Joe told himself he had to be imagining the tease he heard in Levon's voice, the faintly seductive look in his expression was just a product of Joe's overactive imagination. Joe swallowed hard before saying, "Off."
He told himself not to watch as his partner gracefully slipped his sweatshirt off over his head. But he couldn't resist. Upraised arms, flexing slightly, the play of shadows off well-defined lean muscle, the casual revelation of a beautiful expanse of pale gold skin. [God. Joey, get a grip on yourself.]
He waited for Levon to make himself comfortable on the floor. Taking a deep breath, Joe knelt and began to work on Levon's shoulders, starting with the right one, and then working his way across to the left. He tried to keep his focus on kneading the tight muscles and knots beneath his fingers, rather than on how incredible Levon's skin felt. It was warm, and soft, reminding Joe of satin. Working on particularly tight spot, he heard a soft moan from Levon.
"Too hard?" Immediately concerned that he was applying too much pressure.
"No. Feels good." Levon's voice was husky.
It sent shivers down Joe's spine straight to his groin. That was definitely a voice he would love to hear more of. [Focus Joey. Focus.] He really should have asked Levon if he had some oil or lotion. Probably just as well that he hadn't.
Joe began working his way down Levon's back. He tried to fall into a rhythm, to lose himself in what he was doing, and not concentrate on how good it felt. His hands were shaking slightly despite his best efforts. Joe immediately decided that the lower back would be way too much temptation, and kneaded his way back up to Levon's shoulders.
He gently worked out the knots in his neck. And before he could stop himself he was running his fingers through Levon's hair. [Always wondered if it was as soft as it looked. Feels like silk.]
Joe was stunned when Levon arched his back and stretched. The action reminded him of a cat's reaction to having its chin scratched. [Wonder if the Cowboy would purr?]
Encouraged by Levon's response, Joe began to massage his scalp. Joe was rewarded with another soft moan and a sigh that came awfully close to being a purr. Joe could feel himself getting hard just from that sound. [Better watch yourself, Joey.]
He worked his way back to Levon's neck and down the right shoulder again. He extended the massage down the arm, easing tension in the bicep and tricep. For a man who didn't work out he certainly wasn't soft. Joe couldn't help but admire the muscle tone he felt beneath his fingers.
Joe felt a faint shiver course through Levon's frame. "You cold?"
"No." Again that husky voice. Joe felt himself responding to it. [God. This was not a good idea. In fact this was a bad idea. A very bad idea.] But Joe had to admit that he wouldn't have passed up the chance to touch his partner like this. He worked his way back across to Levon's left shoulder, and down his left arm.
He was going to have to stop soon. Trouble was he didn't know how he was going to hide his burgeoning erection when he did. [Maybe if I do this long enough, he'll fall asleep.]
Sad part was that Joe didn't want to hide how he felt. He was tired of being attracted to his partner and not being able to do anything about it. Might be better to just confront the issue and let the chips fall where they may. Being so close all the time was an exquisite form of torture.
Joe lightened his touch until his fingers were just ghosting over Levon's skin. He wanted to memorize how it felt to touch, just in case he never got another chance. He cleared his throat. "Better?"
"Much." Levon rolled over and raised himself up on one elbow.
Joe found himself staring at the floor, unable to meet his partner's eyes.
Levon reached out a hand to gently cup Joe's face.
Startled blue eyes rose to meet brown. Joe absently noticed that Levon's pupils were so large his eyes looked almost black.
"Hey?" Levon voice was so soft. He nodded toward Joe's groin. "That for me?"
Joe opened his mouth to answer, but couldn't find the words. He was caught between wanting to deny it, to find some plausible excuse and wanting his partner. Closing his eyes, Joe settled for nodding. "I'm sorry."
"For what?" Levon's voice was little more than a husky whisper.
Joe opened his mouth to say he was sorry for ruining their partnership, for wanting his best friend, for being unable to control himself, for not wanting to hide how he felt anymore, but he never got the chance.
Levon leaned forward and kissed him, soft and gentle, an exploratory kiss. It was like Levon was asking permission.
Joe moaned deep in his throat and let the kiss get deeper, wanting to taste. Levon tasted like beer, and steak, and something he couldn't quite identify. Joe realized that he was actually tasting something uniquely Levon. He moaned again before pulling away to search his partner's face.
"You're not mad?"
"Why would I be mad?" Levon asked in a reasonable tone.
"Well... because... because you never showed any interest in men. At least not that I ever saw."
"Could say the same about you."
Fair enough. Joe had to admit that before meeting Levon, he was mostly attracted to women.
"But... you ever do this before?" Joe waved a hand indicating both of them.
Levon smiled. "Not my first rodeo, Joe."
It took a minute for Joe to figure that out. When he did he was surprised by the wave of jealousy that washed over him. Without thinking he kissed Levon hard, forcing him back down on the floor, wanting to stake his claim, erase the touch of anyone else who might have touched his partner.
Levon's hands reached up to cup his face, and then slipped into his hair, tilting his head for better access. When they came up for air, Levon's hands were busy trying to remove Joe's shirt. "Too many clothes. Boy, you've got too many clothes on."
He finally got the buttons undone, and was busily running his hands over Joe's chest. Being touched by Levon was even better than touching him. Levon continued to whisper. "God you feel good. Like steel wrapped in silk. So beautiful... wanted to touch for so long. So long. Should have done this sooner."
"Wish you had." Joe answered. He nuzzled Levon's neck before moving down his chest to lave a nipple.
Levon arched his back in response.
"Like that, do you?"
"Yeah. I like that." Levon's voice had that same husky tone that had gotten Joe hard earlier.
Joe moved on to the other nipple. He applied his teeth oh so gently.
Levon's breath came out in a hiss of pleasure.
[Sensitive. I'll be sure to remember that.]
Joe reached down to unbutton Levon's jeans. Any doubts he might have still harbored were put to rest when he didn't encounter anything else... well except for Levon's erection. "You went commando?"
"Don't sound all surprised." Levon chuckled. "Ain't like you got any jockeys on either."
"That's different."
"Uh-huh. Suuuure." Levon nuzzled his neck, nibbling and licking as he went.
"It... is... different." Joe gasped. "You didn't leave me any." He ran his fingers through Levon's hair, reveling in the way the blond strands felt slipping through his fingers. He felt Levon smile against his neck.
"I know."
Joe froze when he realized Levon had done that deliberately. "You sneaky son-of-a-bitch."
Levon pulled back enough to meet Joe's eyes. "Even when you were trying to be discrete, damn few men have ever looked me over the way you do. I did the math. Two plus two still equals four."
"Why didn't you say anything? Do anything?" Joe was stunned. He should know by now not to underestimate the Texan. [All this time he knew!!]
"Had to figure out how I felt about it first."
"You said this wasn't your first rodeo." Maybe what he thought that meant wasn't what Levon had meant by that comment.
"It isn't. But you and me... well, we're partners, friends, best friends even. Had to know that if we did this it wouldn't ruin that."
Joe nodded. He understood that completely. "So you don't think it will?"
Levon's eyes met and held his easily. "No. I don't think us doing this will ruin that."
"Can we get back to what we were doing?" There was a faint but definite pleading note in Levon's voice.
Joe smiled widely, suddenly at ease. "Sure." He leaned in to kiss Levon. [How can he taste so good? No one should taste that good.]
It only took a minute to wiggle out of the rest of their clothing. Joe's breath caught and he swallowed hard, looking at his partner, drinking in the sight of him. Levon practically glowed in the firelight as he reached out and pulled Joe down. Full body contact left Joe feeling breathless. Being close to the same height was definitely an advantage. And unlike most of the women he'd dated, he didn't have to worry about his weight being too much.
He was caught totally by surprise when Levon executed a quick flip ending up on top of him. Levon nuzzled his neck, working his way down and across his chest. Little nips, licks and kisses left a trail of fire in their wake. Levon's hands followed his tongue, ghosting over Joe's skin in feather light touches. A low moan escaped Joe as he watched those hands. This was even better than his fantasies. [God that felt so good.]
Levon worked his way down Joe's well-defined torso until he was kneeling between his legs. He reached out gently to stroke Joe's cock. He leaned down until his mouth hovered just above its head. He smiled softly looking up into Joe's eyes.
"May I?" Levon's breath from that question made his cock twitch and Joe sighed, caught up in how good that faint puff of warm air felt.
"Yes. Hell yes. God... you don't have to ask." He managed to gasp, trying hard not to get lost in the sensation of Levon's gentle stroking hand.
Levon raised an eyebrow. "Yes I do. I have to ask. Nothin' happens here that you don't want."
The sincerity in that statement was enough to blow Joe's mind. He knew, absolutely knew beyond a shadow of doubt, that if he said no, Levon would respect that, wouldn't hold it against him, and would abide by his choice. Chivalrous as always. Levon was offering him an out at any time, and letting him know that Joe was in control of the situation.
[How did he know I'd need to be in control?] Deciding that was a question for another time, Joe simply said, "please."
Levon took his cock in his mouth, tonguing the head with light swirling motion.
Joe's hips buck.
Levon leaned into him, holding him firmly in place, taking more of his cock into his mouth. A little suck, a tongue swirl, and then Levon was taking more into his mouth.
The moist heat of it made Joe groan. He wanted to reach out and touch, but was afraid he'd hurt Levon by trying to force him. A woman he had dated would only give a blowjob on the condition that he didn't touch her. She'd said trying to take too much at one time would gag her, and she didn't want to be forced. Joe kept his hands pressed to the floor unsure of his own ability to control his desire to simply hold Levon still and thrust into that wonderful wet heat.
Levon started playing with his balls. Rolling them between his fingers, pulling slightly. Joe arched his back, spreading his legs trying to allow more contact. Levon took more of his cock into his mouth. Joe could hear himself panting, but all he was really aware of was how good he felt.
"God... so good. So good.... Levon please..."
Levon started moving faster, going deeper. Joe felt himself trying to get a better grip on the floor. He moaned when Levon began humming. It sent little shock waves through him, and he felt as if the world was reduced to just one point.
"Do THAT... again. Please.... Please."
He could feel Levon's smile as he went down low and hummed again. Levon's fingers found a spot right behind his balls, and pressed lightly, working his throat as he did. The combined stimuli sent Joe over the top. His whole body shuddered as he climaxed shouting Levon's name.
His heartbeat and breathing slowly returned to normal. Reaching out to pull Levon up, Joe kissed him deeply. He could taste himself on Levon's tongue. [He swallowed!!?] Joe wasn't sure why that surprised him, but it did.
"God, Levon... that was... that was...." Joe's brain felt like mush. His body felt incredibly heavy and weightless at the same time.
"Glad you liked it." He could hear amusement and affection in Levon's voice.
Finally regaining some control, Joe rolled over, pinning Levon beneath him. He reached up to frame Levon's face with his hands searching his eyes. "I did like it. I liked it very much." He kissed Levon again, running his fingers lightly over his cheekbones, and then through his hair. [Love his hair. So soft. Feels so good.]
He slid down Levon's body tonguing and touching as he did so. Joe lavished special attention on Levon's wonderfully sensitive nipples, sucking first one and then the other. The hitch in his breathing, faint moans, and arch of his back gave ample proof of Levon's pleasure. After a minute or so, Levon tried to pull his head up, and Joe resisted. Levon clutched at his hair and pulled harder, forcing his head up.
"Sorry... sorry. Too much... Joe. Too... much." Levon was gasping. "Could come from... just that."
Joe nodded. "Okay. Too much. Got it." He reached up to cup Levon's face with one hand, letting him know it was okay, and Levon leaned into it, turning his head to kiss Joe's palm. A shudder went through Joe when Levon captured and suckled his fingers.
Joe closed his eyes and breathed deeply. [Back to business here, Joey.] Joe continued to work his way down Levon's torso. He wanted Levon to experience as much pleasure as he'd given. He wanted to use everything that had ever been used on him to take his partner over the top.
Joe paused. He wondered if he ought to give Levon the same out he'd been given. At this point he couldn't stop... he wanted so badly to taste, to touch, to hear more of those breathy little moans and sighs. If Levon said no, Joe didn't think he'd be able to honor that choice. The thought of taking his partner, his friend against his will, made Joe freeze.
Seeming to sense Joe's desire and understand his sudden immobility, Levon gently thrust his hips, and whispered, "please."
Knowing Levon was with him all the way sent a warm feeling all the way to his toes. If he hadn't just been on the receiving end of a mind-blowing orgasm Joe might have come just from that feeling. [You, Joseph LaFiamma are such a sap. God... this man makes me feel like a teenager again.]
He couldn't quite go as deep as Levon had, and felt a momentary flash of panic when Levon reached to lay a hand on his head but he didn't force him down as Joe feared. He just ran his fingers through Joe's hair in a soothing caress, finally bringing it to rest cupping Joe's face. Joe could feel the faint tremors in that hand. He leaned into that touch briefly, letting Levon encourage the pace without forcing it, wanting that connection.
"Feels so good, Joe." That husky tone was back.
Joe tried humming and was rewarded with a long shuddering sigh. He let his tongue swirl lazily over the head of Levon's cock, sucking gently and then with greater force. He let a hand roam freely over Levon, reaching up to play with his nipples. Joe smiled around Levon's cock when the man all put purred in response to that.
Joe felt for the spot that Levon had touched right behind the balls that had brought so much rapture to him earlier. He could almost feel Levon's orgasm as it over took him, beginning as faint quivers, and then exploding in Joe's mouth. He swallowed it all, not missing a drop. [Tastes good. I could get used to this.]
Levon pulled him up for a deep kiss, sighing into his mouth. "Nice, very nice." Joe relaxed into Levon, letting his head rest on Levon's chest, listening to his heart beat slow. Full body contact felt just as good as it had earlier, possibly even better now. Joe had always enjoyed cuddling. Levon brought a hand up and caressed Joe's arm, a slow, gentle up and down motion. It was almost hypnotic.
Joe had no idea how long they lay there when Levon spoke. "Don't know about you, but I'm too old ta sleep on the floor. What do you say to movin' this into my bedroom?"
Joe smiled, surprised by that all-over warm feeling again as he realized he'd been invited to share Levon's bed. "Sure, Cowboy." He got to his feet and offered a hand to Levon. Levon took it, and rose gracefully to his feet, coming upright with most of his weight resting against Joe. They stood together, literally cheek to cheek, just enjoying the moment. Levon leaned away with a quiet sigh and a yawn.
"Bed." Joe agreed. It had been a long day for both of them, and while he wouldn't object to giving their recent activity another go, he hadn't forgotten that during the stakeout Levon's lips were blue and he'd coughed several times. He hadn't missed Levon's slight shiver when he moved away from his side either. Joe had already gotten a great deal more than he expected tonight, he wasn't going to push it.
"Get the candles will you, Joe? I'm gonna bank the fire a bit."
Joe put out all but one of the candles on the coffee table. He went into the kitchen to extinguish the candle they'd left burning there and the ones on the counter. He watched as Levon folded their clothes and left them on the couch. Back lit by the fire and the candles still burning on the mantle, Joe was again struck by just how incredibly beautiful his partner was.
Joe blushed when he realized Levon was looking him over as well. An appreciative and hungry look graced his features before Levon shook his head. He rubbed at his face with both hands. "Wish I wasn't so tired."
"Being cold all day does that to you."
"Reckon it does." Levon put out the candles on the mantle and picked up the one Joe had left burning on the coffee table. He shivered again. "Come on. Lets go get under the covers."
Joe followed Levon down the hall. He found himself wishing for more light just so he could watch Levon move. Now that he didn't have to try and be discrete he want to really look. Joe gave a mental snort at that. Not that he had evidently been as sneaky as he thought he was.
[Probably just as well that it is dark. He needs a good nights sleep and so do I.] Joe shrugged mentally. [This has to be a first. I am just as happy to sleep with him as I am to have sex with him.] Joe decided not to think about what that might mean.
Levon drew back the covers on the bed, placed the candle on the night stand, blew it out and slid under the covers. Joe slid in beside him, curling around him in spoon fashion. It felt so good to be this close. Feeling the faint chill on Levon's skin, Joe pulled him closer. Levon snuggled in to him wanting the warmth he offered.
Thinking over the day, it had definitely been better than most. Good company, good meal, good sex, and the chance to cuddle. Definitely a good day.
Unable to resist, knowing he could, Joe ran his fingers through Levon's hair. Levon sighed and relaxed into him, all but boneless. "You like that?" Joe whispered.
"I love that."
"Good. Cause I love doing it." Joe fell asleep, warm and content, wrapped around his partner.
Joe woke with a start, wondering where he was and why he was awake when it was still dark out. Gradually the evening came back to him and he realized that what woke him was the Levon's absence. He glanced at the clock and realized it was barely 6:00 am. [Ugh. Where the hell is Levon?]
Joe felt the first stirring of panic. [What if Levon's changed his mind? What if he thinks last night was a mistake? Shit. He better not think it was a mistake, cause I sure as hell don't.] Joe took a deep breath. First order of business was to find his partner, then worry about everything else.
Joe tried the lamp on the night-stand, relieved to have it come on providing light. He got out of bed and looked around for something to wear. He found a flannel robe on the back of the door. With a shrug he slipped into it, surprised by how warm and soft it was.
The over-head light was on in the kitchen, the coffee pot was quietly perking, and the radio was playing softly, but no Levon. Joe headed for the clothes left on the couch last night, getting ready to dress and seek out his missing partner, when Levon slipped in through the back door.
"Mornin' Joe. Didn't think you be awake yet."
Joe looked Levon over. He was in the sweatshirt and faded jeans from last night. He didn't look upset, nervous or uncomfortable. He looked completely at ease, rested and relaxed. [He looks normal, like it could be any other day. That's a good sign, right? Has to be.]
"What in the hell are you doing up at this ungodly hour?" Joe was relieved that the question came out mildly annoyed rather than outright upset or hostile.
Levon cocked his head to one side, studying Joe. "I am always up early. Figured you'd be sleeping awhile yet, so I might as well check on Fooler."
[Oh. Right. The horse.] Joe rubbed a hand over his face trying to wake up.
"You want a cup of coffee?"
"Coffee would be good." Levon's coffee was always strong enough to float a brick, but it would definitely make Joe more alert. He followed Levon back into the kitchen. It wasn't until after his first cup that Joe thought to ask, "Is it still raining?"
Levon shook his head. "Must have quit a couple of hours ago."
"Can we swing by my place on the way to work. Need a change of clothes."
Levon looked him up and down. That hungry look from last night was back, in spades. "I kinda like what you got on. This 'just rolled out of bed, grabbed whatever was handy' is a good look for you."
Joe swallowed hard. [Well that certainly answered the question about how he feels about last night.] "Yeah. I kind of like it too, but I can't go to work in it."
"Don't worry Joe... we ain't goin' to work today." Levon was smiling.
"Why not?"
"Because according to the radio the streets are still flooded. Can't get to your place or the office. Looks like your stuck here for the next day or two. If you want to be, that is."
Levon's matter-of-fact approach was once again letting Joe make the choice, while at the same time clearly stating his own preference. Joe couldn't help but smile. He stalked over to Levon, trapping his partner, friend and lover, against the counter.
"This mean we can go back to bed?" Joe's voice dropped to a seductive whisper.
"Bed... hmm... sure you don't want to shower?" Levon was smiling shyly, his brown eyes sparkled with humor and desire.
"Bed. Then shower."
Levon chuckled. "I can live with that."
Joe leaned forward and kissed him. [Looks like today might just be as good as last night. Getting off to a good start anyway.]
The end.