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Fandom: | Houston Knights |
Series: | Other Authors |
Rating: | NC-17 |
Pairing: | Joe/Levon |
Archive: | Starwinder's |
Title: | Partners, Friends, and Lovers: Chapter 2 |
Author: | Katherine Lehman |
e-mail: | ksl2025@yahoo.com |
Standard Disclaimer: Houston Knights belongs to Jay Bernstein and Michael Butler and Columbia Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended. This is fan fiction, written out of love for the shows. I am making no money off this. I have no money so please don't sue me. Any original characters who may appear in these stories are the property of the author. |
Disclaimer: Don't own them...damn the luck. I'm not really sure who does own Levon Lundy and Joe LaFiamma, but I think it unfair that they have both and I don't get either. No money was made or changed hands. And believe me, that is seriously disappointing to me.
This takes place three months after Partners, Friends, and Lovers...if you haven't read that story you might want to, just so you can follow events that happened in that story that are referred to here.
Story Summary: A friend of Levon's comes calling and Joe realizes he really needs to tell Levon just how he feels.
Feedback: Yes, please. Feel free to tell me what you liked, or didn't like. Let me know what worked for you and what didn't. Without constructive criticism, I'll never get it right. Bear in mind that I did say constructive. I can be reached at ksl2025@yahoo.com
Partners, Friends, and Lovers
Chapter 2
By Katherine Lehman
I am staring at the calendar on my desk. I'm not really sure why it is so fascinating until all of a sudden, I take in the date, and it hits me. It was exactly three months ago that a hurricane parked itself off the coast and radically altered my life. I didn't even realize I knew the date at the time, and here I am marking off an anniversary.
Who knew a little rain could provide such a golden opportunity? During that storm, stranded at Levon's house, I decided to stop hiding how I felt about him. It's weird, but I remember consciously making the decision to let the chips fall where they may. I was totally prepared to deal with the consequences.
Could have knocked me over with a feather when Levon didn't get angry or disgusted. Hell, he wasn't even surprised. Some part of me had expected him to throw me out into the night, to demand a new partner, or even to throw a punch at me. Once again the cowboy managed to make me grasp the fact that I had underestimated him. In the past few months, I've come to realize I didn't know quite as much about him as I thought I did.
I can feel the grin break out on my face. Oh yes, this was definitely not Levon's first rodeo. I have been pleasantly surprised many times by his sense of adventure and the depth of his experience. This new dimension in our relationship has been enlightening to say the least.
I spend more time at his ranch than I do at my apartment. I can count on one hand the number of nights I've spent alone in the last month. It's getting so I don't sleep well if I can't feel him next to me, or hear him breathing. Watching him fall asleep is the best way I've found to relax. No matter how difficult the day has been, seeing his face lose all the day's tension, and feeling him go boneless lying next to me, is like a balm on my soul.
Nothing has really changed here at work. Business as usual, means we fight as often as we make love. I don't think either of us is ready to make some sort of public declaration. Cops aren't the most receptive bunch of people, and dealing with hostile criminals is enough. I don't want to deal with hostile coworkers too. Not to mention that if Joanne knew, she'd split us up in a heartbeat. Can't let that happen. Levon's the best partner I've ever worked with. One of the reasons I was so worried, about letting him know how I much I was lusting after him, was that the thought of losing him as a partner scared me. I need him.
I shake my head. Gotta get my mind back on work. I've done enough daydreaming for one day. I'd just managed to refocus my attention to the computer screen when I hear someone say, "Excuse me. I'm looking for Levon Lundy. Could you tell me where he might be?"
I glance up from the computer in time to make eye contact with the most stunning woman I've ever seen. Jade green eyes calmly stare back at me. I can't help myself as I look her over, taking in the beautiful, slender form clad in jeans and a t-shirt. She's tall, and its not just because her boots give her an added inch. She'd be tall barefoot. Long dark hair hangs down her back in a single braid. She has a healthy warm brown tan of someone who spends time working in the sun. No makeup. Her complexion is flawless so she didn't need it, but I suspect that she wouldn't wear it even if she did need it. A natural beauty this one is. Kind of reminds me of a younger version of my Aunt Teresa.
I finally make my way back to her eyes again, and judging by her faintly amused expression, I realize my perusal hasn't gone unnoticed. I managed not to blush but only just barely.
"I'm sorry, what did you say?"
"I'm looking for Levon Lundy. I was told this was his desk. Do you know where I can find him?" Her voice is soft, smooth like honey. It was deeper than I had expected, but it suits her.
"He's testifying in court today." I glance at my watch to check the time. Ten to twelve. "He's due back by noon, if you'd care to wait." I wave a hand toward a chair next to my desk.
She nods to me once. She moves to sit in the chair. I can't help but notice that she moves with the same natural, unconscious grace as Levon. Not exactly like a dancer. More like someone used to being physically active, someone who routinely places demands on her body and expects it to perform. I find myself wondering what it is she wants with Levon.
"I'm Lundy's partner, Joe LaFiamma. Is there something I can help you with Miss..." I offer letting my voice trail off to indicate that I don't know her name.
She smiles warmly, and I have to catch my breath. "Sullivan. Eve Sullivan. And, no, it's Levon I need to talk to. Thank you though."
Deciding not to push it, I shrug mentally, figuring I'll know soon enough. I pretend to go back to working on the report in front of me, all the while trying hard not to simply stare at her. It isn't long before I hear Levon's voice as he enters the bullpen casually greeting people. Esteban halts his progress through the bullpen by handing him a report.
I am caught off guard when Eve Sullivan begins to whistle softly. Not a get your attention type of whistle but a tune of some kind. Despite it being a soft sound, Levon's head snaps up from the paper he was looking at, an intense searching look graces his features as he scans the room. When he sees her sitting next to my desk he grins. He obviously knows her, and he seems happy to see her. He hands the folder back to Esteban with a "later" motion and heads for our desks.
"Sully." Levon's voice takes on that warm, welcoming tone I had come to think of as being reserved for me. I have to clamp down hard on a pang of jealousy that becomes a raging torrent when she stands up and hugs him. Hard. He returns her hug with equal enthusiasm
After a moment, Levon pulls back, still grinning. "Damn, girl, it is good to see you."
"Good to be seen."
Levon gives her the once over with his eyes. "You look good."
"So do you, but then you always do." I have to agree with that assessment. Levon always looks good to me too.
Levon, on the other hand, has a different opinion. "Uh-hunh. Sure. Always knew you could lie wit' the best o' them."
Suddenly he seems to remember I'm there because he glances over at me. "Sorry, Joe, forgot my manners. Joe, this is an old friend of mine, Eve Sullivan. Most folks just call her Sully. Sully, this is my friend and partner, Joe LaFiamma."
I stand up and offer a hand to her. No point in telling Levon we've already more or less met. "Nice to meet you."
She smiles and winks at me before shaking my hand. "Same here." Turning back to Levon she asks, "Are you hungry?"
"I could eat."
"Good. I'll buy."
"You're buying? Hmmm. Must mean you want somethin'." I can tell Levon is teasing her, but something in the way he says that makes me think he is not entirely joking.
"I can't treat you just 'cause we're friends?"
Levon shoots her a disbelieving look. "You never have before."
"There is a first time for everything, you know."
"Uh-huh. I'm sure there is, but I doubt this is one those."
Sully sighs and gives Levon a wry look. "Okay, so I've got a little favor to ask."
"I sort of figured ya did." Levon's statement is matter-of-fact. There is no anger or hostility in his voice. Makes me wonder what kind of history they have.
"Some day I am going to come see you just because I want to see you."
"Yep. And the four horsemen of the apocalypse are going to show up right afterwards."
She chuckles lightly at that. "I'm not THAT bad."
"So you say."
She slaps his arm lightly. "I am not."
"S'okay. Friend in need is a friend indeed, right? So buy me lunch, ask me what you wanna ask." Levon holds up a hand and then points a finger at her. "I am warnin' you now. Dependin' on the favor, it might take more than lunch to get me to agree."
"That's okay." Sully gave Levon a look I could only think of as positively seductive. "I've got more to offer than just lunch."
"Oh, do tell." Levon raised an eyebrow.
Once again I had to fight back a pang of jealousy. I reminded myself that she was an old friend, nothing more. But then Levon hadn't exactly introduced me as anything more than a friend and partner either. For the first time it bothered me that I had never found the courage to tell him just how I felt or to ask him how he felt. After all this time, I still have no idea if this is more than just sex for him. Truth is, I don't even know for sure what it is for me. I'm pulled back to their conversation by the sound of my name.
"LaFiamma? Hey boy, are you in there?" Levon is looking at me intently.
"Yeah." I shake myself slightly. "Paperwork coma, " is all I can think to say by way of an explanation.
"You wanna come with us to lunch?"
No, I don't want to. I would rather put red-hot needles in my eyes, but I can't let this woman be alone with Levon. I just can't. "Sure. Where are we going?"
Levon shrugs. "Up to Sully. She's the one buying."
I am expecting us to end up eating in some honky-tonk barbecue place. For once in my life I am glad to be disappointed. Sully's choice in restaurants is Chinese. She also speaks fluent Mandarin. Amazing. And this woman is a friend of Levon's. But then so am I, and I speak four languages. The man does tend to be rather eclectic in choice of friends.
Over the course of our meal I find out that Sully is a photojournalist, and apparently a damn good one. She's been around the world a time or two. Enjoys the travel and meeting people. I can't help thinking this is good. She's not staying. I find myself repeating that in my head like some kind of mantra or good luck charm.
Levon and Sully start catching up on old times, and I find out they met as kids in school. It isn't long before they are talking about people and places I've never heard of. It is amazing how long time friends can fall into a sort of verbal short hand that is practically a code. I couldn't break it, even though I want to, because I didn't share the same experiences. I hated feeling left out, but I don't know how to include myself in the conversation without being outright rude. Listening to them talk, I am envious of the connection between them.
I can't help but wonder if Levon and I have anything that even comes close to it. The two of them seem to have so much in common, and based on the conversation I'm listening to, they have a long history. She's bright, and beautiful. With her, he could have a "normal" relationship. Have children if he wanted. I suddenly realize that is a hell of lot to compete with, and I'm not sure I can or even if I should.
Finally, Sully gets to the favor she wanted to ask of Levon. "I've been given a new assignment. I'll be out of the country for... well, I don't honestly know how long."
Levon holds up a hand stopping her from saying anything else. "Let me guess. You need someone to look after your collection o' critters. Am I right?"
"More or less. I found another friend who will look after most everything."
"But..." Levon makes a go on motion with his hand.
"I started working with a three year old colt about two months ago. He's green. Really green. I need to leave him with someone who can work with him."
Levon looks relieved. "Thank God you're not leavin' me with the fish, again."
"You killed them the last time."
"I don't know anythin' about fish, 'cept how to grill 'em. I told you that when you decided to leave wit' me. You can't hold me responsible for them goin' belly up."
"I might be more forgiving if you hadn't grilled the fish and fed them to the cat."
Levon laughs and shakes his head. "The cat looked hungry, and I didn't think it would be right ta let the fish go ta waste."
Sully holds up her hands in a gesture of surrender. "Okay, Okay. I learned my lesson. I only ask you to take care of the animals you already know how to handle. The colt is right up your alley. "
"What do you want to use him for?"
"I was thinking of running endurance races with him, if he has the right attitude."
"Endurance? Not a quarter horse then."
"No. He's a Morgan Arab cross."
Levon nods, but I haven't got a clue what that means. I don't know what they mean by endurance races either. Or what an animal's attitude could possibly have to do with racing. What I know about horses wouldn't fill a coffee cup, but until now that lack of knowledge never bothered me.
"Should be a good combination for endurance runs."
"I know. If he doesn't have the right mind set for it, I was thinking of dressage with him. He's quite the looker. He's got the right conformation, and based on just the little I've done with him, I think he has the ability."
"I gotta pick him up somewhere?"
"No. I dropped him off at your ranch before I came in to town."
Levon snorts and shakes his head. "I gotta start sayin' no to you once in awhile."
"You never could say no to me. Not from the day we met."
"True enough."
I can feel my heart squeeze when he admits to that. I don't want anyone else to have a hold over him. I want to be the only one he can't say no to.
"What did you name him?" Levon asks her.
"Gabriel. Seemed to fit. Oh, and before I forget, I also left a little gift for you in the tack room. Didn't have a key or I'd have left it in the house."
"Yeah. When I mentioned to Sam that I was coming to see you, he asked me to drop off a package for you."
Levon's eyes positively light up. He looks like a little kid who's been told Christmas came early. "Excellent. I didn't think he'd have it finished so soon. He say what I owe him?"
"No. Just said to tell you to consider it a favor repaid."
I have to ask. "Who's Sam?" I don't remember Levon ever mentioning anyone by that name.
"Mutual friend who does metal work. I asked him to make me somethin' a while back." Not exactly the detailed answer I was looking for, but on a par with the kind of answers I usually get from my partner. Sometimes I am convinced he couldn't give me all the details at one time if his life depended on it.
Sully pays the check and we are leaving. The two of them hug once more. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from saying anything. I am repeating to myself, she is leaving, over and over again. I curse silently whatever part of my psyche that just has to notice how good they look together.
Levon kisses her cheek before saying, "Call me and let me know when you get back to Texas. I'll deliver Gabriel to you. Save you a trip to Houston."
"Thanks for taking care of him for me. I owe you one."
"I'll add it to the list of things you already owe me for. Take care of yourself, Sully. World's a dangerous place."
"I know, and I will. Was nice to met you, Joe."
"Nice meeting you too." I manage to sound as though I mean that, when what I really want to say is "Glad you can't stay." I breathe a quiet sigh of relief as her truck pulls away, and we head back to the office.
Finally, it's quitting time. I am heartily tired of paperwork. It isn't like chasing down leads or even simply searching records. I can't lose myself in it. My concentration today was less than stellar before Sully showed up, and after she left I might as well have called it a day.
I kept turning over her interaction with Levon in my mind. I can't help thinking of her as my competition, when I didn't even know for a fact if she and Levon had ever been lovers. Just torturing myself, I suppose. I did come to a decision though.
I needed to let Levon know that this was more than just some casual sex thing. I need to tell him that I care deeply for him, and I am committed to more than just a sexual relationship. God, even thinking that makes me break out into a cold sweat.
I don't have a problem with the commitment thing. What scares me is that he might not feel the same way. I'm not sure how I'll be able to handle it, if he tells me all he wanted was a good time. This is rapidly turning into one of those damned if I do and damned if I don't situations.
I didn't realize I'd sighed quite so loudly until Levon looks over at me, concern shining from his brown eyes. "LaFiamma? You okay?"
At the office we almost always call each other by our last names. Not really sure why, but away from work he hardly ever calls me LaFiamma. Guess it's another way of separating private life from professional. It isn't until I notice that Levon's growing look of concern that I realize I haven't answered him yet.
"Yeah, Lundy. Just tired of typing."
"I hear that." Levon stretches his arms over his head. I wince when I hear several vertebrae announce their presence. "What do you say we call it a day, partner?"
"Amen to that."
Together we head for the door. I haven't figured it out yet but somehow we always end up in step. I find that fact reassuring.
In the elevator we are alone. Levon takes advantage of that, and reaches out caressing my cheek with the back of his hand. His touch is brief and gone all too quickly. When I look over at him, Levon is smiling slightly. I find myself smiling in return.
"That's better." He nods with satisfaction. "You were looking a little to serious there, Joe." He caresses my cheek again, and then traces a path across my temple and up to my forehead, easing tension I didn't know was there. He removes his hand when the ding of the elevator lets us know we've reached the parking garage.
"You comin' to the ranch?"
I nod. "I'll be out a little later. I want to go for a run first." I'm hoping that I'll have my thoughts together when I'm done. Get my game face on in case things don't turn out well. No matter how things turn out, I want our partnership to continue. Of that I am absolutely certain.
Levon cocks his head to one side studying me. "You sure you're okay?"
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"Don't know. But you seem a little...." Levon shrugs one shoulder. "Well, a little too much in your own head today."
Trust the cowboy not to miss a trick. "I'm fine."
"Yer sure?" He gives me another searching glance.
"I'm sure." I try to project confidence into that statement. I need for him to believe me. I can't get into this just yet. I'm not ready. Hell, I may never be ready.
"Okay." Levon nods. "I'll see you later then."
I know he isn't totally convinced because I can hear the promise in his last statement. If for some reason I chicken out and decide to just stay at my place, I know without a doubt he will come looking for me to find out what's wrong. I'm momentarily tempted to do just that, but I know better. If things don't go well, I'll need the space, and it'll be easier to leave Levon's place that it will be to get him to leave mine.
The run helps me work off some nervous energy and organize my thoughts. The drive to the ranch helps too. I use the time to go over in my head what I want to say. I know these planned speeches never work... or at least they never have for me, but I feel better knowing what I want to say in advance. I want to have all my arguments in place just in case I need them.
I pull in and park my car next to the Jimmy, in what is rapidly becoming my spot. I chuckle at that. There was a time when the last thing I wanted was to consider any part of Texas as mine. Now, I definitely want to make a permanent place for myself here. Funny how life works, isn't it?
I look for Levon in the house, but he isn't there. I should have figured he'd be in the barn. He's got a new horse to play with.
I head out the back door, and pause to take a deep breath. I've never admitted it to anyone, but this back porch is my favorite spot in Houston. It's peaceful here. With my eyes closed I can pretend that there isn't another person for miles. Which is quite a switch in thinking for a confirmed urbanite like me.
Opening my eyes, I search for some sign of my wayward friend and lover. I spot him in the corral. I walk over and lean against the fence. The horse he's working with isn't Fooler, so it's got to be Gabriel. Levon has him on a long lead just keeping him moving in circles. I'm sure there is a reason for this, but to me it looks pointless.
I take a good look at the horse. He's a dappled gray color, with a dark mane and tail. Sully was right when she described him as a looker. Although, outside of the color and slight size difference, I couldn't honestly say what makes this horse different from Fooler.
Levon must have given some signal I didn't see because Gabriel stops moving and stands still. Levon walks up to him, crooning soft words I can't quite hear. I recognize the tone. I've heard him speak to Fooler the same way.
I watch as Levon reaches out with one elegant, long-fingered hand to run it over Gabriel's back, and down each leg. It reminds me of him doing something similar to me a few nights ago. The touch was somewhere between a caress and a massage, soothing and stimulating at the same time. I feel a rush of heat to my groin just thinking about it.
Levon stands up from where he had crouched to check Gabriel's hooves, and pats him on the neck. He walks him over to the far gate, and lets out a piercing whistle. The whistle startles me, but doesn't seem to bother the horse at all. On the other side of the pasture, Fooler whinnies and comes trotting toward the gate. Levon unsnaps the lead line, and Gabriel dances through the gate to meet Fooler.
I climb the fence and cross the corral. I lean against the fence next to Levon, and he shifts his weight to rest his shoulder against mine. Taking a deep breath, I can smell the scents I usually associate with Levon; horses, leather, clean sweat, and something indefinable that is uniquely Levon. Suddenly my carefully rehearsed speech has just vanished from my head, and I find myself searching for something to say.
"What were you doing with him?" I nod toward the far end of the pasture where Fooler and Gabriel are now standing.
"Lounge line."
"I'm sure that means something to you, but it doesn't mean a damn thing to me. What is a lounge line?"
Levon chuckles. "Basically, it's just what you saw. Idea is to work him in a circle so I can watch the way he moves. Check to see that he's sound."
"Yeah. Means everything is workin' like it's supposed ta. He's not pulling up short or lame. It also gets him used to me, to having someone else control where he goes, and how fast he moves. It's a good way to start exercising a young horse."
"What were you doing after you made him stop?"
"Checking for heat in the muscles. Too much means he's pulled or sprained somethin'. Just another way to make sure he's sound, and to get him used to me. Horses don't just naturally like people, Joe. Gotta build up a level of trust with them."
I'm struck by how simply profound that is. Building up trust isn't just between people and animals. I don't know if having Levon touch me that way built up any trust between us, but I don't think it hurt. Still not quite ready to delve into deeper topics, I ask more questions about horses.
"So what is this endurance race that Sully was talking about using Gabriel in?"
Levon shoots me a quizzical look. I've never shown much interest in horses before. I can tell he knows I've got something else to say, but he's willing to play along.
"Endurance races are sort of like marathons for horses. Depending on the race and where it's run, they can be fifty, seventy-five or even a hundred miles long."
"A hundred miles!! Shit. They run the whole way?"
"No. They trot. A trot is the most efficient gait for a horse. Covers the most ground, at the fastest rate, using the least amount of energy."
"Okay." I think about that. "You knew he wasn't a quarter horse when Sully mentioned this endurance thing... so what's the deal? Fooler couldn't do it?"
Levon thinks about that for a minute. "It isn't that she couldn't do it. Would take the right conditioning to pull it off. Problem is that they have to pass the vet checks at various points along the course of the race. So while she might be physically capable of going the distance, the vet would most likely pull her because quarter horses aren't really bred for that sort of thing. An' it shows when you check their heart rate, blood pressure and body temp. Quarter horses are sprinters. They are meant to run like hell for a short distance. Endurance runs are usually done with Arabians. But crosses like Gabriel have been making a good showing."
"So what does temperament have to do with it?"
"No way in hell you can make a critter trot for fifty miles or better iffen it ain't willin'. Like I said... it's a marathon. Not everyone runs those. With the right training anyone could run it, but not everyone does. Some people have what it takes for the long haul, and some don't."
"You the kind who goes in for the long haul?" I know Levon knows I'm not talking about running marathons when he pulls way and turns to face me directly.
"You want to tell me what's on your mind?" The question is simple, and direct. Trust him to get right to the heart of the matter.
I take a deep breath and try to brace myself. "Seeing you with Sully today... well, I started thinking about us. Truth is I was thinking about us before Sully showed up, just not the same way. Since the hurricane...we've been...we've been, well--"
"Doin' the horizontal mambo? Bumpin' boots? Going at it like weasels in heat? Fucking like bunnies?"
"No!" I can feel my temper getting the better of me. That isn't how I would have described what happened between us, and I am pissed that he might see it that way. "We've been making love."
Levon reaches out to caress my cheek like he did in the elevator, his expression soft. "Wasn't sure you knew that."
I slap his hand away. "What the hell does that mean!!??"
Levon steps away from me, shrugging one shoulder. "In the four years you've been in Houston, you ain't had a single relationship that's lasted more than six weeks."
I can't help but recognize the truth in that statement. I'm still angry though. "You think that means I don't know anything about love? That I'm just some horny bastard with an itch to scratch? A dog looking for a table leg?"
"No. I think that means you don't know much about going the long haul."
"Maybe I just never found anyone worth going the distance for."
"That what you wanted to tell me?"
Levon raises an eyebrow. "You want to tell me which it is, or are ya gonna leave it up to me to just pick one?"
I take a deep breath. I find myself searching his face. I make eye contact and force myself to hold it. Before I can even organize my thoughts words start tumbling out in a rush.
"I wanted to tell you that I seeing you with Sully today bothered me. Hell, it more than just bothered me. I was jealous. She's beautiful. And you've got so much in common. There is a history between you that I couldn't even hope to match. You could have a nice, normal relationship with her. The kind of relationship you wouldn't have to hide from your friends or your coworkers. You could have kids with her if you wanted to. I couldn't help but think of her as the competition."
I close the gap between us in a single step. Levon opens his mouth to say something, and I reach out and cover his lips with the tips of my fingers. I just keep talking afraid of what he might say.
"That's when I realized it wouldn't be much of a contest because I'd never told you how I felt. Because I'd never told you that this thing between us is more than just sex for me. I know my track record stinks, and that you might just think I was some kind of dog looking for the nearest leg. I knew that if I never told you differently... if I didn't tell you that this was more than just sex... that this thing between us was more than just a casual affair for me, you could walk away."
I take a deep breath. "I knew you would walk away at some point. And I can't... I can't let you. Because," I swallow hard and force myself to make eye contact, "I love you."
Levon looks stunned. He's definitely got a "deer caught in the headlights" look. He reaches up to remove my hand, holding it gently. "You mean that?" His voice is little more than a whisper.
"Yes. I mean that." I tried to think of some way to say this so he'll know that I am serious. "I, Joseph LaFiamma, love you, Levon Lundy." I reach out to cup his face in my hands and kiss him deeply. God, he tastes good. I could live on his kisses. Right at this moment, I don't need anything else.
When we finally pull apart, I am a little dizzy and Levon is smiling. "Damn, boy. If I'd known Sully showing up would cause this kind of reaction, I'd have asked her to stop by sooner."
"You're okay with this? The way I feel, I mean?"
Levon's expression is a mixture of affection and amusement. "You thought... what? I'd be upset that you love me?" Levon shakes his head. "You know, you ain't usually given to askin' stupid questions." His smile takes the bite out of that comment.
I look down. "Wasn't sure if you wanted to hear how I feel. I mean, you haven't exactly said how you feel, or asked--"
Levon cuts me off by placing his fingers gently against my mouth, mimicking my earlier action. He brown eyes search mine. "I didn't say anything cause I wasn't sure you were ready to hear it. Didn't want to scare you by moving too fast."
I move to pull away from his hand, but Levon won't let me. "An' 'fore you go getting' all insulted, just hear me out." Levon seems suddenly shy, and looks away.
"I figured you had to feel somethin' for me, when this thing between us, went on longer than anything you've ever had with anybody else. I knew you'd been lookin' at me as more than just a partner and friend for a while before the hurricane. I just didn't know how serious you wanted to be."
Levon sighs quietly. He lowers his hand, and looks up. "Told you that night that I'd thought about this. That I had to be sure that if we took this step it wouldn't get in the way of us bein' partners or friends. That meant I was prepared to deal with it if you were just looking to... how'd you put it? Scratch an itch. An' I was more than ready if you wanted for it to be more. Truth is, I think I've been in love with you for a long time. Just didn't want to put you in a bind by saying so, if you didn't feel the same way."
It's funny how often we are thinking on the same path. I knew exactly what he meant. I'd come over here afraid to tell him how I felt because I wasn't sure he felt the same way. I'd been down that road before with other people. Seems the fastest way to ruin any relationship, platonic or sexual, is to have one person care more than the other.
Then what he just said registers. "You mean you weren't going to say anything?! Not one damn word to me about how you felt? "
"Not until you were ready to hear it...No."
"And just how in the hell were you going to know when I was ready?"
Levon's mouth quirked upward in a half-smile. "Reckoned you'd tell me. An' ya did."
Suddenly I am laughing. If I had any doubts about the rightness of how I feel or how he feels I can put them to rest. Anyone who knows me this well will definitely be worth the effort of going the long haul.
I pull him into me again for another kiss. I stop just before my lips reach his and breath into his mouth. At this distance the eye contact is so intense, I'm not sure how long I can hold it. I feel like his eyes are seeing right into my soul. When our lips meet it is soft, gentle, like the first time we kissed. There is an amazing amount of promise in that simple gesture.
Levon pulls away with a soft sigh. "What do you say we take this into the house?"
"Sounds like a plan, Cowboy."
I start to head for the house, expecting him to follow me. I stop short when I realize he isn't. Levon's headed for the barn instead.
"You decide to move into the barn?"
Levon shoots a dirty look at me. "Wiseass." He holds up the lead rope. "Gotta put this away, and I need to get what Sully left in the tack room."
Ah, I'd forgotten her saying she'd left something Sam had made for Levon. I change course to join him, curious as to what the mysterious Sam might have made. I briefly consider asking again, but I'm fairly certain I won't get any more of an answer than I got before.
Levon casually hangs the rope on a hook and heads into the tack room. He comes back out carrying a small brown bag. For some reason I expected what ever it was to be bigger. Levon said Sam did metal work, and to my mind that meant stuff like iron and steel. I half expected him to come out carrying some kind of horse related equipment. My curiosity is piqued.
"Aren't you going to open it?"
"Don't need to. I've seen Sam's work before."
I shake my head at that. Texas is sometimes worlds apart from Chicago. There is no way I'd be able to trust that someone just did what I'd asked them to do... at least not without checking up on them.
As we walk to the house, Levon looks sideways at me. He is grinning. "It isn't like I really have to see it. I sort of designed it, so I already know what it looks like. 'Sides, it isn't really for me."
Okay. I'll bite. "I thought Sully said Sam made it for you as a gift?"
Levon considers that statement for a minute. "Guess you could call it a gift from Sam to me since I asked him to make it and he didn't bill me. Only thing is, it ain't for me. I had Sam make it for you."
That stops me cold. I reach out to grab his arm halting him as well. "You had him make something for me?"
That warm feeling I had the first night we made love is back again. I wonder if he is always going to be able to surprise me. He had a friend make something for me! Something he sort of designed? Wow.
Now I am really curious about what's in the bag. I try not to sound too eager when I ask. "So... am I going to get to see it?"
"Yeah." Levon looks decidedly amused.
Apparently I failed at trying to sound casual, so the hell with it, I'll just be direct. "When? Now? Tonight?"
"Bet you were the kind of kid who snuck downstairs early Christmas morning, weren't cha?" Levon chuckles.
"Maybe. Just answer the question."
"Yes. How's that?"
"Yes, what?"
"I'll give it to you tonight. Feel better?"
Underneath the humor in his eyes, I could see faint traces of tension. It struck me suddenly that despite his teasing, he was nervous about giving me whatever it was. I reach out to caress his cheek with the back of my hand.
"Hey, " I keep my voice soft, "don't worry. I can wait if you want me to." He leans into my touch briefly before pulling away.
At the door, Levon toes off his boots, and hangs up his hat. I take off my shoes as well. I shake my head, thinking I spend more time in my stocking feet here than I have any other time in my life. When I glance up, Levon is standing an arm's length away. He reaches into the bag and pulls out a small, black velvet box. He looks down at it, his expression serious, before his eyes rise to met mine.
"First day we met... you made a big deal out o' me sayin' yer last name right. Told me it meant 'the flame'. Never forgot that. I wanted to give you something that would let you know..." Levon shrugs one shoulder and looks away. "Never was very good with words, Joe. " After a moment, he sighs, and simply hands the box to me. "Just open it."
I reach out and take the box. Opening it carefully, I am stunned by the sight that greets me. Inside is an oval silver pendant, roughly an inch long. In raised relief, outlined in gold, is a flame so well detailed it seems to dance in the light. I almost expect it to feel warm when I touch it. Etched into the flame, there are two letters, L's, scripted so that they interlock. I can't quite make out where one ends and the other begins. Describing it as beautiful would be an understatement. It's exquisite.
"You like it?" Levon asks with some hesitation. His whole body is tense, braced for rejection.
"Like it? God...Levon, it's beautiful." I breathe out in a whisper. "It's more than beautiful."
Levon's entire stance suddenly relaxes, and he smiles. "Glad you like it."
"Like it? " I reach out, pull him to me, and hug him hard. I whisper in his ear, "I love it. Thank you."
He pulls back slightly and kisses me. I reach up with one hand to cup his face and tilt his head for a better angle. My tongue probes his mouth eager to explore that wonderfully familiar territory. If I live to be a hundred, I will never get enough of tasting him.
His hands are busy pulling at my shirt. Nimble fingers rapidly unbutton it. I moan into his mouth when I feel his hands gliding over my chest. I love the feel of his hands. He works with his hands so much I almost expect them to be rough, but they never are.
"I need a shower. You wanna join me?" He asks in between kisses, nuzzling my neck.
"Sure. A shower with you sounds good."
I'm not sure how we made it down the hall because he never actually let go of me. The cowboy can be rather single minded about certain things, and getting where he wants to go is one of those things. By the time we get to the bathroom both of us have lost our shirts, and my pants are undone. Only reason his aren't also undone is because I only have one hand to work with. I manage to set the box with my present down on the bathroom vanity, and put both hands to work divesting him of his cloths.
I drink in the sight of him naked the way a man dying of thirst drinks water. He turns his back to me long enough to turn the water on. He is so lean every muscle is visible when he moves. Not over developed, just the natural definition of a physically active man. And that definition makes watching the play of light and shadow across his skin absolutely fascinating. "You are so beautiful."
Levon just shakes his head as he adjusts the water temperature in the shower. "I know what I look like. You ain't gotta flatter me, boy. Already got me where you want me. Course I got you where I want you too. Works out well for both of us."
He smiles over his shoulder at me, and I return it. I let the issue of how he looks go for now, but some day I will convince him that he is beautiful. I've got time.
Both of us get into the shower. The warm spray feels good, but not as good as Levon does. Being close to the same height makes full body contact easy. Until now I hadn't realized how much I enjoy that.
I reach up to run my fingers through his hair. Wet or dry it's incredibly soft. It's yellow silk running between my fingers. I know he likes me doing that as much as I like doing it. A small moan escapes Levon. I rub gently, massaging his scalp, and I can't help but smile what that moan becomes a purr.
Levon's nimble fingers have located the bar of soap and he is carefully lathering every inch of me. I close me eyes to better enjoy the sensation of his hands gliding smoothly over my skin. I can hear him murmuring. "Can't believe you think I'm beautiful, when I look at you there just ain't no way. You are perfect. Got this olive skin, and such a stunning body."
He is running fingers through my hair now, and I can see why he enjoys that feeling. "You have this dark hair. Feels so good to touch." I open my eyes. "And you've got those blue eyes. Cept now they are almost black." He grins at me. "Like 'em best when they look just like that."
He kisses my chin, then my cheek, and my temple. His lips ghost softly over my eyelids before finally ending up on my mouth. His touch is so gentle it's like feeling a butterfly land. Before meeting Levon, I never would have dreamed that such a soft touch could be such a turn on.
I take the soap from him and begin lathering his skin. I lavish extra attention on those wonderfully sensitive nipples of his. He is making those breathy little moans that make my skin tingle. He isn't ever loud, but he is definitely vocal. Those little moans and sighs let me know how much he is enjoying my actions. He stretches, arching into my touch just like a cat.
"Joe, I want you inside me." His voice is nothing but a husky whisper. I could be dead three days and that voice would still have the power to make me hard as a rock.
"You sure?"
"Oh yeah, I'm sure."
A stray thought runs through my mind as I lather my fingers. Until now I never realized what a wonderful lubricant soap makes. I gently insert a finger. He sighs quietly, rocking his hips slowly, and reaching out to touch my penis. I stop him.
"If you touch me, I won't last." God, the look he sends me is so damn seductive. I take a deep breath. I insert another finger. It is hard to take this slow, but I don't want to hurt him. Finally I have three fingers in him. I rub one across his prostate and am rewarded with a long full body shudder. I do it again. His whole body throbs next to me.
"Turn around." I order softly. He leans into me, making sure that he maintains full contact as he turns. I can't help the hiss of pleasure that slips out when he does that. He braces both hands against the wall. I am momentarily mesmerized at the sight of water cascading down his back.
I lather my penis. I am careful to penetrate him slowly, giving his body time to accommodate me. I wait until I feel him relax around me before I move. God he feels good. I don't think I'll ever get used to how good this feels.
I start our moving slowly, rocking my hips in time with his, letting Levon set the pace. I lean into him, reaching my arms around so I can play with his nipples. His fingers spread out against the tiles and flex in response to my touch. I can hear him panting harshly. My own breathing isn't all that steady.
"Feels so good, Joe. God... feels so... good." Levon moves a hand to touch himself, but I slap it away.
He whimpers, but puts his hand back on the wall.
I run my hand up and down his chest lightly, teasing him. He does another one of those full body shudders when I angle enough to hit his prostate with my penis.
I know he's close, and so am I. I reach down to encircle his penis. I stroke leisurely, matching the rhythm of our hips. Levon moans softly and tilts his head back. I kiss his shoulder, and bite lightly.
"You wanna come, lover?"
Levon's yes comes out as one long moan. The tempo of our movements increases. I start pumping harder and faster, Levon matching me. We are so in tune with each other that I am not sure who is setting the pace anymore.
I make sure that I am hitting his prostate every time now. That full body shudder is beginning to rock Levon repeatedly. It's almost as if his orgasm is starting as a small tremor in his toes, growing in intensity as it moves upward.
He comes in a sudden explosion. I can feel the resulting muscle contraction from inside him. My eyes roll back when my own orgasm follows. My legs feel shaky and I lean into him, trying to catch my breath. I breathe deeply, taking in the scent of his skin, wishing I could stay here forever.
It isn't long before I can feel the water beginning to cool. Levon sighs quietly when I move away and pull free. He reaches to turn off the water and I grab a towel for each of us. Levon's movements are languid as he dries off. He has that relaxed, "just-been-laid" look. I catch a glimpse of myself in the steamy mirror and grin when I realize I'm wearing the same look.
Levon hangs up his towel, and I am forced to catch my breath when he leaves the bathroom naked. I know he doesn't do it on purpose. He is so casual about his body. I suppose showering in groups when he was playing football made him less self-conscious. And I think he honestly has absolutely no idea what the sight of him naked does to me.
I run fingers through my wet hair trying to give it some semblance of order when Levon returns. He's dressed in a pair of sweats and a T-shirt. He hands me the robe I wore the first night I stayed and have worn consistently ever since. I slip into it, still amazed by how soft and warm it feels. I pick up the box and remove the pendant. I undo the clasp and reach to put it around my neck, when Levon stops me with a touch.
"Let me."
He deftly secures the clasp and then wraps his arms around me. Resting his head on my shoulder, our eyes met in the bathroom mirror. Levon smiles, his brown eyes seem to glow. "Looks good on you."
"Not as good as you do."
Levon shakes his head, and pats my chest before letting go. "You hungry?"
I consult my stomach. "I could eat."
"Good." He moves away and heads for the kitchen.
I look in the mirror again. The pendant seems to glow next to my skin. In this light, I'm fairly certain the flame dances. I am still stunned that he had someone make this for me. The design is perfect, and the entire piece is suitably understated that I can wear it all that time. Which is good because I don't plan to ever take it off. Smiling, I join Levon in the kitchen to see what he's found that qualifies as dinner.
Later that night I am lying in bed with Levon, running my fingers through his hair. He is all but asleep, and I can feel his body going boneless next to me. I snuggle in closer, reveling in how good it feels.
"Thank you."
"Fer what?"
"Everything." I can feel his smile against my skin. He shifts slightly, turning so he can make eye contact. He searches my face for a minute.
"You, Joseph LaFiamma, are very welcome." He closes his eyes, and relaxes even further into me.
"Hmm." He opens sleepy eyes to look at me again.
"I love you."
"Love you, too, Joe."
I relax completely. I know I will sleep well tonight.
The end
Please bear in mind that these are fictional characters. I do not recommend or condone unsafe sexual practices. Real life can be deadly.