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Fandom: | Houston Knights |
Series: | Other Authors |
Rating: | PG-13 |
Pairing: | Joe/Levon |
Archive: | Starwinder's |
Title: | Welcome Home |
Author: | Katherine Lehman |
e-mail: | ksl2025@yahoo.com |
Standard Disclaimer: Houston Knights belongs to Jay Bernstein and Michael Butler and Columbia Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended. This is fan fiction, written out of love for the shows. I am making no money off this. I have no money so please don't sue me. Any original characters that may appear in these stories are the property of the author. |
Things between [...] and/or in italics indicate thoughts.
Welcome Home
Summary: Joe is gone for a bit, and when he comes home he and Levon hash out how they feel about one another.
Levon Lundy sighed softly as he closed the door to his house. He leaned against the door for a moment, letting the peace and quiet of his home wash over him. It had been a long, exhausting day at Reisner. The damn phone never seemed to stop ringing and the noise of multiple conversations, printers, moving bodies and God only knew what else had seemed to echo and reverberate in his skull, giving him a headache he couldn't get rid of. It didn't help that his partner, Joseph LaFiamma, was gone all week.
He missed having his partner around. Missed being able to talk to him, trade ideas back and forth and work through the puzzle pieces of a case until the picture became clear. Levon even missed their arguments. A little voice inside kept telling him he missed LaFiamma more than he should. That he missed just looking at Joe, taking in the classical features and the beauty of his olive skin, dark hair and blue eyes. That what he really missed was the ready smile and mercurial moods more than anything else. That those longings and desires he'd been keeping hidden needed to be addressed and dealt with. He rubbed a hand over his face and ruthlessly tried to tell the little voice in his head to shut the hell up.
Levon sighed heavily again and shook his head. //That boy has dated more women in a month than I ever considered in my entire life. He ain't gonna be interested in knowing I got feelings for him. Better he never find out. Can handle seein' him with a new lady on his arm all the time. Not sure I could handle never seein' him. And that's jus' what would happen if he knew I got the hots for him.//
Levon told himself he didn't begrudge Joe this opportunity when it came up, even if it meant he was on his own for a bit. He'd actively encouraged his partner, knowing it would be a good thing for Joe. Something that would enhance his career and he honestly thought Joe was a good candidate. He resolutely ignored that little voice that piped up to point out some time away from Joe might help him get a handle on his feelings that were threatening to escape, time to find a way to bottle them up rather than give into them.
Someone in the governor's office had decided it would be a good idea to begin grooming members of law enforcement in how to handle multi-lingual and cultural related issues, someone who could act as a liaison if the need arose. Levon didn't think it was a bad idea given the increasing number of immigrants of various nationalities. Before he started working with Joe he might not have agreed with that sentiment. But since he and the former Chicago cop had partnered up almost two years ago, Levon realized his Ameri-centric view of expecting immigrants to learn English and abandon their own cultural traditions and habits was unrealistic, to put it lightly. And he knew firsthand just how difficult it was to help people who had long standing fears of those in law enforcement, who didn't speak the same language and had a completely different view of how the world was supposed to work.
So when the governor's office began looking for volunteers to attend a nationwide conference that focused on addressing those issues, Levon encouraged Joe to sign up. He figured that Joe was a shoe-in. LaFiamma spoke four or five languages and had displayed a respect and understanding for other cultures that Levon doubted anyone else on the force could match.
Levon pushed off the door and headed for the kitchen. He wasn't hungry; his appetite had been non-existent the past few days and food seemed unappealing. He knew he ought to eat something, but couldn't seem to work up the interest in it. With a shrug, he pulled a beer from the fridge and moved to settle into his favorite recliner in the living room.
As the states with the greatest interest and largest number of minority groups, New York, California and Florida had all vied for the opportunity to hold the conference. Levon wasn't sure of what all went into deciding where it was held. All he really knew was that the final decision was Florida. When he found out it would be in Orlando, Levon took it upon himself to do something he never thought he'd ever do. He called Joe's uncle Mikey to ask for a personal favor.
Levon doubted his partner even knew he had Michael LaFiamma's number. He was pretty sure the mob boss didn't know he had it if the reaction to his call was anything to go by. Levon chuckled remembering that conversation. Once he'd assured the older man that Joe wasn't hurt or in any trouble, he'd been able to explain why he called and what is was he wanted.
Even though Joe was settling into life in Houston, he still missed his family something fierce. Given how often he spoke of them it was easy to understand how fond Joe was of his nieces and nephews, how much he regretted not being able to visit and see them growing up. Not without some hesitation, Levon suggested to Uncle Mickey that there would be a good time to take the numerous little LaFiammas that Joe spoke of so fondly and so often to visit 'the happiest place on earth'. It was neutral territory and wouldn't raise any eyebrows among the subset of the Mafia that Mikey had made a deal with keeping Joe alive, but unable to ever return to Chicago. He knew he wasn't really telling Mikey anything he didn't already know by relaying how much Joe missed his family, that he was lonely and how much it would mean to Joe if Mikey could pull this off.
Levon knew that Joe was supposed to be working at the week long conference and would likely not have much free time. So he suggested to Mikey the Friday the conference was do to finish and the following weekend as being a good time. He told the older man that once he knew for certain they were going, he could make arrangements in Houston to get Joe a few days off. He even knew someone with the airline who could rebook Joe on a flight from Friday to early Tuesday.
Levon sipped his beer and settled more deeply into the recliner. Their supervisor, Joanne Beaumont, had not trouble with agreeing to the time, but she was adamant the shifts were covered. He knew she wouldn't have been such a hard ass about that if it hadn't been for the recent bout of flu making them short handed. Having to work a few double shifts was a small price to pay to make sure Joe could have time with his family.
As he relaxed, Levon realized he might have to reevaluate his definition of a few. Lord but he was tired. A week's worth of double shifts, of not getting more than four hours of sleep a night had taken their toll. Still, it beat the hell out of moping around the house. He knew himself well enough to know he was better off working than sitting around the house missing Joe and pining for what would never be. Staying active got him through the long hours and kept him focused.
The headache he came home with still pounded behind his eyes. He briefly considered getting up to get some aspirin but decided it was too much effort. //Just a few more days o' this. Then Joe is back.// Levon couldn't ignore the burst of warmth that he felt thinking how good it would be to see his partner again. //You are pathetic, boy.//
Levon snorted. He hadn't really thought ten days would be enough to rid himself of his feelings. If anything it just made it worse because it only served to emphasize that what he felt was more than simple lust. If it was just lust he could find a workable substitute, exorcise this demon and moved on. If it was just lust he knew it would have faded with time, would have eased off after awhile. Instead, he was in over his head and Levon knew it. He cursed mentally but without any real heat.
Levon downed the rest of his beer in one long swallow. He almost wished he'd grabbed something stronger, but was glad he hadn't. In five hours he had to be back at Reisner for another shift and he couldn't do that if he got as blind, stinking drunk as he really would like to.
He levered himself out of the recliner, swaying slightly before he found his balance. Levon frowned at the bottle in his hand. One beer should have that much of an effect. //Must be even more tired than I thought.// It would certainly explain why every muscle in his body ached. //I'm getting too damn old for this stuff.//
He left the bottle on the counter as he made his way to the bedroom. Levon didn't bother turning on the lights. He knew where everything was and easily navigated his way through the house. He didn't bother to do more than toe out of his boots before lying down. It felt so good to just stretch out. Levon snuggled into his pillow. //Hope Joe is having a good time.// He fell asleep with a smile knowing full well his partner was probably enjoying himself immensely.
Joe LaFiamma skipped down the spiral stairs from his bedroom. He felt great. With determined effort he tried to ignore the fact that his lighthearted mood was in large part do to the fact that his partner would be picking him up in a few minutes.
He'd called Levon at home when he got in last night eager to talk to him, but there had been no answer. Knowing there were a limited number of places the blonde could be, he called the office first. Sure enough that was where he found him. Joe was disappointed that they didn't get to talk long. The conversation was just long enough for Levon to offer to pick up him today saying they could talk then. Even though Joe had his car back, he preferred letting Levon drive the Jimmy for work stuff, so he was quick to agree. Having Levon drive meant he could take in things, see what if anything had changed in his absence.
Joe shook his head, amused with the turn of events that made up his life. A place he once despised was rapidly becoming what he thought of as home. And a man he thought he'd never be able to tolerate was his best friend. More than his best friend really and yet so much less than what Joe wanted.
He slapped himself mentally. //Do not go there, Joey. Safer not to. The cowboy doesn't play for both teams, so just let it go.//
Joe poured himself a cup of coffee. It was good to be back in his own place after being gone for ten days. //No place like home.// Joe chuckled. //Never in a million years did I ever expect to think of Houston as home.//
He'd enjoyed the conference a great deal. Initially, he'd expected to be disappointed, thinking it would be little more than lip service with no real intent to change anything. But most of the attendees honestly wanted to learn better approaches and techniques for dealing with problems they had little understanding of. All of them were eager to discuss methods, options and make contact that would prove useful in the future. He'd been rather pleased with how the conference turned out.
What pleased him even more was that his partner arranged to have his family come visit him in Orlando. He knew he was grinning like a loon, but he couldn't bring himself to care. It hadn't even occurred to him to ask his family about making that sort of trip. And in all honesty, if it had occurred to him, he'd have been hesitant to ask, afraid the answer would be no. Uncle Mikey had brusquely told him not to call any more. And while Joe knew that was directed at 'business' related things, he hesitated to push it. Three days of playing with his nieces and nephews, of large family dinners with his siblings and conversations about what had happened since he'd left had him feeling better than he had in a long time.
//Funny thing...forgot how noisy they could be when all together. Forgot how much Vinnie annoyed me, how pushy Angela could be, how much Stephen is like his father and how exhausting little kids are.// Joe smiled softly as he sipped his coffee still walking on cloud nine that he'd gotten the chance to be reminded of those things. It had been a great three days. He'd have to find a way to thank Levon.
Joe chuckled thinking the only way the trip could have been better was if Levon had been with him. He couldn't believe how much he'd missed the Texan while he was gone. During the conference he found himself constantly expecting Levon to be next to him. Found himself looking over his shoulder ready to share an observation, comment or opinion. More than once he considered picking up the phone, but through sheer force of will he kept himself from doing so. //What the hell was I supposed to say? I just called to hear the sound of your voice...true as that may be, I sure as hell couldn't say that.//
And when is family showed up, surprising the hell out of him, Joe really wanted Levon there so he could introduce his partner to his family and his family to his partner. He had wanted the people who meant the world to him to get to know each other. He'd been flabbergasted when Vinnie told him Levon had arranged it all, even rebooking his flight and covering the cost for changing his reservation. Joe would never have expected his frugal partner to do that. It made him feel warm all over to know the lengths Levon had gone just for him.
Joe took a deep breath and tried to rein in his wayward thoughts. Thanking Levon over the phone just didn't seem right. This was definitely the sort of thing he wanted to do in person...not that it really mattered since repeated efforts to get in touch with Levon during those three days had been futile. All he'd been able to do was leave messages and somehow it didn't feel right having someone else say thank you for him. So all he said in his message was to let Levon know everything was fine and he was enjoying himself immensely. He knew it would be enough to convey how good having spending time with his family made him feel, but it didn't even come close to letting Levon know just how grateful he was for the effort Levon put into making it happen.
He smiled when he heard a knock at the door. //Get a chance to thank him now.// Joe left his cup on the counter as he went to open the door. He took a minute to control his breathing and expression. It wouldn't do for him to just latch on to Lundy and hug the stuffing out of him like he wanted to.
"Hey, Lundy." He greeted his partner casually as he opened the door wide, knowing full well he all but radiated good humor and contentment and not the least bit concerned. There was no way his partner could tell a fair bit of that was because he was back in Houston and not because he'd met with his family. Even though he might have good control over his emotions, Joe knew full well he was never going to win at poker. To appear placid and unaffected was just not his nature and doing so would raise more eyebrows than if he were to suddenly burst into song and dance.
"About damn time you got here. " He made a show of looking at his watch, knowing full well his time conscious partner was never late. If anything the man was usually early, something Joe routinely grumbled about since he tended to run late. "Feel like I've been waiting for days here."
Levon was leaning against the doorframe, white Stetson tipped back slightly, the faint sparkle in his brown eyes would have easily relayed his amusement even if he hadn't been smiling. "From yer mood, I'm guessing you had a good trip?"
"I had a great trip." Joe corrected with a grin. Before he could stop himself he was pulling Levon toward him and embracing him tightly. "Thank you, Cowboy. Being able to see them all was wonderful. Know it's not enough, but thank you. I really mean it."
"Figured ya did." Levon chuckled warmly, making Joe's skin tingle at the sound. The Texan patted his back lightly. "Glad ya enjoyed yerself. Now you wanna let go so I can breathe?"
Joe really didn't want to let go. The hug had been impulsive but he didn't regret it. He committed the moment to memory, enjoying being so close. //Might have to find an excuse to do it again.// Reluctantly he let go. He pushed the door closed and turned to look at Levon, really look at him for the first time since he left.
"Jesus, Mary and Joseph," Joe bit out, surprised by what he saw. Levon was normally fair skinned, but right at the moment Joe thought he looked decidedly pale, almost ashen. Dark shadows under his eyes looked more like bruises and fine lines of exhaustion that bracketed his eyes and mouth added to his worn, haggard appearance. Joe's eyes were drawn to Levon's. The usually lively golden brown orbs were dull and red-rimmed.
Sharp blue eyes scanned his partner and were quick to note Levon had lost weight. Not a great deal, but on the Texan's lean, wiry frame even a few pounds were easily noticed. Joe had wondered more than once how the man managed to stay so thin given what he ate. He seemed to thrive on sugar and caffeine, eating small meals throughout the day usually courtesy of the vending machine and consuming large quantities of coffee. Whereas Joe had to watch what he ate and exercise regularly to stay trim, Joe figured that his partner had a higher metabolism, one that required frequent inputs to keep the fire stoked and maintain an even weight.
"What the hell happened to you?" Joe demanded.
Levon raised an eyebrow. "Nothin'."
"Nothing." Joe repeated with a snort. "You look like death warmed over."
Levon rolled his eyes. "And yer looking good yourself, LaFiamma."
"I'm serious." Joe's brow furled concern evident in his voice. He reached out to cup Levon's cheek, not thinking of how intimate the gesture was. His frown deepened feeling more heat than he should have.
"You feel okay?" Blue eyes searched brown.
"I'm fine." Levon stated firmly.
"Bullshit." Joe scowled. He and Levon frequently butted heads and he knew from experience that if he didn't call his partner on that obvious lie now, he wouldn't get the chance to later. Levon had a loose definition of 'fine' where his health was concerned, one that didn't often agree with Joe's.
"LaFiamma," Levon growled, "We're gonna be late."
"So what? I've been gone ten days, what's another ten minutes?" Joe moved his hand to Levon's forehead, pushing back the ever-present hat even further, only to have it be slapped away. Joe neatly avoided Levon's attempt and snagged the hat. He knew the Texan wouldn't leave without the damn thing. He never went anywhere without it.
"Joe." Levon's tone was an odd blend of irritation and amusement. "I know you wanna play but we ain't got time for this."
"I'm not playing." Joe glared at him. //All the pigheaded, stubborn son of a bitch has to do is admit something is wrong. We aren't going anywhere until I find out that he's really okay.//
Levon reached out to grab his hat back and Joe moved swiftly out of reach. He feinted to the left and Levon followed. His partner was always able anticipate the moves he made. It was one of the reasons they worked so well together.
They hadn't gotten into a physical confrontation since the first night Joe arrived in Houston. That night they'd gone beyond just words, fighting it out in the rain, beating each other to a standstill. Funny thing, but from there on out they had established a mutual respect that had set the tone for the rest of their partnership, despite the numerous arguments they had. Joe expected Levon to keep up or even stay ahead of him. The cowboy was usually quicker than Joe, but Joe was more agile generally making them an even match.
Joe moved right and then spun. Levon darted to one side in a move that should have put him in a good position to follow through and end this quasi-friendly tussle. Except that Levon's knees buckled and he lost all color, eyes starting to roll back in his head. If Joe hadn't been as quick or as close as he was, Levon would likely have ended up on the floor. As it was Joe just managed to catch him, holding him close, supporting most of his weight.
"Easy, Cowboy...easy. I gotcha."
Levon swallowed hard, throat working convulsively. He nodded his head against Joe's shoulder. "That was mean." His voice came out in a harsh whisper.
Joe smiled softly. "Yeah, well, you weren't going to admit something is wrong."
"I'm fine."
Joe shook his head. "If you were fine, I wouldn't be the only thing keeping you upright."
Levon sighed. He didn't lift his head from Joe's shoulder so when he spoke his voice was still muffled but clear enough to be heard. "Point."
"Now tell me the truth," Joe insisted quietly, "you feel okay?"
"I'm just tired."
Joe shook his head. He knew it was more than that, but at least it was a start. His right hand rose to cradle the back of Levon's head. His fingers gently massaged the tense neck through the soft nape of curls. "And you are this tired are seven thirty in the morning because...?"
"Worked double shifts while you were gone."
Joe raised both eyebrows. Working a long or double shifts wasn't uncommon for them when on a case, but Levon was supposed to be riding a desk while he was gone. Paperwork didn't require overtime. No one was ever supposed to be on the street alone. It wasn't safe, and it went against standard operating procedure. Beaumont was firm on that point. //So what the hell was Levon doing working double shifts for ten days? I find out Beaumont let him on the streets alone, work himself into this state and there will be hell to pay.//
"Why the long hours?" He kept his voice neutral with an effort, betraying none of his rising anger.
"Short handed." Levon sighed again. "Needed people ta hold down the fort."
Joe frowned. When he'd left there were plenty of people on duty. //But then I wasn't supposed to be gone more than a week.// "You worked extra hours because I was gone longer than I was supposed to be." He didn't ask, already knowing the answer. //Goddammit.//
Levon moved to push away from Joe, but the former Chicago cop easily prevented that, continuing to keep him against his chest. He wasn't ready to relinquish his hold just yet. "Shhh...it's alright." He lightly rubbed Levon's back.
"Weren't just cause you were gone." Levon shook his head, turning his face so that his voice was clearer, although not really any louder. "Don't go getting all guilty, LaFiamma. Flu bug going around hit right after ya left."
The office being short-handed would certainly explain why he could never seem to leave a message with any one he knew. It also cleared up why he couldn't get Levon on the phone while he'd been in Orlando. He took a deep breath and after making sure his partner was again steady on his feet, Joe forced himself let go. He cocked his head, blue eyes meeting brown squarely.
"How long has it been since you got a full night's sleep?"
Levon waved a hand in a dismissive gesture. "Don't matter."
"Wrong answer." Joe shook his head. //Everything about you matters.// "How long?"
Levon's jaw tightened stubbornly, but Joe knew him well enough to know he wasn't likely to fight for much longer. Joe waited, gaze unyielding. The Texan grimaced and finally gave in. "Day after you left."
"And the last time you ate a real meal?"
"Don't know."
Joe raised an eyebrow at that. //Knowing him, he really doesn't know. Which means it's been way too damn long.//
"Okay...here's what we are going to do." Joe pointed a finger at Levon. "First...you are calling in sick."
"Now wait just one damn-"
"You. Are. Calling. In. Sick." Joe stated again emphasizing each word, overriding and silencing Levon's protest. "You couldn't keep up with me here." He waved a hand to indicate his foyer. "You sure as hell are in no shape to back me up on the job."
Levon flinched and Joe knew his last statement was a low blow. Still it was one that would have the desired effect. //Lundy might not pay attention to his own health, but he would never do anything to jeopardize anyone else. Certainly not some one he thinks of as a friend, and definitely not his partner.//
"Then you are going to eat something."
"Not hungry."
Blue eyes narrowed. "You can't remember the last time you ate." His tone was flat, uncompromising, letting Lundy know he wasn't going to back down on this point or argue about it either. "Hungry or not, you are going to eat something."
Not getting any further argument, Joe continued, his tone softer. "And you need to get some sleep, Lundy. You may not be sick...but you definitely need to get some rest. I wasn't kidding, partner, you look awful."
"I'm beginnin' ta think arrangin' for you to see yer family was a bad idea." Levon smiled slightly. "Don't remember you being this pushy when ya left."
"I was always pushy. Family or not. You just notice it more now because I was gone for a bit." Joe grinned, relieved that Lundy was giving in so easily and pleased that he was not going to hold his dictatorial stance against him.
"Might be right, boy." Levon chuckled, before he raised one hand to rub tiredly at his eyes.
"Might be?" Joe shook his head. //No might about it.// He stepped toward the counter, snagged the cordless phone, and handed it to Levon. "You call the office while I make you something to eat."
"Joe, I can jus' head home." Levon frowned, half turning toward the door. "You don't need ta go to any trouble. Jus' make ya late ta work."
"I'm always late." Joe shrugged unconcerned. He put out a hand to halt any move Levon might have made to leave. "No one expects me to show up on time unless you pick me up." That was another reason he had agreed to Levon picking him up. Somehow time always got away from him when he was on his own. It probably didn't help that he was more of a night owl than a morning person.
"And it's no trouble." Joe added. //Let you leave and I know you'll skip eating just like you've been doing. And that's not going to happen.//
"Sit." Joe pointed toward one of the kitchen chairs. He tapped the phone in Levon's hand. "Call the office."
Levon rolled his eyes, but moved to take a seat. "Ya gonna teach me ta play dead too?"
Joe smirked. "We'll see how well you learn the basics before I move on to the advanced stuff."
Levon dialed the phone. Joe was pretty sure he'd dialed directly to Beaumont's office. He might have called the desk sergeant, but Joe knew that to Lundy would see that as the coward's way out. His partner had too much respect for their boss not to talk to her directly and let her know the score. Joe's suspicion was confirmed a moment later when Levon addressed their supervisor by name.
"It's Lundy. Yeah." Levon nodded to something she said even though she couldn't see the gesture. Joe knew he was guilty of doing the same thing all the time.
"I'm not gonna make it in today." Levon closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose between forefinger and thumb.
//And if I have anything to say about it, you won't be in tomorrow either.// Joe headed for the refrigerator. He pulled out the orange juice and poured a glass.
"Yep....no....okay." Levon sighed. Joe wondered just what their boss was asking him. He couldn't tell much from just his partner's side of the conversation. For the first time he wished their boss was the sort to shout over the phone. //She can raise the roof when she's reading us a riot act in person, but over the phone she's always civil, quiet even. Wonder if I should start arranging to have our case briefings over the phone.//
"Jus' call it a personal day."
Joe frowned hearing that. //Personal day? We get sick days and I know he hasn't used any yet this year. No for him not to take one of those...unless he's just being pig headed and still doesn't want to admit to being sick.//
Levon handed the phone to Joe. "She wants ta talk to you."
Joe realized at some point one of the questions Beaumont had asked was if he was around. He handed Levon the glass of juice. "Why does she want to talk to me?"
Levon shrugged, and offered him the phone. "Ask her."
"Yeah, Lieutenant?"
"He's sick isn't he?" It wasn't really a question.
Joe raised an eyebrow. "You knew?"
"He didn't look too good yesterday. Thought he might have caught the flu."
Joe resisted the urge to snarl at her. //If you knew he was sick why the hell didn't you send him home!! Tell him to take a day off!!// He forced himself to take a deep breath, and let it out slowly. His voice was nicely even when he spoke. "I'll be in a little late."
"You taking care of him?"
"Yeah." //Someone has to.//
"Take your time then." There was a short pause. "For the record, Joey, I did try to send him home yesterday. He wouldn't leave."
Joe chuckled, wondering if more anger than he realized had leaked into his voice earlier. "I'm that predictable?"
"Just to those of us who know you." He could hear the smile in her voice. "Make sure Levon takes care of himself. He'll listen to you."
Joe felt himself warm at that, unaccountably pleased. "Will do."
"See you when you get in. I expect to get a full briefing on the conference."
"Sure thing, Lieutenant." Joe hung up, and put the cordless phone back in its cradle.
"She okay with you being late?" Levon asked quietly. Joe realized his partner probably hadn't heard any more than just his side of the conversation. He smiled thinking it ironic that he was now grateful for what he'd found frustrating just a few moments ago.
"Yeah, yeah, she's okay with it." Joe shook his head. His smile turned fond knowing full well Levon was asking to make sure Joe hadn't had any trouble on his account. "Drink your juice."
Joe didn't fail to notice the slightly greenish cast to his partner's complexion as he took a few sips. //Definitely can't give him anything heavy to eat. Don't want to upset his stomach any more than it probably already is. Wouldn't surprise me if he had decided that going hungry was preferable to throwing up.//
Joe settled on two pieces of buttered toast, thinking they were a start. //Keeps that down okay we can move on to something else.// He pulled a bottle of aspirin from off the same shelf he kept his vitamins on, and a bottle of water from the fridge. He offered those to Levon as well. The cowboy took three aspirin without complaint and abandoned the juice in favor of water.
Levon nibbled on the toast, taking frequent sips of water with it. He finished one piece before pushing the plate away. Judging by the look on his face, Joe decided not to push it. //Ate something anyway. Better than nothing.//
He put a strong hand under Levon's arm to help him to his feet. "C'mon, Cowboy, lets get you somewhere to lay down." Joe had fully expected Levon to protest, to try to shake off his hold. The fact that he didn't was proof enough of how bad he had to be feeling.
Joe considered the couch before dismissing it. It wasn't a bad place to sleep for taking a nap, but he had the feeling that once Levon laid down, he'd be sleeping for a good long while. A few hours at least. //And my couch isn't the place to do that. Not if you don't want to wake up a cripple.// Joe steered Levon toward the stairs and the Texan resisted.
"Joe, what are ya doing?"
"You'll be more comfortable upstairs."
"The couch is fine."
Joe was relieved Levon was not pushing to leave. Until now he hadn't been entirely convinced he'd won that argument. Although, he should have expected the cowboy to fight him on lying down on his bed. He suspected Levon had intended to nap, not really sleep and the couch would have been fine for that. //Just have to convince him otherwise.//
"You know that couch sucks to sleep on."
Levon gave him an exasperated look. "Why the hell you would have a piece o' furniture that ain't comfortable is beyond me."
"Because it looks good." Joe answered, his tone reasonable. "I didn't buy it to sleep on."
Levon snorted. "That's for damn sure."
"Well, since you agree with me quit being stubborn and get up the stairs."
"Bossy son-of-a-bitch, ain't ya?" Levon muttered. But the curse had no real heat and Joe wasn't offended. They'd called each other far worse on more than one occasion.
The Texan still hesitated for a moment before giving in. Joe stayed close, ready to steady him if need be. He knew Levon likely didn't need his help, but he couldn't force himself to back off. He had the perfect excuse to invade Levon's personal space and he knew he wasn't man enough not to take full advantage of it. He might not get another chance to be this close.
He followed Levon up the spiral stairs, one hand resting lightly on the small of his partner's back. He told himself firmly not to look at Levon's ass. Told himself not to let his hand slip to pat that tempting target, to cup those sweetly rounded hemispheres. With concerted effort Joe tried not to be conscious of the feel of firm muscle beneath his supporting hand, tried not to wonder what it would feel like to caress the smooth skin hidden beneath Levon's shirt. At the top of the stair, Joe lightly pushed Levon toward the bed, reluctant to let go, but knowing he needed to put some distance between them before he did something stupid.
He was glad he'd taken the time to make the bed that morning. Normally he just rolled out, and left the covers flipped back. It didn't seem worth the trouble to straighten it up, particularly when he was usually running late. //Least I won't look like a complete slob.//
Levon sat on the bed. He looked amused as he glanced toward Joe. "You plan on tuckin' me in, do ya?"
"Might not be a bad idea." Joe smirked, and then had to take a deep breath as the image of tucking in with Levon suddenly came to mind. He shivered imaging full body contact, skin to skin. He mentally slapped himself and forced his mind away from that picture.
"Git." Levon made a shooing motion with his hand. "I can handle it from here."
"You sure you don't need help?" Joe hesitated not ready to leave.
Levon seemed to freeze for a moment and then rolled his eyes. "Been going to bed for years, LaFiamma." His tone was dry. "Think I got the hang of it."
Joe felt himself flush slightly. He shot back sarcastically, "Yeah, well it looks like you got out of the habit of doing it lately."
Levon sighed and raised one hand to his temple, fingertips rubbing in a slow circle. Joe was immediately sorry for snapping at him. //Always do that. Seems like we spend more time sparring than anything else. I've got to get a handle on how I feel so I quit snapping at him. Won't ever want to spend more time with me if he thinks all I'm interested in doing is snarling at him.//
Levon toed off his boots. He sent a contrite look toward Joe. Joe had yet to figure out how the Texan could manage to combine an apology and a reprimand in one look. Or better yet, how he could make it be so effective on both fronts.
"Go to work, Joe." It was more of a request than an order.
"Yeah, yeah." Joe turned to leave, and then turned back. "Give me your keys."
Brown eyes looked at him in surprise. "Come again?"
"Your keys." Joe held out his hand.
Levon frowned, brow furled in confusion. "Why?"
"I leave you here with transportation and you'll end up at the office before the day is out." Joe smiled slightly taking the sting out of his statement, hoping not to offend Levon with his blunt honesty. "Besides, this way I know you'll be here when I get back so I can tell you all about my trip."
"The kids have a good time?" Levon asked with a small grin. The cowboy looked just a touch smug. //And with good reason. Was a very nice thing he did.//
"They had a great time. I'll tell you all about it after work." Joe promised before he made a 'gimme' motion with his fingers. "Keys."
Levon dug them out of his pocket, and tossed his keys lightly to Joe. "You take it, instead o' your fancy car, better not be any dings, ya hear?"
"Just because I wrecked the Jeep-"
"Gives me every right to jerk yer chain about the Jimmy." Levon finished for him, his grin widening.
Joe sighed heavily, more for effect than anything else. He knew full well Levon had gotten over his totaling the Jeep. His partner just liked to needle him about it whenever he got the chance. And it worked every time in part because the accident had been stupid, and Joe was still embarrassed by it.
"You are a real pain in the ass."
"So you keep telling me." Levon laughed and pulled the comforter back. Joe's breath caught when he realized that his partner was probably about to strip out of his clothes. Sleeping in jeans was not the most comfortable way to rest. He swallowed hard as another of those stray thoughts assault him. Joe pictured slowly stripping Levon of his clothing, tasting each inch of skin as it was revealed, seeing that pale skin flush, hearing breathy moans of pleasure. He was shaken out of his reverie when Levon spoke.
"G'on, LaFiamma. Get outta here."
Joe nodded. //Get a hold of yourself, Joey. No more fantasies. Just quit it.// He turned to go, before he did something foolish like ignore his mental chastise and tried to join Levon in the bed.
Levon stretched out, luxuriating in the comfortable nest he'd made of Joe's dark gray down comforter before curling up again. He sighed and contemplated getting up before dismissing the idea. It felt good to just lay still and enjoy being able to relax. //Joe's couch might double as a torture devise, but there's nothin' wrong with his bed.//
Initially, he'd intended to sleep for an hour, maybe two. Levon figured that would be enough to appease Joe. He didn't really have a plan for what to do after that, but he figured it could wait until it wasn't quite so hard to keep his eyes open. Right at the moment he couldn't seem to muster the energy to do more than get even more settled.
Until seeing Joe, Levon hadn't realized how tense he'd been while his partner had been gone. Just seeing Joe happy and whole had made him feel like a huge weight had been lifted, like the sun had come out after being gone for days. He hadn't even thought to object when Joe had pulled him into a tight hug. It had taken all his willpower not to return the embrace with equal intensity. It took a lot to force the hug to end far sooner than he would have preferred.
//Course, I'd a hung on all day if I thought I coulda got away with it.// Levon shook his head, snuggling further into the pillow as he did so. //Was nice while it lasted.//
He hadn't expected Joe to notice he wasn't feeling one hundred percent, much less call him on it. //Should have known better. Boy is just too observant to not see things.// Levon smiled slightly thinking with a sense of pride that Joe's attention to details had improved their case closure rate considerably.
If he should have expected Joe to notice his health, he never would have expected him to instigate a game of keep away just to prove his point. Levon sighed softy remembering how he whole room seemed to tilt wildly at that moment before tunnel vision had started to set in. He was grateful Joe had caught him since ending up on the floor would have been embarrassing as well as painful. And being held within the circle of those strong arms, resting against Joe knowing his partner wouldn't let him fall had been decidedly reassuring. It was more than reassuring; it was damn near heaven despite the fact that he felt like crap.
He'd balked when Joe had lead him to the stairs, suddenly uncomfortable with the idea of sleeping in Joe's bed. Levon was sure it was an innocent suggestion on Joe's part, one made out of honest concern for his comfort and well being, never mind what it did to his libido. He also knew if he fought too hard, made a mountain out of a molehill, he'd have to explain himself and that was not something he was prepared to do. He wasn't even sure if he could even find the right words, so it was easier to go along with Joe than to fight him.
Sitting on the bed, when Joe had asked if he needed help, Levon had flashed on all the things he'd like Joe to help him with. Not one of them had a thing to do with sleeping. He'd gotten sarcastic and kept his tone dry hoping Joe wouldn't notice that he'd frozen trying to ignore the images that had immediately popped up before his mind's eye.
He regretted doing that when Joe snapped back at him. It seemed like they spent a lot of time snarling at one another. It wasn't how he wanted things to be between them, just how they always seemed to be.
Oddly enough on the job it worked well. Their arguments were usually productive, outlining different view points, scenarios, cataloging details and observations. Levon didn't mind that they went at each other hard as a part of the job. What bothered him is that he fell back on it as a coping mechanism for when his secret desire was in danger of becoming obvious.
//Gotta get a grip on myself, and quit snarling at him. Ain't fair ta take it out on Joe. Not his fault everything about him just gets to me.// Levon made a promise to himself. He wasn't going to use anger like as a shield any more. //Just have to find another way.//
He took a deep breath and smiled when he was assaulted by Joe's scent. It was just one more thing he'd come to miss while his partner was out of town. He'd never been able to pin down all the components of the fragrance. It wasn't like anything else he knew of, and it just said 'Joe' to him. Levon didn't even want to think about what it meant that he'd been trying to pin down exactly what the fragrance was almost from the day he'd met Joe.
Levon knew he had a golden opportunity to explore Joe's apartment and learn more about the man, but he didn't give the thought serious consideration. It would be too much like invading Joe's privacy to go snooping around his place when the man obviously trusted him. And it would mean getting up, something he just didn't feel like doing.
Levon glanced at the clock. He was surprised to see he'd slept over four hours. //Feels like I could go for another four.// Even though he'd like to do just that other issues were making themselves know. With a resigned sigh, Levon sat up carefully not wanting to reawaken the headache that had finally left him for the first time in days, and swung his feet off the bed. He shivered, goose bumps appearing as his bare skin made him conscious of the temperature change. He made his way to the bathroom and took care of business.
His stomach rumbled as he washed his hands. Not really hungry, but thinking the toast he'd eaten earlier had seemed to settle well, another piece probably wouldn't hurt. Levon snagged the bathrobe Joe had hanging from a hook on the inside of the bathroom door. He hoped Joe wouldn't mind him borrowing it briefly. Just seemed pointless to get dressed to go downstairs when he fully intended to come back up and sleep some more.
Levon made his way down the stairs holding on to the rail when the room tilted again for a moment. He closed his eyes and waited until his balance was sufficiently steady to navigate without fear of falling. //Be mighty damn glad what that stops happening.//
He had a piece of buttered toast, half a banana and finished off another bottle of water. Levon ate slowly, cautiously, not wanting to deal with any bouts of nausea like the ones that had plagued him off and on for the past two days. He left the bottle on the counter next to the other one Joe had given him earlier. Plate and knife joined their siblings in the sink.
Levon briefly tossed around the idea of watching TV on the couch, but dismissed it. //Know there is nothing good on TV this time o' day. No point in turnin' the thing on.// He yawned and made his way back upstairs more than ready to just lay down again and sleep.
Levon put the robe back where he'd found it and made use of the mouth was on the counter. He would have liked to brush his teeth just so he didn't wake up again with that fuzzy mouth feel, but without a toothbrush handy he figured the mouthwash to be the next best thing. He went back to the bed, crawled in and snuggled back into the down comforter. The bed was still warm and he sighed enjoying the feeling of slipping into an already warm bed. Houston wasn't exactly a place where one had to worry about being cold, but Levon had felted chilled ever since he'd gotten up.
//Wonder when Joe will be back? Should probably get my butt outta his bed 'for he does.// Levon glanced at the clock and figured he had plenty of time. He closed his eyes, and relaxed as sleep once again claimed him.
Joe slipped quietly into his apartment, closing the door silently behind him. He didn't know if Levon would be up or not, but didn't see any reason to wake him if he wasn't. Joe left his keys in their usual place in the small bowl on the table near the door. The TV was off, no radio...in fact the place was pretty much as it had been when he left. Joe nodded to himself. //He must still be sleeping.//
He wandered in to the kitchen and noted the second empty bottle on the counter with approval. It meant that Levon was at least getting some fluids. He was pleased to see another small plate and knife in the sink. //Wonder what he ate? Couldn't have been much. Probably better to take it slow. A full meal wouldn't sit well after eating so little for days.//
Joe headed up the stairs on cat soft feet. He paused inside the doorway. If it weren't for the vaguely Levon sized lump and the barely visible blonde head, he'd never know anyone was even in the bed.
Joe silently made his way closer. Looking down on his sleeping partner, he smiled fondly. //Sure looks better than he did this morning. Looks like he slept most of the day away. Good.//
Knowing he'd likely never get another chance to just watch Levon sleep, his face open and unguarded, Joe carefully sat on the bed. The usual intensity that Joe always associated with Levon was missing at the moment making him seem younger, more approachable. The lines of exhaustion and shadows under his eyes had faded, taking Joe's breath away with the simple beauty of the man. Blonde curls no longer restrained by the ever present Stetson ran free in a nearly joyous looking riot of abandon.
Joe had always wondered if Levon's hair was as soft as it looked. Unable to resist temptation, he reached out run his fingers through the tousled curls. They slid smoothly through his fingers soft and silky. Joe was delighted to have them tangle around his fingers almost possessively, caressing him in turn.
Joe froze when the rhythm of Levon's deep and even breathing changed. The cowboy shifted, uncurling slightly. Joe took a deep breath when Levon settled, eyes remaining closed, apparently still asleep.
Joe ran his fingers through Levon's hair again, thinking he might never get another chance to. He wanted to memorize the incredible feel of those silken strands. Joe moved the back of his hand to ghost over Levon's cheek. The fine grained skin, rather than reflecting the amount of time his partner spent outside in the harsh Texas sun, was wonderfully smooth and soft to the touch. Joe absently noted the heat he felt was no more than normal sleep warmed temperature.
Levon sighed and shifted again, sleepy brown eyes opened and blinked. The cowboy smiled. "Hey."
Joe felt himself smiling in return, his hand moving to cup Levon's face, thumb lightly caressing his cheek. "Hey yourself." Joe cocked his head, smile widening as he realized Levon wasn't quite awake yet. "You sleep okay?"
"Best sleep had in days." Levon made a 'hmm' sound, brown eyes only half-open as he seemed to tilt his head more into Joe's light touch. "Missed ya."
"You missed me?" As pleased as he was to know Levon had missed him, he was still a bit bemused. "I was only gone for the day."
"Days an' days." Levon shook his head slowly, causing even more disorder in his curls. "Missed ya so much it hurt. Couldn't sleep, eat."
Joe suddenly realized Levon wasn't talking about today, but his trip to Florida. He felt a flush of pleasure at knowing the degree to which his partner had missed him. //Never thought he cared that much.//
"Well, I'm back now." Without thinking, Joe leaned in closer. "And I plan to stay a long time."
"Good." Levon breathed out in a satisfied sigh even as one of his hands reached out to cradle the back of Joe's head, urging him closer. It never occurred to Joe to resist.
Their lips met...soft, warm and wet. The kiss started gentle, not quite chaste, definitely hesitant and exploratory. Joe felt Levon nibbling on his lower lip, almost politely requesting entrance. Joe readily gave it, sucking Levon's tongue into his mouth, reveling in the momentary duel between them even as he tried to categorize the enticing flavor of Levon. //God...he tastes so good.//
Both Joe's hands now moved to thread through Levon's hair, gripping firmly, but gently, tilting Levon's face for better access. Joe moaned softly when Levon allowed him to explore the inviting mouth with abandon. He wanted to map that moist delicate grotto thoroughly exploring the taste and texture.
The need for oxygen brought his head up. Joe rested his forehead against Levon's, panting hard as he tried to regain some measure of control. Brown eyes formerly sleepy, now almost black with passion met Joe's indigo colored counterparts.
Joe wasn't sure what happened next but LevonŐs eyes widened, passion giving way to panic. The lean cowboy was suddenly trying to scrabble away from him. Not willing to let go, needing to know what the hell just went wrong, Joe moved to pin Levon to the bed, to hold him still with the weight of his body and firmly grasping his shoulders.
"Easy, Cowboy. Easy." Joe whispered. "It's okay. I gotcha. Jus' calm down now. It's okay."
Levon shook his head, no longer fighting him, but eyes still wide, fear and regret readily visible. "Sorry, Joe. Shit. Sorry. Didn't mean...Wasn't supposed-"
Joe effectively silenced the litany by placing a finger against Levon's lips. He waited to speak until he was sure he had Levon's eyes focused on him and he had his complete attention. "Just take it easy."
Levon swallowed hard and Joe was momentarily fascinated the play of muscles in his throat. He idly wondered if the rest of Levon's skin would taste as good as his lips had. //Behave, Joey. There will be time for that later.//
He slowly withdrew his finger from those sweet lips to lightly caress Levon's cheek. "You okay now?"
Levon nodded slowly. Small worry lines were still readily visible on his forehead and around his eyes, but Joe was heartened that he didn't look as fearful as they had just a moment ago. "I'm sorry."
Joe raised an eyebrow. "For what?"
"Shouldn't have kissed you."
"You didn't want to? Didn't enjoy it?" Joe asked lightly, trying to ease the tension he could feel radiating off his partner. "I've been told I'm a good kisser."
Levon glared at him. He opened his mouth to deliver what Joe was sure would be an angry retort and then closed it. Levon closed his eyes, took a deep breath and then another. Without opening his eyes Levon spoke, his voice soft, "I don't want to fight with you."
"I don't want to fight with you either." Joe spoke just as softly. "You didn't do anything you need to apologize for. Certainly not anything I'm sorry about."
Brown eyes opened again, searching Joe's face. "You're not mad?"
"I'm not mad." Joe gently assured him.
Joe cocked his head. The cowboy's question was almost beseeching. "What do you mean 'why'?"
"You should be mad." Levon looked uncertain of himself, not an expression Joe was used to seeing.
"Why should I be mad?"
"Cause you ain't into men...and I just," the Texan made a vague gesture with his hand encompassing both of them, but he left the sentence unfinished.
"I'm into you, Cowboy." Joe whispered, blue eyes holding brown, wanting him to understand. "Have been for some time."
Levon shook his head, brown eyes suddenly snapping fire. "Don't lie to me."
"I'm not lying."
"You are out with women all the time." Levon hissed, anger easily discernable in his voice despite the low volume.
Joe winced, quick to realize the implication of what Levon had said. He should have expected Levon to doubt his sincerity and nothing pissed Levon off more than if he thought he was being lied to. //Haven't really given him cause to think I'd be interested. Would have if I thought he was. Christ. Talk about a catch 22.//
"I haven't been on a date for the last four months." Joe stated calmly, knowing if he gave into his temper, his first instinct to fight back, the kiss they shared might well be the only one they ever had. //And I want more of those.//
Levon frowned, eyes narrowing dangerously. "You flirt all the time. Always got some lady yer talkin' up."
"Yeah, I flirt. But for the most part that's all I do." Joe smiled softly, keeping his voice even, unchallenging. "I like woman...really like them...the way they think, their viewpoints, the way the see the world."
Joe sighed, and bit his lower lip. "I know when I got here I was a bit like a dog in heat. It doesn't speak well of me. It's not something I'm proud of...and it's not really normal behavior for me. I was just so goddamn lonely. Only person I knew here was you...and hell we were at each other's throats more often than not. I just wanted to connect with someone...anyone. Even if it was for one night."
Seeing a guilty look appear on Levon's face, Joe found himself moving to lightly caress the blonde's cheek. "It's not your fault." He was quick to assure Levon. "Takes two to argue...and I while I wouldn't admit it at the time, I know I was being a real pain in the ass when I got here. I could have said something to you about how I was feeling then. I should have."
Joe shook his head slightly, expression rueful. He'd gotten a real wake up call when a few months ago, after suffering a minor injury on the job, the doctor told him he might have AIDS. A second test had confirmed he was clean, but since then Joe had taken a hard look at how he was acting. He'd been forced to admit that one night stands with virtual strangers wasn't what he really wanted, and not one of them came close to being Levon. The emotional connection was missing and Joe craved that more than he did the physical contact.
Realizing Levon needed and deserved more of an explanation of how he'd finally figured out what and who it was he wanted, Joe took a deep breath, prepared to fill him in. Feeling Levon's body still beneath his, warm and solid, Joe also realized lying in bed was probably not the best place to do it. It was way too tempting to abandon conversation in favor of other pursuits. //And we need to talk first. Got off on the wrong foot too many times not to do this right.//
Reluctantly Joe sat up. "How about you get dressed while I find something in the kitchen for dinner? We can talk downstairs." He patted Levon's shoulder.
The blonde nodded. His expression was thoughtful but no longer worried or angry. The long, elegant fingers of his right hand circled Joe's wrist, stopping him when he would have turned away. "We're okay though, right?"
"Yeah. We're okay, Cowboy." Joe smiled warmly and leaned in to place a light kiss on those tantalizing lips. Joe knew that simple gesture would reassure Levon more than words ever could. "Just need to hash out all the details."
Joe could almost see the tension that had been radiating off Levon in waves since after their first kiss finally begin to dissipate. Not as relaxed as he was sleeping, but far more like the normal intensity level Joe had come to expect from his partner. Levon gave him a wry smile, his voice light and teasing when he spoke. "Details, huh? It's always the details."
"That it is." Joe chuckled. "Get dressed. I'll be downstairs."
Joe knew better than to stay and watch Levon get dressed. It was a temptation he would do better to avoid just as he had skipped watching him get undressed that morning. Joe headed for the kitchen.
Joe loved to cook. It was relaxing to do, but during the week he rarely had the time. On the weekends Joe liked to play, trying out new recipes or making old favorites. Coming from a large family, he usually made more than just a single serving. Instead there was made more than enough to freeze the leftovers and provide him with several good home cooked meals during the week. Before he'd left for Florida he'd made a pot of soup feeling the need to have some on hand. //Good thing too. Something light enough for Levon and still substantial.//
He pulled a quart sized container from the freezer and popped it in the microwave, setting it to defrost. He set the table, grinning when he realized he'd gotten out the dishes his mother had given him years ago. Joe only used them for special occasions. //Guess this one qualifies. Not every day I sit down with Levon with the goal of being totally honest about how I feel.//
Joe had stopped on his way home at the local market picking up fixing for salad. He washed the vegetables and mixed them in a wooden bowl placing the salad in the center of the table. He glanced up and smiled when Levon entered the kitchen.
He was quick to notice that his partner must have tried to finger comb his curls into some sort of order. //Rather like that look. Wonder if I can convince him to leave that damn Stetson home from now on.//
"You feeling better?" Joe gave his partner a thorough once over from head to toe as he asked. //Sure looks better.//
"Yeah." Levon dipped his head slightly. If Joe hadn't been looking for it he would have missed the faint color dusting the Texan's cheeks. Joe wasn't sure what Levon would have to be embarrassed about, but he decided to let it go.
Joe gestured toward a chair. "Have a seat." When Levon had pulled the chair out and settled into it Joe asked, "You want something to drink?"
"How about a beer?"
Joe rolled his eyes. "Try again."
Levon sighed, resignation easy to read in the set of his shoulders. "Water's fine."
"That's better." Joe handed him a bottle of water before finding a pot to put the thawed soup in so that he could warm it fully and slowly on the stove. He didn't mind using the microwave he just preferred using the stove.
After pouring a glass of wine for himself, Joe sat down in the chair opposite Levon. "You want some salad?
"Sure." Levon held out his plate. "Not too much though."
Joe nodded and used the tongs give him about half of what Joe would place on his own. Joe raised both eyebrows when Levon chuckled. "What's so funny?"
"Us." Levon gestured toward Joe and then himself with his fork. "Iffen you were a stranger lookin' in on us sittin' here you'd never know what just happened upstairs." Levon's golden brown eyes were bright with amusement. "So tell me....How long you played for both teams?"
"Since I was teenager. Realized pretty quick I found other boys just as interesting as girls." Joe shrugged. "Also caught on fast that it wasn't smart to let others know."
Levon nodded. "Can understand that."
Levon sipped his water. "College."
"Caroline know?" Caroline had been Levon's high school sweetheart and his wife for nearly ten years. She'd been killed in a car bomb the year before Joe moved to Houston. Given how devastated Levon had seemed nearly a year after her death, Joe didn't doubt the depth of his partner's feelings for her.
"We weren't together then." Levon worried his lower lip. "Didn't think it mattered that I'd done some experimentin'. Or that once in awhile I'd see a guy that got my attention. After we were married, I was always faithful ta her, Joe."
Joe smiled. "Never thought otherwise, Cowboy." //Man takes his promises seriously. Can't see him betraying her that way.//
Joe nibbled on his salad for a moment, trying to order his thoughts. He sipped his wine, toying with the glass. "I know it doesn't seem like it but I've been attracted to you damn near since the day we met."
"That would have explained why you were ready ta bite my head off." Levon smirked, letting Joe know he was just needling him. //Unfortunately there is a bit of truth to that.//
"Not then...then I was just pissed with the world in general." Joe sighed, staring at the wine in his glass rather than face Levon directly. "But when I started to realize that being around you made me feel better than it should have...that I was starting to do stuff just to make you smile....that I worried about you more than just as a partner...when I realized I was paying way too much attention to your butt when you walked away...that's when I got started to deliberately lash out at you. It was less because I was angry and more out of habit."
He set his glass down, forcing himself to make eye contact. "I was snapping at you just to make sure you kept your distance so I wouldn't ruin our friendship. I know that sounds stupid...Hell, it is stupid. "
Levon smiled warmly in response, golden brown eyes lighting up. His tone was affectionate when he spoke. "Two o' us are a real piece o' work ain't we?" He shook his head. "Been doin' the same thing ta you. Didn't mean to just..." Levon made a helpless gesture with his hands.
"Yeah, I know." //Boy do I know.// Curiosity got the better of him. "You been feeling the same for how long?"
"Couldn't really pin down when." Levon shrugged. "Been awhile though." He smiled, and winked. "Might a been seeing you in the pool that did it. You look good 'nough to eat in them little trunks o' yours."
Joe knew he looked good, worked hard to stay fit and trim. But knowing that Levon thought he looked good was something else. He felt his face warm slightly and was grateful his olive complexion would hide his blush.
Levon sipped his water, expression shifting from lascivious to contemplative. "Course the real decidin' factor was when Mother Minnie met ya."
Joe blinked. "Mother Minnie?"
"She likes you." Levon shrugged. "Meant a lot to know she'd approve even if I never was brave enough ta act on how I felt."
"You told your grandmother you had feelings for me?" Joe stared. Levon couldn't have surprised him more if he'd tried.
"Joe, she practically raised me. Been talkin' to her about stuff for years. Just sort o' seemed like the thing ta do."
"And she didn't object?" Joe was decidedly pleased that his question came out sounding normal. He'd half expected his voice to break or shoot up an octave.
"Nope." Levon laughed lightly.
"Your grandmother is one impressive lady." Joe saluted with his wine glass.
"That she is." Levon agreed. "Course she weren't much help really with helpin' me figure out what ta do 'bout how I felt. But sure was nice ta have someone listen."
As much as he loved his family, Joe knew full well there wasn't anyone in his very catholic Italian family that would likely understand or approve. "Wouldn't have minded having someone to talk to myself."
"Damn shame we couldn't have just talked ta each other, hunh?"
"Yeah, well, we're talking now." Joe responded firmly.
"Yep." Levon smiled softly. "We are."
Joe smiled in return and dropped his eyes, suddenly feeling uncharacteristically shy. He got up to check the soup, knowing he was doing it just to give himself time to think and recover his balance. He stirred the pot and finding it warm enough, filled two bowls. Joe offered one to Levon as he placed one next to his salad plate.
"You done with the salad?"
"Never was one much for rabbit food." Levon commented quietly, almost apologetically, as he took the bowl and offered Joe his plate.
Joe didn't comment. Given that he'd spent the past year and a half trying to convince his partner that not every meal required barbeque, it was a small victory that Levon had eaten as much of the salad as he had. //And probably wouldn't be a good idea to push him to eat more until he's back up to speed.//
"Your stomach feeling better?"
"S'alright." Levon waved one hand in a dismissive gesture. "Better today than yesterday." He sighed softly and the rest of what he said was so quiet Joe wasn't sure if Levon meant for him to hear it. "Everythin' is better jus' havin' you back home."
"Missed you too." Joe reached out to catch Levon's hand giving it a light squeeze before he took his seat again.
"Tell me 'bout your trip." Levon's brown eyes twinkled. "Ya said ya would. Now give."
Joe chuckled. He started to give Levon the same briefing he'd given Beaumont on the conference when Levon stopped him with just a look. "Don't wanna hear 'bout that. Tell me 'bout yer family...'bout Disneyland. Tell me the good stuff. Rest o' that other stuff can wait until we go back ta work."
Joe laughed. "If you insist."
"I do." Levon pointed his spoon at him. "Now gimme."
Joe first lined out just how many of his family had come to Florida. Levon's eyes widened when Joe finished the tally, and just how they were all related...brothers, sisters, cousins, nieces and nephews. All told there were six children under the age ten, four teenagers, and eight adults.
"They all came?"
"Every single one."
"Damn." Levon's voice was awed. "Figured maybe a handful, ya know?"
"Well, Uncle Mikey doesn't do things in half measure."
"Guess so." Levon's expression was wry. "Have to keep that in mind the next time I ask him for a favor."
"Didn't know you even had his number?" Joe raised both eyebrows in askance.
Levon just smirked. "Lot you don't know." He made a 'go on' movement with his hand. "So tell me the rest."
Joe's eyes narrowed. He pursed his lips, realizing that he wasn't likely to get more from Levon on that point at the moment. //I will be asking later. That's for damn sure.//
Levon arched an eyebrow, twinkling brown eyes clearly letting Joe know that what he was thinking was hardly a secret. "Won't do you any good ya know?"
"We'll see about that." Joe promised.
"Later." Levon grinned, clearly taking up the challenge. "Finish yer story."
Joe shook his head. "Fine." //We'll get back to that other at another time.//
He went on to detail spending three days playing with his family. Filling Levon in on all the rides they went on, the shows they saw and the reaction of the little kids. He tried to relay just how much he'd enjoyed his family, highlighting the amusing, the stupid, even the ironic. Even when they were driving him nuts, Joe had delighted in being annoyed, simply because of who was involved, reveling in the chance to reacquaint himself with all the quirks that made up his family.
"Sounds like you had a lot o' fun." Levon laughed lightly, obviously enjoying Joe's descriptions and characterizations.
"I did." Joe reached out to again capture Levon's hand. He lightly caressed Levon's palm. "Only thing that would have made it better was if you could have been there."
"You ain't gotta say that." Levon blushed, just a faint touch of color warming his cheeks, eyes letting Joe know he was pleased.
"No, I don't have to." Joe smiled. "I said it because I meant it. I did miss you, Cowboy. And I am real damn glad to be home."
Levon returned his earlier hand squeeze. "Was worried ya might dread comin' back. Sort o' figured ya might be like ya were when ya first got here." He made that sound like a confession.
//But you arranged it anyway. Even thinking that I'd be a real pain in your ass, you did it for me anyway.// Joe hadn't really thought Levon's gesture could touch him any more than it already had. He was wrong.
"I got a life here now." Joe offered quietly, making eye contact and holding it.
Levon nodded, relaying a wealth of understanding in that simple gesture. "Funny how things work out. Weren't even a few hours ago we were trying ta keep everythin' hidden an' buried." Levon bit his lower lip, hesitating for a moment. "You know...we're gonna have to take this new thing 'tween us slow?"
"Yeah, I know." Joe shrugged, not bothered by the idea. "Figured out awhile ago I wanted something that was gonna last past the light of day. I want that to be with you. So taking a little time to do it right isn't a problem for me."
Levon grinned suddenly. "This why you ain't been dating?"
"Yeah." Joe's tone was matter of fact.
"Yer kiddin'?"
"No. I'm not."
"Wow." Levon blinked. A second wow was whispered, golden brown eyes almost glowing with delight. "Yer somethin' else. You know that?"
"So are you." Joe grinned. "We're a pair. Remember?"
"I remember." Levon laughed.
The rest of their dinner conversation drifted to less emotional topics and was finished rather quickly after that. Levon helped Joe clear the table, making short work of the task. He yawned widely, belatedly covering his mouth.
"Sorry." Levon yawned again. "You'd think after sleepin' all day I'd be ready ta go."
"It'll take more than a day to make up for the sleep you lost." Because he knew he could, Joe pulled Levon into a loose hug, encouraging the blonde to rest against him. Levon moved easily into the circle of his arms, resting his head on Joe's shoulder with a quiet sigh. Joe tipped his head to rest his cheek on those silky blonde locks. //Could get used to this in a hurry.//
He had no idea how long they stood like that before Levon moved to pull away. "I should go."
Levon reached out to pat Joe's chest lightly, just above his heart. "S'posed to take it slow."
"We don't have to do anything." Joe insisted. "I just want you to stay."
Levon grinned. "Gonna promise ta be a gentlemen are ya?"
"If you want me to." Joe shrugged. "I was really enjoying this. Wouldn't mind just doing it all night long."
"I think I can handle that." Levon moved to rest his cheek against Joe's for a moment, a surprisingly intimate contact. "Let's go up stairs then." He whispered softly in Joe's ear before pulling away.
Just as they had earlier in the day, Levon led the way upstairs. Joe followed, hand resting lightly on the small of his back. He had to resist the temptation to pat Levon's ass once more, not willing to disrupt the mood between them by forcing more than either was ready for.
Joe offered Levon a pair of his sweat to sleep in. When Levon raised an eyebrow, Joe winked. "You sleep in just your boxers and I will not have enough self control to be a gentlemen."
He was treated to the sight of another of those delicate blushes, the eyes aglow with delight. Joe turned way to make use of the bathroom, giving them both some privacy in which to change. He rooted around in the medicine chest looking for a spare toothbrush to leave for Levon to use. Joe took care of his usual nightly routine before sliding into a pair of silk pajama bottoms.
He stepped back into the bedroom. "Bathroom is all yours."
Levon nodded and stepped past him, eyes carefully not looking at Joe. Joe smiled, pleased to know he wasn't the only one that found the sight of his friend half naked a real turn on. //Knock it off. We're gonna take this slow. Do it right. Not going for instant gratification because I can get that anywhere.//
Joe slid under the comforter and relaxed. Levon slid in with him a few minutes later. Joe pulled him close, enjoying the close contact, the feel of Levon warm and solid next to him. Levon snuggled in closer, resting his head on Joe's shoulder, smooth expanse of skin meeting skin. Joe sighed. He hadn't felt this content in a long time.
Levon's voice whispered across his skin in a warm puff of air. "Meant to say welcome home before."
Joe smiled, and tipped his head to place a kiss in Levon's hair. "Best damn homecoming I've ever had, Cowboy."
"Play yer cards right and we can do this again." There was a definite invitation in Levon's voice as he continued. "Maybe more than just this."
"Now there is definite incentive to stay in the game." Joe hugged Levon a little closer, one hand running soothingly up and down the blonde's spine.
"I say thank you?" Levon mumbled, clearly not far from falling asleep.
"For what?" Joe asked quietly.
"Taking such...good care o' me...today."
"It was my pleasure." //Definitely my pleasure given how things turned out.// Joe placed another kiss in Levon's hair. "Now go to sleep."
"I mean it Joe...thanks."
"I know." Joe laughed soundlessly in a soft wuff of air. "And I fully expect you to take good care of me when I come down with whatever it was you had."
"Okay." Levon agreed without a moment's hesitation, warming Joe from the inside out.
//You are definitely something special, Cowboy.// Joe smiled in the darkness. //If I had known a ten day trip to Florida and a bout of the flu would have gotten us to this point, I'd have arranged both a lot sooner.// He took a deep breath. //No matter...we're here now. And that's good enough for me.//
He could feel Levon's breathing getting slower, deep and even. The steady rhythm a comforting constant that was lulling Joe into slumber right along with his partner. //Could definitely get used to this. Definitely.// With that final thought, Joe drifted off.
The end.