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Fandom: | Houston Knights |
Series: | Round Robins |
Rating: | NC-17 |
Pairing: | Joe/Levon |
Archive: | Starwinder's |
Title: | The Great Escape |
Author: | Various members of hokns@smartgroups.com |
e-mail: | strwndr@surfsouth.com |
Standard Disclaimer: Houston Knights belongs to Jay Bernstein and Michael Butler and Columbia Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended. This is fan fiction, written out of love for the shows. I am making no money off this. I have no money so please don't sue me. Any original characters that may appear in these stories are the property of the author. |
The Great Escape - Part 1 by MAC
Static on the Jimmy's radio preceded the call. It was an all-cars alert, there was a flasher, possible child molester, at the Houston City Zoo. Since this was a Saturday, mid-morning, there'd be lots of families, lots of kids there at this time of day. So, it was an all-cars alert.
LaFiamma hung back up the microphone on the radio set and turned on the overhead police lights as Lundy spun the wheel of the truck and made a fast U-turn back toward the zoo. While not their usual call, both detectives at the HPD Major Crimes Unit had been seconded for more general police work before. This was a new one, though, thought Joe LaFiamma as he checked his guns.
Lundy glanced over at the movement. "Best not think o' shootin', LaFiamma, the Houston Zoo is a modern one, lots of large animal enclosures with windy paths fur visitors. A straight shot's likely to hit an innocent bystander or an animal."
"Lundy, if we catch this weasel, I figure my aim'll be good enough to take out a kneecap or two."
Levon Lundy didn't answer 'cause he'd been thinkin' more'r'less along the same lines. Enyone sick enough to dangle his 'dingle' in front o'kids wuz a mighty sick individual. More'n likely, though, not violent, jest sick. He pressed his foot down on the gas as his partner hit the siren.
By the time the Jimmy skidded to a halt by the zoo entrance, there were already several blue and whites on the scene, uniforms at the gated entrance. A lot of folks were coming out, warned about the perpetrator by guards and uniformed police. Jack Garrett, a sergeant from mobile units, was standing by his patrol car and waved the men over.
"Hey, Jack, what's the situation?" Lundy was slightly ahead of his taller partner as they reached the police unit.
"Levon." Garrett looked over the blonde cowboy's shoulder with his eyebrows raised.
"Jack, this here's Joe LaFiamma, mah pardner." Both men nodded.
Garrett looked back toward the entrance to the zoo. "We've got about four teams in there now, let me give you some portable radios, then you two can start in the bird section." He gestured to a map of the zoo spread out on the hood of the police car. While Lundy and LaFiamma looked it over, he leaned in and pulled two walkie-talkies out of the trunk of the car.
Accepting the radios, the detectives locked eyes for a moment, blue and brown flashing in silent communication for a moment, then both turned and headed in to the zoo, past the continuing slow exodus of people. No one was rushing, likely no alarm had been sounded. Keep it quiet and solve the problem.
After fifteen minutes of walking, passing other crowds that showed no sign of leaving and no suspicious characters, the detectives reached the aviary enclosures. LaFiamma stopped for a moment to admire the small flock of tall pink flamingos all standing single legged, their other legs tucked up high, long-necked heads upside down in a marshy-looking shallow pond.
Across the way, a series of tall ornate cages held exotic rainforest birds, toucans, multicolored parrots, and others that Lundy didn't know. Several interested-looking vultures followed their movements with dark eyes and hunched shoulders from their perches high up in a very large cage - large enough to allow them some limited flight.
Just as they came to a stop in front of a cage full of orange and yellow finches, there was loud crash, almost like fireworks. All around them, birds took flight or reared back with wings extended flapping, caws, screeches and squeaks, mingling with more familiar whistles. Spinning in the direction of the sound, they saw a pillar of black smoke rising past some trees.
"All units! All units! Suspect heading out toward Flagstaff Avenue exit. Suspect detonated explosive near main administrative complex. Nearest patrols, please investigate."
Lundy and LaFiamma ran to the nearest visitor map display, a large glass-covered poster set on it's own billboard stand. "That's the smoke we see," Lundy said, pointing to the office buildings marked on the map.
LaFiamma nodded, then his eyes flicked past Lundy and went very, very wide.
Levon looked up to see the unmistakable look of total surprise on hiz pardner's face and spun around to see what had shook up Joe like that. Nothing different, he looked around bewildered as LaFiamma clutched at his arm.
"Levon, look at the cages!" Joe was pointing at where the vultures had been perched. The large mesh cage door was slowly swinging open. Even as they looked, first one, then another large bird spread enormous wings and dropped off resting spots to glide silently down and on out the open doors.
"Oh, my gawd." Levon's mind was racing. Iffn the birds' cages are openin'up ever'where...he looked around, yep, all the doors were swinging wide, like automatic openers, then...what about the rest of the animals?
-------End Part 1-------
Part 2 By Starwinder
"L-Lundy.... They got tigers here." Joe was staring at the visitor map display, "Right around that bend!" He pointed up past the Vultures cage as he swallowed hard.
"Oh, Lord!" Lundy groaned, looking towards where Joe was pointing and seeing a very large, orange-striped cat padding around said bend.
"Lundy... stand still. I read somewhere that if you stand still they won't bother you. If you run they think you're... you're supper."
"Are you out of your mind?" Lundy glared at him. "You want me to just stand here while a... a... damn tiger just..." he blanched as the tiger padded right over to Joe and flopped down, practically lying on the Chicagoan's feet.
Joe's eyes were huge. "N-n-nice kitty...n-n-nice kitty." He looked at Levon, his eyes pleading for help.
Levon couldn't help saying, "Seems to like you..."
Joe glared at him.
The tiger sniffed Joe's leg then licked it.
The tiger licked him again.
"Quit that! It tickles!" Joe snapped, forgetting for a second that he was talking to a tiger.
The tiger looked up at him then stood up.
"Maybe you shouldn'ta hollered at him, Joe!"
The tiger stood up and put his paws on Joe's shoulders and licked Joe's face.
"Pheeewwweeee! Stop that!"
"Joe, quit hollering at him!" Lundy snapped in a desperate whisper.
"Then get him off me!"
Lundy bent down and looked under the tiger's belly, "Joe, I think it's a she..."
"Well, then get *her* off me!"
"I think she likes you..."
"So what? I ain't gonna dating her! Get her off me!"
"Ya know, maybe if you just sorta backed towards her cage... she'd follow you..."
"Maybe you could just shoot her."
"Valuable animal."
"Yeah, right."
"She ain't *hurt* you none."
"She ain't panting in your face! You don't gotta smell her breath!"
"Just take a step to the side and see if she'll turn with you..."
"All right! All right!" Joe slowly slipped one foot to the side then the other.
The tiger stayed with him, paws still on his shoulders.
"Try another one."
Joe grimaced but took another step. "Waltzing with a damn tiger... what did I ever do to deserve this?" He muttered as he took yet another step.
"She *really* likes you!" Levon grinned.
"This is not funny! You won't let me shoot her... maybe I'll just shoot you!" Joe had gotten her turned around and was now taking small steps back along the path towards the tiger cages.
Just then one of the zoo's animal handlers came around the bend, "Oh, there you are Lillybelle! Here girl!"
This time as Joe took his next step, Lillybelle didn't go with him. She dropped to all fours and ambled over to the handler.
The man grinned at Joe, "Hope she didn't scare you too bad. Lillybelle's a nice girl really. Just a big old pussy cat."
"Yeah, right. Well, tell her if she wants to waltz with me again, to get some breath mints!"
Lundy just grinned, "Ya'll about got it under control?"
"No way! All the monkeys are out! Lord, *they* are *hard* to catch. We're just trying ta get the big animals rounded back up. If ya'll see a Rhino rambling around his name's Homer... but don't ya'll get too close to him. He can be mean. Just get on the radio and let us know where he is."
The handler led the docile tiger back towards her cage.
Levon grinned and threw his arm around Joe's shoulder, "Well partner, ya done waltzed with a tiger, wanna try rumbain' with a rhino?"
"No way! Let's go see if we can find some of the monkeys."
Levon just chuckled.
----------End part 2----------
Part 3 By Jennie
As they walked towards the ape enclosure, Levon kept going back to the sight of that tiger licking Joe's face.
He'd like to lick Joe's face. That thought led to other places on Joe's body he'd like to lick. So lost in thought was he that he almost tripped over the infant Orangutan that suddenly appeared at his feet. The creature stood there, holding its arms up to him.
"What, little one?" he asked. "Whatcha need, hmmm?"
Joe smirked. "I think it wants you to pick it up, Levon."
Levon bent down and picked up the creature. It wrapped both arms and legs around him and clung tightly, giving him a smacking kiss on the lips. Then, it laid its head on his shoulder and gave a sigh of contentment.
Joe's eyes twinkled. "Looks like you have a friend there, cowboy."
Levon blushed and rearranged the ape so that it rested on his hip. "I don't know much about kids, Joe. Maybe you'd better -"
"Oh no, Levon. You're doin' just fine. A natural even."
Levon frowned. Joe was taking entirely too much pleasure in the current situation. "Have I ever mentioned that you're a smartass SOB, Joe?"
"Not this week, partner. Not this week."
They headed for the ape house, bickering amiably. Once they'd reached the proper building, they searched unsuccessfully for a keeper to take custody of Levon's new friend.
"I guess they're all out doing roundup duty, Levon. Looks like you'll have to keep your new friend with you for a bit."
Just then, a juvenile Chimp ran up to Joe and climbed up his body, clinging to him with surprising strength. "Hush now, little one," he murmured, stroking the chimps back. "It's okay now."
A warmth spread through Levon's at Joe's words and soothing tone. Boy oh boy, if only once ... just once, Joe would speak to him that way ...'Course, on the other hand, iffen he did, Levon just knew he'd melt into a puddle at the man's feet. He shook such thoughts outa his head and looked around.
"This building appears to be pretty much empty. I say we go on out and hope we run across a keeper to take these guys off of our hands." Levon turned and headed for the exit.
"But," Joe protested, "what if we run across an animal that scares 'em. I don't relish the thought of a hysterical chimp on my hands."
Levon frowned. "Well, we can't leave 'em here, Joe." He shrugged. "I 'spect we can jump off that bridge what we get to it."
"But, Levon -"
"But nothin' Joe. We hafta get back out there." He shifted the Orang to his other hip. "Yer a big fella, ya know that, bud?" He crooned to the ape.
"Levon, there are all kinds of officers out there ... not to mention all of the keepers. Why don't we just wait in here for a bit? Someone's bound to turn up soon. They can take charge of these fellows and we'll be able to rejoin the hunt then."
"Yer just worried about runnin' inta Homer, ain't ya?"
"Go to hell, Levon ... I just don't want a hysterical chimp on my hands. That's all."
"Okay, Joe. We'll stay here for a bit ... *but* if no one shows up to take 'em off our hands in the next thirty minutes, we go ... babies or no."
Looking around for a place to settle, Levon saw that there were no benches at all. He walked over to the wall and slid gracefully down to a sitting position. Apparently reassured that it was not about to be deserted, the Orang looked around curiously slowly loosening its grip on Levon.
When Joe moved over to join him, the Chimp reached out to stroke the head of Levon's charge. After a couple of minutes, the Chimp relaxed its hold, too.
Gradually, their interest in each other overcame their need to cling and they climbed off of the two men and they climbed down, staring at each other with that assessing look that young children often exchanged. They started that feint and dodge that kids exchange; each running back to its "parent" regularly.
Levon had little experience with kids. He never expected to have kids ... but, it was kind of a nice feeling, being the protector and safe place for one so young. He began to see why Joey missed his family so ...
Suddenly, playtime was over. The two apes jumped back into their protector's arms, holding on tightly. Levon frowned and looked to see what -
"Aw hell!" Levon exclaimed. "Look over there, Joe."
Joe turned in the direction indicated spotted a really, really big snake headed their way and gasped. "Damn ... Levon, I *hate* snakes. I just hate em." He scrambled to his feet, watching the reptile with fascinated horror. "Do ... do you know what kind it is? I mean, is it poisonous?"
Levon rose also and shook his head. "It's just an old boa constrictor. Joe. Not dangerous."
The apes clung and hid their heads in Joe and Levon's necks.
The snake continues its forward movement. As they drew closer, Joe crowded in close to Levon.
"*Do* something, Levon." Joe instructed in a tight voice.
Damn. The boy was really scared, Levon realized.
He sighed and handed his charge off to Joe. "Here, you hold on ta the babies while I see what I can do."
Joe watched carefully, murmuring nonsense words of reassurance to the two apes as he watched Levon carefully. His heart was in his throat when the cowboy reached down and grabbed the snake in his hand.
"For god's sake, be careful, Levon."
Levon looked up at his partner and grinned. "This lil old thing ain't gonna hurt me, Joe. Why, it's just a baby itself."
Joe grunted. In his opinion a snake was a snake was a snake.
Levon crossed to a nearby trash receptacle and opened the lid. He pulled the bag out and set it aside. With a flourish, he dropped the snake inside and put the lid on tightly. "There," he said, "all gone."
He came back over to reclaim his Orang and saw that Joe was trembling.
"Here now, boy, I'm fine. The snake is contained. Y'all jest calm down now, y'hear?"
Joe licked his lips. "But, what if another one shows up?"
Levon resumed his seat on the floor. "The babies'll let us know afore it gets near us Joe." He looked up and grinned. "C'mon," he patted the spot next to him, "sit down, partner. We might as well relax while we wait."
Looking around nervously, Joe reluctantly joined Levon on the floor. He scooted over closer, pressing his shoulder against Levon's. "All right, cowboy. But, if I get killed by a snake I'm gonna haunt you for the rest of your life!"
-------End Part 3-------
Part 4 by MAC
From a distance, they could hear the roar of a lion and the bellow of what sounded like a moose. The initial racket of the birds had diminished as those that could flew off. The cold, damp cement floor began to penetrate two backsides, even as the warmth of connected shoulders titillated two shy men. The clinging babies were relaxing again and looking curiously around, arms still tightly wrapped on their respective humans.
"Uh, Levon?" Joe cleared his throat with unaccustomed hesitation. Lundy looked up from petting the longish orange hair on his baby, "Yeah?" hiz heart suddenly beating very rapidly, their unusual closeness breathing life into dreams.
But whatever Joe was going to say was lost in a look of sudden distaste. "Do you smell something?"
Levon sniffed. 'Course there wuz the smell of orangutan, which he'd never encountered up close and personal afore, but he had a feelin' that Joe didn't mean that. He tried again. Beyond the baby's odor and Joe's scent, which he'd learned to identify long since, he didn't...oh, wait...
Before Lundy could answer, they heard the unmistakable running sounds of a large group of monkeys or apes or both approaching. LaFiamma whipped his head around at the screams, high-pitched and cut-off, the yipping and chattering calls. From deserted to flooded, the monkey house changed in moments as a tide of brown, grey, orange, and black hairy bodies scampered and leapt in through the open doors and back up into the complex of poles and branches artfully and structurally arranged overhead for the climbing inhabitants.
Both babies dropped from their temporary babysitters' shoulders to the floor, small hands scrambling in their haste to find their real mothers, leaving shallow scratches behind on both men's faces and hands.
"Dang it!" Levon sucked at a deeper scratch on the back of one hand.
Joe LaFiamma had shoved up the wall to his feet and was craning his neck to eye the area around the monkey house. "Levon, something must have scared all these monkeys to have them coming running back in here, something out there!"
Levon struggled to his feet, hand caught by LaFiamma who pulled him the rest of the way up off the hard floor. With an ease born of practical experience, he and Joe automatically settled into a back to back posture, hands on weapons, scanning the neighborhood. Trouble wuz, the zoo had not been arranged to see a lot at once, many o'these animals weren't compatible and it wouldn't do to have'em recognize their natural enemies right within spittin' distance.
Not spotting anything, Joe stopped turning and Lundy responded to the change. "See somethin'?"
"No, but something sure spooked these guys." Joe looked up at the thick population of apes and monkeys, noisily congregating above them.
One of the creatures chose that moment to lauch a piece of wood pulled from a branch down on them. It hit LaFiamma squarely on the forehead.
"OW! Damnit!" he rubbed his head and ducked as more debris started to rain down on them.
The monkeys were shrieking now, sounding scared and angry, and the fallout from above continued.
"Let's go!" Levon shouted, arms over hiz head, "we kin shut'em in on our way out!"
With that, the two men ran out of the enclosure and slammed their exit door shut. They split up and circled the huge caged space in two directions, shutting other doors as they came to them.
Breathless they met on the far side of the area, still being pelted by bits of bark by the irate denizens of the monkey habitat behind them. Hands on knees, both panted, ducking their heads away from the flying objects.
"Let's get away from here!" Joe almost growled, grabbing Lundy's sleeve and tugging as he turned to step off the edge of the dry moat that surrounded most of the monkey house.
One misstep and he was sliding down the smooth concrete wall, aided by layers of monkey excrement and his partner, who'd tripped over his tumbling feet and was now sliding down behind him.
"Umph." Joe's grunt was close by.
"Gargh!" Levon sat up, flicking the smelly stuff now coating both of them from his cheek. There was a soft sounding snort beside him, then a chuckle.
Lundy squinted down at LaFiamma where he rested on his back looking up at the cowboy. The dark Italian cop was so filthy looking that it took a moment for Levon to realize that Joe wuz grinnin' at him. "What's so funny?"
"WE are!" and Joe's laughter burst out. Lundy tried to remain stern but it wuz funny, here they both were, smeared in monkey dung, lying in the bottom of a cee-ment moat, with - here he ducked again as an accurate shot of bark dinged offn hiz head - apes taking potshots at them. He snorted, coughed, and began to laugh as well, until the two of them were lying side by side, howling with laughter, looking up at a throng of suddenly silent, curiously-staring hairy faces peering down at them through the bars of the cage above them.
Levon rolled over on one elbow and propped up his head, studying his tousled pardner, a large smile still playing about his lips. The merry blue eyes that met his brown ones seemed easier to look at than enythin' he'd ever seed in hiz whole life.
Joe lay back, putting his hands behind his head and grinned back at Levon. The blonde looked so different with his hair all loose and mussed, the curls spreading out, almost touching his shoulders. He musta lost his hat somewhere in all this, though Joe wasn't sure where. He had a sudden desire to reach up and touch the soft looking strands, sink his fingers into the mass of blonde hair. Taking a deep breath, which he instantly regretted with a rueful grimace, he pushed himself up to a sitting position. Better not to think about touching that way, didn't think the man would appreciate it, though he'd been longing to do it for ages, and now was damn near sitting on his hands to keep them from going where his heart had long since been lost.
A growl, low and throaty, behind and above them, coming from the far side of the moated enclosure, froze both men.
-------End of Part 4-------
Part 5 By Jennie
"Don't move, Joe." Levon said quietly. "And, whatever you do, don't look at it."
"Look at what?"
"There's a bear looking at us, Joe. I don't think it'll come down here, but we'd best not take any chances."
"A what?" Joe reached out and grabbed ahold of Levon's shirtfront.
Levon covered Joe's hand with his own. "A bear, boy. A grizzly by the looks of it."
Joe moaned. "What do we do now, cowboy?"
"Well, I 'spect we just lay here until someone comes along and corrals the thing. We'll jest play dead in the meantime and hope fer the best."
"Leee-von," Joe whined. "Do something ... you're the great outdoorsman."
"Joe, I hunt, I fish, I ride horses, fer godssake ... I don't hunt bears, partner." He shrugged. "There ain't much I can do. I hear tell that a bear will lose interest in dead prey. So, we'll jest lay here and hope fer the best. 'Sides, the smell of monkey shit should drive him away ... It'd sure as hell drive me away."
Joe's tension was a tangible thing. And that was a danger to them both, Levon knew. "Relax, Joe."
"Are you crazy?" Joe's voice rose with each word. "We're about to get eaten by a grizzly bear."
Aw hell. "Joe, you gotta be quiet. Here," he slowly moved closer, pulling the other man's body against his. "Lay here and be quiet." He raised one hand and combed his fingers through Joe's hair. "We'll be fine, boy. You just take it easy."
As he lay there, soothing his partner, Levon found himself picturing the two of them in a bed, wrapped together enjoying post-coital bliss. It was a dream he only allowed himself rarely ... the current situation was putting thoughts in his head ... his fantasies would take on a whole new dimension after this.
Gradually, the tension left Joe's body and he sighed, snuggling his head under Levon's chin. His hand found its way to the skin bared by the open buttons at the neck of Lundy's shirt.
Shifting uncomfortably, Levon covered that wandering hand. "Ah, Joe ... I don't think that's a good idea."
Levon sighed. Dammit, he didn't want to hurt the guy's feelings. Truth time. "Lissen, Joe, it's not that I don't *want* you ta touch me .... I've wanted this for a long time. But, it's putting thoughts in my head and making me ... sorta excited, I guess. Any kind of tension will attract thebear. Jest lay here quiet-like and we'll wait him out."
Joe started to raise his head, but Levon pushed it back down. "Stay still, Joe. You can talk to me from there."
"You really want me to touch you, Levon?" Joe's voice was a mixture of doubt and joy and awe.
"Yeah, I do, boy. More than anything. Jest always thought you were terminally straight, 's all."
Joe huffed a quiet laugh. "Not hardly, cowboy. Been bi as long as I can remember. But, with my family ... well, liking girls goes with the territory."
Levon chuckled. "Try growin' up in Texas, Joe. Queers are about as far in the closet as possible here."
Joe laughed. The bear, hearing the noise from its apparently dead quarry, growled again.
"Shit," Levon hissed. He gathered Joe closer and whispered in his ear. "Hush, boy. Let's jest lay here quietly until the calvary arrives."
Joe sighed and relaxed against Levon. It was nice. Very nice.
Except for the damned monkey shit.
"Daisy!" A female voice could be heard in the distance. "Daisy, you bad girl. Get over here!"
Levon craned his neck to look up at the bear. A frazzled looking female peered down at him.
"You two okay?" She asked.
Levon nodded and she grinned at them. "Daisy here is a pussycat, guys."
"*Daisy* looks like a bear to me, lady." Lundy answered. "You get her out of here and we'll make our way out jest fine."
Once the keeper had led Daisy away, Joe raised his head. "What next, cowboy?
-------End Part 5-------
Part 6 By Starwinder
"What next? Ah suggest we find a hose and get some'a this monkey shit off us!"
"Where do you think that we can find one?"
"Elephants... they wash them down with'em." Lundy replied as he helped Joe scramble up out of the moat.
"Elephants? Uh... aren't they... uh kinda... big?"
Lundy grinned. "Yeah, but most of'em are right gentle. Sometimes they have special days when they let the kids ride'em. With a handler there of course but... they shouldn't mind us borrowing a hose iffn they're even in the enclosure."
Joe sighed, "Okay, I really would like to get this... crap off me."
It only took them a few minutes to find the elephant enclosure... and a pair of docile elephants just standing around, occasionally looking at the open gate but making no attempt to exit the place.
Joe was a little wary of the big animals but Levon just marched right in, spoke gently to the one nearest the hose, "Howdy, Big Boy. Mind iffn we borrow your hose just a minute?"
The elephant stuck it's trunk out in their direction then turned and ambled off.
"Reckon he don't like the smell any better'n we do." Levon commented as he picked up the hose and turned the faucet on.
Grinning he turned to Joe, "Stand still and ah'll hose ya off."
Joe grimaced but closed his eyes and let Levon spray him down, starting with his head and working his way down to Joe's patent leather loafers.
"'Fraid them's gonna be ruint, Joe." He indicated the loafers.
Joe shrugged. "Not necessarily. I got a shoe dryer at the apartment."
"A shoe dryer?" Levon asked in disbelief as he handed Joe the hose to let Joe wash him down.
"Lundy," Joe said patiently, "you pay two hundred dollars for a pair of shoes you gotta take care of them. They get wet you dry them. It's... it looks like a pair of upturned feet with little holes all in them where the warm air flows through. You put the shoes on the feet and turn it on and it dries them while keeping them in the shape they are supposed to be. When they are dry you use shoe oil... leather soap... to buff them so the leather doesn't crack."
Lundy thought a minute, "I got a boot rack looks kinda like that to hang wet boots on but it ain't got no heating unit in it."
Joe grinned as he finished hosing Levon off, "Looks like you're gonna have to hang these boots on it." He stepped back and looked at Lundy, "You still need a shower... but I suppose this will do till we get through here."
He turned to put the hose up and turn off the faucet.
The elephant that had ambled off ambled back, stuck its truck down into the water trough and sucked up a trunk full of water then just as Joe bent over, it sprayed him.
He jumped and spun around with a holler, "Wha--!" Seeing Lundy laughing and the elephant standing behind him he chuckled and reaching up to pat the elephant on its trunk, told it, "I know I still need a shower too, but that doesn't mean you get to give it too me!"
He turned to grin at Levon, his voice dropping and going a bit husky, "I'd much rather have *you* give me a shower."
-------End part 6------
Part 7 By MAC
Levon's grin wavered and he felt a wave of heat flush his body, stiffenin' hiz pole. He took a step toward Joe, looking all flushed hizself, wet and smiling at Levon.
Joe caught his breath, Levon was suddenly looking more dangerous... and more delectable than any thing else he was likely to find anytime soon. Even including wild animals. Lundy closed the distance between them and was standing right up against the tall dark Italian, slipping his arms around Joe's torso.
With a start, Joe blinked and broke free of the loose embrace. "Levon! We got to take this somewhere private!"
"Ony Big Bertha and Bernie here, Joe." Lundy began to pace forward as LaFiamma backpedaled. The brunette was looking decidedly tasty.
"Bertha and Bernie? Wha-?"
"Sign over the gate," Lundy gestured vaguely behind them.
Joe's eyes flashed that way for a moment and when he looked back, Levon was too close again.
This was *not* a good idea, but the cowboy was looking very determined now that he'd realized Joe was interested.
"Levon. Please. Look, let's get out of here. I bet there's some place quieter around here if we just start looking." Something in the desperation in the brunette's voice must have gotten through Lundy's lust, because the blonde got a rather impatient look on his face and stopped.
"Okay, let's go. But Ah want you somewheres private real soon, son, cause Ah ain't feelin' real patient jest now." The warmth and loving tone belied the grumbled message and Joe felt reassured, smiling wanly at his partner.
Both jumped nearly a foot in the air as one of the two quiescent beasts behind them suddenly trumpeted loudly. The sound was penetrating at this proximity, making their flesh quiver, and a second bellow following closely made them both look over their shoulders in alarm. The two previously friendly elephants were now rocking on their enormous feet, from side to side, the large, tusked one was beginning to stamp its front two feet.
The large ears were flapping in agitation, and Joe started shuffling backwards, stopping only long enough to lean in and grab a piece of Levon's shirt and start tugging.
"Levon! They don't look so harmless any more!" Joe kept retreating toward the large open gate.
Lundy, nearly losing his footing at Joe's initial tug, was now also shuffling backwards. He stared up into the tiny eyes of the giants and realized they weren't looking at him and Joe.
They were looking out at something beyond the gate. Levon shot a quick look behind at where he and Joe were backing up to... a black rhino was pacing with a quick jogging step along the path that ran beside the elephant house. Head close to the ground, snorting and huffling, he was shaking his head from side to side in an angry fashion.
"JOE!" Lundy skidded to a halt, latchin' on to hiz pardner's wrist and draggin' him to a stop as well.
LaFiamma turned to look where Lundy was pointing.
The rhino had swung around and was running back up the path in the other direction now, still close but apparently not all that sharp-eyed since he showed no sign of noticing a way into the elephants' area. The two elephants had started backing up themselves and were making short honking noises, almost like a conversation.
"He looks to be heading away, Lundy, and I'm not certain we're too welcome in here anymore. Let's shut in Bertha and Bernie, here, and try and find a way outta this crazy place."
As he spoke, he and Lundy emerged finally from the enclosed area and each grabbed a gate and pushed, meeting together as they snicked the lock closed.
The elephants within ignored them, still staring off in the direction that the rhino had taken.
"Come on, afore that rhino comes back this way!" Lundy said, putting a hand on LaFiamma's shoulder and redirecting him in the opposite direction from the rhino.
Joe stooped to grab a small burlap bag that was outside the fence and toss it up and over into the yard.
"Joe?" Lundy looked puzzled as he glanced back to where to very interested pachyderms were now snuffling at the bag with their prehensile trunks.
"You know, Lundy, whenever I went to a zoo when I was a kid, the signs always said, don't feed the animals. For once, I just wanted to feed the animals." Joe grinned unrepentantly.
Levon looked closer and realized that the sack, now spilling open to the evident pleasure of the two huge critters, was full of peanuts! As he watched, one of the two picked some up, took them to its mouth and then raised its trunk at the pardners. With a start, Lundy swatted at his face - he'd jest been hit by a peanut shell! Dang it, iffn it weren't monkeys throwin' things at them, it wuz elephants spittin'!
At the sound of Joe's laugh, he turned back, hiz own frown turning back to a smile. Cain't stay mad when Ah got this boy near me. "Okay, Joe, you had yore fun, now let's go."
Within minutes, moving at a jog, they had covered the bend in the trail and found themselves teetering on the edge of an enormous pool.
Lundy nearly fell in before Joe caught him and pulled back, saying, "Levon, this path must be the keepers' trail, not for visitors! We're right up against the seals' pool."
Shore enough, Levon looked down and could see brown shapes darting quickly below the water, and then one curious brown whiskered face broke the surface directly in front of them, liquid brown eyes peering up hopefully. Must be where the keepers stand when they throw in fish, Lundy thought. The first head was joined by another, then three more, all twitching their whiskers and flexing their nostrils. One mouth, almost doglike, opened and a kind of bark came out. This seemed to encourage the others, and now Levon and Joe were being serenaded by the whole group, one of whom rolled over completely, flippers, then tail smacking the water and splashing up at them.
Joe shook his head down at them, "Sorry guys, we don't have any fish for you and we're already as wet as you are!"
Levon opened hiz mouth to tell Joe they had to keep moving, when there was a harsh piping sound behind them.
"SHIT!" Joe shoved Levon into the seal tank and dove in behind him, just as the rhino came to a roaring, snorting halt at the edge of the pool where they had been standing.
-------End of Part 7-------
Part 8 By Jennie
Levon sputtered and pushed his hair out of his face. "Joe, what the hell are you doing?"
"Look ... it's Homer."
Turning his head, Levon saw a very angry looking rhino at the pool's edge. "Aw, hell."
"What do we do *now*?" Joe asked.
"Well, I reckon we better stay here until he decides to wander off, Joe."
"HEY!" Joe yelled in surprise.
A seal, apparently having decided that Joe was there for its entertainment, swam up between them and pushed at Joe with its nose. "Go on. Get away from me." Joe slapped water at the creature.
Deciding that this was a delightful new game, the seal returned the favor.
Levon started laughing and splashed water at Joe.
"Turncoat!" Joe accused. The fight was on. Before long, all of the seals and both men were involved in a fierce battle.
Finally, laughter overcame Joe and Levon and they swam to the opposite side of the pool, resting on the concrete lip.
Homer still watched them with grave suspicion, so they decided to stay at the water's edge. A fast getaway might become necessary at any moment.
They lay side by side, panting from their exertions. The seals, confused by the cessation of their grand game, came over one by one to investigate their new playmates. Apparently, Homer made them just nervous enough to stay in the water for they never emerged completely. After a time, they lost interest and went back to doing whatever seals normally do.
Homer remained on the other side of the pool, still glaring suspiciously into the water.
Once he'd caught his breath, Levon raised up on one elbow and pushed Joe's wet hair off of his forehead. After all these years of seemingly hopeless dreams, the freedom to touch his partner was intoxicating.
"Joe, did you mean it? I mean, you really want to touch me?"
Reaching up and grabbing Levon's hand, Joe placed it over his racing heart. "Yeah, cowboy, I meant it ... and, I want you to touch me, too."
Levon gazed searchingly into Joe's eyes and saw a desire that matched his own. Slowly, he moved closer. "We really shouldn't do this, Joe. Someone could come along any minute and see us."
"Soon as they see Homer they'll stop, Levon." He wrapped one hand around Levon's neck and pulled him down into a kiss.
Levon caught his breath and lay quiescent, accepting the kiss and letting Joe set the pace. When he felt Joe's tongue probe for an opening, he parted his lips and invited him in. It was amazing. Better that any dream he'd ever had.
Joe explored his mouth with increasing heat.
His cock hardened and his heart raced so that he thought he might die of a heart attack.
Groaning with pleasure, Levon moved to lie over Joe. He was so damned hard. He needed to feel Joe's heat against him. Needed to feel pressure against his cock. "Oh god, Joe ... you feel so good," he panted.
Joe pushed up against him, bringing their erections together. "Levon," Joe moaned, "I want you. I want you so bad it hurts."
Resting his forehead against Joe's, Levon sighed. "I don't know what we can do about it right now, partner. Someone could come along-"
Joe grabbed Levon's hips and ground their cocks against each other. "Levon ... as hot as I am right now, just this will bring me off." He reached up and started nibbling on Levon's neck. "C'mon, cowboy ... I want to see you come. I want it real bad."
"Oh god, Joey. Yer killin' me here." Arching his neck, Levon groaned in pleasure as Joe took advantage of the easier access.
His nibbles turned into bites, which he lovingly soothed with rough swipes of his tongue.
"Joe ... Joey, c'mere." Levon grabbed a fistful of Joe's hair and pulled him up into another kiss. He thrust his tongue into Joe's mouth, reveling in the freedom to do so. And the taste ... Joe tasted so ... mmm. Their hips ground together rhythmically and they groaned in concert.
"Joe," Levon ground out, "'m gonna come. Want you to be with me ... want to see ... ah, shit." He lost it, his orgasm sneaking up on him all too soon.
"Joe ... oh god, Joe..."
Joe arched up frantically and tumbled over the edge. He held on to Levon tightly, gasping aloud.
"Hey! Hey, anyone in there?"
Dazedly, Levon lifted his head. "You hear something, Joe?"
"Hey," came the disembodied voice again. "Anyone there?"
"Shit," Levon mumbled. He rolled off of Joe and sat up. "Yeah," he called out, "there's two of us and a very pissed off rhino in here."
"Okay. Hang on a minute longer. I'll find someone with a dart gun."
"Well, I suppose it could be worse." Joe sat up. "They could've turned up before we..."
Grinning at Joe's fiery blush, Levon nodded and leaned over for a quick kiss. "Or, worse yet ... they could've come right on in and seen us."
"Actually, I don't think I'd have even cared. Levon, that was ... that was ... amazing. I haven't come in my pants since I was a kid."
"Wait til you see what I do to you when we're naked in a bed together." Levon smiled in anticipation.
"Oh man ... what a picture!" Joe punched Levon's shoulder. "Now I'll be walking around with a hard-on for the rest of the day."
Good fer ya, boy." Levon smiled. "'Sides, I wouldn't want to be the only one."
-------End of Part 8-------
Part 9 By MAC
They scrambled to their feet, dripping from sodden clothing that concealed their recent and mutual enjoyment of each other. Levon grinned as he inspected Joe up and down. "Boy, you are gonna hafta retire that outfit."
Joe looked down at himself. His silk shirt was a mess and plastered to his chest, his silk-tweed trousers, now puckered and tatty, looked like they would never see the inside of another dry cleaner's establishment. He shrugged good-naturedly and smiled at his new found lover, "As of now, this is my favorite outfit, Levon - it holds our baptizing fire of love." Then he blushed again.
This time Levon's flush was a match, the red staining the blonde's fair skin from hairline to collar and doubtless below, thought Joe with inward delight. Gotta see that when we're naked, he decided with warm anticipation. "Come on, cowboy, we better get outta here before these little guys decide we belong to them." He gestured to several of the more daring seal pups who had bellied up onto the sunning shelf and were flopping closer by the second, their smaller honks a kind of muffled chorus.
Levon looked down at his feet. One of the pups, with melting brown eyes, was up against his boots, staring up with an almost worshipful expression on it's tiny furry face, dotted with long whitish whiskers. He reached down and scratched the sleek dark head and was rewarded by a playful butt against his leg. "Yep, this'un is showin' signs of adoptin' us."
Stepping squelchily over the pups, the two men made their way toward a series of bent bar ladder steps embedded in the wall of the cavern-like dry space facing the seals' tank. Climbing up them, they arrived at a gamekeeper's aerie atop the containment. Here they could see several other enclosures over some low trees. A group of men, all in zoo-khaki uniforms, were trotting after a small herd of gazelle that were hopping and bounding in front of them. The men, arms wide, were trying to guide them toward their chain link fenced area, but clearly the grass was greener outside, and the animals kept dodging away from the open gated entry to their usual enclosure.
In another direction, Lundy could see an enormous hippopotamus, followed by a trundling calf, swaying down a muddy road. There was no human in sight near the cow and her baby. She stopped suddenly to yawn widely and Levon, who was looking that way, swore he could see right down her throat, her jaws opened so widely. He decided then and there that they would NOT be the team to try and persuade her to return to her wading pool.
Joe was looking beyond to another area and shaking his head as he saw what looked like a streaking cheetah bring down a bewildered looking mountain goat. The ewe would not have anticipated such an unnatural enemy in her native cliff-side habitat. It was too late now. What looked like an entire pride of lions was prowling in the cheetah's wake, approaching the kill with caution. No humans in that area, and he thought it best that he and Levon not be the ones to try and sort out that particular mess.
"There!" Levon grabbed Joe's shoulder and pointed. Jogging down what was obviously another zookeeper trail, hidden from visitors, was a rather seedy looking man in a flapping raincoat and no trousers. The angle prevented them from seeing if he was otherwise clothed. Definitely NOT police or zoo personnel.
"That's got to be our guy," LaFiamma answered with a nod, "so what now?"
"Think we'd best find a way offen this here turret and down on ta hiz trail. Mebbe we kin head him off." Lundy was leaning forward on the waist-high restraining bar that skirted their observation post, trying to see where the path led.
LaFiamma looked at Lundy with newly open affection and amusement, "Head him off at the pass, cowboy?"
Shooting a look of wry exasperation at hiz pardner, Levon pointed to a spot to the left of where the man's path disappeared. "Ah think it's gonna come out over there."
Joe looked doubtfully in that direction. "I dunno." He hesitated, then decided they might as well get back to business - for now. "Okay, then, let's try it. Now, how do we get from here to there?"
Both looked down more closely at their feet. LaFiamma was the first to spot the rungs of metal that led back down on the outside of the seals' space.
They climbed over the rail, ignoring the padlocked gate that they couldn't open, and started down the rungs. Joe spared one more ironic look at the padlock as his head sank below the top of the observation lookout. If all the gates had had padlocks they wouldn't be in this mess now. On the other hand, if padlocks had been in use, maybe he and Levon still wouldn't yet have discovered that they both wanted the same thing - each other. He smiled and kept climbing down.
The last rung left Levon dropping a few feet on to a dirt trail that didn't look like it got much use. Not the path their target wuz runnin' on then. He looked up and down the trail, no sign of enyone, either way. He moved aside for LaFiamma to drop down beside him.
"Okay, kemosabe, which way now?"
Lundy looked blankly at the brunette for a moment, then shook his head. "Ah believe down this way." He pointed away from the trail, down what looked like a steep bank of tangled undergrowth, thick enough to conceal what lay beyond.
"You're kidding, right?"
Lundy didn't answer, squatting down and edging off the trail carefully. Feeling his way with his wet boots, heel first, while he gripped tuffets of tall grass with both hands. After watching for a moment, LaFiamma followed suit, next to the blonde.
For a short time both sank slowly down the embankment, tangles of tall bushes clinging to them, then with an unexpected shudder, the loose sandy soil gave way under their weight and they were shooting down like tobogganers, entire bushes caught between their legs and still gripped in their fists.
There was a crash, and then silence. Tiny sounds. Sand and small pebbles slithering down to land in small mounds on their heads and shoulders, sticking to the damp hair and clothing. Both looked rather like soldiers in excellent mountain terrain camouflage. Right down to smears of muddy soil on their faces and hands. Two identical sighs sounded, followed by very similar groans as all the new scratches and bumps made themselves felt.
"When we finally catch up with that feller, Joe, Ah may hafta be restrained."
"Won't be by me." LaFiamma was looking down at himself in disgust. He plucked the scraggly looking bush out from between his legs, making a face of painful displeasure as it scraped against his crotch. "Ouch!"
Lundy pried hiz hands open and let the gnarled weedy stems of more bush drop to the ground, the shallow roots had not had a chance against gravity when he'd added hiz weight.
He sighed again and stood. Joe wuz still on the ground at hiz feet, a rebellious frown on hiz beautiful face. Yep, the boy wuz beautiful, even in the middle of this muck. "Joe?" Levon offered his hand solemnly.
LaFiamma looked up and with obvious resignation accepted the offered hand. Coming to his feet with more grace than Lundy anticipated, he ended up smack up against his partner. Better. LaFiamma let his hands slip around the slender waist and held on, resting and enjoying the intimacy.
Lundy's arms had automatically encircled LaFiamma at this proximity. He planted a kiss on the bruised face, near what appeared to be a split lip, then raised one hand to gently touch the bloody tear. "You ok?"
"Yeah," came the soft reply. Blue eyes that were changing from bright skyblue to stormy, almost blue gray, studied the blonde's face. "How about you?"
"Right about now, Ah feel like Ah been ridin' a brahma, an' jest been throw'd."
"Well, if we run into any bulls, at least I know which one of us has some experience with'em."
"Not likely they got rodeo bulls in here, Chi, more'n likely bisen er water buff."
Joe just looked at him in silence. Then, giving in to temptation, kissed the pale lips so close.
Lundy didn't response for a moment, then his lips softened and he returned the kiss with delicacy. Even hiz care wasn't enough as Joe jerked back with a painful grunt. "Um, guess split lips aren't too good for this."
"We got time, Joe." Hugging Joe fur a moment, Levon then straightened away and let the tall brunette go. He looked around. "Let's try this way."
LaFiamma looked on with bemusement and doubt. "Your last pick on direction wasn't so good, Lundy."
Levon's grin was white teeth in a muddy face, flashing directly into Joe's heart. Warming him. Damn, looked like the cowboy was gonna be able to get away with murder after this, only have to smile like that at me and I'll be lost.
"Might as well try it, don't see no better places to break loose from here." Lundy had caught the look of startled affection on LaFiamma's face. We're gonna hafta talk, the boy has a speakin' face, cain't rightly hide our new footin' from the world iffn he cain't keep a lid on it. The taciturn look that Lundy usually wore was decidedly missing though and he knew it. Gonna hafta work on myself as well, he decided with an internal grin, turning to lead them on into the thinning undergrowth.
They both had to fight the untamed greenery for the next few minutes, uttering low-voiced curses as branches snapped back into faces and scraped against already roughed hands and arms. With a sound of surprise, first LaFiamma, then Lundy stumbled down out of what turned out to be a loose hedgerow into a shallow rain ditch siding a more traveled path.
It wasn't vacant.
Tiny tuxedoed birds squawked in outrage as the two tall humans suddenly lurched into their toy-like formation. The penguins, small sized for their breed, flapped tiny flippers and twisted their heads up to stare at the intruders.
Joe felt like Gulliver staring down at the sea of small 'men' around him, all dressed for a formal night on the town. At least forty birds were crowded socially close in the small clearing, really a wide spot on the keepers' path. He looked over at Lundy who had his arms up, bent at the elbows to keep his hands out of range of the sharp looking beaks.
"Well, Levon, at least they're dressed for the occasion." He didn't try to keep the laugh out of his voice.
Lundy threw him a speaking look and took a cautious step toward the edge of the milling 'crowd.'
The birds obligingly separated for him and he moved with more confidence.
LaFiamma followed Lundy's lead and soon both were at the edge of the rocking group of nervous birds.
"There!" Lundy pointed through a thin screen of trees to a turn in their path, on a slightly lower level. The man they'd seen earlier was moving slowly now, keeping in a crouch, his attention away from them.
"Let's go," LaFiamma said quietly, increasing his speed as he reached even with the blonde. Neither looked back to see that the group of penguins had all shifted to follow the tall creatures who looked rather like the humans that regularly fed them.
Moving into a hurried trot the two men, with an unnoticed entourage of now silent, determined-looking black and white flightless birds flowing behind, followed the path around the bend and down toward their quarry.
-------End of Part 9-------
Part 10
The man remained crouched and looking away from them as they bore down on him. He had stopped and was peering through the bushes at something.
Moving as quietly as possible they closed up the distance until they were right on top of the man.
Then Joe snapped, "HPD! Hands on top of your head!"
The man jumped up, spinning to face them, stunned surprise on his face. His eyes went wide and he staggered back a step as he saw the surging tide of the little black and white penguins flowing towards him behind the two remarkably dirty men.
Still not realizing that they had an entourage, Joe and Levon thought he was about to bolt. Levon tackled him as Joe dug in his pants pocket for his handcuffs before grabbing one of the man's arms and starting to snap the cuff around it.
Just as he clicked it shut the penguins flowed past him... and over Levon and the flasher. They didn't seem interested in Levon but the flasher let out a howl as sharp little beaks began to peck at him.
Levon rolled to his feet and tried to pull the flasher up but the determined little birds weren't having any. They kept tripping the man and pecking at his bare legs as Joe came to assist Levon in getting him up.
Joe couldn't help laughing although he knew the sharp beaks must be hurting the man. It seemed like poetic justice somehow that the man who had been flashing little kids at the zoo should be brought down by a bunch of little penguins.
"Get them off me! Help! I got rights!"
"Yeah," Joe laughed "you got the right to shut the hell up! I suggest you use it. You're under arrest!"
Levon grinned at him over the man's head as he danced around trying to get away from the still annoyed penguins.
He shook his head. "You wanna see if you can find a blue and white ta take him in while I see if I can persuade our friends here to head back to their habitat?"
"Lundy..." Joe looked down at himself then over at Lundy. "I think we both need to go somewhere and get cleaned up. Why don't I just toss him in the Jimmy. We can take him in and book'm then hit my place for some clean clothes. I think that under the circumstances the Lieutenant will give us the rest of the day off... especially since we caught the guy..." he grinned that little boy grin of his and added, "... with a little help from our friends."
Levon considered it a moment then nodded. "Sounds like a plan." He looked down at the group of penguins that had now subsided from attacking the flasher apparently having decided that the tall humans now had things under control. "Wonder where they belong?"
"Why don't we just head for the Jimmy and see if we can find someone to take them off our hands on the way?" Joe suggested.
"Well... I reckon that might work... if they keep followin' us."
"Oh, I think they'll follow us. They seem to have decided that you're their leader." Joe grinned as he turned the flasher and gave him a shove to get him started down the path.
After about twenty minutes of walking they arrived back at the gate they had entered through. They had seen several other officers but hadn't found anyone that the penguins were willing to stay with. So as they marched up to Sergeant Garrett's command post they still had their following.
Garrett turned and raised a brow at them.
"Don't ask!" Joe snapped.
Levon chuckled. "Long story. Grist of it is that we got him."
Jack Garrett grinned back at Levon, "Bet it's interesting too. Have ta hear it sometime."
"Maybe." Levon shrugged. "Look we're gonna go book this fella. Could ya see if ya can find somebody to take these guys," he gestured at the penguins, "back ta where they belong?"
Garrett nodded and got on the radio. Soon the handler for the penguins arrived.
Shaking his head, he chided them gently, "Now... now... guys you know you don't belong out here. Come on... Let's go home."
At the sound of the familiar voice the little birds waddled over and gathered around him. He continued to chat to them as he led them off down the path towards their habitat.
Joe and Levon put the guy in the back seat of the Jimmy and after Levon tossed a couple of blankets he had in the back over the front seats they climbed in and headed for the station.
They got quite a few curious stares as they booked the man but managed to get it done fairly quickly.
Beaumont took one look at them when they walked into the MCU and said, "I don't even want to know. Go... Get out of here... See you Monday."
As they rode down in the elevator to the garage Joe suddenly grinned and reached over to push the stop button. Turning to Levon he stepped close and pulled the cowboy into his arms, kissing him soundly.
When he was done, Levon pulled back, "Not that I'm complainin' but... what was that for?"
"Weren't you listening? She said, 'See you Monday'. This is Saturday noon. We got the weekend off, Cowboy and I know *exactly* what I want to do with it!" The glint in his eye and the grin on his face told Levon all he needed to know.
Levon's grin spread to match Joe's, "Your place... or my place?" He asked, his voice going husky.
"Let's start at mine... and move on to yours." Joe smiled as he restarted the elevator. "After all you do have to check in on your horse... sometime."
The End