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Fandom: | Houston Knights |
Series: | Other Stories |
Rating: | NC17 |
Pairing: | Joe/Levon |
Archive: | Starwinder's |
Title: | Confined Spaces: Elevator |
Author: | Starwinder |
e-mail: | starwinder2of7@gmail.com |
Standard Disclaimer: Houston Knights belongs to Jay Bernstein and Michael Butler and Columbia Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended. This is fan fiction, written out of love for the shows. I am making no money off this. I have no money so please don't sue me. Any original characters who may appear in these stories are the property of the author. |
Confined Spaces: Elevator
By Starwinder
"Not again!" LaFiamma groaned, adding a small curse as the lights flickered and then went out. He dropped his head to the desk and bounced his forehead on it in frustration.
Lundy watched his partner and grinned. "Just be glad the air conditioning is on a separate circuit and the gremlins ain't got into it yet."
The electricity at the station had been going off and on all afternoon. It wasn't a general blackout, which was what made it so annoying. If the power had been off everywhere at once it wouldn't seem so much like someone was out to get them. The breakers just kept tripping out, never the same ones twice in a row and everyone was beginning to get paranoid. It almost seemed like the more you wanted or needed something to work the more likely it was that that would be the next thing to go. Now the circuit that the computers were on had tripped out. It seemed like half the electricians on the city payroll were running around tracing wiring and circuitry but they hadn't been able to find anything.
"'Sides I told you. Stick to the typewriter, but no, you had to have the first computer that came along. Now, I'm all finished with my report and you have to start all over.....again." He grinned as he pulled the paper from the typewriter and headed for Beaumont's office.
LaFiamma followed him. He leaned against the door frame as Lundy handed the report to Beaumont.
"This about ties things up for me, Joanne. If it's all right with you I think I'll head on home." He turned to give LaFiamma a look that said too bad you can't leave yet.
"Lt." Joe started. "The damn power to the computer is...."
"Off. I know, Joe. So is mine. Go on get out of here. Maybe they'll figure out what's going on by morning. If not you can borrow Lundy's typewriter." She waved the two men out.
Watching them go she smiled. Lundy loved to tease LaFiamma but he would have been disappointed if she hadn't let his partner leave with him.
The two men stepped out into the hall and turned in opposite directions, Lundy going toward the elevators and LaFiamma heading toward the stairs.
LaFiamma turned his head to see where Lundy was and stopped when he realized that his partner was not with him. Seeing Lundy at the elevator he called, "Are you sure you want to trust that thing not to stop between floors, Lundy?"
"I ain't walking down fifteen flights of stairs this late in the day, LaFiamma. The elevators have been back in operation for more than three hours. I think I'll trust them to keep working five more minutes."
LaFiamma shook his head, "That's what I said about the computer, Lundy." But he walked back to the elevator and boarded it with his partner.
No one else seemed inclined to take a chance on the elevator and when the doors closed they found themselves alone. Lundy pushed the button for the garage and they began to descend. Neither man spoke as the floor numbers counted down. Everything seemed to be fine until they hit the lobby level and began the final drop to the underground garage. Halfway between the lobby level and the first garage level the elevator gave a lurch and the light went out. They stopped, suspended between floors.
Lundy cursed.
LaFiamma laughed, "I told you so!"
"It ain't funny, LaFiamma. If we were on any other floor we could just pry the doors open and climb out. But there's a thirty foot blank shaft between the lobby level and the underground garage level. We can't get out of here until the power comes back on."
"So get on the phone and call somebody." LaFiamma said, yanking open the emergency phone box and handing Lundy the phone.
Lundy took it and jangled the hook trying to get a dial tone. "Damn! It ain't working!"
LaFiamma grabbed it back and repeated Lundy's actions with the same results. He shrugged and hung it back up. "Guess we're stuck here till somebody notices that we're missing or that the elevator ain't working." He dropped down to a sit on the floor. "Might as well get comfortable, Lundy."
Lundy glared at him as if it was his fault that the elevator had stopped.
"What? I didn't do nothing." LaFiamma protested.
Lundy leaned back against the elevator wall and slid down it to sit beside his partner on the floor. "No. I don't guess you did.... Really."
"But you're gonna blame me anyhow. Right."
"Nah. Just teasing you." Lundy grinned suddenly. He had been annoyed when he thought that Joe wasn't going to get to go home with him then happy when Joanne had cut him loose. Now he was ready to have some fun.
Without warning he turned on LaFiamma, sliding one hand behind his partner's head to pull him into a kiss while he swung one leg across both of LaFiamma's legs so that he was sitting on Joe's lap as he kissed him.
LaFiamma gave him a shove that broke the kiss, "Lundy! What'd'ya think you're doing! We got a deal! No messing around at work!"
"We ain't at work....technically. And I ain't messin' with you. We're about as private here as you can get and I don't see no reason why I can't love my lover." He bent back in and reclaimed Joe's mouth with his own.
Joe pushed against him for a minute in protest then yielded, parting his lips and letting Lundy slip his tongue into his mouth. Joe closed his eyes and relaxed, giving himself up to the kiss.
Lundy broke the kiss slowly, nipping at Joe's lower lip, holding it between his lips as he withdrew from the kiss. Releasing Joe's lip, he planted small soft kisses across Joe's forehead, then trailed them down Joe's cheek to his neck and kissed his way to the hollow of Joe's throat. He nipped at it gently then licked it, eliciting a soft moan of pleasure from Joe.
Joe shifted beneath him and Lundy knew that he was ready to become an active participant in their little game. He had known all along that it wouldn't take much to get Joe going. One of the things that he loved about his partner was his utter responsiveness. Joe got heated up quickly and once turned on would be eager to continue. Lundy hoped it would be a while before anyone noticed that this particular elevator wasn't working.
He sat back and then stood up pulling Joe up with him. Joe grinned at him in the red glow of the emergency lights and quickly slid his jacket off his shoulders letting it fall to the floor of the elevator. Seconds later, his guns and holsters followed.
Lundy stepped back to watch as LaFiamma removed his shirt and began to unbuckle his belt. He loved to watch Joe undress, even though he never made any attempt to do a striptease. Joe liked to be naked for Lundy even on those rare occasions when Lundy didn't strip down himself. Joe could be very shy and inhibited as long as he was dressed but it was like he shed his shyness and his inhibitions with his clothes, becoming wild and uninhibited.
When he was naked he closed the step between himself and Lundy and knelt at Lundy's feet. He unfastened Lundy's belt and unzipped the tight jeans that Lundy was wearing. Seconds later he was tugging Lundy's rapidly swelling cock from those jeans. He smiled at the sight of his lover's arousal. He squeezed the cock forcing a small bead of precum from the tip and leaned forward to lick it off.
Taking the head of the now rampart cock into his mouth he sucked on it gently for a few minutes then released the head to lick the shaft from where it jutted out of Lundy's jeans to the flared bottom of the cockhead. He tugged at Lundy's jeans trying to get them lower so that he could get to Lundy's balls as well.
Lundy reached down and pulled him back up to suck on the head of the cock say, "I'll get them down. You keep sucking, Baby,"
LaFiamma obeyed, returning his hungry mouth to the head of Lundy's cock, opening wide and sliding most of the long thick cock into his mouth and down his throat.
Lundy moaned as he worked his jeans down to expose his balls, his knees were starting to feel weak.
LaFiamma sensed that Lundy needed to get in a better position and released his hold on Lundy's cock long enough for the other man to lie down on the carpeted floor of the elevator. Then he returned to work, kneeling between Lundy's legs now, he bent to his task eagerly.
He deep throated Lundy's cock with expert ease and constricted his throat around it squeezing it just as he would have with his hand. He let it slide back out of his throat till just the head remained in his mouth and sucked on it gently.
Lundy's moans of pleasure were all the encouragement he needed. He released the head of Lundy's cock and licked around the flared rim of the head. He probed at the slit in the tip before releasing it entirely to take one of Lundy's balls in his mouth, rolling his tongue gently around the nut, then releasing it to take the other in his mouth.
He licked the underside of Lundy's cock from balls to tip then once again took the head into his mouth.
Lundy closed his eyes and moaned softly. He loved the way Joe sucked him. He was gentle, seldom using his teeth, never biting or nipping unless Levon indicated that he wanted him to. He took his time and would back off when Levon got close to cumming, letting his lover slide back from the edge, then returning to his task to bring him back to the edge. It was sweet torture. Worth every minute of it when he finally allowed Levon to cum, eagerly swallowing every drop of the hot cum.
As he felt his climax rising in him Levon began to thrust into Joe's mouth ready to give him the load he had been working to extract but he should have known that Joe wasn't going to let him cum that quickly. When he began to thrust, Joe released his cock, sitting back to look at him.
Lundy moaned and reached for his cock to jack himself off, determined to climax, but Joe caught his hands and held them, refusing to let him.
"Dammit, Joe!" Lundy growled as he struggled to get his hands loose. "If you ain't gonna finish me..."
Joe grinned, "Oh, I'm gonna finish you, Cowboy, but not with my mouth. I want you in me, lover." He released Levon's hands and lay down close beside him.
Levon rolled over on top of him and bending to kiss him, laced their fingers together and raised Joe's hands over his head holding them there. Joe moaned with pleasure.
"Handcuffs?" Levon whispered, knowing that Joe sometimes liked to be restrained.
"Yeah" Joe replied, his breath quickening.
Levon reached back and pulled his cuffs from the rear pocket of his jeans. He rolled back off Joe and flipping him over, quickly cuffing his lover's hands behind his back. Joe moaned and began to tremble slightly in anticipation of what was to come.
Levon began to stroke Joe's body, caressing him firmly, possessively; every touch of his hands increasing Joe's arousal. He could feel the heat rising off his lover as the touch of his hands raised Joe's hunger to a fever pitch. He bent over Joe's back, his rampart cock prodding Joe's buttocks as he began to feather kisses across Joe's shoulders and trail them down to Joe's buttocks. He paused at Joe's hands and kissed them, taking each finger into his mouth he sucked it gently then released it to go on to the next.
Joe was moaning loudly now, beginning to go wild with desire. He drew his knees up until he was in a kneeling posture, and arched his back trying to capture the cock that kept bumping his buttocks.
Levon watched him, his lover's obvious need for him arousing him even more than he thought possible. He bent and kissed Joe's buttock; biting down, sucking hard at the taut flesh. He marked his lover then spreading Joe's ass cheeks he leaned forward and began to lick the exposed anus, using his spit to lube it. He loved the musky odor of it, Joe was always clean, even there. Cleanliness was almost an obsession with him, something that Levon had not truly appreciated until they had become lovers.
When he had Joe well slicked with his spit he moved up close behind him and placed the head of his cock against the tight ring of Joe's anus. Joe pushed back trying to impale himself on it but Levon swayed back not letting him, teasing him now, and denying him what he wanted the way Joe had teased him earlier. He could not play the game long though, his desire to be in Joe was almost as strong as Joe's desire to have him there.
"Lundy! Please!" Joe's voice was hoarse with need, "Please quit teasing me! I need you! Oh, God! I need you so!" He was almost sobbing.
Levon couldn't deny him any longer. He surged forward and drove nearly half his length into Joe with a single thrust.
Joe ached back to meet the thrust and cried out with mingled pain and pleasure. "Yes! Oh, Yes! Come on, Cowboy! Give it to me! Hard and fast! Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!"
Lundy reached up and wrapped his hands around the chain of the handcuffs and using them for leverage to pull Joe back to him every time he thrust forward he settled into a bone jarring rhythm; giving Joe the hard fast ride he wanted. It didn't take but a few minutes of this before they were both climaxed, crying out in unison as they came.
Levon collapsed over Joe's back then rolled off to draw his lover into his arms. They lay snuggled together for a long time catching their breath. Finally Levon sighed and said. "I reckon we better get you out of those cuffs."
Joe sat up and turned to present his cuffed hands to Lundy. Lundy shook his head slightly. He was always amazed at how easily Joe moved, being handcuffed didn't seem to interfere with him doing whatever he wanted. Lundy unfastened the cuffs and watched Joe as he got dressed.
When he had his clothes back on LaFiamma looked back at Lundy and asked, "So. You want to stay here and wait to be rescued or you want to climb out that trapdoor up there and climb down the shaft to the garage and go on home."
Lundy tilted his head back and looked up at the trapdoor and laughed. "You are a devil. LaFiamma! You knew that was there all along."
"Hey! I didn't want to ruin your fun. Besides we never did it in an elevator before." LaFiamma grinned, stepping closer to Lundy and leaning in to kiss him.
Lundy kissed him back. Then withdrew to say, "I was kinda looking forward to a nice soft bed tonight." He put his arms around LaFiamma, "Filled with a nice hot lover."
"So. Let's get outta here." Joe murmured as he kissed Lundy again, "And get into that nice soft bed where you can fan the flames and get your lover hotter and hotter."
The End.