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Fandom: | Houston Knights |
Series: | Other Stories |
Rating: | NC17 |
Pairing: | Joe/Levon |
Archive: | Starwinder's |
Title: | Lost on a Highway |
Author: | Starwinder |
e-mail: | starwinder2of7@gmail.com |
Standard Disclaimer: Houston Knights belongs to Jay Bernstein and Michael Butler and Columbia Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended. This is fan fiction, written out of love for the shows. I am making no money off this. I have no money so please don't sue me. Any original characters who may appear in these stories are the property of the author. |
LaFiamma stared out the windshield and tried to remember which way they had turned at this junction when Lundy had took him to Mother Minnie's at Thanksgiving. This was his first time back although Lundy had been going every chance he got since that fateful weekend. Lundy had gone down for three days at Christmas. LaFiamma hadn't gone with him although invited. He had thought that that being the last Christmas that Lundy would have with Mother Minnie it might be best if they spent it alone.
Now he stared out the windshield at the rain swept road and could not for the life of him remember which way they had turned. It had been four months. He had been distracted at the time. He looked over at Lundy, still asleep and he wasn't about to wake him. Lundy had been in a foul mood for two weeks. He and Jamie were going at it hammer and tongs every time they saw each other.
[Yeah, and what they're fighting about is him and me. Which is why he's not coming to visit me while they're fighting. He's trying to prove to her that I'm not what's on his mind.]
He tightened his mouth into a thin line and turned left.
[If I'm wrong he can just yell at me. That's all he does lately anyhow!]
The rain grew steadily worse as he drove and the road seemed to be getting narrower. He glanced over at Lundy. Still asleep.
[I took the wrong damn turn.]
[Should have known. Should have just woke him up.]
By now he could barely see the road and had slowed to a crawl. He felt rather than saw it when the right side wheels left the pavement. There was a sudden jar and the Jimmy lurched to the right throwing Lundy against the door. He sat up with a curse.
Glaring at LaFiamma he snapped, "What'd you do, boy? Break an axle!"
"If I'd a broke an axle you wouldn't have to ask. We'd be down there in that ditch!"
Lundy peered out the window at the woods on both sides of the road. In the downpour it was hard to tell but he was pretty sure that they weren't on the road to Minnie's. "Exactly where are we, LaFiamma?
He demanded, glaring at his partner again.
"I don't know." LaFiamma mumbled.
"Excuse me! I didn't quite get that!" Lundy's voice was angry.
"I said, I don't know." LaFiamma practically shouted, glaring right back at Lundy.
"Great. Get out and check the damage. You must'a messed something up or the four wheel drive would get us out of here."
"I ain't getting out in this rain!" LaFiamma snapped.
"Dammit, LaFiamma you got us into this, you get us out!"
"I wouldn't have missed that turn if you'd been awake. It ain't my fault that you ain't been getting your sleep. I've only been on this road once and that was four months ago. You should have been awake."
"You could have woke me up."
"And had you yell at me. Yeah. Right. That's just what I needed."
There was a bitter edge to LaFiamma's voice and suddenly he decided that he'd rather be out in the rain than in there with Lundy. Shoving the door open he jumped out into the storm and slammed the door behind him. The March rain was cold and he was soaked to the skin in just a matter of minutes but he didn't care. He bowed his head to keep the rain out of his eyes and stalked around the Jimmy to check the wheels that were off the road, glad he had decided on jeans and running shoes for the trip. Still when he reached the steep slope on the side of the road his feet slipped and he started sliding down toward the water filled ditch.
Lundy had been sitting in the Jimmy. watching as best he could, while his partner sloshed around in the rain.
[Damn! He's gonna get himself drowned!]
He shoved the door open on his side and practically fell out. Hanging on to the door he reached toward LaFiamma. "Gimme your hand. Come on, dammit. Gimme your damn hand!" He stretched as far as he could reach and LaFiamma finally reached up and took his hand. He held on as Lundy pulled him back up to the Jimmy.
Lundy wrapped one arm around LaFiamma as he kept hold of the door with the other. The steep slope that they were on was going to make getting back in the Jimmy tough. "I'm sorry I yelled at you. Okay? Just get back in the Jimmy. Ain't nothing we can do in this mess anyhow. We'll just have to wait till it quits raining."
LaFiamma leaned against Lundy and nodded. "OK."
He turned and tried to pull himself up into the Jimmy. His feet started sliding again and Lundy dug in his heels and braced against the door to give him some support. LaFiamma tried again and almost made it then fell back. The sudden weight on Lundy's arm was too much. He lost his grip on the door and they both went down. LaFiamma on his back, his head toward the ditch. Lundy falling across him, riding him toward the ditch like he was a sled. They hit the water together.
LaFiamma surfaced first and looked around for Lundy. Lundy came up behind him and grabbed his shoulder for support. LaFiamma turned and grabbed hold of him, holding him up in the water. The water in the ditch wasn't flowing at least not fast and LaFiamma was a strong swimmer. He had them out of the water in just a minute but the Jimmy looked about a hundred miles away.
"Maybe if we angled up the slope. Tried for the back. Went in that way." Lundy gasped.
"Maybe. Worth a try." LaFiamma replied. He laughed suddenly.
"What?" Lundy demanded.
"Just thinking" LaFiamma chuckled.
"Thinking, what, LaFiamma?"
"When we were nice and dry in the Jimmy we couldn't do nothing but yell at each other. Now we're lying in a ditch, half drowned, in the pouring rain and we're not mad anymore."
Lundy chuckled too. "Just proves we're crazy."
LaFiamma moved closer, the hand that rested on Lundy's back began to stoke him gently. "You always did make me crazy." His voice had gone low and husky.
"This ain't the time or place, LaFiamma." Lundy said, pushing LaFiamma towards the Jimmy, he added, "Let's try and get back inside... first."
LaFiamma nodded. Lundy's use of the word 'first' told him that they were not going to be yelling when they got back in the Jimmy, at least not in anger.
They headed for the back of the Jimmy angling up the slope, still slipping and sliding but not so badly now that they were helping each other. They made it to the back of the Jimmy and LaFiamma reached for the latch.
"Wait a minute," Lundy yelled.
"What for?" LaFiamma demanded.
"Ain't no reason to get the Jimmy all muddy. Let's take these muddy clothes off first. The rain'll rinse us off. Then we'll just be wet when we get in."
"Lundy? Are you nuts? Take our clothes off in the middle of the highway?" LaFiamma gaped at him.
"You see anybody else crazy enough to be out here, LaFiamma. Ain't nobody gonna see us." Lundy had already taken his muddy shirt off and turned to lean against the Jimmy as he bent to remove his boots.
LaFiamma stared at him for a moment, debating the advisability of stripping in the middle of the road but the more skin he saw Lundy bare; the less he thought about it. He started pulling his waterlogged sweater off, baring his broad muscled chest to Lundy's gaze.
Lundy grinned. [Maybe being lost ain't so bad thing after all.]
LaFiamma quickly stripped to his shorts and wadded everything up into a ball ready to be tossed in the back.
"I meant everything, LaFiamma." Lundy reached out and gave LaFiamma's shorts a tug.
LaFiamma turned and looked at Lundy. His heart jumped and began to pound at the sight. Lundy was completely naked. His cock was hard and pointing straight at LaFiamma. There wasn't a thing to do but step close and grab the waving organ as he pulled Lundy to him and covered his partner's mouth with his.
Lundy pushed him away. "Whoa, Boy. Lose the shorts and get inside. I got no intention of getting asphalt burns on my ass."
LaFiamma complied eagerly. Moments later the two partners lay in the back of the Jimmy. Trying to get comfortable among the various items that filled up the rear compartment. It wasn't working out well.
"Ow!" LaFiamma yelped. He reached behind him and shoved the car jack out of the way. Leaning back toward Lundy he found Lundy's overnight bag in the way.
Lundy was having problems of his own trying to reach his partner. It felt like he was sitting on a suitcase. Probably was.
"Try getting in the back seat." He panted to LaFiamma.
His partner crawled toward the back of the rear seat and rolled over it.
Lundy followed. He landed on top of LaFiamma and deciding that that was just fine. LaFiamma pulled him close and they began to kiss. The sound of the rain pounding on the top of the Jimmy was quickly forgotten as they lost themselves in each other's embrace.
Lundy's hands began to roam. He raised up enough to get one hand down to LaFiamma's chest to stoke the nipples that were already hard from the chill of the rain.
"You're cold, Baby." He whispered to the younger man.
"Not for long, Cowboy." LaFiamma replied.
Levon could feel his lover's cock starting to harden between them. He slid his hand closer to it. Stopping to slide one finger into Joe's bellybutton, knowing how sensitive that spot was on the man and loving the way stroking it make Joe moan.
Joe moaned loudly and arched his back in an attempt to get the finger deeper in his bellybutton. Levon obliged and worked the finger deeper till Joe began to pant and his cock was so hard it slapped up against his belly almost like it was trying to crawl into Lundy's hand.
Lundy wrapped his hand around his lover's cock and began to stroke it, slowly at first then more quickly.
Joe reached between them trying to close his hand on Levon's cock but Levon shook his head. "No. Between your thighs."
Joe understood what he wanted and spread his legs just enough for Levon to thrust his cock between his thighs then closed them tight around it. Levon began to thrust as Joe gripped his cock firmly. He bent his head and found one of Joe's taut nipples nipping at it as he pumped his partner's cock in rhythm with his thrusting between his thighs.
Joe began thrusting in Levon's hand, his body responding to the wonderful feeling of having this man touch him. His mind was shutting down as he neared his climax and as he began to come he cried out in Italian, no longer able to think in English.
Levon gave one last hard thrust and cried out as his climax swept over him. Collapsing on top of his lover he lay still for a long moment. Then raising his head enough to see Joe's face, he whispered. "I don't know what you were hollering when you came, but it sure sounded sweet."
Joe grinned. "If you want to know what I say in bed you might want to learn Italian. I don't generally remember what I say when I climax."
Levon chuckled. "I guess I'll just have to wonder. As long as you sound happy."
He lowered his head and began to lick at Joe's nipples again, pleased by the way they jumped back up. Joe gave him a push. A gentle one.
"Hey! It's my turn! Roll over." He instructed. "I want on top."
Levon grinned. As they began to rearrange themselves, he glanced out the window and noted that the rain hadn't slacked a bit.
[Might be here all night.]
[Fine with me.]
He settled down into the seat lifting one leg up over the back of the seat so Joe could kneel between his spread legs. He lay back and relaxed knowing that LaFiamma would take his own sweet time with his loving. He wasn't disappointed. Joe began with a long slow kiss. He loved kissing Levon and would sometimes just want to sit on the couch and neck till Levon was ready to explode. He nibbled on Levon's lower lip and then pushed his tongue inside to taste Lundy's mouth. He opened his own mouth and sucked Levon's tongue in. Levon moaned softly and thrust his tongue deep into Joe's mouth. Joe let him take over the kiss, waiting till Levon drew back before beginning to place soft little kisses along his partner's neck, following the curve of it down to the hollow at the base. He sucked gently at the hollow, not wanting to leave a mark that Mother Minnie might see and ask about.
He continued to trail kisses downward until he reached Levon's left nipple. He licked it, once... twice... three times.
Levon moaned, right on cue.
Joe chuckled and moved on to the right nipple. Licking it once... twice.
Levon moaned again.
Joe raised his head.
"Don't stop!" Levon pleaded.
Three times... eliciting another moan. Joe grinned. The moan on twice had just been a bonus.
Time to try something he liked but hadn't tried on Levon before. He stuck out his tongue and slid down to thrust it in Levon's belly button.
Levon howled and arched his back, shoving his stomach up to Joe.
Joe withdrew his tongue and began to suck on the indentation instead.
Levon howled louder. Joe raised his head and laughed with delight at his lover's reaction. "Now you know why I like it!"
He returned to his task. After another moment of sucking on Levon's bellybutton, he began to trail kisses down his lover's stomach, to the very edge of the tangle of curly blonde hair from which Levon's rigid cock rose. He circled around the tempting pole and continued to kiss his way down Levon's thigh. Just above the knee he found a spot on the inside of Levon's thigh that made his lover cry out when he licked it and he spent several moments slowly licking it, driving Levon to louder and louder howls. He lifted his head away from the spot and let his lover catch his breath but only so that Levon could shriek like a banshee when he returned to it, clamping down and sucking hard, marking his lover in a place unlikely to be seen by others.
Levon had his hands tangled in Joe's hair tugging lightly, trying to pull Joe up to his cock, wanting his lover to take him in his mouth. But Joe would not be hurried. He'd get to that. But not till Levon was ready to die for it.
He turned his attention to Levon's other thigh. He figured he could spend another ten to fifteen minutes on that before Levon would start pulling his hair completely out trying to get him up to his cock.
He tried out the spot on that leg that matched the one on the other leg. He got the same reaction. He grinned. Levon was going to be hoarse when they got to Mother Minnie's.
He took his time, knowing that Levon really didn't mind. He enjoyed Joe's slow loving. He continued kissing and licking his way up that thigh until he returned, several long moments later to the rigid pole rising out of the tangle of blonde hair. He lifted his head watching Levon's face as his lover trembled with desire, giving him time to regain his breath and calm down a little before he finally gave him what he wanted.
Levon let his hands relax in Joe's hair, knowing that he was about to get what he desired. He took several long slow breaths, trying to get his pounding heart to slow down. Having Joe love him wasn't anything like being with Jamie. He was always worrying with her. Worrying if he was satisfying her, worrying how she'd react if he asked her to do what Joe was doing, just let him lay back and be loved on. As torturous as Joe's slow style was it was also incredibly satisfying. No one had ever taken the time to give him pleasure the way that Joe did. On one, not even Caroline. Joe watched every reaction to whatever he did. By learning what pleased and what did not, he got better and better every time they made love.
When he thought that Levon had had enough time to recover from his previous ministrations Joe bent his head and took the head of Levon's cock into his mouth. He ran his tongue around the head of it then sucked gently. Levon moaned and raised his hips to force more of his penis into Joe's mouth. Joe relaxed and let it slid deep into his throat then slowly raised back up off it. He gave the head another gentle suck as he let it slip from his mouth. He turned his head and sucked his way down the shaft to the balls. Taking one into his mouth he rolled it around, listening to the soft moans of pleasure that the action elicited from Levon. He repeated the delicious act on the other ball then sucked his way back up the shaft to the cockhead. He licked his way around the flared head. Then he withdrew bending lower to kiss the base of the cock. He licked the underside of it from balls to cockhead then reclaimed the flared head, taking it back into his mouth. He could tell by the sounds Levon was making and the way his lover's hands were tightening, and loosening, flexing in his hair that Levon couldn't last much longer.
The storm had picked up outside, thunder rolled across the sky and lightening seemed to light the whole world. Making it easy for Levon to see the look of intense pleasure on Joe's face as he took Levon's cock deep into his throat sucking, hard and fast now, his head bobbing over the cock as he worked to bring his lover off. He was completely focused on draining Levon of every drop of cum in him.
Levon's eyes closed as he began to cum. The flashes of light that exploded behind his eyelids could have been from the lightening dancing on the ground outside the Jimmy. The roaring in his ears could have been thunder. But he would always believe that it was just the intensity of his climax as he finally exploded in Joe's throat.
Joe kept his mouth clamped tightly around the head of Levon's cock until it went soft, determined not to lose a single drop of his lover's cum. After he finally released Levon's cock he slid down into the floor board between the front and back seat and laid his head on Levon's stomach as satiated as his lover.
Levon slowly stroked Joe's hair, murmuring softly to him. Soft meaningless words, just sounds really, but they told Joe that Levon was happy and that made him happy.
For a long time they just lay there together listening to the storm. Finally Levon stirred. He tugged on Joe to get him to raise up enough to be kissed, slowly, tenderly, then said, "We better find some clothes 'fore we fall asleep. I expect the road crews will be out first thing tomorrow and gorgeous as you are, I wouldn't want to shock them. We might need their help to get the Jimmy out."
"Yeah. I know what you mean."
Levon sat up and drew back to give Joe room to climb out of the floorboard and onto the seat. Joe leaned over the back of the seat and reached for his overnight bag. The sight of that perfect buttock bent over in front of him was too much in spite of the fact he had just had the climax of this life. He grabbed it.
"Hey! Quit! What are you doing? I thought you wanted to get dressed!" Joe fussed.
"Changed my mind. Decided I want to hold you a while first."
"Huh?" Joe looked puzzled.
"Just come here." Levon smiled.
Joe sat back into the seat and let Levon pull him down so that he lay in Levon's arms. He leaned his head back on Levon's shoulder. "You reckon Mother Minnie's worried about us?" He asked.
"No. She knew we were coming down together. She doesn't worry about me when I'm with you. She trusts you to take care of me." Levon replied.
Joe laughed. "Bet she don't know how I take care of you," he smirked.
Levon chuckled and whispered in Joe's ear, "Bet she does."
The look on LaFiamma's face was priceless.
Lundy hugged him tighter.
The End.