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Fandom: | Houston Knights |
Series: | Other Stories |
Rating: | NC17 Warning: Sexual Violence |
Pairing: | Joe/Levon |
Archive: | Starwinder's |
Title: | Rage |
Author: | Starwinder |
e-mail: | starwinder2of7@gmail.com |
Standard Disclaimer: Houston Knights belongs to Jay Bernstein and Michael Butler and Columbia Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended. This is fan fiction, written out of love for the shows. I am making no money off this. I have no money so please don't sue me. Any original characters who may appear in these stories are the property of the author. |
LaFiamma closed the door of his apartment behind him, turned the lock and leaned back against the door.
It had been one of the worst days since he had come to Houston. He'd spent most of it, the better part of ten hours, sitting in a parked car with a man he told himself that he could barely tolerate..... a man he now knew wanted him gone, wanted him as far from him as he could get.
He could still hear the conversation, "Reckon he's mad at me?" He'd asked Lundy referring to the crack dealer whose house they were watching.
"I know I am." Lundy had responded.
"For a change, huh?" He tried to brush off the fact that Lundy was always mad at him.
"I really don't like sitting here all day looking at a doorknob. It's a big waste of time."
'There's a million two out there somewhere. You got any better ideas, Hotdog?"
"Money's gone. Darnell hide it then got himself killed."
"Don't fly." He'd said
"Wish you would," Lundy had said it half under his breath not really meaning for him to hear it but he had heard it and had inferred the rest of it, 'and never come back.'
The words kept echoing in his mind, reminding him that he didn't belong here, that he wasn't wanted here, that the only person he had to anchor him in this new place, his partner, wanted him gone.
It hurt. As much as he hated to admit it, hated to admit that he cared what his new partner thought of him or even cared what the man thought about anything, he did care... cared a lot in fact and it did hurt.
He wished that he had somewhere to go, had someone to listen to him and at least pretend to care about how lonely he was, about how scared he was, in this place so far from all he had ever known.
He knew what he needed. He needed to feel wanted; to have someone look at him and want him even if it was just for the night or just for a few hours. [But where do I go to find someone?]He didn't want a woman, not tonight, not the way he was feeling. He needed a man, someone strong and aggressive. [Like Lundy.] The thought came unbidden. [Too bad he's not interested.] He thought ruefully.
[I know where the bars are but....] He sighed. He didn't dare. He was new here, didn't know how things stood on *that* question. It was just too dangerous to go hunting a one nighter when it could cost him the only thing he had left... his job.... If his proclivities were to become known and if the atmosphere down here was as uptight and repressed as his partner seemed to be.
Which left him with the only other thing that could work off the pent-up anger, frustration and need---- a good, long, hard run. He pushed off from the door and shucking his guns went up the stairs to the bedroom to change.
He grabbed the first pair of running shorts that he came to, ignoring the fact that they were the skimpiest pair he owned, and found a shirt to match. Both were a deep turquoise blue, a color that he loved and which looked good on him.
Minutes later after changing into his running shoes he was headed out the door. He took the stairs down, partly to warm up for the run and partly because he didn't want to share the elevator with the neighbor lady that he had seen getting in as he came out his door.
He trotted down the outside steps and took off down the sidewalk, picking up speed as he went, until he was moving at a mile eating lope.
Lundy had been sitting in the Jimmy across the street for nearly five minutes, debating whether to go in and try to smooth things over with the man for what he'd said. He hadn't meant to say it, not out loud anyway, but he had a feeling that LaFiamma knew, that at least at the moment he had said it, he had meant the words. So, apologizing wouldn't be easy. [Hell, he probably won't accept it no how.]
He frowned coming to the unwelcome conclusion that no matter how hard he tried to rationalize this, it just wasn't going to work. As much as he wanted LaFiamma to be wrong about John, he'd started getting this dreadful feeling in the pit of his stomach; a feeling that said that his new partner might, just might, be on to something.
He had just gotten out of the Jimmy and was about to cross the street to LaFiamma's apartment building when he looked across and saw LaFiamma coming down the sidewalk.
He blinked. He couldn't help himself. The man was practically naked. The running shorts he had on gave new meaning to the word 'shorts'. If they had been any skimpier he wouldn't have had anything on. The shirt, if you wanted to call it a shirt, wasn't much better, just a scrap of cloth that was stretched tight as a banjo string across his chest, barely covering his nipples. He seemed totally oblivious to his appearance.
Lundy on the other hand was anything but oblivious. He stared openly. His cock was suddenly and painfully erect inside his jeans, jeans that were now much too tight. He blinked again and swallowed hard, trying to tear his eyes off his partner's taut buttocks bouncing as he jogged off down the sidewalk. [Lord, have mercy. I knew he was a looker but Sweet Jesus! That ass! Oh, Lord!]
He tore his eyes away from LaFiamma's bouncing buttocks long enough to get back in the Jimmy and crank it, starting off down the street following LaFiamma. He didn't have the faintest idea what he intended to do but he couldn't bear the thought of the man getting out of his sight.
Lundy let the Jimmy roll slowly up the road behind LaFiamma. The man could run. By the time he reached the corner, the jog had turned into a full tilt run and LaFiamma was doing a good twenty miles an hour. Lundy wondered how long he could maintain that speed. Probably not long.
'Course the four mile minute record had long since been broken but ten miles per hour was considered good for long distance running and LaFiamma seemed to be planning a long run. He turned onto a main road and settled into the run.
Lundy was close enough behind him to see the sweat starting to soak through the scrap of cloth he called a shirt. In just a few minutes the shorts and top were both drenched, turning almost transparent.
Lundy tore his eyes off LaFiamma long enough to glance ahead and see where they were going. When he saw what lay ahead fear grabbed him. Directly along the road ahead of them was a major construction site. The way LaFiamma was dressed, the construction workers were bound to hassle him and LaFiamma being LaFiamma would get right back in their faces and end up in a brawl he couldn't hope to win.
Lundy didn't think any farther, speeding up he passed LaFiamma and swung in to block the sidewalk, cutting him off.
LaFiamma saw him and slowed but he still ran into the side of the Jimmy. Cursing he yanked open the door. "What the Hell do you think you're doing, Lundy?!" He yelled.
"Get in the damn, vehicle!" Lundy yelled back.
"Why the Hell would I do that?! I ain't finished my run!"
"Don't you know where you are, Boy!" Lundy demanded.
LaFiamma hesitated. He knew he was on a main road and he could find his way home but he was pretty sure that the question meant something else. "Yeah, I...."
"Like Hell! Look up yonder. The construction site. That's where that guy got beat up last week! Somebody there messed him up real bad. Are ya looking for the same? 'Cause that outfit you got on will be a big hit!"
LaFiamma's eyes dropped. He crossed his arms across his chest as if suddenly realizing just how little he had on.
When LaFiamma didn't say anything else Lundy straightened at the wheel forcing himself to look away from his partner, trying to hide how much LaFiamma's appearance was arousing him, he said gruffly, "Get in the damn vehicle. I'll take you home."
LaFiamma climbed in, closing the door. Embarrassed now that he was in the Jimmy with his partner he turned away from Lundy and tried to use his hands and arms to cover himself up some.
Lundy glanced over at him. The boy was, if anything, even more gorgeous than ever when he was blushing. He backed off the curb then checked traffic and made a U-turn, heading back toward LaFiamma's place. "What in hell were you thinking? Going out in public dressed like that!" He snapped.
LaFiamma didn't reply which only made Lundy madder. "Do you know what you look like? You look like a damn whore!"
LaFiamma flinched at the word, blinking back tears at the anger in his partner's voice.
Lundy couldn't stop himself the words just kept pouring out. He knew he was hurting LaFiamma but he couldn't stop. "Take a hike down Montrose in that outfit, why don't ya?! The johns'll be throwing money at you"
He slung the Jimmy into the parking spot in front of LaFiamma's building with an angry squall of tires.
LaFiamma was out the passenger's side door and running for the apartment building before the Jimmy was completely stopped.
Lundy was right on his heels.
LaFiamma tried to slam the door to his apartment on Lundy but the cowboy drove it back open slamming into it with his shoulder, knocking it back into LaFiamma who staggered from the blow.
Lundy caught him, swinging him around and slamming him up against the wall. He kicked the door closed and jammed himself up against LaFiamma... and found himself pressed against an impressive hard-on. It took a second for it to register but when it did it only added to his raging desire. Driving one knee between LaFiamma's thighs he forced them apart and reached down, grabbing for the erection he had felt.
LaFiamma blocked the grabbing hand, "NO! Lundy, don't!" He begged weakly, fighting the desire to surrender to his suddenly aggressive partner.
Lundy swayed back away from LaFiamma and LaFiamma straightened up moving away from the wall. Lundy caught his arm and turned him around twisting it up behind his back, shoving him face first into the wall.
He pinned LaFiamma to the wall by putting his weight behind the hand holding his partner's arm twisted up behind his back and reached for the waistband of LaFiamma's shorts with the other hand.
When he felt Lundy's hand yank his shorts down LaFiamma resumed struggling. He arched away from the wall, using his free arm to push with and tried to turn in spite of the tearing pain in the arm Lundy had twisted.
Lundy slammed him back into the wall. "Ain't this what you want, boy!? He snarled, He stuck a finger in his mouth and lubed it with spit then reached down to find the tight pucker between LaFiamma's ass cheeks. He drove the finger in.
LaFiamma whimpered, his knees sagged and he began to plead. "NO! NO! Please! Lundy, for God's sake! Not like this!" He slumped against the wall sobbing from humiliation.
It was his partner's sobbing that finally cut through the rage and hunger that had overcome Lundy and brought him to his senses. [Dear God! What am I doing?]
"Oh, God!" He moaned. "Oh, God! LaFiamma, I.... I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" He released his grip and backed off.
LaFiamma moved away from him staggering along the wall before sinking to the floor huddling in a tight ball, sobbing uncontrollablly.
Lundy didn't know what to do now. [Should I leave? Just go away and leave him alone after I just ...just tried to rape him.] He admitted to himself what he had almost done. [God in heaven! Have mercy on me! I tried to rape my partner!]
He looked down at the weeping man. [I can't leave him alone like this with no one to undo the damage I've done.]
He moved to LaFiamma and knelt beside him. "LaFiamma, Please. I'm sorry. I can't tell you how sorry I am."
He reached out to lay a hand on LaFiamma's arm and to his surprise the man didn't pull away. He shifted his position so that he was sitting on the floor beside LaFiamma. He reached across with his other hand and gave LaFiamma's other arm what he hoped was a comforting pat....and LaFiamma leaned into him, burying his face against Lundy's chest as he wept, burrowing into Lundy's arms.
For a moment Lundy sat, stunned then LaFiamma's words echoed in his mind. ["NO! NO! Please! Lundy, for God's sake! Not like this!"]He hadn't once said ["Don't do this to me!"] just ["Not like this!"]
Lundy found himself smiling. He knew that he shouldn't be under the circumstances but he couldn't help it because one thing stood out through everything that had happened, [The boy wants me! At least as much as I want him... which explains why I'm still breathing!]
He wrapped his arms tighter around LaFiamma and bent his head to kiss the top of his partner's head. LaFiamma responded by lifting his face to Lundy's offering his lips.
Lundy accepted the offer. He brushed his lips against LaFiamma's gently, determined to make up for his earlier roughness.
LaFiamma's eyes closed. His lips parted.
Lundy slipped his tongue inside the yielding mouth and gently began to explore.
LaFiamma trembled and gave the underside of Lundy's tongue a small encouraging flick with his tongue. He shifted slightly to get more comfortable in Lundy's arms.
Lundy shifted too. Now they were face to face wrapped in each others arms. Lundy broke the kiss to simply hold LaFiamma, stroking his hair, rocking him gently, whispering, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you, Boy! I... I just couldn't stand it. I've wanted you so and then to see you... going out.... Dressed like that. I was jealous! Jealous and angry. Please, forgive me."
LaFiamma shifted in his arms to reach up and caress Lundy's face, the look in his eyes was something that Lundy couldn't quite accept yet. It looked an awful lot like love, pure and shining. "There's nothing to forgive." He paused. "I kinda like it rough." He whispered shyly, snuggling into Lundy's arms. His breathing grew slow and even. His eyes began to close.
"You planning to sleep on the floor, Boy?" Lundy asked.
"I plan to sleep where ever I have to, to sleep in your arms. LaFiamma smiled back at him.
"That being the case I vote we move this party to the bedroom." Lundy drawled.
"Anything you say, Cowboy."
Lundy helped him up and they moved toward the stairs. Just before they reached it, Lundy gave a tug on LaFiamma's arm turning his partner to face him, "One more thing," He drawled, reaching out to snag a hold of the scrap of material that LaFiamma was wearing as a shirt, "This outfit... I really like it..." He pulled Joe against him, pressing the evidence of how much he liked it against him before continuing, "but you don't ever wear the like of it out in public again. Understood, Boy?"
LaFiamma ducked his head and blushed, then nodded. Suddenly he smiled, a brilliant flash of a smile that left Lundy wondering just how much of what had just happened LaFiamma had planned.
The End