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Fandom: | Houston Knights |
Series: | Other Stories |
Rating: | NC17 |
Pairing: | Joe/Levon |
Archive: | Starwinder's |
Title: | Satin Sheets To Lie On |
Author: | Starwinder |
e-mail: | starwinder2of7@gmail.com |
Standard Disclaimer: Houston Knights belongs to Jay Bernstein and Michael Butler and Columbia Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended. This is fan fiction, written out of love for the shows. I am making no money off this. I have no money so please don't sue me. Any original characters who may appear in these stories are the property of the author. |
Author's note: This is dedicated to James Kythe Walkswithwind who inspired it Re: the comment in welcome to the HKS list: "For now - heck, go nuts. Talk about the image of a naked Levon sliding over silk sheets, Joe wrapped between his legs...."
Well I don't know a thing about silk sheets but I had satin sheets once (On a waterbed no less!) and sliding was the word! Never again! Between sliding off the damn bed when we got too active and the giggles that caused.... Oh well. Here goes.
Satin Sheets To Lie On
By Starwinder
Levon stepped back and grinned surveying his handiwork. The bed was perfectly made. Black satin sheets, fitted on the bottom and flat on top and a black satin covered comforter on top of that. [Joe's gonna love it!]
His balls tightened just thinking about Joe stretched out on the slick shiny bed, his smooth pale skin contrasting with the black of the sheets. He looked around checking one more time to make sure that everything was perfect.
The shades were pulled, shutting out the late afternoon sun, darkening the room. The candles were set up, ready to be lit. [Boy, does love his candles!]
He picked one up and inhaled the fragrance. Joe was right. It was exciting.... exhilarating.
He looked at his watch. Almost time. [Joe'll be here soon. Better check the bathroom.]
He stepped through the door to the master bath and looked around. More candles covered every available surface. Bath salts stood close at hand beside the large claw foot tub. Towels hung on the towel rod, the good ones, the big, thick, fluffy ones that Joe liked so much. [Okay, it's ready. Everything is ready.]
He checked his watch again. [Come on, Boy! What's taking so long? You should've got off work near an hour ago. Oughta be here.]
He was growing more impatient by the minute. He'd been planning this surprise for his lover for nearly a month, knowing that the only way he could surprise Joe would be to wait till he had a day off that Joe had to work. He had headed for town to buy the sheets, candles and bath salts the minute Joe left for work this morning.
[Everything's ready! Everything's perfect! 'cept you ain't here!]
He hurried out to the dining room. The table was set for two, just the way Joe liked it. [The good china.... dinner plates...salad plates.... bread plates....water glasses....wine glasses.....finger bowls...]
Individual salt and pepper shakers stood beside the dinner plates. Knifes, forks and spoons of various descriptions spread out on either side of the plates. [Still don't know what half of them are for!]
Like the bedroom and bathroom the dining room had been darkened, the table lit only by candles. A single rose stood in a bud vase on the table. A gaily wrapped present lay beside it.
He went through to the kitchen and peeped in the oven. The roast was perfect. [Come on, Joe! Roast'll be ruined if you're too late!]
Then hearing the sound of the Cobra's engine, a grin spread across his face and he practically ran into the living room, stopping a couple of feet back from the door and to the side. The blind side where Joe wouldn't see him right off.
LaFiamma parked the Cobra next to the Jimmy and headed for the house. [Seems awful quiet.]
He reached for the doorknob and was surprised when it didn't turn. Fishing out his keys he thought with a disappointed sigh, [Musta gone riding.]
He put his key in the lock and opened the door to the wonderful smell of roast beef. "At least he left me supper."
He sighed not even realizing that he had said it out loud until Lundy said softly, "I got a lot more for you than just supper, Boy!"
A wide grin spread across LaFiamma's face at the sound of his lover's voice, turning he grinned at Lundy, "What are you up to!? I thought you weren't here!"
Lundy stepped close and slipped his arms around Joe's waist, pulling his lover to him. He kissed Joe, gently. Now that he had his lover in his arms he was no longer impatient, instead he wanted to savor the moment, wanted to savor every moment of this night. He broke the kiss and moved his lips to Joe's ear, nibbling at the earlobe, gently catching it between his teeth then releasing it to give it a tender lick. He savored the slight tremble that the action sent through Joe's body and the slight tightening of Joe's arms round his neck.
"I just got a little surprise for you. That's all, Lover." He breathed the word in Joe's ear, loving the sound of it. "Lover... my lover." He murmured.
Joe moaned softly and pressed himself tighter against Levon, quickly becoming aroused.
Levon pulled back, not wanting to short circuit his plans by moving to the bedroom too soon.
Disengaging from the embrace he left his hands resting lightly on Joe's waist as he said, "Supper's ready."
Joe tried to pull him back, "You're all the supper I need, Cowboy."
Levon grinned, "Huh-uh! You're gonna need your strength tonight, Street Kid. And I slaved over this meal all day. You're gonna eat it!"
Joe grinned. Obviously his lover had a plan and didn't intend to deviate from it.
Lundy took Joe's hand and led him into the dining room, letting him see the table and the gaily wrapped present lying on it.
Joe's eyes lit up at the sight of the package and he pulled toward it.
Levon pulled him back, "Nope! That's for later, too." He gave Joe a quick kiss. "Don't be so impatient. Savor the moment."
He ran a finger along Joe's jawline then pulled him into a fierce kiss.
"God! You are so beautiful!"
The kiss grew deeper, hungry and demanding. He felt himself starting to lose it then forced him self to break the kiss and back off. Stepping back he caught his breath. "I got plans...I got plans." He whispered to himself, "Gonna take it slow. Stick to the plan."
He pulled away from LaFiamma needing to get a little distance to calm down.
"If we're going to eat, maybe I should go wash up." Joe suggested, deciding to give Levon time to regain his composure.
"Yeah, you can wash up in the kitchen while I put supper on the table." Levon said glad that Joe had decided to play along with what he had planned.
"The kitchen...?" Joe asked wondering why he couldn't go down the hall to the bathroom.
"The kitchen, LaFiamma. Live with it." The gentleness of his voice belied the harshness of the words.
Joe grinned and followed Levon into the kitchen. Shedding his coat and guns, tossing the jacket over the back of a chair and hanging the guns on the back, making a note to move them later. [Must be something down the hall he don't want me to see. This is shaping up to be a real fun evening.]
It didn't take long for Levon to get the food on the table. When it was ready he insisted on holding Joe's chair for him as he sat down. Then insisted on serving each course.
He had set the table so that Joe was at the head of the table and he sat to Joe's left making it easy to reach over and take Joe's hand with his, holding it, stroking it, occasionally drawing it to his lips to kiss.
Joe couldn't believe how exciting and arousing the attention was. Just sitting there, eating a meal cooked by his lover, having his lover touch his hand, caress and stroke it was arousing him more than he thought possible. He wasn't sure he was going to survive this night if his lover kept heating him up then drawing back and letting him cool off then starting the cycle all over again.
Finally over dessert, Levon drew Joe's hand to his lips one more time and kissed it before softly saying, "It won't be much longer, Lover. Soon... very soon now." He drew Joe up from the table picking up the gaily wrapped present, led him down the hall toward the bedroom.
[Finally! I can't take much more of this teasing!]
At the bedroom door, Lundy stopped. "Wait right here." He told Joe, giving him a small kiss on the cheek before slipping into the room. Barely opening the door wide enough to get through, not wanting Joe to see the room just yet.
As Joe waited impatiently in the hall, Levon went around and lit all the candles. He stood at the foot of the bed and looked around. 'Okay, it's ready.]
He went to the door and opened it a crack, "Close your eyes."
"Come on. Close your eyes... for me." He pleaded.
Joe shook his head then obeyed letting Levon lead him into the room.
Levon stepped up close behind Joe and slipped his arms around his lover. "Okay, you can open them now."
Joe opened his eyes, "Oh wow! Levon! You didn't have to..."
"I wanted to. I know how you love candles and stuff. We ain't had a lot of time for romance but... you deserve it and I wanted you to have it."
Joe turned into his arms. "Levon... I don't know what to say. I love you and I know you love me but this is just so... wonderful."
"Ain't all. Come on. We oughta bathe 'fore we climb into a bed with brand new sheets. Don't you think?"
"Yeah," Joe agreed. [I wonder what's in the bathroom?]
It didn't take long to find out. This time Levon let him watch as he lit the candles that covered every flat surface in the bathroom.
Joe watched smiling as his lover lit the candles and turned the water on the tub in. Reaching up he began to undo his tie.
Levon saw him and came over, "Huh-uh, Boy. That's my job tonight." Then he grinned and added, "Correction. That's my pleasure tonight. I get to take each and every piece of your clothes off."
He reached up and undid the tie, pulling it slowly from around Joe's neck. Then he began to unbutton Joe's shirt, slowly. Taking his time, enjoying the sensations of undressing his lover. As soon as he had the top button undone he leaned in and planted a small, soft kiss on the skin bared by the action. Button by button he repeated the action. Undo the button, kiss the skin beneath where the button had been. By the time he reached the button just above Joe's belt his lover was trembling visibly, clutching at Levon's shoulders and moaning loudly.
"God! Levon! Please!" He begged. "Please! You're driving me crazy!"
Levon raised his head and chuckled before sticking his tongue out and licking up from Joe's belt line all the way up to the tip of Joe's chin and over it to claim his lover's mouth. He kissed Joe deep and long, pushing his tongue into Joe's mouth.
Breaking the kiss he grinned, "That's the idea." He pushed the shirt back and off Joe's shoulders running his hands lovingly over his partner's body, savoring the silken smoothness of Joe's skin beneath his fingers. "Time I'm through with you. You're gonna be stark, ravin' mad."
He kissed Joe's shoulder then nipped at it, not biting hard enough to mark, just hard enough to crank the heat in Joe's body up another degree or two. "Insane." He whispered in Joe's ear. "Insane with wantin' me. Insane with needin' me."
"I am... I already am" Joe moaned. "Please... Please stop... Stop torturing me." He begged.
"Levon! Oh!" He cried out as his lover bent and nipped one of the nipples standing taut on his chest.
Levon just chuckled again, leaning in to lick and soothe the nipple he had bitten.
He turned his attention to getting Joe's pants off. Unfastening the belt he undid the button and slid down the zipper. He slid the pants down Joe's legs slowly, squatting to make it easier to kiss his lover's legs as he continued to torture the other man with his deliberate slowness. He kissed then nipped the inside of Joe's thighs just above the knees first on one leg then the other, delighted by the renewed moans and trembling that the acts elicited from his partner.
He lifted one of Joe's feet then the other, removing Joe's shoes. Finally he let his lover step out of his pants, then reached to remove the socks.
Joe steadied himself with a hand on Levon's shoulder as his partner pulled off his socks. He was finally down to his shorts. His cock stood erect inside them threatening to burst out.
Levon knelt before Joe, his eyes level with his lover's rampart cock, only the thin material of Joe's silk boxers between him and it. He smiled and leaning forward planted a soft kiss at the base of it just above the balls.
That was all it took. Joe cried out and exploded in his shorts.
Levon grinned. [That's just the beginning, Boy. I ain't near though with you!]
He stood up and took Joe into his arms, supporting him as his knees sagged from the force of the climax. He hugged his lover close, caressing his back murmuring soft words to him until he recovered enough to stand alone. Then he returned to his task, but he stripped the soiled shorts off quickly, not wasting anymore time getting Joe ready for the tub, which was now filled with hot water.
Guiding Joe to the tub he helped him in then reached for the bath salts and poured some into the steaming water.
Joe lay back in the tub, letting the heat of the water seep into him and the soft flickering of the candles lull him into an almost hypnotic state as Levon quickly undressed, preparing to join him.
Moments later, Levon's hands were on his back gently urging Joe forward in the oversized tub so that he could slip in behind him.
Water sloshed over the rim as Levon slid down into the tub behind Joe but neither man noticed or cared. Levon spread his legs slipping them around Joe so that his lover sat between them. Joe leaned back into Levon's arms, sighing contentedly.
Levon chuckled again, "Relax and rest while you can, Lover. The main event is yet to come!" He busied himself planting tiny, feather light kisses across Joe's shoulders, gently stroking and caressing his partner's pecs as he did so. He drew slow circles around Joe's nipples then brushed his fingers ever so lightly cross them, making them leap to attention again.
Joe moaned and squirmed in the tub sloshing water over the sides as he grabbed one of Levon's hands and tried to push it down to his cock.
"Huh-uh, Boy." Levon laughed. "Ain't touching that again for a while. Told ya I'm gonna drive ya mad tonight." He licked Joe's ear and murmured, "Completely mad."
After a bit Levon reached for the soap and tenderly began to bathe his lover, reaching around him to get the front first then washing his back.
"Pull the plug, Lover. I wanna get rinsed and out 'fore you get all pruney." He murmured.
Joe leaned forward and pulled the plug letting the water run out. When it was almost all gone Levon helped him to his feet. They pulled the shower curtain around the tub and turned on the shower. Levon rinsed them both thoroughly then pulled back the curtain and helped Joe out of the tub.
He dried Joe with one of the thick soft towels that he had hung in the bathroom for the purpose then died himself while Joe simply stood and watched, drinking in the sight of his lover. They were both erect again, Joe from Levon's touching and caressing in the shower and Levon form anticipation of what was yet to come.
Levon stepped in real close to Joe and laid his hands on Joe's waist just letting them rest there lightly. "Guess what." He grinned.
"What?" Joe obediently asked.
"It's time to open your present. Come on."
Levon took his hand and led him back into the candlelit bedroom. Guiding Joe to the bed, Levon sat down on the edge and drew Joe down beside him. Picking up the present he had lain on the bed he handed it to Joe, a thrill of excitement going through him.
"Open it."
Joe could hear the excitement in Levon's voice and it excited him as well. With eager hands he tore at the paper, quickly ripping it away to reveal the plain white box. He opened it and gasped.
"A toga!" His hands trembled at he reached into the box, "How...?" He started to ask, then realized the answer, "You've been digging around in my files on the computer." He blushed at the memory of some of the things he had written.
"I couldn't resist a folder called Fantasies. Shoulda passworded it if you were real serious about me not seeing it." He grinned. "You got some real doozies in there but this one appealed to me!" He gave Joe a long look. "You ain't mad are you?" He asked softly.
Joe looked up at him seeing the worry, the fear, that he might have upset Joe. "No, but I'm glad that this was the one that appealed to you!"
He fingered the toga, caressing the pure white silk of the main body of it, then touching the gold trim. "It's beautiful. How'd you find a toga in Houston?"
"Costume shop. But how about you get into it. Okay?"
"Okay," Joe stood up and lifted the toga out of the box. Suddenly he blushed. [This is crazy! I'm embarrassed about putting on clothes!
Levon saw the blush and grinned. "I'll just step into the bathroom, get the narration ready."
"This is a fantasy, right? Gotta set the mood." Levon grinned. [God! I am so excited.] His cock confirmed the thought by bouncing along in front of him pointing the way to the bathroom, precum oozing from the tip.
Once in the bathroom, Levon quickly rolled a condom over his rampart cock and pouring lube into his palm thoroughly slicked it up. Then he opened the cabinet under the sink and retrieved the printout of Joe's fantasy that he had hidden there. He peered round the door into the bedroom to see if Joe was dressed yet and seeing that he was cleared his throat and began to read.
"It was in the days just after Alexander, who would be called the great, had conquered Persia. I was selected to be brought before him and chosen by him. It was explained to me what was expected of me and I was trained to fulfill his desires. Now I await the pleasure of the man who has conquered my world. I lie upon his bed wearing nothing but a short and very revealing toga, my young body trembling with fear... and as much as I try to deny it, with anticipation."
Lundy entered the room to see that Joe had taken his place on the bed. His smooth skin, glowed against the white of the toga and both contrasted beautifully with the black of the sheets beneath him. He was propped up on one elbow, his head bowed, eyes lowered, looking every inch the young, frightened yet excited slave boy.
Levon felt his breath catch in his throat. As much as the sight of his lover's earlier nakedness had excited him somehow the sight of him on the bed in the toga was even more exciting. Levon tossed the script towards a chair deciding he no longer needed it.
"At my Lord's approach I look up," he continued quoting. (Joe obediently looked up at him shyly, quickly dropping his gaze again.)
"He approaches and sits beside me on the bed. Reaching out he lays a hand upon my leg and slowly, oh so slowly slides it up to caress my thigh." (Levon suited action to the words.)
"His hand reaches the hem of my toga and slips beneath, caressing my buttocks." (Levon's hand slipped beneath the toga and he gently stroked Joe's buttocks, delighted with the tremble that ran through his lover's body at the touch.)
Too caught up in his desire for his lover, to remember what came next in the script he stopped quoting and simply moved up on to the bed kneeling to lean over Joe, with one hand still caressing his lover's buttocks beneath the toga making Joe moan and gasp. He raised the other hand and slid the toga off Joe's shoulder to bare his lover's chest and bent in to run his tongue around one of the taut nipples before taking it into his mouth and nipping it gently.
Joe moaned and lay back on the black satin comforter, his legs parted slightly and Levon moved to place one of his legs between them, spreading them farther. The hand beneath the toga slipped around to the front but he carefully avoided Joe's rampant cock and lightly caressed the stomach instead.
Joe arched up trying to thrust his cock into Levon's hand as his lover continued the slow torment, the hand beneath the toga moving from his belly to his buttocks and back again while his lover's mouth tormented his nipples, moving from one to the other and back.
Joe clutched at the satin comforter beneath him, twisting his hands in it as he arched up, mindless of the way it began to slide beneath them as he arched up again. This time he wrapped a leg around Levon's waist, demanding to be mounted, determined to have his lover's cock in him if he had to climb onto it.
Levon was ready too, now and shifted to put both legs between Joe's, sliding both hands under Joe to lift his buttocks off the bed as Joe wrapped his other leg around Levon, humping up, trying to claim the rampart cock bumping against his ass cheeks. His own cock stood rigid beneath the toga, tenting it.
"Please, Please," He begged unable to form any other words.
"Yeah, Baby. Oh, yeah, Baby." Levon replied, grasping his cock and guiding it to the entrance to Joe's writhing body. "Here it is, Baby. Here it is. Just relax."
Joe moaned again and wrapped his arms around Levon, too, pulling him in to claim his mouth in a fiery kiss as his lover finally entered him. The well lubed cock slid into the base and as soon as Joe felt Levon's balls slap against him he began to writhe again, working his ass, humping up to his lover, wild with need.
Levon began to pump into his lover, giving him what he so desperately wanted. He slid his arms up to stroke Joe's back. His mouth locked to Joe's in a molten kiss. He felt like every fiber of his body was on fire, and the only way to put out the fire was to crawl inside of Joe. He drove his tongue deep into Joe's mouth, unconsciously matching the thrusting of his tongue into Joe's mouth with the thrusting of his cock into Joe's rectum.
Joe felt like he was going to explode. His mind had shut down, his body was responding to his lover on raw instinct. He couldn't think or talk only writhe like an animal in heat beneath Levon, moaning mindlessly. He wailed into Levon's mouth as his cock exploded, without ever having been touched, soiling his toga with cum.
Levon was only vaguely aware of his lover's climax as he too succumbed to their passion, his mind shutting down as his body neared its own climax. Thrusting wildly into Joe, he grabbed onto the comforter beneath them for leverage, too wrapped up in the sensations flowing through him to note that with every thrust they were sliding comforter and all toward the side of the bed. With one last thrust he cried out and climaxed just as they reached the side of the bed and tumbled to the floor in a tangled heap of bodies and satin.
As they began to untangle themselves, Joe started to laugh.
"What is so funny?!" Levon demanded.
"Maybe I should have mentioned this in the fantasy. Satin sheets are slippery!" Joe chuckled.
Levon looked at his grinning lover and fell back into the tangle of satin and laughed with him.