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Fandom: | Houston Knights |
Series: | Other Stories |
Rating: | NC17 |
Pairing: | Joe/Levon |
Archive: | Starwinder's |
Title: | Storm |
Author: | Starwinder |
e-mail: | starwinder2of7@gmail.com |
Standard Disclaimer: Houston Knights belongs to Jay Bernstein and Michael Butler and Columbia Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended. This is fan fiction, written out of love for the shows. I am making no money off this. I have no money so please don't sue me. Any original characters who may appear in these stories are the property of the author. |
LaFiamma popped the catch on his seat-belt, yanked open the passenger's side door and hit the ground almost before the Jimmy stopped rolling. As he exited, he slammed the door hard enough to make Lundy wince... and curse. His raincoat flapping open in the wind he charged up the rain drenched sidewalk toward the door to the apartment house where he lived.
Lundy hit the ground on the driver's side as soon as he switched off the engine, yelling at LaFiamma, "Tear the damn door off next time, why don'tcha?!"
"I didn't slam it no harder than you did yours!" LaFiamma shot back over his shoulder as he shoved open the apartment house door and charged through.
He would have slammed that door too but Lundy caught it on his forearm and rammed it back open, following LaFiamma in.
They charged up the stairs, yelling all the way. Three sixteen hour days of sitting in the Jimmy watching suspected arms dealers do absolutely nothing had frayed both of the men's nerves. It didn't help that Houston had been inundated with rain for the entire time.
When they reached LaFiamma's floor he jammed his key into his mail box and yanked it open only to curse and slam it shut, when he saw that it was empty, punching it for good measure, before turning to his door to open it.
Lundy took the opportunity to catch his breath. Seven flights of stairs at a dead run, yelling at LaFiamma every step of the way had left him winded. But as LaFiamma opened the door to his apartment Lundy moved to get a foot in before his partner could slam that too. He wasn't certain what LaFiamma was so mad about. Hell, he wasn't certain what he was so mad about, himself, but he wasn't about to drop it... whatever it was.
He caught the edge of the door as LaFiamma tried to swing it shut and shoved it open, following LaFiamma in. "This ain't just about the damn radio, LaFiamma. So don't keep yellin' 'bout that! You been as contrary as a burro on loco weed for the better part of two weeks now!"
LaFiamma rounded on him like he hadn't realized that Lundy was still with him, "What the hell do you mean following me into my apartment. I didn't invite you in here. Get out!"
Lundy reached out and grabbed LaFiamma's arm. "No! Dammit to Hell, LaFiamma. We can't go on like this. How are we gonna keep workin' together if we can't speak a civil word to each other?"
LaFiamma jerked his arm away from Lundy. "I don't know! I don't care! You want another partner? Get one! But get outta my apartment!" He yelled giving Lundy a shove toward the door to emphasis his words.
Lundy had never been one to stand still for being shoved and he wasn't about to start now. He shoved back.
LaFiamma took a swing.
Lundy blocked it and took one of his own.
He didn't connect cleanly but the blow unbalanced LaFiamma and he started to fall backwards toward the couch. He reached out as he felt himself start to go and grabbed at Lundy for balance managing to catch his partner's sleeve just enough to pull Lundy off balance too.
They both fell heavily onto the couch, Lundy on top. LaFiamma twisted and flipped them over ending up on top of Lundy on the couch.
Suddenly Lundy felt a change in the charged atmosphere of the apartment. LaFiamma no longer seemed interested in pushing Lundy away or in fighting. Lundy had just a second to comprehend what the conflicts of the last couple of weeks had really been about before LaFiamma's mouth descended on his; hot, hungry, and demanding.
For just a second Lundy remained still, stunned by the sudden turn of events then he responded, kissing LaFiamma back, his own mouth just as hot and hungry as his partner's. For a long moment they struggled for dominance in the kiss then Lundy rolled LaFiamma over and they came off the couch with a crash, landing on the coffee table, their combined weight shattering it. Neither of them paid any attention to the broken furniture nor did they break the kiss as they continued their passionate struggle each determined to be on top.
LaFiamma rolled Lundy off the remains of the coffee table and onto the carpeted floor of the living room area.
Lundy quickly reversed their positions and he was on top when they finally broke the kiss. He straddled his partner's body, holding LaFiamma's hands pinned to the floor over the younger man's head.
"Is this why you been acting crazy for the last couple of weeks, Boy?" He breathed the words into LaFiamma's ear as he gently nibbled at it.
LaFiamma trembled beneath him. His cock grew hard inside his pants as Lundy rubbed himself against LaFiamma as he sat astride him. It took LaFiamma a minute to find his voice. "I.... Yeah. You been making me crazy but I thought..." He trailed off.
"..... I'd be mad if you did anything about it." Lundy finished the sentence for him as he trailed kisses along LaFiamma's jaw line to his chin then reclaimed his partner's mouth.
This time LaFiamma did not resist or make any attempt to dominate the kiss. He lay still and submissive beneath Lundy letting the older man be in control.
Lundy slid his legs down till he lay stretched out on top of LaFiamma, he continued to plant small gentle kisses on LaFiamma's face and neck before whispering, "I know that feeling, Partner. If I'd'a knowed you wouldn't start shootin' at me I'd'a jumped you on day one. Lord, knows I wanted to." He released LaFiamma's hands and slid his arms around his partner, resting his head on LaFiamma's shoulder.
LaFiamma brought his arms down and closed them around Lundy, bending his head to kiss his partner on the top of his head. They lay there a long time just holding each other. All the anger, and conflict between them forgotten in the comfort of just snuggling together.
After a while LaFiamma nudged Lundy gently, "You wanna go up to bed?" he asked quietly.
Lundy sighed softly, "I reckon we would regret sleeping here on the floor, come mornin'. Probably be stiff an' sore. Though I am pretty comfortable." He teased.
"You would be. You gotta pillow. I am da pillow and even though I love having you laying on me it's not real comfortable."
Lundy rolled off of LaFiamma and stood up holding out a hand to his partner.
LaFiamma took the hand and let Lundy help him up. Once on his feet he stepped in close and bent his head to kiss the side of Lundy's neck brushing Lundy's dark blonde hair out of the way to do so. "You wanna take a shower first?" He asked softly.
"Naw, I'm tired and I'm sleepy and I don't wanna get all woke up. I just wanna snuggle up with you and sleep tonight. We got all the time in the world for other stuff. Okay?" "Okay," LaFiamma agreed. Lundy followed LaFiamma up the steps to the bedroom. They quickly stripped and laid their clothes aside, hanging their guns on the bed posts in easy reach. Naked, they slid under the covers and snuggled close together. In moments they were asleep, as comfortable with the arrangement as if they had slept together all their lives.
Outside the apartment the rain began to abate, turning from violent storm to soft, gentle rain.
The End