Layover Blues
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Fandom: | Houston Knights |
Series: | X-Overs |
Rating: | NC17 |
Pairing: | Joe/Walter Skinner |
Archive: | Starwinder's |
Title: | Layover Blues |
Author: | Starwinder |
e-mail: | |
Standard Disclaimer: Houston Knights belongs to Jay Bernstein and Michael Butler and Columbia Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended. This is fan fiction, written out of love for the shows. I am making no money off this. I have no money so please don't sue me. Any original characters who may appear in these stories are the property of the author.
Standard Disclaimer: The X-Files and the character of Walter Skinner is the property of Chris Carter, Ten Thirteen Productions, and Fox Broadcasting. No copyright infringement is intended. This is fan fiction written out of love for the shows. I am making no money off this. I have no money so please don't sue me. |
Layover Blues
By Starwinder
Walter Skinner stared out the window of the airplane and tried one more time to get his long legs comfortable in the cramped space between the economy class seats. You'd think that the Bureau could have at least let him fly business class considering that he was on official business but he guessed that he shouldn't complain. He was getting to transfer to ViCAP after all. Granted it meant moving to a new city and starting over again but it was a step up and if things went well he could look forward to another promotion soon. He was on the fast track now, in a few years barring any major mistakes he would have a corner office and the words Assistant Director on his door.
The clouds outside the window had been growing thicker for sometime now and the plane had been shook several times by major turbulence. He frowned at the storm that they were flying into. In all likelihood they would be diverted from the Kansas City Airport, putting down God knows where to wait it out. He disliked delays but the lightening outside the window made him decide that it might not be a bad idea to get out of the storm.
On another plane not far away another man sat and stared out the window at a rapidly growing storm. He had always loved to fly but not in bad weather. He looked back at the clouds. Lightening ripped the sky around the plane open. He closed his hands on the armrests trying to be discreet about it. He didn't like for people to know that he was scared -- of anything. No doubt about it, they would be diverted, either to fly around the storm or set down and wait it out. Neither prospect pleased him. He hadn't wanted to go to Houston but if he had to then he didn't want to be late.
Neither man on either plane was surprised to hear the announcement that their planes would be putting down at a nearby airport in a small town about four hundred miles from Kansas City. Nor were they surprised to find that the small town only had one motel and by the time that they got there all the rooms were taken.
Walter Skinner scowled at the desk clerk when she said "No, we don't have any more rooms. I'm sorry, Sir, but you'll just have to make do in the lobby or in the waiting area at the airport like everyone else."
He had just stepped away from the desk when a tall handsome man with dark hair and smiling eyes stepped up. "Hi, gorgeous," he greeted the clerk, "I reckon you don't have another room anywhere, huh?"
"I'm sorry, Sir. We're full up." She sounded much sorrier than she had when telling Skinner the same thing, and she was smiling dreamily at the man.
Skinner turned back to watch the proceedings, he wasn't a charmer but he knew one when he heard one and if there was a broom closet in this motel with a bunk in it, this was the guy who would persuade the clerk to let him sleep there.
"Ya'know I saw the sign out front, locally owned and operated, are you the owner?" He gave her a wide-eyed innocent look.
"Oh, No, Sir! That would be my uncle." She smiled, looking into the man's eyes.
"Would he happen to be around? Could I maybe talk to him?" He asked.
"Uh... He's not here right now... and I really don't know what he could tell you except that we're full."
"Actually, I got an uncle back in Chicago that has a hotel, little place bout the size of this. I worked there for a while as a kid. Seems to me that he said that all these little places have to have a maid's room on the premises if they offer twenty-four hour maid service and your sign says you do. Would you happen to have a maid's room?"
Yes, sir but..."
"I also noticed that you got a sign up that says due to a lack of help the twenty-four hour maid service is not available. Does this mean that the maid's room is empty?"
"Well, actually, we.... What I mean to say is...well, uh... yes. We do have a maid's room and yes, it's empty right now."
"Then it's available? Good! I'll take it!" The man's voice turned from innocence to all business.
"Oh! I...I don't know, Sir. We've never..." The clerk began.
"It's O.K. I'm a cop and I know a little law. Small places like this have a lot of discretion in what they rent out. You got a maid's room. I know what a maid's room is. It's small. It's cramped but... it's got a bed, a bathtub and a toilet. That's all I need and I'm willing to pay the going rate for a single room for it. Your uncle would be proud of you for renting it, for letting one more, weary traveler get a night's sleep. If the bed's not made don't worry. Give me the stuff. I'll make it myself." He looked at her with such honest sincerity that there was no way she was not going to give him the room.
"Oh... Ooohhh. All right!" She turned to the pegboard behind the desk and took down a key without a number on it.
While her back was turned the man glanced at Skinner and smiled. It was a beautiful smile that light his eyes and dimpled his cheeks. He returned his gaze to the clerk before she turned back around.
"It's the last room at the far end of the hall. Just before the cubbyhole where the ice machine is. That Ice machine makes a lot of noise. I hope it won't bother you." She said at she handed him the key and filled out the paperwork.
Skinner walked away from the area of the desk and stood looking out the window while the other man picked up his bags and headed for the room. There had been something in that smile, at least he thought that there had been. [Oh, well. I might as well see if I can find a comfortable chair somewhere.] But a glance around the lobby told him that all the chairs were filled and he really didn't want to go back to the airport lounge to wait for the storm to abate.
He was still standing staring out at the rain swept street when the handsome man returned. He walked right up behind Skinner, standing where Skinner could see his reflection in the window. "Didn't know about maid's rooms, huh?"
"No, I don't have an uncle that runs a hotel."
"I got lots of uncles. You a cop?" He was studying Skinner's reflection in the window.
"What makes you ask that?" Skinner replied wondering if it were that apparent. He would not have guessed the other man was a cop. Maybe a well-dressed hoodlum but not a cop.
"Before I got to be a cop, when I was a kid, back in Chicago, I ran wid da gang. I was always lookout when we was up to something 'cause I could smell a cop a block away. Ain't so easy to tell for sure now. It could just be my own cop vibe I'm picking up. But I think it's you." His Chicago accent had grown much more noticeable than it had been when he was talking to the clerk.
"I'm FBI. Special Agent Skinner." Skinner replied.
"Oooohh. A Fibb." He used the derogative that local cops called FBI agents but his tone was a gentle teasing one.
Skinner bristled. His back grew tenser than it already was and it was already very tense. He started to turn and snap at the man but just then the man reached up and placed his hands on Skinner's shoulders.
"Lot of tension in your shoulders, Special Agent." The thumbs pressed firmly into pressure points on either side of Skinner's neck and the long strong fingers began to work firmly and expertly at relieving that tension.
The man stepped closer, "I'm Sgt. LaFiamma, Chicago PD." He continued to massage Skinner's shoulders in silence for another moment then said softly, "That room I got. It ain't big as a minute... and the bed is even smaller... and I got to warn you that I am a snuggler. But if you aren't the kind of guy that gets all hysterical when another guy curls up against you in his sleep, you might get a little more sleep there than you will out here."
"I can't say that I recall ever having been hysterical, Sgt. But I have to warn you," He turned to face LaFiamma, "I'm the kind of man who if he is snuggled up to in the middle of the night tends to grab hold and hang on,"
LaFiamma smiled. It was a beautiful sight. It touched his eyes and lit them, bringing out their unusual color. They were neither blue nor green but some strange combination that could be either or both at the same time. Oceanic blue Skinner thought like the deep waters off the beach at Wakiki where he had spent his first R&R from 'Nam
"I think I can handle that, Skinner." He said softly. He nodded toward Skinner's bag and headed back toward the room.
Skinner grabbed his bag and followed him.
LaFiamma held the door for Skinner who almost laughed at the size of the room. There was just enough room to walk past the bed and into the bathroom. The bed was a small double barely bigger than a twin. There was one chair squeezed in the corner next to the bathroom door and inside the bathroom there was a small cubbyhole where LaFiamma's bag sat with a short rod above it to hang things on. The toilet and sink were opposite the closet and the tub took up the far wall leaving just enough room for one person to turn around, if the person wasn't too big.
Skinner walked into the bathroom and sat his bag down next to LaFiamma's, noting that there was no door separating the bedroom and bathroom just the open doorway.
He turned back to see that LaFiamma was grinning, "Hope you aren't shy, Special Agent." He said with a smirk.
Well, that settled that. The smile in the lobby had definitely meant something. He turned back to LaFiamma and closed the distance between them. "No, Sgt. I'm not shy. Are you?" He breathed the last into LaFiamma's ear as he closed his arms around the other man's waist.
LaFiamma leaned into the embrace, wrapping his arms around Skinner's neck. "No. I ain't shy. I'm a cock-starved slut looking to get fucked. You want to screw me now or make me wait? Got to tell you, I like a man who takes control, makes me wait, makes me play the slave first. Make me undress you, bath you, prep myself for you." He moaned softly as Skinner reached up and pulled his arms from around his neck and pushed them behind LaFiamma's back, twisting them, making the man arch his back.
"Keep your hands behind your back." Skinner ordered.
"Yes, Sir." LaFiamma replied. His eyes were hot and his breathing had picked up, becoming shallow and rapid.
Skinner's eyes dropped to LaFiamma's crotch. The man had a huge hard on. It was in fact almost as large as the one threatening to rip it's way out of Skinner's pants. Skinner ran his hands down LaFiamma's body, feeling the solid muscles of his chest and the washboard ridges in his stomach. The man obviously worked out. His muscles were solid as a rock and beautifully defined. Skinner brushed his fingers very lightly over LaFiamma's cock and was rewarded with a strangled cry and a deep shudder that shook the man's entire body. It would not take much to make this man come. He was almost ready to explode just from this small amount of fondling.
Skinner stepped back breaking all physical contact. "Take off your clothes. I like my slaves naked." He stepped to the bed and sat down, gesturing for LaFiamma to move into the narrow space in front of him to strip.
LaFiamma obeyed instantly. He removed his arms from behind his back slowly to be sure that Skinner was aware that he would have to in order to follow his instructions. Then he slowly began to remove his clothes. First he took off the jacket of his expensive gray silk suit to reveal the twin forty-five automatics that he carried. He removed the shoulder holster that they were in and laid them in the chair beside the bathroom door. He wasn't trying to do a striptease or anything like that, yet it was extremely erotic to watch the handsome young cop removing his clothes. After the automatics were on the chair with his jacket, he removed his tie and began to unbutton the bright turquoise shirt that he had worn under his suit. He started at the top and slowly button by button he undid it. As each button opened the shirt parted a little more to reveal the perfectly formed body beneath it. The chest was almost hairless, with just a few curly hairs around the nipples and a soft fine down leading downward along his stomach. The chest itself was deep and full, heavily muscled, a weightlifter's chest. He folded the shirt neatly and laid it on the chair. As he turned to do so Skinner saw that he had yet another gun in a waist holster at the back of his pants he removed it next and placed it with the automatics.
He turned back to face Skinner and stood still just for a moment smiling ever so slightly before reaching for the buckle of his belt. Then slowly he unbuckled the belt and just as slowly pulled it through the belt loops until it was free. He folded it in half and held it out toward Skinner, his eyes hot and hungry. Skinner reached out and took the belt, knowing that LaFiamma's offering it to him was an indication that the man craved discipline, wanted, and needed to be whipped. And knowing, also, that by taking it he was indicating that he was willing to apply that discipline either with the belt or with his hand. The choice would be his. He rather thought that he would enjoy using his hand more.
LaFiamma's hands moved slowly to his waistband and he undid the button there and slowly slid the zipper down. He didn't let the trousers fall away but held the waistband and slid them slowly down his legs, bending over as he stepped out of them. He was down to his underwear now, a pair of silk boxers the exact same shade as the shirt he had removed earlier. They even had the same design running through them as the shirt had had. Skinner wondered where he had managed to find matching shirts and boxers. Then as Skinner's eyes roamed aver the young cop's body he realized that the boxers weren't quite all the man still had on. He was wearing an ankle holster with what looked like a twenty-two pistol in it.
Skinner couldn't help but chuckle, "Four guns. LaFiamma?"
"I told you, I'm from Chicago!" LaFiamma responded. "You just can't be too, careful. O.K.?"
"O.K." Skinner was still chuckling but he didn't want to make LaFiamma mad. The man might change his mind about the whole thing and the more of that luscious body that Skinner saw the more he wanted to fuck it.
LaFiamma removed the ankle holster and it's accompanying weapon and put them on the chair. Then he turned to face Skinner and slowly licked his lips before turning his back to the other man and seizing the waistband of the boxers slowly slid them down revealing his firm round ass cheeks. He let the boxers drop to the floor but kept his hands on his ass cheeks. He ran his hands over them slowly and sensually, then he grasped one cheek in each hand and pulled them wide apart to display his anus to Skinner twisting his ass wantonly before the other man.
Skinner knew what the slut wanted and rising he swung the belt LaFiamma had given him, landing a well-aimed blow just below the point where LaFiamma's hands were. LaFiamma moaned loudly and bending at the waist grabbed his ankles. Skinner eyed the red welt the belt had left with pleasure and drawing the belt back he rained down a series of quick hard blows onto LaFiamma's naked buttocks. The man responded with moans of pleasure mingled with soft cries of pain as the belt turned his soft white flesh, a deep, deep red.
Skinner dropped the belt and stepped up close behind the man. He grabbed LaFiamma by the hair with his left hand jerking him upright and shoving him against the wall. LaFiamma assumed the position instantly; hands spread wide bracing his body out from the wall, feet back and spread ready to be frisked. So, Skinner frisked him, thoroughly, and completely, running his hands along the younger man's body with abandon. He felt up the man's nipples, then rubbed his hand across the stomach before reaching between LaFiamma's legs to lift each ball gently pinching the nut between his thumb and forefinger eliciting moans of pleasure from the man. He seized LaFiamma's cock pinching the leaky head of it painfully making LaFiamma moan loudly. Then finally he slid his hand into the crack of LaFiamma's ass. As soon as his finger slid across LaFiamma's anus the man let out a wail of pleasure and leaned into the wall, pressing his chest against it as he arched his back and pushed his ass up and out trying to capture Skinner's finger with his asshole. Skinner of course refused to allow him the satisfaction of feeling his finger actually slide into him.
He stepped back from LaFiamma. "Now undress me, Slave."
LaFiamma was shaking almost too hard to comply but he turned from the wall and began to worshipfully remove Skinner's clothes. With trembling hands he undid the knot of Skinner's tie and removed it. Then he pushed the jacket of Skinner's suit coat back and off the FBI agent's well muscled shoulders, sliding it down the man's arms then folding it and carefully laying it on the chair atop his own clothes. Skinner, reluctant to let anyone else touch them, removed his own holster and gun, while LaFiamma watched. Then he allowed LaFiamma to begin to unfasten the buttons of his crisp white shirt starting at the collar. At the buttons opened to reveal the other man's chest he unconsciously licked his lips. When Skinner's nipples came into view he ducked his head as if to bend to lick them.
Skinner spoke. "No, slave. You may not touch me yet."
LaFiamma lifted pleading eyes to Skinner's and the older man almost relented but then shook his head. "I said no, Slave. If fact do not touch my skin at all while you are undressing me." He ordered.
The younger man's eyes went desperate with desire as his trembling fingers continued to undo the buttons. His cock was hard as a rock, drawn so taut that it stood up flat against his belly.
When LaFiamma had removed Skinner's shirt, Skinner reached out and ran a finger casually up the underside of LaFiamma's rampart cock causing the man to cry out with need and making his knees visibly shake.
Skinner smiled. "Kneel to remove my shoes, Slave."
LaFiamma obeyed, glad to relieve his trembling legs of the burden of holding up his body. He carefully placed one hand behind Skinner's ankle and lifted the foot while removing the shoe with the other hand. He repeated the action with the other foot.
Then finally it was time to remove Skinner's pants. LaFiamma paused
for just an instant in anticipation before unbuckling Skinner's belt. Then with eager hands he unfastened the buckle and undid the button, sliding the zipper down to reveal Skinner's pure white briefs and the rampart cock inside them. He lowered Skinner's trousers to his feet and Skinner stepped out of them. Then very slowly he drew down Skinner's briefs freeing the long, thick shaft with its leaky head. He licked his lips at the sight of the precum oozing from Skinner's cockhead. Rocking back on his heels he looked up at Skinner, waiting submissively for permission to lick the precum from the head of Skinner's cock. Skinner had waited as long as he could to have the young cop service him. He gave one quick nod of his head then almost screamed as LaFiamma dived onto the cock.
The young cops mouth was hot as a volcano as he deep throated Skinner's cock in a single quick move that took the FBI agent's breath away. He somehow managed to get every inch of the massive organ down his throat and did something with the muscles there that had Skinner writhing with pleasure. He came back up off the shaft and ran his tongue around the flared head of the dick then slid his mouth down the underside of the cock sucking along the length then licked his way back up. He recaptured the head of the cock and starting using a powerful vacuuming sucking motion that was so hard that it was painful. Skinner howled and grabbing a handful of LaFiamma's hair he yanked the man's mouth off him. The mouth came off him with a loud "plop". Skinner backed the step to the bed and sat down dragging LaFiamma with him but not allowing the man to re-establish contact with his cock.
"Start over. This time go slow and be gentle." Skinner commanded.
LaFiamma grinned then leaned forward and planted a tender kiss on the head of Skinner's cock. He began to feather tiny, light, barely there kisses down the length of the shaft but when he reached the base he didn't stop. He reached lower, finding Skinner's balls and gently sucking them into his mouth. He took first one then the other completely inside his mouth, swirling his talented tongue around each one before releasing it. Skinner moaned softly and reached down to draw him back up so that his mouth was once more wrapped around the head of Skinner'' cock.
LaFiamma leaned into Skinner's crotch and once more deep throated the massive member. Skinner growled and thrust into the younger man's mouth still amazed that he could so easily take the full length of Skinner's cock. "Where did you learn to do that?" He gasped out as LaFiamma once again did the trick with his throat muscles that almost made him come right there.
LaFiamma raised his head up from the cock just long enough to say with a grin, "I come from a long line of sword-swallowers."
Skinner grinned. "Circus family. Bet you do know some tricks. Use them. I want to come now."
LaFiamma obliged him returning to work on his cock with talent and intent. Seconds later Skinner exploded in his mouth. LaFiamma clung to the cock, refusing to let go until every drop of Skinner's cum had slid down his throat. When he finally released the cock Skinner pulled him up to kiss him but when he reached for LaFiamma's lips the younger man turned his face so that Skinner's lips grazed his cheek instead. Skinner started to insist then decided against it. Whatever reasons the younger man had for initiating this contact he was certain that LaFiamma's claim that he was 'a cock-starved slut looking to get fucked' was not the whole story. He obviously didn't want to be kissed on the mouth and that usually meant that there had been someone special that had been allowed to kiss him on the mouth -- recently.
He released LaFiamma and rose from the bed. "Do you have lube?"
"No, you'll just have to use spit and precum." LaFiamma replied as he crawled onto the bed and presented his ass to Skinner.
Skinner studied him for a moment then slipped a finger into his mouth and got it well coated with spit. He reached down and slid it into the crack of LaFiamma's ass searching for the opening. He found it and pressed inward. LaFiamma tensed as Skinner pushed the finger up into him. He was tight, very tight. Skinner paused.
"Are you sure about this LaFiamma?" He asked. Rough sex was fun, but if he was any judge, and he was, trying to get his cock into this ass without some real lube was going to be a painful business. Painful for him and pure hell for LaFiamma and more than likely would result in real damage to LaFiamma's rectum.
"I'm sure. Go on! Do it!" LaFiamma snapped.
"No. Not like this. You're no slut, LaFiamma. I've had virgins that were looser than this. I'll tear you up inside without lube."
"I don't care! Do it! Do it Now!"
"NO!" Skinner shouted. He grabbed LaFiamma's arm and spun him around on the bed, shoving him back and climbing onto the bed with him, trapping the younger man between him and the wall.
Skinner grabbed LaFiamma by his longish hair, holding his face so that the man couldn't turn away from him. "What are you punishing yourself for, LaFiamma? No. What are you using me to punish yourself for?"
The young cop struggled to get free of Skinner's grip, "Ain't none of your business."
"It's my business if you're using me to do it." Skinner eased his grip. "Tell me, LaFiamma,"
The tension drained out of LaFiamma, his lower lip trembled just a little, he dropped his eyes away from Skinner, then so softly that Skinner could barely hear the words, he whispered. "I got my partner killed. He trusted me and I let him down." Tears welled up in his eyes and slid down the cheeks of his bowed head.
Oh, God. Every police officer's worst nightmare. Losing a partner, blaming yourself. Wanting, needing to be punished. LaFiamma was seeking physical pain as an antidote to the raw, unbearable emotional pain of the loss. Wanting to die, not just any death but a shameful, degrading death that would be the only acceptable punishment for the guilt he felt.
Skinner reached out and took the young officer into his arms. "Tell me what happened." It can't have really been his fault, if it had been he'd be up on charges.
LaFiamma hesitated then slowly reached out and almost fearfully slipped his arms around Skinner, clinging to him. "We -- I mean --
It was a drug bust. A -- a buy. We'd been waiting for a while. We knew it was going down -- but not exactly when. We saw them come into the restrauant and go to the back. To the kitchens. Szabo, that was my partner led the way back. I was junior partner. We was supposed to wait for backup, I had the radio and I went to call but it wouldn't work. I couldn't hear the guys I told Szabo to wait that I couldn't get through to backup but he went on in. They nailed him right inside the door. I heard the shots and went in. Cleaned it up, killed a couple of da guys, disarmed the rest. Backup came in but it was too late. He died in my arms. I had ta tell his wife. She had been at the restaurant with us and another girl, we was having dinner, like it was a date. We told the girls to take a cab home when we saw the guys come in. She never even made it to the cab. I shoulda went in with him, I shoulda just dropped the damn radio and went in with him! He'd still be alive if I'da just gone in with him." The young cop buried his face against Skinner's chest and began to weep in earnest.
Skinner held him not really knowing what to say. It definitely hadn't been LaFiamma's fault if the story was accurate. His partner had rushed in and paid the price for his haste, but the young cop's guilt was too strong to let him see that. The position they were in was awkward, but Skinner didn't want to release his hold on the younger man. He was afraid that any sign of withdrawal from the embrace would be read as a sign that he held LaFiamma responsible for his partner's death, which he definitely did not do. Also, even in the light of this revelation about LaFiamma's motivation for seeking out the encounter, he still wanted very much to have sex with the younger man. He shifted his grip so that one hand stroked LaFiamma's hair and began to make soft soothing sounds in LaFiamma's ear as he pulled at him gently trying to rearrange them on the bed. Fortunately LaFiamma was compliant and followed Skinner's tugging without resistance. Soon they were stretched out on the narrow bed, Skinner on his side with his arms around LaFiamma, holding and stroking him as the young cop sobbed uncontrollably in the embrace.
Finally the sobs subsided and LaFiamma lay in Skinner's arms still and submissive. Skinner reached down and tilted LaFiamma's face up so that he could look into the red rimmed eyes. "You don't have to go on with this. If you just want to get dressed and got to sleep, I'll under-stand."
LaFiamma slipped his chin out of Skinner's grip and snuggled close against the older man. "I still want you. I -- but maybe you're right, we do need something more than spit and precum."
"Absolutely." Skinner agreed.
"You ever done it in the shower? Used soap for lube?" LaFiamma ventured.
"Yes. I have and it works just fine. Even as tight as you are it should be enough." Skinner said. He bent his head and kissed the top of LaFiamma's head in a tender gesture. "When ever you're ready, Baby."
He used the word knowing that it signaled a change in the game that they were playing. No more rough stuff, no more master/slave, from now on gentleness and tenderness, designed to soothe the wounded soul of the man in his arms.
LaFiamma lay still in Skinner's arms for a few minutes then said, "I think I'm ready for that shower. If you are?"
"I've been ready for this since you smiled at me in the lobby, Boy."
LaFiamma laughed softly, "Nice to know that my smile can still turn a man on."
They went into the bathroom. Skinner let LaFiamma adjust the temperature on the shower and found that the man liked his water hot just like Skinner did.
LaFiamma stepped into the spray of the shower and turned to pull Skinner in with him, stepping up close to the other man and wrapping his arms around him. He put his face right into Skinner's and rubbed his nose across Skinner's in an Eskimo kiss before brushing his lips very lightly across Skinner's in a light kiss. Skinner bent slightly to claim LaFiamma's mouth in a real kiss. This time LaFiamma did not turn his face away but leaned into the kiss. LaFiamma allowed Skinner to push his tongue into his mouth, allowed the older man to explore his mouth completely.
Skinner liked the taste of LaFiamma's mouth and the feel of it. LaFiamma had eaten peppermint recently and his mouth tasted strongly of it. His mouth was hot and yielding beneath Skinner's. The older man explored the young cop's responsive mouth thoroughly before breaking the kiss and reaching for the soap, ready to move on to other things.
LaFiamma leaned against him still and submissive as he soaped the younger man's ass crack. The young cop moaned when Skinner slipped one thick soapy finger into his anus and pushed back in eager acceptance. He tightened his grip around Skinner's waist and bent his head to suck one of the older man's nipples as Skinner thrust a second finger in beside the first.
"Turn around." Skinner ordered.
LaFiamma obeyed instantly. Skinner worked the two fingers he had up LaFiamma's ass in deeper as LaFiamma bent slightly at the waist and placed both hands on the front wall of the shower, assuming the 'frisk me' position again. Skinner wrapped one arm around LaFiamma's waist and began to drive his fingers into LaFiamma's ass as deeply as he could. Leaning over the younger man's back he said. "You really like this position. Don't you? You were a street kid; gang member. I bet your first time was with a cop. He put you up against a wall and worked you over. Didn't he?"
"Yeah! I had on a pair of sweatpants. He kept running his hands over my cock and balls. I couldn't help getting hard. Next thing I knew he yanked my pants down and stuck a finger up my ass. Man! It hurt! He didn't use nothing but spit for lube and I hadn't ever had anything up there before. But he found the spot right off and I quit minding real quick. He finger fucked me for I don't know how long then just let me go. After that he'd roust me regular just to feel me up. Was near a year before he did me with his cock though."
"Is that what made you want to be a cop?" Skinner whispered as he worked his soapy fingers in LaFiamma, getting him ready for the main event.
"No." LaFiamma didn't elaborate.
"What then?" Skinner slid his hand up LaFiamma's stomach and began to rub the young cops taut nipples. Bending he kissed LaFiamma's back.
"You don't wanna know." LaFiamma mumbled.
Skinner realized that LaFiamma was starting to get lost in the sensations and would soon be unable to satisfy his curiosity. He continued to plant kisses along LaFiamma's back as he withdrew his hand from the man's nipples and used it to guide his cock into position pressing it gently but firmly into the tight ring of LaFiamma's anus. "I do want to know. But you can tell me later." He whispered and pushed forward entering the younger man as gently as he could.
LaFiamma pushed back, taking nearly half of Skinner's cock into his hot tight passage. He moaned with pleasure as Skinner slowly withdrew then thrust in again. Thrust by slow thrust Skinner entered him, burying more of his long thick shaft in the hot, tight confines of LaFiamma's rectum until every inch of it was inside the younger man.
LaFiamma trembled, "God! It feels so good!" He moaned.
Skinner groaned, "It can't possibly feel any better to you than you do to me." He wrapped both arms around LaFiamma's waist and leaning over the other man's back, he began to pick up speed, thrusting faster and harder until he was literally lifting LaFiamma's feet off the bottom of the tub with his thrusts.
LaFiamma was moaning and gasping loudly now, but the sounds were of pleasure not pain. Every time that Skinner slid up into him the fat cock scraped across his prostate and the young cop was almost mindless with pleasure. He climaxed before Skinner, crying out loudly, something in Italian that Skinner didn't understand but somehow knew was a cry of raw pleasure.
Seconds later Skinner exploded inside him, shouting out a wordless cry of pleasure as he did so. His knees felt weak and he slumped back against the side of the shower. LaFiamma slid down to sit on the floor of the shower and leaned in against him resting his head against Skinner's thighs. It was a long few moments before either man was capable of getting up and finishing their shower.
As they dressed afterwards Skinner spoke, "I really am curious about why you became a cop."
LaFiamma hesitated, then shrugged. "I guess I understand why you ask. Most cops, detectives at least, have to be curious about things or they wouldn't be able to get the job done. It's in our nature to poke and probe at things we don't understand until we do understand." He looked at Skinner and took a deep breath. "I found out that my father had been a button man for the outfit. I had known that lots of the family worked for them. But as far as I knew none of the family had been killers per se. It always made me feel bad about being part of it, even though I wasn't really part of it. My father died when I was little and I didn't know much about him beyond a child's memories of his father. Then I found out that the father I had loved. The man who taught me to ride a bike, to swim, to play ball. The man who taught me everything was a hired killer. At first it devastated me but the more I thought about it the more I came to realize that it wasn't my fault and the best thing I could do to atone for him was to do everything I could to help people instead of hurt them. That's why I became a cop. To help people and to pay back the world at large for what my father did. Does that make sense to you?"
"It's a better reason than most people have for what they choose to do with their lives." Skinner stepped close and slipped his arms around LaFiamma. "Which side of the bed do you want? Front of back?"
LaFiamma grinned, " Narrow as that thing is? Big as we are? Definitely the back. That way you get to be the one that falls off!"
Skinner laughed, "And you said you wanted to help people."
"I'll hold on to you," the younger man smiled.
"That's a deal." Skinner replied.
LaFiamma slid into bed and after flicking off the light Skinner slid in beside him. They curled to up with LaFiamma's back against the wall and Skinner facing the narrow space between the bed and the other wall. LaFiamma wrapped one strong arm around Skinner and snuggled close to him, planting a kiss on his shoulder. "Goodnight, Special Agent Skinner." He said softly.
"Goodnight, Detective Sgt. LaFiamma." Skinner replied.
Both men went to sleep immediately, smiling. There would be no nightmares tonight.
The End.