
Year Thirteen


Helena looked up as a detective she knew quite well walked into their bullpen, frowning at him.  "Slumming?"

"No," he snorted, handing over a file.  "My boss said to hand this to you," he said, sounding like he was repeating it as a little kid.  "He said that it was involving you, though he doesn't know how he knows.  A copy of the note and the actual artifact found with the body are both in there."  He grinned.  "With that done, I've got to pick up a perp downstairs.  We found him in one of our parks and he was pretty well cut up.  Pictures are in there too in case they mean anything to you.  Homicide took one look at it and said they didn't want it."  Vecchio shrugged.  "Have fun."

"Wonderful fun, thank you," she said, smiling at his back as he walked away.  "Captain?"  He came to his doorway.  "Vecchio just sent this.  Welsh said that he's sure it involves me but he's not sure why.  Am I allowed to handle it myself?"

He came over to look at the file, grimacing at the pictures of the body and the chess piece.  He read the note, then nodded.  "I think you'd better," he said, showing her the photocopy.  "Tell me if you need to do anything strange to fix this."

"Yes, sir," she said promptly.  She took it, looking over the copy of the note.  It did sound familiar.  A spark of memory hit and she leaned back, grabbing her cellphone.  It was one of the ones with a scanner attachment, Lupin had found it for her.  She scanned in the file and plugged the scanner into the phone, calling him.  She listened to his spiel about being really busy.  "Yay," she said, breaking into his tirade against Fujiko.  "I'm sending you a note.  It's sparking something but I don't know what.  It's not even a compressed memory, it's something else entirely."  She looked at the chess piece.  "Plus I've got a chess piece with a microchip in it and a serial port."  She listened to him.  "You did?"  She sat up, taking down notes.  "No, I got the little horse guy.  A knight?  No, it happened in Vecchio's precinct but they were sure it was about me.  Let me send the copy of the note."  She got into her menu and sent it off, accidentally hanging up on him.  But the phone said it went through.  She put her phone down, carefully reading through the report until he called back.

"Anything sparking something in you?"  She shook her head.  "No, knifed to death, slashed a bit.  Sure, how busy are you?"  She smirked.  "That's what I thought.  You're trying to draw her back to your side, naughty boy.  Sure, we'll do that.  Have you tried plugging in the chess piece?  Then I'll do that tonight and we'll see what might come up.  Sure.  See you then," she said fondly, hanging up on him.  She walked into the office.  "Sir, I have no idea what this one is about, but...."  He tossed her something.  "What's this?"

"I got it in the mail this morning for you.  Addressed to me with your name on the inner package.  Until you solve this, I don't want you here.  There's every chance we'll become targets.  Our unofficial profiler said so."

"Sure, I trust her with my back," she agreed, heading back to her desk.  She grabbed what she needed and put the chess piece into her purse, then paused to wave at him.  "I'll be working from home until I get this, but I may have to do some traveling."  He nodded.  "Thanks, sir.  Send anything you may need over there."  She walked out, heading back to her apartment.  Her kittens gave her a dirty look for interrupting their naps, but they appreciated having her back since she fed them again.  She sat down at her computer, turning it on and logging onto her internet account.  Then she found a spare cord and plugged in her chess piece.  It brought up a website and logged her into it, which she wrote down just in case.  It showed a board and she quickly hit the 'screen print' button to capture the pictures while she made diagrams.  It was a board.  There were pieces that led to files and links.  Hers led to her file.  Lupin's, the Black king, led to his ICPO file.  Jigen's led to his and he was the other Black knight.  Goemon was a rook and led to a shorter file, they didn't know much about him other than he liked her cats.  They had him listed as 'spiritual support'.  She stopped long enough to take her dose of antibiotic when her alarm went off, then got a clean sheet of printer paper to work on the White side.  She tried to move hers, but it wouldn't move.

"Huh," she said, logging off to call Lupin again.  "Hey, it's me.  Plugging in my chess piece got me onto a website that has a chess board.  The pieces each lead to a dossier or at least a picture.  There's no Black queen, but you're the Black king.  Jigen and I are your knights and they think Goemon's there for spiritual support.  He's a rook."  She grinned.  "I'm sure he did grumble at that," she agreed.  "No, I'm at home.  My captain thought this might lead to injuries among my coworkers if I stayed so I'm free to work at home and he'll send me anything else that comes up.  As a matter of fact, he got sent something earlier.  Let me plug that piece in."  She hung up and logged back onto the internet, dialing him on her cellphone as she watched the piece load the same sight and then a piece moved.  "We have a moved piece on the White side.  This second piece showed it.  Hold on, the Black queen is lit."  She tried it, and grimaced.  "Okay.  Someone's confused. They have another cop up here being the Black queen.   I have no idea," she admitted.  "Sure.  Hurry in."  She hung up and logged off, using her home phone to call the other cop.  "Did you get a chess piece yet?  No.  I'm a knight, you're the Black queen.  Lupin's black queen?"  She snorted.  "I don't know why, you just are.  No, Jigen and I are knights.  Sure.  Let me handle this for you.  Send me everything you get sent.  No, my captain decided it was safer to have me at home.  Sure.  Love you too, Cat."  She hung up and started to print off the dossiers that were available.

She found an interesting thing, the White king had an email address in his.  She wrote to it:

White King,

Respectfully calling you an idiot, your choice of Black queen is inappropriate.  While we are similar in nature and I will defer to her on the streets, she's not part of the group.  Lupin has two women around him, myself and Fujiko Mine.  If there's no Black Queen, it's not our fault.  Neither of us bows to the other and that leaves you without a good choice for queen, but she said that it won't be her.  The Bitch Queen of Death wanted me to pass on her condolences for your future funeral if you continue to involve her in this matter.  As her humble knight I forward m'lady's message onto you.

Black queen's knight.


Lupin walked in and Helena smiled up at him as he hugged her.  "I tried to move a piece but it didn't work.  Your queen is another local cop and she's quite pissed.  I talked to her, she's sending me everything on it and holding the city secure, as always."

Lupin smirked at her.  "Only kings can call the shots.  Can I use yours?"

"Sure, go for it," she agreed, coming over to look over his shoulder.  "I had hoped someone among you three played chess."

"Goemon does," Lupin admitted.  "My grandfather did, he was a Champion.  I'm decent enough but I hate role playing."  He logged onto her account and plugged in his own piece, getting a much more detailed effort going.  He got full dossiers and he printed them off to go with hers.  Then he checked the pawn that had been moved.  It was an interesting move.  A sacrifice to taunt the other side.  He looked over his pawns and nodded.  "Fujiko's been made my other Rook.  That leaves the bishop spots open."  He looked at Jigen.  "We might have to play doubles here."

"Then make me the black queen," Helena offered.  "Fujiko's too damn nice about some things.  Let her be Queen's side rook and bishop."

"Not a bishop," Goemon told her.  "Zenigata is one of those."

"Right you are, he's changed things," Lupin said as he ran over theirs.  "Goemon, you're now a rook and my bishop.  Jigen, you're my knight and Queen's rook.  Helena, you are indeed the queen and your own knight and Fujiko is a bishop."  He looked up.  "We have a choice of pawns though.  We need to send back a message."

"Well, I emailed him earlier about his choice of Black queen.  She was really not happy and asked me to shoot him once for her."


"He made himself the White king," she told him.  "Reasonable assumption."

Jigen nodded. "Fair enough.  What was the purpose of the pawn's sacrifice?"

"To draw our attention.  His death will move him off the board faster."

"Or the death itself is the pawn," Helena said thoughtfully.  She sat on the arm of her couch.  "Think about it.  If it's not the person, but the killing that's the pawn, then we're playing a really impure White side.  With Zenigata being here, it'll be rather odd."

"I don't know where he is," Lupin admitted.

"Easy, he's at the convention that'll be in town next week," she said smugly.  "I heard he's giving a seminar on traveling."  Jigen snickered.  "Guys, be nice to the poor guy!  It's not his fault he's doing what I did and chasing you three loons."  Jigen gave her a kiss and she settled down.  "So let me talk to him at the convention.  You study the board."  Lupin nodded.  "And don't run up my phone bill please."  She popped her neck.  "Okay, I've got another assumption.  His speech patterns in his writing point to a non-English speaker, and the way he phrases his verbs and things *sounds* Spanish to me."

"Okay, so we're dealing with a powerful person, probably male, who speaks English as a second language," Lupin agreed.  "Anything else?"

"I don't think he's in the US.  Doesn't the .mx after his email address mean he's in Mexico?"  Lupin smirked and nodded.  "Okay, so we've got a powerful Mexican person, probably a citizen or near enough, who hates us enough to get onto us and use us as pieces in some sick game.  Sound familiar?"

"Not right off," Lupin admitted.  "Sick and mental people we meet plenty of."

"This could be another challenge to our claim of superiority," Goemon offered.  He smiled as Morris leapt off the loft's railing to land on his shoulder.  "Hello, cat."  He stroked the thin stripe of fur gently.  "Have you been well?"

"No, he's been a holy terror and he peed on the couch earlier.  He needs to go back to the vet's."  Her alarm went off so she went to take another dose of antibiotics, avoiding touching Jigen.  She knew Jigen was watching her back.  "Sorry, small respiratory infection," she explained.  "Someone tried to drown me in a pond."  She took her pill, swallowing it with the can of soda in her hand.  "I got the stuff from Cat, since she was involved earlier.  It's laying in the purple folder.  She's always reminded me of purple things for some reason."  She yawned and stretched.  "It's now the middle of my night so I'm going to rest while you think.  Wake me up around dawn if I don't get up on my own."  She headed up to bed, stripping down and putting on a pair of old boxer shorts she had stolen off Jigen and a tank-top.  She looked over and saw him at the top of the stairs.  "Sorry, I'm having one of those Kotex days," she said with a small shrug.

"Not an issue," he said, coming over to tuck her in.  "You okay?"

"I'm fine, I'm at the end of the antibiotics this time," she promised.  "The blood work came back fine and everything."

"Good.  Why did you need blood work?"

"Nasty shit in the water."  She pulled him down and kissed him gently, not her usual sort of kiss. "I'm fine, Jigen.  Just give me a few days."

"Fine.  I'll give you a few days until you settle back into a normal woman," he said, patting her gently on the stomach.  She went pale.  "What?"

"Nothing.  Just a sudden thought.  Something odd that I'm not sure where it came from."  She curled on her side.  "It's all good."

"Fine.  I'll be up later.  It's not that early for some of us either."

"Sure, if you want.  If not, you can help him for a bit longer."  She ran her fingers across the back of his hand.  "I'll cuddle if you come back."

"I will."  He went down the stairs and looked at Lupin.  "She's being womanly at the moment."

Lupin nodded, that did explain the hesitation to grab Jigen and toss him onto the couch underneath her.


Helena woke up being held and had to gasp for breath.  The dream hadn't been real, she was fine.  It wasn't happening again.  She looked behind her, finding Lupin staring at her.  "Decided you didn't want the couch?"

"No, but I spent a long time thinking last night."  He stroked some of her hair back.  "Who was it and is he still living?"  She shook her head.  "No?"

"No.  I was helping another cop out of Vice and he wanted her.  Apparently he thought I'd be a good message," she said quietly, glancing around.

"Jigen and Goemon went shopping for food since you never seem to have any in the house."

"I usually eat out, that way I don't have to worry about cooking," she admitted. "I'm fine."

"I'm sure you are, but you're shying away from contact and he'll realize it soon too."  He moved closer, forcing her to face him so he could cuddle her.  "If you're my little sister, then tell me and let me handle it."

"He's gone away already, Lupin.  It's fine."

"I'm sure he's gone away for a very long time, but you're not fine, Helena.  I don't want to see you suffer and I really don't want to see Jigen lose his temper and set off a panic attack or something.  This is looking very serious and it looks like it's going to take a while to fix."  The door slammed and two sets of feet walked in.  "Sounds like our willing servants are back," he joked loudly.

"Yeah, and we found her Sam's card so go carry shit," Jigen called back.  He came up the stairs, finding her cuddled up against him.  "Something you wanted to tell me?"

"I was having a nightmare and he got me calmed down," she said, holding out a hand.  "Come cuddle?"  He crawled in behind her back, and she felt very safe suddenly.  "It's all good, Jigen.  I'd never force you to share me."  She grinned back at him.  "You comfy?"

"Scoot his bony ass over so I get more of the bed and I'll be fine.  Oh, some stockboy said something about granola bars?"

"I keep a case of them around for the kids.  Did you pick them up?"

"Two big boxes of them," he agreed dryly.  "Lupin, go finish unloading the car."

"Yes, Jigen," he said patiently, letting her go so he could do his share of the physical labor.

Jigen kissed the back of her neck.  "You okay now?"

"Yeah, the guy who tried to choke me was still really recent," she admitted.  "It's fine.  He's very sorry and his nose was broken very badly when my partner found him trying to drown me while I was unconscious."  Jigen gave her a squeeze.  "He got me in the head with a brick first."

"Ah."  He stroked her stomach.  "Why are you flinching each time I do that?" he asked quietly.  "You've never minded before."

"I don't know," she admitted.  "I've been wary of most people recently."  She shrugged. "I'm guessing something's coming unstuck again.  I'm sorry if I'm a grouchy bitch to you, Jigen."  She flipped over, trapping him beneath her as she kissed him.  "We're good, I still adore you more than life itself.  You are my shining star to quote a song."  She grinned down at him and straddled his lap.  "Now, I should probably go clean up and let you worry about Lupin's sanity."  She got off him and headed down the stairs.

Jigen looked down at himself.  At least she hadn't gotten him nasty.  He stared up at the ceiling, trying to figure this out.  He had been checking on her every two weeks and no one had said anything about someone trying to kill her recently.


Helena walked into her boss' office, waving a hand.  "I know, but I've got an update."

"You couldn't just call?"

"No, because this is a long-term thing, sir."  He groaned.  "They've made a move, we've made a move.  It's a giant chess game.  We did figure out that the murder was the move, not the person, but that's all this is to him.  I need to know if you want me to continue to do this at home or not."

He sighed, looking at her.  "I don't know.  Did you get the you in Vice clear of this?"  She nodded, with a small smirk for that description.  "Thank you.  What's really going on?"

She handed over the folder.  "This is what we have so far, sir.  We have two moves, one on each side.  We're not anticipating his next move for at least two days. I've included the files he included on the cops on his side.  His people may or may not know that they're being used.  Lupin and I disagree on that.  He's only got one non-cop on his team and I'd bet that he was the one who did the murder.  The others are cops and they don't know that they're being used according to me.  Lupin thinks that they have to know.  I think that the person is in the position to order them around and things.  The problem is, we've got another cop on our side as well.  Zenigata."  He whimpered.  "I've heard he's to be at the convention and I'm definitely going.  I was going to make his acquaintance then and hopefully manage to not let him remember that he met me in Mexico a few years back, after I was drugged."  He nodded, handing the folder back. "You don't want progress reports?"

"I'll take it when you've got it all done."

"Sir, with him using murder as a pawn's move, there's every chance he'll try to take me out.  If he wasn't the guy behind the pond thing."

The Captain sighed.  "Fine.  I'll take progress reports."  She handed it back.  "Who do you want on this if you're killed?"

"Her.  Vecchio.  Someone of their caliber.  It'll take someone who uses intuition instead of bare facts.  Pops and I are both like that."


"That's what Lupin and his guys call him," she said with a grin.  "So I'll do that.  If you need me, I have my phone.  Let me do consulting since I can't do much right now?"

"Sure," he agreed.  "I'll send you stuff.  Have fun."

"Yes, sir, I plan on kicking someone's ass and that can be fun."  She walked out, heading down to her car and heading back to the house, with one small stop on the way.  She walked into the 27th with a spare copy of what she knew and up to Ray's desk, handing it to him.  "There's a case that's mine that's showing potential for havoc, ruin, and hell on earth.  I'm naming you my records keeper in case something happens to me. That's what we've found out so far.  If I die, tag - you're it."  She shrugged happily and strolled out again.

Ray looked at the folder then groaned and went to talk to his boss.  "Sir, that chess piece thing just landed back in my lap if she dies," he announced from the doorway.  "Can I go have a three martini lunch?"

"No, detective.  I got a call, you're to follow in her humble footsteps if something happens to her.  Read the file, keep it in mind in case another move on the sicko's chess board happens up here."

"Yes, sir," he said, going back to do just that.  It kept him from filling out his own paperwork for a while longer.  He called her apartment.  "Move the queen's knight next," he ordered.  "He's expecting it and it'll force him to make a defensive move."  He hung up, ignoring the fact that the voice on the other end was male.  People were hurting his city and he wasn't about to let it happen.


Lupin looked up as Helena walked in.  "Who was he?"


"The guy who called.  Told me to make you the next move."

"Sure, go ahead if it'll work.  It was probably Vecchio, he's the person I just stated was taking over this case if something happened to me and I handed him a copy of my file.  He got the original murder so he'll know something."

"Okay.  That fine with you?"

"Sure, how am I moving?"

"Well, you just made a protective move, so let's move you in front of the line."  He smirked.  "Well, our person made a move of his own.  He's sending one of his up here for the convention."  She came over to look over his shoulder.  "Know her?"

"Vaguely.  She's a cop from Texas.  She's had to work up here before."  She stepped back and went to get something to drink.  "We'll figure it out, we always do."  She held up her last can of Coke. "Anyone get more soda?" she called.

"No," Goemon said from the fire escape.  "The children took all your granola bars as well."

"Thanks."  She grabbed her Sam's card and her wallet.  "Be right back.  Don't answer the door.  I'm going to be paranoid."  She headed out, taking her coke with her.  She knew the cop doing the convention and she wanted to talk to him now.  She tapped on his office door and he waved her inside.  "Hey.  Did you hear about the chess piece case?"

"I did," he admitted, smiling up at her.  "I also know what it's about.  Sit."  She sat, giving him an expectant look.  "As far as anyone knows, to date, he's a bad guy who was behind the scenes before.  He's using other cops.  He's not a cop but he's somewhere in the system."  She nodded.  "Are any of them coming for the convention?"

"Karen Miller, from Texas somewhere.  We don't know if she knows she's being used or not.  I'm betting not but Lupin's betting she has to know something."

"I'm going to go along with the 'not' side so far," he admitted.  "What can I do to help you take this outside of Chicago?"

"I think he's Mexican myself because of the way he writes his notes.  I need to either talk to Miller or to let her see that whatever he told her isn't the truth."

"She asked me outright last night if you were really a dirty cop or not."

"You know her?"

"I do know her.  I also know that if you tell her, she'll probably be dead.  By the way, I'm assuming Jigen doesn't know?"  She shook her head firmly.  "Then we'll be dealing that rape case.  That fine with you?"

"It is, thank you," she agreed.  She stood up.  "I'll need to speak to Zenigata as well."

"You know, he's said the same thing about you," he said fondly, smiling up at her.  "Go play, Helena.  You don't have much to do until this is over with."

"Why is everyone so worried?"

"Because his note did hint that he would hurt people who got in his way.  None of us want in his way."

"That or some of you want me dead?" she suggested.

"Some do," he agreed.  "Some don't.  Some thank heavens you and the Bitch Queen are alive so we don't pull these cases.  Go, play.  Your boyfriend's in town."  She nodded and left, going on her shopping trip.  He picked up his phone and called someone.  "She's doing most of the legwork on this, it'll be fine," he said, then he hung up.


Helena walked into the convention, checking in quickly and happily.   She had preregistered so all she had to do was pick up her packet and nametag, then she was free to check in and find her targets.  She wanted to watch Miller first.  But Zenigata and she needed to get together.  Lupin had upgraded his ticket and sent him a reimbursement check through the ICPO inter-office mail so he'd be there tonight instead of tomorrow.   She tossed her bag and packet onto her bed, taking her name badge with her downstairs to where she could hear the majority of people talking.  His packet had been on the table but she had caught sight of him in there.  She walked in and found a poker game already going.  "Can I join in?" she asked, smiling at them.  "Helena, local 21st."  She shook hands all around.

"What do you play?"

"Poker mostly," she admitted.  "My uncle taught me during a trip to Vegas."  They all grinned and dealt her in.  She glanced around.  "I thought there'd be more of us here by now."

"There is but they're all napping.  Most of us came in, got a drink, and went to bed," the dealer told her.  "How do you like working here?"

"Pretty good.  My captain's pretty supportive of me.  With the shakeups, we've had some reorganizing and stuff but it kept all the good cops and got us a lot more good commanders from within the ranks.  They're promoting quality now, not quantity."  The guys looked at her.  "What?" she asked, checking her hand.  She tossed back two of them and looked at the bets.  "Who's selling the matches?"

"Bob," he said, nodding at the bar.  She looked back and got up, getting some.  She came back and found her two cards waiting on her.  She checked them, then her hand, and bet five.  What the others were putting into the pot.  "So, you knew that woman?"

"I am that woman, guys," she said, giving him a long look.  "It's nice to finally get to wear my badge openly."  They all looked stunned.  "What?"

"We heard you had longer hair," the guy on her left said.

"I did, I cut it when I finally got free.  I changed all my clothes too."  She grinned at him.  "I did what I had to do."

"We understand.  Most of us are Vice guys," the dealer noted.

"I've worked with the Bitch Queen recently.  I have no envy for you guys.  I'm happy just being a nice, normal detective."

"Is she coming?"

"She comes each chance she gets," Helena quipped.  The guys all chuckled at that.  "I'm sure she will.  I nearly got hit during her last chase today.  Word is, Vice isn't busting at any of the clubs this weekend unless it's for drugs or kids.  I'm guessing she'll be in one of them if she's not directly here."  She waved at someone.  "I know him."

"He's LA," the guy on her right said.  "Stuck up asshole."

"Yeah, but he tipped really well.  The last real convention in town, not the nice one a few years back, but the *real* convention twelve years ago, I was undercover in one of strip clubs then.  He tipped me fifty bucks because he was drunk."  She anted up and the guys groaned.  "Just for fun?" she teased.

"Basically.  We're waiting on the rest of us.  You here to see someone special?" the dealer asked her, looking over the top of her cards.

"Well, the boyfriend is in town but I need to see Zenigata on a case that doesn't relate back to him.  It's odd, but we've had just one really big one drop in our laps and something in it refers back to him.  I was hoping to get him tonight before he got into the party spirit so I don't have to break his mood."

"Zenigata never parties," the dealer said, laying down his cards.  "The man's uptight and too serious. He'll end up having a heart attack some day."  She laid down hers and the matchsticks were pushed over.  "The guy's probably asleep by now.  He's always on the go, never gets to rest, and that Lupin thing is something some of us try not to pick on him about.  I wouldn't want to chase him."

She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.  "Neither do I, he makes a great omelette."  She settled back into her seat.  "My deal?"  The cards were handed over.   The other two chuckled and shook their heads.  "He does.  I met him undercover.  I'm dating Jigen."

"Wow.  Still?" the old dealer asked.  She nodded, passing out the cards.  "You're real smooth."

"Lupin taught me to deal since my uncle hadn't," she quipped with a bright grin.  "It's amazing, helping him got my stuff done faster.  Right now, this case involves him as a player being used.  Zenigata's the same way."  She looked at them.  "Do any of you guys know Karen Miller?"  They all nodded.  "Can you point her out to me later?  Her name was in the file too and I don't know why, but I'd like to find out before I approach her."

"Sure.  She'll be the drunken blonde tonight singing," the guy on her right said, tossing down his cards.  "I fold."

The guy on her left looked at his cards and put in ten matchsticks.  "She's not dealing off the bottom at least."

"I try very hard not to.  It's all in the shuffle after all," she teased, punching him lightly on the arm.  The other guys laughed and the game was on.  By the time Zenigata came down, she had enough matchsticks to serve Jigen for life.  She saw him and nodded her way out, folding her hand and loading her matchsticks into a small bag so she could walk over to where he was sitting at the bar.  "Inspector?" she asked gently.  He gave her a tired look.  "Hi, I'm Helena Nichols."  He started, staring her down, then he slowly grinned.  "I need to consult with you on a case tonight."

"If I do, will you send Lupin my way?"

"I have it on good authority he's in town lounging in my apartment playing with my cats," she told him.  "All for the same reason I need to talk to you."  He looked really interested.  "It's nearly dinner, can I buy?"

"Sure.  Here?"

"Here, Chinese, Thai, Korean, Pizza, Italian, Mexican, or Armenian."

"No Japanese?"

"It's recently come under new ownership and I've never eaten there.  I never take people to places I can't recommend at least three things off the menu."

"Chinese is fine then," he agreed, following her out.  "What are those?"

"Matchsticks.  I won them in the poker game I've played all afternoon."  She let him into her car and walked around to get in, taking him down there.  "Before we go, I have to let you know something."

"I read your first log.  Lupin wanted my opinion on you."

"He did?"  He nodded.  "That sneaky asshole!"  She grinned and shook her head. "He keeps saying I'm like a sister to him, I guess that was a big brother move on his part.  No, not about that stuff.  I hope."  He started to frown again.  "There's a new case."

"Chess pieces."

She nodded. "Yeah.  You're a rook on my side.  We're all on the Black side.  The six of us."


"Lupin, Jigen, Goemon, Fujiko, you, and me."  He looked stunned.  "I'm playing double positions and so is Fujiko.  We need to tell you about it."

"I got the webpage but nothing else."

"Ah, but we know a bit more."  She started her car and drove him to the restaurant in question, letting him lead the way.  "We need to talk about a case," she told the waiter.  "Smoking?"

"I can hold off."

"Then either's fine with us."  The waiter nodded and led them to a very back table, handing her their menus.  "Thanks.  Bring me a coke, no ice.  Inspector?"

"Coffee," he requested.  The kid nodded and went to do that.  He sat across from her.  "So, you're the one that everyone calls Jigen's girl.  Quite a strong woman."

"Every day, otherwise I wouldn't be here."

"Good point," he agreed.  "What's this with the chess pieces?"

"Some sick fuck's playing a big game.  Us six against his eight and pawns."

"And we're Black?"

"We are.  One of his knights is at the convention with us, Karen Miller.  I have no idea who's behind this.  I have figured out that he's probably Mexican, and probably part of the system.  He's set himself up as the White king."

"Lupin's ours?"  She nodded.  "You're a knight and what?"

"Queen.  Fujiko normally would but I won't take orders from her and she won't really take them from me.  He had another local cop involved but she refused to play and I pointed that out to him when I found an email address."

"That Vice cop.  The Queen?"

"Yeah, her," she agreed, grinning behind her at the family that just sat down. "I'll modulate my language," she promised.  "But yes, her.  She's been removed and he's had to revamp our line twice.  I may end up taking Fujiko's rook place instead of the Queen, while she gets queen and bishop."

"You'd be bishop and knight, she's his home," Zenigata murmured, accepting their drinks.  "What's good here?"

"Most everything, but I have a problem with the thin rice noodles.  I'll have gas all night."

He smirked at her.  "You're much different than I had expected."

"It happens to the best of us, Zenny."  She grinned when he gave her a look.  "It's shorter."  She looked up at him and rattled off a few numbers.  "Keep me in cokes.  He'll have 2, 9, 10, and 15 unless he objects."

He looked inside the menu, then nodded.  "That sounds good.  Add some chips or something to snack on."  The waiter nodded and went to give their order.  "Zenny?"

"What?  I'm allowed, I'm special," she told him simply, grinning at him as she nodded behind her at the window.  He looked and then groaned.  "See, I told you I was special.  Mirror's behind your shoulder."

"Wonderful.  What do they want?"

"Who knows.  They're reporters.  Anything is possible."  She leaned on the table.  "So, we need to work together on this, and that means we'll have to take some orders eventually.  You're one of the bishops.  Lupin remade the side this morning to realign us."  She answered her phone when it rang.  "Yeah?"  She listened, drawing on the napkin.  "You're sure?  Thanks, babe."  She hung up. "Okay, as it stands.  Lupin's king, Jigen's his knight, Goemon's his bishop.  Fujiko's his rook.  Fujiko's also the queen.  I'm her knight, you're her bishop and I'm also her rook."  He nodded.  "We've made two moves.  One to counter getting us involved and the second to send me to see you.  Our pawns are mostly knowledge and things of that nature.  The White king used a murder to start the game as a pawn's move.  His next was sending Miller up here."

He considered it.  "We need to castle the board.  Can you call him back?"  She handed over her phone.  "I've seen these."

"It was my last birthday present from our King."

He grunted in annoyance.  "Not my king.  I'll hold the line and offer the advice, but I'm not involved."

"Eventually he'll have to move you into play.  With any luck, it'll be backing me up.  He knows how much you hate him."

He nodded and looked in her phone book, coming up with the number that said "Lupin" next to it.  He called that one.  "It's me, you filthy, murdering crook."  He listened to the quiet explanation.  "I'm doing what with this?"  He looked at Helena, then nodded.  "Fine.  Not a hardship.  I'll tell her after we're done with dinner."  He hung up as she chuckled. "Sorry, I hate it when he gets smug."

"That's okay, I'm sure he'll send Jigen to check on me.  We're not that far from where I live."  She patted him on the hand.  "You're working with me, I'm the filter between you two.  Got it?"  He nodded, handing back her phone.  "Let me guess, he told you to protect me?"

"That and to tell you the guy didn't take the deal.  Whatever that means."

She groaned, grabbing her soda to sip.  "It means a rape case is going to go to trial and it's going to get messy for Jigen," she told him.  He looked stunned.  "It was me, Zenny, not him."

"Oh.  Oh, damn," he whispered, staring at her.  "I'm...I'm sorry."

"It wasn't you who did it, but Jigen doesn't know yet.  We were hoping he'd take the deal so we didn't have to go through this in court."

"I'm sorry," he repeated.  "I'm sure Lupin will tell him."

"No, he knows better.  This isn't the first time, the first time was undercover."  She finished her coke and smiled at the waiter so he brought her another.  "Thank you," she said quietly.  She looked at him again.  "Right now, that's not important.  Right now, we need to talk about what to do about this person who's trying to play with our lives."

"I'd love to arrest Lupin," he said smugly.

"The other one.  Not Lupin.  Touching Lupin means that you'd have to get in conflict with Jigen and then we'd end up at odds and I don't want that.  Do you?"  He shook his head.  "Then can you call a truce for now?"

"On this matter," he admitted.

"Thank you," she said, looking relieved.  She looked up as another waiter brought their food.  "Hey, Goemon.  Bored with the cats?"

"I took Morris to the vet's and he needs to talk to you soon.  He said that Morris is quite old and in failing health."  Her face fell.  "I will be here for you through that one as well," he promised, patting her gently on the back.  "And I will not tell Jigen about what has happened."  He looked at Zenigata.  "Lupin said to give him the folder tonight.  Let him think for a few days.  Enjoy the convention and then revisit it.  It may help."  He set down the last dish and hurried off, heading out through the back door before anyone realized that he wasn't one of them going on a smoke break.

Zenigata looked at his plates.  "Should I trust these?"

"You should.  The cook is a very old woman."

He picked up his fork and dug in, nodding at the first bite of one of them.  "Spicier than I anticipated but good," he wheezed, sipping his coffee.  "Damn, I'm awake now."  She chuckled.  "I'll have to remember this place for the next time I chase them through here."

"Hey, feel free to drop by my place at any time.  We're all friends now and I know you'll honor the long standing truce I have on my pad.  You can even help pet the cats."

He gave her a look, then shook his head.  "No, thank you anyway.  I might see things I'd rather not."

"What?  Goemon petting the cats?"

"No, you and your man going at it," he said dryly.  "That is one thing I don't need to ever witness."

"I try very hard not to do that in public," she said sweetly.  "I'm a good girl, Zenny, not like that."

"I'm sure you are, but he's not," he said, smirking at her.  "It's odd, but I like you.  I don't like many other cops."

"I'm not like most other cops," she pointed out.

"No, you're not.  Which is wonderful," he agreed, patting her on the hand.  "Eat.  Before he has to show up and scold you."

"He won't be scolding me for that.  I forgot to take my medicine earlier."  She ate a bite of her first dish, nodding that the old woman had gotten it exactly how she liked it.  "See, I pick only the best of the best."  She saw something and stomped on it.  "And they need to clean out that person upstairs."

"Was that a roach?" he hissed.

"There's a guy who lives in the top apartment who raises them for psychological experiments."  She ate another bite.  "He'll be kicked out for this."

He dug in.  "I've been in worse places.  Trust me."

"Me too."  He smirked at her.  "So, we can try to be friends?"  He nodded.  "Good, then you get to introduce me around tonight at the convention."

"Sure."  He paused, his fork halfway to his mouth, then shook his head.  "He calls you his princess?"

"Sometimes.   Why?"

"A sign just drove past that said to leave his princess alone, or else."  He smirked at her.  "I should tease him."

"You should tease him," she snorted.  "He'll be getting it when I get home in a few days."

"You're staying at the hotel?"

"I hear that's half the fun of the conventions."  She smirked at him.  "Liking the room?"

"Quite a lot.  Thank the crook for me.  Tell him my boss writes left handed as well."  He took another bite.  "I figured it had to be pretty important to drag me here like that."

"Hey, free room means that you get to spend some on souvenirs.  Or go like most of the guys and go clubbing."

"That's not the sort of souvenir my wife would enjoy," he told her dryly.  She burst out in giggles, leaning on his arm so she wouldn't hit the floor.


Helena trudged into her apartment and laid down face down on the couch, falling asleep right there.

Lupin came over to check on her.  "Just tired," he announced.  "Must have stayed up late last night to win the poker game."  He gave her a soft nudge.  "Why don't you go sleep on the bed?"  She patted around until she found his hand, then tugged on it, bringing him down to her level.  "Yes, dear?"  She whispered something hoarsely and he chuckled.  "Sure.  I know how that is.  We did a job at a comic book convention last year."  He covered her up and didn't even try to move her.  She was too tired to even be carried up the stairs.   She did jump when Jigen fell down the stairs, even coming over to check on him, but she was yawning the whole time and giving him gentle pats to make him feel better.

"Let me," Goemon said, moving her out of the way.  He looked over Jigen's shaking head  at his foot.  "You've broken it.  We'll have to get you a cast."

"No," Jigen said.  "No hospital."

"Shut up, Jigen," Lupin ordered, helping him up with Goemon.  "Helena, go back to sleep on the couch.  Wait for us."  She nodded and mumbled something about her insurance card covering him, then went to lay down as ordered.  She fell asleep with a happy smile.

Lupin found her wallet and grabbed it, taking it with them.  Health care was atrocious in the states, it'd help them pay the bills.


Jigen moved back into the apartment on his new crutches, already grumbling about them.  He found Helena still on the couch and sat beside her, smiling as she moved to lay her head on his lap and sighed in contentment.  "This nearly makes it worth tripping over the bra that someone's cat drug onto the stairs."

"She is not my cat, she resides here," Goemon said firmly.  "Though I am sorry that I did not spot that when I found her playing in the drawers earlier."  He grabbed some juice for him to take his painkiller with.  "Here.  Take your medicine so we can get you both to bed."  He picked Helena up but she shrieked and flailed so he dropped her back onto the couch.  "I do not know what that was."

"It's fine, she's done it before," Lupin told him, leaning down to whisper in her ear.  "Helena, it's Lupin and Goemon.  Goemon's going to pick you up and help you upstairs, all right?"  She mumbled something.  "No, Jigen can't.  He's got a broken ankle.  Come on, let us help you so we can settle him up there."  She batted at him but he smiled and nodded at Goemon, who picked her up more carefully this time.  He watched while Jigen took his medicine and then helped him up the stairs as well.  "We'll figure out how to let you help us with this, buddy.  You just rest for now.  Help her nap off the excitement of the convention."  Jigen nodded, settling himself in beside her.  She clung to him so he knew it was all right again.  Lupin went back down the stairs, shaking his head.  "Put on some music, Goemon.  I need to think."

"Fine."  He put on some music and went to clean up the kitchen since the cats were trying to knock over the bag of flour again. "Naughty you," he chided, stopping at the rack of CDs.  "What sort did you want?  She has dance, techno, rock, classic rock, jazz, and a bit of classical."

"I didn't know she knew what techno was," he said in appreciation.  "Put on some soft rock.  Quietly."  Goemon nodded and chose older tunes, loading up the CD player.  The first song floated out and he smiled. "Thanks, Goemon.  Have fun meditating with the beasts."

"I usually do," he agreed, taking one outside with him to meditate on the roof.  This one was flat and not graveled, it was much more comfortable than some of the ones he had been on. "Much nicer than in Germany, where they had sharp-edged shingles to cut people on the roof," he told the cat, sitting down to stroke her while they stared out at the sky.  He heard Fujiko as she pulled up and smirked.  "She will learn the meaning of the word control soon, Felix."  He stroked her back gently, making her purr in contentment.


Lupin heard the grumbling long before Fujiko got near the door.  He had it open before she could knock.  "Shh," he ordered.  "Jigen's just gotten to sleep."

"Why do I care about him and his sleeping habits?" she asked loudly.

"Because he just broke his ankle and Helena just came back from a convention."  She shuddered, having a small flashback to the one they had done a job at.  "Come with me."  He took her bag and put it down, making sure none of the cats had escaped, then closed the door and let her into the secret room, making her look very impressed.  "It was here when Helena bought the place.  Close it."  She closed it most of the way, not seeing an exit switch.  "You know that Helena called us here?"

"No, all I know is that you said it's important that I get here," she told him.  "Why?"  She ran a hand along the back of the leather square sectional couch, picking her spot across from him.  "What's going on?  Are they trying to send her back under?"

"No, now there's someone playing headgames with the group, using all of us and Pops."  She looked confused.  "He's playing out a big chess game against me personally.  He started off by having a murder committed here to bring Helena into it and she found out who was on what side."  He patted the folder on the table, the one he had been working on last night.  "That's what we have so far.  We're waiting for him to make another move at the moment.  You were already part of it, but I rearranged the board to better suit my side.
"That's only six of us," Fujiko noted as she looked at the dossiers.  "I don't know any of these people."

"They're cops from the Southwest.   Helena met one at the convention and the woman spit at her feet and called her a dirty cop.  Helena very calmly hit her and told her off, then told her to prove her dirty, after all IA watches her harder than everyone else in the city."  She grimaced and nodded.  "I've changed you around.  You're my rook and my queen, Fujiko.  I need you in both places.  Can I count on you?"

"Why not her?"

"She's the queen's knight and rook," Lupin admitted.  "You're both good at playing multiple parts.  I need that skill now.  I have no idea who this person is yet or what he's after besides an ass kicking, but he's not getting it.  Got it?"  She nodded.  "Can I count on you?  None of the usual funny stuff, no trying to take whatever treasure, none of it.  We're playing it straight this time."

"Sure, I can do that," she agreed, handing it back.  "What happened to Jigen?"

"One of Helena's cats got into her underwear drawer and decided to play with the pretty strings on the bras.  She drug it halfway down the stairs and Jigen didn't notice it before he got tangled in it and fell.  He broke his ankle and barely missed getting a concussion."   She giggled and he smirked.  "I know, pretty funny, but he's going to be pissed and Helena's on leave until this is solved.  No one's sure if he'll target others again."

"It's understandable," she agreed.  She got comfortable. "Someone had very good taste.  I can see her in here."

"Her realtor did it," Helena said as she walked in, yawning as she sat down beside Lupin.  "Zenny said something to me that was interesting.  He thinks he's run into the writing style before.  He said the note sounded familiar somehow."

Lupin gave her a hug.  "I knew you two would get along.  You're both demented."  She pushed him off and he grinned at her.  "You could nap."

"I just rolled on top of Jigen and hurt him.  He's a bit pissed at the moment so I figured I'd go back to napping on the couch.  I did think of another thing.  To know both me and the Bitch Queen of Death, either he's had something to do with Vice squads, or he's a Fed.  He's got to be if he's in the system at all.  If not, then he's probably a drug lord or a wannabe drug lord.  Her big thing is taking out the big fish.  We all know mine."  He looked thoughtful.  "I put that to Zenny last night and he said that he'd check into it and email me.  He did say thank you for paying for his room, and that his boss is left handed."

Lupin snickered.  "I'll tell him off for that later."  He gave her a pat on the thigh and she pushed him farther away.  "You okay?"

"Cranky.  Two weeks of period this time is not making me happy."  Fujiko looked upset and horrified.  "I've never been regular.  My all-time record is thirty-four days of spotting.  This time it's just been one long, hard one.  So can we have beef tonight for dinner?"

"Sure.  I'll make steaks or something," he promised, kissing the side of her head.  "Wanted to nap in here?"  She nodded.  "Then we'll go hog your desk."  She shrugged and he took Fujiko with him, leaving the door a little bit open for her.

Fujiko stopped him and glanced upstairs, then at him, moving closer.  "When was she attacked again?" she asked quietly.  He slumped.  "When?"

"Nearly two months ago.  I can't be sure, but I think we're thinking the same thing."  She nodded.  "He doesn't know, she doesn't want him to know."

"I'd never dream of spilling that sort of secret.  The girl needs to have someone to talk to though.  She can't talk to him, it'll have to be you or Goemon."  He nodded.  "Then I'd do it soon before he realizes.  He's not that dumb."  She went into the kitchen, looking inside the fridge.  "Does the girl not drink anything but soda and Goemon's tea?"

"No," Lupin told her.  "There's concentrated juice in the freezer but the pitcher's in the sink.  It was Jigen's turn to do dishes today."

She snorted and started water so she had something decent to drink.  While looking for the cups, she found the liquor stash and gave it a long stare.  "Wow."  He came over to look over her shoulder, looking a bit stunned himself.  "Who bought her a three-hundred bottle of champagne?"

"I'm hoping it was Jigen or he's going to get really pissed," he noted. He pulled down the scotch to look at the label.  "Cheap stuff."  He pulled down all the stuff, finding the good stuff in the back, hidden from them probably.  "Here we are."  He fixed himself a drink.  "We've only got the one bed.  My time's this afternoon.  Goemon's been napping on the couch with the cats," he told her.  "Fit yourself in somewhere."  She nodded so he went back to the computer, letting her put up the liquor stash.

She put the good stuff in front leaving her favorite directly in front of everything else, but made some juice anyway.  Neither injured person should drink.


Helena looked up a week later as Lupin came over and kissed the back of her neck.  "Last time I knew I didn't like you like that, big brother."  He started to work on her shoulders.  "Okay, so it's something important.  What?"

"The apartment next door is coming open," he told her quietly.


He nodded, working her shoulders harder.  "I also know that you own the building and that it could use some updating.  You could make this floor a two apartment instead of three."

"I could but that would mean raising the rent."

"It would," he agreed, "but your other neighbor probably wouldn't mind."  He sniffed her hair.  "You used the apple stuff?"

"It was all that was left."  She swatted at his hands.  "Quit that.  I can't think when you do that."

"I know, that's why I was doing it," he admitted with a grin.  "You ready to talk?"

"I'm fine, Lupin," she said, looking up at him.  "I've been fine.  I'm fine most of the time."  He shook his head.  "I am."

"Then why can't you remember to pay the cable bill?"

"Because I have problems remembering to pay the bills.  Sorry, sometimes old habits die hard.  Thank you for doing that and balancing my checkbook for me.  Am I poor now?"

"You haven't been poor since that museum job," he reminded her dryly.  She gave him a dirty look.  "Fine, you're saving that for something else," he agreed. "You could take the interest and pay the bills a year ahead."

"I'll need that for when I buy a house," she said firmly.

"Honey, you can buy a house with the interest too," he noted, moving her so she was facing him fully.  "Trust me here, you can."

"Yeah, but when I retire and buy a house, I want to be able to do things like fix it up and travel and stuff.  That's expensive."

"It's not that expensive."  She nodded.  "It's not, really.  That's one of the reasons I soaked the city and the Feds for more money."  She frowned and shook her head.  "Yeah, I did."

"I've only got the three checks and it was what I was expecting.  About six million."

"Then they've shorted you, princess.  You were supposed to get about sixty from each."  She looked stunned.  "Yeah.  Let me deal with that and your checkbook, okay?"  She nodded.  "I promise it's not an imposition, it'll make me happy not to have to wake up and pay someone directly at the door again."  She blushed and ducked her head.  "I know, some people are horrible with money.  You're one of that half of the world.  We'll deal with it.  Jigen's a tightwad anyway.  By the time you're ready to retire, you'll be more than able to buy a mansion, staff it fully, and go traveling at least half the year, plus leave a hefty endowment to some college or somewhere."

"But traveling is so expensive," she complained.

"It's not really.  It all depends on how you do it.  When you go to Mexico, how much do you take?"

"A thousand, but Mexico is cheap, that's part of why I go down there."

"Yeah, but not as cheap as other places.  You can do the same thing you do in Mexico in other places.  Trust me, we do it all the time on a smaller budget for three of us and make it quite well.  Now, hand over the checkbook and all pertinent documents."  She handed over the checkbook and her statement.  "That's it?"  She nodded.  "No retirement fund, nothing like that?"

"I kept thinking about it but I never have the energy to plan things like that.  I want to move closer so Jigen doesn't have to keep dealing with the paranoid people in US Customs."

"These guys are nothing compared to Soviet Union Customs," he shared.  "Same lawyer?"  She nodded.  "Then let me deal with it."  He went to take up the special room with the cordless phone, calling him first.  "This is Helena Nichol's financial manager.  I don't seem to have a copy of the transfer records for the cash she won in settlement?"  He listened to him hem and haw about it then snorted.  "Listen, I'm in the employ of Lupin the Third.  She thinks she's only got six million and I saw the judgement.  Since I can't find the rest I'm supposing that it was taken?"  She listened.  "Since when was ninety percent a reasonable fee?  No, if I don't have proper records, I'm calling him as soon as I hang up with you.  He is in the city and can be at your office within minutes if I know the man.  And I do," he purred softly.  The man on the other end swallowed and said something about a special account.  "Wonderful.  We'll need that paperwork as well.  I'm setting up her allowance and retirement funds today."  He hung up and sat back.  Within ten minutes a courier was there with the documents, keys, and checks from the account that the lawyer had created in his name.  "Thank you," he said, taking it from the courier.  "Tell him I said I'd see him later tonight."  The boy nodded and accepted his hundred dollar tip, going to repeat the message like a good errand boy.  He didn't understand why the man packed up and decided to leave for a vacation suddenly.


Helena looked up as her email beeped.  "We've got a new move," she called, bringing everyone running who was there.  Fujiko had decided to live at a nearby hotel.  Lupin and Goemon were technically just over to eat from her kitchen because they were living downstairs in an empty apartment until she found a tenant for it.  Jigen was still on his crutches so he was in the hidden room.  He was looking over her shoulder before Lupin could be.  She clicked on the link, opening that same page.  "Hmm.  The new move is...."  She grimaced.  "Shit."  She grabbed her phone and called some of her favorite people, who were having a meeting anyway.  "He's going after Vecchio next, he's sending his bishop.  Yes, him!" she said angrily.  "Yes, Vecchio!  As in guard the man, you think that might help him a bit?"  She snorted.  "Thank you."  She hung up.  "And our move is?"

"Information is power," Lupin said, marking the move on his board.  That left a pawn vulnerable.  He crossed it off.  "Let me."  She let him sit down and he typed in their move on the board, moving his piece to take the other one.  That left Jigen in perfect position to take his bishop when he got into town, or Helena actually since Jigen was out of commission for a bit.  "Helena, I want you to shadow Ray.  I want this person."

"On it," she agreed, grabbing her purse and gun, heading out into the night.  She didn't get to hear the beep that meant another move had been made.  That move left her open as well but it wasn't anything she couldn't handle.  The White queen was waiting for her outside and she had to knock her out.  "Poor thing," she soothed.  "Goemon!"  He came to the edge of the fire escape.  "Come get her.  She had an unfortunate accident."  She grabbed the motorcycle she was borrowing and put her purse over one shoulder, zipping off into the night with her gun in her belt.  She found Vecchio at his mother's house and tapped gently on the living room window.  She pointed at Ray and nodded outside, looking around. He came to the door.  "You're their next move," she announced.

He nodded.  "I heard, Ma won't go on vacation."

"Ray, I don't know who this is yet, it could be your mailman."

"Good point.  Want to come in?"  She shook her head.  "You sure?"

"Yup, I'm good."  She looked down the street as a motorcycle started up the street, reaching for her gun but Ray shook his head.  "You sure?"

"He's lived across the street now for ten years.  I'm sure. You sure you don't to come in and scare Ma?"

"Yeah.  I am.  Hey, if necessary, we can fix the vacation thing for you."

"Nah, I've got it," he said.  His eyes widened and she drew as she faced that way, peppering the car with bullets as it started to drive by.  Ray barely got to the ground in time and she was off and running before he could draw his weapon.  "Wow."  His mother came to help him and check him over.  "It's all right, Ma.  She's got it.  Go back inside and stay away from the windows.  I mean it."  She nodded and he went back to his silent vigil in the darkened living room so he could see out the windows.  It was possible they had been a feint to get her gone.

Helena sped after the car, using her cell to call dispatch.  "This is Nichols, I'm in pursuit of a tan and green junker of an Olds from somewhere in the eighties.  We've just passed unit 897 on Timberlake and are heading for the docks.  I need backup.  Yes, even the slow, donut munching bastards in 897 are fine, I'm on the bike."  She hung up and tucked her phone down her shirt, speeding up a bit now that she had both hands.  She saw them zag and did the same, missing the pothole they had tried to get her to hit.  "Not nice," she growled, pulling her gun and hitting the trunk.  "Come on, gas tank," she hissed, hitting it again, this time a bit more to the right.  The back end exploded and she slid the bike down to get under the fireball, coming out from underneath it to go find the idiots driving.  They were both unconscious and their shooter was on fire.  The cop car pulled up and one of them got out with his fire extinguisher.  She leaned against the side of the car, bending down as her stomach cramped some more.  "They were going to hit the orphanage," she panted.

"Are you all right, detective?" the cop with the extinguisher asked, looking her over.  She nodded.  "You sure?"

"Just a cramp," she said, straightening up.  "I'll need a long soak later."  She looked at the bodies he had pulled out.  "Good job.  I thought you guys were Grimes and Penderson, sorry."

He grinned.  "That's okay, Penderson's my brother.  He is a donut munching slacker. It's his night off so I got his car."  He helped her sit on the trunk, letting his partner handle traffic.  "What did these two do?"

"They just tried to shoot Vecchio at his house.  That strange case that has my guy in town for a bit just got worse."

He looked shocked.  "They're the ones who fired on Vecchio? You chased him all the way here on the motorcycle?"

She gave him a look, then nodded.  "Yeah.  Done it before and longer trips."

"Wow.  Ma'am, if I ask, would you please turn my niece into a cop like you?"

"You know Demoranth?"  He nodded, eyes wide.  "She loves doing that.  Let her do it.  I'm going to be a bad influence," she said with a grin.

He chuckled.  "I'm sure you would.  I'll ask her the next time I run into her.  Thank you, detective.  Want a ride home?"

"If the bike's not too hot, I'll take it back," she said, hopping down.  She grabbed her gun off the hood of the patrol unit and walked away.  "Tell your sergeant that I'll fill out paperwork when he sends it to my house.  I'm too dangerous to be around right now."

"Yes, detective," the second cop said, giving her a look.  "I don't eat donuts, I eat eclairs," he said grimly.

"I thought you were Grimes and the nice guy's brother," she soothed, patting him on the back.  "They tried to shoot Vecchio at his house.  Watch them."  She heaved the bike upright, wincing at the scratches.  "I'll be paying to have that fixed tomorrow," she noted, getting on and heading back to the apartment.  It was halfway across the city but a quick stop for gas and a Hershey bar was good enough until she could have a bath to wash out the scrapes.  She walked in and saw everyone glaring at Fujiko.  "Hey.  Leave me out of it, I just dumped the bike. I'll need to have the finish redone tomorrow."  She headed into the bathroom, closing and locking the door.

Jigen looked at Lupin.  "You know more about women.  Is that normal?"

"She said that her all-time record was thirty-four days when I asked the same thing," Lupin said simply.  Jigen grunted in irritation but finished tying Fujiko up.  "Thanks, guys.  Let's let me talk to her, huh?"

"Hell no," Jigen snorted.  "You'll cave, man.  We need someone tougher to talk to her."

"Zenigata would," Goemon offered.  "He's back in town."

"No, I'm saving him for some major things."  Lupin looked down at her.  "Why, Fujiko?"

"Because he offered me everything and then some," she said bitterly.  "Money, power, no more stealing, everything I could ever want."

He got down in her face.  "If you had asked, I would have given you all that too," he noted.  "You knew that though."   He walked off, tapping on the bathroom door.  "Want me to look at your arm?"

"No, I've got it.  You can pick the lock though, I've got the curtain pulled."  He popped the lock and walked in, looking down at her.  "I'm fine."

"You're not fine.  What did you do to the motorcycle this time?"

"I blew up the ass end of the car I was chasing and had to slide the bike to avoid the fireball.  They had a really big gas tank.  One side's scratched all to hell.  I'll have someone repaint it this week."

"That's fine," he agreed, giving her a pat.  "Would you like to interrogate her?"

"No, not really.  I'd rather soak."  He nodded, going to do that.  Jigen came in and she pulled the curtain in respect.  "How's your foot?"

He grunted until he got done.  "Men don't usually talk in the bathroom," he told her, opening the curtain to kiss her. "You okay?"

"Just fine," she said brightly.  "A few scrapes, nothing too bad."  He nodded and washed his hands since she was watching, then left her alone.  Someone else knocked.  "Goemon, unless you really need to use it, don't come check on me too."

"I was coming in to talk to you about Morris," he admitted, bringing the cat in with him and closing the door.  "He is not feeling well at all," he said, sitting down next to the tub so he couldn't seen any more of her than he should.  "He did not even rise to greet me when I came in."

Helena picked up Morris to look at him, settling him on her chest.  He didn't even twitch his tail when it got wet.  "You poor guy.  You are about ten," she soothed, stroking down his back.  She poked a spot when she felt a lump, then looked at Goemon.  "Is that what I think it is?"

"The vet thought he felt something but it was difficult to tell at that spot," he noted. "It could be a blockage but I couldn't authorize him to do the more extensive tests."

She nodded.  "We'll be going to the vet's tomorrow," she decided.  He nodded.  She gave him a look, then glanced at the door.  "Thank you."

"You're welcome.  I like your cats," he said, smiling to show he knew what she was talking about.  "If so, we will make it as painless as possible."  She nodded, stroking her cat.  "Would you like me to take him so you're not covered in fur?  He's shedding horribly."

"We're good for now.  Leave the door open."

He nodded, leaving her and her cat alone to say goodbye.  He had said his earlier and he understood.  "We are taking Morris to the vet's tomorrow," he announced.  "He's very ill."  Lupin looked at him, looking stunned.  "He's not eating, playing, or moving when I enter the room.  He's not complaining when getting wet in the bathtub."

"Fine," Lupin agreed.  "Thank you, Goemon.  I know you'll miss him too."

"Life moves on and he'll become something more spoiled in his next life," Goemon told him.  "He was a good cat."

Jigen gave him a pat on the shoulder.  "We'll let you both cry on us if you need to."  Goemon gave him a look so he grinned. "I will."

"I doubt I'll need it."  He looked at where Fujiko was sleeping.  "Are we sure that's her?  I've never seen her sleep like that."

Lupin sat up and walked over, checking for some sort of cosmetics or a mask.  "It's not a fake face."

Helena came out and handed off Morris, then pulled her ear aside and pointed at the scar.  "Face lift."  She went back to the bath, letting herself bleed into the water for a bit.  It helped the cramps.

Jigen looked at the cat in his arms.  "You really are sick, aren't you?  You hate me."  He petted the poor thing then put it onto the couch too.  That way it could have a soft bed its last night in this life.  Even Lupin petted him before scratching at some of the scars Morris had given him from leaping on him.  "We'll help them deal," Jigen reminded him.

"I know.  It's another stress we don't need right now," he admitted.

"Then we'll let her wear her grief out on this idiot," Jigen noted.  Lupin brightened and nodded.  "Call the real Fujiko, Lupin.  See where she is."

"Shit!"  He went to do that, but the new message icon appeared.  "I think I know."  He opened it.  "Huh.  He's got her.  She's in Mexico."  He looked up.  "Helena, can you travel like that?" he called.

"Hell yes.  Tampons travel."

"Thank you."  He reread the invitation.  "We need to take a flight late tomorrow or the next day."

Helena splashed about then flushed the toilet before coming out.  "We can do that.  Should I pack the guns?"

"Yeah, you probably should," he agreed.  He smiled at her back.  "Want to find an all- night vet?"

"They're horribly expensive," she reminded him.


"Good point.  Find one, make an appointment."

Jigen looked down at the cat.  "Too late," he called softly.  He checked but the cat's chest wasn't moving and he couldn't feel a heartbeat.  "He's drifted away."  She came down the stairs, gently patting and saying something to him.  "Let us, princess.  We'll have him buried," he soothed.  She nodded, resting against his chest when he pulled her up.  "Go get ready to leave."  She nodded and he looked at Lupin.  "Call someone?"  Lupin found the phone book and turned to the yellow pages.


Helena came off the airplane and through customs easily, heading for the car rental place.  She smiled at the woman behind it, switching to flawless Spanish.  "Hello, my name is Detective Helena Nichols.  I reserved two cars?"  She nodded and checked her computer, coming up with two forms and an envelope.  "Who is this from?"

"It was left with me," she said with a shrug.  "Another cop."

"Thank you."  She took it and signed the forms, then took the keys and headed off to pick which one she wanted.  They were both very nice sedans.  She picked the blue one and leaned against the side to read the note, frowning at the contents.  "Another move, he sent that blond guy from Phoenix into play," she said when Lupin and everyone appeared.  She tossed over the note she had balled up and the keys.  "Here you go.  Meet you at the hotel."  She got in and headed for an appointment she had made while waiting for the flight after reading an article.  She walked into the doctor's office and nodded at the secretary, still speaking Spanish.  "I am Helena Nichols.  I made an appointment."  The nurse nodded and led her back to a room, leaving her in there.  The doctor came in twenty minutes later.  "English?" she asked.

"I do speak English," he offered.  "Or your Spanish was fairly decent."

"It is, but I don't have all the words I need."  She curled up on the padded table, arms around her knees.  "I recently miscarried.  It was the product of a molestation.  I'm bleeding heavily and I ache.  I have to go fight someone soon to take back someone's girlfriend.  I am a cop and I have other cops against me because of this person.  There's supposed to be something you can do to stop the bleeding, will it work?"

He clutched the folder to his chest.  "There is," he agreed.  "How long have you been going?"

"Nearly three weeks now.  Maybe starting toward four.  I lost count when I had to eat a steak for breakfast two weeks ago."

He nodded.  "Then I can do so.  We do not usually do so, but in this case it is necessary.  You are the knight?"

She raised an eyebrow.  "How did you know about that?"

"When he found out you made an appointment he sent you a letter."  He handed it over.  "I know nothing."

"Do you know who sent it?"

"Not really.  I know he is active and local here.  I know he is powerful because he had a hacker take our appointment book over on the computer."  He shrugged. "Let me get you that shot."

"And just that shot?" she asked.

He smiled.  "As I said, I know nothing, young lady.  Ones like you don't need this sort of thing on top of others."  He went to get the shot for her, bringing it back.  "Have you been taking anything else?"

"Some antibiotics.  The first time it occurred, years ago, I tore."  He nodded wisely.  "No exam?"

"Do you feel you need one?"

"No, I've had two of those recently," she admitted.  "That's more than I've had in the last ten years."  He nodded and swabbed her arm, making her look away.  She winced when the needle entered, then grit her teeth at the burning sensation of the medicine entering her muscles.  "Ow."  He put on a small bandaid.  "When can I expect this to work?"

"Within the next few days.  Take a long bath to flush the system," he told her, putting the needle into a sharps container.  "I wish you all the luck in the world.  I do not like such games."

"Me either."  She rolled down her sleeve and slid off the table.  "I thank you, doctor."  She left, heading out to her car and then to the hotel.  Lupin was pacing so she handed over the note.  "Sorry, had to check on something."  She put down the bag she was carrying, letting him dig inside for the weapons.  "Where are we now?  He took over the doctor's computer to get his appointment book."

Lupin looked at her, then drug her into the bedroom.  "I won't let you go if you're in bad shape."

"I just had a shot given to me that stops all that bleeding shit.  It should work within a few days.  I'm fine, Lupin.  I was the last time and I am this time."  She got free and opened the letter, looking at it.  "Huh.  The cops want to meet me.  Better go do that."  She went out and grabbed her usual compliment of weapons, heading down there with her badge on.  She nodded at the desk clerk. "I'll be back by the pool if anyone asks."

"They're in the garden," she hissed.  "What is going on?"

"They're being used and don't know it yet.  Their boss is kidnaping and killing people.  I'll make sure we keep the damage and shouting down."  She headed that way, following the signs.  She walked outside, finding the three cops waiting on her.  "Hey."  She crossed her arms.  "We need to talk.  Miller, I'm no more dirty than I was then."

"You've been seen with a thief!"

"Yes, and one's my boyfriend.  He has been since I was stuck undercover."  They all gaped at her.  "You have no idea what this is about.  Someone is playing a giant game of chess.  You're his players on his side.  Miller's his king's knight.  You, Broderick, are his queen's knight, and you, Stephani, are his queen's rook.  He's kidnaped and killed people, and tried to kill other cops.  If you want evidence, I've kept all of it, including the website."

"The chess pieces," Broderick said, slapping himself on the forehead.  "I knew they were significant."

"They are.  They're links to his page.  You plug a serial cable cord into the base, in the port, and it'll take you there once you're online."  He nodded, slumping some.  "I hate to say it guys, but you were used.  I have no argument with you.  I want no argument with you.  I'm going to take back what isn't his and then I'm going to go back to Chicago.  If you want to stand in my way, then do so.  If you don't, then please do so."  Miller continued to sneer at her.  "Hey, like I said, I've got evidence.  I can prove everything I've said."

Stephani nodded.  "That's a dangerous thing to do.  We could have killed you."

"I'm told I'm partially bulletproof," she quipped, smirking at her.  "After ten years undercover, I'm very good at reading things, and I did notice the person in the bushes.  He'll be getting his in a moment."  Karen gasped when someone with a knife came out and Helena tripped him and knocked him down, rolling around with him.  "Give up," she complained when he kneed her.  "I didn't need that, I'm sore enough there as is!" she shouted, kneeing him in the groin.  He groaned and bent over with a whimper.  She hauled him up and up to her room by the emergency stairs, tapping on the door.  "He just tried to shiv me," she said as she turned him over.
"You're working with crooks?" Miller asked.

"He made us his enemy, Detective Miller.  Nothing further had to come of it."  He handed over a copy of their file.  "Here, for your edification.  Goemon, question this nice man."  He handed him over, watching as Goemon went to hang him off the balcony and talk to him.  He looked at the three officers.  "If you want, we can set you in front of the website.  It was still up as of last night."

"I found it last night," Stephani admitted.  "I also figured out the trick of the plug."  She looked around.  "Where did she go?"

"Probably to the bathroom," Lupin admitted.  He hoped.  He couldn't hear her.  He walked into the bedroom and found the other door unlocked and a note on the bed.  He sat down to open it, grimacing.  "Goemon, she's taking Zenigata with her," he called, hurrying out to stop that woman.  Jigen would be miserable without her.


Helena met her partner at the airport and let him in, nodding at the back seat.  "I have an old contact who figured out who this was late last night.  You ready for this?  There's guns in the back if you need another one, along with the paperwork that I did on the plane ride."

"You did the paperwork?" he asked, grabbing it to look at.  He chuckled. "It's absolutely correct, leaving out Lupin and the chess game."  He looked at her.  "My copy?"

"Is in there on Chicago's forms. You can copy it onto yours if you want."  He nodded, putting them back into the bag.  "You sure you're able for this?"

"I'm fine to storm a stronghold.  I've had practice chasing Lupin."  He faced forward. "What about his cops?"

"Three of them are at the hotel with Lupin explaining things to them.  His assassin is back there too.  That leaves two and Fujiko.  Plus any guards he may have."  Zenigata nodded. "I'm serious, if you need a backup weapon, take one.  I'm carrying five and extra clips."

"I'm good.  I've got my service revolver and speed loaders.  Wearing a trench coat is a handy things sometimes, even in this heat."  He smirked at her.  "So, I've heard you're a real good cop."

"I try," she admitted, turning onto a private driveway.  "Here we go."  She parked the car out of sight and they snuck up, aware they were probably being watched.  The king's side rook came out to greet them on the front steps.  She shrugged and blew out his knee, then kicked in the door, heading inside first.  "Chicago PD, you're pissing us and Interpol off, I'd run," she yelled.  "I'm not known for having patience!"  She heard a scream and went running that way, finding Fujiko tied to a bed and a man with a knife.  "Ah, the third assassin.  I heard there were three of you."  She ducked a blow from behind, coming up to shoot him, then the assassin rushing for her.  "Not a chance.  Morning, Fujiko."  She dug out her keyring and tossed it over.  "Try one of those.  If not, I'll be back with Zenny."  She walked off, finding him in a battle with the leader of this whole mess.  She took sight but a growl startled her, making her turn and face the jaguar.  "Wow.  Nice kitty.  Big, pretty kitty," she said, backing away.  She found a wall behind her and glanced back, it was a real, solid wall.  "Shit."

She looked at the cat, who was sniffing at her.  "No, do not even think about that," she warned.  The cat growled and lunged so she tried to duck but the big hunting cat adjusted.  She stuck her forearm in his mouth to keep it away from her neck and screamed when the thing bit her, but she got it off her by punching it in the muzzle and gave it a quick kick in the ribs to wind it, then undid her belt before it could flip over and got it around the beast's nose and throat, like a muzzle.  She didn't want to, but she made it tight enough that the cat could barely breathe, that way it was more concerned about getting that thing off than her arm.  "Watch out, there's at least one hunting cat," she called down.  She saw Zenigata be shot in the arm and took aim with her left hand, firing at the stupid idiot.  She hit him in the stomach.  "Ha!" she shouted.  She drug the cat by the muzzle into the bedroom Fujiko was trying to get free from.  "Here, watch him.  Don't let him eat you.  Lupin would kill me."  She walked down the stairs, going to help her buddy.  "Hey," she said, walking up to him to lean against his side.  "You okay?"

Zenigata looked at her, then upstairs.  "Find Fujiko?" he asked.  She nodded.  "She under arrest yet?"

"No, but if you can do that, you're a better man than I am with a gunshot wound."  She patted him and went out to check on their gracious host. She came back. "Speaking of better men, he ran with a gut wound.  He should be easy enough to find."  Zenigata nodded and called in the local cops and animal control, plus put out a bulletin on it.  She sat down, holding her arm.  He came over to pat her on the back.  "Ow."

"Sorry.  You okay?"

"No, the stupid jaguar took my bleeding to mean I was dinner.  He's upstairs with Fujiko."

"I'll let animal control deal with him."  The local cops and federal people came rushing in and he showed his badge.  "Inspector Zenigata, ICPO.  Our main suspect got away.  He has a stomach wound.  I've got a minor graze and she's had her arm savaged by the jaguar upstairs.  I may also have a prisoner upstairs."  He led the way, following the shrieking woman's voice.  He found her still struggling to get out of the handcuffs.  "Good," he said, glaring at her.  "You deserve it for fucking Lupin over this time."

"Hey!  I didn't do that!  I was captured too!  And free that poor beast before it dies!"

"So he can eat another person?  It tried to eat Detective Nichols.  Speaking of, she probably needs some medical attention."  Someone went to make that call and to hurry animal control.  He looked at the remaining officer.  "Detective Nichols has cats.  She loves animals but you can't leave one that'll eat you sitting around."

"No, you can't," he agreed numbly.  Animal control came rushing in.  "It bit the woman downstairs.  She used her experience with housecats on it."

"She's got five," Zenigata told them.  "Two of them are damn feisty by her stories.  That's her belt by the way.  It bit her on the arm."  He took the keys away from Fujiko and looked at the handcuffs.  "We'll need a saw to get her off the bed," he announced.  One was found immediately and he got her off there.  "Come along, Fujiko Mine.  You're under arrest."

"This isn't any fair!  I was a victim this time too!"

"Yes, but you're still a crook," he reminded her, carting her off to a secure car.  He watched Helena be loaded into an ambulance and pulled a paramedic aside.  "She had a doctor's receipt in the backseat of the car we rented.  She had to get a shot earlier from Doctor Indra Rodriguez."  He nodded, eyes wide.  "Don't let it interfere.  That or her thyroid problem."

"Yes, Inspector.  Thank you, sir."  He got into the back, asking her quiet questions as they took off.  They didn't want anything to interfere with the pain killers.

Zenigata looked around.  It was a pretty good bust.  That one would be caught or they'd find his corpse.  He could wait for whichever one.  He went to take Fujiko in.  This was his real prize and no one had said anything.  He listened to her rant about Lupin getting her free.  "Lupin's not even in town.  Helena called me directly," he taunted.  He stopped at the other car to get the forms and the bag of weapons, then took off with her again.  She could come back for the rental car if necessary.


Helena trudged into the suite, holding up a hand at the angry babble.  "Shut it.  I'm in pain, I'm tired, and I just spent three hours listening to some nurse hit on me.  I don't want to hear it."

"You're going to hear it," Lupin shouted.  "You endangered Fujiko horribly!"

"You'd rather I let the jaguar eat her?" she asked, looking confused.  "We all know you can get her free of a jail anytime you want to."  He looked stunned.  "Now, like I said, I'm in pain from the forty-six stitches in my arm."

"That shot must have really fucked with your system," Fujiko said bitterly.

"Yeah, well, that sudden influx of girl hormones after being low for years just ruined my week," she said bitterly.  "Excuse me while I take doctor's orders and go take a bath."  She went that way, locking the door before stripping down and starting the water.  She checked, she had stopped bleeding.  "Thank you, doctor," she said quietly.  When the water was high enough she climbed in and got comfortable, her injured arm on the side of the tub so it wouldn't get wet.  She barely heard the lock being picked but ignored it.  This wasn't the only bathroom but she knew someone was going to check on her eventually.

"What happened to you arm?" Goemon asked.


"A car?"

"No, a big kitty cat who thought that my bleeding meant I was injured and therefore an easier lunch."  She barely opened her eyes to look at him.  "Go away."  He nodded and left, closing the door behind himself.  "Thank you, Goemon."  She slid down a bit, mentally reminding herself to leave her arm up on the side of the tub.  Wet stitches had to be yanked and redone.  She had done that once and she remembered that lesson.

Goemon walked out into the living room.  "Her arm does look horrible," he announced.  Lupin looked over from fixing himself a drink.  "Apparently a jaguar tried to eat her."

"I wondered why she was slowly choking the thing with her belt when she drug it where I was handcuffed," Fujiko said bitterly.

"She asleep?" Lupin asked.  Goemon nodded.  "That's fine.  Maybe we should leave."

"No," Goemon told him.  "I will not leave her like this."  Lupin gave him a hurt look. "She is in pain, she is hurting from that bite, and you should have known she would follow the law in this matter.  As she said, you got Fujiko free.  As she knew you would.  We all did.  You should have planned on that.  Jigen would tell you the same were he here."

"Maybe if he was here, she'd be in a better mood," Fujiko said snidely.

Lupin came over and looked behind her ears, finding unfamiliar scars. "This isn't her either."  He knocked the not-Fujiko out and went about getting her back into custody by breaking into another room and leaving her there.  They could figure that out somehow.  Then he would find Fujiko and beat her to death for this.  He heard Helena squeal and grimaced.  "I think she got her stitches wet."

"Quite possibly," he agreed.  She came running out, followed by a snake.  "Or something crawled up the sewer."

"Get that thing!" she shrieked, climbing up onto the dresser.

Lupin shot the snake and looked at her. "Feel better now?"

"Fuck no!"  She glared at him.  "Someone drops a fucking snake into my bathtub and you want me to feel better!"  She hopped down and carefully walked around the thing, getting her bag repacked.  "I'm going back home.  You fucking fix the rest of this.  Your knight retires."  She stomped out, heading home.

Lupin blinked a few times, then grimaced. "Okay," he agreed, sipping his drink.  He looked at Goemon.  "Should we warn Jigen now?"

"No, he had figured it out before we left.  He'll understand and gently soothe her tonight."  He picked up the pieces of snake, tossing them off the balcony.


Helena walked into her apartment, finding Jigen staring down from the loft part.  "I was attacked," she sniffed.

"I noticed.  Come up and tell me about it?"  She gave him a long look.  He nodded at the bed and she trudged up there.  "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I don't want to consider this time either," she told him.

He gave her a gentle kiss.  "Then tell me so the fucker can die."

"He took the second deal after someone had a realistic talk with him," she admitted, looking down at her lap as she sat down.  He picked up her arm.  "Jaguar.  It tried for me because I was bleeding."

"Then you were miscarrying," he said flatly.  She looked up and nodded.  "How long ago was it?"

"Two months."  She slumped further, putting her elbows on her knees and her hands on her forehead.  "Damn it, I didn't want to tell you about any of this.  I only found out when I started to miscarry.  I was cramping pretty bad so I called my doctor and he had me come in because I saw him after the attack to make sure I didn't have any more problems with the prior rips.  He's the one who found out I was miscarrying and he said it'd take a few weeks.  I had the doctor in Mexico City stop it with a birth control shot."  He sat beside her, holding her tightly.  "I'm sorry, but I was handling it until you came in and you were so nice and sweet."

"Shh, angel.  I'm here," he reminded her.  "Even for the nasty shit that happens in life."  He kissed her cheek, then scooted backwards, forcing her to come with him.  "Here, rest on me.  We did okay after the first time, we'll do better now."  She nodded, laying on his side for him.  "You were gonna hide it the rest of our lives?"

"Yeah," she said quietly.  "I'm disappointed in myself.  I was out on a stakeout and I didn't even see the idiot.  I had the windows down on the car and he darted me."  He stroked over her hair.  "I'm sorry, Jigen."

"Hey, this was not you.  You didn't do that.  I'm not saying a thing about this.  I know you would have told me if you hadn't miscarried."  She shook her head.  "No?"

"No, it would have went up for adoption," she said quietly.  "I couldn't stand to look at it every day and remember."

He forced her to look at him. "Then I might have been a bit pissed.  I want to be here for things like this, woman.  Am I or am I not your man?"  She nodded, giving him a pitiful look. "Then let me be there for these things."

"You were in the middle of an important job," she told him flatly.  "I wasn't going to pull you away for that.  I handled it all right."

"You weren't handling it at all and you're not fine.  How in the hell you managed to not get killed on the street these last few weeks I don't know."  She started to get up but he grabbed her and rolled her underneath him, looking down at her.  "It's the truth. You were so focused on hiding it from me that you've been lacking concentration in your real job."

"Let go," she hissed.

"In a minute."  He felt her go limp and shook his head. "Won't work, Kathy.  It really won't."  She gave him a hurt look.  "I want to be here for these things. Lupin can pull his own shit for the important things.  This is an important thing.  I want to know when you're injured so I can come be soothing and nice while you're feeling bad.  I wanted to know."  He got off her, laying beside her. "I wanted to know because I want to help you deal with these things.  If someone had done it to me, I would have called for you come and you would have, right?"  She nodded, looking miserable.  "Hey," he said, tipping her chin up again.  "I'm not yellin', just stating my case.  I want to know when you're hurt.  It's a boyfriend's right to know when he needs to come do bedside vigils.  Or when he has to come hold you while you shake and remember that those things aren't natural or normal."

"I was unconscious for most of it.  He dumped me at the hospital and I woke up there."

"Then I'm damn glad someone else didn't take advantage of you there," he said gently, stroking her short hair.  "If I asked, would you let it grow back out?  I miss your hair."  She gave him a look, then shrugged.  "I'd like that.  I miss your hair.  I miss the fire you used to show all the time."  He kissed her on the forehead.  "You cut your hair and all the fire and energy seemed to seep out slowly from the trimmed spots.  I don't like that, it's like you're permanently depressed and I can't handle the thought of losing you to someone dumb."  She rolled over to hold him, careful not to kick him on the cast.  "I still love you, even when shit like that happens."

"I wanted to, but I knew it'd distract you and then you could die."

"I'd rather die trying to get here than to not know and have to find out later from watching Lupin dance around you like you're fragile."  She gave him a guilty look. "How did he know?"

"He figured it out and faced me down about it.  He let it slip to Zenigata and I finished letting it slip during our dinner together.  Goemon overheard it."

"You told Pops?"

"No, Lupin told him and he got confused why it was important so I told him it was about a rape case, and he looked really confused and I could see we weren't going to get anything done so I told him the truth, that it was mine."

"Oh.  And you all conspired to keep it from me."


He spanked her, making her whimper.  "No more of that, Helena.  I mean it.  No more keeping shit from me and getting Lupin to help you.  Unless you want to date him."  She scowled up at him.  "I mean it.  If I'm your man, then treat me like it."

She sat up, looking down at him.  "I tried that and you got all soft and nice and ....."  She shook her head and started to move but he tackled her and pinned her to the bed.  "Let go," she said quietly.

"In a minute."  He forced her onto her back to look at him.  "You may not be used to having people be nice to you and we both know I'm not used ta being nice.  That doesn't stop the innate response to shit like that from happening.  It's not like I'm going to claim you afterwards to make sure that you know you're mine.  I know you had no choice in that matter and I know that you didn't want it.  I'm pissed because you didn't tell me and you conspired to keep it from me."

"What did you want me to do, Jigen?  Let you think I'm some weak little thing who needs you to protect me?"  He was so shocked he got off her and let her stand up.  "I was handling it.  I had it in hand and I was working through it.  You were the first time I had to face anyone even hugging me since it had happened.  I had been tackled, nearly drowned, patted down by a paramedic after he got my airway cleared, but you had to come in and hug me and it threw me for a damn loop and I'm sorry, but sometimes things like that happen in my life."  She stomped off, going to hide in her secret room, locking herself in.

He sat there for a moment, then stood up.  "It's not fair of you to run when I can't chase you," he noted, carefully hobbling down the stairs.  He knew where she had went, the cats were all staring at the doorway.  "I don't know what to do, guys.  She's mad at me because I give a damn."  He went to put down food for them, including some wet food so they could have a treat while he waited for her to come out.  After an hour he got up to fiddle with the mechanism, finally shorting it out so it had to open.  He walked in and picked her up, sitting underneath her.  "If you're mad because I care, I'll leave again," he said quietly.  She shook her head.  "You sure?"  She nodded.  "Absolutely certain?"  She nodded again.  "Then let's start over.  I don't know why you're mad at me for giving a damn about you."

"I'm not used to it and it threw me," she reminded him.

"Okay, got that," he agreed.  He could understand that.   "Are you more normal now?"

"I think the girl hormones I got given are screwing with my mind worse," she admitted.

"Girl hormones?"

"To stop the bleeding."

"I remember you saying something about a shot.  They have one that can do that?"  She nodded.  "Wow.  Go modern medicine.  Then no man would ever have to fear the sight of the midol bottle again."  She pinched his thigh so he stroked her hair again in retaliation. "Does this bother you?"  She shook her head.  "Just stroking your stomach?"

"I'm tender."

"I can deal with that too," he agreed. He continued to pet her like he would one of the cats.  "Do you want to talk about it?"  She shook her head.  "You're sure?"

"Yeah, I've been over it so many times I'm numb now.  Even if it had gone to trial I would have been able to deal with it emotionlessly."

"Took more of that eraser stuff?"

"Nope, just beating myself up for sending my partner home early to be with his wife on his anniversary. I had backup and I sent it away."

"That was a nice gesture on your part."

"Yeah, well, he'd be beating himself up too if he knew."

"You managed to keep something like that out of the gossip mills?"

"Yup.  The answering cop was one of Ray's buddies.  It was near his house and his house is on the boundary of ours and his precincts.  I was watching something at an older school there."

"Huh.  I'll have to send him something nice."  He looked down at her when she pinched him.  "Don't do that."

"Don't spoil Ray.  He's a nice guy."

"I know, that's why I was going to send him something, for protecting you.  I like people who are as protective of you as I am."

"Then you might want to beat my big brother, who's the fussiest mother fucker on the face of the earth," she said bitterly.  "I went without him and Goemon to free Fujiko."

"I heard, he called.  He said that wasn't her.  She decided to go hide in Berlin with a brilliant musician who was talented at playing her instrument too."  She snorted.  "Sorry, I thought it was cute."

"It was."  She rolled onto her back to look up at him.  "You're still mad, huh?"

"Only that you didn't tell me.  That you tried to keep me from knowing so hard that you told Pops.  I'm not mad about what happened to you.  I could never blame a woman for that happening to her."

She sat up and climbed into his lap, hugging him gently.  "Thanks, Jigen."

"You're welcome, Kathy.  Now, we should find some food.  I doubt you've eaten anything since before you went on the bust."  She shook her head.  "Then lets go scrounge together. You can support me for a bit longer."  She nodded and got up, helping him up.  "Thanks.  This is making me feel my age."

"You and me both.  Ten years ago, I would have been a lot less achy from this bite thing."

"You really got bitten by a jaguar?"

She nodded, giving him a look.  "When Goemon asked me what happened to my arm, seeing it lying on the side of the bathtub bandaged with these bandages, he asked if I meant the car."  Jigen snickered, shaking his head.  "He's a sweet guy."

"He is, but I'm going to get him for not telling me about this.  Lupin too."

"We may have just had a bad fight anyway," she sighed. "He yelled at me for letting Zenny capture Fujiko."

"He can get her out of any jail Pops could put her in.  That was worry on his part."  Someone knocked on the door so he hobbled over to answer it.  He took the flowers and tipped the delivery guy, going to put them onto the table.  "This looks like an 'I fucked up, Fujiko' bouquet," he noted.  He found the card and pulled it out, nodding.  "Yup, he's sorry he laughed about the snake.  What snake?"

"Someone in the hotel dropped a damn four-foot snake into my bathtub and I ran away screaming until he killed it, then I finished panicking and left," she admitted, looking down as she made herself a sandwich.  He came over and tipped up her chin, grinning at her.  "Sorry."

"It's all right, I understand.  I'd scream too.  We better now?"  She nodded, handing him her sandwich.  "Now make one of your own.  I'm not falling for that trick."  She sighed and made one of her own.  "Thank you.  How did you get bitten by a jaguar?"

"The White king had one in his house.  It smelled the blood and decided I was an easy snack."

"I don't know what it was thinking, I consider you a full meal."  She smiled at him. "Whenever you're ready."

"I'd like the cramping in my stomach to stop first," she offered.  He nodded, smiling at her.  "Thanks, Jigen."

"You're welcome, angel.  Now eat your own sandwich so I can cuddle some more."

"Yes, dear."  She fixed her sandwich and they went to eat at the table.  She looked at the card, then at Jigen, holding it up.  "He wanted us to do what?"

"He thought that I took you to Tahoe to have a quickie marriage done."  He ate another bite.

"Huh.  I should spank him for that," she noted.  Jigen snickered.  "You think I'm kidding but I'm not.  I'm not looking for a wedding band anytime in the near future."

"Shoot and here I was thinking that I should go steal you one so everyone would know to leave you alone," he teased.

"Do it and I'll have to hurt you," she warned.  "I'm not ready for a wedding and you're not ready to settle in one place all the time."

"No, I'm not," he agreed. "You're the only woman I know who'd refuse a proposal."

"I wouldn't refuse, but I wouldn't let it happen until we're both settled down and safely ready to stay in one spot most of the time."

"I agree perfectly," he assured her.

Down in Mexico, Lupin sighed in defeat. "Won't that man ever get off his ass and marry that girl?" he complained.

Goemon looked at him.  "Some day, once she's ready to retire."   He handed over a drink.  "Here.  You need it."

"I do," he agreed, taking it to go sit down and listen to those two get cutesy with each other.  At least Jigen could touch her now.  Forcing her to talk to him had been the best, yet hardest, idea he'd ever forced himself to do.  "I miss my own princess."

"Some day she will be yours," Goemon promised.  Even though he wasn't sure it was the best idea.

To The Next Chapter