
Another Year Gone By, Just Past.


Ray Vecchio knocked on the front door, smiling at the little boy who opened it.  "Hey, Mal.  Is the mommy home?"

"She play cards daddy," he said, wandering that way.  He climbed up into his father's lap, grinning at him for his audacity.  "Me help, play pretty cards."

"Okay, but you can't tell your mommy what I have this time," he said firmly.  "Hey, Ray, come sit.  We'll deal you in next hand.  No wife?"

"The doctor said she couldn't fly," he said unhappily.   "He said running after perps was better for her."

"Got his number?" Kathy asked casually. He handed over his card for him and she picked up the phone, dialing it one handed while she looked over her cards.  "Hi, I need to talk to Dr. Risener about his patient, Catherine Demoranth-Vecchio?"  She waited, humming along.  "Hi.  This is Helena Nichols.  You're ruining my wedding by keeping my best friend in the city.  Yes, her.  No, I'm flying her over first class and she'll have a room in my house, not some flea-trap hotel.  Besides, I live in the countryside of France.  It's quiet here.  It's nice here.  The only bad guys were invited and there'll be a lot of cops here. Now, you can either let her come or I can throw some massive fit and endanger my own child.   Yes, I did," she said patiently.  "Yes, I know.  I had them with the last one.  This is my third.  Thanks for the warning, know anyone in France with that knowledge?"  She frowned.  "No, I knew about him.  Thanks.  Yeah, I'm bringing her over personally.  I do not care.  Either she comes or I'll *have* to mood swing out on her husband, my future husband, and all the gun-toting cops.  Do you really want to see them all commit suicide?"  She chuckled.  "Thanks."  She hung up.  "Tell her to reschedule herself at her leisure."  She looked out the door as Kit moaned.  "With her guidance, Ray.  Trust me on this."  She looked up.  "She's like some of Cat's friends."

"Fine," he agreed, smirking at Kit as she walked in.  "Which flight should she take?"

"Not the one she's about to get on."

He grabbed the phone and dialed her cell.  "Not that one," he said urgently.  "Because Kitsune said so.  Yes, her.  Trust me, she came in with the headache and everything.  Not that one."  He relaxed.  "That's fine then.  Thank you, Cat.  Love you too.  Your doctor cleared you.  Later."  He hung up.  "She was flying standby."  He looked at Kit.  "Could we stop it?"

"She was going to catch someone bad on the flight and get him in the middle of the flight."

"She did it to my guys once too," Kathy noted, putting down three cards.  "This time, trying dealing from the top of the deck, Jigen."  He smirked and dealt from the top of the deck, making her swear.  "Bastard."

"Not for much longer," Ray chided.  "Did the others back out due to IA investigations?"  She nodded.  "Wonderful."

"Dale would still come but he can't travel that far because of the damage to his lungs and planes aren't ever a good idea for him.  Everyone sent really nice presents.  I've already sent back cards for most everyone's stuff.  Did you want to see Cat's dress before the wedding?"

"No, I'm good with waiting," he admitted. "How large is the wedding party?"  He sat down, getting comfortable as Jigen dealt him into this hand.

"I won that arguments.  It'll be us, Pietro and Paige, Zenny and his family, plus whoever Goemon brings as a date."

"Fat chance," Jigen noted, adjusting his cards calmly.  "Need anything, dear?"

"If you don't quit stacking the deck, I'm going to insert a catheter tonight," she said casually.  "Then I'll pull it back out."  He winced.  "Cheating on the wife brings retaliation.  Even in cards."

"I'd never cheat on you in anything but cards," Jigen said calmly.  "Why would I need to?"

"I'm still sore," she said firmly.

He sighed. "Fine. I can wait for a few more hours."


"Hours," he said firmly.  "I'll be gentle and sweet about it."

Ray gave him a look.  "Wait until she hits that part of the pregnancy.  It'll happen near the end of the first trimester."

Jigen smirked at his wife. "How did you fix that the first two times?"

"Her name was Melissa and she was quite nice about it since she was farther along," she said, grinning without looking at him.  "I didn't want to touch another *man*."  He snorted.  "You know, the first time Zenny saw Kit he thought she and I were together.  He congratulated me on my taste."  Kit snickered from where she was resting her head.  "He did, he thought you were like a nicer version of Cat.  He used to wonder why we weren't together."

"You're too alike," Ray told her.  "You'd fight all the time."  He put down two cards and got two more.  "Letting me win?"

"Not hardly," she said, laying down her cards, smirking at her husband.  "Anything you want to tell me first?"

"I can't believe you've decided to wear white?" he guessed.

She snorted.  "That wasn't my choice and we *all* know who was playing in my closet again."

Ray gave her a funny look.  "Goemon dresses up in women's clothes?  I thought he only came over to play with your cats."

Kit choked, then burst out laughing, falling off the couch to try and stop herself.  Jigen howled.  Kathy shook her head, swatting him.  "Naughty man.  For that I should suggest that Cat get knocked up again."

"Too late," he said smugly.  "Accident and all, but much too late for that advice."  They shared a smirk.

Lupin stuck his head in.  "What did you do to them?" he asked politely.

"Jigen said he couldn't believe I was wearing white.  I told him we all knew who's decision that was, and Ray asked if Goemon was responsible."

"He...he tho...ought that he was wearing....women's clothes," Jigen gasped.  "You and Fujiko," he managed.

Lupin burst out in snickers.  "Damn, Ray, you are a bad man," he said with a grin.  "I'll have to share that."  He strolled off, that gave him an excellent idea.  He hadn't gotten to play recently.  He headed up the stairs, going to raid Kathy's 'thin' clothes for an outfit.  When the time was right, it was going to be good.


Jigen looked at the available tuxes, then shook his head.  "Nothing here speaks to me, man."

Lupin moved closer.  "Then how about this.  You find a black suit.  You find a white shirt.  You find a tie of some sort. Or one of those jeweled button covers.  Something classy.  That'll do it for you and us."  Jigen nodded, heading to look at the suits.  Lupin found a red jacket just like his old one and he nearly grabbed it, but something was holding his hand back.  Goemon walked past and handed it to him.  "Thanks," he said, heading in to try it on.  The shop's tailor was off today so they'd have to come back for any fittings.

Jigen found his and looked at the pants.  "Why is it that the seat is always too big?"

"Because you have none," a fellow shopper noted as she flipped through the jackets.  "If you had a rounder seat, you wouldn't need as much tailoring.  Genetics gets us all differently in the inevitable pain of shopping."  She found one she liked and held it up for the salesgirls' approval, getting a head shake.  "Then what would he wear?"

"Try the pale blue," the salesgirl suggested, smiling at Jigen.  "What were you looking for?"

"Wedding outfit.  We're holding it in the garden and she's wearing something out of a romance novel."

She nodded and led the way to a back wardrobe, opening the door.  "Anything in there strike you?"  She smirked at his shocked look.  "We heard you were going to be living here part of the time. The owner thought you might appreciate having some of the comforts of your lifestyle.  Hence us getting a red jacket.  No one else would wear such a bright suit."  She smiled at Lupin as he walked over.  "Choose from in there."

"Get the black silk," Lupin suggested.  Jigen pulled it out and looked at him.  "Since this is formal, you'll want something fancier than a black tie.  Do you have any button covers?"  She opened a drawer to show him.  "You heard about the wedding?"

"We know that sometimes such people as yourself have to go to society events," she said with a small shrug.  "It happens that we can provide that, as long as you protect our town and don't patron your arts here."

"Deal," Lupin agreed, picking up the large diamond collar stud.  "How's this, Jigen?"

"How about the ruby?" he asked.

"No, diamond.  She's wearing white, you're wearing black, show that you're willing to go onto her side a bit."  He smiled and winked.  "Hey, Goemon, we'll have to put you into a suit as well."

"I have clothes," Goemon told him, still looking in the mirrors.  "I do believe I need to have this one fixed.  I see small rips starting."

"Goemon, my wedding. At yours, you can have us all in kimonos or something," Jigen said firmly.  "Unless you and Kit want to go as a matched set?"  Goemon gave him a cool look, making Jigen smirk.  "It's been noticeable, man, to everyone but her."  He pulled out a suit in his size and handed it over.  "Try that on.  It'll only be for an afternoon.  If we can get Malaki into one, we can force you to wear one too."  Goemon whimpered but did as ordered, it wasn't his wedding so it wasn't his choice.  Jigen looked at the jacket, then sighed and handed over a black suit in Lupin's size.  "No red at the wedding."

"Fine."  He grinned and went to try things on.  Jigen looked at the salesgirl. "Who else knew?"

"We've known since she bought the manor," she said smugly. "Gossip is our biggest resource around here."  She strolled back to help the poor wife.  "That's Kathy's mate," she said quietly.  The woman looked over, then nodded.  Then she held up a medium blue jacket.  "I like that for him," she admitted.  "It's lines are a bit simplistic but it can be done."  She walked her up to check her out.  "Are you doing a picnic for the town's children?" the salesgirl asked when Jigen came up after making sure his suit fit well enough.   He looked confused.  "The old owner used to when he was alive.  It was nice, there was no fighting or anything allowed.  No bullying even."  She rung them all up, including the button covers and Lupin's new red jacket.  "Should I tell our mayor that you'll visit?"

"Who is the mayor?" Lupin asked.

"My grandfather."  She smirked at him.  "That's how I get the best gossip."

"Kathy's pregnant and we're being very careful with her," Jigen told her.  "Let's arrange to have a lunch or something."  She beamed and picked up the phone, calling him immediately.  She babbled then handed over the phone to Lupin while she continued to check Jigen out.  "You do know that it's a small, private ceremony?"  Her face fell.  "We'll do a reception thing for the town shortly afterwards, some sort of open house/welcoming thing."  Her face brightened again.  "Thanks."  She nodded, bagging the suits up properly for them and putting them behind the counter.  "When can we get fitted?"

"Tomorrow afternoon?  I don't expect any of you to do mornings."

"No, we don't," Lupin agreed, hanging up the phone.  "He agreed, we can combine the two.  We'll have a luncheon and picnic together for the town a week after the wedding.  Jigen, when is the date?  We need to know these things."

"She won't set one," he sighed.

Lupin pulled out his cellphone, calling Zenigata's phone.  "Pops, I need a date.  Yes, one of those, not the escort type."  He grimaced.  "Because she won't and we're standing here talking to the mayor's daughter.  We just agreed to host the annual picnic for the kids and a meet and greet for the town's adults a week after the wedding."  He grinned. "Thank you, finally."  He hung up before she could protest about the extra celebrations.  "Three weeks from now for the wedding so the picnic can be the Sunday after that?  In the afternoon?"

She smiled and nodded.  "That would be most acceptable.  Thank you, Mr. Lupin."  She took the credit card and ran it, letting him sign the slip. "Have a nice day."  She waited until they were gone to call her grandfather back, letting him in on the date and the newest gossip.  She was pregnant!


Kathy met them at the door.  "Picnic for the kids?"

"The old owner used to throw one every year," Lupin said smoothly, kissing her on the cheek.  "It's a bullying-free time."  She still looked upset.

"They were already buying clothes in anticipation," Jigen said, shrugging when she looked at him, clearly pleading.  "I don't like it either, but it'll be for one afternoon."

"Think of it this way, the kids will find out who they can play with in town," Lupin said calmly, giving her a hug.  "The local men's store has a wardrobe full of our usual clothes," he said brightly.  "If we'll protect the town, then we get a discount."

She groaned and shook her head.  "I'd do it anyway!  I'm not some liege lord."

"No one asked you to be," Goemon offered.  "But it is traditional for those who are wealthy to throw celebrations for the people surrounding them.  Consider this a belated bridal dinner."

She sighed and nodded.  "Fine, but I'm still going to need clothes.  I still can't fit into anything in my closet."  She wandered off, going to beat her head against the wall until Kit stopped her.  "We're hosting a kid's picnic and a meet and greet the weekend after the wedding," she noted.

"The old owner, Robert, had one each year to let the people celebrate the day and be together in unity," she agreed, stroking her boss' back.  "It will be fine.  It won't be that much work and we can use the same caterers."

"We've got caterers?"

"You'd rather we hire a cook?" Kit asked.

"Okay, let's get this straight, I have some money, I'm not rich.  A Gates I am not."  She snorted.  "A housekeeper I can see.  I can justify that to myself.  We can hire one of the older women in town even to help support them.  I can't see hiring a cook full time."

"Fine, but the local restaurant has given us a delightful menu for the wedding reception and I'm sure they'll be more than happy to cater the picnic as well."

Kathy went to groan on someone who'd understand.  "Make them stop," she told Ray.

He snickered.  "I understand, Kathy."  He gave her a light hug.  "It'll be okay.  The plans are going just fine and all you have to do is look beautiful and show up."

"And host a town picnic the week after that," she told him frantically.

He raised an eyebrow, then shrugged.  "It's a nice tradition.  It creates friends and gives the parents a chance to let their kids run free with the others while they chat.  Community's important in such a small place."

Jigen tapped on the door and walked in.  "Lupin just called the shop, it's partially catered and partially a bring a covered dish thing," he said gently, making her calm down.  "We can do that, right?"  She shook her head.  "No?"

"Kit just said we should hire a cook!"

"Maybe part time," Jigen agreed.  "Lupin was joking about being a chef if he ever retired."  He kissed her gently, holding her face.  "It'll be okay, Kathy.  We've got it.  Trust us?"

"I'm going to be broke."

"You won't be broke," he said calmly.  "Even if this house cost you most of the money left from the settlements, you won't ever be broke. I'm not broke so we're not broke."  She grimaced. "I'm serious."

"I'm not rich."

"True, you're not rich," Ray agreed.  "Cat's rich and she never told me about it."  She gave him a shocked look.  "She's now the last Caldwell heir. Someone gassed her sister in her room for being deficient mentally thanks to someone shooting her before she was born," he said quietly.

"Oh, God, that poor woman!  How long ago was that?" she asked, starting to tear up.

"A few weeks before I came over.   She's doing better now, but she loved her sister Emerald very much.  It shows with the care she took with her funeral.  Now, you should be resting.  Go rest until Cat gets here, then you and Kit can take her out for a bachelorette party."  She gave him a weak grin.  "Shoo."  She nodded, heading down to take a nap on her own bed.  "Jigen, don't push it," he warned quietly.  "She doesn't want to think about the money.  Thinking about the money means that she'll have to think about why she got it."

"Fine," he agreed, relaxing.  "Not an issue.  That's why I keep pointing out mine."

"Good man.  Now, about this housekeeper thing. You might want to find one before the wedding.  Just to do the sweeping and things."

He smirked back.  "We've got a few of the townswomen coming to help with that," he admitted.  "She'll get used to being this town's protector while Cat takes over in Chicago.  Is the Mountie coming?"  He nodded.  "Good.  I haven't seen him in a while."  He strolled off, going to make sure his wife got a nap.  He stopped when he saw his daughter curled up with her, smiling at the picture she made.  He found a camera and took a few shots, then snuck downstairs to tell Lupin about this new development and have him check on her finances. Just in case.


Zenigata walked out onto the back porch, lighting up.  He saw a figure in the dark shadow next to him.  "Can't smoke inside either?" he asked quietly.

"No, she said I couldn't smoke while holding the baby or in the nursery.  I just came out here to enjoy the quiet," Jigen admitted, taking another long drag on his cigarette.  "Your wife won't let you smoke at home?"

"Nope.  I have to go outside.  I'm used to it, it's only during the really bad weather that it's irritating."  He silently debated with himself over sharing something he knew about the man's future-wife, but decided eventually it wasn't his place.  Lupin came out with Jissan, making them both look at him.  "Kathy said no smoking around the kids."

"She's getting fresh air, I'm taking in second hand smoke," Lupin said smartly.  "Didn't you buy that house?"

"Yes, but she lives in it more often so she gets to set the rules," Zenigata said dryly.  "A happy spouse is one that doesn't have to argue about stupid shit."

"I'll keep that in mind, Pops," Jigen said, smiling at his daughter.  "You up again?"  She yawned and nodded.  "Think you could go back to bed now?"  She shook her head.  "Wanna try?"  She shook her head.  Jigen tossed his cigarette and held out his arms, taking her from Lupin so he could catch a smoke as well.  She laid her head on his shoulder, getting comfortable like her mother did on him.  "You try to rest."  He patted her back.  "I never imagined fatherhood was like this."

"Oh, it is," Zenigata said calmly.  "It was with all of mine, even Kori."

"Did you ever find out where he went to hide," Lupin asked.  The cop shook his head, tossing out his first butt and lighting another one.  "I'm sorry."

"Not your fault. You got there in time to save his life, he ran from you and away from me.  I hope he's safe but I can't make him call us."  He took a long puff.  "It sucks, Jigen, don't let it happen to your kids."

"Oh, I'm not.  The first inclination they show toward the wilder parts of the life, they're sitting down with Cat."

Zenigata looked at him, then nodded. "That's how you stop it, you stop it at the beginning.  I intervened too late."  He took another drag and decided to warn them about something he knew after all.  "Listen, this may not be a welcome piece of advice, but I saved your son from being named Meldrake, Elvin, or Perry."  They both shuddered.  "She'll go for the odd names first and your daughter proves that she'll need a sounding board.  Since she couldn't email any of us over the course of her second pregnancy, she got to name the baby all by herself."  He gave them a long look.  "I'd institute some sort of sounding board for names.  Even a dry-erase board where you can put suggestions might help.  She was going for something near Jigen's name and look what happened."

Lupin nodded.  "Understood."

"Thanks for that," Jigen agreed.  "Malaki was better?"

"The best of the lot," he admitted with a small grin.  "Let's see, we went through: Meldrake, Homer, Malaki, Melvin, Todd, Perry, Mordred, Alvin, Tim, Thamtra, and Elvin.  Then she got cute, suggested that pet name she calls me, and said that all the names she liked were girls names, so I generously pointed out the fit that would create.  We decided we liked Malaki best."

"No wonder the whole criminal underground thinks you're sleeping together," Lupin said dryly.



"I'm wondering about the chipmunk name," Lupin said dryly.

"I'm hoping it was a bout of cartoons and nothing a serious consideration," Zenigata admitted.   The list actually went Malaki, Elvin, Perry."

Jigen shuddered.  "No.  No way in hell."   He looked up toward the second floor.  "We have got to conspire to end this trend."

"Find a name you like quickly and stick with it," Zenigata offered. "Fight for it."

"I've always liked Chad," Jigen admitted.

Lupin patted him on the back.  "We want the kid to be a crook, not an evil, slime-sucking politician.  He'd embarrass the family name."

Zenigata cracked, snickering at that.  "I didn't know you had a sense of humor."  He looked at Jigen.  "I got a very nice email from my wife earlier.  She wanted to know if she could pay you to make this one the last.  Apparently she's having some sort of maternity contest with your wife and each time she gets pregnant my wife feels the need to freshen again.  She hopes that it won't happen this time."

"Let me guess, you're proving that you're not the father of my kids by knocking up your wife?" Jigen asked.

Zenigata blushed.  "Not consciously.  We've both been ignoring or laughing at those rumors.  They're ridiculous.  We'd kill each other.  Now, she and Cat would have made a wonderful couple if they had stayed together for more than a few days."

Jigen's mouth fell open.  "They did?"

"Way back when. It was one of those nice weeks where the stress won and they decided it would be okay.  Right after she got back from a trip to Mexico if I remember right."  He shrugged.  "I hear they made a very cute couple.  Your wife was the weaker one and she actually went femme there for a bit."  He finished his latest cigarette and headed inside.

"Mordred?" Lupin asked, grimacing up at the darkened windows.  "Jigen, we'll help you help her with this problem."

Jigen nodded. "Thanks, boss.  It's going to be a big fight if we end up with something like Elvin."

"Or Mordred."

"Yeah, or Mordred," Jigen agreed.  He shook his head.  "Hopefully not for a girl."  He headed back inside to put his wandering one back into her bed, tucking her in gently.  Then he went to order a dry erase board, double sided, and a tripod to put it on, plus markers. Color coded for each of them.


Kathy walked into the kitchen four mornings later and rubbed her eyes at the board set up next to the refrigerator.  She walked over to it, noticing the side outward said 'boy' boldly at the top.  She walked around it and the other side had 'girl' printed just as plainly.  She shrugged and went to pull up the list she had made with the other two, writing them down.

When they came down, Lupin stared at the names, then shook his head.  "No.  Not gonna happen."  He picked up the red marker and wrote 'no' next to three of them.  "We'll have to set up a protocol for that thing," he announced when Jigen came in.

Jigen looked at the names, grimacing.  "Elvin, Mordred, and Perry all reappeared."  He walked around to the girl side and turned it so Lupin could read it.  "Where's the red marker?" he asked calmly.  Lupin found it where he had left it and tossed it over, watching as Jigen vetoed some of the names.  Then they decided to make coffee before they did anything else for the wedding.  Kathy was asleep again.


Goemon came in later that night and found a few new names, frowning at one.  He picked up the blue marker and carefully wrote next to one name 'I believe you misspelled this' before going to his room to sleep.  "Emily with two 'y's?" he muttered, shaking his head.  "Pregnancy must rot minds horribly."  He curled up on his bed once he was stripped down, petting the cat Felix, who was always sleeping on his bed.  "Good night, Felix.  Sleep well."  He closed his eyes, hoping to keep the bad thoughts away.


Lupin looked at the names, then shook his head.  He couldn't hold it in anymore.  "Illumine?  Shaylin?  Aemezolina?"  He picked up the red marker and his hand shook as he *tried* so hard not to intrude on reality.  But it was no use.  There was no way he'd let Jigen suffer that way. He started with Shaylin, being kind.  "Isn't this a religion?  Ask G if you don't believe me."  Next to Illumine he wrote, very simply, lightbulb.  Then the need to have coffee before he tackled the last one made him realize he'd need the time to figure out how to pronounce it.  He went to put on coffee, handing over the pen as Goemon walked in.  "Here, your turn. I can't even comment on that newest name yet."  He poured a cup as soon as he could, watching as Goemon looked at the male names.  He hadn't wanted to start there.

Goemon looked at the entries, then sighed and started with 'Brandin' and his comments on misspelled names.  He walked around, then looked at Lupin, then added his own unique touch to the entry for Shaylin.  "That is not how it's spelled."

"Coffee?" Jigen pleaded.  Lupin poured him a cup and waved at the board.  Jigen took a few good, long sips before going to deal with that issue.  He stopped and took a few more long drinks, draining his cup before picking up the green pen and marking out Cinsere from the boy's side and writing 'no' next to it.  He looked at Goemon, who had his head tipped to the side.  "Do I even want to know?"  Goemon looked up and shook his head.  So Jigen peeked and groaned, walking around to make his own smart comment.  "No one could yell this in a fit of passion.  It's unfair to her and she'll never get laid."  He capped the marker and put it back onto the tripod, then poured another cup of coffee. He looked over again, then went to mark out another male name.  "I'm not naming a son Collie."

Lupin patted him on the back as he walked past him to head outside to the back porch.  "You're doing your future child a favor," he promised.  "No matter how much she pouts."  The other two joined him.


Kathy couldn't nap anymore so she headed down to deal with the name board.  She had a whole list of names that she liked from that new book she had borrowed.  She frowned at the 'no's then sighed. "It's a perfectly good name," she complained.  She let some of them stand but a few she erased the no's and wrote a yes.  Then she added more names.  She smiled as her buddy came in.  "Hi, Zenny.  See what the guys got so we don't have to email back and forth?"

He looked at the current list, then nodded. "An excellent idea.  I know Jigen didn't really like Elven and neither did Lupin.  I think he hated Mordred too."

"I noticed the 'evil wizard' comment," she said dryly.  "I'm wondering who the spelling master is."  She pointed at 'Graeson' then shrugged.  "I think Jigen must be the batman comment but I'm wondering if Lupin's that hung up on spelling.  I've never noticed it in his emails."

"That would be me," Goemon said from the door.  "That is not how you spell that."

"The book said it was an all right version," she defended.

"There's a book of misspelled names?" Goemon asked.

She held up the book she had been looking through.  "The 1001 Unique, Precious, and Adorable Baby Names That Will Make Your Child Stand Out," she said proudly.  "I borrowed it."

Goemon grabbed the book and walked away with it to hide it.  "They obviously need an editor," he called back.  "The child would never be able to spell properly."

She pulled out another copy of the book and went back to her browsing for names, giving Zenigata a smile. "I always have a backup of the good books, that way one can fall into the tub and get wet."

He nodded, patting her on the back. "Maybe you could give some of the ones you don't like to Cat," he suggested.  "She and Ray are pregnant again."  She beamed and nodded happily.  "Need anything?"

"No, I'm good.  I'm only up to the C's, I glanced here and there earlier."  He smirked and left her alone.  It was fun watching Lupin try very hard not to upset the cranky pregnant woman who carried a gun.  It was like the best tv show ever.

"Hey, Faerin, I like that one," she said, getting up to add it to the girl's side.  She ignored all the spelling comments, adding it at the bottom.  Then she made a note that they needed a bigger board before going to get a snack and sit down to do more than flip ahead through the D's.


Lupin finally got up the next morning and walked in, finding Jigen staring at the board in horror.  He walked around to the girls's side, having to blink a few times. "Coffee?" he suggested.  "So we can fix this tragic mistake in the making?"  Jigen handed over his own cup, picking up the green marker.  "Where to start?"

"Kaytaquana," Jigen said, writing simply 'huh' next to it. Puj was next with a comment about certain dogs, then came Jaslera, with another 'huh' comment.  He took his coffee cup back when Lupin grabbed his red marker and the eraser.

"Leezi sounds like you're promising her to some nice woman some day," he wrote, then he erased the rest of them before he could go blind.  "Allikaylor, Karjovon, Karlakenya?" he muttered, starting over with a written warning to please put only REAL names on this board.  Goemon joined them, handing over the book he had confiscated. "What's this?"

"Where she got those from," he said, grunting in annoyance at the boy's side.  "Nothing is spelled right."   He paused at one.  "Would not Jacen be a female name?"

Jigen took the book to flip to that section, then shook his head.  "Not according to this book."  He handed it back to Lupin.  "We need to start spiking her soda," he said firmly, going to shudder in horror.  Leezi had been bad enough, but Makynzi?

Lupin looked at Goemon, coming around to erase most of the board, and put the same warning up at the top.  "There, maybe that'll help something."  He went to hide the first book in his room.   He passed Kit in the hallway.  "See this book?" he asked, holding it up.  She nodded. "Do not let her read it anymore or we'll have another Jissan incident."  He knew she hated Jissan's first name, she never used it.

"Is that where she got the name from?" she asked.  "Is Mehina or Meinwen in there?"  He whimpered.  "Sorry, Lupin.  She was saying something about Thamtra.  Apparently she met someone with that name and it stuck.  Also, Hansa or Hasina."

"No," he said forcefully, grabbing her arm.  "Help Jigen with this, Kit, and I'll reward you handsomely.  However you want.  I don't care," he said, eyes wide. "Please, help us in the campaign to get the new one a real name."

She smiled. "I've always liked Olivia."

"It's plain, decent, and loving.  Good, go put it onto the board," he encouraged, giving her a little shove.  "Please."  He continued on his mission to rid the world of bad names.  This was going to drive him insane.  He couldn't imagine yelling 'Hansa' across a park. It sounded like a cat's name.


Kathy looked at the board, frowning at its clean state.  "No fair, I liked those names!" she yelled.  She pouted at the names still on the board, putting back up her favorites.  Elven went back onto the boy's side.  Olivia got a 'it's fairly plain' next to it.  Mykynzi went back onto the girl's side, along with Maki and Marwin and Merwin on the boy's once she remembered they were boy's names.  Then she sat down to watch the board, just in case whoever was bursting her happy bubble came back to erase more of them.

"You don't like Olivia?" Kit asked as she joined her.

"I want something unique, something that no other kids in the class will have," she explained.

"Well, it's not as popular as it once was," Kit offered.  "That makes it more unique than not, yet still very classical.  Think of all the actresses with that name."  She walked around to look at the boy's side, then at her boss.  "You want to name him after a character in a Mel Brooks movie?"

Kathy pouted. "I *liked* him!"

"Fine," she agreed, staying smiling.  "We can only offer suggestions, the real decision is between you and Jigen."  She gave her a pat.  "We're going to taste-test the proposed menu.  Want to come?"

"Apparently I'm not doing much of anything with the wedding," she said bitterly.

Kit gave her a hug.  "Then you should definitely come to the bookstore with us after the taste testing."

Kathy nodded.  "I can do that.  Let me go find something better to wear. Think we could look at clothes?  I don't have anything for the picnic."  She headed up the stairs to change.

Jigen leaned in the back door.  "Which name?"



"Merwin.  After the sheriff in Men in Tights."

He shuddered.  "No, please, no.  Kit, I will plead, beg, and steal something really pretty for you to help our side."

She held up a hand. "I can only suggest, the real decision comes from you two."

He nodded and sighed.  "Try, okay?  Please?"

"Of course.  Now, your woman has expressed an interest in looking at clothing and other baby name books?"  He smirked and headed up to help his woman change and have some fun at the same time.

Lupin strolled in, marker in hand.  He looked at the female's side first, starting with Maki, adding 'Sushi' next to it. Mykynzi got a 'huh, can you pronounce this for the rest of us' comment.  Merwin and Marwin got a sigh and a head shake.  "No," he moaned, marking through them, then he wrote 'wrong, so very wrong' overtop of them.  Elven got another long look, then he wrote a longer comment.  "Do we want our son to be fey, or do we want our son to make cookies?  If fey, you do realize that he'll probably never be one of those light little fairy boys that you see in the magazines and porn movies?  If cookies, then I'll make sure he becomes a chef and nothing else."  Then he capped his marker and went to take something for his burgeoning headache.  He saw Kathy coming down the stairs and smiled at her.  "Going with us?"

"I need clothes."

"Yes you do," he agreed gently.  "You need to look so stunning that Jigen forgets himself and takes you wherever and whenever he sees you."  He took her arm, slipping his marker into his pocket before she could see it.  "Come on, gorgeous, let's make you stunning for your man."  She beamed back at Jigen.  "That's right, we'll even find lingerie for you, dear."  She chuckled and let him lead her out to the car, letting Jigen help her into the backseat.  "Taste testing, then clothes?"

"Then bookstore," she ordered.

"That's fine," he agreed gently.  He'd get a chance to pick up a *real* baby names book openly.


Lupin caught her putting up Killian on the board and moaned.  "No, no naming the goddaughter after a beer.  Please, no naming the goddaughter after a beer."  He took the marker from her.  "Let's give you a backrub instead of this fussy subject.  We've got time yet."  She nodded, going along with his diversion.  "I'm surprised that Jigen hasn't given you any yet."

"He hasn't even offered."

"Then I'll have to get onto him about that," he said with a smile.  "He should be spoiling you rotten since this is the first time he's been a daddy from the start."  He led her into the gym area, letting her lay on a table in there.  It was oilproof so it'd be the best place to do this. He found some oil in Goemon's room and brought it back to work on the back she bared for him.  "Why are you picking such unusual names?"

"I want the baby to have something unique.  Something that no one else in the class has.  Being a Kathy meant that there were six others in my year."

"Okay, I can understand that, but being someone who has an unusual first name, I can tell you that they'll end up spelling it for the rest of their lives.  Every time I have to talk to a customer service person I have to spell my name."

"I get that, but it's worse not being noticed because you're one of six kids who have the same name.  Even an odder spelling can differentiate and you're not part of the pack you probably never wanted to be part of in the first place."

"Then look at the non-trendy names," he suggested.  "You put up Kendra and there's *tons* of girls with that name.  Now, if you named a boy that, it'd be different.  We'd have to throw a fit and file for an immediate name change, but it'd be a combination.  Or maybe an older name?  Something that's not well-used today, but isn't that dumb?"

"But they'll get picked on for those," she complained.

He smiled down at her.  "You forget, dear, you're not in the US anymore.  Around here, if it's not Anne, Mary, or some derivative, there's really no common names unless they come from popular media.  There was a rush of Meg's, Marge's, and Margaret's during Thatcher's reign in Britain.  The same here.  Those and popular star names.  As a matter of fact, I've seen French mothers making fun of American ones for their children's names in the past.  That whole 'odd and unique thing'."  She frowned back at him.  "Really."  He warmed some oil in his hands and stared on her shoulders.  "Outside of England you don't really get a lot of Elizabeth's, Olivia's, or Margaret's."

"Okay, I'll look at those with an unusual spelling," she offered.

"That's a nice start," he agreed.  "Maybe we'll find one we can all like.  Something that you can yell across the park, something you can imagine a future spouse saying in the heat of passion."

"You wrote that?"

"No, Jigen wrote that," he admitted with a small smirk.  "Mine was the 'wrong' thing."

"Fine," she sighed.  "My kids still won't have boring names."

"Sure," he agreed happily.  He was making progress!  "Pick something that'll look great on a wanted poster or a name that'll make crooks run in fear of him and his mighty badge."  She snickered.  "Just think for a bit, make a mental list, think about them for a week, then put them up," he suggested.

"Sure, Lupin.  Thank you."

"You're welcome," he said gently, working her harder.

"Hands off the wife," Jigen said as he walked in.  "I've been looking for her."

"Here, you do this then," Lupin agreed, getting out of his way.  "I told her how some French mothers make fun of American ones over those odd names, like Leezi."

"I still say that sounds like we're dooming her to a life of butch women-lovin'," Jigen offered.

"See, you guys should like Merwin.  He was a sheriff."

"That's a bit too culturally out there," Lupin told her.  "Almost no one would get it, dear."

"That'd be like naming a kid Xander," Jigen agreed.

"I've always liked Spike better," she said with a small yawn. "I hate this stage."

"Let's get you upstairs and do this," Jigen offered.  "I ran you a bath."  She grinned and let him help her off the table and up the stairs.

Lupin shook his head and went to check his email and his crook mailing lists.  He saw an announcement for the wedding and sighed, writing back to fix this immediately.  "This is a private ceremony," he said as he typed.  "Only those invited won't be shot.  Also, there will be cops present due to his wife's former job."  He sent that and went onto the next message, looking over at the beep.  He loaded the new message and groaned, answering that idiot back.  "Ever hear of Helen of Troy, out of Chicago?  You know, Jigen's girlfriend?  Same person.  As a matter of fact, she, Cat Demoranth, Vecchio, the Mountie, and the Mountie's partner, plus Zenigata are all attending the wedding.  So you probably don't want to be here.  There's a truce in place at the house, but Helena would kill anyone who busts it up.  If I don't."  He sent that back and relaxed, finding one from Fujiko.  He shook his head, deciding to tackle that one last.  He heard a quiet scrape outside the door and the door was pushed open by a little body.  "Hey, princess.  Wandering again?  How did you get past the fence?"  She came over and let him pick her up, snuggling into his lap.  "Help the uncle with the email thing, princess.  The world is populated by stupid people."  She snuggled in so he smiled down at her.  "That's a good girl."

He saw a reply to his first and went to fix that one as well.  "Please look up the word 'truce' in the dictionary," he typed one-handed.  "We want our kids to work with literate crooks, or at least have some challenge if they turn toward their mother's profession."  The baby cooed and he smiled at her.  "You don't think that's too harsh?  He is a Don, but it's a dumb one."  He sent it anyway.  No one was going to say anything to him about it.  There weren't many other responses, just 'tell them I said congratulations' or 'I'm forwarding a present to your 'on-the-run' addy'.   It was nice, it showed how respectful they were.  At least until one other smartass, a woman he liked a lot, popped up.  "Fujiko," he said happily.  "Let's see what she has to say."  He opened that one and chuckled.  "It says she can see you and Mal sitting in a public library between jobs and respectfully using a silencer in there to spare the other patrons. I can see you doing that," he agreed, tweaking her ear.  She smiled up at him and he felt a shaft of something he had before.  "Damn."  He put her on his shoulder, letting her cuddle for now.  It was a wild idea and everyone would hate it.  He opened the chat program and got a private room, sending an invite to Fujiko, who sent back a no.  So he logged off and called her.  "If you're coming back for the wedding, you need to be here within three days so we can fit your dress."

Her voice came across the speaker.  "I'm not sure I want to sit in the same area as that many cops."

"We do have a truce, Fujiko, and it is Jigen's wedding."

"Fine," she sighed.  "I'll be back the day after tomorrow."  There was the sound of shifting on her side.  "What are you doing right now?"

"I'm sitting here holding Jissan and getting comfortable.  She likes to wander at night."

"I knew they were a communicable disease," she said dryly. "You're proving my theory correct."

He snorted.  "I'm not.  She's a good kid, she simply likes to search someone out at night to cuddle."

"Yeah, and then she'll be crying soon or needing changed, something like that."

"She's been a very good baby so far," Lupin told her.  "Very quiet.  She didn't even cry when she interrupted Zenigata and his wife.  Or her father and mother, she just patted them on whatever was hanging over the bed and smiled up at them until they picked her up."

"Wonderful.  I still say they're communicable."

"Well, if bad babies are a lesson in birth control, then good ones are probably an encouragement," he agreed finally. He was certainly feeling certain urges in that direction.  "Hey, Fujiko, when you get here, we should do the blood test stuff."

"Lupin, I know your mind.  I'm not giving you any blood.  There's no way any blood will be coming from me before that wedding is done."  He sighed in defeat. "You may be sneaky, but you're not that good, Lupin."  She shifted again.  "Why don't you go out with that nanny?"

"Because Goemon's fascinated by her," he told her. "I have been offered a few of the girls in town by their parents, but I'm looking for more than a pretty body.  Besides, they're all very young.  I could never date an eighteen-year-old. Even when I was that age, I dated older women."

"I'm not older than you."

"No, you're not, but you're also not eighteen," he pointed out.

"No, I'm not," she agreed bitterly.  "We'll have to take into account my sprained ankle."

"Should we send someone to pick you up at the airport?" he asked gently.

"No, I'm good to drive as long as I get an automatic this time.  How did you know I wasn't in Europe?"

"I've known where you were for a week now, Fujiko.  I was waiting for you to realize the wedding was close and get in touch with us.  I gave the seamstress your measurements and a picture."

"Thanks.  Hopefully I haven't gained any weight."

"Yeah, don't mention that around Kathy."

"Sure," she agreed gently.  "You're really sitting there letting her drool all over you?"

He shifted the baby to the other shoulder.  "Not a spot of drool yet, she's awake and thinking."

"At least she'll have the natural inclination to do the work at the proper times," she said quietly.

"Come home, Fujiko, I want to talk to you," he decided.  "I hate phone calls."  He hung up and headed up the stairs, going to crawl in with Jigen and Kathy for the comfort.  He tapped gently on the door and walked in as Jigen woke up.  "Can we crawl in?  I've got a very bad idea and I need it to go away."

"Only if you put the baby back into her crib," Kathy said, looking at him.  "That would make two nights in a row.  Sleeping with us is a special treat."

"Sure," Lupin agreed, kissing her and putting her down onto the couch in that room and closing the door so she couldn't get out.  "She and I just had a talk with Fujiko."  He crawled in behind Kathy, holding her gently.  "I had an idea hit me while we were talking and I want it out of my head.  Oh, Jigen, I took a lot of congrats from the lists.  We'll need to get the presents some are sending." Jigen grunted in annoyance.  "Sorry, I can go."

"How did they find out?" Jigen asked.

"Remember Bernie?"  He nodded.  "He came out and announced it on the list.  I scared most of them off from trying to crash by telling them who would be here.  I think Chicago may have a small rash of crime for the next week."

She chuckled. "I'm sure it'll be fine."  She patted his hand.  "What nasty thought?"

"I wanted Fujiko to give me one like Ciera," he admitted quietly, putting his head on her shoulder.  "I know she won't do it for love."

"But maybe for money?" she asked gently.  He nodded.  "That sets a bad precedent."

"No, it'd be like those surrogate people," he told her.  "Only it'd be our kid."

Jigen shook his head.  "I still say it's a bad plan, Lupin."

"Yeah, I know, but I want it so bad," he said, looking defeated.  "I've always wanted it to be me and her and I know I can't have that now.  She's not my girl, still."

Kathy patted him gently.  "It'll happen if it does, Lupin."

"But she's the one I've always thought would be the mother of my children," he said miserably. "This may be the only way I can have one.  We're both getting older. I don't want to endanger her, but this would give her a reason to retire and I'd pay her handsomely.  Hell, I'd even take a few eggs."

"I've always been of two minds about that whole surrogate thing," Kathy admitted.  "Yeah, I can see where it's what some couples want because they don't want to adopt, but some people outright rent the woman's womb."

"Which I'd be doing with Fujiko, but I think that's about the only way I could get her to do it."  He felt someone playing with his foot and looked down.  "Look who's trying to join us."

Jigen lifted his daughter up and sat her on his chest.  "Why don't you sleep at night?"  She beamed and clapped.  "Yes, you're very precious," he said dryly.  "You'll still be cranky tomorrow if you don't rest tonight."  He tucked her in and she settled right down against his chest.  "Huh."

"This is a treat, Jigen."

"Oh, I agree.  I can't have you if she's in here."  He looked at Lupin.  "We'll stick up for whatever decision you decide," he promised.  "Even though your kid would be a prince of hell to raise."

Lupin smirked.  "Thanks, Jigen.  Knew I could count on you.  Who should I ask if I can only get eggs?  I was thinking Kit but then Goemon would kill me today."

"I don't think either of them are admitting that to themselves," Kathy offered.  "It might kick him enough to make him want to ask her out to dinner at least."

"He might not talk to her," Jigen warned.  "Bring it up at breakfast."  Lupin nodded, cuddling in.  "You're staying?"

"Sorry, I needed a cuddle and it's either in here with you or Pops."

"Well, his wife did argue with him," she noted. Lupin smirked.  "Going to implement your plan?"

"Yeah," he agreed, getting out of the bed to do that.  He had everything set up in his rooms and he knew what he had done wrong last time.  He came out dressed in a stunning, slinky, stretchy red dress and casually strolled up the stairs to the former lady's suite, slipping inside.  The man on the bed shifted but didn't wake up fully so he snuck over there, sliding in next to him.  He ran his press-on nails over the lax cheek, earning a sleepy complaint.  "I know you need the rest," he said in his best husky, feminine voice.  "But you are so adorable."

Zenigata looked up at him, then his mouth opened and he shook his head and turned over, still mostly asleep.  "You're cute like that, Lupin."  He shuddered.  "Still not my thing."  Lupin gave him a cuddle and he shrieked, running out of the bed to get away from him.  "What the hell!"  He looked the woman over.  "You are Lupin, right?"  He nodded.  "Damn asshole."  He glared and pointed at his door.  "Out!"

"Oh, come on, can't we have a bit of fun," Lupin teased with a smile.

"Hell no!"

"Please, Zenny?" he asked, strolling over to snuggle up to his chest.  He could smell the fear coming off the other man.  It was so cute, he was scared of him!  "You don't have to be all the way over there, do you?"  Zenigata nodded, stifling a yawn as he backed away. "Are you *sure* you don't want me?" Lupin teased, stroking down his stomach.  "After all the time you've chased me?  After all we've been through?"  He casually strolled closer.  "Are you *sure*?"  He licked his lips.

"Are you mad!"

"No, simply playful."  He grinned.

"Insane," Zenigata  snorted.  "Is that how you pulled the Miami job?"  Lupin grinned.  "Never mind, I don't need to know.  I'm a married man and my wife is a fierce  woman.  She'll kick your ass for this.  Please leave."

"Last chance," Lupin offered, moving to show himself for the best benefit.

"You couldn't handle me.  Out!"

"Fine, be that way then."  Lupin strolled out, making his nemesis groan.  He headed down to bother Goemon again.  He only shook his head and went to hide from the odd man.


Lupin strolled into brunch the next morning and cleared his throat as he looked at the table.  "An idea came to me last night and I need input."  Goemon put down his teacup and Zenigata gave him an odd look, which he ignored.  If the man wouldn't play with him, he wouldn't be recognized for a few days.  He took his usual seat.  "I was holding Ciera last night and talking to Fujiko."  Goemon's eyes went wide.  "We all know I like the kids," he said quietly.  "I also know that she believes they're catching."

"It appears she was right," Jigen snorted, giving him a look.  "Tell them the rest."

"I was going to ask her to produce an heir with me and I was going to do all the raising so she could run away and hide."  Kit dropped her fork, staring at him.  "If not, then I thought I might ask her to donate a few eggs and find a surrogate."

"You'd never convince her," Goemon said gently.

"No, but I do know what moves Fujiko," Lupin admitted, looking at him.  "We all know what would make Fujiko agree."

"She'll make you pay for it?" Kit asked in shock.  "Motherhood is supposed to be special, not something that you do for cash!"

"It is," Lupin agreed, smiling gently at her.  "But she's missing her youth and knows she's getting old.  She knows we're all getting old.  I'd like to have someone to pass the skills onto like my grandfather did for me. I wanted it so bad last night and thinking about it all night only helped me come up with an opening offer for either occurrence."

"Who would you get to surrogate?" Kit asked.

He shrugged. "I want it to be someone who I can be close enough with, so I can pop around and do the stomach patting and go to all the appointments. Going through an agency probably wouldn't be the best idea."

"What is this surrogating?" Goemon asked.

"It's where one woman carries another's child for her if she can't or won't," Kit said quietly.  "One of the girls in my Economics class last year carried for her brother because his wife had cancer and couldn't carry one."  He nodded slowly.   "Dream person, Lupin?"

"Someone like you," he said honestly.  "Someone I can be friends with and not feel the pressure to sleep with.  Someone who wouldn't mind me hanging around to look after her.  Someone we could protect in case someone decided to take the kid to hold hostage."  He noticed Goemon starting to get pissed.  "I'd never ask you directly, and I won't even beg, but if you wanted to offer, I would accept it.  I'd tell you right now I'd never sleep with you. I'd never touch you inappropriately.  I'd take good care of you and pay all the medical costs.  This is my second choice however.  I believe a mother can influence the child, even if it's not hers.  I'd rather have Fujiko agree to carry it."

"She's not some whore to sell parts of her body," Goemon spat.

"Again, not asking her to," Lupin said, staring him down.  "We both know if I wanted some whore I could go find sixty or seventy of them in Paris, even ones who were used to thieves, and set them up in a nice house."

"I can't carry anyway," Kit told him.  "I had surgery to my uterus when I was young because it wasn't totally closed.  It's fairly weak and it's not advisable to carry one.  I'll have to do this myself some day when I'm ready."  Lupin nodded.  "Would she do it for you?"

"With the right incentive," Goemon said, calming down.

"I'd offer after I'm done with this one," Kathy offered.  Jigen gave her a look. "It'd be a medical procedure."

"It'd put you into danger," Jigen told her.

Zenigata coughed.  "I think you're overlooking the problems of being a single parent," he said firmly.  "You'd have to be there all the time.  No days off, no nights off.  Troubles finding women who'd stay with you."

Lupin gave him a look.  "I'd never be able to find a wife and stick with one anyway, Pops.  Let's enter some realism.  I've seen what single parents go through, I've talked to a few of them.  The kid would be adored and carted around."

Kit gave him a look.  "Plus, you're feeling kind of old too and you'd rather be able to chase the little person around than not."

Lupin nodded.  "That's also a consideration.  Plus, Fujiko's only two years younger than I am.  We think, she won't admit to a real age."  He shrugged.  "Time's wasting and I know what the snooze button on the biological clock feels like.  I've hit it twice now."

"Twice?" Kathy asked.

"Back in my twenties and a few years back."

"The job where we dressed Fujiko up like she was pregnant," Goemon said flatly.  Lupin nodded, giving him a pained look.  "You think you can't convince her?"

"I don't know.  I know what I can offer.  I know I'd have your support, and Jigen's, when we weren't here.  I'd still do all the nasty stuff myself."

"Have you even taken care of a pet before?" Zenigata asked.

Lupin nodded.  "I had a dog when I was younger.  I've also watched Jigen, Kathy, and Kit deal with the kids, and I've seen what's been going on with other mothers.  Sue me, I'm selfish, I want someone of my own to love me."

"If she won't, I'll carry it for you once I've had this one," Kathy told him.  Jigen shook his head. "Jigen, we're family.  A real sister would do this."

"How would you know?  You don't have any," Jigen reminded her.

"Ray's sister would."

"Maria is incredibly giving," Lupin agreed.

"Frannie would if Ray asked and hadn't been able to have any with Cat," she pointed out. "Family is everything to some people."

Jigen shook his head.  "I don't like this idea."


"So?" he repeated in shock.  "I'm going to be your husband, does this not involve me?  You'll be carrying some other guy's kid."

"Do you really want to see a hormonal Fujiko go on a rip around Tokyo?" Zenigata asked.

Jigen's eyes went wide and he shook his head quickly. "No!"

"Jigen, I know she's your wife.  I won't try to sleep with her.  I won't go beyond patting her on the stomach and giving her backrubs.  The same as I won't now."  Jigen calmed himself, then nodded, relaxing again.  "I won't even try to sneak a sip if she breastfeeds."

"You're breastfeeding?" Jigen asked.

"I have," she admitted.  "I couldn't do Jissan.  She refused to latch on no matter what I did."

"Wow."  He grabbed her hand to hold.  "I want to see that," he said gently.  She smiled back.  They shared a look and he nodded.  "One," he said, looking at Lupin, "and you try your hardest to get Fujiko to agree."

"I was thinking six million in diamonds," Lupin admitted.  "Legit, clean diamonds."

Zenigata paused, then shook his head.  "That won't be enough.  She'll want to hide and things."

"I'm pretty sure she wants out," Lupin admitted.  "The diamonds, a house, and another few mill in cash?"

"She still might not take it," Kathy pointed out.  "What about for a few eggs?"

"A quarter million each," he said.

Kathy considered it, then looked at Jigen.  "Damn, dear.  Are you worth that much too?"

"And more," he said firmly.  "I never tried to do it the natural way with half the world's women."

"And for that, I'm paying now," Lupin agreed.  "But I can't help it.  They look and smell good, then they respond to my flirting.  It's like some disease."  He and Kathy shared a grin.  "I checked, that's not the definition of a sex addict like you suggested. They're more like Jigen when he can't have a smoke."

She nodded, looking wise.  "I thought it might be, but if you're sure."  He nodded.

"This could backfire horribly," Goemon pointed out.  "She could feel like she were a whore and then would try to take it out on you and the child."

"She might, but I'm offering her total immunity from custody.  She won't have to visit, write, see, play with it, or anything."

"Which would effectively get her out of our lives," Jigen pointed out.  Lupin nodded, looking grim.  "You'll go into withdrawal."

"I might, but she'd leave eventually.  She's getting back to the point where she doesn't like to be touched again."  He shrugged and looked at his best friend.  "There are very few things I've ever dreamt about for my future, this was one of them.  I would have preferred to have her in the picture, but a guy's got to hold onto what he can get."

Jigen hit him on the shoulder.  "I'll show you how to change diapers."

"Thanks, man."  Lupin grinned at him.  "You guys will, of course, be the godparents."  Goemon nodded, giving him a long look.  "I know, it's odd, but seeing these ones and helping out with them has made this old dream come back.  I tried so hard to squash it but I was holding Ciera last night and talking to Fujiko and it was like an ache."

"I have often thought of doing so myself," Goemon admitted.  "To carry on the family names and to teach my skills to.  I also decided that I like the solitary lifestyle quite a lot.  It would not be fair to leave them while we went to work."

"You'd be a parent like me, Goemon.  As *someone* pointed out, I'm a good mom and it showed first in my cats.  You love the little shedding monsters just as much as I do."  He nodded.  "I know it's not a perfect solution but you'd make a good dad."

"I'd try but I'd still probably mess up a lot."

"You think I don't?" she asked dryly.  He shook his head.  "Honey, there were a few nights back in Chicago where I was so tired I put the diaper onto Mal's head."  She yawned.  "I hate this stage."

"It'll pass," Zenigata said gently, patting her on the hand.  "No Cat yet?"

"She and Ray went to play in Paris.  I'm going to meet them for a bachelorette night with Kit two nights before, then we're coming back the next morning to do the spa and spoiling stuff.  So I guess I'm kidnaping Kit to Paris tomorrow night."  Kit gave her a long look.  "What?" she asked with an innocent grin.  "It'll be fun."

Kit shrugged.  "Can we watch strippers?  I've never been and I've always wondered what went on in those clubs."

"Sure," Kathy agreed brightly.  "Mostly you buy drinks and you tip."  Kit grinned and went back to eating.  "So, are you guys getting Jigen a stripper?"

"They can't compare to you so why would we try?" Lupin said smoothly.   "We'll stick with the naughty presents."

"You saw her while she was stripping?" Zenigata asked.

"Yeah, that's where we met her," Jigen agreed.  "The night of a club bust and then a rookie busted the second club, the one where she was working as a Mistress, and it got set on fire."

"We noticed something off about her right away," Lupin admitted.  "She knew us, we figured her out.  We scratched each other's back over some stolen love letters."

"I remember those, you never got them all back," Zenigata reminded him.

"One was in his hand," Jigen said with a shrug.

"Why take the only thing that was going to let him have sex for the rest of his life?" Lupin finished.  Kit looked shocked.

Kathy smirked at her.  "Dark Charlie never took a bath.  I mean, literally, never.  When his car went into the water, a nasty cloud flowed out of it.  He was gross and always wanted to sleep with me."

Kit shuddered.  "I hope you didn't have to."

"I didn't," she soothed, giving her a faint smile.  "I told him off all the time."  She stood up quickly.  "'Scuse me, morning sickness just hit."  She ran for the nearest bathroom, Jigen following behind with Goemon's cup of tea.

Goemon got up and went to get another cup, shaking his head.  "That man deserved it."

"He did.  I'm glad her aim was spot on," Lupin admitted.

"She killed him?" Kit asked.

"No, Goemon killed him, she gave him a warning by blowing out his tire."

"Oh, good," she agreed weakly, looking at Goemon.

"He's the one who ordered her shot and left on her floor for two days," Goemon said evenly.  "The criminal life is often like that."  He gave her a long look.  "I've often thought that's why people are so fascinated with us, like we're some fish in a large tank."

"Some of us are very pretty fish," Lupin said smugly.

"I could still kill you," Goemon reminded him.

"I'll behave," he said innocently.

"Try at least," Zenigata told him.  He gave him an evil smirk.  "Before I have to complain to my wife and make her correct you."

"I was wondering why he was wearing eyeliner," Kit said conversationally.  "Was it good?  I've never seen gay men have sex before."  Zenigata choked, spluttering into his napkin.  "Sorry, did I misinterpret things?" she asked hesitantly.

"I've offered a few times but he won't take me up on it," Lupin said with a hand wave.

Zenigata glared at him.  "I will tell my wife on you for that."

Lupin smirked.  "What's she going to do, spank me?"

"Someone should," Goemon said firmly.  "No more disgusting topics at the table before I get ill."

"Sorry, Goemon," she said, stroking the back of his hand.  "I didn't mean to upset you."  He nodded, giving her a look of thanks. "What does one wear to a bachelorette party?"

"Something comfortable," Lupin told her.  "You'll also want a nap, it'll be a long night."  She nodded, wiping her mouth and going to her room to look through her closet.   "Goemon, did you want to be in charge of food or the porn?"

Goemon choked.  "I will kill you," he warned.

"Ruin her wedding, I dare you," Lupin said smugly.

"That would only buy you three days."

Lupin batted his lashes at him.  "That means you'd have to do this all by yourself," he pointed out.  "I can almost guarantee that the baby would be named after me."

"There's a scary thought," Zenigata announced.  "The three of you having a kid."  They all shuddered, that would be one hellish child.


Fujiko opened the door to the house, looking around.  "Hello?"  She stepped inside carefully, and was pounced by a set of little arms.

"Got you!"

She started, then looked down at the little girl.  "You're Zenigata's, aren't you?" she asked dryly.  The girl grinned and nodded.  "You're cute, but I don't like kids.  Please let go."

"Get off her before she contaminates you," Lupin called from down the hallway.  "Kitchen, Fujiko."

"Thank you."  She walked that way with the baby stalking her.  "Is this one going to follow our side?"

"Probably not.  She likes to pounce a bit too much," Lupin said, handing over a cookie he had taken off a cooling rack.  "Grab one, I made them."  She grabbed a cookie and sat down across from him with the kid climbing up next to her.  The kid made a grab and snatched a cookie while his back was turned.  "The ladies already left for their night in Paris.  They'll be back tomorrow.  I hung your dress in my closet, just in case."

"I passed by them on the outskirt of town," she admitted, taking another cookie since the kid got away with it.  "Where're the rest of the little beasts?"

"Helping Goemon pout.  Jigen's watching them all to make sure Goemon doesn't go off the deep end without Kit."  He grinned at her and checked the ones still in the oven.  "The baby naming board is behind you if you wanted to add anything."

"Why would I want to?"

He pulled out that cookie sheet and put in another, setting the timer again before it could go off.  Then he put them onto the rack and leaned on the counter, facing her.

"I knew they were contagious!" she said angrily when he didn't speak.

"They're not," he said quietly.  "I've been thinking about this for a long time now, with Lara.  It hit me again a few months ago during that job where we had you put on the belly."  She grimaced, then shuddered at the remembrance.  "Being here reawakened the old dreams."

"And you want what?  A big church wedding?" she asked bitterly.

"Not if you don't want one.  If I had to, I'd settle for making you a deal on having an heir."  She looked stunned.  "I don't want to, but I'm willing to settle for that much of my dream."

"Can't you go knock up some young kid?"

"I don't want one of theirs."  He touched her cheek gently.  "There's only been four women I've ever thought about kids with and you're the one that keeps coming back to me," he said gently.

"I don't want to be a mother."

He straightened up and his face closed off all emotions.  "Like I said, I'm willing to make a deal, Fujiko."  She looked shocked, mouth hanging open. "I don't want an answer now, I won't ruin Jigen's wedding, but I want you to think about it.  It'd be *my* kid, not ours, if we made one."  He checked the cookies and got to work scooping out a new batch since the  pan had cooled down some.  She got up and went outside to find someone else to be around.  "Sorry you had to see that, Kiana.  Don't worry, we're not fighting."  She nodded, stealing a third cookie.  "Leave some for your older sister," he chided with a smile.  She beamed and ate it the usual way, getting really messy.


Kathy walked into the their hotel room and found Catherine Demoranth-Vecchio waiting on them.  "Hey.  This is Kit.  She and Fujiko are your fellow bridesmaids."

"I met Fujiko a few years back," she said, waving at Kit.  "Hey."  She put down her book and stood up, hugging Kathy.  "Finally, woman.  I don't know any other woman who'd let their man run free for nearly twenty years."

"We didn't start dating that first year," she complained.

"You went out to dinner.  I'd call that dating," Cat said smugly.

"Me too," Kit admitted.

"And what do you call all those long walks you and Goemon take?" Kathy asked archly.

"Ooh, long walks?" Cat asked avidly.  "With the priest?"

"He's not a priest," Kit defended.  "We've been looking for the baby deer that keeps wandering up to his room and asking for attention. We don't want it to be hurt or anything."  She sat down, looking at the two strong women.  "I wish I could introduce you to my advisors," she sighed.  "He's still insisting that you're both myths."

"Not even close," Cat snorted.  "We can do that tomorrow."  She winked and Kit blushed.  "Ooh, a newbie, Kathy?  You darling."

"You've got Ray now," she said smugly.  "You don't need Kit.  For that matter, I don't know which way Kit swings.  I've never hit on her, no matter what Zenny thinks."

"How is the convention buddy?"

"Anxiously waiting on his wife to get back from the hairdresser's probably," she admitted, sitting down with a moan of pain.  "Damn it, why didn't I remember this before I told Jigen I didn't care if we had another one?"

"You wanted in his panties," Cat said simply.

Kathy considered it, then nodded.  "Very true, I did.  You know, since we're in town, I've *got* to find some more clothes.  I haven't lost the last baby weight and now I can't even fit into my maternity clothes well enough."

"Shit, woman, we've got money, we'll go shopping," Cat assured her. "I could use some too."  She looked at the skinny student/nanny, then shrugged. "You can pretend to be the husbands."  She hauled Kit up then helped Kathy to her feet.  "Bring the cards?"  She nodded.  "Good, then let's go."

"I need to check mine, just in case," Kathy noted. "I'd hate to be sneered at by some shopgirl for handing over an expired card."

"Pfft.  Got your checkbook?"  She nodded. "Then we're fine.  Let's go find a local branch to your bank."   She drug them out to her rental car.  "Ray likes me in soft, flowing things.  Said I look like a Wiccan High Priestess most of the time," she said happily.

"That's okay, because Lupin's suggesting very strongly that we send you the excess names that no one liked.  I don't know why he doesn't like Elven."

"I thought I was the fandom geek in the group," Cat teased.  "Well, me and Stan.  I'm sure he'll have a daughter some day named Mercedes and another named Anne."

"A son named Piers?" she teased back.

"Isaac," Cat suggested.

"That new guy, Eoin?" Kit suggested.  They looked at her.  "He wrote _Artemis Fowl_."

"Oh.  I've been meaning to read those," Cat admitted.  "Good?"


"Hmm. Have to do that."  She patted Kit on the back as she got into the back seat.  "Ever been to see strippers?"

"Not yet, but I'm hoping I won't be disappointed.  Will it be the Full Monty or not?"

"No, they'll be cute guys," she promised as she got in to drive. "Which bank, Helena?"

"I'm back to my usual name."

"I know, but I can't remember your original name."

"Good point," she agreed with a grin, nudging her.  "Um, Imperial," she said, looking at her checkbook.  "Yeah, I've got a decent bit in there."

Cat looked, then shrugged.  "Not really."

"It's good enough."

"If you say so, sister."  She started the car and pushed the On-Star button.

"On-Star, how can I help you?" the voice said in English.

"We need to locate the nearest Imperial Bank," Cat said. "Plus we'll need directions."

"Let me look please."  The voice disappeared, then came back. "I'm not seeing one in Paris.  I'm sorry.  I have other banks, but not an Imperial one."

Kit pulled out her cellphone and called Lupin's.  "It's Kit.  Where can the wonderful women go to the bank?"  She looked at her boss, then shrugged. "I don't know.  She has her Imperial account with her."  She handed over the phone to Kathy.  "For you."

"Yes, big brother?"  She listened to him chew her a new one.  "I have not.  I don't need that sort of help."  She hung up.  "Don't go to him with these things.  He's feeling put upon.  He always used to spend the first night redoing my checkbook."

"Gee, I wonder why?" Cat asked dryly.  "I got that from you, you know."  The phone rang and she answered it.  "Cat's House of Yarn."  She chuckled.  "She's sorry, Lupin," she said in her most contrite voice.  "We're going shopping for real clothes."  She beamed.  "Really?"  She looked at Kathy, then nodded. "Thanks, dear."  She hung up and pushed the On-Star button again.

"On-Star, how may I help you?"

"I need to know how to get to Jose's Emporium.  He said it's somewhere on the East Bank."

"I have one listed but I don't really have a physical address.  It says DeSienne St.  I can't find that on a map."

"That's an alley," Kathy told her. "Thank you."  She nudged Cat.  "Take the second bridge from here.  They're also doing our dresses."


Lupin hung up and leaned back, dialing the second number.  "Jose, it's Lupin.  I'm sending Helena, Cat, and Kit to you.  Yes, I know, they're cute together.   No, I have no idea where the woman hid the rest of her money.  She's out with only a checkbook from a local bank."  He smiled.  "Thanks, man.  Send me the bill directly and I'll get it out of her later."  He hung up and pressed a button on the phone marked 'intercom'.  "Hey, Pops, where did she stuff the unpaid bills this time?"  He let it go when the phone rang, picking it up instead. "Where?"  He looked around.  "I'm in her office, I don't see it."  He grimaced.  "Behind the what?"  He shook his head.  "No, I haven't been looking for hidden areas.  Thanks.  No, I'm paying bills for her, yet again."  He hung up.  "Just like always."

He found the switch easily enough and tripped it, opening the sliding panel to reveal a shelf with a few books, a folder, and a small pile of papers.  He knew what the others were, he sat down with the papers to look them over.  "Hey, she managed to remember the electric bill," he said happily.  "Congratulations.  Pregnancy has done good things."  He found her bank statements underneath her folder and whistled.  "Very nice, dear.  The original account.  Where's the rest?  This house wasn't that much."  He searched the whole office, finally finding the floor safe and the documents in there.  "Birth certificates.  Old credit cards.  New credit cards."  He tossed that stack onto the desk and dug around, coming up with a simple piece of paper.  He smirked and went downstairs to open the big safe.

Inside was a whole section of the house.  The door led to a bunker.  He looked in the rooms, finding the wardrobe room, the really old computer - a mainframe and user's terminal, and the various other rooms.  He found the office last.  In there he found the filing cabinet Zenigata had told him about, and inside it was all her financial records.  He sat down to peruse them, smiling at his little sister's shrewd haggling skills.  "Only four mill for the house, including new furniture, I'm impressed," he said quietly, moving on.  Her investments weren't too bad.  The fact that she kept almost no ready cash bothered him a bit but this way she couldn't spend the kids poor soon.  He found a phone on the desk and called Jigen's cellphone.  "Hey, it's me.  Call Jose and put your card on record.  Your woman decided she believed in time-locking investments."   He smirked.  "You're the one who wanted a wife, it's a husband's job to provide pretty clothes for his wife."  He snickered.  "Yes, now.  Before they get there and it insults Kit or Cat."  He hung up and continued to dig, finding a large gap in the money.  "Where did the rest go?" he muttered, adding things again.  He came up with that same gap again and searched some more, coming up with the reason.  "Trust funds?  Is she planning on dying?"

"It's often a thought on her mind," Zenigata said as he walked in. "She doing okay financially?"

"Just fine.  This house was fairly cheap.  She likes the time-locked approach so she can't touch suff, but otherwise it's good.  Why would she think about trust funds?"

"With the people still looking for her?" he asked bitterly.  Lupin glared at him. "They are.  That's one reason why I could convince my boss to hire her as a consultant.  Because it'd keep down the damage wherever she chose to move to.  That's why she went back to her original name and why the weapon's locker upstairs is full."

"I haven't seen that yet either."

"Really?  I've seen her in there. It's off the nursery."  He led the way out, nodding at the door.  "Lock it."

Lupin locked it again, making sure it would open sometime soon for him. Then they took the special tour of the house.  Jigen and Goemon joined in, finding all the neat hidden spots and how to open the gun lockers. He wasn't sure how she had gotten their DNA, but it was coded to them already.  "Where did she get a DNA reader?"

"It's experimental and it came with the house," Zenigata said proudly.  "The former owner was a Company man.  This was his haven from the life."  He opened one last door, showing them the security room.  "This was hooked into the tv downstairs because she doesn't like it in here, the air conditioning unit doesn't reach in here."

"Decent," Jigen breathed, looking at the setup.  "Erasing?"

"In the doorway is an eraser," he agreed, looking smug.  "I came over to look at it with her.  There are hidden passageways that date back to the house being built the first time."

"How did they renovate and leave up the antique wallpaper?" Jigen asked.

"Easy, it's all behind the baseboards and under the floors.  Even if a nuclear strike happened in Paris, they'd have enough supplies downstairs for at least three months.  There's a well underneath the house as well.  It's got built-in radiation sensors.  The owner who revamped was cutting edge and the guy who was after him was his protégé.  Since his own protégé died, he went looking for an heir.  He found her.  He nearly offered it to Cat Demoranth from what we heard, but she didn't want to retire and suggested Helena.  She was the only one who knew where the woman was."  All the men nodded, looking awed.  "So she's the heir to this whole setup, including the computer downstairs, which you can't get into without a very special password, a voiceprint through an exacting machine, and a filter that would eliminate any mechanicals in the room."

Lupin nodded.  "Then I'm very impressed.  She chose really well.  Jigen, she also set up a trust fund for the kids.  Did you pay for her shopping trip?"

"And then some," he agreed dryly.  "I'm sure Jose will help her a lot and I had someone send her a prepaid Visa card courtesy of my account.  It'll be delivered to their room while they're gone."

"Good man," Lupin said, clapping him on the back.  "I agree, let's leave, it's claustrophobic in here without air moving."  They went to the office, each choosing their own seats.  "Who has the kids?"

"Miriam," Zenigata said proudly.  "She's helping them take a nap."

"Good job," Jigen said happily.  "Maybe they'll sleep for a bit?"

"I doubt it," Goemon said, nodding outside at where Mal was trying to chase the deer around.

"Shit," Jigen said, getting up to open a window.  "Son!"  Mal gave him a guilty look. "Inside.  Leave the deer alone."

"Yes, daddy."  He ran in through the kitchen and into the study, hugging his father.  "Good me?"

"Very good you," he praised.


"I made cookies," Lupin offered.

"Cookies?" Mal asked, his eyes lighting up.  "Please, me, cookies?"

"Ask properly," Zenigata ordered.

"Please have a cookie?"

"Sure, kid.  Let's get you a cookie," Lupin agreed, leading him into the kitchen to get him something to spoil his dinner.

Jigen shook his head.  "At least she won't yell at him for it."  He got comfortable in his wife's chair.  "So, she's consulting?"

"Yeah.  Both on what she knows and on some odd cases.  My boss hasn't figured out yet that she was a real detective, but as soon as she will those will become official requests instead of some of us coming begging and pleading."

"What did you bring her?"

"A serial case like one she did a few years back."

"I didn't think she did those, I thought that was Cat."

"It was, but sometimes people got them mixed up and she was always so eager to prove she was a good cop by solving anything they sent her way.  She left with three unsolved cases and one impossible one."

"Wow," Lupin said as he came back in.  "Only four?"

Zenigata nodded.  "Only those four. She plays 'think/know/prove' on them.  The three are think and know, but she can't prove it.  The fourth there's no evidence of anything.  No forensics, nothing in the autopsy, nothing.  She asked my opinion and I suggested an invisible person.  She said that only happened on Buffy."  They snickered.  "So, she was one of the better cops they ever had.  My boss liked their commendations and recommendations but she has knowledge that she wanted more.  I expect we'll have a small bout of stubbornness until someone points out that we've all come to her with some odd or hard cases."  He smirked. "Back in the day, if she had been around, I would have come to her to help me catch you three slimeballs."

"Love you too, Pops," Jigen quipped.

Lupin grinned at him.  "So, we've got the naughty presents.  We've got the liquor, the beer, and the babysitter.  I finally found the porn stash.  Am I forgetting any of the necessities for a bachelor party, Pops?"

"How should I know?" he asked, looking embarrassed.  "I didn't have one."  Everyone looked at him and he blushed brighter.  "Her father got a bit demanding when he found us together."

"I wondered how you had a son who was nineteen," Jigen said.  Then he shrugged.  "It's all good to us.  I can't think of anything.  Did we get the people to clean up the house tomorrow?"

"And the gardeners to trim the bushes," Lupin agreed.  "It's all set, Jigen."

"Good.  Will we have to hunt down Fujiko?" Goemon asked.

Lupin shook his head. "She's upstairs.  I asked, told her to think about it, that we'd talk after the wedding."  He got comfortable, letting Mal sit in his lap.  "Hey, Mal, what do you want your new baby brother or sister named?"

Mal scrunched his face up.  "New baby?"

"Yup, we're having another baby," Jigen said, smiling at him.  "Someone else for you to love and hug and pet."

Mal sucked on his chocolate-covered thumb, then smiled.  "Elven.  Mommy likes."

"Anything else?" Goemon asked.


"No, not Puppy," Jigen groaned.  "Please not puppy."

"No, Puppy!" he said, pointing outside.  "Me Puppy?"

"Let's see if Goemon can catch him first," Lupin said, looking at Goemon. "All animals seem to like you."  He got up with a disgusted snort but went outside to capture the stray dog.

"Do you want a baby sister or a baby brother?" Zenigata asked to distract him.

"Brother.  Girls boring," Mal told him, looking quite serious.  "No sneaking, no stealing, nothing.  Boring, boring, boring."

"Where did you learn that word?" Lupin asked, tickling him.

"Auntie Jett."

"Who?" Jigen asked.

"A drag queen Kathy knows," Zenigata told them. "Very good one too I might add.  Fooled me for longer than Lupin did.  By the way, your eyeshadow was really heavy."

"I'll try better next time."

"If there's a next time, I'm handing you to my wife," Zenigata told him.  "She will tutor you in how to be a real girl after she makes you one."  Then he suddenly burst out laughing. "I hadn't thought of her in a while."

"Who?" Jigen asked.

"The guy your wife shot one day because he called her fat then took off running. She said the baby kicked and her aim slipped, that's why she took off three-quarters of this guy's dick instead of hitting him in the leg."  The men looked horrified so he grinned. "It was very pretty.  They couldn't reattach so he went the other way so he could be something."

They whimpered and curled up around their laps.

"Dick!" Mal said proudly.  "What a dick?"

"Nothing you need to play with yet," Jigen said firmly.  "Don't worry about it and don't say that around your mother."  He looked at Zenigata.  "Tell me you're kidding, Pops, please?"

"Sorry, I can't.  They couldn't prove that her aim had slipped because you couldn't recreate the baby kicking for the first time.  I know her cousin got the case and told her to go rest.  Her own kids had been too tiring for words.  Cat and Ray came to sit with her that night.  Ray never said but I think she burst out in laughs at least once.  No one ever said anything, probably hoping she wouldn't mood swing and kill them."

"Me too!" Lupin agreed.  "Remember, she's not fat, she's plush, happy, and pregnant."

Jigen nodded. "I know.  My baby's momma is one hot chick."

"Jigen, please, no more trying that hard," Zenigata told him.  "It sounds silly on a guy your age.  You're not a rapper."  He patted Mal on the head.  "You ready for a nap now?"  He shook his head.  "I'll read a story."  Mal got free and came to sit with him, letting himself be taken back up the nursery.

"Man, and I thought she was scary before," Lupin hissed.

"I'm keeping her as happy as I can," Jigen pointed out.  "Just think, there's always the one you're wanting on the way."

Lupin whimpered.  "Am I sure?"

"You were brave enough to talk to her, you're brave enough to weather mood swings," Fujiko said from the doorway.  "So this is the study?"

"Yup," Lupin said, patting the couch beside him.  "Come sit, we're vegging until the bachelor party tonight.  You can come if you want, or you can hide upstairs."

"I might," she admitted, sitting across from him.  "Lupin, you just messed up my orderly world," she said softly.

"Let me go," Jigen said, ducking out of the room through a window.  He didn't want to be there for that.  Anything was better than that.

Lupin smiled and waved for her to go on.  "I know, and I'm sorry, but our mortality has been brought back to me recently," he admitted quietly.  She looked stunned.  "I nearly had one back when I was in Morocco, but I couldn't debauch her.  I couldn't ruin her life that way."

"So you want to ruin mine?"

"Fujiko, I want a baby.  I want one more than I've wanted anything but you.  If you don't want to be in the picture, I'll learn to accept that and I won't push.  You don't have to admit you ever had one if you don't want to."

"And what am I supposed to do for those nine months?" she asked bitterly.  "Plus recovery time?"

"I was going to offer to pay you if you wanted it on that level," he admitted sheepishly, all an act of course.  He knew her.  She looked stunned and he grinned.  "I know what you're thinking, but this would more than make up for it and let you make all your own decisions without having to work for at least a very long time."

"And all I have to do is bear a child and go away?" she asked, going cold now.

"Not if you don't want to.  I'd love it if you were around.  I want to be there and go to the appointments and feel the baby kick.  I've always wanted one with you, ever since I became fixated."

"Don't you mean obsessed?"

"Whatever," Lupin agreed. "I also know you don't want to be a mother, or a wife and a mother.  I'm giving you an out.  I'll let you make the rules as long as you don't hurt the baby.  Visitation or not, working with us or not.  The only thing I would demand is that I be involved during the pregnancy and that I get full custody."

She grimaced.  "You've really thought this out, haven't you?"

He nodded. "Even the fact that I'm insulting you horribly," he admitted. "Sometimes things have to go beyond that to get what you want.  I want a baby, Fujiko.  Someone who loves me.  Someone who trusts and loves me."

"Babies take a lot of care," she pointed out.

He leaned forward, bracing on his knees. "I know.  I've watched other mothers and talked to them in the park.  I know exactly what I'm getting myself into.  I know about colic, cranky kids who wail all night, teething, cuddling, diapers, diarrhea, all of it.  It's not stopping this need for a baby. It hasn't since I was twenty-eight."

"Fine," she sighed, standing up.  "What are you offering?"

"What do you want?" he asked simply.

She considered it.  "A place to stay.  You cover all medical expenses.  You take complete and total custody.  I get a monthly stipend while the kid's alive."

"I can go with most of that, but how about a payment up front?" he asked, sliding something out from under the couch he was sitting on.  He handed it over.  "Think of it as a bonus if you wanted less."

She opened it and sat down again, giving him a shocked look.  "That's got to be five millions dollars worth of cut stones!"

"It's six-point-eight or nine, all clean and legit," he admitted with a small smile.  "Only the best for you, Fujiko.  I want you to be able to make any and all decisions without coming to me for anything.  That way if you want, you can run away and leave the life.  Or you could stay.  Or you could find an apprentice and teach them."

She looked down at them.  These could last her a good twenty years if she played her cards right.  She had been thinking about retiring.  "We'd be doing this medically?"

"If you wanted, or the old fashioned way," he offered.  "You know I don't care either way.  I was even willing to take egg donation," he admitted.  "Not that I have a suitable surrogate in mind, but Kathy offered."  She looked up, looking even more stunned. "She's like my little sister, even Jigen agreed that it was what family would do for each other," he said gently.  "She understands now that she's got the older two and one on the way."

She did back up the case and handed it back.   "Let me think about this."

"All I ask is that you tell me by a month after the wedding," he said.  She nodded, heading away to think in the sun.  He went limp, waving at the bridges he had just burned in his life.  He was willing to settle, this once.  If she came back, she would. If not, he'd find someone else.  Maybe Kathy would be able to help him.


Cat opened the letter that had been left at the desk in Kathy's name, then whistled. "Damn, you're marrying well."  She handed it over.  "He sent you some cash, sweetie."

She misted up, wiping her eyes quickly.  "He said he'd take care of me if something happened to the rest of the settlement money."

Cat hugged her.  "Then you hold tight to that man and make sure that nothing ever forces him from your side," she advised.  Kathy looked up so she smiled.  "Even that little stress relief habit you have."

"We both have," she admitted.

"Hey, even better, find a couple and swing with them," she suggested.  "Keep him.  A man who's willing to take care of you the way you deserve is a rare and precious thing, no matter that he's on the other side of the law from us."

"Yeah, I guess."  Kit walked in with the rest of their bags.  "You could have left them in the car."

"Then how would you know what to wear out tonight?" she asked practically.  She dropped the bags onto the bed.  "Where did Ray go?"

"Out," Cat said with a shrug.  "I think he went to find a real Italian restaurant in town.  Either that or to call Ma and check on the baby.  She *insisted* that our son was not old enough to ride on the plane."

"Aren't you glad?" Kathy teased.

"Very," she agreed happily.  She kissed Kathy gently.  "Do you want one last night, dear?  Ray said I could.  He knows you'd never touch another man on Jigen and that I'm always going to come back to him.  Though I do believe that he'll claim me tomorrow," she said with an impish grin.

Kathy shook her head.  "No, that's okay."

"You certain?  It'd be your last time as a free woman."

"Maybe later," she said, hugging her friend.  "I'm hungry and I'm nauseous.  I hate this part of the pregnancy."

"Hey, at least you didn't get hit with the diabetes I did," Cat said dryly.  "Can we say bi- weekly blood work?"  Both women shuddered.  "Yeah, so it's not as bad as it could be."  She tweaked Kathy's nose with a grin, weathering the swat.  "Come on, let's get you some real soup.  You can buy dinner."

"Okay."  She found the outfit she wanted to wear and went to change in the bathroom, not wanting Cat to see her more ...fat form.  Cat came in and hugged her.  "I'm fat."

"You're not fat, you're stretched.  There's a difference.  As soon as this one's born, you can fix that."

"After this one, I might be having one for Lupin," she said quietly.  "He wants one bad enough to piss off Fujiko."  She turned to look at her friend.  "If you hadn't gone for Ray, I was gonna set you up with Lupin.  I think you two would get along great together."

"Oooh, look, the girl gets a thief and decides we should all have one," Cat teased, winking at her.  "He's a bragger, honey."

"Yeah, but he's not that bad once you get to know him.  He's not really like that."

"Still.  I have this thing against men who brag.  Ray only brags about the kids and his cooking."  She shrugged.  "It'd have been an interesting relationship."

"Maybe, but I think he might have suited you.  So keep him in mind if something goes horribly wrong between you and Ray."  She pinched her back.  "Now out, I need to use the bathroom."

"Fine.  Get pretty and join us.  I'm going to tease Kit."  She strolled out, putting an arm around Kit's shoulders.  "So, you're a pretty little researcher.  Ever think of getting a big, bad protector in your life?"

Kit smiled up at her. "I've never had a woman but I can see the benefit.  Though, I'd probably miss the dick."  Cat chuckled, shaking her head and hugging the younger woman.  "Can I really get you to threaten my advisor?"

"Sure, kitten.  We can do that."

"You and Lupin both call me that," she said with a frown.  "Call me a fox or something.  I'm not a kitten."

"Your full name's Kitsune?"  She nodded.  "Your father was American, wasn't he?"

"With bad taste.  I've got a half-sister named Blossom."

"Mackenzie?"  She nodded, looking stunned.  "Yeah, I heard she was busted recently for killing men with bad taste.  Must have been a trauma from your father."  She shrugged.  "Okay, but fox cubs are still kits and you are still a babe in the woods, dear one."

"Fine, I can stand Kit."

"Fine.  Kit or Fox," she agreed with a wink for Kathy as she came out.  "You sure you want to wear that?"

"I thought we were going out clubbing after the strip club."

"Okay."  She changed in front of the others, putting on a short, soft dress and heels.  "Let's go.  Kit, want to change?"

"Do I need to?"

"Yup, sorry, Princess Fox.  You've got to change if we did."

"Okay."  She dug into her bag, coming up with a white slip dress.  It was long, reaching mid-calf, but it was very figure revealing.  She took off everything but her panties and put the dress on, then changed shoes.  "There.  Let's go."  She pulled up her hair as they walked.  Catherine looked at her.  "What?"

"You shave?"

"Yeah, every day.  I can't stand the itch or I wouldn't."

"If you can live with the itch, it goes away around the third week," Kathy offered.  "Jigen shaved me last night.  He said he wanted to feel soft legs wrapped around him.  I told him he could as long as he maintained them."

Cat chuckled, pinching her on the ass.  "I only shave for special occasions and Ray's not of the caring sort.  Apparently most of the women of his mother's day didn't really shave.  He has shaved me a few times, but otherwise nothing really gets said about hairy legs or armpits as long as I bathe and use deodorant."   They strolled out, letting the doorman call them a cab.  "Can you speak French?"

"Yup, I can.  Where are we going?"

"Some new place, Club Obscure."

Kathy repeated that to the driver, getting a shocked look.  "What?" she asked.  "I'm getting married in two days."  He nodded, smirking at them as he took them where they wanted to go.  The girls paid their cover and walked inside.  "Hey, it's much cleaner than the one I worked in when I was undercover."

"Yeah, mine too," Cat agreed, looking around.  "Okay, Foxy, did you want a *real* good view or a decent enough view?"

"I haven't seen one before so let's get close," she suggested, heading that way.

"You're a what?" Cat asked, following her.  "Damn, now I know you're going to go for the priest-man."  She looked at Kathy.  "Didn't you have that problem until Jigen?"

"Molested at a dance club actually," she admitted bitterly.  "He refused to be my first and that happened between visits.  He was incredibly nice, he held me and gently and softly showed me what it was supposed to be like."  She sat on Kit's other side, then got up and headed for the ATM machine, withdrawing money.  She had the bartender give her change then came back, handing some to Kit.  "A special treat."  She looked up as the music started and the first guy strolled out.  "Hey, we made first show," she said happily.  "He's not sweaty yet."  She wiggled, watching the man dance for them.

Kit's eyes were very wide as he did what he did, drooling slightly when the bottoms came off.  "Oh, my," she said softly, holding up a bill.  "You're very huge."

Cat and Kathy looked, then shook their head.  "Jigen's bigger," Kathy told her. "A bit longer and wider."  She smiled as she held up a bill.  "I'm getting married in two days.  They're my bridesmaids."  He grinned and shook it a bit more for her benefit.  Then he retreated and the next boytoy came out, this one looking slightly geeky, yet slutty in his schoolboy outfit.

"Hey, it's Anime Boy!" Cat said happily, holding up a bill of her own.  "Come to mamma," she cooed.  "I like anime."  He grinned and danced specifically for her.

Kit's eyes nearly popped out of her head when she saw the size of that one.  "That's inhuman."  He smirked at her, moving so she got a better view.  She clutched Kathy's arm.  "Tell me that's not normal," she begged.

"No, that's not normal.  Americans average five and four in girth soft.  This guy's got to be a foot long and as thick as two fingers."  She waved a bill and he took it in his teeth, bending down to get it.  "Good little geek boy," she purred, smirking up at him.  "Do you like spankings?"

"Kathy!" Kit said, shocked to the core.

Cat patted her.  "Don't worry, she's playing with them," she promised. "Any woman who has the patience she showed netting Jigen won't ever touch another man, no matter how huge his cock is."  She smiled up at him until someone covered her eyes.  "Ray!"  She swatted at him.  "Not nice!"

He grinned at her and kissed her.  "I know.  I'm your official escort and protector for the night."  He nodded at Kit.  "You okay?"

"I think I need some water," she announced faintly, staring at the hard, dripping cock jiggling in front of her.  "Oh, damn."

Ray and Cat both chuckled but Kathy supported her.  "This is the front lines.  There's special dancers in tonight," she promised.  The girl whimpered and nodded.


Lupin turned off the bug, shaking his head as he laughed.  He walked out to the party area in the tv room.  "I was listening.  Jigen, your woman was teasing the strippers."

"She won't touch 'em," he said firmly.  "How's Kit holding up?"

"She's about to die of shock.  She announced she was pure."  Goemon gave him a sideways look.  "Which is admirable at her age.  She was quite shocked at the men she was watching when they bared it all.  Ray's escorting them now."

"Good.  I'd rather not have to make them shoot their way out of something."  Jigen handed over a shot and a beer.  "You promised me porn."

"I did, didn't I?" Lupin agreed, flipping on the DVD player.  "An oldie but a goodie to start."  Goemon blushed before the credits could even come on.

Zenigata's eyes went wide as the action moved on.  "People really do ...that?" he asked, pointing at the deep-throating going on the big screen tv.

"Oh, yeah," Jigen said, nodding.  "Lupin's got suction like you wouldn't believe."  He smirked at him and winked at the blush.  "Sorry, trade secret?" he teased.

"I'll get you back for that tonight," he promised.  "We've got things that are less tame," Lupin offered.  Zenigata and Goemon both whimpered and moaned, shaking their heads, unable to look away from the screen.  "Or we could switch to het stuff."

"Het stuff?" Zenny asked, perking up.  He didn't really want to know how two guys got together that way.  Lupin changed the dvd playing and a new one started, complete with bass-heavy techno soundtrack.  Zenigata went limp in his chair, looking stunned.  "Oh, damn.  I've seen this one."

"We've got others," Lupin offered, opening the cabinet.  Goemon let out a hysterical laugh when he saw all the tape cases.  "They're not all porn, Goemon, just things that aren't kid's videos."

"Put on something classic," Jigen ordered.  Lupin flipped the DVD again, and Debbie Does Dallas came up.  "Hey, classic," he said in appreciation, watching it while he sipped his beer.

Lupin flopped down next to the cop, patting him on the arm.  "Got caught watching it by the wife?"

"My second convention, I went with some of the guys.  We all got caught in the theater," he said quietly, glancing around.  "My wife never knew."

"My lips are sealed," Lupin said, sounding serious.  He watched, then sighed in joy.  "Kathy can do that."

"How would you know?" Goemon squeaked.

"Because he was working on a new camera setup and got us instead of the cats," Jigen told him.

"I see.  Perhaps."  He coughed to clear his throat. "Perhaps I should check on the food."  He hurried off before his body betrayed him.

Lupin and Jigen smirked and Lupin put his arm around Zenigata's shoulders, checking the time.  It took him nearly a half-hour to figure it out and push him off.

"Maybe we should have gotten a few party favors," Jigen said finally, tipping his head to the side to get a better view of the action going on.  "That's niiiiiccccceee," he sighed, not moving to touch himself yet. He did open another beer.  He heard a quiet footstep and looked outside.  "Jissan," he warned.  The video got turned to a kid's cartoon.  "Daughter, bed," he ordered, pointing.  She pouted at him.  "No, bed.  Since when did you walk?"  He picked her up and kissed her gently, carrying her back up the stairs.  The nanny was trapped in a closet.  "Kids, behave," he ordered, handing the baby to Miriam.  "Put them to sleep, princess.  Please.  We're watching adult-type stuff."  He headed back down the stairs, letting them handle it however.  He did close the door to the room and the curtains.  "That way no inquisitive children can come help."

"Thank you.  I don't think Miriam ever needs to learn how to do some of those things," Zenigata told him.

"Her first boyfriend will teach her most of them," Lupin told him.  He glared at him.  "Truth.  You did."

"I might have, but still. I married mine."

"You can't keep her a child forever," Jigen pointed out.  "Better to be realistic about it and make sure she knows what you don't want her to do."  The cop glanced at him, then nodded and shrugged.  "Just some advice."  He got comfortable, looking at the cartoon.  "More kids?"  Lupin changed it back.  "Nice, thank you."  By the end of that one, he had to undo his belt.  It was a little tight.


Kathy glanced at where Kit was napping, then crawled in with Cat, cuddling up to her.  "I can't sleep alone," she said when her friend woke up.

Cat kissed her gently.  "It's all right, I understand.  You sure?"  Kathy nodded, smiling at her.  "Then we're good."  She kissed her again, gently stroking up the firm arm.  "So pretty and mine tonight.  I'll make you remember this night for a very long time, darling."  She moved to tease the soft neck, making her friend moan and shift onto her back.  "Come on, I know you can do better," she said into the damp skin.  "Please?"  Kathy squealed when she tweaked a nipple, spreading out for her pleasure. "Good girl."  She moved her lips down to suck on the tight nipples, tasting the slight bit of breast milk.  "Lactating already?"

"I did last time too," she said, pulling Cat down to kiss her again, playing with her breasts and back.  The massaging was a great thing and they remembered what each other liked from their short week together. It was like coming home for each of them.  "Ray?" she asked.

"Suggested that I should and could, as long as I didn't tell him details.  Jigen?"

"Never said a word, but we've known about this stuff from a few months into our thing."  She shifted down, tasting the perky nipples. "Mmm, I remember this taste."  She went to town, sucking and playing with them.  "Are you breastfeeding?"  Cat nodded quickly, holding her head in place. "Good girl.  Makes you more sensitive for us."  She laved one and Cat moaned, waking Kit up.  "Shit."

"Kit, if you're going to lay over there and play with yourself, you might as well take Helena's bed.  It'll give you a better view."  She smirked down at her shocked bedmate.  "I'd never dream of breaking the girl in, but if she wants to watch I don't care.  You?"

"I've never really been an exhibitionist, but sure, why not?" Kathy said gently, kissing her again.  "Go ahead, Kit."  Kit moved over, doing as she was offered.

"You ever do Lupin?" Cat asked as one of her hands snuck lower, her mouth going back to the tempting nipples.

"Hmm.  Why?"

"Because you disappeared to Paris to visit Jigen, and Lupin went from pouting and non- working to suddenly being brilliant, happy, and perky again," Cat noted, switching sides as her fingers found the soft part in the hair.  Her fingers slid past, going to play in the wetness.  It was teasing for now, but that was fine with them.  "So, did you?  Was he any good?"

"We had him cuffed the whole time," she admitted quietly.  "Do not tell anyone," she said loudly enough for Kit to hear her.

"What's said in here stays in here," Kit told her.  She removed her nightgown, laying there watching them as she mirrored their movements.  Kathy squealed and she sighed, moving faster.

Cat went down to lick up the mess she had created.  "Good, Helena," she purred into the soft flesh.  "Good girl, just a bit longer."

"Damn you!  Need more!"

"I'm giving it," she promised, moving faster.  "Calm down, I promise I'm giving it."  She glanced at Helena, then at Kit.  "You having fun?" she asked with a grin, shifting so Helena could latch onto her.  "There you go, girlie.  Try some of that."  They switched off, doing each other frantically as they got higher and higher.  Kit screamed first, surprising them, but they shrugged it off and continued with their own pleasure until they were satisfied and sated.

"I missed that," Kathy admitted, resting on the soft chest.  "Now I know why Jigen likes my extra weight. You're very comfortable as a pillow."

"Thanks, princess."  She stroked over the longer hair.   "You know, if our husbands agreed, we could do this more often but I doubt Ray will."

"He does seem really jealous," Kathy agreed.  "Should I expect a slap on the ass in the morning?"

"Not with you being pregnant."  She curled around her buddy, then looked back at Kit, who was asleep.   "We'll try to pounce her later," she said softly, grinning wickedly.

"As long as I don't lose her, she's way too nice and we all like her.  Plus, Goemon has this irrational jealousy thing going and he doesn't understand why yet."

"I'd never do that to the big guy."  She stroked down the soft back.  "Think we should go for tummy tucks after this?"

"Hell yes.  I want my figure back, even part of it."

"Then we'll do that," Cat agreed, kissing her again.  "Sleep, Helena.  It's nearly morning and we still have a long two days ahead of us."

"Sure."  She closed her eyes, feeling one last kiss before Cat moved away.  "Can't sleep alone."

"You're not, I'm here," Cat promised, putting back on some clothes.  Then she got her dressed once she was asleep. She even managed to dress Kit partially without waking her fully.  "You rest," she whispered.  "I'm doing the decent thing."  Kit nodded and curled around the pillow.  Cat went to sleep on the couch instead, getting comfortable.  In the morning, Ray woke her with a kiss. "Hi."

"You didn't have to hide it," he said gently.  "I gave you permission this time.  The only time, right?"  She nodded, stretching up to kiss him.  "Go brush your teeth.  I didn't need to know that much about her."  She obediently went to do that, it was only polite and she should have thought of that earlier.  Ray walked over and stroked over Kathy's cheek.  "Morning, Kathy," he said quietly.  "Time to get up."  She mumbled and swatted at him. "I know, but if we're going to the college, then we need to get you dressed and cleaned up."  She looked at him and he smiled.  "I understand, that's why I let her do it.  Never again, but this one last time."  She nodded, giving him a hug. "Good girl. Now go shower.  You smell like my wife and your husband might get too feisty with that."  She padded into the bathroom, going to do as he ordered.  He walked over to Kit, shaking her gently.  "Morning, Kit.  Time to get up."

Kit sprang up, looking around.  "They left already?"

"No, they're in the bathroom," he soothed, calming her down.  "Go join them.  I'll order breakfast."  She nodded, heading that way to clean up.  That was the beauty of separate baths and showers. Ray shook his head, ordering a big breakfast.  He would not ask his wife if she had both of them.  She didn't smell like his Cat and he had promised not to say anything about this one.  Kit came out and whispered in his ear, then went back to her bath.  He smiled, that was refreshing. How she knew he wasn't sure, but it was refreshing.


Lupin walked up to where Jigen was smoking, stroking up his back.  "Hey."  Jigen gave him a long look.  "Want to celebrate your last night as a free man?" he asked with a grin.  Jigen tossed his cigarette, following him up to the stress relief room.  Jigen took off his shirt while Lupin stripped himself.  "I just got done listening to the girls.  Cat and Kathy sounded hot together."

"Really?"  Jigen pulled him closer, kissing him hard.  "I've still got you."

"You do," Lupin agreed.  "As often as you need me and even this way if she agrees."

"She will," Jigen promised, kissing him again.  "She said so.  We'll have to figure out how to help her wear hers out from now on."

"Hmm.  Kit was watching."

"Goemon would kill us all."  He stroked down the soft skin.  "Oiled yourself?"

"Took a shower and cleaned myself," Lupin countered.  He let himself be pushed onto the bed and his boxers removed for him.  "Anxious?"

"No, wound up," Jigen said, grabbing a bottle of lube out of the drawer.  He paused and went back to look in it. "Damn.  There's like seven bottles in here."   He shut the drawer and got himself ready, then went down to help Lupin get more ready.

"Jigen, don't stress, just take me," he pleaded.  "I'm ready.  I promise, just shove it in."

"Hush," he ordered.  He continued to prepare his partner, his clean hand teasing the hard cock.  "You desperate?"

"So very desperate.  I can't do anything but give in to it."  He grinned, getting comfortable.  Jigen moved him to suit himself, then entered him quickly, making them both wince a bit but it was worth it.  "Damn, still tight," he moaned, squeezing a bit. Jigen pinched him on the tit so he relaxed again.  "Thank you, Jigen."

"Hey, we both needed this. It's either this or we go pop Pop's cherry."  He grinned down at the moan.  "Wanted that?"

"You know I love a good cherry," Lupin said with a smirk.  He shifted some, wrapping his legs around Jigen's back.  "There, better.  Go faster?"  Jigen sped up, going his usual speed.  Lupin moaned and clutched at him.  "Not over the first time," he pleaded.  "Please?"

"No, not over," Jigen agreed, going harder.  He wanted this.  Between the tapes and the pictures in his mind, he was more than ready to cum and he wanted Lupin like he never had before.   He came and collapsed, leaning down across the hard body.

"Shh," Lupin soothed.  "I understand."

"Why am I getting married when I still need this?"

"Because your wife will give you this too," he promised, rolling them onto their sides so he could comfort him.  "You both have needs that the other can't meet, but you'll work it out.  Can you imagine backing out and losing her?"  Jigen shuddered and clutched at him.  "See?  She'll agree."

"She already has.  She said she's not going to really be married.  This is like some fairytale play in her head," Jigen said bitterly.

Lupin kissed him gently.  "You knew your woman was an odd one.  This just proves it.  She wants you, not the strings.  Treat her like the queen she is.  She treats you like her king."  Jigen nodded, relaxing against him. "Think I can have some more soon?"

Jigen looked down at the hard cock.  "Sorry, Lupin."

"Hey, not an issue.  Let me work my hand in here."  He slowly played with himself.  "I taped it," he whispered.  "All of it."  Jigen shivered and moved closer, rubbing against Lupin's hardness for him.  "It's being recorded downstairs.  That way we wouldn't have to worry about copies.  They're very pretty together.  Your girl goes sub on her."  Jigen sighed, getting hard again.  "And Kit was watching it all."

"She's just a little kid," Jigen pointed out, working on Lupin so they could catch a quick nap.

"Yeah, but she's still a girl.  We'll have to help Goemon realize he loves her."

Jigen kissed him.  "No more about Kit.  I don't want to consider that."

"Sure, Jigen.  Can I have a bit of a suck?"

Jigen pulled out of him and moved down to please him the way he deserved.  Lupin came with a sigh.  "Let's nap for a few minutes, then we'll go again."

"Wonderful by me," Lupin agreed, holding him gently.  "Should I tape this for her?"

"She's curious, but I doubt she needs the visual," Jigen told him, stroking along Lupin's back.  "I wish she weighed less right now.  It's harder than hell to not cuddle her instead of fucking her brains out."

Lupin snickered.  "Give it two weeks, Jigen.  She'll lose a lot by then."

"You're sure?"  Lupin nodded.  "Thanks, boss."

"Hey, a little sexual harassment goes a long way," he teased, stroking up the pubic mound.  Jigen shivered and pulled him closer for a kiss.


Cat and Kathy followed Kit into her advisor's office.  "Morning, Professor.  I thought I'd show the people who my papers were about around and introduce you."  She waved a hand.  "We have Catherine Demoranth-Vecchio and Helena Nichols, aka Helen of Troy."  He sat up, staring at them.  "I told you they were real."

"I couldn't find anything on either of them."

"Neither of us were born in Chicago," Cat said dryly, smirking down at him.  "As a matter of fact, Helena's first name isn't Helena.  It's actually Kathy."

"Nichols was my mother's maiden name.  My father was a drunken cop and I didn't want to be associated."  He looked confused.  "We can do that in the US."

"Oh."  He nodded, looking at Cat.  "You're not from Chicago?"

"Not born in Chicago. I work in Chicago to get away from the idiot bigots in my hometown."

"Oh."  His eyes lit up and he smiled at his prize pupil.  "I will quit commenting on all this.  Please include more history."

"Yes, sir, should I also include something on Miss Cat's husband, Ray?"

"What does he do?"


"Oh, my," he said, nearly coming right there.  "The dichotomous approach he uses on his cases is very interesting."

"That's Benny's fault," Cat pointed out.  "Mounties can be that way.  So, are you done gaping?  We've got to get pretty for Helena's wedding."

"Please, but feel free to write to me if you want," he offered, handing over a card.  "I find your work fascinating."  Cat smirked and took the card, nodding at him, and they dragged Kit away.  "Oh, my," he whispered, sighing in relief as he finally let go.

Kathy leaned closer to Cat as they walked out of the building.  "Do you think he had this need to be spanked by one of us?" she asked.  Cat burst out laughing and nodded.  "Yeah, me too."  She patted Kit on the back.  "Expect good grades and many requests to have us come lecture.  He wants in our panties."

"Him and half the world," she snorted, frowning at her.  "Please don't cheat on Jigen?"

"I'd never cheat on Jigen.  That's why I started dating women, so I wasn't cheating on Jigen."

"Oh."  She frowned.  "It's still cheating."

"Only if we said so.  This is one of those times when Symbolic Interactionism works best," Cat told Kit.  "That is a definition thing.  To some, like Ray, looking is cheating most of the time."

"Oh."  Kit thought about that.  "So they let you?"  They both nodded.  "Wow.  I'd never stand a husband who would even suggest it."

"Jigen and I have a long standing agreement about stress relief.  Cat got special permission.  Ray's going to fuck her into next week once he gets her alone tonight."  Cat nodded.  "Jigen and I are know what each other need now and then.  It's not a problem for us.  Each relationship is different, Kit.  Someone like Goemon would kill a spouse if she even had desires in that way.  For Lupin to stay with a single woman would take one really inventive woman, or Fujiko.  Even she might be able to keep him monogamous anymore since her heart's not with him.  Which I think sucks, because he's got tons of love to give to the right person."

"Lupin, the gift that keeps giving," Cat snickered.

Kathy pinched her on the arm.  "You hush.  I still think you and he would make a killer couple."

"I dare you to say that in front of Ray," Cat suggested smugly.  "I'd get to lose this extra weight within days."

Kit looked at her.  "Wouldn't that hurt the baby?"

"Probably, but the baby's still pretty new so it won't be that hurt.  Besides," she said, glancing around.  "We don't really say anything about that.  We've been getting death threats again."

"I'm sorry."

"Not an issue.  She and I both have similar precautions about such information.  There's way too many people who'd want to hurt us.  Speaking of, Lupin's trying to keep people from crashing the wedding."

"Hopefully he'll succeed.  Otherwise we'll have a damn huge gunbattle during it," Cat agreed, holding the door open so the other women could get into the car.  She and Kathy shared a look then Cat grinned.

"Hey, Ray, Cat said I had to tell you that I wanted to fix her up with Lupin before you two got together," Kathy said innocently.  "She seems to think that you'd be really upset with me so I'm supposed to apologize for trying to set her up with go-all-night-energizer-boy."

He glanced back at them.  "I would have hurt you," he said dryly.

"This would have been before we got together," Cat pointed out, giving him a kiss.  "She thought I could tame him."

"I'm sure you could, but he needs someone else, not you," he said firmly, giving her a look.  "Ladies, didn't you have something to do in town?"

"Haircuts and nails," Kathy told him, handing over the card of the place Jigen had decided they had to go to.  "Did we remember to repack everything into the car?"

"We did," Kit promised.  "I packed everything myself and the dresses and veils are right on top."

"Good.  Then let's do the hair thing.  Then Ray can sit and read some more."

"I don't have enough hair to style," Cat pointed out.

"Of course you do, that's why someone intelligent invented wigs," Kathy told her, grinning at her.  "We'll find you one on the way out of town."

"Okay."  Ray drove them to the address once he had the map machine programmed. He let them out and took his baby back to their room to prove to her he was better for her than some thief.  Even a woman-lover like Lupin.  By the time they picked up the other women, Cat was walking funny and he was tired, but it was all good.  "Hey, Kathy, where to next?" he asked.

"Now, you and Cat come back here to cuddle and I'll drive," she ordered, getting out so they could switch around.  He and Cat cuddled against each other, making Kathy and Kit go 'awwww'.  "I guess she got what she wanted," Kathy said smugly.


Lupin looked up as the women walked in, frowning at the lack of bags.  "You didn't go shopping?"

"We did, we can't open the trunk without waking the guy we had to shove into it," Cat said, fluffing out her wig.  "Like it?"

"You look good as a redhead," Lupin agreed, whistling loudly.  "Yo, Pops, I think the ladies found something for you to do today."  He strolled out, looking at the man Ray was watching. "Where are all the clothes?"

"In the back seat.  We used them as pillows.  The dresses are carefully folded.  He nodded at Zenigata.  "He decided to try and touch Kathy, which made her have a mood swing.  Cat saved him.  Barely."

Lupin waved at the thief.  "I told you cops were going to be here," he pointed out. "Fortunately he's mostly harmless.  It's his boss that you might want to look out for.  He's an enemy of Goemon's."  He looked inside the house.  "Goemon!"  He walked out, looking calm.  "Henri just showed up and created a Kathy mood swing."

He looked in the trunk, then grunted.  "An annoyance but easily handled."  He opened his sword and the man whimpered, curling up.  "Take a message back to your boss.  Interrupting this wedding is a personal insult to me and will be dealt with by us, not the officers in attendance.  They'd be worse."  The thief nodded and climbed out of the trunk, running away.  Goemon locked his sword back into place and grabbed some of the bags.  "Good, they got some decent clothes."

"Not all of it," Ray offered, following with the important dresses.  "There's a hairdresser coming that morning as well.  She's driving up.  Apparently she's always had a crush on Jigen and wants one last coo at him before he becomes unavailable."  He hung the dresses in the room Kathy had said the girls were using downstairs.  He looked at Jigen. "We nearly got jumped."

"I heard."  He gave him a pat on the back. "Don't worry, we'll all be armed.  You don't have to carry if you don't want to."  He went to grab more of the bags, carrying them upstairs so he could see what his money had paid for.  "Maybe we should do a bank job next," he suggested when he passed Lupin in the hallway.

"After the one I have planned next," Lupin told him.  "Maybe on the way back."  Zenigata gave him a funny look.  "What?  We're not retired yet."  He carried more bags up the stairs, enjoying Jigen's look of contentment.  "She remember naughty stuff for you?"

"Definitely," he said, holding up a small teddy.  Cat knocked on the door and walked in.  "What's up, babe?"

"I didn't get a chance to hand over the naughty present last night," she said with a grin, handing him the bag.  "I also hate wrapping paper."

"Hey, bags are useful," Jigen told her, pulling out the toy inside.  "Um, okay," he said, looking at the lurid pink revolver-shaped dildo, complete with trigger.  He clicked it and the thing turned on, startling him.

"It's variable, by clicks," she said happily. "I thought it might fit you two."  She winked and headed off to unpack her clothes.  She came back and grabbed the nighty and another two bags.  "Sorry, got them mixed up."  She strolled off, taking one off Goemon as she walked.  "Sorry, mine," she said airily.

"Fine," he agreed.  He walked in and blushed.  "What sort of weapon is that?"

"One of pleasure," Lupin said smugly.  Goemon wisely retreated.  Lupin leaned closer.  "I got one of those too, but mine's in black," he whispered.  "I'll put it into the stress relief room, that way you can't get them mixed up."

Jigen nodded, giving him an odd look before putting up the toy.  "I'm not sure I can bring that near her," he admitted.  "It's pink."

"Try it, she might like it," Lupin said with a smug look.  "We'll all know."  He headed out, going to help in the kitchen.  He found Fujiko in the kitchen and kissed the back of her neck.  "Hey, babe."

"After you offered me that yesterday?"

"I said I'd stoop that low, not that you had to," he pointed out.  "If you want the more traditional things, I'm all for it," he said gently, staring at her as he took the juice from her hand.  "I'd enjoy the hell out of it, Fujiko, we both know that."  He went to take out his frustration on some stuff that needed mixing.

She sat down, watching him work.  "Frustrated with your grand plan?"

"No, tired of being alone," he said simply.  He did glance back at her when she remained quiet.  "Think about it, Fujiko.  I don't like being alone.  I haven't been alone in a very long time.  Even when I'm not with the guys, I'm hardly ever truly alone.  Talking to myself gets on my nerves so I consciously seek out people."  He quit mixing the stuffing and turned to face her.  "Like I said, it's all up to you, Fujiko."

"And if I say no?"

"Then I'll try to make a deal for some eggs," he said with a bland shrug and no expression.  "Let's face it, you're not using them."

She shook her head.  "You are absolutely too much."

"No, I know what I want, I know that you don't want the same thing, I'm trying to be practical for both of us.  Since I know that hearts, flowers, and candy won't do more than piss you off, I've decided to try and stay practical and let you make the decisions."

"I make the decisions anyway."

"Yes, but this time the whole decision is yours, Fujiko.  I can either have what I want or you can run away screaming and I'll have to go out and find someone else.  Hard as that is."  He walked away, not liking the turn of his thoughts.  He found his car in the garage and got in, backing it down the driveway.  He waved at Goemon as he drove past him and Kit.  "I'll be back in time!" he yelled.

Goemon watched him, then nodded.  "I shall return."  He headed for the house, following Fujiko's perfume trail.  She must have just put more on, it was quite strong.  He found her in her room and tapped on the door.  "I know he's treating you wrong, but he's trying to create a balance for your stated wishes and his heart's desire.  You won't have to see him before the wedding."  He walked away, leaving her sitting there looking hurt.  He went back to Kit's side.  "I'm sorry, but I had to intervene in this matter."

"Hey, not an issue," she noted.  "I'd have to if it were my friends.  Lupin was wrong to offer the money on the first day, that should have been a desperation move because it put up her hackles and insulted her.  Now he's having to wait while she quits being upset with him and it's upsetting him. I doubt Lupin's ever waited on a woman in his life."

"Not true," Goemon argued. "He has done much waiting on his women, especially that one."  They started walking again.  "Lupin loves his women in his own way.  He and Fujiko are very similar, yet they have different reasons for doing things.  For Lupin, this is a challenge.  For Fujiko, this is an easier life than some of the ones she could have and she doesn't have to worry about staleness as she does man after man."

"So they're both serial lovers, but they do it for different purposes?"  He nodded.  "Then why does Lupin want a child?"

"For many people, a child validates their existence.  Lupin brags because it proves that he's the best.  He does outrageous things to get noticed.  His child will obviously be brilliant, talented, and the best after him and his grandfather."

"Or else he'll pout at her," she said dryly.

"Her?"  He looked at her.  "You have flashes of the future?"

"Important things.  I do see him with a young girl that is not Ciera."  Goemon looked impressed. "I'm not sure who she is though."  She shrugged. "It's possible that it's not his and hers, but his and someone else's.  Unless I miss my guess, he'll need a long shower and a large scrub brush when he comes back."

"He usually comes back impeccably clean and groomed," Goemon offered.  "He's had such incidences in the past, both because of her and not."  He stepped closer to get around a puddle and saw her smile.  "You want me closer?"

"Another flash," she said, clearing the smile away.  "Nothing important.  I would make sure that the horse can't be taken by certain future thieves however."

"Ah."  He nodded.  "Very wise.  Malaki would steal a horse for his sister's pleasure."  He considered it.  "He is quite the thief in the making.  We'll have to teach him faster."

"Probably," she agreed.  "Ciera's not sure what she wants to do.  She likes receiving the pretty things but she scowls whenever her brother steals something.  We might want to clean out his closet tonight before Cat gets into it as well."

"We probably should," he agreed, turning them around and heading to do that.  They walked into the nursery and saw Mal close his door with quite a guilty look.  "Let us see?  We want to appreciate the treasures you've found as well," he said gently, getting down to where he could look him in the eyes.  "I will not punish you."

Mal opened the door, grinning as his treasures came out.

"Wow," Kit said, shaking her head.  "Mal, where did you find a gold ball?"

"Park," he said happily, bouncing up and down.  "Look at them?"

"Yes, please," Goemon agreed, sitting himself down.  "Kit, please close the door before you join us."

"Sure."  She smiled at Ciera.  "Hey, princess.  Your mommy's in her room."  She toddled that way and Kit closed the door.  "There, that should take care of most of it."  She came to sit next to Goemon, shifting a little away when she noticed she was all-but sitting in his lap.  "Show us all them, Mal?"  He handed over the gold ball, a shiny post topper from the fences in the local park.

Jigen knocked and came in.  "Kathy thought you might be going through his stash.  Can I see, son?"  Mal handed over the ball with a bright grin.  "That's very pretty."  He sat down on Goemon's other side, looking inside the closet.  "Wow."  He pulled out a long necklace.  "I'm wondering who this belonged to."

Kit coughed.  "The Mayor's first daughter, the stuffy, married one, had one just like that which went missing one day while she was shopping.  She blamed the poor kids that live further down the river.  She was trying to get her father to buy the land and evict them."  Jigen grimaced.  "Yes, but that came with the house," she admitted.  "I don't think Kathy knows that, but it did."  She smiled at Mal.  "Pull out the next one, Mal."  He pulled out the pile by getting behind it and pushing.  Seven or eight balls, a few more necklaces, and some shiny gold spoons came out.  Cushioning them were some clothes of his mother's and Lupin's, and underneath it all happened to have been the board game Kit had been looking for for days.  She gave him a look.  "Next time you steal my Trivial Pursuit game, bring it back when I'm looking for it."  She patted him on the head.

"Wow.  My son's a great thief," Jigen said, smiling hard.  "C'mere, son," he said proudly, hugging him.  "Good job.  You're a wonderful thief.  We'll start teaching you the family business as soon as you can say the word lockpick."

Goemon picked up a pair of underwear of his, then stuffed them inside his robe.  "I believe he will be great at it.  He knows how to dig into people's drawers already."  Kit giggled.  He looked confused until Jigen whispered in his ear, then he blushed and shook his head, heading down to his room.

"I didn't know he wore those, all I've ever seen is the loincloth," Jigen told her.  "It's not very concealing."  She blushed.  "Liked the strip club?"

"It was different, but those men must have been picked for their enormous sizes," she said quietly, glancing at the door.  "No real man could be that large or women would never accept them."

"You'd be surprised.  The human body does stretch down there," he offered.  "Otherwise children couldn't come out."

"The features dancer wasn't that long, but he was as wide as my wrist!" she hissed.

He paused, considering that image.  "Huh.  And then some guys are mutants.  Now if he was long and like that then he'd be a porn star."  He stood up, going to share the good news with his woman.  "You won't believe it, but our son has a stash already," he said proudly.

"I thought he might."  She held her arms up and Mal wiggled until he got to hug her.  "I won't mind if you become a thief like your daddy," she promised.

"Ha!  More like Lupin," he said firmly.  "Necklaces, Goemon's single pair of real underwear.  That bra you were looking for.  Gold spoons and eight balls."  She looked stunned.  "Yeah, so he'll be a real thief."

"Wow."  She kissed Mal on the head.  "I won't yell at you but you will learn to keep your hometown clean."  He snuggled in, liking the cuddling thing.  "Come cuddle, Jigen."  He laid down next to her, getting comfortable on her shoulder.  "Cat pointed out that I always lost some weight by the end of my first trimester."

"I'm sure you did.  Morning sickness can be horrible."  He stroked her stomach.  "Hey, Mal, tell her what you want the baby named."

He grinned at his mother.  "Elven!"  He kissed her on the cheek.  "Or Puppy?"

"Puppy?  That one hasn't been suggested yet but I'll put it on the board for you, son."  He beamed and snuggled between them.  It was nearly his nap time.  "Did I hear Lupin leave?"

"He and Fujiko had one of their quiet arguments and he drove off.  He yelled that he'd be back in time for the wedding."

"Okay.  I'll expect him to hold to that promise."  She stroked his hand, making him smile.  "Cuddle both of us?"

"Sure."  He cuddled both of them.  "I don't mind this new weight," he offered.

"I do."

"I know you do, the only problem I have is that I want to cuddle you more than I want to flip you over and have you, no matter who can see."

"Hmm.  I'm too cuddly for my own good.  We'll have to fix that after this pregnancy.  I was thinking about a tummy tuck."

"I'd support you but I won't demand it," he promised.  "If you want to do it surgically, I'll ask around and see who's the best and send you to them."

"Jigen, why did you send the money?"

"Because you needed it.  You went out without enough to play on."  He stroked her stomach again.  "It was nothing to me, Kathy.  Really."  She grimaced.  "Really, it's not.  We can do the financial disclosures tomorrow if you want."  She shrugged.  "You can keep it hidden if you want too.  I know you're still skittish because you're used to living alone.  I'm not gonna push."

"Thanks, Jigen."

He kissed her on the cheek.  "It's not a problem. Lupin said you were going shopping and suggested you didn't have enough.  How much did you spend at the club?"

"About a hundred, then we went clubbing and got sneered at by all the little thin people.  Cat nearly snapped one of them's backs when the girl tried to shove her, then said she was too heavy to be on the floor, it was making the rest of them look fat.  Fortunately a bouncer came up and carried off the little walking toothpick."

"You were never her size and you look good with some weight," Jigen assured her.  "It makes you look like a woman instead of some underdeveloped and starved little street hooker."  She smiled at him for that.  "This is a bit too much, I'm worried about you developing problems like Cat, but I can handle you at this weight."

"It's coming off," she vowed.  "I want to be able to fit into my clothes again."

"Hey, I'm good with whatever weight you end up at.  Unless you become one of those people who have to be lifted out of the bed with a crane."  She shuddered.  "As long as we can agree that that's too much weight then I'll deal and like it all."  He kissed her cheek again.

"Before you would have kissed me on the lips."

"Before our son wasn't between us watching everything we do," he said dryly.  "I don't think you want him to watch me ravish you."

"No, that might scar him for life and then he'd either never have sex or have it with everyone and their mothers."

"Sometimes you have to wait for the right woman," Jigen pointed out.  "I did and look at the mermaid I caught."

"Hmm, Ariel," she said, considering it.  "I'll have to look that name up."  She stole a quick kiss then heaved herself up, taking Mal back to his bed.  "You nap in here."  He fussed but grabbed his bear and even let his hat come off.  She went back to the bed and climbed on top of Jigen.  "There, no more kids," she said with a wicked smirk.  "Now, you promised some ravishing?"

"I did, didn't I?" he agreed happily, putting her underneath him so he could give her all that she wanted before he spent himself inside her body.


Lupin tapped on Jigen's door before walking in, clean, dressed, and smelling like fresh aftershave.  "I'm back."

"Figured it'd be soon," he said, working on his shirt buttons.  "I hate these."

Lupin came over to do them for him, swatting at the fussing hands.  "You'd think this was a woman you've never seen," he teased.

Jigen tipped his chin up.  "You okay?"

"Just fine and I played safe all night," he said quietly, glancing up into his eyes.  "She was cute but it was only a temporary thing."

"Hey, I understand."  He gave him a gentle hug, then pounded him on the back.  "There, now get dressed.   If I have to wear this thing, so do you.  How do you do this collar thing?"

"I'll get it in a minute," Lupin promised, pulling out his suit to look at it.  "Where's Goemon's?"

"With him in his room.  Now that we've found Mal's stash and his single pair of real underwear, which my son stole from him, I'm sure he's putting them on."

"Excuse me, stash?" Lupin asked, grinning at him.  "A real stash?"

"Eight or so balls, a few necklaces, some gold spoons, one of the balls from the park's fence, plus some of his favorite people's clothes.  Your yellow tie was in there."  Lupin beamed at him.  "Go brush your teeth."

"Oops.  Couldn't do that in the car."  He went into the bathroom to do that and clean his face again, coming out naked.  Someone knocked and the door opened.  "Whoa!" he shouted, going to intercept the person wearing white.  "You can't see him and he can't see you yet."  He hurried into his boxers.

"We've got some minor glitches in the plans.  Have we noticed I don't know how to ride a horse?  I thought you were kidding!" she said frantically.  "Plus, it's a *huge* horse!"

"It's a warhorse," Lupin said.  "Someone's leading him in.  You only have to perch yourself on his back."

"But he's huge!"

"He's the sort that knights used under their armor," Lupin said calmly, patting her on the cheek.  "Go wash that off.  Have someone decent do your makeup."  She looked hurt.  "Honey, you're splotchy.  It's not a comment on your weight, it's a comment on how tough you are.  I didn't think you'd want some dainty lady's horse. This one is a warrior from a long line of warriors."

"Then why can't I wear armor, like on tv?" she pouted.

"Because I'm not marrying some mouthy bard," Jigen called.  "I thought Cat was the fandom geek."

"She's got books and I like my tv," she defended.  She looked down at her dress, then at Lupin.  "This?"

"That," he agreed, walking her down the hall, taking her to Cat.  "Here, redo her makeup."

"Definitely."  She drug the poor thing inside to work on her.  "What is that over your dress?  It looks like an overskirt."  She slammed the door in Lupin's face.  "Get dressed."

"Yes, dear."  He went back to Jigen's room, dressing himself quickly.  "There, how's that?" he asked with a grin, coming over to do the collar button thing.  "Hat or not?"

"Hat," Jigen said firmly.  "I sleep in the thing, I'm not leaving it off for this."

"Cool."  He walked out with Jigen, adjusting the back of his jacket and picking off some lint.  "There, better."  He accepted the lint roller from Pop's wife, doing both of them, then Goemon since he had been cuddling up to the cats.  "That's horrible, Goemon!"  He brushed him quickly, making him frown.  "Keep it up, I can do this slower."

"No, go faster," he encouraged.  Finally he was cleared of cat fur and they headed out to wait in the garden.  Everyone who was supposed to be there already was, and the reporters were easily scared off by Cat, who growled at them.  They ran very prettily from her and her husband soothed her by stroking her back.  Then she went back inside to escort Kathy out.  She understood horses.

Lupin fussed with Jigen's jacket again then turned him around when the trademark chord went off.  Jigen's mouth fell open and Lupin smirked.  He knew he had done great. She looked like some princess from a fantasy novel riding up to her dashing hero.  The black/white theme was perfect for them.  The horse was placid and didn't seem to mind his garland in the least, he kept trying to sniff it.  When they got up to the front, Jigen stepped forward to help her slide down, catching her easily.  Then they walked up together, letting the horse graze on the grass that had been so carefully clipped the day before.  Her attendants moved up behind her, covering her back.

The minister smiled at them.  "I must say, I've never seen a bride be more happy on her wedding day."  He opened his book and smiled at Jigen.  "Or a groom more calm."  He glanced at the opening.  "We are gathered here today...."

Cat and Ray both spun at the blown noisemaker, pulling guns from somewhere.

"That is a jedi trick I wanna learn," Lupin said, watching as they apprehended the thief who had come to help.  He looked at the minister. "Don't worry, we'll protect you and the horse."

"Thank you," he said, swallowing hard.  "I believe we can skip the lecture on commitment."

"They've been dating now for nearly twenty years," Zenigata snorted.  They each had someone from the opposite side of the law in their attendants.  His wife had asked him, that was why he was there, no other reason, he had convinced himself of it.

"Really?  Then it's about time.  Diasuke Jigen, do you take this woman to be yours?  If so, vow to her."

Jigen smiled down at his little femme looking darling.  "You're a treasure worth stealing.  More precious than the prettiest diamond, more soft than the greatest silk, and more welcoming than the best hotel.  Mine."

She sniffled.  "Really?"  He nodded.  She beamed.

"Now you can vow to him," the minister prodded.

"Wow."  She blinked a few times.  "My mind went blank."  The attendants snickered but Kit helpfully told her the first line she had been rehearsing over and over.  "Oh, yeah.  Through all the years I could have arrested you, I didn't so I wouldn't have to share you.  I didn't want to share you with anyone, not even my fellow cops.  If I'm gonna arrest you, it's gonna be to my house, my home, and our time together.  I'd even do the paperwork and proclaim our home a rehabilitation facility so you wouldn't have to go to prison away from me."  He nodded, stroking her hand.

The Minister smiled.  "That was quite sweet and very much them.  Does anyone but the person in handcuffs and the, um, gag have any objections?"  A few more people popped up and Zenigata sighed, glaring back at them.  Most of them ran off.  "I suppose that's a no?"

"It had better be a no," Jigen called loudly.  A noisemaker went off again.

"You're pissing me off and I'm pregnant," Cat yelled.  "The same as Helena is."  The noisemakers stopped suddenly and the garden got very quiet.  "Thank you!"  She turned back around and waved the minister on.  "Go ahead, they'll behave now."

He looked at his book, then at her.  "Helena?"

"Undercover name," she admitted.

"Oh, I see.  You're a cop.  He's a thief...."  He nodded.  "Ah, it all makes sense now."  He smiled.  "Good enough.  The rings?"

Lupin handed hers over and Cat handed over a simple silver band.  He looked at it, then frowned.  "Nothing showy?"

"Hush or end up in the gag too," Ray warned.

"Yes, dear."  He blew a kiss and faced forward when Zenigata poked him.

Jigen snickered.  "He's Lupin the Third, what did you expect?  This is good enough, it won't get in the way of shooting."  He slid her rings onto her finger.  "I was a bit late in the engagement ring part, but I did buy it," he promised, kissing them once they were in place. "Move them and I'll pout."

"So that's where Mal gets it from," Kit snickered.

"Hush, wench," Kathy warned, grinning at her.  "Later, dear."  She picked up the band and held it up.  "You're sure?  Last chance to back out and run away?"  He let out a soft growl so she slid it down his finger.  "Now that I've marked you, you should know that it'll release a drug into your system that will make you want and need me even more if you try to leave me."

He kissed her gently.  "Then it's a good thing I don't want to, huh?" he asked once he pulled back.

The Minister sighed in pleasure.  "That's so sweet.  If it's true, I know some women who would want one of those."  He clapped.  "I pronounce you man and wife.  You've already kissed so turn and face the group of friends as man and wife."  The crowd clapped, including a lot from the bushes.  "And them as well I suppose," he said dryly, following them into the ballroom for the reception dinner.  He took his to go, he had a baptism to go to.  Born about a month too early, fortunately seven months after the marriage of the young couple.  He kissed the bride on the cheek, shook the groom's hand, accepted the envelope from Lupin, then made his way out before one of the unusual people in the bushes decided to talk to him.

Lupin waited until the door closed to cackle.  "Party time!"  The music got turned on and Jigen forced Kathy onto the floor to dance with him.  He watched them, then nodded at Kit.  "We'll have to teach the kids to dance."

She swatted him.  "Try to behave," she chided, scowling at him.  She smiled at Goemon.  "It's been years since I got to dance, would you care to go for a single dance?"  He blushed but nodded.  "Thank you."  That song ended and the other established couples went out to join them, plus she and the samurai.

Lupin grabbed his first drink of the day, not even giving Fujiko a hopeful look.  She wouldn't look at him anyway.  He felt a hand touch his arm and looked down, smiling at Mrs. Zenigata.  "Taking pity on me?"

"Definitely," she agreed, leading him onto the floor while her husband bristled.  "Are you all right?"

"Fine.  Fujiko and I are on the outs.  I want a baby more than anything with her and she doesn't even want to be together really."  He shrugged, moving smoothly.  "I offered her anything she wanted and let her make the rules.  She's pissed at me."

"Hmm. Perhaps my husband should arrest her after all."

"I couldn't allow that and he knows it."

She smiled up at him.  "Who said you had a say in the matter?" she teased lightly.  "It would give you a chance to ride up and save her."

"That usually upsets her more than a discussion of a real relationship or a future together," he said darkly.  Then she pinched him and he lightened up.  "Sorry, Mrs. Pops."

"It's all right, Lupin.  I understand. All that woman knows is how to use others."  She let him go as the music ended.  "Should I talk to her?"

"I doubt it'd do any good," he said, starting to look miserable.  "Thank you anyway."  He escorted her back and kissed her on the cheek.  "Here you are, back with your husband."  He nodded at Zenigata and went to try and steal Kit.  She and Goemon were still dancing.  "May I?"

"No," Goemon said, dancing her off.

Lupin smirked at Kathy, going over to monopolize her for a dance.  "Hi."  He held out a hand and she took it, heading out to dance with her.  "I knew you'd look wonderful on that horse."

She pinched him.  "Suckup.  Fine, you're brilliant and sweet."  She kissed him on the cheek then wiped off her lipstick. "Thank you for humoring Jigen."

"Jigen's my buddy, Kathy.  I'd do a lot for him.  Including hunting you down and bringing you back in handcuffs if necessary."  He smiled down at her.  "Fair warning of course."

"Of course," she agreed with a grin of her own.  She glanced at Cat and Ray.  "When they first got together, I envied them their connection.  It was like they could finish each other's sentences."

"You and Jigen could, if you ever stayed in the same place for more than six weeks," he pointed out.

"Yeah, I figured that out last night when I found Cat's present and saw his embarrassed look.  The fact that it was pink bothered us both."  She laid her head on his shoulder.  "I need a nap."

"Then let's get you back to your husband's side."

"Ick, nasty word."

"I know, but you'll get used to it."  He led her back, letting her rest against Jigen.  "She's sleepy."

"That's because she didn't get much last night," he said dryly.  "She hates sleeping alone."

"Keeping us apart is a pretty dumb tradition," she agreed sleepily.  "It's not like we need to take our yearly baths or something."  Jigen stroked her back.  "Keep that up and I'll be napping through dinner."

"You're seeing an OB very soon," he said firmly.

"I'd have to go back to Chicago or go to Japan," she pointed out, looking up at him.  "I can't see the kids liking that trip."

"Yay.  You're seeing someone," he said firmly, stroking the nape of her neck.  "Please?"  She nodded.  "Thank you.  I'm going of course."

"The only job I have planned won't take more than two weeks," Lupin promised.  He walked away, leaving them alone.  Zenigata looked at him. "She's trying to nap."

"She did that a lot with the first one too.  There were all sorts of stories of her falling asleep at her desk," he admitted.   His wife pulled him away to talk with him and to be cute with him.

Ray coughed as he and Cat walked over. "They gave her a mini leave to get her past this state," he shared.  "She fell asleep while handcuffing someone.  They thought she had some sort of sleeping disease."

"Narcolepsy," Cat offered.  "Instead it turned out to be some mini seizures from the Oblivitus.  Nasty shit as it turns out.  She had to release some of the memories back then."  Lupin glanced that way.  "I thought it would have cured it, but she's doing it again so I guess not."

"Who's this specialist in Japan?"

"No one knows," Ray admitted.  "Except maybe Zenigata.  I think he talked to the man once."  He shrugged.  "Ask him."

"Thanks.  Um, if you want to slip out, go ahead.  It appears she won't mind, but we'll be eating in about an hour."

Ray smirked at him. "Not an issue.  I wasn't kept away from her all night."  He stroked his wife's waist, leading her back onto the dance floor.  "You look good in that dress.  We'll have to bring it home with us."

Lupin walked over to Zenigata and pulled him aside.  "That OB's name?"


"She's doing that nap thing again and Cat said it was mini seizures the last time."

"I'm not sure of his name, all I know is that there is one, he's in Kyoto, and he's a young guy.  Her OB back in Chicago and he talked all the time.  Apparently he was some relation to the maker of the memory eraser."

"Okay," Lupin agreed.  "If she comes your way, I'll expect you to watch out for her."  He walked back to tell that to Jigen, getting a nod of understanding when he was done.  Then he went for another glass of champagne.  Fujiko met him at the table, giving him a glance, then outside.  He took his glass with him, following her outside.  "What's up, Fujiko?"

"She looks happy," she said finally, having finished her glass.  He nodded, sipping his own, then handing it over when she continued to play with her glass.  "Thanks."  She sipped delicately.  "How was your night out?"

"Relieving, but nothing else," he admitted.  "Yours?"

"I didn't go out."  She drained his glass.  "You were serious?"  He nodded.  "You want that?"

"I'd rather have what Cat and Ray have," he admitted. "But I'm realistic."  She sighed and nodded, looking down at her shoes.  "I have to admit, I chose the dresses well.  It suits you, Fujiko."

"Thanks.  You chose the dresses?"  He nodded.  "You planned this whole thing?"

"Yup, I'm good with most plans."  He smiled and shrugged.  "Want to dance?"

"I don't think I'm ready for that yet," she admitted.  She looked him over. "Why would you want a kid to heave around with you?"

"Because I want one, Fujiko.  I know what I'm getting into.  I've watched and talked to single parents.  I know what kids can be like and what's likely to happen if I get what I need to feel like an adult."

"An adult?"

"Until now, I've been a carefree bachelor, not much beyond a young guy.  Now I'm forty.  I want to settle down, teach the next generation.  Even if my kid turns into Pops, I'll deal with it.  It's this indescribable ache sometimes and it hit me."

"Are you sure you want that?  In ten months, will it still be there?"

"Hopefully I'll have the antidote for it," he said with a hopeful grin.  "A wiggling, screaming, needy little thing who loves me."

"Can't you just take one of her cats?"

"Cats don't cuddle, Fujiko.  They don't tell you they love you.  They don't really *need* me."

"Fine," she sighed.  "I'll do it.  We can even do it the old fashioned way if you want, but nothing else.  I want one of the hideouts to hide in and the diamonds."

"Hey, we'll mostly be here.  Do you want Germany?"  She shrugged.  "It's yours," he promised.  "Anything but the main one locally."

"Fine," she agreed.  "You're going to be there?"

"For each and every appointment," he promised.  "All you'll have to do is to tell me what's going on and I'll be there."

"Why didn't you just knock up one of those little playmates of yours?"

"Because it's not the baby I crave," he said simply.  "It'd be like knocking up Jigen, a baby but not the one that would be the antidote to the ache I feel.  If I had a way, I'd carry it," he told her.

"No, I think you'd make a lousy pregnant woman."  She walked past him.  "I'll start the tests tonight."  He smiled at her back and she went to get another drink.  She needed it now.  Eventually she did take pity on Lupin and let him take her around for a dance, stamping firmly on the feelings he created inside her.  If he had only wanted her, she might have been able to do that, but to want her and a family and all that domestic stuff?  Ick.

Jigen finally got to lead his bride up the stairs and put her to bed, curling up with her.  There was more than enough time to make her moan and plead for mercy later.


Lupin looked up as Fujiko walked up to where he was reading a few weeks later, smiling at her.  "What's up?"

"The tests say it's time."

"Okay."  He followed her into the bedroom, kissing her gently.  "Thank you, Fujiko."

"You're welcome."  She let him undress her and even went along with his plans for the night.   She had always enjoyed sleeping with him and this would be the last time, as long as the test was right.  He was so gentle, it was making her feel odd.  He made sure she got her pleasure before he took his, and then he curled up around her, holding her tightly.  Finally she had to get free though.  "Have a nice night," she said, turning her back on him.

"If that's the way you want it," he agreed quietly, getting up and going back to his room.  He had hopes but she was going to be stubborn about this.  He laid down, staring up at his ceiling.  "Maybe I should have another drink."  The door was patted and he smiled.  "Hold on, Ciera."  He put on some lounging pajamas and went to let her in, curling up with her.  She was the antidote to his depression.  Soon he'd have one of those.  "Should we hope for a girl or a boy?" he whispered in her ear, making her laugh and pat at him.

"Girls are usually easier," Jigen said from the doorway.  "She escaped again?"

"Yup, again.  She's the best anodyne to a scarred and pained man."  He gave her another hug.  "I think your daddy was going to put you back into bed, princess."  She scowled at her father, clutching to him.  "I don't think she wants to go."

"Wants to or not, she'll be really unhappy when Pops leaves tomorrow and she'll want to cling to him."  He pulled his daughter off his best friend and held her up.  "Go hug Pops, Jissan.  He needs a hug."  He put her down, watching as she toddled off, heading for the other suite.  He looked down at Lupin.  "Do you need a cuddle?"

"No, I'll be fine."

"Good.   We're not doing anything tonight."

"Why not?"

"Because she's firmly asleep after earlier," he said smugly.  "You can crawl in if you need to."  He headed out, opening the door for his daughter before going back to bed.  He laid down and got comfortable, waiting for the warm body to join his.  It took nearly an hour, but Lupin crawled in behind him to hold him.  "It'll be fine.  We'll even watch the kid so you can go whoring."

"Thanks, Jigen," Lupin said gently.  It was comforting being in their bed.  Now he understood why the kids liked it so much.  He consciously censored his childhood so he never knew if he had done this before or not.


Kathy had waited for five days after the guys had left before she got tired of this strain and stress on her body.  She called the specialist in Kyoto, then went to see Kit.  "Hey.  I'm going to see the doctor.  Can you handle the kids or should I bring them?"

"We can both go," she offered.  "I've never been to Japan before."  Kathy gave her a look.  "That way you have someone to watch out for you in case a real seizure happens and the kids aren't left alone if you take another day-long nap."

"Fine.  Pack up the stuff.  I've got to call the bank."  She headed back down to her office, doing that.  Jigen had rearranged things with them and she wasn't sure how things looked now.  "Hi, I need to take an unexpected trip to Japan," she told the customer service person.  "I have no idea how much is in my bank account or on my cards.  Can you check that for me?"  She saw the stack of credit cards on her desk and pawed through them until she found the one she wanted.  "Really?  What did he do, take all the CD's out of rotation?"  She listened to the summary of the last month's transactions, then snorted. "Okay, I can agree with that.  Thanks, yeah, and on my card?"  She nodded as the figure was read off.  That was double her usual limit.  "Thank you."

She hung up and called the airline again.  "Hi, I just made a reservation to Kyoto from France.  Yes, that's me," she said, smiling since she was the only one who had made such a reservation, apparently they were talking about her in the call center.  "I just found out I'm brining my kids and my nanny as well.  One's one, one's nearly three, and my nanny is twenty-three."  She nodded as the rates were read off.  "Okay, can I pay you over the phone with a credit card and pay for mine as well?"  The woman sounded much more enthusiastic.  "Thanks."  She read off the number.  "That's for all four, right?"  The woman brought up her ticket and put in the credit card number again, making Kathy hiss.  "Wow.  That's expensive."  She sighed.  "No, I can fly with the kids.  That's not a problem."  Her seat was changed back from first class to business class.  "Thank you."  She went to pack a small bag. "Kit, your passport is at hand, right?"

"Very much," she called back.  "Should I pack for a long trip?"

"Maybe a week."  She packed a bag of her own, then sat down to write Jigen a letter, leaving it on the bed.


Zenigata knocked on the rented apartment's door, walking in when Mal opened it.  "Hey, little guy.  Where's Kit?"

"She nap too," he said happily, leading him into the bedrooms.  Kit was indeed unconscious on the bed.

He checked her pulse, it was pretty normal, but she wasn't waking up.  "Okay.  Let's deal with this one step at a time.  Where's your mother and sister?"

"Sissy watch mommy."  He led him to that bedroom, making them both smile when Ciera growled at them.  "She tipped over bottle."

"I see."  He carefully capped the bottle that the little girl had opened, then put it into an evidence bag.  "I don't know who gave that to her, but I will find out and kick their asses."  He picked up the baby and carried her outside with Mal following.  They were handed over to his wife.  "Someone gave her some knockout gas and she opened it," he explained.  The paramedics rushed in and he went after them.  "The heavier one is pregnant.  Her OB is in town.  That young guy who deals with the problems.  She saw him today."  They nodded and loaded them up, taking them to the hospital.  Then he pawed through Kathy's things, finding her cellphone, and sat down to find the phone number.  "Ah!  The crook!" he said finally, understanding her code after staring at it.  She hadn't had a real brother in a number of years.  He hit the send key and listened to the cheery greeting.  "Shut up.  Get on a plane to Kyoto.  Someone gave Jissan a canister of knockout gas and she opened it."  He hung up and took the cellphone with him.  He could annoy Lupin for months if he couldn't catch him with it.


Lupin hung up slowly then licked his lips and looked at his friends.  "We're pulling the job tonight."

"We're not ready," Jigen protested.

"We're pulling it tonight, getting on a plane to Kyoto, and by the time we get there the knockout gas should have worn off," Lupin explained.

"Knockout gas?" Goemon asked.

"According to Pops, who that was, a certain daughter was given a pretty canister of it and opened it."  Jigen stood up, glaring at him.  "They're fine.  Pops is handling it.  The knockout gas wouldn't hurt them and he didn't sound that upset so I'm guessing it's not a real emergency."

"Kyoto?" Jigen asked.  Lupin nodded.  "So she went to see that special OB."

"Probably.  We'll pull the job then take the redeye over there."  Jigen nodded.  "Then you can yell at her for not telling you where she was going."

"She probably left a note at the house in case we came back early," Goemon offered, standing up.  "When do we go?"

Lupin looked at his watch.  "Six.  They'll be having that dinner party tonight."  They nodded and went to get ready for the heist.  It was six days earlier than they had wanted but sometimes plans had to change.


Kathy woke up looking at a really pretty nurse and smiled at her.  "Am I okay?"

"Just fine, ma'am," she said softly in English.  "We sent your husband away to rest.  He was most belligerent."

"He's already here?"

"He got here and got very demanding," she shared.  She stroked the warm forehead.  "You'll be fine.  We've called your OB once we figured out which one it was."  She nodded.  "He came down right away and gave you something to calm your system.  He said he'd be back later tonight."  She nodded again.  "Try to rest.  The Inspector said that he had your children and they were playing with his.  Your husband's friends drug him off when he started to shout."

"Jigen shouted?"

"He was quite upset at one of the friends for some reason."  She stood up.  "Try to rest.  Now that you've woken up you shouldn't be in danger."

"I'm having these mini seizures."

"We know.  We did a CAT scan.  It was quite odd but the doctor said it was classical to whatever you had done to yourself."

"I took a memory eraser in my youth to forget some really horrible things happening to me."

"Ah.  No wonder you came to see him.  I'm sure he'll help you get past it."  She went out to finish filling out her forms, then called the number the one friend had left with the nice tip.  "She's awake.  She's fine.  She was talking normally."  She hung up and went on to her next patient.  Her husband must have broken every traffic law to get back there within ten minutes, but he did and he wasn't letting anyone stop him from getting to her side.  She smiled at that.  She obviously needed a strong man's help in her life.

Jigen walked in and hugged his wife.  "You're okay," he whispered.

"Well, I can't breathe," she noted and he quit squeezing so hard.  "You could crawl in with us."

"Yeah, I can," he agreed, doing just that.  He stroked her face.  "We were worried."

"Did you give up on that job?"

"No, we pulled it on the way to the airport," he admitted.  "We slept on the ride over."  He stroked her stomach for a few minutes, then held her hands.  "I talked to your OB."

"Cool.  He's impressive, huh?"

"He is.  He also said that you'd have to let more of the memories go to get past this.  Preferably all of them."

"All of them?"

"All of them," he agreed, staying firm.  "He said they're probably scrambled from the look of the brain scan.  He knows that some of them are horrible because he has his uncle's notes.  He mentioned you a few times.  He also gave me the right serum to give to you."  He put a small bottle into her hands but she handed it back.  "I don't want you in danger."

"Which is wonderful, but I don't want to remember that stuff."

"Sweetheart, we'll be right here," Jigen pointed out.  She gave him a long look.   Then she shook her head.  "You know something I don't about us dying soon?"

"You may be there but you can't be inside my head with me."

"No, I'm not quite that gifted," he agreed lightly, making her sigh and shake her head.  "I want you to be healthy, woman.  I barely got you and I'm not giving you back.  Even if I have to find someone who is that talented and get them to delete some of them."  She   grimaced and plucked at the sheet with her free hand.  "I mean it, Kathy.  No matter how horrible they are, they're not worth your life."

"My life's not in danger."

"Bet me," he snorted.  "The doctor said it was and I agree with him.  If we have to, we'll be your therapist again.  I did really good the last time, right?"  She looked at him and nodded.  "Then let us do that this time."

She rolled up her sleeve to show the marks on her underarm.  "I know one of them deals with why I have those.  Those are burn marks.  They would be from one of the nights that I took it specially for."

He looked stunned.  "Then I definitely want you to take it so I can find them and kill them."

"Jigen, I've been getting flashes again," she said quietly.  "I took out a kid, a little kid not much older than Mal," she hissed.

He nodded.  "I heard.  The kid was ill, his father had injected him with something that would spread a new form of measles.  You were saving his twin and a lot of other people from being infected by him.  Plus, you were saving the kid from a horrible death.  Or at least that's what I heard."

She shrugged.  "I don't want to know."

"I know," he agreed calmly, petting her some more.  "But you have to know.  If you don't, you'll have more real seizures and you could die.  I'd hate that more."

She frowned. "Real seizures?  More real seizures?"

"More.  You had one earlier."

"Oh."  She looked at the little bottle he put into her hand, then shook her head and put it aside.

"You're taking it, even if I have to pour it down your throat," he said gently in her ear.  "I won't have you hurt."

"So you'd rather have me mental and suicidal?"

"I doubt you'll be that way," he offered.  "If you are, we'll deal with it.  It's not like I'm leaving again until well after the birth."

"That's not fair to you."

"Hey, I can take a year off," he said dryly.  "Everyone expects it anyway."  He picked up the bottle and handed it to her.  "Take it, now, wife."

"I...."  She shook her head.  "I can't."

He uncapped it and handed it to her.  "Now.  Before it starts to kill you faster.  We've only got a short time to live and I hate wasting it with seizures."  He helped her bring it up to her lips when her hand didn't move, even tipping it for her.  He understood, but it was easier this way.  She started to shake and grabbed her head.  "The doctor said there's a better version and he'll gladly rework yours after the baby's born," he whispered.

"No!"  She got up and ran off, heading down the hall.

Jigen followed more slowly, knowing she wouldn't get to hurt herself.  He found her fighting with a window and grabbed her, carrying her back.  "We'll deal with it."

"Quit!  Let me go!"

"Quit!" he ordered.  Goemon came out of Kit's room to help him get her back into bed, and he crawled back in to hold her down.  "It's a reaction," he told the nurse.  "She took the unblocker."  She nodded and left them alone.  He looked at Goemon.  "I think she just realized why she did that kid," he said quietly.  She nodded, sobbing hard.  "Shh, it's okay," he promised, holding her.  "That wasn't you."

"It was me!"

"It wasn't you," he said firmly.  "You were saving that kid."  She looked at him and shook her head.  "No?"

"No!  The father gave me both of them!"

"Shit."  He held her closer.  "I know you'd never do that normally," he soothed.  "You would never hurt a kid.  You'd never hurt someone who wasn't trying to hurt others."  She nodded.  "You did?"

"Yes!  I did.  I hit others too.  Innocent bystanders."

"That's why I knew you wouldn't like the life," Jigen encouraged.  "Now, let's work through this together and then they can be put back under the shield."  She tried to get free so he nodded at Goemon to knock her out.  He relaxed finally.  "Maybe this wasn't a good idea."

"There was no choice," Goemon pointed out.  "Lupin wished to hear from you since you left him back there without the car."  Jigen nodded.  "I'm going back to Kit's side."  He went to the other room, sitting beside her again to touch her hand gently.  "They removed the blocks. All the horrible things came back."

"Of course they did," she agreed. "I read all those logs, and some of the things in there were very cold, very not her.  She stated that she was never reading through them.  Some of the things in there scared me until I realized she didn't have a choice at the time and she'd never do it now.  Some of the things were so horrible that they'd hurt any rational mind.  Then there's the few times when things were done to her.  He'll end up putting her back under."

"We can't until the baby's born.  It could harm her."

"Then we might want to change a room over to a padded room," she offered.  "She'll be needing one."

"We'll do what we have to," he promised.  Lupin walked in and he nodded at the next room.  "Jigen forced her to take the unblocker."

"Lupin, she'll be needing mental help soon," Kit told him.

"I know.  I read the logs, just like you did."  He pulled a chair over and sat on her other side.  "Trust me, Kit, we'll look out for her."

"She already tried to jump out a window," Kit told him.

"That doesn't surprise me."  He patted her on the hand.  "Who gave the baby the gas canister?"

She shrugged.  "We were in the park, the kids were playing on the playground.  I don't remember any other adults around.  There were a few other mothers, five or six kids.  There was one other European kid, he was babbling in French to Ciera while they did the slide over and over again.  Then Mal tried to kick his butt so we left.  Unless they got it off the kid, I'm not sure who it could have been."

"It wouldn't be the first time someone had used their child as a courier," Goemon offered.

"Hmm.  True.  Did you chat with the other mothers?"

She nodded.  "I did.  There were three other mothers.  Kiani.  Tory.  Tabila? I think, it sounded off to me but then again I don't know much about the Japanese culture for all that my mother tried now and then."

"None of those are traditional names," Goemon said thoughtfully.  "Do you believe that Mal stole it and gave it to his sister?"

"I hadn't, but then again, he is capable of it."  He shrugged.  "I've got out a warning to whoever did it to kill themselves before I find them.  The local syndicates snorted until they found out *who* they had gassed.  Right now, they're not quite shaking in fear but close enough."

"Good," Kit said firmly, starting to scowl.  "I'd like to hit them a few times myself."

Goemon patted her on the hand. "Let me do that for you," he encouraged.  He looked at Lupin.  "If Kit is correct about Kathy's memories, then we may need to do something drastic."

"The doctor said the new shield could leak onto the baby and hurt it," Lupin reminded him.

"Better that than her making it out the window the next time," Kit said tiredly, yawning.  "I don't know why I'm sleepy, I just got up."  She shifted a bit, smiling at Goemon.  "You can stay if you want but you don't have to."

"I'll stay until you fall asleep," he promised.  She nodded and curled up on her side, facing him, falling into a gentle sleep.

"Welcome to love, Goemon," Lupin said softly, smiling at him.  "Got that fuzzy, warm feeling yet?"

"Go away."

"Fine.  I'm not picking on you, but now you know how Jigen feels about his woman."  He stood up.  "And how I feel about mine most of the time."  He left, going to check on Jigen.  "She okay?" he asked as he walked in.  Jigen shook his head.  "Will she be okay?"  Jigen shook his head.  "Let me guess, the measles thing came first?"

"She was thinking about it when I forced her to take it.  She'll try again."

"Then we'll figure this out," Lupin promised.  "Goemon's just realized that the warm, squishy feelings have a cause.  I pointed out you feel the same way so he might talk to you when he gets confused."  He walked over, looking down at her.  "She back out?"

"Yeah.  I had Goemon knock her out and the nurse gave her a sedative.  Apparently the father that did the measles thing lied to her, as she found out later.  He claimed he didn't remember which one he had given it to."  Lupin looked stunned.  "She was crying, but...."  He trailed off. "What else could she have done?"

"Turn the kid in?"

"She tried, they couldn't find it in his blood.  Short of quarantining the whole city, there was no way to get past that.  She even called the CDC to report the father and to ask their opinion, pointing out that they were little children, they were going to be contagious within hours, and that she was a Federal agent undercover.  The fricken' CDC couldn't get a hospital to quarantine them."

"As it turned out, that strain was painfully deadly.  It was a combination of hemorrhagic fever and measles.  There's no way they could have stopped it if it had hit the populace," Lupin told him. "She did the right thing, no matter how much it's killing her."

"Not half as much as the torture," Jigen told him.  Lupin grimaced.  "You knew?"  He nodded. "You didn't tell me?"

"They died horribly.  It was the least I could do and if I had told you, it would have undone the memory blocker at the time. She wrote down everything before she took the eraser, Jigen.  When she was going to erase a specific event, she noted that as well, and the proportions of the mix.  I've sent for the log with the exact formulas written in it, it should be here today.   With any luck the doctor should be able to fix this with that."

"He might have a copy."

"The guy who created it created three different versions.  The common street version, which was misused.  The total one, which she used for things like that torture.  And then the one he had her use."

"Oh."  Jigen picked up the phone and called the number the nurse had left him.  "Hi, it's Jigen.  We need to talk about my wife," he said.  "Yes, please."  He hung up. "He'll be down soon.  He's up the road."

"That's fine, I've got Fed Ex coming."  He got comfortable, nodding at her.  "You might want to move her leg before she gets a cramp."  Jigen rearranged her, making her comfortable.  "We can keep her sedated if we have to."

"It won't be good for the baby," Jigen noted.

"Jigen, it may come down to her versus the baby," Lupin said quietly.

"Then she's mine," Jigen said firmly.  "I'm fine on that decision."

"As long as you know," Lupin agreed.  The doctor walked in a few minutes later with her chart. "I've got a copy of her log with the formula she's used coming."

"There's more than one?" he asked.  "Uncle never mentioned that."

"She took two different ones," Lupin said calmly.  "The one to totally wipe out some memories, short things, and the one to block the longer things.  He explained it to her like a zip program."

The doctor looked impressed.  "I wouldn't mind seeing that then.  The shield might not work in that case."

"I had her take it," Jigen told him.  "She tried to jump out a window."

The doctor sighed and locked the door.  "I know.  The nurse noted it."  He came over to check her over.  "If possible, we'll put her back underneath one.  I had no idea she was the one my Uncle worried about leaving behind.  He wrote about her in his letter to me, the one that contained the notes.  It said that she was going to need my help some day.  I was in my first year of my undergrad at the time.  He knew I was going to be a doctor or die trying so he trusted me.  He said that there were things in her memories that were best never brought back up.  That she had to do things to save everyone that would make her suicidal.  He explained very carefully what I was to do if she ever *had* to become unblocked.  Which I did, and you gave it to her.  After two days, she can have the other formula he created.  It will permanently block her from thinking about them but it won't rearrange things or otherwise interfere with her brain functions.  She'll have to be awake for that though."

"If she does, she'll try to do herself in again," Lupin pointed out.

"Which is why Uncle hoped that she'd never have to make this choice."  He looked down at her.  "She is very fragile.  I wasn't lying, the new shield could well affect the baby as well."

"I want her more," Jigen told him.  "The normal her."

"Some of it might stay," he explained.  "If it does, then she'll be more like she was before."

"Hey, not an issue," Jigen pointed out.  "She's been mine all this time, I can put up with the hard and cold bitch she was."

"And then there's the last caution," Lupin said, reading the doctor's face.  "What?"

"If she doesn't resist it taking over all of it, it could lock all the memories up and this is a permanent shield."

"So she'll need to be awake, deal with some of this, and then do what?"

"Fight for the normal things.  If she thinks about anything but her current life, it will stay out."

"Okay," Jigen said slowly.  "Will you be able to explain that to her?"

"Uncle's letter has it in there much better than I ever could."  He handed it over.  "Straight from the inventor's mouth."  He gave them a small shrug.  "Can you handle her for two days?"

"Fine," Lupin agreed.  "Even if we have to strap her down."  Jigen nodded.  "When?"

"I've got someone I trust mixing it right now," he admitted. "His notes said forty-eight hours."

"Fine.  So three days from now, give or take for the length of the sedative."  The doctor nodded.  "How is she doing otherwise?"

"Just fine.  The seizures are her brain trying to get around the part that was numbed by the original potion. It's trying to fix itself.  She's had them on and off now for years without her knowing."  He grimaced.  "She's an amazing woman from what my uncle said.   She doesn't deserve this."  He left them alone, going down to the nursery to soothe himself.

"We can handle this," Lupin decided.  Jigen nodded.  "Want me to bring you some clothes?"

"Please.  Where are the kids?"

"Bugging the hell out of Pop's wife."

"Ah.  I guess that's fine for now."  He shrugged.  "Can you go rescue her?"

"Sure."  Lupin stood up.  "You sure you want to do this alone?"  Jigen nodded.  "Then I'll drop off some clothes and get the baby.  I have no doubt Goemon will come running if necessary."  He gave him a pat on the leg then left them alone.  He did as he had promised, then took the train to where Pops had his apartment, strolling up the street boldly.  Some of the neighbors stopped to stare and whisper about him so he waved with a smile.  "He's got a friend's kids and I'm here to pick them up for her."  He knocked on the door, smirking up at Pops as he answered it. "I came for the kids.  The mom's going to be in the hospital for a few days, maybe even a week."

"We can watch them."

"Whine, Pops, Jigen said I get to play with them now."   He walked in and nodded at the wife, then smiled at the kids.  "Hey, guys.  Wanna come back to the apartment?"

"He's got a yard," Mal said petulantly.

"Yeah, but I've got a trip to the zoo."

"Can I have a pet?" Mal asked.

"You'll have to ask your mom once she's out of the hospital."  He patted him on the head.  "Go pack."  He nodded, trudging off to do that.  He looked at the adults once the kids were out of hearing range.  "They had to unblock her.  It'll take forty-eight hours of dealing with it before we can reblock her."

"Is she all right?" Mrs. Zenigata asked.

"No.  We've already had one attempt at a window.  She's locked in there and Jigen's hovering near her to help her. He was her therapist before and he thinks he can handle this now.  We just talked to the doctor and he's having the new shield mixed now."

"Maybe you shouldn't," she suggested.

Her husband shook her head.  "It'd destroy her.  Some of the things she had to do to save others make me sick and I don't know all the details."

"Yeah, the thing with the measles was what sent her to the window," Lupin admitted, scratching the back of his head.  "It'll be fine.  We'll have them out and around all the time.  You can come over if you have to."  The kids were coming, he could hear them.  "You can even visit them in the park.  She'll be fine in about a week or so."

"The baby?" Zenigata asked.

"Jigen said he wants her more.  If it comes down to it."  The other adults nodded, understanding that decision.  "Come on, guys, let's get some takeout for dinner and then we'll watch some tv."  He picked up Ciera so she wouldn't have to walk, letting Mal drag the rolling suitcase he had 'borrowed' while he held his uncle's other hand.  "Thanks for watching them.  Feel free to offer anytime for mine too."  He walked them out, taking them back to the train station.  The kids had never been on one and they were in awe of it.


Kathy woke up and looked around the room, then took the letter her husband held out, reading it quietly.  "Why are you torturing me?" she asked finally, putting the letter aside.

"I'm helping," he countered. "Otherwise your brain would rip itself apart over this."  He kissed her on the forehead. "I can't lose you, Kathy.  I'd go insane.  If we can work through some of this in the forty-eight hours, then we will.  If not, I'm going to be here until they reblock you and then I'll hold you until your headache goes away."  She glared at him.  "I'm sorry."

"I was fine."

"You weren't fine," he said coolly.  "Your brainscan showed a whole portion that didn't have anything working.  You'd only get worse as time went on.  This new one won't do that."

"It'll hurt the baby."

"We don't know that yet," he argued. "If so, I'd rather have you than the baby.  I don't want to have to watch you die by inches as your mind fights that old block."

"Well it won't be now," she said bitterly.

"No, it won't," he agreed, giving her a look.  "I'd still rather have the real you, but I know that some of the things you had to do were so horrible that most people would try to jump out a window because of it.  I'm here to prevent that for the forty-eight hours, and then we'll hopefully be able to move on."  She went limp and started to cry. "Shh," he soothed, but she slapped at him.  "Tough.  You're my woman, I get to comfort you."  He held her tightly, letting her let it out.  "We'll work through what we can, Kathy.  I never expected anything else from you."  He kissed her on the forehead again.  "I'm not moving.  You're my bitch and I like it that way.  This changes nothing."

"You didn't read them, did you?" she asked with a touch of hysterical laughter.

"Not really.  I skimmed mostly.  Lupin read them.  Kit read them.  She's next door if you wanted to talk to her."  She shook her head.  "You can't hide this from us, Kathy.  We care for you and we'll be there, even if you try to shove us away."


"Because we love you.  Goemon might only love you for your cats, but we do love you."  She let out a more normal sounding chuckle.  "Now, let me be the great therapist I know I am for the next two days.  Then we'll talk about the baby and all that stuff."

"I want it."

"I know, so do I, but I want you more," he said simply, making her look up at him.  "If there's a choice to be made, I'm picking you."

"You don't...."

He covered her mouth before she could ask that.  "I want the baby.  I'd love to have this one.  I want to hold it and cuddle it and watch you take care of it.  If it comes down to you or it, then I want you more," he repeated.  She went limp and he removed his hand.  "I'm not risking you.  We can always try again."  She nodded, curling up against his chest.  "I'm not sure if you can nap or not," he admitted.

"Not much of a choice about it," she pointed out.

"I know.  We'll deal if you're not supposed to."  She nodded again. "Are you sleepy?"

"No, just need held."

"That's good, I can do holding," he said quickly.  This was a form of comfort he was good at.


Kathy came out of the hospital, looking much happier with the world.  She smiled at Jigen and pointed at a car.  "What's that?"

"That's a car," he said patiently.  It was all coming back, he had to remind himself of that.  The other memories were simply a haze.  "Want to spend the night in a hotel before we go see the kids?"

"Sure," she agreed. "You have kids?"

"We have kids," he told her, getting her into the back of the car.  Lupin grinned at them, taking off once they were inside.  "She's not to the point of the kids yet."

"That's fine.  I already told them she was coming home, but maybe we can work around that," he said, thinking as he drove.  "Well, they say the best cure for amnesia is familiar surroundings."

"We're not going to Chicago," Jigen said firmly.

"Not even suggesting it.  I was thinking that the kids would force her to remember more stuff.  Hey, Kathy, do you remember me?"

"No."  She pouted.  "Should I?"  He pulled over to the side of the road and gave her a hug over the back of the seat.  "I remember that!"

"Good."  He grinned at her.

"If the shield comes down, it can't be put back up," Jigen pointed out.

"Yes, but there's someone who's working on another one," Lupin told him.  "I've had one of my guys working on it now for years."  He kissed her gently and her eyes lit up.  "Remember more now?"

"Am I married to you?"

"No, you're married to the guy next to you," Lupin said patiently.  She looked at Jigen and frowned.  "Okay, we're doing this the hard way then."  He held something up.  "Look in here," he said.  She looked in it and it sent a quick image to her, making her shriek and hold her eyes.  "Remember more now?"

She looked up, her eyes watering.  "Ow."

"Sorry.  Did it help?"

"Yes!  But still!" she said, continuing to pout.  "Bastard."

"That's more normal.  Did you remove it all?"  Lupin nodded.  "Then we'll just have to fix it again."  Lupin handed over a vial.  "What's this?"

"The mini shield.  A new one.  It should help a lot more than the other one."  She took it, frowning at it.  "Trust me, take it before you get more memories back."

She saw herself doing some things in her head and took the medicine.  She didn't want to know why she had just beheaded some people.  This one made her feel really dizzy so she leaned against Jigen's side.  "Ow.  Let's not do this one again."

"Unfortunately this one will wear off each decade," Lupin said. "You'll suddenly lose it, it shouldn't deteriorate slowly.  When it does, you'll have to spend a bit without it but then it should rebuild just like the original without the problems."  Jigen relaxed and she nodded, her eyes still watering.  "Get her calmed down then we'll go home."

"Do we have this one stockpiled?" she asked weakly.  "I don't want to have to do this dance again in ten years if the guy's dead."

Lupin nodded. "I've got enough to last you in case you live to be a hundred and twenty," he promised.  "It's in the big safe."  He started the car, moving off again.  "If you take any more before it's fully eroded, you'll wipe out all your memories totally and possibly permanently."

"One night of screaming nightmares a decade I can stand," she decided, closing her eyes as the car sped up.  "Easy, some of us are still dizzy and nauseous."

"Sorry, we've got a tail."  Lupin took the next corner sharply and pulled into an open parking garage, heading up and around to the top floor to watch for their pursuers.  "Try not to puke," he pleaded.  "My stomach won't take it."

"Sure," she agreed weakly.

"Try and nap, Kathy," Jigen soothed, stroking her back.  "I'm sure you've got a headache."

"More of an upset stomach from the supposed food they fed me at the hospital."

"We can stop for a burger or something," Lupin offered as he drove off that floor, heading down the down ramp.  "Burger, sushi, anything you want."

"Salad," Jigen said.


"Sorry, but it's better for you," he said, stroking her flatter stomach.  "Pops was right, you did lose some weight.  I like it."

"I thought you didn't care about my weight, that you'd love me up until I had to be lifted with a crane."

"I do, but I like it when you lose some," he said with a small leer.  She snorted and put her head back down on his chest, closing her eyes.  "What did you want for dinner?"

"I miss real pizza."

"Then we'll work on finding you some," Lupin promised.  "Do you do New York or Chicago style?"

"I like either.  I'm in the mood for thin crust tonight.  Even Pizza Hut is fine."

"There's one of those in town," Lupin assured her, heading back to the rented apartment.  "How did you get this set up?"

"I had the airlines make me a reservation.   I also had Kit put down a lot of food for the beasts so Goemon wouldn't worry.  It's in a timed feeder."

"Good job," Lupin praised. He pulled into one of the parking spaces and got out, opening the back door to help Jigen with her.  "Come on, then you can go nap on the couch if Goemon doesn't."

"Sure, just make the world quit spinning."  She noticed a guard sneering at them and growled. "I'm pregnant, dimwit.  In the middle of morning sickness.  Not drunk."  He backed away, heading back on his patrol of the parking area.  "I hate men."

"No, you hate some men.  Most of us wouldn't have given you the dirty look," Jigen pointed out.  "It's guys like Goemon would who."

"He'd only cock up an eyebrow and you know it," she said, leaning over the railing to get sick.  "Ow."  Jigen patted her on the back and Lupin helped by holding her hair.  "Thanks, guys.  You two are approaching womanhood in my book for things like this."  She was finally done and let them help her into the elevator, clinging onto the railing as they went up.  When they got up there, she ran for the bathroom to get sick again, letting them follow her.

Lupin put her bag down onto the couch.  "Morning sickness hath struck," he announced, making Kit giggle.  "We had a bit of a tail as well, that didn't help any."  He sat down, smiling at the kids who came out of their room.  "Your mom's gettin' sick in the bathroom, she'll be out in a minute to hug you guys."

"It's fixed?" Goemon asked.

"On the way here," Lupin promised. "She shouldn't have any more problems like that."  He pulled Jigen down beside him.  "Have we had any calls from Fujiko?" he asked casually.

"One but I fear I can't repeat what she said," Goemon admitted.

"Sounds like it worked, boss, good job," Jigen teased.

"Either that or the house in Germany has mice again," Lupin admitted, pulling out his cellphone to call her.  "Fujiko?  Are you okay?" he asked politely.  "Goemon passed on a message that you swore at him?"  He listened, smiling.  "Thank you, Fujiko.  We'll be back in a few days.  Once we know Kathy can travel.  No, we're in Japan.  She came over to see that special OB who's the nephew of the guy who made the original memory eraser."  He grinned.  "Sure.  Give us ten days at the most.  We might have to leave Jigen here but I'll definitely be back by then.  Sure, you too," he said fondly, hanging up and putting the phone away.  "It worked."  Goemon clapped him on the back and Jigen punched him on the arm.  "Her first appointment is in two weeks."

"It must be nice," Kit sighed wistfully.  "Kathy never seems to know until things stop.  Cat said she knew within two weeks."

"Fujiko's fairly predictable and she missed her cycle this month.  The doctor said it was early but it worked.  So I will be going back and forth to Germany."  Someone knocked on the door and Jigen got up to get it.

"What?" he asked, looking at the held-out paperwork.  "I don't know you."

"It's a summons for Mr. Lupin," the messenger said.  "Hey, I'm only the courier."

"Hand it over, Jigen," Lupin said, taking it from him. "Tip the poor kid too."

Jigen looked at him, then tipped him a dollar. "Thanks."  He closed the door, sitting down and looking toward the bathroom as his wife came out.  "He talked to Fujiko, she's knocked up too."

"Gee, what a charming way of putting it," she said dryly, coming over to sit down.  He sat her in his lap.  "I'm too heavy," she pointed out.

"Hush.  You and the baby weigh hardly anything."

"Then why can't you lift me?"

"I can when I'm standing," he reminded her.  "Just not when you're sitting down."  He stroked her back.  "Calm down.  Rest against me or play with the kids."

"Hi, kids," she said, smiling at them.  "Having fun?"

"Much," Mal said, coming over to hug her. "You okay, Mommy?"

"Just fine, Mal."  She kissed him on the top of the head.  "You'll need to draw your uncle a very pretty picture for taking care of me again."  He grinned and got down to do that.  "Hey, Jissan."

She smiled at her and went back to playing with Goemon's hair for him.

"It's kept her amused for hours," Goemon offered when Lupin looked at him.  "It will take me hours to brush it out later, but for now she is content and happy."

"Maybe she'll do something in fashion," Lupin said with a shrug.  He looked at Jigen.  "I've got a meeting tonight about that gas canister."

"Can I go?" Kathy asked sweetly.

"No."  He patted her on the knee.  "You're going to be here resting.  Jigen and Goemon will watch over you to make sure of it."

"You're going alone?"

"With who was tailing us earlier, I doubt it," Lupin said smartly.  "Pop's wife is very good at tailing people."

Jigen snorted. "Probably had to hunt her husband down a few times."  He continued to pet his woman, enjoying this quiet moment.

"If you need him, you can take him," Kathy offered.  "Or both of us."

"Sweetheart, I have operatives all over this city," he assured her.  "I'm not going there alone, I'm just taking people that aren't my usual backup.  This person would never *dream* of hurting me.  Kidnaping me, but not hurting me."  He smiled and gave her a gentle hug. "I want you to rest, not to have to go hurt people."  He stood up.  "I'll be back before breakfast.  Don't wait up, Jigen.  Pamper her horribly and make sure she gets some pizza."

"Sure," Jigen agreed, watching him go.  He checked his watch, then the door. "Have fun, Goemon."

"I will," he agreed, following behind him, working on getting the knots out of his hair.

"It's been a problem in the past," Jigen shared, giving her a squeeze.

"You can go."

"I'd never catch up with Goemon and I know where he went," he said smugly.  "She really only wants to kidnap him as his own personal love slave."

"He probably handles six or seven of those a year," Kit said thoughtfully.  "He really is a wanted man."

"Going for Lupin now?" Jigen asked.  She scowled at him.  "Never mind," he said with a grin.

"Keep it up.  Remember, Ciera wakes me more often than you."

"You'd do what?  Tickle me to death, kitten?"

She swatted at him, making him laugh.  "I am not the polite woman most people think.  I have hurt people before and my mother did teach me how to stalk and hunt creatures."  She picked up Ciera and Mal, taking them into the bathroom.  "It's bath time."

"Let me," Jigen called, setting his wife onto the couch.  He handed over his wallet.  "Order yourself some dinner," he said with a smile. "Then lounge until we have to dry me off?"

"I'm perfectly fine."

"I'm sure, but I still want you to rest.  That way I can keep you up later," he said lightly, heading in to help with the baths.

Kathy picked up the phone book, finding the Pizza Hut closest to their location.  She dialed them.  "What's your specials for tonight?" she asked.  The phone was handed over to another worker.  "Sorry, what's tonight's specials for delivery?"  She listened to the broken English, shaking her head.  "I can switch to French or Spanish," she offered.  He said something quickly and she decided she liked that one.  "Okay, the two pizza thing.  I want one supreme and one just cheese.  Make them both hand-tossed crust and put a side of ham in a cup."  He repeated it back to her.  "Can you run a card over the phone?"  She pulled to Jigen's Mastercard and read off the number.  He read it back, then she smiled. "Thanks.  Yes, that address.  Thank you."  She hung up and went to lay down for a bit.  As she fell asleep, she knew someone would get the door.


Lupin walked into the warehouse, looking around.  "How very ordinary," he said.  "A warehouse.  I would have expected better from you."  He looked at the reason he was there, then at the hostages.  "Let them go before I have to get pissed at you.  It won't be pretty.  You're taking me away from my night to help the kids with their bedtime stories."

"You have children?" she asked in shock.

"One on the way.  These ones are Jigen's.  Hence only Goemon following me."  She swallowed.  "Now, let them go and I won't have to kill you right this moment."

She laughed. "I doubt you could with such innocent witnesses."

"Hey, Mrs. Pops, cover the kid's eyes for a minute."  She did so and he pulled his gun. "She's a cop's wife.  I'm sure she's seen other harsh realities."  He cocked it, and gave her a bored look.  "Now, don't you think you should let them go?"

"If I had someone of equal value, I could do that," she said, moving closer.

"You might, but I'm worth much more," he said smugly.  "Go, Mrs. Pops.  Goemon's somewhere behind me."  She nodded, taking her daughter with her.  "Now, where were we?  Oh, yeah, I was going to kill you for doing this again, like I promised the last time we had a similar discussion.  Feel really thankful that you didn't pick on Jigen's wife."

"I heard he had settled down.  Is she some little submissive thing?"

"Helen of Troy?  I don't think so," he said, smirking at her look of horror. "Jigen could only pick an equal."

"She's a cop!"

"Yay, and?"

"He married a cop?"

"Well, he married the woman once she had retired, she said so," he admitted casually.  "Jigen couldn't win that argument."

"Oh, hell, no," she said, backing away from him. "You're retiring?"

"No, just taking it easier.  Did my last job look like I had retired?"

She looked horrified.  "You're going to become a father and you're slowing down.  Damn it!  Why did you have to do this to me!"

"To you?"

"To me!  I finally get you in my grasp for real and now you're feeling ancient."

"I never said I was, I said I had one on the way.  I also said I wasn't retiring."  He smirked at her.  "Anything else you wanted to know?"

"His children are already born?"

"Two, and yeah.  She got stuck in that whole Chicago problem.  Oh, that reminds me."  He pulled out his phone and dialed a number from memory.  "Hey, Paulo.  This is Lupin.  Is it ready?  Good, no they're not back yet so go ahead and do it before they get there.  Thanks.  I've already wired the money to your account."  He hung up and looked at her again.  "Taking care of a problem so Jigen doesn't have to worry his pretty little head about it."  He stepped closer.  "Now, I believe you think you have me in custody?"

She licked her lips.  "Do you still feel young?"

"I've always felt young," he said happily. "As my women can all tell you."

Her tongue came out so she could pant. "I want to be one," she pleaded.  "That's why I keep luring you."  She moved into his arms, going limp against him.  "I've wanted you to be my first, Lupin.  That's why I never let any other men touch me.  I've always wanted to take the stuck-up bitch's place in your life."

"No one can take Fujiko's place, Isabel.  I can cure the problem of your virginity, but I'd never stay with you."

"I'm confident you'll come back," she said softly, sneaking a kiss.  "Please, Lupin?"

He uncocked his gun and put it back into his waistband, leading her to the bed she had set up off to the side.  "This once," he said dryly, stripping her down.  "Any fantasies regarding how?"

"Just that it be the best and you are the best."

He gave her a smug look.  "Yes, I am," he agreed, bending down to check her over.  He already had a condom in his hand and it only took moments to put it on.  She squealed when he entered her, but she was more than happy when he came back and rode her harder.

"Take it off, please take it off," she pleaded.  "I want to feel it."

"Nope, sorry.  I always play safely."  He kissed her, speeding up.  She came and went limp so he concentrated on his pleasure.  Once he was done, he tossed out the condom and got dressed, strolling out.  "That was a nice warmup," he decided, heading for one of his favorite houses of pleasure.  He waved up at the rooftops.  "Save me a slice of pizza, Goemon."

Goemon grunted in annoyance.  "Asshole."  He went back to the apartment.  "The Virgin Queen is no more," he told Jigen when they met in the kitchen.

"He finally killed her?"

"No, he finally fucked her," Goemon said simply.  "He said it was a nice warmup."

"I tell you what, I never felt so virile as when she put that test strip in front of me," Jigen admitted.  "We'll have to pour his ass onto the plane."

Goemon nodded.  "Most likely."  He glanced toward the bedroom.  "Is everyone else asleep?"

"Very," he said with a smug look.   "Even my daughter and especially my wife."

Goemon nodded.  "Good.  They probably needed it.  Do I have a bed?"

"You can either sleep in Kit's room or you can have the couch," Jigen told him, giving him a nudge.  "We all know, Goemon."

"I would never do such things.  They are meant to be special, not for any occasion."  He went to lay down on the couch, stripping down to his loincloth to get comfortable.

"I doubt you'd have that problem with her," Jigen offered as he headed back to his bed.  His wife was laying there sweaty, limp, and prettily spread out from where she had collapsed after the last round.  He knelt between her knees to help her with some of that, starting by licking over her neck.


Everyone walked into Kathy's house, heading for their various rooms.  The cats came meowing pitifully for Goemon and Kathy to play with them.  The kids went to play in the backyard, taking Kit with them.  Lupin ran into Fujiko in his room when he went to toss his bag inside.  "Hey," he said, smiling at her.

"You slept with Isabel?"

"She's been begging for fifteen years and this time she took Pop's wife and younger daughter.  I stopped her from doing it again."

"Good.  She's now turned into some nympho."  She crossed her legs, looking him over.  "You look good for someone who wore out two whorehouses."

"Pure rumor," he said suavely, coming in to sit next to her. "I visited one but nothing further."

"Do you really want this kid?  Knowing that you'll never be able to do that again?"

"I can so, that's what babysitters are for," he said.

"Only if you find a willing babysitter," she said bitterly.  She stood up.  "Don't touch me."

"Okay.  I said you could make the decisions and I meant it, Fujiko."  She grimaced. "You know I'd love to be with you and only with you, but until you decide I'm worthy of whatever criteria you've set up, I'm going to live my life."

"You and your child," she said bitterly, backing away from him.  "This was a bad idea."

He stood up.  "If you think about going to the doctor's like the last two times, I will kidnap you, tie you down until you deliver, then kindly hand you the diamonds and leave," he warned.  "You agreed, Fujiko."

"I did," she said bitterly.  "You really want this brat more than me?"

"No, I'd rather have you and our child.  I'll settle for our child."  She sneered at him.  "Like I said, you get to call the shots.  If you want to be with me, all you have to do is to say so."

"Be with a man who just threatened to kidnap me?"

"Be with the man who loves you so much that it's making him insane," he agreed bitterly.  "You can join me and the baby anytime you want."  He walked out, heading down to the kitchen.  He glanced at the naming board and noticed some new entries in the housekeeper's handwriting, but very obviously the mother's choices.  He groaned and picked up his usual red marker.  "Shaniqwa - I thought Jigen was the father, not some brother from the hood," he muttered as he wrote.  "Jielsen - you misspelled Jason and this is on the wrong side of the board."  He moved to the boy's side.  "Anson?  Wasn't that a pop band with that stupid song?"  He made that note as well, feeling a bit better for the light-hearted banter going on.   He didn't find any other quip-worthy names on that side so he moved back to the girl's side.  "Celebrity?  You want this kid to be what when it grows up?  Arwynn?  I didn't know you were a fan of Tolkein.  Morgan?  For a girl?  Hmm, that odd name, Thamtra came back."  He tapped the cap of the marker against his chin, then wrote simply 'would anyone be able to say this with a straight face?  Remember, the baby is white, not Hindu."  He capped the marker and went outside to play with the kids. They always made him feel better.


Kathy looked at the board, then sighed and erased some of the names that the best comments had been beside.  "How does he do that?" she muttered, writing in some new names.  She erased Morgan and its comments, changing it to Morgana.  She also added Ariel and Absinthe, plus Adoring and Gunnar to the board.  Then she got her snack and went back to bed.


Jigen came down in the morning, and as tradition made the first pot of coffee.  He noticed the board was full and picked up his usual green marker, starting on the boy's side.  "Well, it fits with his heritage," he said, writing that next to Gunnar.  Adoring got a scowl. "No naming the kids after nouns or verbs."  He moved to the girl's side.  "Alease.  As opposed to arent?"  He snickered and wrote that.   Morgana got a short look, then got a 'I thought Cat was the pagan of the group' next to it.  Ariel he left alone, he could stand that one.  Absinthe though he left for Lupin.  "Hey," he said nodding him over when he wandered in.  "New names."

"Already?"  He looked at the green comments on the boy's side.  "Hmm."  He picked up his own marker to write a note next to Gunnar.  "Not giving him a chance to be a good guy works for us, but you're not German and neither is Jigen.  Unless he comes out blond...."  He walked around, looking at the names not remarked on.  "We don't have a pool and do you really want her to become mute, have three days to find a prince, or lose her soul?"  He looked at Absinthe.  "I kind of like that one," he noted.

"I didn't mind Ariel."

"We'll start a second board for names at least one of us can stand."  He went to the noteboard on the fridge, reading it quickly before erasing it, writing that at the top.  "Names at least one of us liked."  Then he wrote down Ariel, Absinthe, and Gunnar.

"You like Gunnar?"

"Maybe," he admitted.

"I hate it.  I can't imagine calling my son Gun for short.  We might as well name him Browning or Smith and Wesson."

"Okay, then I can take that one off, I'll yield that one," Lupin offered, erasing it.  Then he put on the old note at the bottom.

"Put Chad on there?"

"Chad?  I thought you decided against politician names.  You know how many cultures think naming something affects its personality."


"Is a famous women's clothier in Boston," Lupin said smugly.  "No Thomas?"


"Fine."  He put Chad down.  "If she yells at you, it's your own fault."  He put his marker back onto the tripod and went to pour a cup of coffee.  "Did you make it?"

"Yup.  What's up with Fujiko?"

"She got pissed that I slept with Isabel and then went out whoring."

"She doesn't want you, you should be able to get pleasure."

"I'm not sure but I think she wants to keep me, but won't because I upset her somehow."  He shrugged.  "I don't understand women.  I messed up again last night when she threatened to terminate. I told her if she tried I'd be kidnaping her until after the delivery and then hand over the diamonds."

Jigen looked impressed.  "Don't have a daughter, Lupin."

He snickered.  "Raising them from the ground up has got to be easier than dealing with them at her age.  Hell, if Isabel had *asked* instead of making devious plans and kidnaping people to get my attention, I probably would have popped her cherry fifteen years ago."

"She was only sixteen."

"Yeah?  But I was younger then too," he said smugly.  "Have you been listening to the news?"

"I have.  You got a dirty cop to take out half of Chicago's bad guys and he got found out.  He named you by the way.  Fortunately after the bomb had went off at that meeting."  He gave him a pat on the back as he walked past him.  "Thanks, Lupin.  Saved me from having to do it."

"I know, that's why I did it," he admitted.  "Could they prove it?"

"No, the news people said there was absolutely no proof you were involved and the prosecutor said that he was only trying to get out of responsibility.  Good job, two birds with one stone."

"Yeah, well, he used to bother Kathy as well," he said, smiling at the board.  "Elven's back."

Jigen walked over, picking up his marker. "Keebler, Tolkien, D&D, or other elf?  Pick one and tell me."  He capped it again and put it down, heading over to get some coffee for himself.  "I have the feeling that she's determined."

"She might be," Lupin agreed.  "If she doesn't use Absinthe, think I could for a little girl?"

"Sure.  Deadly and intoxicating, something any kid of yours and Fujiko's would be."  He sipped his coffee as Goemon came in.  "Morning.  Sleep well?"

"Not really," he admitted.  "I had odd dreams all night."  He took his steeping tea outside to sit in the garden for his morning meditation.  He had no idea why he was dreaming of yards of white lace attacking him but it was bothersome. Almost as much as the image of the cat in the wedding dress had been.  He sipped his tea and set it aside, meditating on the images, hoping it would cure a repeat appearance.


Jigen walked down to the study that afternoon and pulled his wife up out of her reading and over to the desk chair.  "Would you mind horribly if we sent Cat some of those suggestions to get them off the board?"

"You don't like Morgana? It's classical."

"It is, but none of our kids are going to Hogwarts," he said dryly, making her crack a smile.  "Please?"

"Fine," she agreed.  "We'll send her the current names that I don't like that much.  Good enough?"

"Very."  He stroked her stomach.  "When's your next appointment with the local OB?"

"Next week.  Why?"

"I want to know if there's a way we can tell what sex it is."

"With an ultrasound after five months," she offered.  He smiled and kissed her.  "You didn't like Alease? It's an untraditional spelling."

"Dear, I don't like untraditional spellings.  I never have."  She pouted.  "I'm sorry, but I don't.  It creeps me out."

"Fine," she sighed.  "I'll try to go with something more classy."

"Thank you.  Send that one to Cat too.  Keep Absinthe.  Lupin likes it for his future daughter."

She considered it.  "It would fit any kid of his," she agreed.  "Not Adoring?"

"No verbs or proper nouns."

"Fine."  She turned on her laptop, logging onto her email account.  She pulled out her master list, the one she wrote on the board from, and started a new email to Cat and Ray.  "Jigen said I had to send you these possible names because they creep him out.  Lovies from us.  Fixed the seizure problem.  Having fun?  And what did Lupin do this time?  I didn't catch the full report."  She carefully typed in the names, letting Jigen take them for a moment and mark more of them out.  "You don't like Arwynn either?"

"It ranks up there with Elven for me," he said dryly, handing it back.

"I *like* Elven!"

"I may be skinny, but not quite *that* skinny, woman."  He gave her a squeeze.  She pouted, looking quite pitiful.  "If it goes with the first name," he sighed. She squealed and kissed him, making him hot and horny.  "Finish the email."  He unzipped his pants and moved her shorts out of the way, entering her while she typed.  "Mmm."  He worked her gently, knowing she was fragile.


"Keep typing," he instructed.  Kit walked in then headed back out with a tomato-red blush.  He stared to tease her nipples, making her moan. "Keep going.  Purge that whole list, babe."


"Put in all the ones that'll get a smart comment," he encouraged, letting one hand fall down to play with her clit.  "Please?  I reward good girls."

"Damn it!"

"Shh, type them in and I'll give you all you could ever want."  She continued to type, putting in all the names she wasn't absolutely thrilled with.   Her fingers started to stutter on the keys and she whimpered, standing up and bending over.  Jigen purred as he stood up and took her that way, taking her much harder and deeper now.  She was mewling into the desk, but he wrung her out.  Then he sent the message.


In Chicago, Ray Vecchio's office email popped up with a new icon.  "Huh.  Message from Kathy," he called to his wife, who came over to look over his shoulder.  He opened it.  Then he snickered.  "Think we should tell her?"

"I'll call later."  She moved down the list, smiling as the letters started to have unusual spaces.  The last few were simply typed in jumbles of letters.  "I think the proud father was helping," she said lightly, going back to her seat.  "Print that out, Ray, or send it to me."

"I didn't see any I liked."


"Fine."  He printed them off, handing them over.  "Can we please not name our kid after a famous wizard?"

"I don't like Mordred.  He was a bad guy.  I do like Morgana."  She smiled at him.  "You?"

"I might be able to stand it," he admitted.  "I'd almost rather have a bondbird name."  He went back to his seat, writing her back with a long tease about her typing skills. Plus what her husband's boss had done this time.

Stanley came over to look at the list of names.  "Arwynn?  You wanna have an elf princess?"

"No fandom names," Ray said firmly.

"Yes, dear."  She and Stanley shared a look, they'd get Ray into the spirit of fandom activity soon enough.


Kathy walked into her office, locking Lupin out of it again, and sat behind her desk, moving to check her email.  She hadn't done it in a few days and there was probably something waiting on her.  She noticed Lupin had left his up and an idea hit her.  She checked his address book and sure enough two lists were listed - CriminalsRUs and BulletinBoardofCrime. She checked them both and started to compose a new letter.


Subject: Jigen's girl needs good names for their newest one.

Hi, it's Helena, Jigen's girl.  I hope this is okay for this list.  Lupin mistakenly left my computer on and open to his email account so I thought I'd get some better opinions on the matter.  Jigen doesn't like my names and I don't really like his very plain ones.  So we need some good name suggestions.  We think it's a boy.  We know it's going to be a tough guy.  We also know that he kicks like a soccer player. ::wincing:: He loves it when I say his father's name, sorry.

Anyway, I want something unusual, something to make him stand out.  Jigen wants something to make the baby seem rather ordinary.  Lupin wants something that looks good on wanted posters but he hated Morgana, Elven, Mordered, Mykynzi, and Merwin.  Jigen likes Chad.  That's one he's fixated on recently.

Help, please?  Before my poor future child has to live with a name that thousands of other kids have?  I mean, really.  Yeah, I was a cop, but Chad?  Chad the cop doesn't really sound fear inspiring and Chad the gunman is kinda weak imho (though Jigen did say he knew one and that he was great, so sorry if you're on here).

BTW, Zenny wants me to name him somehow after him so if anyone can figure that one out, it'd be great and I could accept that. <BG>

Thank you, guys and gals.  Jigen's coming so I'd better sign off.  Lovies, Helena.


She snuck out of the library once it had been sent, heading up to soak for a bit.  She had even reloaded the inbox, just in case Lupin got a 'your message has been sent' message somehow.  She sank into the tub with a sigh of delight.  It was nice, warm, and comforting.  She could get used to baths that got run as she walked up the stairs without her having to bend over.


Lupin walked into his office, sitting his mug of coffee down next to the computer, staring at the screen.  A new message box had popped up.  So he clicked on the link to upload his inbox again.  Then he groaned.  "No," he moaned.

He immediately opened a new window, still moaning in misery.  He knew which lists it had gone to.  He checked them then started off a new email.


Subject: I'm sorry, I thought she was hiding upstairs, it's actually me this time.

Sorry, I ran for coffee and didn't lock the computer while I was away from her desk.  I'm sorry if she embarrassed me, Jigen, or Goemon.  Or even herself.  Please, ignore the pregnant woman's rants.

Thank you.


PS. Anyone know where in the world my woman is?


Then he did a very brave thing, he opened the first message to answer it.  He gaped, then answered quickly.  "No, Jigen wants the baby to have a standard, human, normal name.  There will be no more Malaki incidents.  No Merwin either," he said as he typed out a slightly more subtle reply to the suggested "Merwin's nice" comment.  He sent it and moved onto the next one.  He let out a small whimper, shaking his head.  He couldn't piss this person off.  He really couldn't.  Even though his suggestion sucked, badly, he couldn't say that to her.  She controlled London's Syndicate.  She would try to kill him, again.  He sent a message back saying he would forward this to Jigen's email, then did so.  "Let him dance the political land mines.  It's his fault anyway.  He knocked her up."

The message that congratulated him for not using all caps this time to ask about Fujiko was sarcastically answered, but he did note that he liked that name.  Marvin was strong.  It was good.  He could see Jigen's kid named Marvin.  Jigen walked in a few minutes later with a plate of sandwiches and Lupin looked up at him. "This is your fault, answer them," he ordered, getting out of the way.

"What?" Jigen asked, sitting down to reload the inbox.  Usually he used Lupin's email address anyway. He groaned, shaking his head.  "She told everyone?"

"She sent it to both lists.  It's already gone around the world by now and she sent a plea for names.  You can have all the thank you notes."  He sat down with his sandwiches, watching as Jigen winced at each new suggestion.  "Bad?"

"Thor.  From Cat."

"Cat's on the criminal's list?"

"Cat.  CBQoD," he quoted.  Lupin shuddered.  "She said Eric was almost named Thor.  Ray nearly allowed it."

"Poor man, I thought it was only your woman."  They both winced as the new message icon beeped.  "Already?"

"Sixteen new messages, two from the moderators," Jigen said, opening those first.  "Oh, here we go.  You're excused, it was momentary stupidity and you didn't count on the resourcefulness of my wife."  He hit the reply button, putting in a thank you underneath that comment.  "You're not put on moderated status this time but remember this in the future and all names are being sent to my personal email address.  Which is very unfair, my inbox is smaller than yours," Jigen complained, opening a new window to open his email.  Then he carefully forwarded each message to himself, groaning as more came in.  He sent out a general call on the lists to please send them to him, that he would compile a list and thank you in advance from both of them, thereby resolving that issue.  Jigen winced as a new message appeared, a long cackle in the subject line.  "Pops is on here too."

"Fuck," Lupin said succinctly.  "What did he say?"

Jigen clicked on it, wincing.  "He liked Merwin, still likes Elven, and thinks Morgana is darling."  He looked at Lupin.  "Shouldn't he be back on drugs by now?"  Lupin nodded.  "Can we fix that for him?  Before he tells her that?"

"Sure," Lupin agreed.  "I'll email an unconfirmed report that he was seen talking to himself and a tree during a lunch break from work recently.  At the least it'll get him pulled in for a talk with the ICPO shrinks.  At the best, he'll get the help he so desperately needs.  'Cause if your son is named Merwin, we're all gonna laugh."

"Think about how I feel," Jigen complained.  He opened the newest one, noticing everyone was now sending to his email address.  "Hey, Chad is still alive," he said, opening that one to write him back immediately.  "He's honored and said saving my butt was worthwhile."

"Good.  Tell him to send a bunch of normal names to stick in the center of whatever f-ed- up things the others send.  She asked for imaginative names."

"We do have Tums, right?" Jigen asked.  Lupin nodded, pulling out his personal roll and tossing them over.  "Thanks, boss, I'll need these soon enough."  He got to work compiling the list, only wincing every third name.


Lupin looked at the board, then grimaced.  "No!" he yelled.  "No fandom names."  He knew she could hear him, she laughed.  He picked up the green marker, going to hand it to Jigen.  "Want a son named Ares?"

"Not really, though he was hot," he admitted.  He took the marker and went to the board.  A few she had paired with possible middle names.  "Dionysus Bacchus Jigen," he said, considering it.  "Hmm."  He left that one alone for Lupin.  He did smartass better than he did.  "Ares.  Will never sleep and will pick on Jissan."  He looked at the next one.  "Hephaestus.  Does anyone in our group actually *create* things?  I thought we destroyed them."  He shook his head at Autolycus, Joxer, Jace, and Jett.  "Fits with the heritage, but I'd have trouble spelling it or calling him Auto.  Didn't like Joxer or Jace, but I like Jett," he admitted.  That went onto the smaller board.  Lupin walked in and gave him a funny look. "I liked Jett.  Besides, it's a precious stone."

"Semi-precious," he pointed out.  "Meant for mourning."

"That's okay because the character was an assassin who wore really tight leather."  He grinned when Lupin shook his head.  "You want the girl names?"

"No, I'm hoping she'll grow out of them."  He looked at the board.  "Cord?"

"Cord?"  He looked and found it.  "Huh.  Never considered that one."  He shrugged and put his marker away, going to find his wife.  "I liked Jett," he admitted.  "I left the long one alone too."

"You think Dionysus Bacchus is a good name?"

"Sure, why not?  Drunken revelry and the creatures of the night?  I think it'd be a wonderful actor's name or a pretty good stripper's name."  He grinned at her sour look.   "Seriously, think, woman.  Could you yell that across a park?"

She nodded.  "Yeah, and it's got nicknames built in."

"Including drunken vampire," he said dryly.  "Not exactly what the family is known for."  He stroked her cheek.  "Try again, dear."

 "Fine."  She picked up her book, going through it again.  "Names from Classics," she said when he stared down at it.

Jigen walked out, shaking his head.  "Lupin, she's found a book of classical names."

"Wonderful."  He walked back down the hallway.  "I do not believe in censorship.  I do not believe in censorship.  I do not believe in censorship," he reminded himself.

"Oooh, Oedipus!"

"Never mind, I only agree with not censoring good art," he said, going to snatch the book.

"Not that one!  It's borrowed and her mother-in-law gave it to her!" she called after him, hurrying after him.

"Then you give it back," he said firmly, looking at her.  "No more Greek heros and especially not Oedipus!"

"Fine," she said meekly, giving him a cute look.

He grinned.  "Won't work.  Try that one on Goemon.  He's got a soft spot for kittens and pouting waifs."  He kept the book.  He could easily mail it back to the bookstore.  He found his book of baby names and handed it to the pouting woman.  "Try this one," he soothed.  "I'll get some ice cream."   He went to make bowls of ice cream, and get a drink for himself.  The vodka in the freezer was very good going down, and it went very well with the chocolate ice cream as well.


Kathy snuck open her latest book, glancing around before going back to the naming thing.

Goemon looked at it, then shook his head.  "Shouldn't you try to name the baby in line with his heritage.  Not mine?"  He took the book from her, going to hand it to Lupin.  "Japanese and other cultural names."

"Hmm."  He grimaced and tossed it aside.  "We'll fix that soon," he vowed.  "What do you think of the name Absinthe for a girl?"

"Do you need drugs as well?" Goemon demanded.  "Is this what having people pregnant with your child does to you?  If so, I will *never* have one."  He walked off.

Lupin looked shocked.  "Okay.  Goemon just threw a fit," he said finally, shaking his head.  "I don't know why, but he did."  He got up to find Goemon.  "What is wrong with you?" he asked gently.  "You just threw a tantrum."  Goemon glared at him.  "You did!  Now, tell me what's wrong."


"Bullshit.  You just threw a fit at me."

"I did not throw a fit.  I am not a child," he said stiffly.

Lupin pushed on the extended lip.  "Now you're pouting.  Is this about the way you keep looking at Kit?"  He looked stunned.  "I think everyone but you two have managed to catch you at it at least once.  Ask the woman out."

"She has a brilliant life ahead of her."

"Yay, and it you could be in it."

"That would skew her studies."

"She hasn't asked to study you too?"  He shook his head, starting to look like he was pouting again.  "I know why.  She respects you.  With us, she's not afraid to ask stupid questions and bother us.  She likes you more than us obviously because she never asks you dumb questions."  He nodded, brightening up.  "So go ask the woman out to dinner.  Or on a picnic in the woods."


"Picnic.  That thing where you take food and go eat it somewhere outside and enjoy the quiet of that place and the person you're with."  Goemon blushed.  "And that if you're so inclined," he agreed happily.  "If you're thinking about that with her, I will warn you to be gentle with her.  She's pure, Goemon, and probably guarding it very hard for the right man."

"Which I could never be."

"Which you probably are.  Did you notice she didn't sign up for any classes this semester?  She enjoys children."

"She can't have any of her own."

"There are things that could fix that for her now," Lupin pointed out.   "I'm sure she would look into it if *you* suggested it."

Goemon looked thoughtful.  "You believe she likes me?"

"Goemon, Kathy and I both saw her staring at your back and sighing.  She likes you," he encouraged.  "Ask the poor thing out for a picnic in the woods."

"I shall," he agreed, going to ask her.  He found her playing in the nursery.  "Kit?"  She looked up and he blushed, stammering a bit.  "Picnic?" he finally managed to get out.

"Sure," she agreed with a smile.  "Us or us and the kids?"  He blushed brighter so she stood up, stroking his cheek. "Should I make lunch or should you?"

"I can help," he admitted quietly, staring down into her eyes.  "You would not mind eating with me?"

"I don't mind doing a lot of things with you.  Ooh, that came out wrong," she said, clamping a hand over her mouth with a red-hot blush.  He smirked at her so she swatted him.  "That either.  I thought Lupin was the pervert."  She took his arm, walking him down to the kitchen. "I'm not sure if we have a picnic hamper."

"Third bottom cabinet from the sink," Lupin called from outside.  "Bring an umbrella too, it's going to rain."

"We'll take the one off the patio table," she promised.  She found it and looked inside.  It already had a blanket and plates and glasses, plus it had food.  She looked outside, then at Goemon.  "His idea?"

"He prompted me to ask," he admitted.  He grabbed some water from the refrigerator, then hastily grabbed the bottle of wine as well, carrying the basket while she grabbed the umbrella off the table.  "Where did you want to eat?"

"How about by the river?  There's a nice little spot down there."  He nodded, following her down to it.  "Here," she said, planting the umbrella in the center of a grassed grotto between some trees and the river.  "This good?" she asked when he glanced around.

"Fine," he agreed, setting down the basket.  She got out the blanket and spread it out, making sure the table umbrella covered most of it. They curled up together to eat, watching the water and the birds coming down to try and snatch dinner from the soft water. "It had been noticed that you blush when you see me.  I was wondering if...."  He stopped and took a deep breath, then noticed her blush and how she wasn't looking at him.  "It is not true?"

"No!  It's true," she said, giving him a big-eyed look.  "I'm not used to liking someone.  Until now, my life was about my studies.  I've never really dated."

He smiled.  "Me either."  He brought out the bottle of wine and opened it, letting her hold the glasses while he poured.  "This is quite the spot."

"I've always thought this was meant for a picnic and for some privacy."  She sipped her wine quickly.  "I thought you might want some privacy."

"I tend to move slowly," he admitted, stroking her lip with his callused thumb.  "If you so desire."

"I do desire," she admitted.  "I'm not the sort to put up with what Kathy does.  That stress relief habit Jigen and Lupin have."  He nodded. "You don't?"

"Not in the least.  I tried a few times with some fellow students but it never held any appeal for me."  He noticed her relieved look.  "Not all criminals are like them."

"I never thought they were.  They never could have risen to the level that they did if they hadn't been unusual.  The same as you're known most often as The Samurai."  She shrugged. "I have no idea what you're like at work."

"You never should have to," he encouraged, stroking her lip again.  "You are quite soft."

"Thanks, I use a scuffing stick each morning."  She impishly kissed his thumb, making him draw in a quick breath.  "I'm sorry if I'm too forward."

"Not in the least," he assured her, taking a real kiss.  He pulled back and found his head reeling. She moaned so he gave her a glance.  "We should eat."

"We should," she agreed, handing him the first sandwich before taking hers.  She smiled as a fat raindrop fell, then smiled at him.  "Good thing we have the umbrella.  We'll have to stay for a bit."

"We will," he agreed, devouring the food.  "Have you been plagued with odd dreams?"

"No worse than usual," she admitted. "You?"

"A few."  He gave her another glance as she reached over to smooth down a piece of hair stuck in his collar.  "Thank you."  He blushed a bit as her touch ignited him in ways he hadn't felt before.  "You are very inquisitive."

"I am, but I've always been this way.  I'm guessing it's what makes me such a good researcher."

"Yet you did not sign up for more classes this term."

"I wanted a break and I thought I'd be there to cushion Kathy a bit more when the baby came."

"You like being their nanny?"

"I'd rather be a mother of my own horde," she admitted.  He nodded, blushing a bit.  "But then again, I do have that weak spot."

"Lupin suggested that there may be something modern medicine can do for you."

"Why were you two talking about my uterus?"

"It happened into the conversation.  He started it actually when he noticed I was surly and ill-mannered whenever your name was mentioned."

"He does like to meddle," she agreed, smiling at him. "Then again, we wouldn't be trapped out here by the rain without his interference."

"Quite true," he agreed, picking up his wine glass to sip out of.  She took it and handed him the other one.  "Sorry."

"It's all right.  I don't mind swapping spit, but I know some are odd about drinking out of someone else's glass."  She looked at her lap again, draining the drink quickly.

"You should stop to enjoy it.  It is very good wine," he offered.  "Lupin has good taste in that much."

"Too bad he has crappy taste in women?"

He nodded.  "Also true.  He swears it's love.  I think it's an obsession."  He shrugged.  "It happens to the best of us."  He leaned over and stole a quick kiss then blushed.  "I'm sorry, but your lips were painted with the wine."

"You never have to apologize," she said firmly. "I know you won't take advantage of me and you won't force me to do anything I'm not comfortable with.  I consider that the most wonderful thing about you, that you're so very caring and upright."

"Uptight?" he teased.

"I said upright, as in upstanding.  Honorable.  My own father might as well have been a sperm donor.  I want something more and you're not one of those people who would scare me by being pushy."

"I try to be scary only during battles," he agreed lightly.  She stole a kiss this time, making him smile.  "I take it you are not scared of me?"

"Not right now.  Even wearing the sword I know you wouldn't use it on me without a very good reason."  She blushed and swallowed.  "You'll think it's horrible, but a doctor took care of my innocence a few years back during an examination."

He cupped her cheek.  "Sometimes the outer show is not what is important.  It is how you feel inside."  She looked stunned.  "It is like the art of disguise or armor for the rest of the world.  You are different inside than you project."

"Well, I try to project myself as someone confident and in control, but sometimes I'm not.  I have this shopping habit that gets out of control at times.  I inherited it from my father; I only want the best of things.  I also got his overly controlled nature with it."

"Control is not always the best thing.  Even I have to let go sometimes," he chided gently.  "Getting upset at yourself because you are not perfect only serves the purpose of making your stomach clench and ruining your digestion."  He handed over the next sandwich, letting her break it in half.  "Thank you," he said gently, taking his half from her.  "If you had the choice, would you continue your studies or be maternal?"

"I believe a woman can do both, especially when she's teaching for a living."  She nibbled on her sandwich.  "I'd like to do both.  Being only a wife and mother would get boring and I would start to criticize each little fault in my housekeeping skills.  I'm not always the most cleaning of people."

He sighed.  "I fear it is much the same for myself."  He stole one last kiss then divvied up the cookies, handing her the extra one. "Here, your cut."

She smiled.  "Thank you, kind one."  She nibbled on one, watching the rain. "It is very natural out here."

"It is," he agreed, staring at her body.  "May I shift closer?"

"Go ahead.  There is a breeze," she admitted, letting him move closer.

"I am fighting a losing battle to stay in control," he whispered, hoping she would hear him.  She looked down at him, looking stunned.  "I am sorry."

"For what?"  He kissed her, making her moan and shift closer to him.  "That?  I liked that. Don't apologize for it."  She kissed him back, getting his ful cooperation.  "I really do like that."

"That is always helpful," he said dryly, smirking at her.  "I will not push you."

"Which is why you give me the tingly feeling each time I see you."  She blushed again.  "And boy did I ever see you in Kyoto."  He blushed as well.  "I wouldn't have walked out and gotten frozen if I had known, I'm sorry."

"It was my own fault for stripping down that far with others around," he assured her.  "It will not happen again."

"If it makes you comfortable," she said quietly, glancing up at him.

He found that spark of flame inside him growing into a raging inferno.  If this was an act, it was one of best acts of innocence he had ever seen.  She was literally fanning the flames with each look and how she was sitting.  It was like he had no control of what happened next, when he grabbed her by the hair and kissed her hard.  "I'm sorry," he whispered.

"I'm not.  I can stop you."  She let him do more, even crawling into his lap.  "You're not pushing me."  She moaned as he lipped her throat.  "Ooh, more?"

"Much more."  He laid her underneath him and got to work on her clothes, making her naked underneath him.  "You are beautiful."  He kissed her again, moving down her body.  She started to pant and writhe, but she hadn't told him to stop.  He got all the way to the point of undressing most of the way before she started to look alarmed. "What?" he asked calmly.

"You're...you're huge," she said, her eyes wide.

"I'm not that large," he promised, letting her touch him.  He stripped off the last of his clothes, letting her look.  "We have to go no further," he offered.

"No, it's just that I doubt I can hold that inside myself."

He stroked her with his fingers, making her shift and moan again.  "Feel yourself stretch," he instructed.  She relaxed and three fingers of his slipped inside.  "There, that should prepare you," he said, moving to touch her.  She was blushing again.  "If you wish I won't."

"No, I...I want," she promised, stuttering only a little bit.  He slowly lined himself up and entered her, making her grunt in pain.  "Ow."  He pulled her up, sitting her in his lap, letting her go down at her own pace.  It was a little easier.  "It still hurts."

"Relax, it won't hurt for long," he promised.  "Like any muscles you're unused to using."  She nodded and finished sinking down onto him, making him moan.  "How is that?"

"I'm feel very stretched," she admitted, shifting some.  "This is all so odd."  He kissed her and she relaxed again and it got easier.  "Now what do I do?"

"You move," he instructed, holding her hips as he helped her that first few times.  She squeaked as she came back down, making him smile at her.  "You are doing wonderfully."  She nodded and worked a little faster.  "Go as slow as you want.  I am here to pleasure you."

"Can you, um, touch....."  His fingers found her sensitive parts and she squealed, tossing her head back as he found just the right thing to play with.  "Ooh!"  She moved faster, giving him everything.  He was kissing her throat and stroking her backside, and she was liking this more than anything.  She finally came and he let her rest against him.  "Thank you," she said quietly.

"It is not done yet," he promised, laying her back down to taste her this time.  She shivered but let him do so, making him quite pleased.  By the time he was messy, her head was rolling around and she was letting out little inarticulate cries.  He entered her again, liking the reaction he got.  "I am going to go faster this time.  Tell me if I hurt you any," he panted, letting the fire take him over.  It burned hot, hotter than it had in the past, and he was consumed with the need to take her as hard as he could.  He rode her until she was limp underneath him, then he finally came and he collapsed on top of her.  "I'm here," he promised into her ear as she woke up.  "How do you feel?"

"Sore," she admitted, curling up next to him once he moved off her.  "Thank you, Goemon."

He kissed her gently.  "It was fun.  It was quite inflaming as well.  My control has never shattered like that before."  She gave him a curious look.  "It has been years," he admitted.

"Oh."  She stroked his chest with her fingernails.  "I can understand that."  She moved to wrap herself around him, falling asleep like that.  "It was wonderful," she whispered.  "I loved it."

He smiled and stroked her hair, letting her rest.  Then they could clean up in the river and finish their lunch.


Jigen looked up as Goemon escorted Kit back through the light drizzle.  "Have a good walk?" he asked.  He noticed her blush and grinned at Goemon.  "The showers are all free.  That way you can warm up however you want."  He left them to do whatever they decided on together, heading to look at the board.  She had taken off most of the names no one had liked but there were still some of them.  "Elven is not a name, it's a race," he said. "Altum?  Argyle?"  He shook his head, leaving it to Lupin to fix this.  He wasn't even going to comment on the socks.  He looked up as Goemon walked in.  "You okay?" he asked.

"I was overcome," he admitted quietly.  "I have broken my training."

"Good," Jigen said, earning a shocked look.  "Sometimes you have to break your training to remember why you went through it in the first place, Goemon.  Besides, love doesn't break your training, it reinforces it. Just because you two snuggled out in the woods doesn't mean that you're a bad person or that you hurt her.  As long as she wanted it just as much, then you're both good as long as she says so."

Goemon nodded.  "Thank you for that.  I know I did not force her," he agreed, sitting down.  He looked at the board.  "Is not Argyle a type of sock?"

Jigen nodded.  "It is."

"Hmm, I can see the teasing now," Goemon said, getting up to write a 'no' next to it.  "Is not Ares a god of war?"

"He is," Jigen agreed, looking at the boy's side.  "Yup, definitely.  Thanks for that."  He crossed it off with a no.  "I believe in the rule of names.  Anything you name the kid will make it be like it's namesake."  He crossed off a few more.  "We have to make sure I'm there for the birth this time," he said, glancing down the hall.  "Did Lupin leave to stalk Fujiko again?"  Goemon nodded.  "That's fine. He'll be back soon."  He patted him on the way past.  "If she enjoyed it then try it again.  See what happens.  If I can find a woman and Lupin has decided to settle down, then there's every chance that you've found someone to walk that solitary path with you."

"Then it's not solitary."

"Which is the point," Jigen pointed out.  "Solitary animals die fighting.  Mated ones die of old age."

"True," he agreed.  "Mates look out for you and watch your back.  But would it be right to expose her to more of our life?"

"Goemon, we're partially retired.  Even if you did more jobs on your own, that doesn't mean she can't wait somewhere for you.  It's not like I can take my woman with me."  He shrugged and headed outside to smoke. He watched his son sneak around on the grass and grinned.  "Mal," he called quietly, making his son look up in shock and hurt.  "You're supposed to be in bed."

"Sissy!" he said, pointing at the creature he was chasing.

"That's fine, I'll get her," Jigen told him.  "Go inside."  Mal hugged him on the way inside, letting Goemon walk him up to the nursery.  Jigen lit his cigarette and took a puff.  "Jissan, if you're not here with me within a minute, I'm going to have to take away your trip to the park tomorrow."  She didn't come so he walked out to find her, finding her in the grass, her body limp and looking like she was asleep.  He picked her up, looking her over.  "This isn't right.  Goemon!"  He came running.  "She was in the grass."

"Let me have her," he ordered, taking her to look over.  "There are no snakes so we know it was not a bite."  He sniffed her breath, then did it again. "I believe she ingested something."  He carried her inside so he could look at her more closely.

Jigen slapped the intercom button.  "Kathy, we need you in the kitchen.  Jissan was passed out on the lawn."  He let it go and came over to hold his daughter.   Kathy and Kit both came running.  "Has she done this before?"

"No," Kit said anxiously.  "What could be wrong?"

"She ingested something green," Goemon said.  "It does not smell like anything I know of."

"She eated plants we found," Mal said from the doorway.  Everyone looked at him. "Sissy eat plants."

"What plants?" Jigen asked. He handed her to Kathy and picked his son up.  "What plants, son?"

"We find pretty plants on the back stoop and we chew on leaves.  They taste funny and make head feel funny, but they good."

"What plants?" Jigen asked.

"I removed someone's attempt to be funny by potting a bunch of dried pot," Kathy admitted.  "I handed it over to the town cops."  Jigen looked at her so she shrugged.  "Sue me, I think they could do something about that.  Mal, show us the plants, son."  He nodded and wiggled to get down, leading them to the front yard, where they found the planted poppies, the dried potted poppies.  Jigen plucked off a leaf, but Kathy licked it, then grimaced.  "It's got heroin sprayed on it.  Quality stuff too.  We'll need to get her to the hospital.  Kit, call an ambulance."  She nodded, doing that.  Kathy sat down with the baby, cradling her gently.  "This shit is going to stop, even if I have to stop it."

"You and me both," he said darkly, sitting beside her.  "Can I?"  She let him hold their daughter, watching as she slept in his arms.  "This is going to be fixed, Kathy, I promise."

"Yup, it will, because I'm about to level my whole wrath on someone."  The ambulance pulled up and she handed over the leaves she had plucked off.  "They've been put onto our lawn, they're not supposed to be here.  They taste like heroin."  The lead paramedic looked at her.  "I was an undercover cop.  I've tried it."

"Thank you," he said quietly, looking the daughter over.  "Just her?"

"Mal!" she yelled.  He came running.  "Him too."  She got into the back.  "I'll give you a day, Jigen, then it's my turn."  She climbed in with the kids.  "Follow."

"Coming," he agreed, going to get the car out of the garage and follow her.  On the way to find the keys, he spotted her cellphone, snatching it on the way.  As soon as he backed out, he hit the speeddial for Lupin's cell. "It's me.  Someone put drug plants on our lawn, man.  The kids ate some pot and some heroin it looks like.  We're heading for the hospital now.  She's given us a day to figure it out."  He hung up, driving faster.  His wife was going to kill them all.  One of the cops rushed in so he grabbed him.  "Like the other plant she handed you, only this was sprayed with heroin."  The cop's eyes went wide.  "Go find it and get it off our lawn.  Before the kids get hit worse."  He nodded and hurried to call his boss to take care of this.  He came back and Jigen gave him a look.  "We don't know yet, but they're going to be paying.  It's a race to see which side gets them."

The cop swallowed.  "We have heard of your wife and her skills," he said quietly.  "I hope she leaves him living for the law to punish."

"I hope she leaves me some if she gets him first," Jigen told him.  His wife shrieked so he hurried back there, removing her from the doctor's throat.  "Someone put plants on our lawn in pots.  This one was sprayed with heroin.  Neither of us did it.  How are the children?"

He straightened himself out.  "It still looks bad."

"Fucking yay," Kathy told him.  "Let me see my kids or continue to stand in my way and die!"

"Go," he said, waving at the curtained off area.  He went to call the cops and found one in the waiting room. "Is what she yelled true?"  The cop nodded.  "Why would someone do that?"

"She's a former undercover cop," he said. "Her mate is a thief. There's many reasons.  We're hoping one of them leaves enough to arrest him for such heinous acts.  The other day there were marijuana leaves replanted.  She turned it over and we found some fingerprints but we can't be sure of anything yet."

The doctor nodded.  "Thank you.  I'll leave them alone then."  He went to tell the nurses.  This was going to get very bad very quickly.


Lupin hung up and threw his cellphone at a wall.  Then he looked at Fujiko.  "Someone put drug-sprayed plants on the lawn.  The kids ate some of them."  She looked horrified.  "She's given us a day before she comes into play.  Would you like to come back with me?"

"Yeah, I think I should," she agreed, following him up to pack a bag.  "Are they okay?"

"They're fine as far as Jigen knew.  They were on the way to the hospital."  He checked his watch.  "It might be faster to drive."

"It could be," she agreed, coming out with her bag.  He joined her at the car, his cellphone in hand.  "Want me to drive?"

"No, I can do it," he said, getting in to drive, waiting while she put the bags in the trunk.  As soon as she got in he took out.  She buckled up, just in case.  "I hope they're fine."  He handed over his phone.  "Here, take the call if they call."

"Of course."  She looked at the phone.  "You cracked the housing."

"I'll change it out tomorrow," he promised.  He sped up as they turned onto the main road, waving back at the cop trying to capture them.  Of course he only waved one finger but that's what the cop got for trying to catch them during an emergency.  He noticed the roadblock ahead and spun the wheel, taking a side road at high speed.

"Lupin, the shocks are still bad," Fujiko protested.

"You could fly."

"On this road, we could both fly."  She grabbed the dash as he spun around the sharp curve above the river.  "Lupin, if you want to have this baby to cuddle, you won't wreck us!" she shouted.

"Sorry."  He slowed down slightly.  Very slightly.  As soon as they made it back to the main road he sped up again, heading for the village.  "Is that Pops behind us?" he asked when he saw the lights.

"I can't tell," she said, then he hung his head out to yell at them.  "Never mind, it is."  She turned around and made sure her seat belt was hitched.  "Should we call him?"

"We should.  He's speed dial four on the phone."

"You keep him on speed dial?"

"I like to play with his mind," he grunted in annoyance.  "Just do it, Fujiko."

"Fine."  She hit the appropriate number, listening to him swear on the other end. "Pops, it's Fujiko.  Can we please slow this chase down?  Because I'm pregnant and the kids are in trouble.  Someone called Lupin; someone put drug plants on Helena's front lawn and the kids chewed on them."  The car behind them slowed down but Lupin didn't.  "You, slow down too.  He won't close the road.  It'll make sure he can't get to her either."

"Fine," he groused, slowing down slightly again.  "Better?"

"Yes, but I'm seeing our child's future life of being overprotected," she told him.  She heard his growl and noticed his grip tightening on the wheel. "Calm down.  I'm sure they're in the hospital and they're fine."

"I'm sure too, but I won't be perfectly sure until I get to see them and keep Kathy from killing everyone in Europe."

"She wouldn't.  She's a cop."

"She was a cop and she had to do some pretty big things in her days undercover."  The phone squealed so she put it back up to her ear.  "Tell him I said thanks."  He changed gears, going into the extra gear.  "Tell him we'll meet him there."  He sped up further, going for the toll bridge before it could be turned or blocked.  Then he was back in the country of his birth, heading for the country estate.  "Should I drop you off at the house?"

"I can go with you," she offered gently.  She could see him doing this same thing for their teenage daughter, going to rescue her from something sinister, like a boy.  If he let her date.  Ever.  That child was going to be the most overprotected creature in life.  She shifted, looking at him.  He was still handsome but she had seen the few traces of gray hair.  Since she was about his age, she knew that it wasn't that long before she'd get some as well.  If she ever quit dying her hair. Maybe it was time for her to think seriously about retiring.  She got comfortable, watching him drive as she slowly fell asleep.

Lupin glanced over, then smiled and patted her head gently before pushing the button to put the top up.  They moved on.  With any luck they'd be there by dawn.


Kathy pulled her gun as soon as the door opened, pointing it at the bleary figures in the doorway.  "What?"

"It's us," Lupin said quietly, coming in to take the weapon from her hands.  "Let us watch, you nap, kid."  She nodded, putting her head back down.  She could trust him.  He looked over as a nurse peeked in.  "I've got the gun."

"Thank you," she said quietly, coming in to check on the kids.  "Will they be fine?"

"They're parents."

"Good point.  The police have searched her grounds and found a few more but nothing too outrageous."  She smiled at him.  "They're working on it, hoping for the parents to stay out of it."  She hurried out to make notes on their charts.

"Fat chance," Lupin said as he sat down, patting his lap.  "Sit, Fujiko."  She delicately sat in his lap when she realized it was either there or on the floor.  His hand stroked her thigh so she slapped it, making him grimace.  "Sorry, old habits and all that."  He pointed the gun at the door as it inched open and Pop's hat came in.  "She's asleep."

"Good."  He walked in, putting his hat back on.  "Are the kids all right?"

"No," Lupin said.  "They were exposed to pot and heroin.  Kathy gave us a whole day to find out who did this."

"I'm sure she'll hurt them quite a lot," he said, tossing over an envelope. "It was in the house.  Kit found it."

Lupin opened it, grimacing at the contents.  "We'll see about this."

Kathy lifted her head and snatched the letter, then her gun as she walked out.  "Watch the kids.  I need a shower."  She headed back to the house via a helpful cop, heading upstairs to change.  She ignored Goemon and his lurking just in her way until he really got her in her way then she gave him a hard shove.  "Move, now," she said coldly.

"We are better suited to this endeavor," he said gently.

She looked at him.  "Fat chance, Goemon.  They're mine.  They're my kids.  They threatened my children and they'll have to deal with me.  If you or Jigen want them after I'm done with them, then have them.  I'll leave you a little piece."  She walked out, heading for the armory, then out the escape hatch in there.  There was another garage through the woods, by the back gate, and she had a nice little sports car waiting on her in there.  She found Kit sitting on the hood and kissed her gently on the forehead.  "Go sit with the kids.  They'll want me probably, I'll be back in a day."  She got in and started the engine, making Kit jump off when she backed out.  She headed for the address given, doing her best to keep the anger in check.  She stroked her new gun, smiling at the devious nature of the person who had created it.  She finally found the address and got out, heading inside.  The first one got the new 'gloop' gun used on him.  It didn't have much of a range, but it had a gel inside that hardened as it was fired and mixed with the second solvent, and that gel knocked people out within a few heartbeats as long as you hit them on some skin.  She searched the perimeter, slowly moving inward until she got to the main house.  Then she boldly opened the door and walked in, hitting the others.  One of them got off a few shots so she used her regular gun, kneecapping him.  She walked past the majority of guards, kicking in the study door.  "I believe we need to have a talk," she said coldly.

"Who are you?" he asked, looking her over with a sneer.

"The mother of the children you tried to kill."  She leveled her regular gun at him.  "Better known as Helen of Troy and Jigen's pet bitch."  She cocked it.  "You've got about ten seconds to live."  She heard the door opening and turned, firing at the body there.  Then she spun back to her main target.  "That took about all of them," she said coolly.  "You might want to pray before I find you a black rose."

"No cigarettes?"

"That was the Bitch Queen of Death's signature, not mine.  I always gave a black rose."  She cocked the gun again.  "Ten, nine, eight...."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt them."

She dropped her gun and dove for him, kicking his ass the old fashioned way.  By the time she let him up, his face was ruined, his ribs were all broken, and he couldn't move from where she had jumped up and down on his pelvis a few times.  She picked up her guns again, flipping back her hair.  "Now then," she said, looking down at the crying, incomprehensible, and hysterical man.  "Like I said, you've got about ten seconds to live.  I want to know why.  I want to know if there's any more coming, and I know that you'll cooperate because the first time you don't, I get to play some more.  This was only a warmup, honey, I took on syndicate bosses out of Chicago for fun."  He whimpered and crawled toward her so she kicked him under the chin.  "I mean it.  Is there anything else coming for my children?"  He looked up and shook his head.  "Nothing?  No hired guns, no more plants, nothing?"  He shook his head again.  "I'll hold you to your word."  She bent down to get into his face.  "This time I was merely pissed and angry.  Next time I will be livid," she hissed.  He shuddered and curled up around his damaged legs.  "Good man.  Keep this fear, it may keep you alive after you've had all that damage repaired.  Spread it around, Jigen's not soft and his wife is as tough as ever."  She turned and found two people in the doorway.  "Move, or else."

"Ma'am, I can't do that," one of them said, slowly pulling aside his jacket to show a badge.

She shrugged.  "I had one of those too, my department fucked me over.  That's why I have money."  She raised the 'gloop' gun.  "This is a sedative.  I was never here.  He sent plants into the path of my children that had been sprayed with drugs.  My daughter's presently recovering from a heroin overdose."  They both nodded slowly.  "He won't do it again and I left him alive.  Pump him for information if you want."  She shot them with the gloop gun, switching the setting with her thumb to only stun them.  She stopped beside them on the way out.  "Yours will wear off first," she told them.  "I can't let you stop me from getting back to my daughter's side.  Sorry about that.  Good cops should be cherished."  She strolled out, heading back to her sportscar.  She went back to the hospital, taking off her jacket on the way.  She handed it to the cop.  "His blood's on there.  He's very sorry.  There were two Interpol cops there who tried to stop me.  I glooped them and they'll be fine.  He admitted it and I'm sure their bugs picked it up."  She headed into her daughter's room, bending down to kiss her on the forehead.  "Mommy's back, Jissan.  She made the nasty man very sorry he dared to hurt you."  Her daughter gave her a weak smile.  "You rest, princess.  Mommy's staying now that she's taught the bad man a lesson."

Lupin looked over from his corner, lowering his book.  "Glooped?"

She put the safety on the gun and tossed it over.  "New design.  Very nice one I might add."  She sat down on the foot of her daughter's bed, stroking her foot.  "You rest, sweetness.  We're all right here."


"I love you too," she said, smiling at her.  "You try to nap, okay?"  Her little girl nodded, going back to sleep.

Lupin looked over the gun, nodding at the modified design.  "I heard someone was working on this.  I'm assuming it's for short-range?"  She nodded and waved when he tried to hand it off.  "Thanks.  I should use it on you.  Jigen was furious, Kathy."

She looked at him.  "They're my kids."

"They're his kids too," he corrected gently.  "He was just as angry as you."

"Then he can go finish him off!  I left him living!" She turned away, staring down at her daughter.  "Where's Mal?"

"He's outside with his father.  Jigen got permission to take him for a short carry around the garden."  He shifted closer, sitting on the edge of his seat.  "I understand.  I would have run off too.  Next time, take one of us with you to watch your back."  She gave him a cool look.  "I know you're not used to backup, but we play that way in the group and you're part of us.  You have been for a very long time.  Let us help.  We wanted to hurt this person just as much as you."

"He's probably got a henchman around here, you can have him," she offered lightly.  "I'm not sorry, Lupin.  They're *my* kids.  They're one of the few things in this world that I'll fight for."

"I understand.  Jigen won't, but I do understand that they're one of your few links left to sanity."  She nodded, looking down at her daughter again.  "In the future, let us help.  That's all I'm asking for, the right to hit someone too."

"Fine, next time I'll let Jigen come hurt them.  I doubt there will be one, but I will."

"Thank you.  Expect to have a similar talk with Jigen.  He was so angry he couldn't smoke."  She winced.  "I'll back you up to a point."

"No, it's best we have this one out ourselves," Jigen said from the doorway.  "Want to take Mal for a walk?"   Lupin put his book on the bedside table and took the little boy out for another stroll.  "Feel better?"

She looked at him and nodded.  "Much.  He's in a hell of a lot of pain and not dead."  She brushed some of her hair back.  "I'm sorry if I stepped on your toes."

"No, I'm glad you stood up for yourself this time," he admitted. "It sends a stronger message than me going to torture the person, the person who hired him, and their bosses all the way back to the people at the top of the food chain."  He took Lupin's seat.  "They're my kids too," he said quietly.  "Even though you didn't outright tell me so I couldn't be there from the start, they're still my kids."

She shook her head.  "I'm sorry, Jigen, it's the way I'm used to thinking."

"I know, which is why I'm not yellin'.  Next time, expect to her this at the top of my lungs."  She winced and nodded so he stood up, coming over to hug her.  "I know.  You'd fight for them to keep them safe, the same way you do me.  You and Cat are both alpha bitches.  You both run your pack.  The difference is that Ray will roll over and beg for belly scratches.  I don't.  I'll fight you for leadership in certain circumstances."  She sighed and nodded, resting against his stomach.  "Thank you.  Let's make this an equal partnership, not a fight for dominance.  They're my kids.  You're my wife."

"I told him I was your bitch."

"You are," Jigen agreed, smiling slightly.  "I'm sure you were brilliant.  The same as I'm sure he's sorry as hell and when I get to visit him in jail he'll gladly tell me who hired him to do that."  She shrugged.  "No jail time?"

"I jumped up and down on his pelvis two or three times, broke all his ribs, and smashed his face in.  I'm not sure he's going to be out of the hospital for a very long time."

"That's my girl," he said proudly, giving her a squeeze.  "Next time, we'll go in as a pack.  You can even lead if you can convince me."  She looked up at him.  "Really, I would have helped you.  We could have went together.  Goemon would have pulled you off him to finish him off.  Lupin would have introduced you, let you and I do most of the damage, then give the warning of continued life."  She snuggled in again and he smirked. "Did all that?"  She nodded.  "Good job, wife."  She snorted into his stomach.  "You are.  Remember that.  We're partners.  You don't walk into a hostage situation without backup.   You don't walk into a bad guy's lair without someone listening for trouble.  Got it?"  She sighed.  "Kathy?"  She snuggled in tighter, making him groan.  "Woman!"  She woke up and looked at him.  "Remember, I am your partner.  I have your back."  She nodded, resting against him again to take a nap.  "Fine, you nap."  He backed up, getting the chair with his foot so he could sit down and hold her.  His daughter giggled.  "You remember that too.  I'm the daddy, I get to help beat up bad guys for you."  She nodded, smiling at him, letting him hold her hand.  "Good girl.  You follow your mom's example and nap."


"Love you too," he said quietly, making her smile.

Outside Lupin turned off the bug and looked behind him, seeing the cop who had been waiting patiently.  "Sorry, we had to get here to try and stop her."

"I understand.  I got a call about that.  Someone recognized that she was from Chicago and asked if I had heard of her.  I gave them the short version and they're either in awe, scared, or thinking that it was an elaborate coverup of a few people.  The new Chief said hello by the way."  Lupin shook his head with a sigh of defeat.  "He wanted you to stay out of this one, Lupin.  He said it'd tarnish us worse if you came in to threaten with your unique brand of help."

"I was only going to threaten him to turn in his people."

"That would be appreciated," Zenigata admitted reluctantly.  "My boss looked her up and realized we had her on our payroll as a consultant.  He got his rude awakening sooner than expected.  Now we're not only going to come to her about drug lords and cartel things, but also for syndicate things."  Lupin snorted.  "Exactly.  Then he looked at her record from Chicago.  How many cases she left open, how many she solved, of what sort.  He's highly impressed and wants to know if she'd consider taking up a badge full time."


"I pointed out the fact of her young children, being pregnant again, and having a questionable choice in husbands.  The Chief nodded wisely and had to look it up.  He said to tell her that she's welcome to help me as soon as I get my desk position."  He pulled out a pair of handcuffs.  "For old time's sake?"

"Only if you put Mal inside," he said, showing off his burden.

"Damn."  He sighed.  "Fine."

Lupin stepped closer.  "Pops, it'll be okay.  You're retiring to play with your kids.  The fact that you'll be consulting means that they can see past the pain of you not being able to capture us to your real worth."

"Having a mushy day?" he asked dryly.

"Well, yeah," Lupin admitted.  He grinned.  "I'm gonna be a daddy."  He walked Mal inside, letting the cop follow them.  He smiled at Jigen and Kathy curled together.  "Good news.  We'll have a new cop after us."

"Then I retire," Jigen said quietly, stroking his wife's back.  "With our luck it'll be someone like my woman."

Zenigata walked in and smirked at him.  "It's not being reassigned.  It's my case until I die.  I can try and catch you all I want, but I'm still going to get to consult.  It's got a higher pay and I can do it from the house."

"No more chasing us around?" Lupin asked, looking really pitiful.

"Only when you deserve it.  As soon as you go out on another job, Lupin."

"Sure, Pops," Jigen agreed.  "I'm not going out until this new one is born."  He stroked her stomach.  "I want to be there for the naming part, just in case.  He looked at Lupin.  "I had to cave on the Elven thing.  If it goes with the first name, we might have to get used to it."

"Hope it's a girl," Lupin told him, sitting on the foot of the bed.  He put Mal down next to his sister, watching as he curled around her and held her.  "Ahh, they look adorable."  The door slammed open and three guns appeared, pointing at the person with the knife.  His 'eep' was followed by the sound of liquid hitting the floor.  "I believe he's in the employ of the person who did the plants, Pops."

"Good," he purred, catching him and dragging him off.  "She may have gotten your boss, but you're mine and you're going to tell me *all* about it before I have to get...mean."  He nodded, whimpering in fear.  "Good kid.  We'll have a long talk at the local station."  He drug him down the street, nodding at the cop holding the door open.  "I need an interrogation room.  We need to have a talk.  He walked into Kathy's room with a knife."  The local cops snickered and shook their heads, making comments about the idiot.  "Room?"

"That way, Inspector," the top cop said, pointing it out.  "Have fun.  We'll bring you a hose whenever you need it."  Zenigata smiled and the boy suddenly went limp as his pants got a bit heavier.  "Eww.  Want a shower first?"

"Yes, let's toss him into the shower," Zenigata agreed, dragging the kid that way, shoving him inside.  "Strip, boy, and make it fucking fast."  The boy stripped, his hands shaking.   "Faster!  I don't want to talk to anyone as filthy as you."  He cracked his knuckles and the boy wept, falling to his knees.  "Boys, help him clean his nasty ass up."  They drug him under the water, holding him there.  Once the guy was cleaned off and in a jumpsuit, he was drug into an interrogation room and sat in a chair.  "Now, why don't you tell me about that whole plant thing?" he suggested coldly.

"I didn't put them down," he said, sounding like he was pleading.  "I was sent to make a try on the father."

The local cop with them burst out laughing.  "You wanted to stab Jigen?  Lupin's Jigen?"  The man went absolutely pale and passed out.  "Hmm. Obviously a minion."

"Yes, but he knows the people above him," Zenigata said with a smirk of relish.   He could chase Lupin later.  As long as they weren't at the house, he was fair game.  Or else Kathy would kick his ass too.


Ray looked up as the news broadcast was turned up, smirking at the news of one of Europe's syndicates crumbling under the bootheel of Interpol.  "Another win for the good guys."

Cat looked at him and licked her lips.  "I heard from Lupin."  He gave her an odd look, along with Huey and their boss as he went for coffee.  "They tried to drug Helena's kids."  Everyone who heard laughed long and hard.  "No, it gets better.  Lupin and Zenigata had to work together.  Lupin scared them so much they wanted to talk to Interpol instead of face him or Helena."  That got more laughter and their boss walked back into his office shaking his head.  "So, yes, dear, sweet, kind, gentle, and nice Helena Nichols got to beat the shit out of one of them."  She looked over as a man in a suit walked in.  "Let me guess, you heard about Helena's recent troubles and wanted to save us from the trouble of arresting you?"

He nodded.  "Indeed.  She could very well topple us."

"Yes, and I'm in discussion with her to do just that," she said, pointing at a chair.  "If you sit down, we'll try to make you a sweet little deal so you can bring in your bodyguards and find your own bitch."  He nodded, sitting down, handing over a notebook.  "Thank you.  Someone call Stella?"  She flipped through it, getting comfortable.

"You're pregnant," he whispered, reaching for her stomach.

Ray hit him in the head with a squishy ball.  "Hands off my child," he said coldly.  The man looked at him and swallowed.  "Yes, mine.  The Bitch Queen is my bitch queen.  Get it right, now."  He nodded, handing over a second book.  "Thank you.  Won't Tommy be pissed at you?"

"He's about to die anyway," he noted.  "He was in with that plan in Europe.  He told them who she was.  I'm saving his life.  He knows I'm here."

"Then I'm sure someone very nice will have them."  Catherine put down the notebook and looked at him.  "Repeat after me.  I want a state deal because the Feds will put me in a hole and have me ass-fucked each day until I repent."  He swallowed and whispered it.  "Good boy."  A tough woman walked in and Catherine held out the notebooks.  "Tommy sent him to spare him the death Helena would give him for helping with that thing in Europe that nearly got her kids killed when someone tried to drug them."

"I want a state deal.  The prisons are nicer and I want a bodyguard," he said, pleading her.

She looked at him.  "That depends on what you can tell me, slime.  Let's go talk."  He nodded, walking in front of her with Ray following.

Catherine put her feet up in the suspect's chair, getting comfortable.  She stroked her stomach.  "You're gonna be a great cop, Sebastian.  You're already scaring the underworld to hell and mommy enjoys it very much."  Huey snickered and tossed her a tootsie roll.  "Thanks, Huey.  The baby and I like these."  She unwrapped it and nipped off the end, chewing slowly.   Her boss opened his door.  "Stella's got him.  He wanted a state deal."  She smiled and nipped off another piece to chew on.

"Good," Harding Welsh agreed happily.  "Go finish bringing them down."  She shrugged and went to help them, making him smirk at her back.  "Have one of the perps we won't keep spread it around that Helena's coming back to avenge the wrong done to her children and she'll be teaming up with Cat."  Huey looked frightened, then burst out laughing.  "Exactly.  Let's see how much work we really have to do."  He went back to his desk to do some paperwork.


Three weeks later, Lupin had enough.  He bought a new copy of that one book secretly and put in all the notations, then gathered up all the confiscated baby name books and took them out to the nice, big, fireproof grill.  Along with his lighter and some lighter fluid.  He couldn't take this anymore.  He really couldn't.  He piled them nicely in the grill, then liberally doused them before lighting the last one on fire and tossing it into the stack.  The whoosh was very pretty and alleviated all his stress over those stupid names she kept putting out.

"Lupin, one of those was borrowed!" Kathy yelled, heading his way.

He looked at her.  "Next time, don't borrow books," he said evilly, heading inside to take something for his headache.  Six shots should about do it this time.

She pouted, watching the stack go up.  Then she glanced around and cackled. "I have copies anyway," she reminded herself, staying happy as she went to look through them again.

A few minutes later, Jigen and Goemon came out with the rest of them, adding them to the cheery blaze.  She managed to save a few, but the rest were toast within minutes.

To the Next Chapter