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Fandom: | Houston Knights |
Series: | Other Authors |
Rating: | NC17 |
Pairing: | Joe/Levon |
Archive: | Starwinder's |
Title: | A Cowboy for Dinner |
Author: | Etch |
Standard Disclaimer: Houston Knights belongs to Jay Bernstein and Michael Butler and Columbia Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended. This is fan fiction, written out of love for the shows. I am making no money off this. I have no money so please don't sue me. Any original characters who may appear in these stories are the property of the author. |
By Etch
Sergeant Joey LaFiamma stared across his desk at his cowboy partner. [Eight months in this stinking city and every day is the same. Why couldn't Uncle Mikey have worked out a deal in New York or Los Angeles? Atlanta even?]
"Hey, LaFiamma," The blond across from him asked, "want to go to lunch?"
Joey's blue eyes intensified, a soft grin tugged at one side of his mouth. His eyes saw something in his partner's face that he hadn't noticed before - a blush. Without moving his head, Joe's eyes surveyed the cowboy's face, curly blond hair, then moved downward, then up again. This time the blush was darker. Damn if I'm not turning the dude on, Joey thought.
"What did you have in mind, Lundy?" Joey asked slowly, cautiously, not wanting to lose the delicious expression he saw on his partner's face.
"Say, you two," Lieutenant Joanne Beaumont said coming up behind LaFiamma. "Thought I gave you the afternoon off! Good work this morning, now get out of here!"
Joey's tongue came out of his mouth just enough to lick a corner of his upper lip. Levon's reaction was not lost on the Italian. [You're mine cowboy! Gotcha!]
"So, Lundy, what we going to do on our afternoon off?" Joey said sauntering next to his partner as they walked to the red truck, which Levon said wasn't a truck.
"Don't know. Hadn't figured Joanne would push us to take the afternoon off," Levon answered suddenly aware his partner wasn't walking with him.
"What's the matter, you drop somethin'?" The blond asked, turning to look at the Northerner who stood a couple of paces behind him.
"Just wondering - how you get into those jeans in the morning. They don't hide a heck of a lot." Joey answered, his eyes on the ridge that was raising next to Levon's zipper.
"I like 'em tight," Lundy groused walking around the back of the Jimmy to the driver's side. Reaching into his pocket for the keys, Levon stopped, his hand now felt what Joe had been looking at.
"You gonna stand there all day or get in," LaFiamma quipped with a hint of glee as he settled into the passenger's seat.
The Texan eased himself into the Jimmy, inserted the key into the ignition and started the engine. He could feel his partner's eyes on him. What was he to say? How could he say it? You make me hard, partner. I want you in my bed, partner.
"Levon? You all right?" LaFiamma questioned quietly, his left hand reaching up to touch the blond curls caught in Lundy's collar. "I can help you - if you want me to."
Lundy closed his eyes as the hand touched his hair. He had to hold back. He had to get himself under control. This man was his partner. Partners can't be lovers.
"Lundy, you can't drive like this," Joey said, his right hand fingers touching the rise in the man's jeans, feeling the rise jerk at his touch.
"You want me that bad?" Joey asked awed by the revelation that his feelings for his partner were what his partner also felt for him.
"Jus.... Just take me home..." Levon gasped his body jerking as Joe's fingers slid down his erect penis to caress his balls also trapped inside the jeans.
"Slide over. I'm driving!" LaFiamma ordered. It was a demand the Texan couldn't refuse.
"Wha... this is your place? I - I said home," Lundy growled tightly not sure he could walk from where Joe had parked to the Italian's apartment.
"Everybody around here works. Nobody will see you. Come on." Joey said sliding out of the driver's seat, setting the automatic locks as Levon closed the other door.
Joe waited for his partner at the front of the red GMC Jimmy astonished by the turn of events. Might not be so bad here after all, if things continue to progress as they are right now.
Lundy almost died when they almost literally ran into two young ladies coming out of an apartment near LaFiamma's. The Texan didn't notice that their eyes were only for Joe, not for him.
Once inside his partner's apartment, Levon wasn't quite sure what to do. He already had the feeling he wasn't in control of the situation, and it didn't matter, all he wanted was this man. This incredibly handsome man that erupted feelings inside him that even his wife hadn't brought forth. Lundy stood with his back to the front door, watching his partner walk around the apartment turning on the radio, closing some shades, taking towels out of the laundry room and setting them on the spiral staircase that went up to the loft bedroom.
Joey glanced up at Lundy, who was still standing by the door, a wanton hungry look on his face. LaFiamma stepped out of his Italian loafers and using his toe pushed them under one of the barstools at the breakfast counter. Next he slipped out of his suit jacket, carefully folding it over the stool that his shoes were under; then his guns and holsters were shucked off his shoulders and tenderly laid down on the counter. Joey debated with himself about taking his shirt off now or waiting, then decided to just unbutton as he walked back to Lundy.
Levon's voice caught in his throat as his partner began to undress in front of him. He felt as if he were nailed to the floor. He wanted to run up behind the man, embrace him, throw him to the floor, and hump over him. His mouth, throat went dry as Joe turned toward him and he got a glimpse of the bare muscled chest that he hoped would soon be his.
Joey walked back to his partner trying to decide what avenue to take with the man. He didn't want to rush it. Didn't want to scare him off, though it was obvious Lundy wasn't going to be scared off, he was hot. But Joe wanted to be in control. He liked to be in control. He had to be in control to enjoy it. Pulling the last bit of shirt out of his pants he let the shirttails fly as he approached his partner.
Neither man spoke as one of LaFiamma's hands dropped to Lundy's crotch to grasp the balls surging to get out. Levon was unprepared for the strength of Joe's hand that slipped through his hair to hold his head in place for the kiss that followed.
Levon's torso jerked, moans escaped his lips as the kiss intensified, his feet kicked out as he attempted to press himself against his partner. Then he could smell it, the stench of semen and pee all being released together. Then he was alone... his partner stood opposite him staring at him with an expression that Levon didn't understand.
"Now that we've done it your way -- we'll do it my way," LaFiamma said quietly, looking at the growing wet spot on Lundy's jeans. "Get undressed. I'll put your clothes in the washer."
"I - I can't do it...." Levon mumbled his usually swaggering sharp voice barely audible. His hands shook so with passion for this man that he couldn't even undo one button.
LaFiamma studied the man. Was the blustering, fighting anger that erupted from Lundy a cover-up for raw passion?
Joey stepped back up to his partner his hands deftly unbuttoned the western shirt, slipping it off tanned shoulders.
As Joe began to undo the large western belt buckle, Lundy muttered, "Aren't you -- aren't you even hard?"
"Oh, I'm hard, Lundy. Hard as a rock. But I like to enjoy sex - draw it out - relish in the touch of flesh - a tongue caressing the cock, a nipple, an earlobe. Fingers into an ass until the body begs for more. ...I'll start the washer, you finish."
Joe turned and abruptly walked into the room next to the wall telephone, and soon Levon heard the washing machine start to fill. LaFiamma smiled as he stepped out of the rest of his clothes, his hard-on straight out in front of him like a mermaid on the bow of a boat.
Cursing at how inept he was the Texan kicked off his boots and pushed his socks off his feet before finally stepping out of his jeans. So much for holding it in, he thought. His head was still reeling from that kiss his partner had given him. Carrying his clothes, he was halfway across the kitchen before he realized that his partner felt the same way he did.
"Hey LaFiamma! You..." the rest of the sentence died in his throat as Joe stepped naked from the laundry room. God he is so beautiful.
"I'll take those," LaFiamma said, doing or saying nothing about the protrusion that walked ahead of him.
Lundy waited for his partner's return, staring at the towels that he thought had been piled on the staircase, he now saw they were actually layered on several steps.
"Ready for my way now," LaFiamma replied from behind, startling the blond, stepping close so the tip of his penis hit the Texan's thigh.
"You've done this before," Lundy croaked turning slow to look at his partner anew.
"You certainly have," Joey remarked, not answering the question.
"Yeah... when I needed a fix... some gay bar in town... mostly just fucking. If I'm lucky a good blow job, a warm embrace for the night," Levon admitted sheepishly.
"I'll give you a lot more than that, Levon - if you let me. I need to be in control though," Joey answered his voice a bit on edge, not sure his partner would agree.
"Some guy took you?" Levon asked timidly touching the cock that brushed his skin.
"Yeah - took me, hard."
"When you were young?" Levon pushed, wanting to know about his partner, seeing immediately that he had pushed too far.
"You want to do this - or should I take you home?" LaFiamma replied the sharpness of voice felt like a blade slicing through Levon's skin.
"I - I don't mean to push, LaFiamma. Don't know that much about you. Just what the Lieutenant told me. I don't want to go home. I want you! God you don't know how bad I've wanted you -- for weeks, I've wanted you!" The blond confessed, baring his soul to his new partner.
"Then my love," Joey cooed, "we start on the stairs and work up to the bedroom."
Sweat dripped off Levon's face, his eyes widened as his partner produced a bright colored piece of terry cloth similar to something he had been gagged with at a gay bar. Joe's manipulation of him had been intense - fingers, tongue, and cock rubbing, touching places he would never dream of putting them.
"It won't be tight," LaFiamma whispered bending lowing, stretching the headband over sweaty blond curls. "Just so neighbors won't call police."
Levon stared at his knuckles, white against the black wrought iron railing of the spiral staircase, his knees up like a woman giving birth. Sweat running into his eyes, he pushed his head backwards stretching his neck and immediately he felt his lover's tongue caress the length of it. At the same instant, he felt the surge of what he had been waiting for all afternoon - Joe's cock inching inside him deeper and deeper. The gag in his mouth softened his gargled scream, Joe was right in using it.
LaFiamma moved forward inching his penis deeper and deeper into the cavern in front of him. Reaching down next to him Joe retrieved a damp cloth and tenderly wiped the sweat from his lover's face.
"You doing okay, partner?" LaFiamma asked softly, plunging his cock fully into the enclosure that hugged it.
Lundy nodded, too involved with the passion that was overtaking him to mumble any kind of a verbal response. The Texan's eyes grew large as his lover moved closer lifting Texas legs and placing them up onto his shoulders. His white skin was a sharp contrast to Joey's tan.
LaFiamma's arms laced around the legs draped over his shoulders and he slowly began to pump into the willing, wanton ass of his lover on the stairs. Might not be so bad in this town after all, he thought as he pumped, bringing himself to a hot climax.
Levon's head came up as the explosion began. He stared at Joe's concentration wondering if LaFiamma was thinking about him or some other lover. The instant their eyes met, Levon knew from the smile that spread across his lover's face that Joe was only thinking about him.
"Do I get me a cowboy for dinner too?" Joey rasped, letting the legs fall and grasping for Levon's shoulders bringing him close. "Never had a cowboy for dinner."
"You got one now." Levon muttered thoroughly enjoying the warmth of Joe's arms around him. Warmth he didn't ever want to lose.