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Fandom: | Houston Knights |
Series: | Other Authors |
Rating: | NC17 |
Pairing: | Joe/Levon |
Archive: | Starwinder's |
Title: | First Meeting |
Author: | Etch |
Standard Disclaimer: Houston Knights belongs to Jay Bernstein and Michael Butler and Columbia Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended. This is fan fiction, written out of love for the shows. I am making no money off this. I have no money so please don't sue me. Any original characters who may appear in these stories are the property of the author. |
By Etch
Walking at a fast pace through Houston's International Airport, Joseph LaFiamma glanced over his left shoulder than his right as he heard his name paged overhead. "What imbecile did that?" The displaced Chicagoan grumbled to himself as he walked toward American Airlines baggage unloading dock.
Approaching the Information Center near the luggage drop off point. "Geez, a real live cowboy no less," Joe grumbled to no one, looking at the blond cowboy in blue jeans, tan shirt, jacket and cowboy hat that was leaning on the counter of the Information booth. A smile spread across the Italian's face as he slowed his pace, giving the man a good once over before he stopped in front of him.
"You Landry?" Joe inquired, his sharp blue eyes drilling into the cowboy's brown.
"The name's Lun-dee, Lafama. You got any bags?" Levon Lundy retorted, a shiver running down his back as the blue eyes pieced his soul looking deep inside.
"The name is LA FEE AH MA," Joe corrected, half turning to someone in the baggage area and giving a nod. "The bags are going to be delivered. You ready?"
"Yeah sure," Levon said without moving, staring at the perfect nose, the hair falling over one eye, the square jaw of the transplanted cop in front of him. The cowboy swallowed hard, pushing back an urge to reach up and push the man's hair out of his eyes. [Damn what is wrong with me, I don't even know the man.]
"Well?" LaFiamma questioned. "We going to stand here all day or what?" A smile twitched at the corner of his mouth. [I'm giving this dude the hard-on of his life and he's doing nothing to cover it up. In those tight jeans it sticks out as obvious as that oversize belt buckle he's wearing.]
"The car's this way," Lundy replied, pointing back toward the car rental signs.
Joe's eyes dropped to the tight jeans, and he dropped back just a bit to enjoy the view of the man's ass and how it moved. [Damn, those jeans must be painted on.]
"You coming, or what?" The blond asked as they reached a jeep with no top.
"You expect me to ride in this?" LaFiamma quizzed, waiting until the cowboy was stepping into it before he grabbed the roll bar and jumped in himself. "Tell you one thing, cowboy. You're a damn sight braver that I am." But before Lundy could brag about how Texans are better than anyone else is. Joe continued with, "I sure the hell wouldn't walk through an international airport with a hard-on like that. Those tight jeans you're wearing, it looks like a pretty stiff rod you got stuffed in your pocket. Course quite a few of those men that were looking at you, and women too, must have figured it was for me."
"What?" Levon started, staring down into his lap. [Am I so turned on by this Renaissance man that I didn't feel...?]
"I figured it was for me. It didn't start growing until I was almost on top of you. Now there's a thought," the Italian remarked with a grin, looking into the blonde's flushed face. "You going to introduce me to your lieutenant wearing that, or you got some empty parking garage we can go to so I can relieve you of the building pressure." Joe reached his left hand over and ran a finger lightly over the bulge. It visibly jumped, surging even bigger. "Yeah..." Joey grinned, smiling from ear to ear, "it is for me! Man, that's the best welcome present in the world."
Levon gaped at the man. He was so enthralled with his beauty that he didn't even... wasn't even... god they hadn't... they didn't. "Yeah, I know a place," Lundy found himself saying. "It's on the way, and we won't be disturbed."
They drove in silence, LaFiamma looking over the new terrain that was going to become his home; Lundy feeling sheepish that he was this hard, and getting harder just being in the presence of this man. [God, what if we have to work together!]
"Here we are. This is just one of many buildings that was never completed when the oil bubble burst down here." The cowboy said, parking side ways across several painted lines.
"Go in farther," LaFiamma replied, gesturing up toward some large pillars. "Up there, behind those pillars."
"Look! Just a simple blow-job will do. All you gotta do is unzip...."
"I don't do ...just... blow jobs, Lundy!" The displaced Chicagoan replied curtly. "You made this for me. You do it my way, or we can just continue on our way and you can feel the pain of a backup rolling into your balls as you drive."
Lundy swallowed hard and put the jeep into gear doing a slow roll toward the pillars, edging the jeep between the wall and the large circular white pillars before coming to a stop and turning off the engine.
"That's good. Okay, get out," Joe said unbuckling his seat belt.
"OUT?" Levon questioned, not sure what he was committing to here.
"O...U...T.... Out! If you think I'm going to break my neck sucking you off under that steering wheel, you'd better think again."
"Huh, oh, I suppose not." [Damn, I'm like a kid with him. It's not like I never had a man before, why am I so stupefied?]
"Lundy? You got a first name?"
"Well, Leevon... you just want to do it, don't you? No fan fare. Just drop the drawers and suck... that about it?" The Chicagoan asked smartly.
"Yeah," Lundy replied swallowing, his eyes watching the swagger of the man's walk as he strolled around the back of the jeep.
"I don't do just sex! But... if .... you promise me more tonight, I'll do it this way just once." Joe's hand touched the blonde's chin, his thumb passing lightly over the cowboy's lower lip.
"Ye... yeah, tonight would be... goo... good. I'll have to take you to wherever you're bunking anyway," Lundy said, little shocks of passion shooting through every pore as LaFiamma's fingers pushed into his mouth.
"Unzip - your - pants - and pull it out." The Italian's voice was soothing, calm, intoxicating.
Lundy's mouth opened in anticipation... in hopes that this man would kiss him.
"Reach back and hang onto the roll bar," the intoxicating voice said. Levon stared into the blue eyes watching them change to hazel, felt hands push his pants down over his hips. The cowboy's whole body jerked, legs kicking off the ground, when long fingers traced a circle around his buttocks zeroing in on the hole they were seeking. He didn't care if anyone found them, all he wanted was this Yankee, this man from the North.
Joey shook his head, he couldn't believe this cowboy was this far along and he hadn't even done anything yet. He must really be starved, really starved. [When I'm done, I'll have me a real live cowboy for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and any other time I want him.. Hope we don't have to work together. Damn I'll be sucking him around every turn.]
"Put your boots on the post behind me. Stretch out... that's good," Joey purred seductively, standing between Levon's out-stretched legs. The hand that was caressing Lundy's butt cheeks stopped. "Wet them," Joey whispered huskily to the eager Texan.
Levon eagerly opened his mouth and took in the fingers wetting them good. He couldn't believe his eagerness to have this stranger, a man he knew nothing about.
Joey's mouth lightly touched the hard penis that was being offered to him. It jerked, wanting, demanding more. "This is just a quickie you understand," Joey's evenly seductive voice continued, "tonight, we do it my way."
"Yes, yes! Tonight we do it your way. Oh God, please, please take it, please." Levon pleaded his eyes closed, his knuckles turning white as he gripped the roll bar.
Smiling, Joey's mouth closed over the Texan's penis, his tongue caressing it as he slowly swallowed it down his throat.
Lundy's eyes burst opened as the fingers he'd been sucking were pushed into his ass, pumping, plunging in and out in time to the stroking of the tongue on his cock. His buttocks pushed upward jabbing the cock down LaFiamma's throat. Levon expected this man to pull away instead he took it and more. [If this is a quickie? What's his...? Oh god it is so good. Never had it so good.]
Then he was coming. And coming. Exploding hot and heavy into the throat of this stranger from the North, exploding for what seemed like an eternity. Who was this LaFiamma? Who was this detective transferred here from the North? Levon melted, he didn't know how much longer he could hold on. This stranger who he had just met had just given him more pleasure than any one in his lifetime. He had to have more. He knew he desperately wanted this man in his life if for nothing more than to enjoy more of this.
"Easy, cowboy," Joey soothed, slowly bringing Lundy back to reality. "Take it easy. Breath easy." LaFiamma lifted the stiff, stretched legs off the wall behind him, pulled up the jeans and buckled the belt. Carefully he peeled the white fingers off the roll bar and brought the blond Texan to his feet.
"I saved a little for you," Joey cooed lightly bending in for a kiss. LaFiamma's mouth descended upon Levon's open mouth, his tongue depositing some of Lundy's cum into the back of the man's throat.
Levon started at the taste, his limp arms came up and he clung to Joe pushing his spent body against the man.
"Easy cowboy, take it easy," Joey whispered, breaking the kiss. "Tonight -- we'll take the edge off your starvation. Tonight ... you'll get it all."
"Tonight...." Levon mumbled, repeating the word over and over in his mind. His arms wrapped tight around the man holding him, not wanting the warmth of the embrace to be broken. It had been a long time since he'd felt this way, and he was finding it hard to believe that he found it in a man so different from himself.