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Fandom: | Houston Knights |
Series: | Other Authors |
Rating: | NC17 |
Pairing: | Joe/Levon, Joe/Other, Levon/Other |
Archive: | Starwinder's |
Title: | Handsome's Harem |
Author: | Etch |
Standard Disclaimer: Houston Knights belongs to Jay Bernstein and Michael Butler and Columbia Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended. This is fan fiction, written out of love for the shows. I am making no money off this. I have no money so please don't sue me. Any original characters who may appear in these stories are the property of the author. |
By Etch
Joey LaFiamma moved slowly across his bed, knowing that the slightest moan or gasp would travel from the loft bedroom down to the two Marines in living room. Three weeks of bed rest had him bananas. Not that every minute had been spent in bed. If it had been, he figured he'd be in the loony bin by now.
Twice they had driven out to Smith's house and once they had gotten there just as an exotic fish dealer was ready to unload piranhas in the swimming pool. After calling the Fish and Game Department to deal with the man and telling him he would be held accountable for any kids or hikers who decided to take a splash the man was more than happy to cooperate.
Smith had pre-ordered, and pre-paid the shipment, triple the cost since they are illegal to import. The dealer had not bothered to check to see if Smith still owned the house or not. LaFiamma hoped the man's import license would be revoked.
As the man was taken away the Marines and Joey stared at the swimming pool then at Shadow and back again. All knew the horrible death Shadow would have suffered when he came out of that tube from the interrogation room and hit the water. The true meaning of the sign Shadow saw at the end of the tube made everyone wonder what else Smith had up his sleeve.
Joey still found it unbelievable that Smith hated him so much. They had made love numerous times, yet now LaFiamma was finding out it was more out of hatred than love. Gerald had received a huge footlocker of Smith's that had been in storage at Quanto. Since Gerald was the manager of Smith's trust fund they had shipped it to him. LaFiamma and Gerry had gone through it and were flabbergasted to find detailed journals on just about everything Smith did. In it also was the infamous video that R.G. had talked about.
General Smith had details of each man he considered 'his.' What was most horrifying to Joe was the step-by-step instructions of his recon team being split in half, of his capture, of his detainment, of his torture - to the detail of having cockroaches released where there normally weren't any.
Even viewing Smitty's body hadn't helped any of the Marines. Shadow had insisted that the corpse be undressed to verify it wasn't a white guy with his head and hands painted black, and that scars on the shoulders and buttocks were there. All of them would have loved to have thrown the dead man into that vat of piranhas. Then maybe they all would have felt like that was the end of the man. Yet each one lived with scars of his own inflicted by George Washington Smith. Perhaps this is why they had a kinship with LaFiamma, which went beyond the love they felt for him.
Joey stared at the ceiling, listening to Shadow and Hummer pack things up downstairs. The Italian had learned fast about his caregivers. If the slightest moan of pain escaped his lips they were there in seconds hovering over him. LaFiamma thought Lundy's mothering was bad, these two were double that and more.
It was Levon who talked Joey into marrying Lucia while he was still in the hospital. The Texan surmised that once Joe got out of the hospital that between police work and Marine training he just wouldn't fit in a wedding. Aunt Teresa and a couple of cousins flew down from Chicago for the event. A quiet private wedding ceremony was held in the hospital chapel with Levon as Joey's best man, and Amy English, Admiral English's wife, as Lucia's matron of honor. The three women were already planning an elaborate reception to let the Texas world know that Houston's number one bachelor was now out of circulation.
Joey smiled to himself thinking about the ranch that Levon had found for him and Lucia just a couple of miles from Smith's and Lundy's. They were closing on it tomorrow or was it today? Levon told Joey after the wedding ceremony that he was going to start house hunting for Joe. The look in Aunt Teresa's eyes at the wedding had told him LaFiamma's family would be coming down now that he was putting down roots. Lundy more than the Marines seemed to understand how important it was for Joe to have roots. When Levon discovered an old for sale along the road as he drove home one day, he drove in over the weed infested driveway to a house that looked like it had been empty for quite a while. After tracking down the realtor, Levon discovered the house belonged to Joey's surgeon, Doctor Tom Baker.
The property was a tri-level modern style solar house with five bedrooms; a gourmet kitchen that included a huge cooking island, a den, and even what could be called a mother-in-law suite on the lower level of the daylight basement. Behind the three car garage were several other buildings including an oversize bunkhouse with a large kitchen plus some other smaller buildings.
After much discussion with Doctor Baker, Admiral English, and the newly appointed head of Special Operations, General Michael Callahan, it was decided that this bunkhouse would serve as a guesthouse for the men and women that would be coming to go through the Interrogation training at Smith's house. Or as R.G. had dubbed it after finding the second manual -- Smith's prison complex. General Callahan even agreed to fund a cook for the times when training would be happening. The rooms in Smith's barn, with the exception of Hawk's playroom, were being turned into living quarters for the Harem, though R.G. would be living in the apartment, which he discovered had an impregnable firewall around it. Evidently Smith wanted to make sure an unbalanced LaFiamma couldn't burn him out.
Peaceful, boring Houston had suddenly turned into sexual heaven. Joey wondered if the same would have happened if he were still in Chicago. He doubted it. Aunt Teresa would have latched onto Lucia and thrown the rest out.
"Hey you guys down there, you going to starve me to death, or do I get breakfast today?" Joey called from the loft just as Levon knocked on the apartment door.
Joey heard the exchange of words and recognized Lundy's voice, calling down to him to bring up breakfast or just bring himself.
"Ornery today, ain't he?" Levon asked taking off his hat.
"Doc Baker told him he was over doing it yesterday. Read him the riot act. Don't think it will do much good. He's going stir crazy being cooped up. Maybe you could go to bed with him awhile... he's wearing us out, man." Shadow said with a grin.
"I ain't one for making love with others around," Levon answered, pink blush crossing his face. "Why don't you get him some breakfast? I've got some things he needs to go over."
Walking up the spiral staircase, Levon swallowed back the urge to run and pounce upon his lover. Two weeks ago at Smith's complex, they had been together in R.G.'s bed, and it had been wonderful. It was the first time they'd been in bed since the night before Smith arrived in Houston. Waking up the next morning to find someone had covered them with blankets had been a shock to Lundy. He knew the blanket wasn't over them when they fell asleep. Levon wondered if he would ever get used to seeing Joe openingly kiss others in his presence. The blond remembered his partner saying his family had no qualms about kissing each other, man or woman. Maybe he is just emulating his upbringing. The cowboy wondered if he would have gone in and covered Joe and Sam? The Texan itched to have his lover back in his arms, but in his own bedroom, in their own place away from interruptions.
"Partner, how you doing?" Levon asked settling into the recliner next to Joey's bed.
"No fun being in bed alone, man... got sex all around and all of them are saying no... how about you Lundy? You saying no too?"
"I ain't sayin' no, just saying now's not the time. Got a package here you might want to look at," the Texan replied opening up the folder he was carrying. Cautiously showing the Italian the package before handing it to him on the bed.
"You found it!" Joey roared joyfully, sitting up to catch it. "Where's it been?"
"Been sitting on the hotel manager's desk all this time. Marriott had a big convention come in the day you were hurt, then another and another. He called Reisner about the package yesterday and I picked it up this morning."
Joey ripped open the package and pieces fell out everywhere. One by one LaFiamma picked them up. The gold leaf Major clusters he put on his bedside table. He glanced over the president's letter before handing it to Lundy. Then he gathered up the envelopes marked "Captain LaFiamma" and put them in order according to the names on the upper left hand corner. Joey fingered Lucia's letter. She had asked him not to read it, and he hadn't given her an answer.
Since a priest had married them, and there was no way that they were going to be divorced, he went ahead and opened the letter. LaFiamma started laughing almost immediately. He could see her standing in front of him saying these exact words. ['I love you Joey, and have ever since we first met, but if you think I am going to hang around and wait for you every time you break a date you have another thing coming. What excuse will it be this time? Colonel Smith pulled you in for extra duty just doesn't cut it anymore. No more pussy footing up to me with those sorrowful eyes. No more Captain! This is it! IT!'] "Yeah babe, Colonel Smith did everything he could to break us up, but it didn't work did it?"
"What didn't work, Sir?" Shadow asked coming up the spiral staircase with a tray of food.
"Smitty breaking Lu and I up," Joey answered refolding his wife's letter into its envelope, he opened the drawer on the bedside table and slipped the letter inside.
Shadow stared at the papers on the bed. "Is that the Chicago package?"
"That it is, Samuel Jones, that it is. Hand the tray to Lundy he's going to feed me while I read..."
"Hey, I ain't your slave. You can order them to...." Levon groused wanting more than anything to be able to spend the day in bed with his partner.
"Huh?" LaFiamma mumbled confused by his partner's reaction. "I don't order them to do anything, Lundy. They come and go just like you. They say no just like you. As far as ordering you to do something, you happen to work for me now, remember?"
Levon swallowed, he really wanted to say I am your slave, I am your anything, but he just wasn't use to sharing his lover. Lundy didn't understand why Lucia didn't have a problem with watching Joey make out with his harem in front of her, and him.
"I - I just got a problem with sharing you okay. It's going to take some time. And - and the way Shadow looks at me sometimes...."
"You got eyes for him, Sam?" LaFiamma asked quietly studying his Marine.
"Ain't never had a real Texan, Sir. And there's just something about those tight jeans..." Shadow's voice trailed off, the last thing he wanted was to be exiled from this lover again.
"If you've got a hard-on partner, Shadow's your man. He's the best cock sucker in the world. No one is better than he is. You haven't lived until he's tasted you. You hard now?" Joe questioned seeing the ridge in his lover's jeans.
Levon swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded yes.
Grinning from ear to ear, LaFiamma began gathering up his papers. "Come on, cowboy, take your boots off and see for yourself. Can't have you going to work that way, and my nursemaids won't let me do it."
Shadow took the breakfast tray back as Levon bent to take his boots off. The Texan missed the quiet exchange between the other two men and was surprised when Sam asked him to just get undressed all the way. Levon stared at his partner as he eased himself out of bed. Naked the man was truly beautiful, Levon thought. Every curve, every muscle keenly shaped.
"You comin' in me when he's done?" Lundy croaked his voice husky with excitement and passion.
"If you want," Joey replied lightly kissing his partner on the lips as they traded places.
"I want." Came the simple answer.
Joey plopped down in the recliner turning it slightly to give his partner the bit of privacy that he could, and began to devour the scrambled eggs, hash browns, toast, juice and coffee.
The smoothness of Sam's hands surprised Lundy. They felt like pure silk skimming over his hips, touching his balls. Shadow's mouth hadn't even touched his penis yet, and Levon's cock was already at full arousal. No wonder LaFiamma loves this man, Levon thought, his touch is beyond words.
Shadow inwardly smiled. He had wanted this man even before he knew Lundy was Handsome's partner. Sam had bided his time hoping things would turn his way and he would have a chance with this Texan. Now here he was ready to do what he was trained for - trained to be a cock sucker in his brother's brothels in Amsterdam and New York. Sam still remembered the lecture he got went he told his family he had joined the Marine Corps. Little did they realize he was still practicing the art he'd been taught at a teenager.
Bending low Shadow began nibbling Levon's balls, first gently biting them, then pulling them into his mouth, and sucking 'em hard.
Joey finished his breakfast, got up and set the tray down at the top of the stairs. Turning back to the two on the bed, he smiled. Levon's back was arched high off the bed, body and words begging for the mouth to move to the cock.
"OOOOOOOOOHGODDD!" Levon moaned as Sam's mouth began to work down the length of his cock.
Kneeling as his partner's head, Joey whispered, "Shhh, Levon you want my neighbors to call the cops?"
Joey's fingers lightly rubbed over the top of his partner's nipples, no pinching, just the bare tantalizing touch. Guttural, animalistic sounds began to come from Levon's throat.
Levon lay in a dream world, passion ebbing through him like tide crashing against rocks in a summer storm. His genitals were on fire. His toes tingled. This was beyond anything he and his partner had ever done together. Why did his partner even need him with this man around?
The Texan turned his head as Joe moved onto the bed next to him. "He's good, isn't he?" Joey whispered, tenderly touching his lover's chin.
"I'm comin.. aghrgh... it's good... it hurts... oh god Joey why do you even need me with him here?"
Joey stilled the babble coming from his lover's mouth with a kiss. His tongue probing deep into the throat as Shadow's throat milked Levon's cock dry.
"You better let me do you sir," Shadow rasped quietly. "He's spent."
"I don't want to be sucked, Shadow, I want inside. You don't like inside except in the shower, I'll just wait for Levon to come around."
"You can have me, Major, please. In the closet... we can do it in the closet."
Joey moved off the bed, covering Levon with a sheet as he moved around the end of the bed. He looked up to see Shadow blocking his way to the bathroom. "Sam we'll do it in the shower later..."
"Sir, please, I am begging you to do it now. In... in the shower I'm always so high, your cock is so lathered it has a different feel. A... a different feel that what R.G. and Hawk talk about... about you coming in raw and hot. Even Lu has laughed with them about how raw and hot you can be... I'm sure you and Lundy have done...."
"Sam, I know how your family used you in their brothels... I know there are things we have tried to do in the past that have totally terrified you... that is why we do it in the shower. It is something new, something you've never experienced with anyone else. I don't go in 'raw and hot' with any of them. They may think that, if I haven't prepared them right, or if I'm just in a hurry for a quick fuck. I love... make love with each of you in a different way. Each of you are unique...." Joey stopped and looked at the pain on Sam's face. The pains of wanting to be like everyone else.
"What I'd really like to do is wake Levon. He was raped Sam. He is probably beginning to think I don't want him because of that. And I do. I want to come in his ass so bad... so bad... and I want you too, Sam... want to suck you off. Watching you have him just now made me realize that I've never seen anyone suck you off. I want to be the one to do that Sam; can we do that instead? Later when there is just the two of us... I'll come - raw and hot - in you."
Joey smiled as he quietly touched his partner's shoulder. "Levon? You ready for me - or you want to just sleep?"
"Both. Want you in me... want to sleep..." Lundy purred turning his face toward the sound of his lover's voice.
"Sleep," Joey whispered, looking at Levon's face beamed in peaceful joy. Joe noticed the breakfast tray had disappeared and knew that Hummer had come up to check on things.
"Okay, Shadow, get a couple of towels and put them down in the closet - you're going to get your wish."
Retrieving a tube of lube from the nightstand, Joey turned to watch Sam Jones carry two large beach towels into the closet. He noticed the hard-on Sam had and searched his mind for any time he or someone else had given Shadow a blow job. Smiling to himself, the Italian decided this Marine lover of his who had been celibate for the last nine years was about to be the recipient of some mind blowing sex.
Gently touching Sam's shoulder, Joey said, "I don't do dog style, Sam, on your feet." Remembering how he and Levon had done it for the first time, Joey pushed Sam up against the wall and began fingering the man's balls. When Shadow started to protest LaFiamma grabbed a handful of curly black hair and moved the mouth to his starting a deep French kiss that wilted the New Yorker to the floor. Still the kiss continued, continued until Sam's body began twisting against him. Releasing his lover's mouth Joey moved back spreading the man's legs, he moved between them.
Joey paused for a split second before dropping his head and capturing Shadow's penis in his mouth.
Sam's shoulders, his head shot up staring at the head bobbing up and down at his groin. This was his job not the Major's... but the words he tried to speak came out garbled.
Joey stopped momentarily and looked up, his teeth holding the captured cock tight. Sam stared into the sparkling blue loving mischievous eyes, moaning he lay back down. Never before had he experienced what he did for others. Never before until now. Sam's mind soared, being celibate all these years had been worth it. He had had his lover's main man and he wasn't in trouble for it, and now his lover was... was... oh, mama, it feels so good.
Joey dropped the spent penis, letting it fall onto Sam's belly. His tongue caressed along a rib line up to a nipple to the throat to the open mouth of the Marine that had been trained since the age of ten to work in his family's brothels satisfying others needs. Joey realized that this lover of his was very special and from this point in time the Italian vowed to do more than just enjoy the man in the shower.
"Shadow, you still with me?" LaFiamma whispered, asking his delirious lover to roll over.
Straddling Sam, Joey laid his hard edged sword against the olive skin under him. He turned to the lube he had taken from the dresser and generously applied some around his cock.
Joey looked down at Shadow the man who wanted it like everyone else, as his fingers spread Sam's butt cheeks. Sam's head jerked up, but no sound came from his throat as Joey thrust his cock through the tight opening. LaFiamma slid back slow until only the head was in, and then thrust again and again egged on by the soft moans of pleasure escaping from Sam Jones' lips. The Italian was just at the peak for release when he heard his partner call his name.
"LaFiamma?" Lundy moaned just as Joey poised himself over Shadow's ass for the final thrust of total release.
Checking on the purring man under him, LaFiamma gnawed on Shadow's left shoulder as he eased his penis out. Springing back onto his haunches, holding his cock close to his body LaFiamma moved quickly back to his bed immediately entering the ass being offered him.
Shadow relishing in the pleasure, the pain of the entrance moaned as his lover pumped hard into him. So engrossed in the pleasure of the moment Sam didn't even know his lover had left.
Joey's erection came quickly and the Italian lay moaning atop his partner. Nipping on an earlobe Joey whispered into the Texan's ear, "Levon, I love you so, don't leave me. Don't ever leave me."
Joey waited a few minutes before leaving his bed, then taking one of the blankets at the foot of the bed he wrapped it around him and walked down the spiral staircase to the couch.
A sound he didn't recognize awoke Sam Jones. He moved slowly, his body aching in places that hadn't hurt before. Pulling himself to a sitting position he looked around the area wondering where he was. It was Levon's voice croaking LaFiamma's name that brought him back to reality and the pleasure that had gone down earlier.
"Joe? Sam?" Levon groused, "anybody here? Man, I was suppose to be on duty an hour ago."
Using the door frame, Shadow pulled himself to a standing position and walked into LaFiamma's loft bedroom. "Levon - you okay?" Sam asked as he stretched out the kinks. "Where's LaFiamma?"
"Damned if I know. He shouldn't have let me sleep. I'm supposed to be on duty. Damn, I'm going to get in trouble for this."
"I thought he was your boss now. If he let you sleep, it must be okay. How's that working - putting substations around the city, with a lieutenant in each one? You know the Major is going to have a problem answering to 'Lieutenant' cause it's been a long time since he was one." Sam said walking into the bathroom to take a pee.
"Yeah, we've been talking about that at Reisner," Levon answered, pushing the sheet back. "Some of the guys dubbed to be lieutenants aren't so sure they want the responsibility that goes with the job. The brass is thinking of changing it to a different rank. LaFiamma even suggested using the European term of 'Inspector' instead of Lieutenant... telling the brass that in most cities you can't be a lieutenant unless you pass exams."
"Inspector LaFiamma - hey, I like that," Shadow laughed. "How about a shower? It would save on water if we took one together."
"Sure, why not." Levon replied, allowing Shadow to pull him to his feet.
Lundy stood in the hot shower amazed that he was hard again. Shadow stood before him lathering the Texan's arms, chest, and hair with soap. Hands slid over him, caressing him, and fingers were working his ass. Sam twisted the flexible shower hose off its clip and rinsed the blond hair, and the soap off Levon's upper body. Replacing the hose he knelt down in front of the erect penis in front of him his mouth just covering the head, just a tantalizing lick as Sam lathered the detective's legs.
Levon's eyes shot open as he was pulled gently to the floor of the shower, water spraying his face. He wondered whose legs were trapped over Samuel Jones's shoulders, and when he tried to move Lundy discovered they were his legs. The blond stared up in bewilderment watching Shadow suck him, listening to the sound of it, and watching the man's throat muscles; the talent of this man awed Levon. The blond head jerked from side to side as a large wet soapy object began to push into his anus. When he asked what it was, he was told no questions, just enjoy. Levon closed his eyes and let the pleasure flow through him, never had he been given a blow job like this before.
Downstairs in the laundry room off the kitchen, Hummer was losing his virginity to a very determined Major. It had taken a lot of seduction to get Jake to undress. Jake Hummerstein had only been naked in front of two people since he was thirteen years old. Not since his mother discovered the ugly scars on his back from the beatings his stepfather had been giving him. Jake had heard Lundy say that his father had beat him with a board when he was in drunken stupor's, but Jake knew his scars were worse than anybody's. That is what the doctor had told his mother, that they were the worse the doctor had ever seen and the way they healed, it was too late to fix them. But now he was in the arms of the man he admired and loved more than any other human being in the world. He'd been ashamed when LaFiamma had pulled off his tee sheet, but instead of pity the Major gave him love.
"Jake, we all have scars," Joey whispered quietly, holding Hummer in his arms kissing him tenderly on the neck and throat. "It's what is inside the body that is important, not the body itself. Some people might be prettier than others might, but a lot of pretty people aren't pretty inside. And the doctor was wrong, Jake - those scars, in today's medicine can be taken care of. I want you to promise me to let Doctor Baker have a look at them."
"My mom took me to a...." Jake protested, remembering the embarrassment of his Marine physical and the questions that were asked.
"Jake, you can't go swimming in an undershirt all your life," LaFiamma said, tilting Jake's chin to finish their kiss.
Pulling back from the kiss Hummer screwed his buttocks tighter around the sword. At long last he was connected to this man they called Handsome. At long last he understood what others talked about when they moaned about having the Major's cock inside them. Jake looked at the man he loved. The man that so many of his Marine buddies loved.
"My mother was a really good Jewish lady. She just ended up with two bad husbands. My dad left us when I was ten. Just left for work one day and never came home again. It took a couple of years for her to get a divorce, and then she married again, and - and that man didn't think I was being brought up Jewish enough. Whatever that means. I had had my bar mitzvah and that stuff. Was active in the synagogue. Did all the right things according to my mother, but it didn't satisfy him. We'd come home from church and he'd asked me to help him with something in the garage, and my mother would go in the house and start getting us something to eat. He'd take off his belt, take his handkerchief out of his pocket and stuff it in my mouth so she wouldn't hear, then he'd start hitting me, telling me all the things I did wrong. I went to the Rabbi once to try to tell him, but he won't listen, said it was a family matter."
"When did your mom find out what was happening?" Joe asked tearfully, wiping the wetness off both their cheeks.
"They were married about six months when he started hitting me. Then for their first anniversary my mother was planning something big and asked me to go somewhere with my step dad and I said no. Said I didn't want to be alone with him. That I couldn't take what he was doing to me. Told her I couldn't understand why she was letting him do it."
"And she asked you what he was doing." LaFiamma asked quietly, tenderly wiping the tears off Jake's cheeks.
"Yeah. All that time I thought... I thought she knew what was going on. Knew why I had blood on my shirts. She didn't. When I lifted up my shirt and showed her my back she almost fainted. I had to catch her. She changed the locks on the house while he was at work, and called the police when he pounded on the door to try to get in. Only the doctor she took me too, the doc at the Marine physical and now you have seen the scars."
"The scars are why you get up at two in the morning to shower? So no one will see them?"
"Yes, sir," Hummer said dropping his chin to his chest.
"Jake Hummerstein, you are so special," Joey purred, two fingers going under Hummer's chin to raise it up for another kiss. "You are one of the finest Marines I've ever had the pleasure to know and to serve with... God doesn't make junk, Jake. Whatever the man told you - he was wrong. You are not bad. You are not junk. Everyone picks up scars along life's trail; some are visible like yours and mine. Some are up here," Joey whispered touching his forehead. "To me your scars would be easier to live with... they're fixable. Mine is there for life."
LaFiamma's arms encircled Jake and he gently eased him backward onto the tile floor. "Now let's get back to you losing your virginity." Joey whispered making one last thrust to empty his cum into the warm confines of Jake's ass.
"I think I already have, sir. If your sword gets in me any more, it will be sticking out my nose."
Drying each other off, Shadow and Levon were startled to hear LaFiamma's laughter come from somewhere below them.
Sam Jones froze at the sound. He figured the Major had left for the house signing and... [Oh shit!]
"You think he'll be mad... us doing it again," Levon asked seeing the fear on Sam's face.
"God, I hope not, I couldn't take what Hawk went through, being here but not being able to touch him."
Hearing the movement above him, LaFiamma pulled himself out of Hummer, offered him a hand and said, "Come on, they're out of the shower, now it's our turn."
Looking around for his shirt, Hummer eyes protested when LaFiamma's hands and words told him no.
"Just like you are, come on... up the stairs to the shower."
"But they will see me."
"They see you everyday."
"But not... naked!"
LaFiamma gestured down his body from his neck to his toes. "You see any difference between us - we're plumbed the same right? They won't say anything. Trust me."
"Can I at least take my clothes with me and leave them on the bed?"
Joey nodded yes and turned to open the laundry room door. "Come on, new Harem member, up the stairs with you!"
Levon saw Sam's surprise at seeing a naked Hummer coming up the stairs. "No one's ever -- seen him naked," Shadow said in a barely audible whisper.
Lundy and Jones watched Hummer lay his clothes on the bed and walk into the shower. It was then that they saw the ugly criss-crossing scars across his back and buttocks.
Seeing Levon's stressed face, LaFiamma explained quietly and quickly how the marks got there, and asked the two men not to make a big deal about them. That Hummer had been ashamed for too long about marks that were not his fault.
Joe started into the shower, then stopped. He turned and looked back at the two men. "You two shower together?" The Italian questioned looking directly into Shadow's eyes.
"Yes, Sir," Shadow croaked, expecting the worse.
"You know it's cheaper that way, LaFiamma," Levon ventured not reading the look on his partner's face.
"You like doing it with him?" The Major asked Sam, looking directly into the frightened black eyes in front of him.
"Of course he liked it!" Levon growled, "I ain't just anybody - I'm your main man!"
LaFiamma stepped back to where Shadow stood, still holding the towel he'd been wiping Levon with. "Do you like doing it with him?" Joey repeated, reaching down with one hand to grab hold of Sam's cock.
Shadow opened his mouth but no words came. He closed his eyes tight as the hand continued to squeeze. "I-I like doing it... with both of you... sir." Sam squeaked out, his eyes opening when the pressure on his penis was released.
Sam Jones couldn't believe what he was seeing - his Major was smiling. Smiling! "Sir?"
Then his Major was kissing him.... "Just make sure you don't squeeze me out of the picture, okay?" Joey replied turning back to go into the shower with Hummer.
"You're not mad?" Shadow gasped disbelieving. "Not going to throw me out?"
"Let's just say I've mellowed over time, Sam. I'm the only family that Levon has now. If you two enjoy making love together then you have my blessing - just leave room in there for me - if you suddenly cut me off and aren't available - you'll be out of here. Both of you."
"But I thought - I mean when Hawk ---" Shadow stammered remembering what happened when Handsome caught Hawk in bed with someone else.
"Hawk was unfaithful with someone outside the fold. Someone I didn't approve of... someone I had refused entry to our Special Ops Unit. Whether that man baited Hawk into going to bed with him, I don't know. But fact was he did."
"Will Hawk ever be back in the fold?" Hummer asked from behind them.
"Gerald is tracking Hawk, Jingles and Trap as we speak. Now can I get my shower I need to be at a house closing that I thought was tomorrow but my calendar says it is today."
"Yeah, LaFiamma how come you let me sleep, I'm way overdue at Reisner." Levon growled taking the towel from Shadow so he could finish drying his hair.
"If you read your mail Lundy you would know that you aren't at Reisner all week. You are to be at the Southwest substation by ten thirty, and the Northwest substation by one thirty. I sent you a memo asking you to look over both areas. Gave you a list of men who were going to be assigned, and asked you to give me a lay of the land... help with the decision on which of the territories you and I are going to be in charge of."
"In charge of? Me?" Lundy gasped as he struggled to put on his shorts.
"I told Beaumont I'd be carpet inspector one... only if you could continue to be my partner on the road." LaFiamma replied as he stepped into the shower.
"They're going with Inspector?"
"Don't know what they're going with Lundy. I told Joanne and the Captain that I probably wouldn't answer to Lieutenant since it had been years that I'd been one, and they needed to find a more generic title. Two of the four cops they tapped for this have already backed down. Now get dressed and go to Reisner and read your mail, and get to where you are suppose to be." LaFiamma replied, closing the shower door behind him.
Sergeant Harold "Hawk" Feldman stood silently in front of the paymaster. He could not understand why he hadn't been paid like everyone else. Why his name wasn't on any work roster... why he was suddenly a non person on the base he'd spent the last year on.
"It looks like, son, that you're not stationed here anymore," Captain James Darling replied ruffling through the stack of papers on his desk.
"Yeah, but - I was given a week off and now that I'm back, I'm not here?" Feldman gasped in a horrified voice.
"According to this fax we received last night, you are listed as AWOL from a Special Operations Unit in Houston."
"AWOL!" Hawk squawked, fear in his voice. "Major LaFiamma said he was assigning some of us to a unit there but...."
"Sit down, Feldman, I'll see what I can find out. I doubt you will be taken back in chains," Captain Darling said with a grin.
"You don't know Major LaFiamma, Sir." Hawk said eyeing two MPs pacing outside the window.
Hawk watched the two MPs walk into the Paymaster office. He didn't like the frown that crossed Captain Darling's face as he talked with the two men. He knew they were there for him when Darling nodded in his direction.
"You known as Hawk?" One of them asked, while the other looked Hawk over.
"Yes Sir," Sergeant Feldman mumbled finding he had no voice.
"We have orders to escort you back to Houston to a Special Operations Unit that is being set up there. Our boss said your Major wasn't too happy when he discovered you weren't around."
"I had no orders to stay," Hawk ventured, "none that I knew about." Hawk blinked remembering too late LaFiamma's words and his fingers pointing to him and two others while the Major was still in his hospital bed. ['You are now assigned to me! Gerald is taking care of the paper work. You have two days to go back to your base pick up your things and get your asses back here."]
"Oh shit," Hawk muttered under his breath, remembering the words of his Major, realizing he'd been invited back to the harem and had totally missed the invitation. Seeing the looks of those around him, Hawk offered, "just hope he doesn't hang me naked in the woods like he did the last guy that was AWOL."
Walking into the barracks accompanied by two MPs was the second most embarrassing moment Harold Feldman had ever felt. They stood on either side of the door as he walked to his bunk, pulled out his footlocker and packed. Feldman watched his Harley, duffel bag and footlocker being loaded onto a small van, his breath stopped when handcuffs and ankle shackles were strapped on. He gave the cops a questioning look and they said it was standard procedure for anyone who was being transported. Hawk was informed the van would be loaded directly onto a plane and flown to Houston. Locked into a bucket seat inside the van, Hawk remembered the most embarrassing time of his life - the day Captain LaFiamma caught him in bed with someone else. LaFiamma had grabbed him around one ankle and jerked him out of the bed and unto the floor. Then Hawk had been dragged stark naked through Joe's Ops unit to the showers. Hawk still had a scar on his butt from the floor burn, a scar that every day reminded him of his stupidity.
He and LaFiamma had rough sex together. He liked it rough, the rougher the better. He had offered himself that way to his Captain and his Captain had taken it. Hawk never understood why he liked being a love slave but his Captain never refused him any pleasure, even when LaFiamma himself questioned what Hawk wanted, he obliged his lover with the pleasure of it. And if his Captain drew blood, that made Hawk even hotter for the man.
Harold moved in the seat to get more comfortable amazed that he was still strapped in the van and the plane was already airborne. Maybe Handsome would punish him for being AWOL. The thought brought a smile to Feldman's face and heat to his groin.
The house closing had gone off without a hitch. Papers were signed and the realtor had been blown away when she discovered Joe was paying cash for the house. Reluctantly Hummer had allowed Doctor Baker to examine the wounds on his back. Hummer couldn't believe it when he was told most of them could be made invisible by plastic surgery, though it would take time. In front of everyone Hummer had embraced LaFiamma thanking him profusely for making him a new man.
Joe and Lucia had only a few private moments together before they parted. Lu had to go back to San Antonio to finish packing her apartment, pick up her discharge papers and do any last minute training of her replacement.
LaFiamma reached over and ruffled Hummer's hair. The Marine glanced in Joe's direction a broad grin on his face. "You had a chance to read any of the letters in the package yet, sir?"
"Just Lucia's." Joey answered retracting his hand to pick up the ringing cell phone.
"LaFiamma. Yeah, Gerald," Joe answered all his attention going to what Gerald was telling him.
{V.O.} "I found Hawk. He's been back at his base all this time. They found him in the Paymaster's office trying to find out why he wasn't getting paid or on any duty roster. They detained him this morning and he is already an hour into the flight here. They told me it is standard procedure to shackle every AWOL they transport. He won't be released to anyone but you, and you will have to sign a release accepting him before he'll be uncuffed."
"What about Jethro and Trevor? You find them yet?" Joey asked.
{V.O.} "Jingles is on his way to the Philippines... but I talked with General Callahan, told him the men we needed to make this Unit operational, and he said he'd take care of getting them here. He also said he wants to go through the house as a trainee, and is going to issue orders for some other brass go to through it."
"Whoa... that will be an experience for us... give hell to a General or two. Got anything else?" Joey answered with a whistle.
{V.O.} "One other thing, Warsaw called. His wife wants to move to Houston to be closer to her parents... he wants in on whatever you can use him for. I told him we could probably find a place for him. Figured the control booth would be one, and with his artistic skills I think he could replace some of the things Smith did. Once we find out how to stop Smith's programming."
"Hawk's coming back?" Hummer asked excitedly as he pulled into Smith's driveway.
"I told him, when I told you and Shadow, when I was still in the hospital that he was. Must have blown right by him. You know how he likes to have it - Smith's kinky playroom will now be Hawk's playroom," Joey replied smiling, thinking about how his was going to punish Feldman when he arrived.
LaFiamma looked around R.G.'s apartment. When they had been there two weeks ago the walls were plain except for the mosaic of two men lying together. Now Gerald sat at a computer in the corner of the living room, and there was a large screen television set in the opposite corner. The section sofa had been divided into two separate couches. Amazing how deceptive it was from the outside. Maybe it was the density of the trees around the place.
"Gerald, is Hawk's playroom and my dressing room ready?" Joey asked walking out of the control room to the picture window that overlooked the back of the house and its swimming pool.
"It's ready, Joe. You talked to the guy who put it together, right." Gerald replied, wondering how anyone could have sexual pleasure with some of the things that were in there.
"Yeah... and I found out that Smith was the one who was going to be the slave, as they call it. That surprised me. Maybe that is where he got his kinky ideas... they were being done to him by someone else, so he picked his own men and did it to them." Joey said gazing with interest at the pool below.
"I like the way you roped off the driveway," Joey continued, "so whoever comes has to come to the back. Where's Shadow? He should have been here by now."
"He called to say everyone had left and he had no transportation from your place here," R.G. answered, asking his Major for a hug and receiving one.
"What about his bike? Was it stolen?" LaFiamma questioned walking to the phone next to the computer to dial his place.
"Shadow, where the hell are you?" LaFiamma barked into the phone. Hearing Sam's feeble excuse, he continued sourly, "You and Levon get so hot you forgot about your Harley? You know that bike that is never out of your sight except when you are in bed with someone! Now get on it and get your ass out here!"
Joey dropped the phone and watched it rock in its cradle. He could already feel R.G.'s eyes on his back. Jake knew about Sam and Levon but R.G. didn't, and Joey knew that R.G. loved his partner too. [Damned if this isn't turning into the duo detective's harem.]
"Jake, you and R.G. go down to the parking area and wait for Hawk, he should be coming any time."
"Hawk's coming?" R.G. bubbled anxiously pushing what he'd heard about Levon out of his mind.
Stopping in front of the sandy haired man, Joey tilted his chin and kissed the open mouth, "Hawk's coming from San Diego... and don't worry you will get your time with Levon. It just happened that Shadow had him first. You and Shadow are the only Marines he is interested in, other than me, I want you to make sure no one else makes passes at him. You hear?"
Walking to the kitchen table to pick up one of the hand held radios, Joe added, "be sure you each have one of these at all times when you are out on the property. It is our only way of communication - the same as if we were on any mission. In fact, General Callahan wants to make this into a Special Operations Training Unit, as soon as we can get Smith's bugs out of the place."
"Now get down there and wait for our two delinquents while I change my clothes."
Joey returned to stare at the swimming pool.
"Somethin' bothering you about the pool, Joe?" Gerald said turning away from the computer.
"I just watched part of the backup tape of Shadow in that room. Just as he went down the tube a video of Smith came on. He was standing at pool side with an older man, and then gives him a shove." LaFiamma stopped short. "Oh god, did his house in D.C. have a pool?"
"It does, but he never let anyone go swimm... Joe! You don't think....!?" Gerry gasped horrified at what he thought might be true.
"Put out an immediate alert on that thing," LaFiamma said pointing to the computer. "I'll call the Washington D.C. police - oh Mary Mother of God, please don't let any children be in there."
Gerald typed furiously putting every urgent alarm code he knew in the message. Even ones that would set off alarms on the receiver units. Then he listened to LaFiamma identified himself as Lieutenant Joseph LaFiamma of the Houston Police Department, and also a Marine on temporary duty in Houston. He shared the information he had just discovered. Gerry watched Joey's face change.
Color drained from Joe's tanned face, his head nodded up and down, then Gerry heard Joey say, "Throw five pounds of frozen hamburger in or get a butcher to donate a hunk of meat. If you're missing people in that neighborhood, or animals... their bones could be in the bottom of that pool. My assistant has already contacted our Marine commander, General Michael Callahan."
Joey gave the number and Gerald's name to the officer on the other end of the line, then hung up. Looking at the red-haired man opposite him, LaFiamma said slowly, "The family who bought the house is missing their daughter and new son-in-law. They went for a midnight swim and no one's seen them since. Some neighborhood kids went swimming while the house was empty - they disappeared. What other madness has this man perpetrated?"
"He's going to call you back when they learn anything. I'm going to change and get ready for Hawk's arrival."
Joey stood in his changing room, looking at himself in the mirror. The mirrored image showed a man in black jeans, black boots, and a black muscle shirt with gold oak leaves at the shoulder, and a dual holster, a gun under each arm. "Damn... I'm even a turn-on to me," he said with a laugh as his radio crackled with his name.
The military police van with a California Marine logo drove around the circle drive and stopped just short of the two Marines in camouflaged service uniforms. The driver stepped out and identified himself. Hummer asked to see the prisoner. At first the driver refused, but when he was told the officer in charge would not come forth until he saw the prisoner they obliged. R.G. grinned as he watched the two MP's look around searching for movement.
From his vantage point in the barn, LaFiamma watched the van's sliding door open. A half smile crossed his face as Hawk was eased out, blinking in the bright Texas sun. "Damn, they didn't have to shackle his hands, and his feet." He muttered. "Still this will prepare him for what he is really hot for."
LaFiamma started down from the barn as Hummer radioed him a second time.
"DAMN, WHO THE HELL IS THAT?" The driver of the van yelped as LaFiamma walked toward them.
Hummer, R.G. and Hawk all turned to look. "Damn he's good looking." Hawk gasped at the sight of the lover he missed so much.
"That, gentlemen," Hummer offered, "is the officer in charge of this Special Operations Unit... Major LaFiamma."
Joey barely glanced at Hawk as he approached the group. "Unshackle him!" LaFiamma ordered when he reached the group.
"Need to sign this papers first. Then we'll unload his stuff."
"UNSHACKLE-HIM--NOW!" LaFiamma bellowed into the face of the MP that was barely a head taller than he was. Joey inwardly grinned as the man dropped his paperwork and fumbled for the keys to unlock Hawk. The other MP hustled to the back of the van, opened it, and began to unload Feldman's footlocker, duffel bag and motorcycle.
Joey waited. It gave him an inner glow to watch the MP tremble as he unlocked the prisoner. [Damn, I miss this authority. Maybe I should just be a Marine and give up being a cop.]
"Check all your stuff, Feldman." Joey ordered, still refusing to sign any papers. When Hawk affirmed that everything was there, LaFiamma signed in triplicate that he had received the prisoner.
Handing the clipboard back to the driver, Joey turned his attention to Harold Feldman. "STRIP TO YOUR UNDERWEAR, FELDMAN!" LaFiamma barked loudly, boring holes into the confused face in front of him. "NOW!"
The two MPs looked at each, each remembering what Hawk had said in California about this Major hanging someone upside-down naked in the woods for being AWOL. Swallowing they hustled into the van and left.
"Hummer, R.G., take his things into the Harem's bunkhouse. Claim him an end bunk. Then put his bike under lock and key in the garage. Gerald's got a key."
Hawk was fumbling with his clothes. He couldn't get them off. His hands and his legs were stiff from sitting so long, but he knew LaFiamma wouldn't cut him any slack. Harold glanced up, Joe was standing at parade rest just a few feet away, studying him, and this made him all the more nervous.
"Hand me your clothes," the Major said tightly, holding out one hand to collect the items as they were stripped off. "Shoes and socks, too."
"Sir, I haven't walked barefoot on this type of...."
"Shoes and socks too!" LaFiamma repeated angrily. "And when you walk to where you saw me come from - you will walk with your hands clasped behind your head. You were given two days to go back to your base and pick up your things, Feldman. You have been gone for six weeks. Six weeks! What do you think your punishment should be for that? This time it will be my choice, not yours. Do you understand me?"
"Yes SIR," Hawk answered, his face beaming with anticipation of the sex he longed to have with this man. "I deserve whatever you give me sir."
They walked silently, LaFiamma behind Feldman. Hawk was almost to the red door of the barn when he faltered, going down on one knee. LaFiamma stepped back, his face solemn, he watched as Hawk struggled to get his feet under him. Joey knew the man was tired from the long plane ride, but he also knew this lover. This lover would not take help if it were offered.
"On your feet Hawk-man... or I'll push your face in the dirt."
"Sir... I... I need help." Hawk croaked his head touching his knee.
Joey waited five minutes before shifting Feldman's clothes under his arm. Stepping forward, one hand roughly grabbed Hawk's buttocks; the other reached around to the crotch. Feldman's mouth opened and closed, a bare gasp escaped from his throat, his head snapped back against Joe's shoulder as he was lifted to his feet. "I've got something special for you Feldman. Just for you."
Hawk stood just inside the barn, he looked down the aisle not understanding why they just didn't walk in. He jumped as LaFiamma took his hand and placed it on a sensor pad on the wall. Joey held the hand firm, punching in a code so that the next time Hawk came into the area all he would have to do is put his hand on the sensor.
Seeing Hawk's confused look LaFiamma explained the laser security system. And that from now on all he had to do was place his hand on the pad to allow him through.
Releasing the hand, Joey pointed to a black painted door and told Feldman to put his hand on the sensor next to it. Hawk was startled when the door opened by itself.
"Inside." LaFiamma followed his lover into the room, grinning as Hawk scanned the place. "Put your underwear on that chair." Joey said pointing to a straight-backed chair next to the door.
"You... you built this for me?" Hawk humbly asked, as he stepped out of his shorts. "Sir...I...god sir, I didn't know you loved me this much."
Stepping nose to nose to the naked man, Joey replied, "Smith built it for someone. We don't know who. I refused to allow them to take it down. I like what we do together. You will be punished for the worry you have caused me, Feldman," Joey said quietly staring into Hawk's sparkling gray-green eyes; just the talk of it was making Hawk hard.
LaFiamma allowed this lover to look around the room. Nodding to the man when asked if he could walk the room.
Hawk swallowed giving the place quick look. The room was bigger than the average bedroom. A round mattress was on a platform to the right of the door. He walked to the opposite corner to look at what looked like a chair, his eyes widened as he approached. It was far more than a chair, it had a built in penis that would enter you as you sat on it. Leg irons... "Master... may we start here?"
When no answer was forthcoming Hawk continued his investigation. "What's this green button do?
"Stand on the X on the floor in front of it... push it and see."
Instantly, invisibly, his feet, ankles were bound and in a flash he was hanging upside down, swinging sideways like a flag in the wind. It happened so quickly that Hawk didn't have time to respond. Joey waited until the dangling man stopped swinging before walking over to him. Taking a small remote from his jeans' pocket, LaFiamma began to slowly spread Hawk's legs apart, farther and farther until the man screamed for him to stop. But the master continued until skin was stretched to the limit.
"You've gotten soft in nine years, Feldman. No matter. You came to be punished and I will not disappoint you."
Joey still did not understand why this type of treatment turned a man on, but as he stared at Hawk's bulging aroused cock he knew he liked the power to produce it. Major LaFiamma trailed his fingers lightly over Hawk's thighs, buttocks and chest, lightly tantalizing this man from the California North Country. The fingers continued up and down, round and round never touching vital points, until gurgling sounds came from Hawk's throat. Just as Feldman was beginning to settle into the leisurely motion of the hand, Joey stepped back and punched the green button with his fist. Hawk screamed as his position was reversed, hands above him, toes barely touching the floor.
Joey stood opposite Hawk, a sly smile on his face. "Scream all you want, Feldman. This room is sound proof."
Punching the green button a third time, Joey watched as Hawk fell to the floor in a heap. "Come on... Hawkman... crawl like a spider over to that chair you were so interested in. Come on! HUSTLE! HUSTLE! You want the whip on that shining butt of yours?"
Hawk was sweating by the time he reached the chair. Staring at it he dared not move until he was told to, he swallowed as he looked at the thing. It wasn't the shape of the chair that worried him; it was the penis shaped thing he was going to have to sit on that worried him. When he questioned his master about it, he got a back handed slap across his face. When his head recovered from the blow he found his lover kneeling next to him.
Joey grabbed Hawk by the hair, jerking his head toward him, ignoring the red mark his hand had made on the man's face. "YOU DON'T QUESTION ME IN THIS ROOM, FELDMAN... EVER! Outside this room, yes. Here NO. You are a wanton, hungry, horny sex slave. You do my bidding remember. Whatever I want to do to punish you, is what you said, remember? You will question nothing. Now put you mouth on that cock and wet it down... or you sit on it raw. Your choice."
LaFiamma leaned back as Hawk covered the plastic penis with his mouth, watching the reaction when Hawk discovered it wasn't hard plastic but pliable. Wetting two of his own fingers Joe inserted them into Hawk's ass. Feldman's head jerked but he continued his sucking, tears of happiness flowing down his face that his Major still loved him.
"That's enough. Stand up, spread yourself and sit." LaFiamma ordered as he unzipped his own jeans and released his own throbbing cock.
Hawk's eyes widened at the object in front of him. He knew what he would be asked to do and he was ready... oh was he ready. But his lover was moving away from him... what had he done. "Master, what... what have I done?"
Joey retrieved the remote from his pocket and clicked it twice. Two small stools came out of the wall on either side of the chair, at the same height as the chair. The Italian told Hawk to put a foot on each stool. He watched as Feldman grimaced. The stretch was beyond what the man was used to. Joe moved to one ankle then the other strapping them both tight.
"You want this?" LaFiamma teased taking his cock in his hand and rubbing it across the bottom of Hawk's foot.
"YES... OH YES!" Hawk pleaded his head bobbing down in an attempt to catch the cock as it worked up his leg to his chest.
"No, no... master where are you going?" Hawk screamed as Joe rose to his feet and walked to the door. His cries grew silent when he saw his master stop at the chair by the door and begin to undress.
"What will you do it get this, Hawkman?" Joey asked huskily, returning to his slave. Roughly Joey shoved Hawk back against the wall as he straddled the man. LaFiamma grabbed fists full of hair, holding Hawk's head in place as he rubbed his cock up and down the man's chest. Across the nipples hard as beads. Against the neck. Behind the ear.
"Anything! Anything my master wants! I will do anything to swallow my master's sword again!" Hawk's whole being was crazed for the touch of his master. "Please, Major... please let me taste it again, please...!"
Joey smiled and moved back. "Anything?"
"Anything. I'll do anything!" Came the plead.
LaFiamma dropped to the floor grabbing Hawk's throbbing penis in his hands. His fingers worked around the head, tweaking the edges. "Will you suck yourself off?"
Hawk gulped, Joe had asked him to do that before and his muscles had hurt for weeks from the stretch. "Can't.... Can't I do something else? I... I'm out of shape for that... sir."
Joey sprang to his feet and moved his cock close to Hawk's head. The man's mouth hungrily grabbed for it, sucking it, swallowing it bit by bit. Moans of pleasure, satisfaction escaped from Hawk as he began to swallow more and more of the sword. But as quickly as it had been given to him, it was taken away, and again LaFiamma was on his knees in front of him.
Joey tilted his head in Hawk's direction; his hand encircled his slave's bulging cock. "No more... until you empty this one."
Joey held the cock firmly while Hawk moved forward stretching his hands down to his ankles. Slowly his mouth covered the head and part of the shaft, his back muscles strained against the awkward position. As he moved in his seat to get a more comfortable position he was suddenly aware that the penis he was sitting on had grown in size. Each time he moved, it grew and throbbed and pulsed inside him.
Joey held his lover's cock with one hand, and gently wiped the sweat from his forehead with the other. "You need a haircut, my love." Joey whispered, bending to nibble of Hawk's earlobe. Joe's hand traveled down his lover's spine gently soothing sore muscles. "Can't drop it until it falls from your mouth, love. Don't take too long, we have other work to do... come on lover I know you can suck it better than that... let me hear it."
Hawk strained for his cock swallowing as much as his body allowed him to move. [He loves me. He loves me. He really loves me.] Noisily Hawk sucked, raking his teeth across the length, but he couldn't get himself off. He sobbed as it bounced from his mouth. He wanted LaFiamma's cock so bad, and now he would never have it.
"Easy, my love, easy." Joey cooed embracing Hawk, holding him tight.
"I can't do it. I can't." Feldman sobbed tears rolling down his cheeks. "I'll never get you, will I?"
"You're tired," Joey replied quietly, "rest there, we'll do it later... no rush."
"Please Major... Master... please let me finish you! Pleasse... I've waited so long. Please don't take the sword away, again. Pleeassse!" Hawk screeched, the words echoing around the room.
"You know the rules, Hawk - you made them. No matter how you plead, or beg, no sword until you finish yourself. Shadow should be here by now. He'll take care of it."
Joey bounced to his feet. He had no intention of having Sam Jones suck him off, but he turned and began a slow walk to the door.
"JOO-EEEY! PLEEASE....I MADE IT HARD.... HE DIDN'T! IT'S MINE! PLEASE. I WAS BAD! I-I AM SORRY I MADE YOU WORRY. I'M SORRY I MISSED THE INVITE YOU GAVE ME TO COME BACK TO THE FOLD. TAKE THE WHIP TO ME! ANYTHING... BUT PLEASE DON'T GIVE IT TO SOMEONE ELSE... PLEASE!" Hawk screamed his voice cracking at times. The worse punishment he ever had from his Captain was this... this that was happening right now... a hard-on he made going to someone else.
LaFiamma stopped halfway to the door; slowly turning he looked at his distraught Marine lover. Hawk's face was wet with tears, his cock... his cock was beginning to leak.
"Well, I guess we could try it one more time. Just one. If you can't finish yourself, the sword goes to Shadow."
"I'll finish it. I will." Hawk exclaimed excitement running through him like a river cresting over a dam.
Joey knelt in front of Hawk again, firmly holding the man's cock in place with one hand, while his other hand massaged strained back muscles. "Suckle it. Lick it. Wrap your tongue around. Work it into your throat. That's it... that's it. Swallow slow... slow." Joey encouraged his lover as he placed light kisses on the man's neck and shoulders.
LaFiamma smiled as Feldman's cock dropped from the man's mouth limp and spent. "Ready for me now?"
"Oh, yes, Sir. Yes... bring on the sword," Hawk replied leaning back against the wall, smiling as his lover stepped forward.
"Grab hold of those rings, my love," Joey whispered huskily, his tongue stroking across Hawk's lips. "One for each hand... that's it... now give them a tug."
Hawk's smile faded as his hands became encased in the wall.
Joey moved slowly onto the chair, his knees straddling his lover. Firmly holding Hawk's head, LaFiamma covered his mouth over Feldman's, pushing his tongue inside, stroking the roof of the mouth. Under him Feldman began to squirm and as he squirmed the sensors in the chair activated the penis. The chair's penis grew, swelling to match the opening it was in.
Hawk was locked in. His hands and feet immobilized. He relished the kiss but he wanted to touch the man kissing him. He wanted the sword in his butt not an artificial one. [NO! The thing is ejaculating! Captain!]
"Captain... cap... tin..." Hawk mumbled through the kiss.
Joey pulled back. "Do we have a problem?"
"the... the.. thing... it's coming in me."
"That's what penis' do," Joey laughed, wiping the sweat out of Feldman's eye.
"But... but I'd rather have you in me than that...."
"You mean you want to switch? You'd rather suck off a plastic penis than the sword?" LaFiamma questioned raising his eyebrows.
"No, no. I don't want to suck off a plastic penis... I want to suck off the sword."
"Well, Feldman... it can only be one way or the other. You sit on it and suck me off. Or you kneel in front and suck it off while I fuck you. Which is it? You've waited how long to have the sword down your throat? You're going to pass that up for a plastic penis?"
"But what's it putting into me... I could feel a liquid being deposited." Hawk asked frantically.
"I'm being deposited in you. Fresh semen in a sack put there just for you is being hurled into your ass. Don't you want it?" Joey said innocently. "Why did you come back if you didn't want me?"
LaFiamma backed off the chair and stood looking at this Marine, remembering the day the man came to him asking to be his lover. Joey was at first disturbed when Hawk told him how he liked to get off. But the mood Joe was in that day just fit into the abuse that Hawk wanted. Once they had started, Joe found it hard to break it off. He liked having the power over the man, but didn't approve of the man's method. LaFiamma would never admit to Feldman that he was actually glad when he found him in bed with another man. Yet here they were again. Though this time is was on LaFiamma's turf, not Hawk's.
"You ignored my invitation to come back to the fold... and now you are refusing me! Just what is your game, Feldman? What?" Joey demanded, working hard to keep a smile from spreading across his face.
"No, sir... I didn't ignore it. I didn't know it was for me. I didn't! Thought you were still mad at me... didn't think you wanted me. I want you, sir, I want you bad. Please don't take it away from me, please." Feldman implored, tears streaming down his face.
"You lose, Feldman," Joey said curtly looking around for the gold spittoon. Seeing it under the chair by the door he walked over to get it, listening to Feldman's screams as he walked. Bending at the waist to pick it up, he gave his lover a good look at his backside. Straightening he worked his cock with his hand bringing it to a head, then he turned and walked back his lover, a prisoner in the wall itself.
Squatting in front of his slave, Joey jacked off into the spittoon. No amount of cries or pleas made him stop. Shaking off the last drop, he bent forward and opened a small drawer under the chair. Retrieving a small spoon, the Major began to spoon feed his lover who greedily sopped up every drop.
"Sleep now... rest...." Joey said tenderly, stroking Feldman's neck. "I'll be back in a bit to release you."
Joey waited until he was sure Hawk was asleep before he walked back to the chair by the door and got dressed. When he was dressed he returned to the man and began to unbind his arms and legs. Catching him as he fell forward, Joe slung the sleeping, exhausted man over his shoulder and carried him to the bed, easing him onto it. Moving to the end of the bed, LaFiamma reached down to the floor and grabbed something that looked like a brass rail. With one heave he pulled it up and locked it in place. Following the leather straps that dangling from each end of the rail, Joe found the leather thong like shoes that would strap Hawk's feet firmly in place. Smiling he stepped back and looked at his trapped, naked lover asleep on a lambskin coverlet. The tanned body was a sharp contrast to the white lambskin.
Just as Joe was about to touch the sensor to open the door the radio on the chair crackled his name. The sound of the radio broke through the deep sleep of the transplanted Marine on the bed.
"LaFiamma. Yeah... No I'm just leaving. No, Hawk is indisposed at the moment. Yeah... what does Lundy want? Hold the call... I'll come in there and take it."
"May... jor?" Hawk muttered sleepily, "Was I good today?"
"You were very good today, Hawkman." LaFiamma replied making no move for the bed.
"Are... are you going to keep me? Will I be able to be in the harem?" Hawk asked cautiously trying to turn to face his lover, his master. Staring down at his feet he discovered why he couldn't turn. "You... you keeping me for later?"
"I'm keeping you for later. Then I'll be back to fuck your ass, Feldman. Fuck it slow... slower than slow. Until your cock is so big, you're begging to suck it off while I fuck you. And when it's in your mouth, Feldman, my cock will be coming hard and fast. Think about that--while you sleep... your Captain... fucking you hard and fast... skin slapping against skin... as you swallow your own cum. Think about it Feldman. Sweats meshing together. I'm going to bite your shoulder with an imprint that is going to last for weeks... every time you touch it... you'll feel the sword reaming through you."
LaFiamma stared at the man on the bed for a minute or two before telling him of the love he felt for the man, then he touched the sensor, the door opened and he was gone.
Hawk lay on the bed staring at the ceiling. Sleep? How the hell was he suppose to sleep with a hard-on that was already rising on his belly, just thinking about his lover's future penetration? His ass ached for the sword. God, he didn't know how much he missed being with the man until now.
"He loves me. He really loves me!" Feldman shouted at the top of his lungs. "He has a room just for me... just for me... for us... for us!"
Joey caught Gerald outside between the barn and the apartment. "Hawk's back in the fold, but he's secured and can't be moved. He needs a bedpan and a urinal. They probably didn't feed him during that flight either... fruit, some energy bars and a bottle of water." Joey said matter-of-factly, as if it was an order he gave everyday.
"I'll take care of it myself. Lundy's getting antsy on the phone."
"Gerald... if this harem.... These lovers.... Man, don't let me get like Smith, okay." Joey reiterated to his friend, distress in his voice.
"I don't think you have to worry about that. I just talked to Warsaw's wife. He's the one who talked her into coming down here. You're respected, Major. A lot! Granted you probably have dozen or more Marines around the world that would love to be in Shadow's or Hawk's or Hummer's shoes right now, but they respected you first, and fell in love with you second. Now get to that phone before that cowboy crawls through it." Gerald said, nodding toward their headquarters.
"Levon why the hell do I have to come down now... I'm still on medical leave as far the police department is concerned. Doc Baker told them I couldn't return to work for two more weeks. Okay, partner... but I'm coming down dressed like I am. How? Black boots, black jeans, black muscle shirt, guns!" LaFiamma heard his partner sigh, then added, "you'll be able to take them off later." Joey laughed as he hung up the phone. Turning to Shadow and Hummer, he said... "Lundy said that if I walk into Reisner dressed like this I'd better have a Marine guard. So one of you changes into Charlies... the other stay as you are. I'll get my wallet and be right with you."
Joey stood in his dressing room next to Hawk's inner sanction. Slowly he slid a panel to reveal a small eight inch by ten inch one-way glass. Joe watched Gerald enter the room with a large basket; saw Hawk's embarrassment at seeing a man other than his lover. Glancing at his watch Joe knew he didn't have time to watch, he closed the peephole, retrieved his wallet and his badge from his other pants and met his Marine guard in the driveway.
"Now listen you up you assholes." LaFiamma said as they parked in a No Parking Zone in front of Reisner. "Everything you say and do from this point on reflects not only on the Corps but on me as a police officer." Joe reached down between the seats of the van for a placard and placed the sign, 'Official Police Business' in the windshield.
"That mean we can't touch your buns in the elevator," Shadow asked jokingly.
Joe gave Sam Jones a stern look. "You do, you'll be strung upside down, stark naked in the trees, like Hawk told those MPs he would be for being AWOL."
LaFiamma's look chilled Shadow. "Yes sir, back to business as usual. Shucks I knew it was too good to last."
"You look sharp Hummer," Joey replied as he reached for the door handle. "Set the alarm system on max."
"Max?" Hummer questioned as he eased out of the driver's seat. "If someone leans toward a window the magnetic field will pull his badge or even his gun to the van."
"Precisely! I've had nothing but flack from these cops ever since I was sent down here. Let them find out about a side of me they don't know, and will wish they didn't know." Joey replied a half smile on his face.
Three patrolmen walked toward the Marines as they disembarked from the van. "Hey you can't park there!" A short, round around the middle officer called.
"Police business?" One of the others began laughingly poking the other two.
The third officer recognized LaFiamma. "Hey, LaFiamma, don't you know its regulation to wear a jacket over them guns? "
"Since I'm still on medical leave from the department, Donut Head, I don't think that will be a problem," LaFiamma remarked not looking at the man. "Don't lean too close, this baby has a mind of her own."
The three Marines were just about to enter Reinser's double doors when they heard a scream behind them.
"Let him loose, Hummer, then reset it," Joey said, stopping while Hummer turned, and pointed what looked like a pack of cigarettes at the van. LaFiamma watched as Hummer turned off the van's protective shield then reset it.
"Serves him right," LaFiamma mumbled under his breath as the overweight officer fell backwards.
Heads turned as the three entered the Police Department's main lobby and headed for the elevators. Several whispers of "LaFiamma is that you?" were heard as they walked.
Two women and a man in a brown suit got on the elevator with Joey and his two Marines. "Joey... you really married?" The blond woman asked, not believing this bachelor she had dated last year was no longer available.
"'Fraid so, Robin... old girlfriend I met in the Corps. When I saw her again - POW, it just hit me. You told me the right girl would come along, remember." LaFiamma remarked with a smile.
"Yeah... only I was hoping it would be me," she answered sadly, stepping to the front of the car as it came to a stop at the second floor.
As the elevator door closed and the car began to ascend to the third floor, LaFiamma turned to the man in the brown suit. "So, Scully... you still wearing the same suit I saw you in before this whole Marine thing started."
"LaFiamma, I want to talk to you about things you've done in the Marines. I think we could do some write ups - you know, heroic Marine now Houston cop."
"Forget it, man. I told you I can't tell you what I did in the Corps and the Corps wouldn't allow it to be printed. You'd have the Feds down your neck in a second, so just forget about it."
The car stopped at the third floor and Joey held the door back and allowed the older woman to get off first. April Manning looked at LaFiamma for several seconds before whispering, "You didn't have to get married, did you Joey?"
LaFiamma blinked. [God is that what people around here think? They're waiting for some dame I dated to tell me she's pregnant.] "No, ma'am," he answered quietly.
"Good," she replied touching him lightly on the arm. "It doesn't make a very good marriage if that is hanging over you."
Walking into the Human Relations office amid stares and gawks, LaFiamma asked a woman he knew that worked there what was so all fired important that he had to leave Marine training to come in.
She explained it was the end of the quarter, and she was sure he wanted to change his beneficiary of the department's life insurance to his wife.
"You called me in here for that!" Joey gruffed, the tone of his voice surprised everyone. "I changed it three months ago. I don't intend to change it again. The name that is on there stays on there."
"Yes, but, Lundy's name is on here. Surely you want your wife...."
"Read my lips, Lorraine," Joey stated firmly, blue eyes boring holes into the head of the dishwater blonde behind the counter. "The name that is on there stays on there. I'm the only family Lundy has left. That measly policy is the only thing I can leave him. His name stays on it - period - end of discussion." His jaw tight LaFiamma turned on his heel, nodded to his two Marines and they walked from the office into the hall right into the face of Joanne Beaumont.
"Joanne." Joey said quietly.
"You look pretty spry for someone who is on medical leave," the brunette shot back. Joey swallowed, she was the last person he wanted to meet today.
"Don't let his attitude fool you, ma'am. He's hurting bad." Hummer offered.
Joey turned his head and glared at Jake, who grinned back at him saying, "You know you do, Sir. Doctor Baker won't be none to happy with you if he walked in here right now."
"Joe!" Estaban Guiterrez called from the elevator, "someone named Gerald has forwarded a call from Washington here. Says you better take it - line two - down on your desk."
Joanne, Hummer, Shadow and LaFiamma walked down the hall to the elevator the Hispanic officer was holding open. The ride down to the second floor was done in silence.
As they stepped off the elevator, Estaban said, "Damn if you don't look sharp, Joey," his eyes ablaze with envy for Lundy and anyone else who was getting a taste of this man.
Walking into the Major Crimes Squad room caused a stir that Joe wasn't quite prepared for. Everyone present, including Annie, burst into spontaneous applause. It took some doing for the two Marines to keep the group from slapping him on the back and shaking his arm off.
Joey reached for his telephone, and pushed the blinking light at the base. "LaFiamma."
The Italian moaned more out of disgust for what General Callahan was telling him than out of pain, yet the gasp brought Hummer immediately to his side. He did not argue with his Marine when he insisted that he sit in the swivel chair that Shadow was holding.
Joanne watched her detective's face, he was indeed in pain when he sat. She wondered if he would be ready to work in two weeks.
Covering the phone with one hand, Joey whispered hoarsely, "Hummer, check the van."
"Yes SIR!" Jake Hummerstein replied giving his Major a half salute, he clicked his heel, turned and disappeared out the door.
Shadow, dressed in a Marine utility uniform which looks much like battle fatigues, stood at parade rest a half step back from where LaFiamma sat taking notes. Sam wondered how many bodies and bones were going to be discovered in Smith's pool. They could be piled in layers, all the years Smith was in that house.
The Italian finally finished his call and sat with his head in his hands. He felt like he was on a roller coaster, like the summer of his twelfth birthday, when his family gave him one surprise after another.
"Major!" Shadow said softly, concerned that Joe hadn't said a word in several minutes, and neither had anyone else in the room. "Sir ... Joe."
Joey looked up into Sam's concerned eyes, suddenly conscious of where he was. Joanne and others watched as Joey put out his hand and the attending Marine assisted him to his feet. "The bones are so thick, Shadow, ... they can't even tell where the bottom of the pool is."
Still holding onto Sam Jones arm, Joe reached back for the phone and placed a call to Gerald. As Joanne Beaumont listen to the one-sided conversation, she knew she had made the right choice in insisting that he be placed in charge of the Southwest Branch. Now all she had to do was fight the Marine Corps to get him back.
"Gerald, its LaFiamma." Joey said evenly into the phone as Hummer reappeared behind him. "It's definite. Smith's pool in D.C. is full of piranhas. Bones are so thick they can't even tell where the bottom is. Right now the cops and the Corps are trying to find a way to drain the thing and capture the fish at the same time. When we get back you and Hummer need to sit down and make a list of every single person you heard Smith threaten - real or imagined. Need to go through those journals again. There were some names checked off on some pages - could be related to this. And I need to make a list of every man that he transferred out of my outfit. General Callahan wants names as soon as we can get them together. And we need to go through those videos in that trunk, if Smith was loony enough to put that house together as he did, he was mad enough to video tape pushing people to their death."
Joey listened as Gerry told him about stopping by the new house and picking up a letter and small package that was left at the back door. Both were marked 'Urgent - Attention Major Joseph LaFiamma.'
"Open them... tell me what it says. No, go ahead, unless you think it needs to be scanned first." Joey wondered who would leave packages at the house, only a few people knew he was moved into it.
Joey stood quietly looking around the squad room, realizing he was still the center of attention. "Don't you guys have anything better to do? Got some stacked up files here," Joey barked pointing to a pile of manila folders on Lundy's desk. That remark broke the tension in the room and officers went back to work, everyone except Estaban whose eyes were glued to the man in black.
"The paper says WHAT!" LaFiamma gasped staggering backwards. "What kind of invitation?" Joe's mouth opened and closed, the telephone receiver dropped from his hand. Hummer caught it as it bounced off the edge of the desk. Jake picked it up and asked Gerald what was going on.
As LaFiamma turned, Sam Jones watched his CO's blue eyes turn jet black. He'd only seen that once before, and that was when Joe discovered Feldman in someone else's bed. "If this is true - that bitch is dead." Joe growled through clenched jaws. Sidestepping his Marines, Joey sprinted for the bathroom.
Sam looked around for help and his eyes caught Estaban's look. "Get Lundy here ASAP! What's down the hall? Where would he go?"
"The bathroom. On the left." Sergeant Guiterrez replied as he walked to the phone to call dispatch to track Lundy down.
Sam touched Jake's shoulder and the Marine gave a slight nod but continued to write notes on the pad LaFiamma had been writing on earlier. Sam jogged out of the Squad Room and down the hall. Slowly pushing open the bathroom door, he saw LaFiamma standing in front of the urinals, both hands on the wall, swearing in Italian and a few other languages. Without turning around, LaFiamma told him to guard the door and not let anyone in.
Lundy drove into the police garage and parked the Jimmy. As he eased his tired frame out of the driver's seat his police radio crackled with his call letters. Taking the stairs two at a time, he made it from the garage parking area to the second floor in record time. Estaban met him as he emerged into the hall briefly telling him what had already gone down.
"Oh god, how much more can this man take?" The blond questioned briskly walking to the Major Crimes Unit. "Hummer! What's going on? What's this thing about Lucia?"
Jake rose from Joe's swivel chair gathering all the notes he and Joe had written. "Levon," Hummer called quietly, motioning the cowboy to stay in the hall, he quickly joined the Texan and Hispanic officer. "Where's the Major? We have to get this marriage annulled fast. Gerald's calling Father Muellen now."
"Annulled?" Levon gasped, "what the hell was Joe sent?"
"Hey, Lundy! Tell your partner to stop monopolizing the john will you?" Two officers in blue shouted from down the hall.
"That where he is?" Lundy asked, already knowing the answer, he began walking in that direction. When he saw Shadow standing guard in from of the door, he grinned. [I wonder if these cops will ever get use to seeing these two Marines with Joe. I wonder if I will.]
"LaFiamma?" The blond called walking quietly into the Men's Room. "Joe?"
LaFiamma turned fast and met his approaching partner. "She's a whore, Levon. A worse whore than I ever thought of being. She's sterile too - had a hysterectomy."
"WHAT? But she talked about wanting... having babies?"
"Had a surgery four years ago... after her fourth or fifth abortion. Someone left a package at the house today. Gerald found it when he went to check on the place. It includes an invitation to an orgy that she does every other Saturday night... in San Antonio. An invitation for me to come included a copy of verification of her surgery so I wouldn't have to worry about getting her pregnant - and a video of what goes down. Gerald only watched part of it. Grounds for annulment I know... but man that takes years in the Catholic Church."
"I --- I want you to call Aunt Teresa and tell her." Joey replied his voice faltering.
"Me? Call Mrs. Mafia!" Levon gasped.
"You can use Tom's office... if I do it... god, I'll swear words she doesn't like to hear."
"Please Levon. I don't ask much of you... this you have to do for me. And when this is over, don't you ever tell me again I need to marry someone - unless it's you."
"You'd marry me?"
"In a minute."
Levon poured over the notes Hummer had taken. Handing them back to Jake, he and Joe walked into the police psychiatrist's office as the two Marines went into parade rest in front of the door.
Lundy watched as his partner dialed a number. Handing the receiver to the blond, the Italian said, "she has call forwarding so where ever she is this will reach her."
Levon was surprised when someone on the other end answered, "Bishop Julian's office." Lundy politely asked for Teresa LaFiamma saying it was urgent regarding her nephew Joseph.
Teresa had taken the liberty to visit the Bishop's office in the hopes that he could work into his schedule the formalization of Joey & Lucia's vows that Teresa and Amy English were putting together. Joey had grown up in Father Julian's church, and had been baptized by him. Teresa felt it was only fitting that Julian perform the vows too.
It took Levon a few minutes to convince Joey's aunt that Joe wasn't physically hurt. "No, ma'am. It is his heart that is hurt. He has just been delivered some horrible news about Lucia. Did you know his eyes turn black when ... Yes, ma'am, he's that mad."
"I - I guess there is no way to ... " covering the mouthpiece with his hand, for a second, Lundy whispered to Joe, "it sounds like they are putting this on speaker."
"Just tell her!" Joey growled back softly, standing and beginning to pace.
"Joe received an invitation from someone in San Antonio today. Evidently sent by someone who doesn't know he and Lucia are married. It is an invitation to attend an orgy that Lucia holds every other Saturday. Men fly in from all over the world to be chosen to spend time with her. She... takes... two men at a time. It included a verification certificate of surgery for a hysterectomy, so he, Joe, didn't have to worry about getting her pregnant. It even included a video of the one that was held two weeks ago. He's.... Yes, ma'am I know he loved her very much... but now... we're all afraid he's going to go down there and kill her. He's said as much. He knows the Catholic Church hardly ever gives annulments, but he wanted you to know that he's applying for one. What? Sure I can hold on."
Lundy put his hand over the receiver again and looked at his partner. Joe was seething, anger reeked from every pore.
"Who's this Bishop Julian?" The cowboy asked quietly.
"I was raised in his church. Father Julian baptized me. Buried my parents." A sudden laugh bellowed out of the Italian, breaking the tension that reeked his body. Looking into his partner's surprised face, Joe whispered, "Father Julian is the one who awaken my bi-sexual side."
"What? What? What - no I understand - yes he is here, I can get him for you." Levon laid the phone on Tom's desk and pushed the Hold button. "It's the Bishop. He wants to talk to you. And guess what - Mrs. English is with them."
Joey walked to the desk, put on his pout, pushed the Hold button and said gruffly, "LaFiamma." His eyes widened as the man he had been an Altar boy for began to explain what had just been agreed to.
"If the annulment is coming by special courier. I would like it delivered to me, so I can hand deliver it to her. No, sir. I promise I won't do anything violent. Yes, Sir. I know I'm prone to that. I will take other Marines with me who will make sure that I don't." <See Sequel, "Lucia's Walking Papers"
Levon watched the conversation with interest. From what he was hearing Joe's annulment that should have taken two years or more was already dispensed. The blond threw up his hands when his partner began speaking in Italian but stopped short and stared at his lover when he heard his name mentioned.
With a simple, "Thank you Father," LaFiamma hung up the phone. He didn't move for several minutes, then he turned and embraced his surprised partner, hugging the blond tight. "Did I ever tell you I love you?" LaFiamma whispered, lightly kissing the man on the cheek.
"What's happening? Who was there? How come you're free already?" Levon questioned, relishing the hug, not wanting it to end.
"I don't suppose Tom would like it if we made love on his couch, would he?" Joey remarked, releasing his lover. He loved keeping Lundy in suspense.
"What's happening? I'm hugging you... loving you. Who was there? Aunt Teresa, AND Admiral and Mrs. English! A cousin, who is a priest -- and a Marine Chaplain. You were right, it was on a speakerphone. How come I'm free already? While usually all the evidence is gathered, than a committee meets together and discusses it and makes a recommendation. The Bishop has the ultimate say of yes or no. So he made the decision and his secretary is drawing up the papers. He is also faxing a copy of the annulment papers to Father Muellen. Admiral English is putting forth his own investigation of the goings on at this little hospital attached to the base. And my cousin the priest is going to deliver the papers to me in the morning, and together with some Marines that she doesn't know, we are going to raid her party tomorrow night. The Bishop told me to stay with you - and not get attached to any more women."
"With those people present, he didn't either! Did he?"
A sharp knock on the door surprised them. Hummer opened it a crack and said there was a man out here who wanted his office back.
"I need to talk with Joanne, then you're leaving the Jimmy here, and coming home with us in the van. According to Smith's timeline, you should already be dead and I should already have had a breakdown. I don't want you wandering onto the property and being captured by any unfriendlies out there."
Walking out of the office shoulder to shoulder back to the squad room, Levon asked, "When do you think the unfriendlies will arrive?"
"They already have - Hawk saw a couple in the woods this morning. Hawk! Oh shit." Joey ran to his phone and dialed the complex before he could say a word, Gerald informed him that more men in turbans had been seen and he took the liberty of releasing Hawk.
"Hummer!" The word was short and sharp and spoken before the receiver was laid to rest.
"The enemy has arrived. Call in and see how soon that search and destroy team can be here. Lundy's going with us." Joey looked up to see several other detectives, and Joanne staring at him.
LaFiamma casually looked around the room, into the face of every one there. "That house that General Smith built for me is full of booby traps. By this date, he had planned to have already killed Lundy. A killing that I would have been forced to witness. With the death of my partner on my mind he planned to drive me insane with grief, and or to use the house and Lebanese soldiers to force me into thinking I was still held hostage but in a different place. I'd like the word passed for radio silence for both of us. I'd like Dispatch to be informed that nobody knows where we are... we're missing and you've about given up."
Joe watched the reaction of his words before continuing. "I've just been informed that Lebanese nationals are roaming Smith's property. I can bet they are here illegally. I would venture to say the man who tortured me is among them. I'm a cop, and I always plan to be a cop - but right now, I'm a Marine, you following these orders will keep this detective duo alive."
"You heard the man," Lieutenant Joanne Beaumont barked, "Get to it."
No words were spoken between Beaumont and LaFiamma, he merely nodded and followed her into her office.
"Joe," the brunette began as she moved around her desk.
Quietly cutting her off, LaFiamma said, "Joanne I need three more weeks plus the two weeks of medical leave I'm now on. I need to wrap up these people roaming the woods that don't belong there - get a team trained to handle the house - work with the movie company that helped build the house, so I can get back to being a cop."
"Do you really want to be a cop?" She asked.
The question surprised him, yet it didn't. "Yeah. I like being a cop more than anything. Well, almost more than anything. I liked being a Marine. And if I hadn't been in the situation I was in with General Smith when I was in the Corps, I'd probably still be in the Corps. But you have to know - that even when I come back as a cop, those two Marines are going to be dogging my tail the whole time."
The Italian watched her eyebrows raise, neither acknowledged Lundy as he silently entered the office, closing the glass door behind him. "It's per orders from General Callahan, head of US Marine Corps Special Operations. It seems he and you are going to be fighting over me, though I already told him being a cop was my first priority. According to General Smith's will I have to spend at least two weeks a year at Quanto training base in Virginia. However, if Smith's house is used for training, I will no longer need to go to Quanto. But I would have to work out being a cop and a marine at the same time. I know you can't be a part time anything and that one may win out in the end. Right now I need to try to do both."
"I guess that is all we can do," she said, looking past Joe to Levon. "I can assign Lundy another partner until you get back, and..."
"Jo-anne!" Levon lamented giving Joe a sorrowful look.
"No, Lieutenant. Levon and I have already agreed that if we were ever split up as partners we'd quit the force." LaFiamma replied evenly.
The statement shocked her. "Why? What is wrong with having someone different at your side for a few weeks?"
"We know each other. Know how the other is going to react." Joey's blue eyes were on Joanne's face. She blinked, wondering what it was like to be dressed down by him, realizing suddenly that that was exactly what her Sergeant was doing. "And mainly -- because we are lovers."
She had been standing facing LaFiamma the whole time he was talking, but Joe's last sentence blew her away and she fell backwards into her desk chair.
"We've been lovers for about two years," Joey said, a smile crossing his face. "We have kept it out of the work place and have done everything we can to not let it be known that we are. Levon can't really be intimate with a woman, Joanne. He's faithful to Caroline and always will be, that's why he could never commit himself to Jamie. To him it was the same as committing adultery. He is far better with me than some of the other men in this building who have tried to corner him for their pleasures not his. I leave anything out Lundy?"
"Think you about said it all, partner." Levon remarked still standing with his back to the glassed door.
"Anything I need to know about, Joanne? Am I still being promoted, or have I lost that?" Joey asked stepping closer to Beaumont's desk.
Beaumont looked from one detective to the other. She knew Caroline would be the only woman in Levon's life, but a male lover was something she never expected, yet she wasn't surprised that the lover was Joe. Taking a deep breath, she ruffled through some papers on her desk and came up with several sheets that were clamped together.
"Well, Joey, here's the first bit of information you can start reading through while you're chasing bad guys through your woods. The Chief and even the City Council members thought your idea of 'Inspector' was good. Especially since we get so many European tourists. You are now Inspector LaFiamma, Head of Southwest Branch. In fact the Desk Sergeant should have your new ID by now, you can probably pick it up on your way out. We even received some free office space, which includes a parking lot, when someone in the neighborhood found out you spoke Polish. It's a real mixed ethnic neighborhood. This paper is a rundown of some of the problems they've had in the past and the area the branch covers. There is also a list of officers who are requesting transfer to your unit. It is up to you to decide who you want in or out." Looking beyond LaFiamma, Joanne added, "I guess that means I need to put Levon in for an immediate transfer."
"If you want me there - he's going to have to be there." Joey said simply, taking the papers from her.
As the Marine van approached the Smith complex driveway, Joe asked Sam to trade places with him and he joined Levon in the middle seat. The dark windows kept any outsiders from seeing inside. Joey told Hummer to park as close to the black door of the barn that he could, backing in if necessary, and not to open the window for anyone.
The four in the van saw three soldiers in desert garb scurry for the woods as the green van approached. Evidently the van was something they hadn't expected. Jake expertly maneuvered the van into a niche close to the door. All Joey had to do was open the sliding door of the van, reach over and open the black door. With the shade of the tree overhead LaFiamma doubted that the soldiers could see who was getting out. The Major was surprised to find R.G. waiting for them in the small dressing room. Joe was not happy to learn soldiers where in the barn. That meant other hands were programmed into the security pads.
"So how do we get to our living quarters or your apartment?" Shadow asked as the four of them filed into the small room.
"I put the van on max security, Major," Hummer said scurrying in last, letting Joe bolt the door behind him.
"You follow me, Sammy, down a secret passage way Gerald discovered in the kitchen just after you left. And, ah... Sir." R.G. began with a grin. "I found the codes for the security pads. The soldiers that are in the barn now won't be able to get back out, because I have voided all entries except ours. Let's see them go through that laser field, I've got the hallway up on one of the monitors in the booth. Come on, got hot coffee and fried chicken waiting in the kitchen."
"Fried chicken?" Lundy quizzed rubbing his stomach. "Missed lunch. Chicken sounds good."
"I'll show you on the way." R.G. continued, glad he had good information to share. "Smith must have figured he'd be here for months. He's got a commercial freezer full of food, and a pantry of dry food products all in airtight containers. Gerald didn't even know about the stockpile."
As they moved sideways through the passageway, Joe asked R.G. what else had happened after they left, besides the thing with Lucia.
"I started playing with the mosaic to see if it had any more secrets hidden in it... and boy does it. Found several small sliding panels with keys, code books, manuals on the house, pictures, and photos. You were a cute kid, Major." R.G. replied with a grin, halting the group. He placed his hand midway on the wall in front of them, and the wood turned, allowing them to pass through into a much large room.
"The bastard has pictures of me as a kid?" LaFiamma asked wondering when it would all stop.
Gerald appeared out of nowhere telling them the chicken was getting cold, and the S&D team was in the air and would check in again when they were an hour out for landing directions and deployment. Looking at LaFiamma as he walked into the kitchen, Gerald said he'd been taking pictures of the soldiers who were coming to the pool and looking in.
"Yeah, Major, I squirted them a couple of times by turning on the spray that is suppose to cool the water if it gets too hot," R.G. said laughingly. "You should have seen them jump backwards, they fell all over each other to get away from the edge. They definitely think it is filled with fish. The keys for the Interrogation Rooms were one of the things I found, I locked the second one that goes to the pool. How we going to get rid of the snake?"
"Well I'd like to see TrashMan fight that snake, but maybe it would be better to put his name on the door of Number One and let him think that Smith gave him his own room. I'd like to watch someone go through the house as Smith planned for me to go," LaFiamma remarked walking out of the food storage area into the kitchen, picking up a drumstick as he walked past the plates of food on the kitchen table.
"Why are the curtains closed?" Joe asked, holding the chicken between his teeth as he shucked off his holster and guns.
"Smith's timeline says that if things are going as planned, the curtains would be closed the day the enemy arrives." Gerald answered setting a glass of iced tea down on his desk.
"So the troops outside figure Lundy's dead, and I am close to a basket case. Good! Then they won't expect anything. Won't be prepared for anything. Mmmm... this is good chicken," Joey mumbled, "'bout as good as your thigh Lundy."
LaFiamma turned to look as his partner who was coming out of the kitchen carrying a plate piled high with fried chicken and potato salad. The detectives' eyes met and Joe watched a slow pink blush creep across the blonde's face. "God I love you Lundy. I love you so much. If Smith had succeeded in all this - life wouldn't be worth living without you. I probably would have found a way to join you in the pool just so our bones could be together there."
LaFiamma walked over to where Lundy was standing and kissed the man lightly on the cheek. "When this is over, partner, you and me are going into my new house, locking the door and aren't going to surface for a week."
Looking down at the food on Levon's plate, Joe asked, "How can you eat so much and still stay skinny?"
"It's that bedroom exercise," Lundy croaked, his body hungery for the continued touch of his lover.
"Okay..." Joe said sharply turning his attention to Hawk, Hummer and Shadow. "Today ends the fun and games we've all been playing here. Now it is back to Marine business. Our job is to detain the enemy and neutralize him. Gerry put the sign on the door for TrashMan. If we can isolate him the others may be easier to capture."
"Joe, according to the timeline, there should be anywhere from five to ten soldiers. We know there are three in the barn, that leaves TrashMan and who knows how many others. Maybe we could... " R.G. said watching his friend come alive with the anticipation of battle.
"Maybe we could just do a bit of torture ourselves. You guys got your gear here - in this place?" Joey asked pointing a finger to the floor. "Black pajamas, makeup?"
"Yeah... in the second bedroom there is all kinds of stuff." Hummer answered.
"Okay - suit up. Shad, you're going to blend into the woods. See what you can find out. Hawk, I want you to draw the ones in the barn into your room, one at a time. Put on the green camouflage and lean against the wall near the windows, you'll blend right in. Case you didn't notice that whole corner is painted like shrubbery. And don't give me that look, no one else will be in there except you... and me. Once you get them entrapped come and get me. Maybe we can neutralize the whole bunch before touchdown of the S&D group."
Shadow lay in the bushes behind the barn. It had been four months since he'd been on a mission and it felt good to be out on one even if it was in his own backyard. He intently watched two men arguing half in English, half in Lebanese. He picked up Smith's name, LaFiamma's name and the word codes. Then almost next to him a third man burst through the trees waving a small white piece of paper.
Shadow inched his way closer and listened in on the conversation which had suddenly switched to all English.
"What the hell is this? My name taped on one of the cell blocks! Has this man gone mad?" The man that seemed to be in charge shouted. "Where are the others? Why aren't they here?"
"The codes, Colonel. They can't get out of the barn." The man who brought the paper answered.
"They got in! They should be able to get out!" The Colonel yelled throwing his hands into the air.
"They can't! I tried... I watched them try. It says, 'Access Denied' every time. Smith must have changed it after he saw them go in."
"Someone else is here. He's brought someone else here. Smith was in that van that came. I saw him get out. No, someone else is doing this for him. Come on - pack up everything. We'll leave it by the pool then get the others out. My hand print will work. He wouldn't dare delete it. He knows if he does he'll die in that little playroom of his."
Shadow watched as they busied themselves in taking down a tent and packed what they had into duffel bags. He watched and listened. Listened to the birds in the trees, the creak of the branches in the wind, the smell of the woods, pine needles and the freshness of the air. This was definitely better than wallowing through the swamps of South America or the deserts of the Middle East.
Sam was alerted by a noise - a scream from behind him. Still he was unmoved, frozen in his crouch in the bushes. He heard one of the soldiers shout a name and point in the direction of the barn. The men dropped what they were doing and raced in that direction. Slowly, stiffly Sam Jones stood, eyes darting in every direction. When he felt it was safe, he moved noiselessly through the forest to the edge of the woods. He could hear heated, hostile, loud voices coming from beyond the open door leading into the barn. Ahead of him was the first interrogation room, the one that had a secret door that lead to the control room. He hoped someone was there and would answer his knock
He raised his hand to knock and the door opened. Breathless he stared into the face of his Major, the man he loved more than life itself. LaFiamma instructed him to leave the interrogation door open. Then grabbed Sam's arm and pulled him into the small passageway. Joey smiled at Shadow. One hand reached up and wiped off the black makeup from around Sam's mouth. Shadow shivered as LaFiamma's mouth closed over his. Their tongues battled for control. Sam Jones wanted to block out the whole world, and then the kiss ended. "We'll finish later," Joey whispered motioning to Shadow to walk ahead of him, within seconds they were in the control room and then in the living room.
Excitedly, Sam told what he had heard. "Your man's a Colonel now, Sir. There are six of them. The Colonel swore he saw Smith get out of the van when it came."
"Maybe it was you dressed in black," Lundy offered, downing the last of his potato salad.
"That playroom - the one that Hawk likes. It was built for Smith all right, but your Colonel was going to be the Master. He said and I quote, 'My hand print will work. He wouldn't dare delete it. He knows if he does he'll die in that little playroom of his.'"
"Good work Sam," Joey said embracing the man, kissing him again lightly on the lips, "We'll get you a reward later," LaFiamma whispered huskily.
"For your rewards, Sir, I'll do just about anything." Shadow gasped as hot flashes of passion raced over his skin.
"Careful what you agree to Samuel Jones. I might take you up on it," Joe said with a grin.
Joey turned and saw the look on his partner's face. What was it - desire - anger - lust? "You okay partner?"
"Damn, LaFiamma that gesture is making me hard as a rock."
"Guess we'll know how to make you hard now - when you want to and can't get it up, huh?"
R.G. rushed out of the control room. "Joey! Your man is entering the ROOM!"
"Lock the door behind him! Open the other one! The Colonel is about to meet himself! Any word from Hawk? What's the status with the ones in the barn?" LaFiamma questioned following R.G. back into the control room.
"Hawk must have two in the room because only one is in the hall now, arguing with two on the outside of the laser field."
"Let the two outside come in. From the burn on one of their pants looks like they already tried to get through the field. Drop the field. Soon as the two are through put it up." Joey ordered. A grin spread across the Italian's face as one soldier bolding began walking forward then ran to embrace his comrade, soon joined by the third.
"Visualize the field." LaFiamma ordered, he and R.G. watched as the elation of being reunited was short lived. The three Lebanese soldiers stood frozen staring at the flickering jagged lights bouncing from wall to wall.
"Hummer. Shadow." LaFiamma called, returning to the living room. "You ready for capture? Take them to the steps of the pool - but not in the water. When you're out of the barn, I'll see how Hawk's doing. You doing okay partner? Or do you need relief?" Joey said seeing the blush of arousal on the detective's face.
LaFiamma edged up to Lundy, his hands roaming over the tight jeans. "Good grief Levon, you ARE hard as a rock."
The Texan's face turned beet red as Joe's fingers began to unzip his jeans right in the middle of the room in front of Gerald, Hummer and Shadow. Deftly the Italian eased the bulging penis out of his partner's pants. Dropping to his knees in front of his lover, Joey heard a soft moan and knew it didn't come from Levon.
Looking past his partner, Major LaFiamma saw his two Marines, their tongues hanging almost to the floor. "Don't you men have something to do? Do it!"
LaFiamma sprang to his feet, took his partner by the hand and lead him into R.G.'s bedroom. Once inside, Joey got no protests as he quickly undressed his partner. Animalistic sounds soon echoed around the room as Joe kneeling next to him on the bed, swallowed more and more of the hard Texas cock. Minutes after eruption, the Italian backed off the bed, reached down to the foot of the bed and covered his lover with a blanket.
"Joe --- do you gotta go?" Levon rasped the passion of the moment still ripe.
"Yes, Levon, I gotta go. Got to finish this so we can get back to living."
"Joey? Major! Where are you? Your TrashMan's going bonkers in the room. His own voice is shouting at him. He doesn't look too good. I think I found a way to turn off the video, if you want to talk to him," R.G. said leaning out of the control booth.
LaFiamma opened the bedroom and stepped out, smiling he looked at R.G. and blew him a kiss. "Let's put this bastard through the paces. Maybe we can find out whether this house is worth using or should just be demolished.'
Joey eased himself into one of the swivel chairs at the console. Reaching forward he pushed 'Rm 1' then 'Speaker.'
"You can stop shouting for Smith. He isn't here." Joey said loudly into the microphone. "That's right it's LaFiamma. Smith was shot to death when he tried to escape his court martial."
Joey listened to the shouts of demands, then just started laughing. He turned on the mike and just laughed. "Want to tell me what's in the house? Who put the fish in the pool? What about the snake in the room next door? He must be pretty hungry by now. You want to go down the slide? You'd hit the water so fast you wouldn't feel a thing. Or you want to take your chances in there?
LaFiamma turned off the speaker as a barrage of cuss words in English and Lebanese began. Suddenly the floor opened up and the man was gone. Joey dropped the mike in surprise, he looked over at R.G. and back to the monitor. The room was empty. Empty!
"Joe - look the snake in room three is gone. Where'd he go? How'd he get out?" R.G. exclaimed.
"R.G., tell Hummer and Shadow to bring their prisoners to the back of the complex. Put one into Room 1, one in Room 3, and cuff the other to the trees. We're going to use these guys as guinea pigs. If anyone dies here, I don't want it to be us. I'm going to check on Hawk see who he has."
LaFiamma quickly walked into the kitchen, opened the panel next to the pantry and slipped into the hidden passageway. Within seconds he was in the small dressingroom next to the playroom. Slowly he opened the peephole to see what was happening in the other room. Much to his dismay only one of the soldiers was immobilized, the one was in a standoff with Hawk. Closing the peephole, Joe spun around fast glancing around the room for his hatbox. Kicking off his shoes as he lifted the cover off he reached in and took out a well worn bullwhip with a turquoise laced handle.
Three seconds later he was inside the playroom listening to the soldier tell Hawk he was no match for him.
"You're in a war, Feldman!" LaFiamma shouted, "You never give the enemy the advantage!
The Lebanese soldier's head jerked up at the sound of the voice behind him. Before he could turn the whip whistled out curling around his ankle. One jerk and the soldier slid across to wood floor to LaFiamma's feet.
"Well, well... if it isn't the man who use to pee on me," Joe remarked tightly, staring down into the startled face of one of his tormentors.
"Y-y-y- ou-r... dead. You're supposed to be dead. Dead." The man stammered not believing his eyes.
Joey gave the whip a shake and the thin end of the bullwhip released the hold on the ankle. "Do I look dead?" He asked with a sneer.
Looking up at his Marine lover as he placed the heel of his left foot in the soldier's groin, Joey remarked curtly, "What the hell were you thinking of Feldman? I should give you to him."
Hawk's face paled. He swallowed hard as his lover's eyes bore into him. Suddenly he dropped to the floor in a tight couched position, knees under him, arms around his knees, head on the floor.
"So MISTER Man who Pees - What shall I do with you? Throw you to the fish and watch you be devoured in seconds? Push you through the laser field and watch you burn? Put you into Smith's house or one of the interrogation rooms and see if you come out alive? You especially should get something more than your men, don't you think?"
"You need me!" The Lebanese soldier shouted trying to squirm out from under Joe's foot but falling back to the floor when Joe's heel pressed hard into his balls.
"I know things about this house! Know about the snakes! How to feed them... know where they hide!"
"Really? When the floor opens up under someone... do they fall into their nests? Do they hide under the floor? Your Colonel stepped into a room and the floor opened up under him - is he dead now? Too bad, I really had plans for him." Joe shot back sarcastically. " Guess you're the only one here who will taste my vengeance... only when I put YOU into a body bag, nobody will be able to revive you."
"No, no, not the Colonel!" Cried the soldier hanging from the ceiling his hands over his head, his toes barely touching the floor. "Tish tell him... tell him before all of us get killed."
LaFiamma looked down at his captive, one of the tormentors who beat him without mercy.
Hawk sensed his Major's anger, knew part of it was his failure to detain the man. "Major?" Feldman said quietly lifting his head.
LaFiamma's head jerked, his face contorted with anger the likes of which Hawk had never seen before. "AND YOU! YOU! FELDMAN GET IN THAT CORNER AND GET UNDRESSED!" Joey shouted at the top of his lungs, pointing to the far corner of the room that appeared to have a tree growing through the roof. "DOWN TO THE BARE SKIN - RAW SKIN - NOTHING ELSE! NOW! DO IT NOW!"
"So you know about this place, do you, Pee Man?" Joey quizzed in a quiet even tone, checking his pockets for the remote.
Stepping out of the shadows of the tree, stark naked, Hawk tossed the remote for the room to his lover. His Major's cold voice stopped him short.
"Yes sir," came the meek obedient answer, as Hawk got down on his hands and feet, his buttocks in the air and began walking to the corner seat. The seat he knew would bring him the worse punishment.
Joe watched his lover walk, his own groin growing hot at the sight of Feldman's ass waving back and forth as he waddled to the corner. Joey decided his own pleasure was more important at the moment than this asshole in front of him. Using his foot as a prod, LaFiamma positioned the man on a purple X. One click of the remote and Pee Man was neatly wrapped in a mesh bag, suspended a few feet below the ceiling.
Joe turned to Hawk just in time to keep him from standing. "Kneel on the floor. Hands where your feet go! Mouth where you ass goes." LaFiamma knew what he wanted to do to Hawk but he just didn't have the time. Foremost in his mind was that these two soldiers might well have the answers they needed to Smith's house.
"You comfortable there?" Joe asked the soldier who was hanging by his wrists.
The soldier gulped, and said, "Yes sir, I'm - I'm fine."
The Italian smiled as he reached up and unbuckled the man's belt buckle, loosen his pants and stripped him of his pants and under shorts. Tossing the clothing to one side, he then hit the green button and watched the soldier fall to the floor. Struggling to get to his feet, Joe punched the green button again, and the man hung upside down. When he stopped swinging, Joe relieved him of the rest of his clothes.
Unzipping his black jeans, LaFiamma sighed as his hardened cock was freed from its tight enclosure. Taking his cock in one hand he drew it across the man's forehead, whispering, "If my man can't satisfy me - I'll be back."
His head resting on the seat of the chair, his mouth suckling the plastic pliable penis, Hawk watched his lover amble slowly toward him. He lifted his ass as an invitation to the hard-on that he knew his lover had.
LaFiamma grinned, fingers spread Hawk's butt checks and he pushed in fast with no lube. Humping over his lover, Joey pounded hard and fast, flesh slapping against flesh echoed around the room. Leaning across Hawk's back, Joe whispered, "when I stand, you stand and walk to the man you captured. Use his mouth, his body or any part of him you need to get yourself off. Then get dressed, walk back to him, release him and take him from the room. Get as much information out of him as you can... he knows more than he is telling. Much more."
"Aaahhhhhh... now that is a good fuck!" Major LaFiamma remarked loudly, withdrawing himself from Feldman's ass. Two steps back he leaned against the wall, shaking the last few drops onto the floor. By the time he put his spent penis back into his jeans, Feldman was hovering over his captive's chest forcing himself to come on an enemy that had injured his lover.
Joey walked to the corner where Hawk's clothes lay. Pushing them to one side with his foot, he grabbed the finger holds in the wall and pulled. "Wow..." LaFiamma exclaimed as a tri-fold door opened revealing all kinds of whips, chains, tethers, masks, chastity devices... toys and toys. "Well PEE Man you and your Colonel must have really thought about having fun in here. Guess I'll just try some of these out on you. See what kind of stimulus they bring out."
LaFiamma folded the doors open as far as they would go and as he did so, a soft light came on illuminating the display inside. Joey's eyes skimmed over the display finally stopping at a shelf that held two-inch boxes with plastic covers. [Damn, if they aren't little instant tattoos. Here's a hickey... teeth marks... a hickey. That is what my lovers are going to carry.]
"Feldman?" Joey said quietly, picking up the small box, he took the lid off and dropped the thing into his hand. "This is perfect - absolutely perfect."
"Sir?" Hawk answered from behind him. His eyes went to the object in his lover's hand to Joe's face and back again. The Marine didn't understand the smile.
"You said you wanted a tattoo of our love?"
"Yes Sir."
"Get dressed - but no shirt. Take the rest of you clothes over to the bed and kneel on the floor, your body on the bed."
"Will it hurt?"
"Everything in life hurts, Hawk. But you'll be the only who has this... for a while."
"Maybe there's something else in there that the others could have," Feldman answered, reaching for this pants.
As his Marine lover dressed, walked to the bed, knelt and waited, Joey looked at the other tattoos on the shelf. He liked this one that looked like a hickey the best, but there was also one that looked like teeth marks, one that looked like wet skin. Keeping the hickey in his hand Joey pulled the doors until the light went off and joined his lover at the bed.
Straddling his lover's back Joey read the small print on the top of the container. It said to wet the area well with saliva before applying. Knowing Hawk may well get hard all over again, Joe bent low and began to suck and lick Feldman's left shoulder. Just as the man was beginning to enjoy it, the Italian planted the twelve-pronged object into the wet area. Underneath him his lover jerked, a guttural scream came out of Hawk's throat and then he began to cry.
"Easy, my love, easy," Joey whispered, "it will soon be over." LaFiamma lifted the outer edge of the object off, then proceeded with the second phase, tiny pinholes injecting red dye in an uneven pattern.
It took barely four minutes and when it was over, Joey pulled Feldman to his feet, hugging him, holding him close, kissing the tears off his face.
Behind him LaFiamma hear Hawk's captive say, "Tish, tell them. Tell them. If he does that to his own man... what is he going to do to us?"
Tilting Hawk's chin up, Joey kissed him lightly on the lips and whispered, "Now take your clothes, him and his clothes and leave."
LaFiamma waited until the two men were out of the room and the door was closed before he put his hand to the security pad and opened the main code system. He didn't plan to kill the man, though he knew he could - still he knew he had to give back some of what he got or he could never live with himself. He aborted access to the room for Hawk and Gerald. If anything happened to him, they'd both die in here.
Once outside the room Feldman handed the man his clothes and told him to get dressed. He smiled at his Marine buddies, Hummer and Shadow, as they turned off the laser field and hurried toward him.
Shadow touched the top of Hawk's shoulder. "Wow, what a hickey! What did you and the Major do in there?"
"Hickey?" Hawk asked flexing his left shoulder, squinting at the sting.
"Yeah, Hawkman, you got one hell of a good looking hickey on your shoulder here."
"Take this guy - he knows some of what is in the house - I've got to get back inside. The man left in there is the guy who urinated on Joe during his capture." Hawk said in a concerned voice. "Joe's gonna kill him. He as much as said he was."
Hummer and Shadow gasped. "No way would he blow his career," Shadow croaked.
Hawk turned and put his hand on the security pad. ACCESS DENIED blinked in big red letters across the top of the pad. "Get Gerald... he's the only other one who can get in."
Jake Hummerstein shook his head, "Don't think it will do any good, Hawk. If he took you out he surely took Gerald out."
"Get him anyway! Get Lundy! We have to get in there! Don't you understand --LaFiamma is in that room alone with the main man who tortured him in Lebanon!" Hawk screamed. "And take this bastard with you."
Turning from the security pad, LaFiamma's eyes narrowed, focused on the man trussed up near the ceiling. Without lowering the mesh, Joey clicked the remote and watched the man fall to the floor. Angrily the Italian growled, "You want to have clothes to wear to your deportation hearing you'd better get undressed fast."
Joe watched Pee Man undress while he ambled back to where he'd dropped the bullwhip. A devilish spread across the Italian's face as the man undressed, it spread wider as Pee Man's engorged cock was released. Joey slowly, silently picked up the whip, shook it and let it fly.
The soldier stared in stark horror as the whip wrapped itself around his cock. His screams bounced off the walls as he was jerked off his feet and body slammed into an opposite wall. Still the leather adhered to the object like glue, and Joe jerked the whip around, this time towards him, putting his foot out to stop the man's slide.
"Did I scream like that? Naw - my screams broke a window didn't they?" An unsmiling Major LaFiamma asked.
"On your feet Pisser, you and I are going to have a little fun."
Terrified by the turn of events, Tish struggled to stand, helpless as the man he tormented stripped off his shirt. His eyes widen, as LaFiamma clicked the remote in his hand as something like a Salem stock emerged from the floor.
Joe roughly shoved the man to it, forcing him to kneel on the hard wood bench; pushing his head onto a curved opening and strapping it down before doing a similar thing with the man's hands.
"Wha-what are you going to do?" Squeaked the captive in a high voice.
"Haven't decided yet - but you can bet it will be painful." Joey said walking over to the tri-fold closet and opening it wide again. Behind him on the chair, which was really a wooden step stool built into the wall, Joey heard Lundy call his name.
Finding a black hood on a shelf, Joey picked it up and walked to his captive. "Just so you can experience some of what I went through, we're going to block out your vision and your hearing. You can scream all you want - this place is soundproof." With that LaFiamma spread the black leather hood over his Pisser's head and worked it down the head to below the chin. Slapping the man's bare ass with his hand he walked to the radio.
"Lundy go back to work. Go feed your horse. You hated Taylor for killing Caroline - then you know how much I hate this man. When I'm done with him, you can have what's left. I won't answer this again." LaFiamma groused tightly.
"What about Lucia? Tomorr...." Hummer started.
"Don't worry, nothing's going to keep me from seeing that woman crawl."
"Joe, please, at least give Gerald access to the room." Lundy pleaded. When no answer came, Lundy looked at the group. "Gerald take this man to R.G." Looking at the terrified man, Lundy continued, "You'll spill your guts about this place won't you?"
"Yes, yes... but Tish... in there he knows more...."
"He's right," Hawk answered, "Pee Man, as the Major called him, knows about the snakes and other creatures under the floor. But so did that Colonel. Is he really dead?"
"Oh yeah," Gerald replied making a face. "Most gruesome thing I've ever seen -- a snake swallowing a man whole."
Hawk stared, that snake wasn't big enough to swallow a man. Maybe they said that for this man's benefit, still Feldman had to ask, "I saw that snake - he wasn't big enough for that... how... how did he die?"
Before the Marines could answer, Lundy said, "There's got to be another way into this room. What if there was a power failure? Smith would never have allowed himself to be trapped in there. There's got to be another way out."
"Levon's right," Hawk answered, "you guys take this dude and drain him, I'll work with Levon. He's the only one who can make Joe back off."
Joey returned to the closet and began looking at the self-tattooing items. Grinning he picked up a bright red one that said 'WHORE' in capital letters. Shaking it to mix the paint, he walked back to the bare ass he'd captured.
[Lundy's right, no way can I ruin my career, I've worked too long and too hard to get here, but I can sure have some fun making this guy ready to return to his homeland.]
He looked at the object in his hand. It was nothing like the needles that had penetrated the tender skin of his penis, but as he found out with Hawk it must be equally as painful. No way was he going to lubricate this ass, he took the object and stabbed the tiny minute prongs into the bare flesh in front of him. He held it there counting to twenty by a thousand ... one thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand three... oblivious to the muffled screams.
By the time Hawk and Lundy found the emergency outside door to the playroom, Piss Man had the words 'whore,' and 'fuck me,' on his buttocks; and the words 'eat me' on each thigh.
Tears rolled down Tish's face, he was gagging in pain when Levon burst through the door, and hot summer air rolled into the air conditioned room.
"One more thing than you can have him," Joey said to the two as they eased themselves through the small opening and quickly closed the door.
The two watched as Tish was released from the stocks and the black hood was taken off his head. LaFiamma picked his bullwhip up off the floor and let it fly. Hawk and Levon watched in horror as one jerk of Joe's hand wrapped the end of the whip around his prisoner's cock, and another quick jerk pulled him to the floor. PeeMan screamed as he was tossed from one side to another, yanked by the thin leather tether wrapped around his cock.
"He's yours," Joey said simply, depositing the man at their feet. A slight shake of the wrist detached the tether. "Take 'em, while I clean up this place."
The detectives eyes met, and Joe remarked quietly, "You're right, Levon. I have worked too long and too hard to blow my career now."
"Embassy?" Hawk said from behind Lundy, "you need a passport to contact your Embassy. And none of your gear has passports. You're here illegally."
Lundy rolled his eyes and sneered at his partner's tormentor. "And if you don't have a passport you're put into a federal jail while you wait for deportation. And with these cute little words on your body.... Well... you'd be better off here."
"Words? What words?"
Lundy touched the man's thigh and answered, "Eat me, eat me."
Joey leaned over Piss Man's shoulder and whispered, "Your ass says whore and fuck me. Any prison you go to those big black hungry dudes will have you for breakfast lunch and dinner."
Nodding at Hawk, LaFiamma said, "Hawk get the man's clothes and get him out of here. You too Lundy, out."
"I ain't leaving you here alone, so just forget it! You want to work off steam and vent your anger, go ahead. But I ain't leaving."
Levon watched his partner close up the closet and return the stock to the floor as Hawk gathered up clothes and walked the naked man out the emergency door. Then the cowboy leaned against the wall and stared open-mouthed at the man he loved but really knew very little about. LaFiamma literally danced before him, bullwhip in hand, the continuing crack of the whip echoing around the room.
When the display was over, sweat dripping from his face, Joey motioned his cowboy lover to the main door.
"Bet people'd pay money to see that!" Levon exclaimed, a smile covering his whole face.
"They have," Joe answered sheepishly, "but I'm not telling you where."
"You going to give access back to Hawk and Gerald - fer getting' into this room?" Lundy quizzed as LaFiamma retrieved a towel from a drawer and wiped his face and neck.
"Yes, mother - I will do it right now, as we - wanna make love first?"
"Where the hell do you get the stamina for all this loving?" Levon gasped as the Italian pulled him in for a hug. Gasping from the intensity of the kiss that followed the hug, Lundy said, "you've got a big day tomorrow, going to San Ann-tone... save your strength for that."
"Party-pooper," Joey said a pout masking his face.
Leaning up against the bedroom wall of the living room, Joe had a good view of most of the monitors in the control room and of Gerald on the computer. He wondered why he hadn't heard anything from General Callahan regarding the promotions he put in for Gerald and Hummer.
"My god!" LaFiamma exclaimed when a monitor came up with body parts. "Is that all that is left of the Colonel? God that could have been Hummer or Shadow down there!" Pushing off from the walk, Joe was in the control room in two steps. "Where are the other two that were put into the interrogation rooms?"
"One's in the prison room," R.G. answered, pointing to a monitor in the second row. "The other's in the master bedroom. The bed fell open and he almost went down into the dark but he pulled himself out."
"I'm telling General Callahan this place is a no go. We're bulldozing the place." LaFiamma remarked evenly, disgusted with the whole place.
Piss Man merely smiled. Joe watched Tish's eyes; they had the same devilish that Joe had seen in the Middle East.
"Put him down the tube!" Joe ordered suddenly. "Take him! Put him down the tube! That's an order!"
The Marines looked at one another not understanding the purpose of the order.
"No... not the fish!! Okay, okay.... I can help... I really can help!" Tish screamed as Shadow grabbed him by the arms and jostled him to the door.
"Hummer, come with me. We'll meet him at the pool. We're going to do some bargaining, and I want a witness to this."
Joe and Hummer jogged down to pool side, they could hear muffled sounds from somewhere underground. Then suddenly an object hit the water with such force that water sprayed in all directions.
It took Tish several seconds to realize he wasn't being eaten alive. Shoving off the bottom of the pool with his bare feet, he broke the surface of the water gasping for air. He stared wide-eyed at LaFiamma and his Marine.
"NOW we will talk. Now we will bargain for your life." Joey replied nodding for the man to go to the shallow end.
"You don't have many choices here. Any way you look at it you will end up in jail before you get back home. You can help us get rid of whatever creatures are in this place ... and after that you will be turned over to Marine Intelligence. OR I can arrest you right now, and you can be transferred to a federal jail to await deportation. I might add... it sometimes takes up to two years for deportation to go through, though you are an undesirable... you could be back home tomorrow, then again you could be some big black, three hundred pound, dude's bed mate for the next two years."
LaFiamma stared at the man, when no answer came, he ordered Hummer to take the man and put him through again. Jake Hummerstein waited a second too long before following his commanding officer's order. Joey took a half a step forward and roughly shoved Hummer into the pool, then he walked to the steps grabbed Tish by the arm and walked him back up to the barn through the breezeway and into room one.
"Until you cooperate... this is what we're going to do." LaFiamma growled.
Shadow, Hawk, R.G. and Gerald watched the proceedings from the living room questioning each other about what had gotten into the Major.
Joey walked into the apartment straight for the control room, side-stepping the three Marines shooting questions at him. "R.G. open up the loudspeaker to the pool."
A second later, Major Joseph LaFiamma's voice bellowed out to the dripping wet Hummerstein who was pulling out his wallet to see what had been ruined. "HUMMERSTEIN! YOUR WALLET IS THE LEAST OF YOUR WORRIES. WAIT THERE FOR THIS MAN - HE'S COMING THROUGH AGAIN. BRING HIM UP AND PUT HIM IN ROOM ONE AGAIN. THEN COME INTO THE KITCHEN."
"R.G. when he is put in the third time, I want the floor on roll and all escape routes blocked."
"Yes, Sir, Major," R.G. answered with a salute that brought a smile to Joe's face, at least someone understands that we are at war here.
"Major, what's going on?" Shadow asked attempting to reach up and touch Joe's shoulder.
LaFiamma reacted with such speed that it caught everyone especially Shadow by surprise. Joe blocked the attempted touch on his shoulder with one hand while slapping Sam Jones across the face with the other.
The blow staggered the man and before he could recover, Joe ordered, "On your knees! Hands behind your head!"
"Gerald - get Hummer a towel and then get on that computer of yours and ask General Callahan what happened to the request for promotions I put in for over a month ago."
"You - you put that in. They're here. I have them. Printed them but I - I couldn't believe what it said."
Joey waited for Hummer to stop shivering a bit before he lambasted his troops.
"Now listen up... and listen good. This property is a training base - the same as Fort Bragg, Quanto or any other base you are stationed at. The only playroom on this property is Feldman's kinky sex room. Otherwise this is a military base. I rent the property to the Marine Corps. I have put in for promotions for all of you, but if you keep acting like sex-crazed teenagers, those promotions will be withheld or taken away, or you may lose some stripes you already have. Starting tomorrow morning at 0500 we're going for a five-mile run down to the closest high school. They have a mile track. Ten times around the track and then home. We will do this every day except Sunday. There are several churches and a synagogue in the area... I expect you all to start visiting one. If you don't think you can hack working here now's the time to say so. Gerald can cut orders and you can be airdropped within hours into any African desert or Philippine jungle that needs you."
"I bought a five-bedroom home for a wife that as of today no longer is my wife -- a five-bedroom to see kids grow up in. As of tonight all Marines who are assigned to work here will be staying on my property, not in the bunks here. The bunks here are for the Marines, soldiers... whoever they send... who come to go through the course. I have already set aside bedrooms at the house for Hummer and Shadow. Hawk's accommodations haven't been decided yet. All Marines that will be coming to work with us on the house will be staying in the bunkhouse on my property. It was decided today that those tapped for this training would be picked up from their base or home and brought directly to the barracks in this barn. The laser field will keep them locked in and they will have only the clothes on their backs which is how it would be if they had been captured."
"Jingles has already asked, and received permission to share this apartment with R.G. Once inside my house we are all equals... no one ranks above the other. Outside that house... and HERE... I am your C.O. and you will do what you are ordered to or disciplinary action will be taken. Any questions so far?"
Hummer shyly raised his hand, "We can have an actual bedroom with dresser - put pictures on the wall - posters?"
"Yes," Joey replied a half smile crossing his face.
"What about loving?" Shadow asked without looking up.
"What about loving? I would say we've had enough in the last two weeks to last us a whole year...."
"MAAAY-JOOR!" A chorus of voices chortled, faces turning into forlorn distress.
"Okay -- at the house... in the woods - Lundy's barn - the guest house on my property - BUT NOT here. If you get that hot here and need it -- you'll be a guest in Hawk's playroom."
"Speaking of the playroom, sir. Couldn't I bunk in there? Especially how that we know it has an emergency entrance. I wouldn't be meeting the captives." Hawk asked swallowing hard as his lover's eyes met his own.
"I'll think about," Joey replied, pointing to Hummer and Hawk he ordered them down on their knees with their hands behind their heads.
Joe stepped back and walked to where Gerald was standing, holding an open box. "Everything here? Yours too?"
The Italian, first in his family to voluntarily enlist in any military service, reached into the box and pulled out a plastic wrapped package marked 'Hummerstein.'
"Hummerstein - front and center." Joey said evenly holding the package close to his chest so Hummer couldn't see what was inside.
"Sir!" Jake replied, coming to attention and saluting.
Jake's eyes grew wide as the plastic was opened. "Jake Hummerstein, Gunnery Sergeant, US Marine Corps... as of this day, Friday, August 17, 1990, you are hereby promoted to an E-8 which is the rank of Master Sergeant. Congratulations Hummer." Major LaFiamma said reaching out to shake Hummer's hand. Before letting go of Jake's hand, Joe added, "Don't forget my property has a guest house - in case your mother is interested in coming, she can stay there."
"Thank you Sir! Thank you! I haven't seen my mom in three years... not since my dad died."
"Harold Feldman - front and center."
Hawk got up from his kneeling position, walked to the center of the living room, saluted and waited. And waited while Joe was in deep discussion with Gerald.
"Sorry, Hawk, back to your kneeling position. Hummer, back down to the pool... let's see if Mister PeePee man wants to cooperate yet. " Joey said turning back to Gerald.
"Contact General Callahan personally. I want to know why they made this decision on Feldman. Two grades up are not acceptable to me. Samuel Hercules Jones... front and center."
"Hercules?" R.G. chuckled from the control room.
"Samuel H. Jones... Staff Sergeant, US Marine Corps. As of this day, Friday, August 17, 1990, you are promoted to E-7, Gunnery Sergeant US Marine Corps. Congratulations, Sam."
"Thank you, Sir. ...may I have the bedroom off the kitchen?"
"No that bed is coming out of there and my weights and a treadmill are going in."
"Wouldn't it be better... Sir... to have that on the lower level. Less likely to wake any one up upstairs."
Joey's head turned slightly to the left. "Good point, Gunnery Sergeant. I'll think about it."
"Major, I have General Callahan on the line," Gerald said from behind Joe.
"General." LaFiamma listened to the two reasons Callahan had promoted Hawk from a Sergeant to a Gunnery Sergeant.
"I agree with your reason regarding his sexual needs. They are not something the average base has to offer. And the wrong person could easily abuse him, even injure him. However, I disagree with your other reason. If you put him two ranks up, he will not be promoted again, even if he re-enlists. This would give no recruiter incentive to talk him into re-upping. He stays the same or goes one grade up, that is my decision, and you said the decision was mine - not yours."
"Yes, sir... we will return the package... upon the receipt of the new one. Thank you sir." Joey hung up the phone and turned his eyes on Feldman whose face blushed deep red.
"Just what did you tell people your sexual preferences were, Hawk?" Joey asked intrigued by what Callahan had said.
"That... that I like to be tied up. Liked to see my lover masturbate in front of me... tease me until I was hard... then... then take me off... anyway they wanted to."
"Well, you're not going to be transferred out of this unit. According to your record, you scared off half your commanders because they thought you expected them to do just that. General Callahan said that half the world breathed a sigh of relief when I asked to have you transferred here. Voicing your sexual preferences, by the way, is what has kept you from being promoted. You'll be going up to Staff Sergeant when the package gets here.
"Now before we get back to the business of getting this place in shape... join me in Gerald's promotion. I have asked and it has been granted that he be moved up to officer status. He goes from Chief Warrant Officer to First Lieutenant."
"ALL RIGHT, GERRY!" R.G., Shadow and Hawk exclaimed joyfully.
Hummer stood on the edge of the pool steps watching his lover's tormentor come to the surface.
"I - I can help. I can." Tish gasped... "no more... I can't take that again. Please talk to him... please... I was here with the Colonel and Smith when they put the snakes and tarantulas in. The movie people didn't know about the snakes. There's a panel... I can show you --- you can reset everything." Piss Man said as he stood on the steps of the pool shivering in the warm night air.
"Major!" Hummer barked into the radio in his hand as Tish wrapped himself in a towel. "The guy's ready to spill his guts."
Joey stared into the eyes of his tormentor. The man was no longer defiant or belligerent. Looking at R.G., Joey asked if room three was sealed off. Then instructed Hummer to take the man there.
"Room three! NO! It can't be sealed off! The snakes.... The snakes live under room three! Please Captain LaFiamma I'll do anything, show your men everything - don't put me into room three." Tish howled his eyes wide.
"We could put him in Room Two, Major... the one that comes out into the prison room. We'd be able to see what actually...." Hummer began.
"No... no you don't understand the whole house is rigged for torment! Bugs... traps ... shocks! I want to live! Please.... I will help, please LaFiamma ... I only did what I was ordered to... please!" PeeMan pleaded dropping to his knees in front of LaFiamma.
Joey stepped backwards, opened the door to the apartment and called Hawk.
"Feldman... go to your room and bring out a chastity belt, and shackles - wrists and ankles for this man. A hammock and the black mask I had over his head when he was in there. I think we all need a good night's sleep, and we're going to use our guest here to keep any prowlers off the property." LaFiamma said a hint of a smile twitching at the corner of his mouth.
PeeMan said nothing as the block was pushed up his ass and the leather hood was hooked around his penis. He stared silently as the straps to hold it all in place were laced around his waist and thighs. He protested vehemently when he saw where the hammock was going to be hung - between two trees at the driveway turnaround just before the barn. Anyone coming into the drive would see him. The vehicle's headlights would illuminate his nakedness - the black hood over his head.
LaFiamma ordered the hammock be placed eight feet off the ground so the average man would not be able to reach it. The Major watched as Tish mounted the ladder and climbed into the hammock. Then Hummer and Hawk each took the stepladder and secured the shackled hands and feet to opposite trees.
"Okay that should do it!" Joey yelped clapping his hands together. "Tomorrow is another day. And you all will be working with him while I am in San Antonio. Hummer! Shadow! You're coming home with me. R.G. will stay here for now, though I might move him into the apartment that is in my house. I think we are going to rotate who stays in the complex."
"What about me?" Feldman asked swallowing hard when LaFiamma turned a stern eye to him.
"You're staying here with R.G. I want two men in this complex at all times. Hummer - Shadow gather up your stuff, we're going home."
Hummer and Shadow looked at each other. "We're goin' home!
"Come on you two... get going while I talk to Gerald."