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Fandom: | Houston Knights |
Series: | Other Authors |
Rating: | NC17 |
Pairing: | Joe/Levon |
Archive: | Starwinder's |
Title: | One Shower |
Author: | Etch |
Standard Disclaimer: Houston Knights belongs to Jay Bernstein and Michael Butler and Columbia Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended. This is fan fiction, written out of love for the shows. I am making no money off this. I have no money so please don't sue me. Any original characters who may appear in these stories are the property of the author. |
By Etch
(Missing scene from the episode THE STONE - the shower scene in which the boys are scrubbing down with special soap and steaming hot water. Were you paying attention in that episode when one of the cameras dipped too low - what color shorts did Michael/Joey have on?)
[Damn!] LaFiamma mused silently to himself. [I had to wear my new silk shirt with my most favorite suit to work today. Now the Feds are burning it! Shit man, I hate this job sometimes. You'd think they could scan the clothes or something to see if they're radioactive or not. It's gonna make me think twice about wrestling someone to the ground. How'd we know the guy was sleeping with a radioactive rock?]
Hot fire shot through Lundy's brain. [I can feel him looking at me! Those blue eyes of his dance and change color like nothing I've ever seen before. He probably wonders why I'm standing with my back to him. Sure the hell can't turn around and let him see the hard-on I got. Just taking my clothes off and realizing I was going to be naked with him in the same shower jacked me so hard I don't have enough skin left to close my eyes. What - what am I going to do if he touches me.]
"Hey, partner, you all right?" Joe said quietly, lightly touching Levon's shoulder as hot water beat upon them rinsing off the soap they'd put on.
"Ahhh," Lundy groaned reaching for a water faucet to steady him as Joe's touch sent hot blazing fiery passion through his veins.
"Levon?" Joey asked worry etched in his voice, leaning toward his partner to see what the problem was. Joey tried to look into his partner's turned face, instead his eyes fell upon Levon's cock bobbing up and down as he breathed on the Texan's neck.
[NO! NOO! Joe don't turn me around. DON'T!]
"Levon, you okay? What's going on man?" LaFiamma questioned an arm sliding along Lundy's neck, fingers turning the blond's head his way.
"I - I didn't want you to see it," Levon stammered, embarrassed that his straight partner was staring down at a part of his body he couldn't control. "I know you're straight Joe, but it's what you do to me," Levon offered knowing that wouldn't help but he had to at least let Joe know how he felt. "You're so beautiful, man. Ain't never seen a man as beautiful as you."
"You should have told me, Levon. I would have helped - you're my partner," Joey stated matter-of-factly, as if partners would do even this.
"How long have you felt this way?" Joe asked making sure his own hard-on didn't hit the blond's backside just yet.
"Since you told me you might have AIDS from that old blood transfusion. Since you told Mother Minnie to tell me about her cancer - that she would confide it in you first, told me a lot more about you than you'll ever know."
"I love you too, Levon," Joe replied quietly, taking his hand and guiding his cock through his partner's crotch pushing it into Levon's balls.
"Ohgod! OhJoe!" Lundy moaned falling back against LaFiamma's chest. Feeling the heat of his partner made the Texan tremble. Love had been so close, but he'd been too afraid to ask for it.
Joe moved back just a bit, just enough to get better leverage for stroking his lover's balls with his cock. LaFiamma's hands gripped the Texan's buttocks kneading them while lightly kissing the back of his shoulder and neck. Long Italian fingers circled Levon's anus working it, massaging it, pushing in and coming out, preparing it for entry.
[Damn, I done died and gone to heaven. His touch is so gentle - so soft - so sensuous.]
"How long before the water cuts off?" Levon asked trying to get his brain under control. It wanted to spin, wanted to climb the walls and sing hallelujah, to just float into the arms of his partner and never, ever leave.
"Got lots of time," Joey whispered, sucking one of Lundy's ears into his mouth as he pulled his cock from between the blond's legs and embedded an Italian cock into a Texas ass.
Levon wilted with the pleasure of the entry and Joey eased them both to the floor, steam obliterating their presence.
"I'm - I'm coming too soon," Levon moaned as they knelt together on the tile, water bouncing off them. "It -- you -- feel so good -- so good -- wanted it for so long...."
"Shh, just enjoy," Joe rasped huskily, nipping and biting his lover's shoulder as his cock exploded deep in Lundy's ass. "I love you cowboy. I love you so much."
LaFiamma slumped against his partner spent from the intensity of the union.
Lundy relished the warmth and the touch, but knew it had to end before the Feds came in and found them. Just as he reached up to turn the water off, it shut off automatically. Their timed shower was over.
"Don't want to move! Don't want to ever move," Joey mumbled his head against the back of Levon's neck.
"Want the Feds to find us like this?"
"Promise we can do it again tonight?" Joey asked releasing his grip on Levon's waist.
"Any time and as often as you want," Levon assured him slowly moving away, suddenly feeling empty with the lost connection.
"You know, partner - we got to talk more. Could'a been doing this for months if you had just asked." Joey said with a grin, allowing his partner to help him to his feet.
"Reckon - but didn't want my face rearranged," Levon replied, reaching up to push that annoying wisp of hair his partner had out of his eyes.
"Same here. Didn't want your 45 breakin' my jaw or worse," Joey answered pulling the blond in for a quick kiss before they stepped out to see what clothes they had to wear.
"We're gonna start talkin' right?" Joey asked, pulling on a pair of blue shorts.
"Yes, we 're gonna start talkin' more," Levon said stepping into a similar pair of shorts.
"Course we can't always be talkin'," LaFiamma chuckled with a grin. "Hard to talk when you're sucking on things. Speaking of that, what you doing tonight Levon?"
"I reckon I'm gonna be laid by a right handsome Italian detective," Lundy replied with a grin tossing Joe a white terrycloth bathrobe.
"What do you know? We're finally agree on something!" Joey said as they walked from the shower area into a room with two chairs.