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Fandom: | Houston Knights |
Series: | Other Authors |
Rating: | NC17 |
Pairing: | Joe/Levon |
Archive: | Starwinder's |
Title: | Stakeout |
Author: | Etch |
Standard Disclaimer: Houston Knights belongs to Jay Bernstein and Michael Butler and Columbia Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended. This is fan fiction, written out of love for the shows. I am making no money off this. I have no money so please don't sue me. Any original characters who may appear in these stories are the property of the author. |
This story appeared In Cinda Gillilan's zine: ONE IN TEN #2 (written in 1996, published in late 1997) [ / ]. This is the first time it has been posted to the web.
By Etch
"DAMMMN, LA FIAMMA! CUT THAT OUT!" Sergeant Levon Lundy growled to his partner, brushing the man's hand away from the back of his neck. "I'll cut them curls off, if you don't stop! We're on duty, man!"
Pouting, Sergeant Joey LaFiamma pulled his hand back to his lap, then shifted slightly to sit on it. "Why'd you agree to this stake-out anyway, Lundy? Damn, you know I can't sit this close to you without touching you somewhere," Joey muttered, adding, "You cut them off ... I'll shave your whole damn head!"
Levon shot an alarmed look at the Chicagoan. He knew Joe liked his curls, but to shave his whole head. The thought sent a shiver right through him. Looking at his lover, he saw a forlorn lovesick puppy that had been banished for doing wrong. The Texan could usually read his partner, but this look was new to him, Joe's eyes looked incredibly sad.
"What we looking for out here anyway? Ain't no buildings ... not even a treehouse?" Joey moaned, leaning into the passenger door behind him. "What the hell kind of stakeout is this? This is a two-lane country road."
"Got a call from some officer named R.R. Russell. He said they were hunting someone, and he needed extra backup."
Joey straightened up and looked around, eyes darting into the darkness beyond them. "This Russell ... he talk with a real exaggerated southern drawl?"
"Yeah! You know him?" Levon asked, confused by his partner's sudden alertness.
"I've heard of him. And the only thing he's staking out, Levon ... is US!" Joey replied, shifting in his seat, feeling under his jacket to make sure his pistols were still there.
"What do you mean ... us?!" Levon asked, alarmed by his partner's change in attitude.
"R.R. "Rusty" Russell ... is a trouble shooter for Internal Affairs. He's been on a witch-hunt for a couple of months, trying to rout out officers he thinks might be sleeping together. Not gays, per se ... but male or female officers who have decided they want their togetherness to go beyond the work place," Joey explained, opening the glove box, feeling around inside for a hidden microphone.
Levon's jaw dropped, he was speechless. Following his partner's lead, he too began to look through the Jimmy for any electronic bugs.
"You sure about this, LaFiamma? This isn't some story you picked up at Chicken's, is it?" Lundy quizzed, moving between the bucket seats to the backbench.
"Chicken is the one who told me about it, Levon. A friend of his nephew's got caught by the guy. He was rookie. Gung-ho on being a cop! Willing to do anything to please the brass. Unfortunately, Chicken said the guy was also bisexual and liked to get it whenever ... wherever he could. Russell sent him and his partner on a stakeout ... now that I think of it, Chicken said it was in some deserted, isolated place ... anyway, this friend and his partner got shown a video tape the next morning of a little escapade they had in the woods the night before. I wouldn't doubt that these are the same woods, and that there's not some night camera on one of those trees out there."
"Makes you wonder, doesn't it? Just why this Russell is so hung up on sex? Maybe he gets a charge out of watching stuff he can't do?" Levon said, moving off the backbench to the cargo area. "Nothing back here, it's clean."
"Here too," Joey replied, pulling his hands from under the seats and the dash. "Think I'll go take a leak ... see if I can find anything. We could always put on our own show for the guy," Joey said, opening the passenger door.
"WHAT, YOU NUTS!?" Lundy squawked, edging through the seats back into the driver's seat.
"How many miles out of town are we? Four? Five? We been here two hours already, and haven't even seen an owl! If we can find that camera, and figure out its range, we could stage our own little sting ... draw our guns on someone beyond its range ..."
"Do our own little movie for the guy, with invisible actors? You got a devious mind, partner! I like it!" Levon chortled, reaching under his jacket to pat his trusty Colt.
"I'll walk out about three paces, see what I can find. Need to get rid of that coffee I drank anyway. If I find it, I'll take a leak in that direction. The piss will be on him," Joey laughed, leaving the door ajar as he stepped onto the shoulder.
One ... twooo ... three. Nonchalantly scanning the trees as he unzipped his trousers, Joey spotted the little red light dead ahead. Moving into a military parade rest stance, Joey eased his penis out of his pants and relieved himself a few feet away from the tree that held Russell's camera.
As he zipped up, Joe heard Lundy move out of the Jimmy slamming the door behind him.
"LA FIAMMA, GET DOWN... BACK HERE NOW!" Levon barked, drawing his weapon, taking a firing stance against the hood.
Ducking down, Joe pulled his dual pistols out, grouching low, he moved around the back of the 4X4 to join his partner in defense of the invisible.
"Put a shot out, just a bit above where I was standing," Joey whispered, "low enough so it will flash on camera."
"Right!" Levon growled, lifting the Colt and pumping one off. "Your turn, partner," Levon whispered, ducking down behind his vehicle.
Joey jumped up firing both pistols into the woods. Banging his fist on the hood of the Jimmy, he motioned to Levon to get in as he ran around to his side, pausing momentarily to fire down the road.
Each sharing a smirk, Levon started the engine and floor-boarded it, leaving a cloud of dirt and dust hanging in the air.
"Where to now?" Levon asked, slowing to the speed limit.
"I'm watching Esteban's place while he's in Mexico for his cousin's wedding. Why don't we go there, bring in the mail ... relax a bit." Joey replied, grinning, his hand once again playing with the blond curls.
"Yeah, I'm up to relaxing a bit," Levon offered. "What happens when Russell sees that video?"
"We answer his questions," Joey answered, shrugging his shoulders, twisting a curl tight between his fingers. "We were on his stakeout ... someone shot at us and we shot back. We took out after them, but lost them because we were unfamiliar with the roads. And ... remember, he told us to keep radio silence, so we couldn't call for help or backup."
"What if Joanne asks about it?" Lundy pushed, wanting to know all the angles before reporting for work in the morning.
"Tell the truth, Lundy! Russell called, asked you to help with a stake out. Asked you to keep radio silence no matter what ... hey, this could put him under investigation!" Joey said, excited about turning the tables on this man.
"Maybe we should stop by the station ... make out a police report ... just in case someone living in those woods reports gun fire," Levon replied, looking for oncoming traffic as he approached a four-lane highway.
"Now who has the devious mind? But, yeah, I agree. You know, Lundy, for a redneck you're pretty damn smart sometimes. Sexy too," Joey cooed, releasing his lover's curls, pulling his hand back into his lap.
"Maybe we should become actors, huh? Got the excitement but not the risk?" Levon joked, heading for the expressway and civilization.
"Naww ... no job security. Besides you like the excitement, partner, and so do I. Especially putting an asshole like Russell on the defensive. Let's get that report done and get to Esteban's. I'm aching to have a lot more than just a touch."
The End