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Fandom: | Houston Knights |
Series: | Other Authors |
Rating: | NC17 |
Pairing: | Joe/Levon |
Archive: | Starwinder's |
Title: | Wanting and Doing Are Two Different Things |
Author: | Etch |
Standard Disclaimer: Houston Knights belongs to Jay Bernstein and Michael Butler and Columbia Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended. This is fan fiction, written out of love for the shows. I am making no money off this. I have no money so please don't sue me. Any original characters who may appear in these stories are the property of the author. |
By Etch
Joey stood on a slight rise, overlooking the most beautiful field of wildflowers he'd ever seen. "Lundy, you own all this?" Sergeant Joseph LaFiamma asked, awed by the sight of his mother's favorite flower growing as far as he could see.
"Yea. I bought it for Caroline, so no developer would come along and chop it up into houses. One of her better ideas before she... before she starting losing touch with reality." Levon responded quietly.
"People in my family drink too, Levon. I know the hardship," Joey said, without thinking he lightly touched Lundy's shoulder. Before he could retract his hand, he felt a hand touch his.
"I know you care, LaFiamma," the Texan said a sadness in his voice. "Not too many people really care for me around here anymore. I've been in holy hell since she died -- and I've let everyone around me know it too."
"You ... you've brought a calming into my life, LaFiamma. I can't explain it. I know we fight, argue - try to kill each other sometimes but it's different between you and me. Others *would* kill me if I pushed them like I do you."
"You got to understand, Lundy," Joey replied looking down at his seemingly frustrated partner. "Italians argue all the time. I was born into it. I don't know any other way," Joey answered, retracting his hand before Lundy slugged him for putting it there in the first place.
Out of the blue his partner asked, "You ever made it with a man, Joe?"
The question startled LaFiamma, breaking his concentration for keeping his balance on the mound of dirt he was standing on. Arms waving in the air, Joe slid down the dirt pile to within inches of the blond cowboy.
Not only was it the question, but also the fact that his partner used his first name. Joe couldn't remember a single time in the last year when Lundy had called him 'Joe.'
"Made it - how?" LaFiamma asked after regaining his compose, not wanting to venture anymore until he knew where his partner was headed.
"Do it! Sleep with - sex .. with..." Lundy replied looking into face of the man he wanted more than anything to hug, love. [Why can't he see how I feel about him?]
"Have you?" Joe questioned his face going into a frown refusing to give his partner a direct answer. "Is that where you disappear to some weekends? That gay bar - what is it called The Pink Ponies? There's better ways, Levon, there really are. With all the diseases out there you should...."
"I KNOW about that!" Lundy shouted, despair in his voice. "Don't you think I'm careful? The last thing I want is AIDS."
Frustrated with getting no reaction from his partner, Lundy threw up his hands. "I can't lay with a woman! Every time I do I feel like I am committing adultery to Caroline! I need someone! Someone I can trust! Someone who won't let the whole department know it takes a man to get me off now."
Joe heard the desperation in Lundy's voice. Then it hit him. Levon was asking him to be his lover. [Damn, just when things are going downhill an upward turn appears.]
"Let me get this straight, Lundy. You need a man in your bed to survive - and you want that man to be me? This funny walkin', funny talkin', funny named man from the North?" Joey asked evenly wanting to make sure he understood what his partner was asking, repeating Lundy's first description of the Northerner.
"Yes," came the simple answer. Levon waited. Waited for the blow to dislocate his jaw and send him sprawling into the wildflowers.
"Levon - I'm flattered by the offer, I really am." Joey LaFiamma said quietly. "And even if I might be interested -- I wouldn't want to get involved unless I knew we were compatible. I mean, if having sex together is anything like what we do on the job - it could be a real painful experience."
[He might be interested? He might be interested!] Joey's words ricocheted around Lundy's brain.
"How.... How do we know if we're compatible unless we try it? We work well together. We've got the best record of any detective team on the whole damn police force. Why wouldn't we be good in bed too?" Lundy quizzed looking at his partner with renewed interest, wondering why the man hadn't decked him yet.
"You're really serious, aren't you?" Joe said grabbing Lundy by the shoulder and turning him around.
"Yes, damn it! Where have you been this last year?" Levon replied his eyes pleading for understanding.
"I thought that closeness was just to get me use to Houston. Get to know the area." Joe remarked a slow warmth filling his bones.
"That too."
"Levon - you don't know anything about me," Joey began quietly. "You don't know what my sexual preferences are - what I might demand of you. You have no idea what you're asking here."
"What's the big deal? I'm asking you to give up your ladies. I knew it wouldn't work. Damn, I've made such a fool of myself!" Lundy exclaimed stamping daisies under his feet.
"Giving up the ladies is not a problem, Levon. It's...." Joey couldn't finish. How could he tell his partner of the domination he required over a lover, when Lundy dominated almost everything they did? Yet Joe wondered if Levon dominated because he himself wanted to be.
"Its -- what, LaFiamma? Spit it out! Hell I have. 'Bout time you did too," Lundy said suddenly realizing that his desire might come true after all.
"Lundy, I'm - I am part of something that is not easy to explain," Joey began slowly studying his partner to see just how far he could go.
"Remember shortly after I arrived last year we were sent to that disturbance at the Airport Hilton's conference center. The one with everyone wearing black leather...." Joey said bending to pick a few daisies.
"Yeah - never saw so many ways to wear leather before - some real sexy outfits. Must be a real turn-on for some people. Got a little hard just looking at some of those dudes," Levon remarked wondering what that had to do with their discussion. "I remember you turned it around in seconds. You scanned the room, picked out a guy, and a few words later it was over. What the hell did you say to him anyway? Joanne was ready to call out the troops to take them all in."
Without saying a word, Joe turned and began walking back to the woods. If he took Lundy down, it had to be out of the view of the lake.
"LaFiamma! Wait! LaFiamma?" [Was the man running? Why is he so far ahead of me?] "LaFiamma!"
Joe stopped just inside the woods and turned to see his partner desperately trying to catch up with him.
"Maybe it's better to show than to tell," he whispered waiting for the blond to reach him.
"What - what did I say? What happened back there? Why did you leave?" The Texan gasped leaning against a tree to catch his breath.
Joe took advantage of his partner's position, walked up to him, one hand reached down to massage the cock that already showed hard under the jeans; the other hand laid across the blond's forehead holding him tight against the tree.
"I cooled the group down simply by giving the man my name - the name I am known by in Chicago. I also gave him the name of a place where he could move his convention to that wouldn't cause a disturbance...." LaFiamma said evenly, watching the heightened arousal of his partner as his hand kneaded Levon's balls.
"You said you wanted to meet one of the dudes who holds a lover, or love slave on a chain. Well, you're talking to one right now Lundy -- I am one of those black leather dudes!"
Lundy's eyes were wide as saucers, his nostrils flared open like a stallion in heat. He was amazed at the strength that held his head against the tree. Visions of men and women in various forms of dress and undress, some with tits showing, some with genitals free and bouncing in the breeze passed through his memory. He especially remembered a man on his knees hands clasped behind his back wearing some kind of a studded leather collar around his neck, chains from the collar attached to another man's wrist.
Levon moaned at the sound of his zipper opening and the unleashing of his surging cock. LaFiamma's fingers worked it hard, first causing pain, then pleasure. The Texan bucked against the tree trunk wanting more, so much more. "Ahh, ah! Ahh! God man wha--ahahah! Oh go... oh, geezz -LAFIAMMMMAAA!"
Joey smiled silently to himself as he brushed his jaw lightly against his partner's hot blush face. The Italian's tongue teased a corner of the Texan's mouth that opened in an attempt to capture more.
LaFiamma moved closer, pressing his equally hard erection against the Texan's thigh. "I take your ass next, Little Levon," Joey whispered hoarsely into Lundy's ear. "Stripped naked - face down on the forest floor - you want that?"
"YES!" Came the shriek from deep in Levon's throat. "Damn straight I want it! Yes! Yes! I want you LaFiamma! Can't you understand that? I want you any way I can have you!"
"Be careful what you agree to here Lundy?" LaFiamma said in all seriousness. "Do you want me bad enough that you are willing - at times - to forego your own pleasure - and merely do what it takes to satisfy me?"
"Wanting and doing are two different things, Lundy. How much are you willing to risk? Will you drop to your knees and masturbate on command? Will you suck off a cock if I order you to? Wanting - and - doing are two entirely different things." Joey said dropping his partner's spent cock, taking his own cock out he pressed the hardness into the tender blond genital hairs of his lover. Joe knew the answer already but he had to ask the question. If Levon didn't want to continue he would have bolted long before now.
"You willing to do a threesome or even a foursome - with or without me? As I said Levon you know nothing about me. You have to be careful what you agree to here. If you say yes, it is for life and a marriage will take place. Once you say yes, you are mine, every bone, every piece of flesh belongs to me and only me. You will not be in another's bed unless I put you there."
[Marriage! It's too good to be true! He loves me enough to marry me. Sweet Jesus he loves me! So what if I have to perform and suck off a few cocks, it would be worth it just to be with him.]
"Would -- would I be your only lover?" Levon asked hauntily gritting his teeth against the power of LaFiamma's cock pushing into his now empty balls.
"Yes." Joey's tongue moved along Levon's jawbone barely touching his lower lip.
"You wouldn't be offered others, would you? Other slaves?"
"Yes, I would be."
"Would you take them?"
"Not privately."
"What do you mean, not privately?" the Texan asked as his lover began to undress him.
"If a new slave was offered to me in a private room, I would decline. However I don't think that will happen. What you will be wearing -- and the chains you will have on -- will tell everyone that you are the only satisfaction I need."
"You would be my only true lover, Levon. The one I make love with - go to bed with - enjoy the company of. There would be no one else but you." LaFiamma said seductively looking deeper into his partner's brown eyes.
"I - I want to be your only true love. I want to enjoy your company - for - for the rest of my life. I don't want anyone else. I've tried pushing you out of my mind. Instead my fantasies of you get hotter and hotter." Levon croaked as a mouth covered his, hands grasped his shoulders and pulled him to the soft forest floor.
"What - what if there are fisherman on the lake?" Levon mumbled through the persistent kiss.
"They get a great show," Joe replied releasing the mouth he had captured.
"It ain't that far back to the barn, we can do it there," the cowboy said a pine needle pointing him in the butt.
"Right here! Right now!" LaFiamma replied jumping to his feet, and disrobing in seconds.
"Less they have binoculars they won't see us. And if they're good fishermen they won't be seeing past their boat. The only one watching will be God."
"Yeah, and He won't be none to happy about it either."
"So -- do we continue -or- do you walk back to the barn and get on with your life without me in your bed?" Joey said huskily, dropping his last bit of clothes to the ground.
As the last piece of clothing dropped into the grass, Levon's eyes encompassed the fine lines of his partner's body. The blond noticed immediately that Joe had no tan lines, his stomach was taunt and tight, legs and thighs were that of a runner, he knew instantly that he would do anything to continue to have this man. He would do anything to make them compatible!
"You're - you're beautiful," Levon gasped, watching the body drop back down next to him.
"So what is your answer Levon Elmer Lundy? A love slave to the Chicago Spider - or - just Joey LaFiamma's cop partner?"
"Both - I want to be both!" Levon yelped swallowing hard. He'd done a lot of things with a lot of different men what could be different here? "I am your partner. I want to be your lover - your love slave. Do with me what you want - anything. I mean it! I will do anything to be able to lay in bed with you - have you touch me, kiss me, fuck me -- whatever you desire, LaFiamma - I am yours! YOURS!"
Joey stared at his partner, not sure whether he should do what he really wanted to do, yet Lundy was telling him he wanted it. Wanted anything and everything that would get him into Joe's bed.
"Hey!" Levon yelped as Joe literally picked him and slowly impaled him on a full erect, unlubricated Italian penis.
Joe carefully watched his new lover's face for any hints of pain or verbal outbursts. Seeing none, Joe held his lover firmly on his lap and lunged upward, jabbing his penis deeper into the tight enclosure.
At the first thrust, raw and hard, Lundy thought his ears would burst. A scream died in his throat as Joe's mouth covered his. He was surprised by the fierceness of LaFiamma's kiss. Then suddenly he was whirling in the air. He couldn't believe it. LaFiamma never lost the connection; he was still deep inside as leaves, pine needles and grass blades swirled around them.
Joey grinned as he pushed Lundy's legs up and turned him around. [Maybe a taste of how raw it can be will change his mind. If not, I'll call Kensington to prepare a collar.]
Humping over his partner, Joe worked him hard until the anus was loose and wide, then it turned slow.
So slow that Levon was soon begging for more, for faster.
"God man do it!" Levon moaned the slowness of his lover's movements irritated him. Why didn't Joe just take him?
Suddenly LaFiamma pulled out altogether and jumped to his feet ordering his partner - lover to do the same. Joe's eyes scanned the trees stopping only when he found one covered with green moss.
Lundy raised a hand for help in getting up but received none.
[Wanting and doing are two different things.] Unsteady on his feet, his mind whirling, Levon managed to finally stand.
Once the blond was on his feet, LaFiamma grabbed him around the waist and propelled him deeper in the woods. "Eagle spread yourself against this tree. Finger nails in the bark! Toes in the dirt!"
Levon opened his mouth to protest and was met by a sharp blast of orders in his ear. "YOU BELONG TO ME! YOU DO WHAT I SAY, WHEN I SAY IT! YOU HAVE NO OPINION. WHEN WE ARE IN LEATHER YOU ARE A NON-PERSON! YOU UNDERSTAND THAT? DO YOU?" Joe growled inches from Lundy's left ear.
"Yes," came the wee whisper of an answer.
Levon felt Joe's thumbs spread his buttocks, felt the hard push to re-enter. Lundy couldn't understand why before there was no pain and now there was. He was lubricated and open it shouldn't hurt but it did.
Then the Texan realized it wasn't the entrance that hurt but his soft flesh against the rough tree bark. His mouth opened and closed as his partner thrush deeper and deeper, faster and faster till at last he lunged and touched that hot spot that brought them both to the edge.
Joe was in control. He controlled it all even to the point of explosion when he pulled his lover off the tree and took him to his knees, back to the floor of the forest.
Dazed, Lundy fell forward down on all fours words babbling. LaFiamma's arms encircled his waist masturbating the Texan's cock as Joe came hot and heavy in his partner's ass. When it was over Joe released his charge and watched him collapse into a pile of pine needles. LaFiamma kneeled behind him studying the man, wondering what Levon's reaction would be.
LaFiamma waited and watched until finally worried that his lover hadn't moved, he lightly touched Levon's foot.
"Huh?" Lundy mumbled his head twisted to the side he looked through glassy eyes at a figure behind him. "Joe?"
"You okay?" the shadowy figure asked.
"I -- yeah, I - I think so. Was - was I obedient?" Levon asked still feeling the taste of his lover from their earlier kiss.
"Yes," Joey whispered affectionately.
"I - Joe - I - love you."
A slow smile crossed the Italian's face as he moved forward to gather his partner, his lover, into his arms.
"I love you too, Levon," came the tender words into Lundy's ear.
"Who - who marries us?" The blond asked snuggling against Joe's shoulder.
"They will." Joe answered a hand pushing blond sweaty curls off Lundy's forehead.
"They? Others like you?" The Texan rasped, his eyes finally beginning to focus.
"Masters like me," LaFiamma replied gently, pulling Levon closer.
"Will - will it hurt?"
"But then - then it's for life?" The words were stated slowly so Levon's fogged brain could soak in his dream of having the Northerner as a lover, a true lover for life.
"It is for life - till death parts us," Joey said lifting his lover's face to brush his lips lightly across his lover's.
"Have -- have you been married before -- to -- to a man?" Lundy questioned melting into Joe's arms as the Italian's tongue stroked his jawbone.
LaFiamma's hand stroked down Levon's back fingers circling the anus. "Would it make a difference if I had?"
"No -- mmmmm, ahh, Joooooo!" Levon whimpered arching his back for more of the same.
"In Chicago, I was. He was a bank manager in Uncle Ciro's bank. He and two bank guards were killed during an armed robbery. It happened a year before I was transferred here. Like you - he was a blond. Other than that nothing about the two of you is the same. Don't worry cowboy, no one will be coming out of my past to come between us. And what about you? Do I need to look over my shoulder for someone who may claim you?"
"No," Levon replied bringing his knees under him so Joe's fingers had better access. "Bobby Winton was the only one and he's dead. Looks like we're both starting over again partner."
LaFiamma lifted his lover's face giving him a light kiss, "Come on, Sergeant Lundy, let's find your clothes and get back to the house. I want you to rest for a while, while I go home and pick up some things."
"I'm okay, I can go too," Levon chortled standing on wobbly legs.
"You are staying, my love. You're going to bed. You're going to need all the rest you can get. I have a video at home I want you to watch part of it. Then and only then will I accept your pledge in marriage."
"Levon, I love you too much to take you into something you know nothing about. It's got to be this way, please don't argue. Please." Joey said cutting his partner short.
Joey gathered up his clothes and Levon's too and began walking back through the woods to Lundy's ranch house.
"Don't you think we'd better put those on? Someone might see us?" Lundy groused gingerly walking around a pile of stones.
"We're coming from the lake. They'll think we went skinny-dipping. Besides there won't be anyone around your place, never is." LaFiamma said grinning, holding his partner's boots at arm's length.
"You been wrong before," Lundy quipped trying to grab for his boots losing his balance and going headfirst into the dirt path.
"You're bruising my merchandise!" LaFiamma remarked sharply pulling Levon to his feet. "Nobody will be there, trust me."
Much to Lundy's amazement he found that his partner was right, no one was around. They walked from behind the barn to his back door and into the house without seeing a soul.
Levon watched Joe shake out his clothes and hang them over the kitchen chairs. The Texan had never seen such a beautiful body in a man and he'd seen a few in college and at the gay bars around Houston.
"Come on, into bed with you," Joe said startling Levon, bringing him back to reality from the curves and lines of his Italian lover.
Twice on the way to the bedroom LaFiamma stopped them, fingered Levon's anus, and nipped at his neck. When they reached the bedroom it was more than Levon could stand.
"MASTER - TAKE ME!" The blond shouted dropping to his knees, his butt skyward wagging in LaFiamma's direction.
"About time you got the hint," Joey replied laughing, squatting behind his lover slapping his butt, Joe demanded, "Wet it - with your mouth."
Turning the blond did as he was told, hungrily licking, swallowing his lover engorged organ until his Master halted him and asked him kneel against the end of the bed.
"Talk to me," LaFiamma rasped, guiding his organ through the arousal point.
Maybe I don't need the video, but I'm still going to make him watch it. At least part of it. He needs to know about the collar, the chains, plugs for ass and penis. I love him too much to see him hurt. Then he was coming, hotter than in the woods. Putting a hammerlock on Levon's head Joe literally sprang to his feet, his lover impaled on his cock. Sweat dripped between them as Joe walked from the bedroom to the hall, Lundy moaning the words 'I love you, I love you,' over and over again.
LaFiamma danced with his impaled lover in the entryway before taking his lover back to the bedroom, face down on the bed for the last bit of pleasure. The last bit of cum that was held back was then emptied into the tight cavity of his face down lover.
Joe lay atop his lover for thirty minutes before moving off, covering Lundy with a blanket he then walked to the bathroom to clean up.
Joey entered his apartment and went straight for the storage closet under the spiral staircase. The box he was looking for was marked with a large black spider and it took him only a few minutes to find it.
Checking the contents to make sure everything was still there, he relocked the closet and carried the box to the Jimmy.
On his arrival back at the ranch he found Levon in the same position he'd left him. A touch to the cowboy's foot brought another 'I love you.'
[James, I think you've been outmatched], Joey mused to himself as he left the bedroom and carried his box to the guest room. Before opening the box and changing into his leathers the Northerner rechecked all the doors and windows to make sure they were locked.
Joey powdered himself down and slowly worked the skintight black leather pants up his legs and over his hips. LaFiamma knew it would take some training to get Lundy ready for a MMC (master marriage ceremony) but he was patient. He hadn't jumped into another relationship after James' death. In fact he had backed away from all of it going only to meetings that didn't include slave offerings. Now he'd found a lover that not only embraced him, but also was willing to go where he was. James had been discharged by a lover, was wanton and hungry when Joe found him. It had been love at first sight. Their first time together had lasted for hours. They were married, bonded really, two months later.
LaFiamma reached down and released his genitals from their tight enclosure. Just thinking about James and Lundy was making him hard again. The Italian in him, James used to say, nothing hotter than an Italian man. Joe looked down at himself, fingers moving the patch of brown hair until the gold ring became visible. Slipping his little finger through the ring, Joe remembered the ceremony that bonded him to his lost mate and wondered if Levon would go so far.
"LaFiamma? Joe?" Came a hoarse call from Levon's bedroom.
"In the bathroom, there in a minute," Joey called looking around for his black boots, sleeves and hood.
LaFiamma stepped inside the bathroom to check out his image in the mirror before going to see his lover.
Lundy rolled over, the sheet twisting around his body. His body ached in places he didn't even know he had. Closing his eyes, he let his memory drift back to the woods and what had happened here, "it was good," he muttered.
"Want more of that good," Joe said from the doorway his voice low.
Lundy started at the voice. Eyes wide he shoved the covers off and retreated to the headboard, clinging to it for support.
"Come now, Lundy, I don't look that scary," Joey remarked evenly.
"Joe? Is that you?"
"Did you expect someone else?"
"No - ah, no. It's - it's just that you look so different."
"As you soon shall too - come it is time for your first lesson. Come, come!" Joey repeated holding out a gloved hand.
Slowly the Texan moved off the bed still unsteady from the morning's loving. He staggered but was caught by Joe, the cool leather against his hot skin made Lundy moan, pushing the desire for his lover to new heights.
LaFiamma held him steady, tight in his arms.
It felt so good Levon thought, so good to have a lover with such warmth.
"By the end of the day, you will hate me - but what else is new, eh, cowboy," Joey said jokingly. "Come - into the guestroom - your wedding outfit is waiting."
"Wed-wedding outfit? You have one - is it - his?" Levon croaked straightened, he wanted to prove himself better than James. Better than any other man Joe might have had.
"Stop puffing out your chest Lundy! Every slave that becomes a master's soul mate wears the same outfit. Doesn't matter who you are. And no - this was not James'. His wedding outfit was buried with him."
Levon stood to the side of the guestroom's bed footboard. One hand held onto a corner for support. Joe had powdered down his legs and was now molding black leather chaps to his legs and hips. The Texan's eyes grew larger and larger when he noticed that his genitals and public hair were very visible as was his buttocks. All were open for viewing - for touching. Lundy wanted to but he didn't dare ask what went on at one of these ceremony's, he had a feeling he was going to find out soon enough. He watched in the dresser mirror, the seriousness of LaFiamma's face as he was dressed. The leggings had been tedious, now came things that looked like suspenders, then Joey took his arms and asked him to slid his hands down to a weird looking glove. But it wasn't a glove, it was webbed like a duck's foot, his fingers held solid, unmoving. Then he saw it - a hood with a zipper - a zipper where the mouth should be. The blond looked at his lover with fearful eyes.
"It's okay, my love," Joe cooed, gently running a hand across Levon's chest, "a closed zipper indicates your mouth is unavailable - for cocks, tits or anything. This is why we need to start now. The harness of the wedding is involved, you can't just put it on and do it. You have to get use to wearing it. To walking in it, moving in it."
To give his lover some relief Joey unzipped the mouth before slowly working the hood over the blond's head and chin.
"Okay so far? Good - this is the easy part."
"You call this easy - my front and back are both hanging out!" Lundy quipped sarcastically.
"You are offering yourself to me - your cock - your buttocks - and when the time comes - your mouth. That is why you are dressed this way. That which you freely give to me is in full display to anyone present but no one will be able to take advantage of you because I have the key to the lock that will hold everything. Can we continue?"
Levon nodded, why wasn't he naked then, he thought. He was giving his whole self not just parts of himself.
Lundy started, then backed away from Joe. What Joe held in his hand had been put in his penis at a gay bar in Austin, he didn't like it. He didn't like it one bit.
"You ain't putting that in me LaFiamma! You ain't!" Lundy screeched backing away from the Italian, discovering he couldn't go far because his foot was tethered to the bed.
"Some - guys - tied to me a table in Austin -- used that --- I can't man! I can't take that pain again!" Levon screamed his eyes wide with terror.
Joey didn't want to use force. Didn't want to annihilate his lover. He knew the toy men used and this was not it, but could he get his lover to understand the difference.
"This is not the sex toy that goes into your penis and turns making you feel like the inside is being stripped bare. Look at this Levon! It is gold. GOLD! It is not as long as the other. It has to be worn -or- we might as well quit right now."
"I can't man - I can't!" Levon sobbed, sinking to the floor, visions of being stripped then tied to a tabletop still seemed too clear. "I can't take it I can't."
LaFiamma backed away. [Too soon. I always push too soon. James came unglued with the zipper. Levon the cock plug. Back off. Got to back off. Just want him so bad. So bad.]
Joey quietly put the unopened ass plug with gold chains back into the bigger box. He did nothing about undressing himself or Levon, he left the room without a word doing nothing to detach his partner who was still tethered to the bed. As an afterthought he came back into the bedroom and laid the cock plug on the bed.
LaFiamma paused in the doorway his back to his lover. "I'm sorry Levon. I love you. Love you so much. Want you so bad - when I want someone this bad - I push - I push too much - I'm sorry - I'm really sorry."
Through swollen wet eyes the Texan stared at the man framed in the doorway. "Joe? JOOO!"
LaFiamma walked into the hall, to the front door, turned, slid down the door to the floor and cried. All the hurts of James' death came bubbling out - and Levon's terror. The terror that someone had placed in his lover's eyes that he would probably never ever be able to displace.
Levon jolted at the first screech of the name James. It cut through the men who were laughing around him. Cut through the sneer on the face of the one that had shoved his own underpants into his mouth to quiet him down.
'Help me!' Put the detective's protective mode for his partner into overdrive. Lundy stared at the tether around the bedpost - but how - damn its velour! Three jerks and he was free. Free to fall on the bed with his nose millimeters from the gold cock plug. He cursed than stared. It was smaller. Much smaller - and smooth.
'God I love him so!' Had Lundy fumbling with his webbed gloves trying to pick up the plug. He had to get to Joe. Had to find him before he did something terrible. Finally the blond used his teeth to grasp the thin gold chain attached to the plug. Stumbling blindly into the hall with only tunnel vision because of his hood he looked one way and then the other hunting his lover.
Seeing LaFiamma in a crouched position, Levon's first thought was that Joe had killed himself. Forgetting about the chain or the plug, the Texan hollered, "LaFiamma! JOE?!"
The bounce of the gold object onto the wood floor instantly brought Joe's head up. He stared as his lover dropped to his knees and like a puppy dog with a bone, began to use his nose to push the gold object toward him. [Thanks James, I owe you another one.]
"Guess I found a name for you. You will now be known as Pup, as I am known as Spi." Joey said slowly getting to his feet, grinning from ear to ear as his pup wagged his bare tail.
"Forget about this," LaFiamma replied walking toward his childish partner who rolled on his back, four limbs waving in the breeze. "Come on, cowboy, we'll get undressed and..."
"No, master. We must do what we must do." Pup stated evenly.
LaFiamma stopped and stared as his partner picked up the gold plug, fumbling with his unbending fingers and tried in vain to insert the it into his penis.
"You sure about this Levon?" Joey said kneeling next to his beloved, taking the object from the webbed hands.
"I've wanted you since I first saw you walking toward me in the airport. Yeah, Joe, I'm sure. Ain't never been as sure about anything in my life as I am about this."
Gently, with the most loving touch Levon had ever felt, Joe caressed his lover's penis, easing the short gold peg into the cock then lacing the gold mesh over the head and securing it firmly under the head.
Tilting Lundy's chin, closing then opening the zipper, Joe kissed his slave, his love. "You are Pup. I am Master. Or I am Spi (s-pi). No other name can be used when we are in leather."
"Sss - pie? I always did like pie," Levon answered with a grin holding onto Joe's arm as he got to his feet.
"My beloved Pup - we must finish dressing you. Then we're going for a walk."
"WALK? A WALK WHERE?" Pup squawked feeling Joe's sensuous eyes on him.
"A walk here," Joey said gesturing with his hands to the hallway they were in. "And as for the wedding outfit - it is brand new - purchased just for you. I didn't know if I'd ever be able to use it but it was worth the bucks if I did."
"Bucks - lots of bucks?"
"Lots and lots of bucks." Joey crooned, squeezing the bare butt that was in front of him. "It also includes the special-tampered gold ring you will wear - implanted right about here...." LaFiamma moaned, reaching around the Texan sliding his gloved hand down to the base of his lover's cock then moving it up a notch. "Right about here - as mine is - was done for James - you also shall be wedded and chained to me for a night. And..." Joey paused, wondering if he should tell Levon all that goes on during the weekend ceremony, then decided some surprises were worth seeing.
"And..." Levon muttered through a half-zipped mouth.
"And - part of the ceremony is secret. It would be no fun to tell you all that will happen."
"I get passed around - is that it?"
"No Levon. No one will touch you but me! I do NOT pass my soul mates around!" Joe replied the hurt of Levon's words evident in his voice.
"LaFiamma I ain't no virgin!" Lundy quipped as the entered the bedroom. "I've heard things about masters and slaves at gay bars. Heard men talk about being given to someone their master favors."
"A master who does that doesn't think very highly of his slave, nor is the slave his soul mate. There are varying degrees of master-slave, Levon. As different as the North is from the South. Come on, let's finish you. Then you are going to walk up and down the hall five times each way. I'm going to put a video on. You're going to squat in the living room and watch it."
Lundy stared into the dresser's mirror, awed at how he looked. If he hadn't seen himself being dressed he never would have believed it was him. Looking at himself all you could tell was that he was a man.
Nothing tied him to Sergeant Levon Elmer Lundy. His genital hair was a rusty blond not the same as the blond on his head. His mouth was zipped so no Texas drawl flowed. His chest was suntanned and his buttocks was white. He could be any construction worker, farmer or outdoor worker. Gold mesh covered the head of his semi-hard cock, gold chains passing through the mesh around his thighs, through his crotch to a hard cold gold penis that Joe had placed in his anus.
Levon/Pup watched his master move about the bedroom. In the last few minutes he had learned the hard way what to call and not to call Joe. That Master - that Spi was the only name to gush forth from his mouth. Every time he used 'Joe' or 'LaFiamma' the zipper was whipped shut so fast that several times it almost took half of Lundy's lips with it. And each time that happened, LaFiamma's loved filled eyes almost melted the blond to the floor.
"Spi - I'm ready," Levon replied softly, watching his lover turn from his duty and walk to him.
"I just can't explain how much I love you, Pup. I know this isn't what you expected in a lover, let alone me. But you will see it is fulfilling - sexually and otherwise." Joey embraced his lover, one hand holding Lundy's head, the other moving down to caress a butt cheek.
The kiss brought tears to Lundy's eyes as his semen raced through his cock to the head only to be turned away by the gold plug that cut off release.
Smiling to himself, LaFiamma probed his tongue deep, his fingers looped through the end of the gold penis and he worked it slow until his lover bucked hard against him moaning in pleasure, gasping in pain as semen had no place to go.
"Time for walkin'," Joey replied softly stepping away. "Start by the kitchen, walk to the front door, back and forth five times each way. I'm going to move some of your furniture in the living room and set up the VCR. You're good, Pup. You're real good. I'm glad you reached out to me - very glad."
Swallowing Lundy strolled to the door, discovering the thing up his ass was not flexible, not flexible at all.
Maybe that's why I need to walk, he thought, need to get use to having it in me. Still he remembered the picture of James he'd seen, and knew the outfit was not complete - not complete until the collar was around the neck.
Lundy was on his second trip half-listening to his couch and a chair being moved across the floor when he heard the word 'SQUAT.' Looking up Spi was a few feet from him giving him a hand signal to go down. He went, his eyes never leaving his Master whose eyes were on a watch.
"Okay, continue." Joey said spinning on his heel he returned to the living room.
As Levon got up an involuntary yelp of pain escaped his throat as the thing in his ass poked him. In a blink, LaFiamma was there hovering over him, asking questions, and checking him out.
"You're okay," Joe said obvious relief in his voice. "No damage to you. This..." LaFiamma remarked sliding the gold penis in and out heightening Levon's arousal, "is specially made. Can't buy them in the U.S. they're imported - from Italy. It absorbs your juices, forms to you - you'll see when it is taken out. Each time you wear it, it will reshape to give you maximum pleasure. Pleasure that will prepare you for our wedding night." LaFiamma kissed his love than whispered, "on your last round you will squat every five steps, then come to arch of the living room and wait."
I'm getting to old for this, Levon thought as he squatted for the very last time. I won't be able to move at work tomor... shit we have off tomorrow! No wonder Joe hasn't slowed his pace, he knows we can sleep in, if we ever get to bed.
The word 'beloved' brought Lundy back to reality. Just the way Joe said the word gave him chills and jerked his cock into action.
"No - no more words," Joe said as Levon opened his mouth to talk. "No words, no sounds." Then the zipper closed. Closed out anything the Texan might want to express.
Levon eagerly allowed himself to be guided into his living room then balked at the sight of two hard-backed chairs lashed together with leather straps.
"You must obey!" Were the words he heard as his Master instructed him to kneel, one knee on each chair. His body screamed no, his heart screamed yes, and he obeyed knowing a kiss or a touch would be his reward when they were done.
Arms and ankles tethered to the backs of the chair, Levon stared dumbfounded as his lover tightened the mesh noose around the head of his cock. The lights were dimmed and the video started -- Levon stared at the figures - a man with a whip. A man dancing with a whip - a whip that curled around ankles and cocks, necks and arms. He knew the man was his partner even before the camera did a close-up of the face. The brilliance of the blue eyes staring at the camera were the same that had kissed him earlier.
Then he saw James ... James in wedding attire the same as he, except for the collar. James' collar was glossy black with gold chains cascading down over his shoulder. Levon watched as Joe's late soul mate, danced and rolled on the floor offering himself, his body, his exposed parts to his master, his lover. It was the clapping that alerted Lundy to the presence of other people, people he suddenly noticed that framed the outer edge of the room.
The Texan flinched as something moved across his buttocks not once but twice. Still his eyes stayed glued to the box in front of him watching as three men in black leather walked to where James had stopped in the middle of that room. Without protesting he allowed himself to be picked up and carried to - to - two chairs, lashed down in the same position Lundy was down in.
Lundy was unprepared for what happened next. The video was clicked into pause and two men, one taller, one shorter than he stepped into his view. He tried to turn his head to look for Spi but his head was held firm by someone standing behind him.
In a low base voice, the taller man asked, "Do you wish to marry - to become the soul mate of Joseph Anthony LaFiamma also known as the Chicago Spider, code name Spi?"
YESSSS! Levon screamed in his head, nodding his head up and down in an exaggerated manner.
"The Elders have checked your job schedules and discovered that your next weekend off together is not for two or three months. Because of this we have agreed to do a private marriage ceremony which will take place here and now - are you agreeable to that?"
"Yessth." Levon muttered, nodding his head for the second time.
"You agree - even though you do not know the full extent of the ceremony or what will be asked of you?"
Again Lundy nodded his head.
"Proceed!" The short man said loudly. "Joseph! Take your place behind your mate."
Lundy's whole body jerked as Joe walked from the dining room into the living room. The blond's cock jerked hot and hard as his lover walked toward him.
Joe was still in the black leather pants he'd had on earlier but now his arms were bare from his wrists to his shoulders. He wore black gloves, black boots up to his knees, a laced vest over an inlaid colored black leather shirt with intricate designs of spiders and orchids. Like the other two men, he had a green star with what looked like a diamond on his left shoulder.
[God he's gorgeous! And he's mine. Mine.]
Then Lundy noticed the wisps of blond hair exposed in the patch of brown public hair above Joe's very large cock bouncing ahead of him eager for what lay ahead. He was so engrossed in his lover, Levon failed to notice the mirror that was being positioned in front of his fireplace. A mirror that soon became obvious as he and his chair were lifted and placed in front of it.
Once set and in place, the blond looked up to discover his lover standing behind him, blue eyes sparkling with love and passion. Joe had said parts of the ceremony were secret and he figured he was about to find out just what that secret was. He was not prepared, at all, for the woman who appeared with two bottles in each hand. Lundy's sneeze at the opening of the peroxide brought a laugh to those that ringed the room.
"Look into the mirror, Pup! Your eyes are on your Master! No one else." Came a sharp order from somewhere as Lundy's eyes drifted down in the mirror to see what she was doing. Levon gulped at the realization that strands of his public hair was being dyed brown and that in the midst of that would be placed a ring. A ring somehow embedded through and under his skin.
Levon watched Joe's gloved hand slide around his chin to the zipper then slowly open it. He gulped the fresh air, catching a taste of a leathered finger as it tardier longer than it should have.
"Levon Elmer Lundy -- now known as Pup when in leather and in the presence of his Master Spi ... you will be asked five questions. You will answer them 'I do' or 'I will,' is that clear?"
"Yes sir," Levon answered wondering if he knew any of the other people present.
"Do you - Levon Lundy - give yourself solely to this man - Joseph LaFiamma?"
"I do."
"Do you - Levon Lundy - give your heart, your body and your soul to this man - Joseph LaFiamma?"
"I do."
"Will you embrace him - taste him - desire him - touch him - hold him - love him?"
"I will."
"Do you agree to wear the ring that has been prepared for you?"
"I do."
"Are you willing to consummate your vows in the presence of these elders?"
"I - will." As soon as he paused he knew he was in trouble just from the flex of Joe's arm muscles. So he added, "If it pleases my Master, I am willing. I am his." Levon was glad to see a hint of a smile in Joe's face.
"Joseph - do you give your heart - your life - your soul to Pup?"
"I do."
"Are you privileged to have one such as he?"
"I am."
"Will you love him, embrace him, hold him when he is ill, be everything to him, as he is to you?"
"I will."
Looking beyond Joe and Levon, the short man said, "Joseph and Levon - Spi and Pup have pledged themselves to each other in front of twelve witnesses. Pup will now be prepared to receive the ring that will be implanted in the midst the genital hairs that have been dyed to match his Masters."
Changing his stance, looking directly at Levon the man continued, "--- what we are to do - what you have agreed for us to do - is painful to say the least. No getting around it. The Elders present here are men and women who have gone through this ceremony with their soul mates. Every person here wears a ring and has gone through what you are about to experience. You are allowed to express whatever pain you feel in whatever way your wish. We will not think less of you if you scream, or cry."
[Some surprise LaFiamma!]
The Texan swallowed as a sterile surgical package was opened next to one of his knees. An effort to lay his head back was curtailed by his Master who informed him his eyes must be aimed into the mirror until the procedure was done.
'AHHA ---AH- I HATE NEEDLES!! AH---NOOO... JOOOEEE.... OGOD MASTER!" Levon screamed as pain shot down his thighs and blood spurted onto the towel that lay between his knees.
"Easy little pup," Joey cooed in his partner's ear. "Hush now. Just a bit more...not much more...not much more."
"JOOO--EEE!" Levon screeched as an eighth of an inch of skin was lifted, and cauterized in preparation for the final phase, the insertion of the gold ring bonding Levon to his lover, his Master, his partner.
Then it was over. Everyone moved away from him including Joe. It seemed like forever though it was only seconds before Joe was again behind, arms stretching across his, mouth and tongue kissing his neck, licking the wetness from his face.
"We are wed, Levon." Joe whispered into Lundy's ear. "One more thing and it is official, binding in this land of mine... land that is now yours."
Levon watched as Joe stepped away and moved to the center of the rug. Then the woman and two men released him from his bondage on the chairs, assisted to his feet and ushered him to the center of the rug, opposite Joe.
Lundy was very aware of men and women in leather standing or sitting around the room. [Were they here to watch? Do we have to make love in front of them?]
The short man who had asked Levon the questions now stood next to Joe. "Levon - This is the final part of this ceremony. It is equally as important as every other piece. Your neck has not been prepared - conditioned for the wearing of a slave's collar, still -- we are going to have to do this - if it gets too uncomfortable during the course of the night you may ask him to loosen it or even take it off - he will. But you must ask."
"I understand." Levon said his eyes growing as a three-inch shiny black leather collar with gold studs that was handed to the man by Joe.
Levon swallowed what he thought was his last swallow as the collar was placed around his neck and buckled shut. Wide-eyed he looked at the thin gold chains that LaFiamma held in his hand.
"First - the link - that binds slave to master."
Joey watched his partner's reaction as Morgan attached a thin gold chain to Lundy's neck collar through the groin ring to LaFiamma's groin ring.
"Second - the link - Pup eagerly offers his cock to Spi." The chain again started at the collar, this time going through a loop of Levon's hooded penis to Joe's ring.
"Third - the link - that offers - that never refuses entry." The gold chain longer than the rest, started at the collar laid across Levon's back looped through the anal plug between the legs to Joe's ring.
"Fourth - the link - most important of all - that sucks - that screams in pain and in pleasure - that expresses love --."
Out of the corner of his eye Levon saw fingers place something on the zipper of his mouth closure, but the hand did not go down it went directly to Joe. Lundy stared, his mouth chain was attached to a leather band on Joe's wrist. A jerk of the wrist would open or close him off.
"These are the chains that link you to your master - do you agree with them?"
"I do."
"Pup - here is where you and Spi must now consummate your marriage - here in front of the twelve witnesses that witnessed your marriage. No chains will be taken off. No chains will be loosen or tightened. The only thing that can be loosened is the collar around your neck. Do you wish to have that loosen now?"
"No," came the whisper of an answer.
"The way you are presently dressed is the way you WILL be dressed every time you accompany your master to a show or an open or closed meeting. In time, if your obedience rates it, your mode of attire may change. It is up to Spi to make that decision. But you must attend the minimum of three open meeting before it can be changed. How you behave at the meetings will tell others whether you are obedient or not."
[Obedient? Like I'm a horse or something?]
"You are fortunate to have Spi as your lover - your master. His is a true lover and very faithful to his mate. It's not too often that we marry again after losing a soul mate but you have brought joy and smiles to Spi's life that we haven't seen in a long time. James truly loved him. James was obedient to him, performed for him even when we could see in his eyes that he didn't want to. It was a love we didn't think could be replaced. Do not try to take James' place, Pup. Make your own place."
A woman with the biggest tits that Lundy'd ever seen stepped up next to LaFiamma. Joe gave her a nod and she began to undress him. When she was finished her eyes turned to Levon and Joe's nod brought her to her knees as she unfastened his chaps. Levon gulped as her tits brushed against his back releasing the suspenders, then the long gloves were stripped off his arms, his hands. Levon soon stood opposite his lover wearing only a hood and gold chains.
"Kneel!" Spi ordered his eyes piercing into his lovers. "Take her nipple into your mouth and suckle it!"
Surprise crossed Levon's eyes. He saw Joe's eyes harden, saw the nod of the head, heard words about you must obey your master, and you are bound to your master.
The Texan went to his knees and suckled one then the other. Then the one, then the other until he heard Joe's sharp words, "ENOUGH! HE IS NOT HERE TO SUCKLE YOU. HE IS HERE TO SUCKLE ME!"
Pup looked up straight into the gold ring. Straight into his Italian's hard-on layered at the base with gold chains.
Levon took it. His hands grappled for a hold on LaFiamma's hips as Joe moved into him, plunging the cock deeper into his mouth. Then they were on the floor - rolling in a sixty-nine position - feverish and hot.
Spi licked the newly implanted ring than moved up his lover's shaft watching it jerk and lunge for release.
His cock throbbing and full, Pup cried - "PLEASE MASTER! SPI - PLEASE LET ME EMPTY INTO YOU! PLEASE!"
Still Joe's tongue persisted, licking Pup's cock, swallowing and chewing his balls, fingers pinching, probing inside the crotch until his lover withered in pain and ecstasy. Only when Pup began to cry, "I am yours! I am yours!" was the hood on the cock released, and the cock's contents emptied into his master's throat.
Spi held his exhausted mate close to his chest. His hands stroked down his Pup's back soothing out the stiff muscles. Soft kisses layered a forehead, a tongue pushed sweat soaked hair off the face.
Just as Levon was drifting off to sleep snug in the warmth of Joe's arms he started, jerking his head up as LaFiamma's fingers probed his ass. Probed his ass and began to move the object there in rapid fashion.
"I am hot and ready. Give me your ass as you did in the hall," Joe whispered into Levon's ear. "Roll over and offer it to me. Offer it now."
Pup did as he was told bringing laughter to the Elders growing hot at the antics they were witnessing.
Then just as the Elders thought things were finished Joe was on his feet dancing as he had with James, only with James he was in a ballroom. Now as Lundy was impaled on his spent but still hard cock, Joe waltzed around the edge of the rug stopping at various Elders, allowing them a touch, a taste or a feel of Pup.
LaFiamma realized that as the Elders looked at him, he was in control, not only control of the wedding but control of them. We could have one hell of an orgy here, Joe thought.
"Morgan take Dollie. Richard take Engineer. Driver take Cassie." Joe barked just to see what would happen. Instantly the two named were together in the living room or moving into the hall. The others were suddenly in front of him waiting - waiting to be paired.
"Zipper take Dog. Tender take Zone. Short take Tall."
The sounds of love - of fucking - of sucking filled every corner of Lundy's house. Joey pulled his lover down, reached for the side of the rug and rolled, spooning himself behind his partner, praying that Levon wouldn't hate him in the morning.
"Joe?" Levon rasped hoarsely.
"We really married."
"Yes my love we are really married."
"Its not another dream, is it?"
Joey blinked, his partner had been dreaming they'd be married? "Its not a dream partner. We are mated. Mated for life."
"Not bad for a first date, huh?" Levon muttered drifting off to sleep.
"No, not bad at all." Joe answered wrapping a protective arm around his lover.