Partners, Friends and Lovers
Chapter 14 Part 2
By Katherine LehmanA name made it easy. It was like having a keystone that brought everything else into place. Airline passenger lists could be checked, cab and rental companies examined, hotels and credit cards inspected. In the end, finding Marcus Franco wasn't particularly hard to do.
Levon wasn't sure why the miserable bastard was even still in town. By all rights he should have left Houston. He should have headed back to Chicago and the Marconi family, now headed by a young, up and comer, Alex Marconi. Alex was anxious to prove himself worthy of his new status as head of the family, and didn't consider himself bound to old allegiances or agreements. He was testing the boundaries and looking to expand.
Levon grinned savagely. Alex was going to find out the hard way there were sharks in the water. The Texan had no doubt that Mikey would take care of the upstart, one way or another. That left Franco for Levon.
He nodded to Esteban, letting the other man kick the door in. Levon had forgone his Colt in favor of Joe's guns. It was a way to have Joe there with him, let his partner be part of the action and bring his killer to justice.
Franco was on the bed, clearly startled by their sudden appearance. He was reaching for a gun on the night stand when Levon entered the room. Levon voiced a warning, but Franco caught up the gun anyway.
"Drop it now," Levon ordered, training his aim on the man's chest.
Franco sneered. Blue eyes narrowed as his gaze shifted from Levon to Esteban and back. "Or what? You going to kill me, Pig?"
Levon's short answer was obviously not what the man had been expecting. Franco's gaze shifted again. Esteban's expression was just as cold and set as Levon's.
"Put it down," Levon ordered softly. "Or I'll put you down. Capisce?"
Franco very slowly lowered his gun to the bed, releasing it with exaggerated care. He raised both hands, palms up in a gesture of surrender. Levon forcefully stifled the urge to shoot the son of a bitch anyway.
He let Esteban cuff the Franco. Levon didn't trust himself not to hurt the man. He wasn't going to show up at the PD with bruises or a hair out of place. This case was not going to be lost on a brutality charge.
Esteban read Franco his rights. Franco sneered. He opened his mouth to say something, but Esteban lightly smacked the back of his head.
"Best you remain silent, muchacho."
Once he was sure Esteban had Franco secured, Levon gave a quick search the room. He wasn't too surprised to find a sniper rifle, broken down, in a silver case under the bed. Smart thing would have been to dump it. But then leaving town would have been the smart thing too. Levon also found a copy of the court docket and details regarding Joe's scheduled appearance.
"Not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you boy?" Levon shook his head when Franco glared at him.
Joe deserved better than to be brought down by someone like this, Levon thought angrily. He forced himself to take a deep breath and let it out slowly. He couldn't afford to lose it now. This was close to being finished, he had to hold it together and see it through to the end.
"Let's get Einstein here to the station." Esteban had a firm grip on Franco's upper arm. If the man gave him any trouble, Levon knew Esteban wouldn't hesitate to push the bastard down a flight of stairs. And Franco was smart enough to know better than to give him reason to.
Levon gathered what he'd found, giving the room one more quick once over. It looked like Franco had been staying in the room since the shooting. He didn't understand why the man had hung around. There had to be a reason. With any luck he'll crack during interrogation, Levon thought.
He knew better than to think Joanne would let him handle that. If she knew he was here, she'd have his ass. He'd have to thank Legs and Joe-Bill for running interference.
Levon nodded to the tech guys who'd waited outside for the all clear. They'd find anything he might have missed, but Levon wasn't letting what he had found out of his sight. Just like he'd made sure the warrant was signed, sealed and delivered before arranging the bust. Everything by the numbers.
Levon followed Esteban to the squad car. He'd had the Jimmy towed to the garage rather than take time to retrieve it from where he'd haphazardly parked it a block from the courthouse. It was ready for him to pick up whenever he wanted it, but he hadn't found time to retrieve it.
He'd been driving the Cobra, but had continued Joe's habit of leaving it at the police garage. Levon didn't want anything to happen to the car. It didn't have the room needed to pick up Franco anyway, so the squad car just made sense.
Levon let Esteban drive. He knew himself well enough to know he was not prepared emotionally or physically to handle Houston traffic. Too little sleep, too much rage, adrenaline and coffee. It was a bad combination.
He watched Franco in the review mirror. The man didn't look much. But Levon could see it in his eyes. The man was a killer. No doubt about it. He knew Franco saw the same thing in his eyes when the man looked away.
Levon smiled coldly. Texas courts would see Franco on a slab for killing a cop. It might take years, but ultimately it would happen.
Levon ignored the concerned glances Esteban sent his way. He knew he looked rough around the edges, bloodshot eyes, gaunt and hard. But Levon didn't care. How he appeared to others was the least of his worries.
They pulled into the station with little fuss or fanfare. Levon was glad not very many people knew where he and Esteban had been headed. He wasn't up for dealing with gawkers. And he didn't want any misplaced vengeance seekers either. This bust and everything that happened afterward had to be clean.
They managed to get Franco into an interrogation room easily enough. But Levon could feel something wasn't right. The atmosphere of the building was off somehow. He knew it wasn't his imagination when he traded a look with Esteban. The other cop felt it too.
It didn't take long to find the problem. Not when the problem found them. Levon cursed. Fucking feds. He should have known.
He glared at the two suits that flanked Joanne. Levon jerked his head, signaling to Esteban to stay with the hit man. He closed the door, cutting off the feds view of Franco.
"Problem, Lieutenant?"
Joanne glared at him. It looked like she'd been clenching her jaw for awhile. Levon could sympathize.
"You shouldn't have been there."
Levon raised his chin in defiance. "Was nowhere else for me to be."
She sighed. "It was by the book?"
Levon nodded, not insulted by the question. "All the way." He gave her 'honor guard' a hard look. "But I got a feeling that won't matter to Frick and Frack here."
He could see her stifle a smile. Joanne waved a hand to the man on her left. "Agent Simmons." She repeated the gesture for the man on her right. "Agent Kelley."
"Let me guess, they're here to take Franco."
"He killed a federal agent."
Levon fixed Kelley with an icy gaze. Yesterday they weren't even willing to claim Hughes as one of their own. "He killed my partner."
"There are bigger issues here," Simmons stated firmly.
"Bigger?" Levon growled. He stepped forward. "What the fuck could possibly be more important?"
"He is just a link in a chain, Lundy." Simmons smiled coldly. Levon's hands balled into fists as he fought the urge to belt the man.
"If we can turn Franco, we can take down a big part of the Marconi family."
Levon couldn't help it. He hit him, hard, putting all his frustration and rage into that one strike, knocking the man on his ass. Turning Franco would mean nothing. Not a god damn thing. Michael LaFiamma would probably ice the man who hired Franco before the Feds could even come close to picking him up. They had to know that. They'd been watching the family for years; there was no way they couldn't know.
Levon didn't know if Kelley was moving to defend his partner or attack, but he leveled a glare at the man, stopping him in his tracks. "Don't you make me belt you one too."
" cool, man." Kelley held up his hands in a universal gesture of surrender. "We got a job to do just like you."
"Not just like me." Levon snarled. "Yours isn't about justices, you shit. And you know it. It's about making a fucking deal."
"The greater good-"
"Bullshit." Levon glared. He didn't want to hear a cliche or party line. "Franco may be a small fry but the son of bitch is a killer. Man shouldn't get a walk on murder."
"He's not going to walk."
"Don't play poker," Levon snorted. "You'll lose your shirt."
Simmons slowly got to his feet, rubbing his jaw. "He's telling you the truth."
"Then you better lie a damn sight better than he does cause that son of a bitch in there," Levon pointed with this thumb over his shoulder to the interrogation room, "isn't going to give you squat for less than a full ride."
"Levon." Joanne's sharp tone commanded his attention. He'd honestly forgotten she was in the room. "Enough."
Levon ground his teeth. He wanted to snap at her, but fought back the impulse. She was still his boss, still someone he respected. Joe wouldn't have liked it if he went off on her for doing her job.
"You are not going to just let them-"
"I can't stop them." She sighed softly, apology written all over her-voice, expression, body language. "Believe me, Levon, I tried."
He didn't doubt she had. Joe was one of hers. She'd have done everything in her power to see his killer dealt with by them, in the state of Texas.
His gaze narrowed, shifting to look at Kelly and then Simmons. "You knew."
"Knew what?" Simmons arched an eyebrow and tried to look nonchalant. He failed miserably. Joanne looked from Simmons to Levon, her gaze a silent question.
Simmons made an effort to placate him, "Look, Lundy, I know you're upset-"
"Shut up," Levon ordered. Upset didn't even begin to cover it. He was livid.
He reached out and fisted Simmons suit coat in a tight grip, jerking the man forward so that his face was only an inch from Levon's own. "You pricks knew Marconi was stirrin' things up in Chicago. Knew he was too chicken shit to challenge Mikey directly just yet. You knew he put a hit on Joe. And you didn't say a thing. Not. One. Damn. Word." He punctuated each word with a relentless tightening of his grip, twisting the fabric so that to steadily choke Simmons.
"Your guy at the courthouse wasn't there to keep an eye out for Joe, was he? He wasn't there to offer warning or keep Joe safe." Levon snarled, daring Simmons to contradict him, even though the man didn't look like he could actually draw enough air to breathe much less speak. "He was there looking for Franco. Was supposed to find your linchpin for bringing down Marconi. Never mind if it took Joe dieing to do it, right?"
"Levon, let go." Joanne laid a hand on his wrist. "Don't do this, please."
It was the please that did it, cutting through his anger. Levon thrust Simmons away from him, sparing a warning glace for Kelley when the man moved to help his partner. "You guys already had time to get the whole jurisdictional crap taken care of, 'cause you knew how it would play out. Didn't you?"
Kelley shook his head. "We didn't expect it to go down the way it did." He gave Levon an earnest look. "Hughes was there to look out for Joe. He died doing it."
Levon swallowed hard and he nodded once. He had to give Kelley that much. He'd seen it for himself on the video feed. Hughes had taken two hits to the chest while trying to save Joe. Even if he was just following orders, Levon had to give the man the respect that act warranted.
"We didn't have time to warn your partner," Simmons wheezed out.
"A phone call doesn't take that damn long," Levon ground out. The lie was weak and from the look in his face, Simmons knew it.
"Was better to do it face to face," Simmons countered. "He didn't know us. Might not have trusted us to be telling the truth."
Levon sneered. "Yeah, and lets not overlook how Joe being on alert might have made it just that much harder for you to track down Franco. Until Franco took a shot, you had nothing to hold over him. Can't flip him without leverage, right?"
Kelley looked away, embarrassed. Simmons was defiant.
"Why is Franco even still in Houston for you to find?" Levon asked pointedly, that fact still nagging him. By all rights Franco should have been on the first flight or bus out of town, rented a car--something, anything but waiting around for him and Esteban to beat the FBI to scooping him up.
"Marconi always asks for proof the job is done," Kelley answered, disregarding Simmons' quelling glance. "He won't pay in full until he has it."
"Proof?" Joanne interjected quietly, but firmly, demanding clarification more than just asking for it.
"Pictures of the corpse. Body parts. Proof." Kelley winced, looking a little green. "He asked for a guy's head once."
"You fuckers," Levon cursed as another moment of comprehension dawned. "There was no screw up at the hospital or the morgue. You guys had Joe's body hidden so you could keep Franco in town."
Kelley looked uneasy, glancing toward Simmons. Levon wasn't sure what passed between them, but it was an admission of guilt as far as he was concerned. They had something to do with Joe's body going missing. He found that almost more heinous than their culpability in Joe's death. Franco had pulled the trigger, probably would have whether the FBI were in town or not. Levon could have informed Joe's family much sooner, could have acted on his own plans for closure that much sooner.
Levon took a slow deep breath. "You will release Joe's body."
Kelley swallowed, adam's apple bobbing nervously. "That's not really...I mean-"
"You will release his body," Levon reiterated softly. It was not a request.
"We can't do that yet." Simmons cleared his throat.
"Why?" Joanne beat Levon to the question, her tone sharp enough to cut steel.
"We don't have him," Kelley blurted out under the weight of Levon's unwavering glare.
"You-don't-have-him." Levon repeated slowly, carefully annunciating each word. "You want to explain that?"
"We have a suspect to question." Simmons squared his shoulders.
"Oh, I think he can wait." Levon faced off against Simmons.
Simmons looked toward Joanne. If he was expecting help from her, he was sadly mistaken.
"We have Agent Hughes' body in our morgue." Joanne pointed out calmly. "His family knows where he is, and will be able to lay him to rest. Mr. LaFiamma's family deserves the same consideration."
"His mobster family in Chicago?" The derision was clear in Simmons tone.
"Joseph LaFiamma was a highly decorated police officer, Agent Simmons." Joanne's gaze was icy. "His relatives in Chicago are not his only family. You would do well to remember that."
She nodded once seeing them looking suitably chagrined. "We'll release Hughes' body when you give us Joe." She raised a hand when Kelley opened his mouth. "I'm sure you can explain the delay to his family. Hopefully with better grace and skill than you have displayed so far."
Levon took savage satisfaction in seeing both agents blanch in response to Joanne's declaration. It felt almost as good as hitting Simmons had.
Joanne stepped over to the interrogation room door. She tapped lightly before opening it. She called out to Esteban and motioned him to come out.
She tipped her head to Kelley and Simmons. "Your suspect awaits gentlemen."
Levon was tempted to protest but knew it would be pointless. He hated politics. Hated that so much of this was simply beyond his control. Hated that Joe was be victim of a dispute that was supposed to be settled years ago. And he really hated the FBI for not doing more to prevent this.
Levon moved toward the observation room. He wanted to see how Simmons and Kelley handled the interrogation. Joanne stepped in front of him, blocking his access.
"Go home, Levon."
"You can't be-"
"You are wound so tight I can almost hear you vibrating." Her voice was soft, understanding, but firm. "You haven't been eating or sleeping. And you nearly strangled a federal agent."
Levon rolled his eyes. "Simmons deserved a whole lot more."
"Yeah, he did." She gave him a small smile. "But I can't let you do things like that."
Levon looked away, ashamed of his own lack of control. "Not sure you could have stopped me."
"Not sure I wanted to." Joanne sighed. "I doubt he'll press any charges. And if he does, I'll handle it." She gave him a pointed look. "Which means you'll go home with a suspension. Starting now."
Levon glared at her. "The investigation-"
"Is finished," she cut him off. "You've done as much as you can. More than anyone had any right to expect."
She reached out and very carefully laid a hand on his shoulder before leaning in so that what she said was for him alone. "You got Joe's killer. Now you have to find a way to handle the rest."
Levon flinched. "It's not finished until Franco is behind bars for good or gets a needle in his arm."
Joanne sighed. She looked toward the interrogation room. "Not sure that's going to happen. Not sure there is much we can do about it either."
Legally, no there probably wasn't much they could do about it. Levon knew that. But he could pass on Franco's whereabouts to Mikey. It went against everything Levon believed in, but letting Franco walk was not an option.
Levon pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. A week ago if anyone had told him he'd be considering leaking details about an informant to a mob boss he'd have laughed in their face. But a week ago, Joe would have been there to point out how wrong it was. Joe would have been there to help him find another way, to help him deal with it.
"Go home, Levon." Joanne lightly rubbed his arm. "I might not be able to keep Franco, but I can make their leaving as long and as tedious as possible."
Levon stared at her. She smiled wolfishly. "Hughes' body might not be enough to get them to pony up, but a live witness will definitely get them to play ball. Joe will come home. I promise you that." She nodded toward the door. "Go on. I have some calls to make."
Levon sighed. He wasn't going to win this argument. The only option left was to give in with as much grace as he could muster. He gave her a short nod. Golden brown eyes sought hers. "Call me when you've got Joe's..." he hesitated, unable to say 'body'.
"I will." Joanne gave him a sympathetic smile.
Levon walked away, heading for the garage, before she could suggest he let someone drive him home. He didn't want company. His mantra repeating in his head over and over, 'just have to see it through and then I can end it'.
He'd been saying it, using it as a talisman to keep his focus, to keep the pain at bay. Being this close was both relief and agony. Levon unconsciously fingered Joe's pendant. The little bit of metal steadied him.
Levon took the stairs slowly. He felt weighted down, muscles stiff and sore. And not for the first time was he glad so few people bothered with the stairs. At least no one was around to see him moving like he was ancient.
He navigated the parking garage, one hand trailing along the wall. Levon leaned against the Cobra for several moments, marshalling the energy to open the door. He settled into the seat with a sigh, refusing to close his eyes. He wasn't really worried that he'd fall asleep, it was more what images might appear that kept him from relaxing.
Levon drove with more care than he usually showed. While he no longer cared much what happened to himself, he didn't want to cause an accident that might result in injury for someone else. He wasn't that far gone.
Levon blinked in the bright sun, surprised to find so little traffic. He glanced at his watch. It was only mid-afternoon. He couldn't quite stifle the sudden flash of pain when he remembered the last time he'd grabbed a little 'afternoon delight' with Joe. He swallowed hard thinking about how he'd planned to spend the afternoon Joe had died. He rubbed his chest, trying to ease the dull pain that seemed to have settled permanently there.
The drive to the ranch seemed longer than he remembered. Levon smiled grimly. Given what he was considering doing when he got there, it was hardly surprising. He wasn't sure if he was eager to get it over with or dreading the final act. He was just so damn tired.
Levon pulled into the drive and parked the car. He opened the door and levered himself out of the bucket seat. He patted the hood of the car. It was a good machine. Hopefully it would ultimately end up with someone who'd appreciate it as much as Joe had.
Levon sighed softly, welcoming the cool confines of the house. He leaned against the door for a moment before pushing off and heading for the living room. He consciously avoided the couch, aiming for the recliner instead. He regretted getting rid of all the alcohol in the house, wishing he could get a stiff drink now.
He pulled out one of Joe's guns. The weight of it felt strange yet familiar. He'd been carrying it long enough to have grown used to it, but it wasn't his colt. Levon ejected the clip, studying the hollow point rounds he'd loaded earlier. They would do the job. It would be messy but it wasn't like he'd ever wanted an open casket.
He sighed softly, ejecting the round in the chamber. He studied it. By itself it looked harmless. "Hell the slug that killed Joe probably looked harmless too," he whispered to himself. Something capable of doing so much damage should look lethal.
Levon looked at the gun. He'd always distrusted automatics, preferring his old fashioned revolver. Their choice in weapons was just one more difference between him and Joe. A small, inconsequential thing that meant nothing. It just was, the same way the sky was blue. One more thing that wasn't any more.
He couldn't use Joe's guns for this. He thought he could. It seemed poetic when he'd originally come to this decision. Now, Levon wasn't so sure. He didn't want the gun to jam or malfunction.
Joe's guns were pristine, and had never misfired, but he couldn't take that chance. Levon shook his head. No, it was best to use his own gun.
Levon laid Joe's gun on the end table along with the clip. He shrugged out of the shoulder harness, laying it next to the gun. He fingered the straps he'd adjusted, lightly caressing the small indentations and wear marks left from years of use. The harness, worn daily, had been as much a part of Joe as his pendant had been.
Levon braced his hands on the arm rests and pushed himself out of the chair. He swayed, but recovered his balance after a moment. He really, really just wanted to lay down for awhile and forget the last few days. Wouldn't take much to lay down forever. Not much at all really.
Levon made his way down the hall to the bedroom. He had been in the room just once since Joanne had brought him home. He left his colt in its usual place then, the nightstand, and hadn't been back since. He tried sleeping in the guest room. He'd even tried the couch. But he'd given it up as a lost cause after the first night.
Levon frowned when he saw the bedroom door was open. He could have sworn he'd closed it. He shrugged. At this point he couldn't be sure of anything.
Levon stepped inside the room, unconsciously preparing himself for the assault of memories. It wasn't that long ago they'd redone the room, remaking it to fit them both. His eyes were drawn to the intricate carving he'd added to the headboard of Joe's old bed. It had taken him a week to figure out how to do it and another week of practice on scrap lumber before he risked carving on the headboard itself.
Levon stared at the bed. He blinked, slowly processing what he was seeing, instinctively reaching to brace himself against the wall. It couldn't be. Some exhaustion induced hallucination. It had to be.
He swallowed hard and ran a shaking hand through his hair. Levon found himself instinctively moving closer, wariness at war with the need to touch and confirm. He closed his eyes, and counted slowly to ten. Joe was still there, lying on the bed, when he opened his eyes.
Levon found himself on his knees next to the bed. He bit his lip, nearly afraid to touch and find Joe just a product of his imagination. His hand trembled as he very carefully moved to lightly caress Joe's cheekbone with his fingertips.
He gasped, startled by the warm, smooth skin he encountered. Levon shook his head. That couldn't be. It couldn't be. He'd seen Joe on the operating table. The heart monitor was blank, his body cooling, his skin pale and almost waxy.
"Please," Levon whispered, not even sure what he was asking for.
He laid a hand on Joe's chest. The rise and fall was so shallow as to be almost invisible but he could feel it easily. The slow and steady breaths were achingly familiar.
Levon bowed his head, choking back a sob. He rubbed a fist against his forehead, eyes tightly closed. It was a miracle. But he didn't believe in miracles. Never had. Never thought his life warranted divine intervention, or that he deserved it.
Levon nearly stumbled back in shock when he felt the sure touch of well-known fingers sliding through his hair. He raised his head, brown eyes meeting sleepy blue. Joe smiled.
Levon stared. Hallucinations didn't talk. They weren't warm to the touch and didn't touch back. He blinked, still not entirely convinced.
"Missed you, Cowboy," Joe whispered. His voice had the same raspy, 'just woke up' quality Levon remembered.
Levon's hand shook as he moved to cup Joe's face. "This is real, right?"
Joe caught his hand and placed a quick kiss in his palm before moving it deliberately to the pulse point in his neck. "I am real. I. Am. Alive." Joe gave the final statement firm insistence. "I know they told you different, but they lied, Cowboy. They. Lied."
Levon took a shuddering breath, "Sweet Jesus." It was more of a prayer than a curse.
"You okay?" Joe's grip on his hand tightened, ground him. His gaze sharpened as he stared at Levon. "Damn, Levon, have you slept or eaten anything at all since-"
Levon shook his head. "Couldn't."
"God damn FBI," Joe hissed out. He moved to sit up, groaning, his left hand rising to his right shoulder.
Levon sat back on his heels, unsure if he should help or hinder his lover. Another gasp of pain made the decision for him. He couldn't let Joe struggle or hurt himself, so he gently moved to push him back on the bed.
"Easy," Levon soothed. "Easy, now." His hands moved of their own volition, adding their own reassurances while confirming Joe was really in their bed, really alive.
Joe reached out and pulled him closer, one hand buried in the curls at the base of Levon's neck and forcing him down. Their mouths met in a kiss that was hungry and strong, familiar and welcoming. Levon moaned into Joe's mouth, content to let his lover take control, until the need for air forced him to pull back.
"Missed you, Cowboy," Joe whispered again, blue eyes awash with so many emotions Levon couldn't begin to identify them all. He blinked, raising a hand to rub at his face surprised to find his cheeks wet.
The muscles along Joe's jaw flexed as he clenched his teeth. "Fucking FBI. I'm going to kill them."
"Think yer gonna have to get in line." Levon laughed weakly. The sound was tinged with a bit of hysteria as Levon dropped his head to Joe's chest, laughter giving way to sobs.
He could feel Joe's fingers moving through his hair. His lover was whispering something; the words lost but the meaning and intent clear, adding support and comfort as the anguish and loss of the last few days finally found release. Levon's sobs gradually tapered off, leaving him feeling drained, gasping for breath and feeling just a bit embarrassed. He hadn't cried in years.
"S-s-sorry, Joe." Levon hiccupped as he raised his head to look at Joe.
"Nothing to be sorry for." Joe smiled, fingers brushing the remaining droplets from Levon's cheeks. His own eyes were overly bright with unshed tears.
Levon sighed. He patted Joe's chest, further embarrassed by the wetness he found. He'd nearly soaked Joe's shirt.
He gave his lover a rueful look. "Damn. Think I needed that."
Joe snickered, eyes warming to teal, bright with amusement. "Ya think?"
Levon chuckled weakly. He shook his head. He had so many questions, but he had no idea where the hell to start. And at this point he wasn't sure any of that mattered. He leaned in and kissed Joe. The kiss was the complete opposite of the desperate, reaffirming one they'd shared earlier. This one was sweet and gentle, like the last one Levon had bestowed the morning Joe had been shot.
Levon pulled back slowly when Joe moaned softly. The blond cursed silently, suddenly remembering his lover's earlier painful attempt to sit up. " shot, right? That did happen?" He was questioning his own recollection of everything that had occurred.
"Yeah." Joe grimaced, his left hand moving to rub his shoulder.
He belatedly noticed Joe was wearing what looked like a hospital scrub top and sweatpants that were a size too big. He frowned. "Where the hell have you been, boy?"
"FBI showed up just after I was taken in for surgery." Joe sighed. "I don't really remember a whole lot of that...just someone talking to the doctor telling him to say I died." He swallowed hard, eyes closing. "Scared the shit out of me thinking he was right."
"Oh yeah, and then some." Joe opened his eyes, expression grim. "They kept me sedated until yesterday." He gave Levon an apologetic look. "I'd have been here sooner if-"
"I know." Levon had no doubts that staying away for so long was not Joe's idea.
"Woke up and knew something was wrong." Joe shuddered. "Had to be really wrong, because you weren't there."
Levon winced, knowing how disconcerting that had to have been. Joe hated hospitals. Levon never left him alone in one, ever. "Sorry."
"Not your fault."
Levon made a promise to himself that those responsible would pay for it. He didn't know how yet, but he'd figure it out. Balancing the scale would definitely take some time to do it right.
"I asked the nurse and the doctor what the hell was going on." Joe sighed softly. "Kept asking until one of them finally told me that I didn't need to worry about anything."
Joe snorted and rolled his eyes. "FBI did a good job convincing them that it was in my best interest if everyone thought I was dead." Joe's eyes darkened in anger. "How the hell they figured that I have yet to understand."
Levon told Joe about Franco, and his need to provide proof that the hit had been successful. Seeing Joe frown in confusion, Levon realized his partner probably didn't know how it was he'd come to be shot in the first place. The blond bit his lip wondering if he should go into all of that now.
"Tell me," Joe ordered quietly.
Levon gave a quick recitation of the investigation, deliberately avoiding talking about how he'd taken the news of Joe's 'death'. He confessed to talking to Mikey, revealing what Joe's uncle had told him about the situation in Chicago and the reason for the hit. He also told him what he'd learned about the FBI's involvement and the agent who'd died on the courthouse steps.
"When the fuck will the past stay buried?" Joe growled, sounding more frustrated than angry.
Levon hoped the question was rhetorical because he had no idea how to answer it. He kissed Joe again, suddenly overwhelmingly grateful for having the chance to love and be loved by him. He was glad Mikey had made whatever deal he'd made that had gotten Joe to Houston in the first place.
"Don't care if the past comes up every damn day," Levon whispered against his lover's lips. "Can handle it, just as long as you don't ever leave me like that again."
"Will do my best, Levon." Joe smiled. "Promise."
"Good." Levon studied Joe's face, memorize the beloved features. His lover looked decidedly pale. "Should you even be out of the hospital?"
Joe grinned. "I made it here."
"How did you get here?" Levon frowned hoping like hell his lover hadn't hurt himself in the process.
"Doctor wanted me to take a little walk. They always want you up and moving around."
Levon nodded his understanding. He wasn't sure exactly why that was, but it was the only thing about being in the hospital he agreed with. The chance to move always helped him.
"I got a lucky break when there was a code blue down the hall about the same time." Joe grinned. "FBI agent who was supposed to be watching me and my room had taken a potty break then too."
Levon snickered. "You catch his name?"
"I've met him." Levon waved a hand for Joe to continue his story. He'd fill Joe in on that encounter later.
"Was a simple matter of getting to the elevator." Joe shifted on the bed, seeking a more comfortable position. "Fortunately we were already at that end of the hall when the code sounded. Just had to find something to wear, a phone and call a cab. Had it meet me at the side entrance."
Levon knew the side entrance was not nearly as busy as the front. It was typically used by hospital staff and the doors opened not far from the elevator making getting in an out a quick and easy process.
"Thought of going to the office, but I didn't know how diligent the FBI was going to be in trying to track me down. Figured that the office would be the first place they'd look." Joe's eyes narrowed. Levon recognized the determined expression. "Wasn't going to make it easy for them."
His expression turned a little sheepish. "Raided your emergency stash when I got here to pay for the cab."
"Like I give a shit about that." Levon made a 'pfft' noise. The emergency stash was a hundred dollars in fives and tens he kept in a small marble box in the living room near the phone. "Just glad it was there for you to use."
Levon levered himself up off the floor. His knees protested, letting him know they hadn't appreciated the being in that position for so long. He wanted to just crawl into bed with Joe. It felt like it had been ages since he'd laid down.
Joe caught his hand and tugged lightly. "C'mon, Cowboy. Lay down with me. I know you're tired."
Levon reluctantly shook his head. "Don't want to hurt you."
Joe tugged again. "You won't."
"I should call-"
"It's already been several days," Joe pointed out with amazing aplomb. "A few more hours won't hurt a thing."
"You sure?"
"I'm sure." Joe patted the bed.
Levon moved to the other side, not wanting to crawl over Joe. Under other circumstances he wouldn't have hesitated, but at this point he wasn't sure either of them were ready for more. He was wrung out from this recent emotional rollercoaster and Joe was still recovering from a bullet wound.
"You got meds or anything?" Levon asked, hesitating again.
"I got everything I need right here."
Levon could feel his face warming. He nodded. "Yeah, me too."
He lay down, curling into Joe, resting his head on his lover's left shoulder. He relaxed with a soft sigh, feeling something inside finally release and let go. Joe's heartbeat was steady and strong, pounding out a solid, comforting rhythm.
"This okay?"
Joe tipped his head, placing a kiss in Levon's hair. "Perfect."
Joe woke slowly. He frowned, instinctively categorizing as much of his environment that he could without opening his eyes. The bed was comfortable, familiar. So was the scent of the room. The warmth and soft of sound of breathing next to him was familiar and not.
Joe opened his eyes, turning his head. He smiled, recognizing Levon. The smile faded when he realized the reason Levon's breathing had sounded unfamiliar. His lover was clearly not resting as peacefully as he had been when they'd fallen asleep.
Levon made a soft sound of distress, eyes moving rapidly under closed lids. He jerked, pulling away from Joe, one hand reaching out for something. Levon mumbled something indistinct, his breath coming in soft pants.
Joe wasn't sure if he should wake him or not. He didn't really want to see Levon trapped in a nightmare, but approaching him when he was like this had to be done carefully. Levon had pulled away violently enough in the past to fall out of bed once or twice. And Joe was in no shape to handle it if Levon lashed out at him, fighting off a phantom.
Another whimper made up Joe's mind about waking Levon. He couldn't leave his lover trapped in anything that made him sound like that. But before Joe could figure out how to approach him, Levon sat up with a gasp and shouted a warning. Levon glanced around in a panic before it registered where he was.
Joe waited for his lover to take a shaky breath, and regain some control before daring to touch him. He laid his hand on Levon's shoulder. "You okay, Cowboy?"
Levon scrubbed his face with both hands. When he looked at Joe his eyes were bright with unshed tears. He gave Joe a weak attempt at a smile. "Getting there."
"You want to talk about it?"
"No." Levon shook his head firmly.
Joe opted not to push. He had a good idea what it was probably about anyway. He moved his hand to the back of Levon's neck, fingers working in small circles. Joe winced at the tension he felt beneath his fingertips.
Levon sighed, his head tipping forward. "God I missed that."
"Just this?" Joe chuckled.
Levon flashed him a sly grin, looking coyly from under his lashes. "Not just this."
Joe pulled him in for a quick kiss. He started to roll over, intent on pinning Levon beneath him and ravishing the man. A flare of pain from his shoulder reminded him he wasn't up for that yet.
"Easy, Joe," Levon cautioned, cupping Joe's face. Golden brown eyes searched dark blue. "We got time for that, right? Don't got to be today."
"Want it." Joe growled, disappointed with himself. "Want you."
"Want you too," Levon whispered, his forehead touching Joe's. "Thought I'd never get the chance to do this again. God it was-"
Joe silenced him with a kiss; neither of them needed to dwell on FBI's lies right now. He pulled Levon's breath in, before returning it back to him. He smiled. "We just have to take it slow, Cowboy."
"Ya mean, you lay there and let me do all the work?" Levon grinned at him, eyes eager and hungry, shadows and nightmares temporarily banished.
"We've done it before." Joe laughed softly.
"Yeah, we have." Levon's cheeks warmed with color. He lightly patted Joe's chest. "You know the drill, big boy." The husky quality of Levon's voice made Joe shiver.
Joe bunched the pillow behind him, laying back down. He smiled at Levon and made a 'come here' motion with one finger. Levon waggled his eyebrows and shook his head.
He looked at Joe from under his lashes, hands moving to very slowly undo the buttons of his shirt. Joe bit his lip, struggling to contain a moan when Levon's long fingers lightly caressed the skin he'd revealed one inch at a time. Joe's hands itched with the need to touch; he fisted the comforter, forcing himself to stay still.
The glint of silver against Levon's skin made Joe blink. He smiled when he realized what it was: his pendant. Joe was confident his lover had been wearing it since the day he'd been shot. The rush of love and affection Joe felt rivaled the building least until Levon shrugged out of his shirt, tossing it off the bed.
Levon licked his lips, giving Joe a heated glance before his eyes closed. His fingers caressed his nipples, head tipping back as he moaned softly. Creamy skin took on a darker color, skin flushing in response to self-induced pleasure.
Joe swallowed hard. It had been awhile since Levon had done something like this, but he never got tired of it. Some day he was going to convince his lover to actually masturbate for him.
Levon lightly trailed one hand down his chest, following the center line of his trim torso to come to rest on his belt buckle. He deftly undid the silver buckle. Joe had a new appreciation button fly jeans, especially the slightly faded, tight fitting variety Levon favored.
He groaned when Levon took his time undoing each button. All it took was a little flick of his thumb to make the denim give way. Joe bit his lip, fighting himself not to tell Levon to hurry the hell up. He was enjoying this too much to rush the show.
Levon managed a neat little shimmy, wiggling out of his jeans and boxers in an erotic move that would have done a striper proud. Not for the first time did Joe wonder if his lover didn't have some tantalizing naughty past he'd never mentioned. He stifled the nearly instinctive jealousy; no one else should ever have the chance to see what Joe had come to think of as being reserved for him alone.
"Think yer a little overdressed." Levon smiled sweetly at him. His innocent expression was totally at odds with the open hunger and intent in his eyes.
"You going to do something about that?" Joe held himself firmly in check, unmoving. "I'm just supposed to lay back and let you do all the work, remember?"
"Yeah, I remember." Levon's smile widened. The blond leaned forward, hands moving to frame Joe's torso, easily supporting Levon's weight as he hovered over Joe. He dipped his head and kissed him, the level of tenderness Joe hadn't realized his lover was capable of stunned him as their lips met.
Levon pulled back. He placed a kiss on one cheek and then the other, before very gently kissing Joe's eyelids. He waited until Joe opened his eyes before lightly nipping the tip of his nose, a bright and teasing grin appearing.
Joe reached for him, intent on pulling him closer, eager to feel the weight of Levon's lean form against his own. Levon shook his head, making a small tsking noise. He pulled up the scrub top, exposing Joe's chest. He lowered his head. Lips, teeth and tongue mapped a familiar path, one designed to drive Joe nuts.
Levon moved with infinite care to place a kiss on the bandaged shoulder. The tight spiral of rising passion broke for a moment as concerned brown eyes met blue.
"It's fine." Joe raised a hand to cup Levon's face, thumb caressing smooth skin. "I'm fine."
Levon took a deep breath, nodding once. He nibbled gently on Joe's bottom lip, asking permission. Joe gave it easily, opening his mouth, their tongues greeting each other.
Joe had forgotten just how addicting the flavor of Levon's mouth could be. God, but he always tastes good, Joe thought, desperate for more. He caressed the roof of Levon's mouth with his tongue, swallowing his lover's moan.
He was dizzy and breathless when Levon pulled back. Levon tuned his head to nuzzle Joe's neck, nipping him lightly before kissing away that brief flash of pain. His hands were busy caressing every bit of exposed skin.
Joe arched upward, trying to encourage more contact. He tried to pull Levon to him, to feel his weight, but the blond resisted. He growled in frustration.
Levon laughed, the warm air raising goose bumps where it touched Joe's skin. "Easy, big boy."
"Hate easy," Joe panted.
"No you don't." Levon smirked, one hand moving to cup Joe's erection through the sweatpants he was wearing. The little squeeze made him roll his hips upward, mutely asking for more.
"Please." Joe bit his lower lip, trying to stifle the little whimper nearly broke free when Levon rubbed him again.
"Shh...I gotcha." Levon worked his hand under the sweats. Joe lifted his hips, making it easier for his lover to push the fabric out of the way, down past his hips and thighs. He wiggled the rest of the free, unconsciously enjoying the feel of the soft blanket beneath his now bare skin.
He groaned when Levon ran his fingers lightly up and down his hard shaft. Joe instinctively thrust upward, biting his lip to stifle his disappointment when Levon moved his hand away. A small hiss escaped when Levon's light touch moved to gently massage Joe's balls.
"Jesus." He gasped, spreading his legs wider to give Levon greater access.
Levon braced more of his weight against Joe's hips, holding him down as he lowered his head to run the broad pad of his tongue over the tip of Joe's cock. Joe shuddered, hands fisting the comforter. He whimpered as Levon sucked more into his mouth, tongue curling around in a soft, wet embrace.
He forced himself to unclench his fists. Joe ran his fingers through Levon's hair, petting his lover, encouraging him to go deeper, to move faster. He was careful not force Levon, not wanting him to choke or gag.
Joe wasn't quite sure how Levon worked a hand under him. All he knew was that one of those talented digits was stroking his entrance, tracing the rim with a tantalizingly light touch. He rocked his hips, silently asking for more.
Joe moaned softly, panting as Levon breached his entrance. He was torn between thrusting into the moist, welcoming heat of his lover's mouth and fucking himself on Levon's finger. Levon's weight on his hips kept him from doing much of either. It surprised him to find the restraint increasing his arousal.
"God...Levon....So good." Joe shuddered when Levon deep throated him.
Levon's throat worked, squeezing and flexing around Joe's cock as he bobbed his head. It was a skill Joe had never mastered, but definitely appreciated. He struggled to hold back for just a little longer, clinging to the edge for as long as possible.
Joe knew he was saying something, but he had no idea exactly what. In his head, he was begging for more, for Levon not to stop, for this moment not to end. He quivered, muscles flexing, tightening as every touch and sound pushed further along the rising tide of passion.
He tipped his head back, mouth open, breath catching as Levon hummed. The vibrations seemed to travel through Joe, his whole body echoing back in response. Joe instinctively tightened his hold, fingers burying into Levon's curls.
He arched his back, trying not to push against Levon's weight and failing. Joe shuddered as Levon hummed again. Levon's finger found his prostate and stroked it once, and then again. Joe came with a hoarse shout of his lover's name.
He struggled to get his breathing back to normal. He released his tight hold of Levon's hair, petting him, trying to soothe any hurt he might unintentionally have caused. He usually had better control than that.
Levon grinned up at him. He licked his lips, raising one hand to lightly wipe at his chin. Joe smiled.
Levon rose up and kissed Joe sweetly. Joe sighed. He hadn't been this relaxed since waking up in the hospital and finding Levon wasn't there.
He cupped Levon's face when the other man broke the kiss. "Your turn, Cowboy."
"Don't really need to." Levon blushed and looked away. "Kinda...well, was enough just hearing you, touching you...I-"
Joe grinned, and kissed the tip of Levon's nose. That had happened before, to both of them. Getting off so easily was one of those things that never failed to amaze Joe. It was a nice ego stroke every time he realized he could have that effect.
He nuzzled Levon's throat. "You up for a shower?"
Levon chuckled. "Thinkin' that should be my question." Serious brown eyes flickered to Joe's injured shoulder. "Bandage should stay dry."
"We got stuff to cover it." Their medicine chest was better equipped than most. Joe sometimes wondered if that shouldn't have clued him in a lot sooner about just how damn dangerous the job could be.
Levon nodded. He offered Joe a hand after he rose easily to his feet. Ordinarily, the gesture was more out of courtesy than need, but today, Joe needed the help to get up. He still felt a little shaky, less than his best. And the mind blowing orgasm he'd experienced just a few moments ago hadn't made him any more steady.
He made sure not to pull too hard, or need too much support. He didn't want Levon to worry. If his lover worried too much, Joe was sure he'd be on his way back to the hospital. Having just escaped, the last thing he wanted was to go back.
Joe really wanted to wash off the foreign, antiseptic and stale scent from the hospital. And showering with Levon was as much about reconnecting and reassurance as it was about getting clean. He liked having free rein to touch, and definitely enjoyed being touched in return.
Joe watched Levon remove his pendant, hanging it in its usual place on the hook near the vanity. He reached out to caress the still warm metal.
"Took good care of it," Levon looked away, his expression revealing a blend of pain and relief.
"Never had a doubt about that." Joe was quick to assure him.
When he'd woken in the hospital, after looking for his partner, reaching for his pendant had been his next move knowing Levon would have returned it to him as soon as possible. Not finding the pendant or his partner convinced him something was really wrong. His determination to find out what and to fix it had him trying to get out of bed. The drugs still in his system then had made it nearly impossible to move. He'd pushed the call button in a near panic, desperate for answers. He had wanted to smack the doctor when the man tried to assure him that he had nothing to worry about because everyone thought he was dead. Joe snorted at the memory. How the hell anyone could ever think being considered dead was comforting was something Joe couldn't fathom.
Levon looked at him, eyebrow raised. "You okay?"
"Yeah." Joe rolled his eyes. "Just thinking."
"Don't hurt yerself." Levon chuckled.
"Shaddup." Joe fought down a smile. He'd missed this easy rapport. To him it hadn't been all that long; he couldn't imagine how hard it had been for Levon who'd been without this for days, convinced he'd never have it again.
He watched Levon closely as his lover turned away still laughing as he turned on the water and adjusted the temperature. Levon had admitted to not eating or sleeping, and it showed. Joe could tell he'd lost weight, not much but enough for him to notice. Once they got cleaned up he'd make sure Levon ate something. And he'd make damn sure the FBI paid for putting Levon through the agony of thinking he was dead.
Joe plucked at the scrub top he was still wearing. Getting into it hurt like hell. Getting out of it was likely to hurt just as bad.
"I got that." Levon held up a pair of scissors. Joe grinned. It wasn't like he intended to ever wear the damn thing again, so cutting it off was fine with him.
Levon tossed the shredded garment in the trash. Good riddance as far as Joe was concerned. He much preferred his own, far more stylish wardrobe to borrowed clothing. It had done in a pinch, but he wasn't sorry to see it go.
He stood patiently, letting Levon cover the bandage on this shoulder with a bit of plastic and some tape. The normal aspect of the action seemed to help convince the blond that Joe really was okay. They'd done this before for each other.
The hot water felt wonderful when he stepped into the shower. Levon's hands felt even better. Joe sighed, relaxing under that confident, beloved touch. Kinks and stiffness of lying in a drug induced slumber for several days were beginning to fade.
He returned the favor, mindful of the limited range of motion of his right arm and shoulder. With time and therapy it would get better. He was sure of that.
Joe wouldn't have objected to more time in the shower, but the water was starting to cool. He grimaced, giving the shower head a dirty look. Levon's chuckle brought his gaze back to his lover.
"Don't matter how big a water heater we get, boy, it ain't ever going to have enough hot water."
"That's why I still think a hot tub would be a good idea."
Levon's expression turned contemplative and then mischievous. "You think we could get the FBI to pay for it?" He arched an eyebrow, eyes lighting up. "I mean, they owe us some sort of restitution for the last few days. Not to mention the bullshit that we'll have to straighten out with getting you declared alive again."
Joe grinned wolfishly at the thought demanding payment from the FBI. "Could maybe get more than just a hot tub out of it."
Levon handed Joe a towel before grabbing one for himself. "I'll make a list while you start making calls."
Joe nodded. He needed to call Uncle Mikey first. And he was sure that would be a long call because he'd no doubt end up talking to every member of the family before he was done. He was betting that just talking wouldn't be enough to satisfy all of them. He was pretty sure Rosa wouldn't be the only one making plans to be on the next flight down. Once he knew for sure who and how many, he'd tell Levon to brace for impact.
And then they'd have to go to the station. See everyone in person. He was almost looking forward to their surprised faces...until he considered how reports of his death might have impacted them. Hopefully they weren't hit as hard as Levon had obviously been, but Joe was willing to bet there would be a lot of tears just the same.
He hissed when he reached for his pendant, forgetting his arm wasn't ready for a full extension. Levon's eyes narrowed but he didn't comment. He just took the necklace and placed it around Joe's neck. Their eyes met in the mirror.
"Thanks, Cowboy."
"Any time." Levon kissed the back of Joe's neck.
Levon's stomach rumbled loudly, reminding Joe his lover needed to eat. "How about we get something to eat before we doing anything else?"
"Sounds like a plan."
Joe stifled a grimace as he thought about the status of the fridge. He had planned to restock the larder the day he'd been shot, but that clearly didn't happen. Joe doubted Levon had done any shopping recently.
He mentally shrugged. There would be something, there always was. It didn't matter what he got Levon to eat, just as long as his lover ate something. He needed Levon healthy and whole. Needed to be healthy and whole for him.
Levon helped him slip into his flannel robe. Joe loved the soft, worn fabric. He was damn glad his lover gave it up without a fight, letting him claim it as his own. The yellow silk Joe had gotten Levon suited him much better in Joe's opinion.
He followed Levon out to the kitchen, smiling at how familiar and comfortable it was to do so. Joe's shoulder ached dully, but he still felt good. Being home, with Levon, was definitely the best medicine.
He pointed to the cupboard. "We got soup?"
"We always got soup." Levon tossed a quick grin over his shoulder. "Ain't you glad I keep a can or two 'round for emergencies?"
Joe rolled his eyes. "It's got too much salt."
"It's ready to eat in two minutes," Levon pointed out reasonably. It was the same argument he made every time Joe protested having it in the house.
Levon waved a hand at him. "Sit down. I got this."
Ordinarily the kitchen was his domain, but Joe sat as instructed. Letting Levon take care of him wasn't all bad. And he didn't feel up to arguing about it. Besides, he had a feeling Levon needed to this.
Levon handed him a bottle of water from the fridge. Joe took a long drink, surprised at how thirsty he was. He knew he shouldn't be. Blood loss and three days unconscious were bound to leave him feeling a bit dehydrated. He smiled, glad his lover had more sense than he did.
Levon nodded. He put a small plate with cheese and crackers on the table before retrieving two bowls of steaming soup from the microwave. It smelled good, making Joe's mouth water in spite of his disdain for canned products.
He ate slowly, carefully testing out his stomach's willingness to cooperate. Not having any solid food for a few days always made eating a bit iffy. He nodded to himself when everything settled easily.
Joe watched Levon eat with neat efficiency. The faster than usual pace and lack of any savoring of his food were blatant clues as to how little the blond had likely eaten in the last few days. Joe made a note to find out from their friends at the office if they'd seen him consume anything but coffee.
Brown eyes met blue. Levon looked away, a sheepish expression on his face. "Sorry."
"For what?"
"Didn't mean ta just inhale my food."
"Don't worry about it." Joe smiled, reaching across the table to squeeze Levon's hand. "You were hungry."
"Yeah." Levon sounded almost surprised by the admission. "Probably a good thing we didn't have anything heavier."
Joe nodded. He fought off a yawn, still feeling the effects of the past few days. A few hours of sleep, mind blowing sex and one meal wouldn't fix all that. But they'd just gotten up so Joe wasn't ready to lie down again. Not just yet. He wanted to call home before he crashed.
"Go call your family." Levon waved a hand toward the living room. "I'll clean this up."
Joe smiled, patting Levon's shoulder as he wandered into the other room. He sat on the couch, settling in. He reached for the phone, but waited to dial until Levon joined him. Given how emotional this was likely to be, Joe wanted his lover near him.
Joe took a deep breath and dialed the number from memory. Levon shifted, laying his head in Joe's lap, much the way he did every Sunday when Joe called home. Joe found himself playing with Levon's curls as he habitually did, the silken strands sliding through his fingers, soothing both of them.
Joe bit his lip, waiting out the first ring. He really wasn't worried, more like anxious. And he really hoped it was Uncle Mikey who answered. He could rely on the older man to not get overly emotional, at least not right away.
After two rings, the phone was answered. Joe smiled. "Hello, Uncle Mikey. It's Joe."
The call to his family went on longer than Joe had anticipated. Nearly everyone wanted to talk to him, assure themselves of his status as one of the living. It was both reassuring and distressing to realize how much the rumor of his death had affected his family. He knew he'd be getting more calls and probably several visits before it was all said and done.
During the course of that extended conversation, Levon had dozed off. His lover looked so peaceful Joe was reluctant to wake him. It was better to just let him sleep. Feeling fatigued himself, Joe slouched further down, tipping his head back to rest against the couch and nodded off.
Levon didn't wake with a nightmare, but nearly fell off the couch an hour later when he shifted, trying to get more comfortable. His move to catch himself woke Joe with a start, something his injured shoulder did not appreciate. Joe regretted not stealing some painkillers before he left the hospital. He wasn't sure if it was good sense or not, but using some that Levon had left over from earlier visits to the hospital certainly helped.
Although the dull throb persisted, the pain meds made it easier to get dressed and handle the ride to the office. It was a weird to not have his guns on, but he really didn't think his shoulder would handle the holster rig. He took Levon up on his offer to use his back up piece in an ankle holster. It was preferable to feeling vulnerable.
He was odd be in the passenger seat of his own car. Normally, he was the only one who drove it. Joe bit his lip to keep from commenting on Levon's driving.
"Where's the Jimmy?" Joe asked, curious as to why he hadn't seen it sitting out front of the house.
"Had it towed to the garage."
Joe blinked. "It needed more than a tune up?"
"Nope." Levon looked sheepish. "Going ta get it just wasn't a real big priority."
Joe nodded. He knew first hand just how focused Levon could get when working on a case. Working to find who he thought had killed Joe would have ratcheted that intensity and exclusive fixation up a few notches.
Joe sighed, wincing as he settled into the seat. He ignored the concerned glance Levon sent is way. He wasn't an invalid.
"This could wait," Levon offered.
"It could, but is shouldn't." Joe turned his head to look at him. He grimaced recalling his conversation with Mikey. "Uncle Mikey's already got a hit out on Alex Marconi. Feds should know that Franco won't be of much use to them."
Levon frowned. "He can't call it off?"
"Won't call it off." Joe shook his head. "My being alive doesn't change the fact that Marconi violated the agreement and challenged Uncle Mikey. He's going to pay for that."
"Should be sorry." The muscle along Levon's jaw flexed. "But I'm not."
Seeing how affected his lover had been by the news of his demise, Joe was inclined to agree. He hadn't said anything about the hollow point bullets he'd found, but he had a pretty good idea what Levon had been planning to do with them. He'd wait to confront the blond about his suspicions when things were more normal again.
"If they can't bring down Marconi with Franco, we can still charge him with attempted murder," Joe pointed out yet another reason their trip to the office shouldn't wait.
"Oh, we can nail his ass on murder too." Levon's tone was laced with grim satisfaction.
"Come again?"
"You remember there being a guy on the steps with you?"
Joe shook his head slowly. He remembered leaving the courthouse, thinking about meeting Levon and seeing if they could take the afternoon off. But events right before he'd gotten shot were a complete blank.
"He was the federal agent I mentioned getting killed."
Joe pursed his lips, eyes narrowed as he thought back to what Levon had told him of the investigation. He nodded slowly. "Forgot that."
"S'okay." Levon waved a hand. "Was kind of a lot to take in there."
It was an excuse, not a reason, Joe told himself. He hadn't wanted to dwell on his own brush with death, electing to focus more on the reason for the hit and the details of Levon's investigation.
"You did everything by the book, right?"
Levon gave him a dirty look. "Yes."
Joe held up his hand, palms out. "Just asking."
"Sorry." Levon captured one of Joe's hands, bringing it to his lips to place a kiss on his knuckles. "Been asked that a lot lately."
Joe wasn't surprised. It would have been second nature among their coworkers to worry about Levon slipping. Although, they obviously weren't watching as closely as they should have or his lover wouldn't have had the hollow point shells Joe found.
He was glad that their positions hadn't been reversed. He doubted he'd have been so law abiding hunting down Franco if it had been Levon who'd been shot. Odds were good he'd have killed the miserable bastard himself. And Joe wasn't sure how he'd have handled dealing with the loss of his lover once he'd taken out the hit man, but he had a feeling the hollow point shells might have been part of it.
Levon maintained his hold on Joe's hand for the rest of the drive to the office. Joe didn't mind. He wanted that connection as much as Levon seemed to.
Pulling into the garage, Levon parked the Cobra in Joe's usual spot. He glanced over at Joe. Levon bit his lower lip. "Thinking this could be a little intense."
Joe sighed softly, shaking his head, lips curling into a small, wry smile. Intense was definitely an understatement. Joe expected meeting his workers would be every bit as emotional as his conversation with his family had been. Probably more so since this one was in person.
Levon squeezed his hand. "You ready?"
Joe nodded slowly. "Just stay close."
"Planned to." Levon leaned over and gave him a quick kiss.
They got into the elevator together. Joe had been tempted to suggest the stairs, knowing they'd run into fewer people that way, but he thought it better to conserve his strength. And he'd never really been a big fan of delaying the inevitable.
Joe stifled a grin when several uniforms did obvious double takes as he and Levon stepped off the elevator when the doors opened. He just nodded to them, keeping an even pace with his partner. As they headed for the bull pen, Joe deliberately ignored the stares and gaping mouths, the sudden silence followed by hushed whispers.
Their progress toward Joanne's office was halted when Esteban placed himself in front of Joe. The Hispanic cop reached out to hesitantly touch Joe. "Madre de Dios," he whispered, "you are alive." He grinned broadly before pulling Joe into a hug.
Joe tried not to let the pain that forceful embrace caused show. He returned the hug, slapping Esteban on the back. Esteban pulled back, he cupped Joe's face and placed a kiss on each cheek.
"Welcome back to the living, amigo."
After Esteban it was Legs. Her eyes were overly bright with unshed tears, and Joe really hoped she didn't start crying. He hated it when women cried. It always made him feel so helpless. At least with Levon, he'd known what to do.
She hugged him too. Joe was grateful she wasn't as strong as Esteban. He wasn't sure his shoulder could hold up repeatedly to that sort of assault.
After her it was a steady parade of friends and coworkers. Joe was glad Levon was never more than a step away, making sure the press of people didn't crowd him too much or get too enthusiastic in their greetings. He was grateful most of their coworkers were either too stunned or relieved to be loud and boisterous in their greetings. Most were happy to settle for a hand shake and a quick 'glad to have you back'.
He knew they'd eventually recover from the shock of seeing him and start asking for details and explanations. And they would definitely get louder when that happened. Joe shot Levon a look asking for his help to disentangle himself from the others. He thought Joanne should be the first to know the details about his 'death' and 'resurrection'. He was hoping he wouldn't have to tell the story more than once.
Levon closed the gap between them that the others had created, standing shoulder to shoulder with Joe. Joe tried not to looks as relieved as he felt to have his partner shielding at least one side. He was happy to see everyone, but all the attention was starting to overwhelm just a bit.
Joe was impressed that his partner could get everyone to be quiet by simply raising a hand and looking at them. Golden brown eyes seemed to light on everyone for a second, mutely making the request for time and space on Joe's behalf. He was sure he'd be amused later by how everyone backed up a step, looking sheepish, but at the moment he was simply thankful for the breathing room.
"Know yer all glad Joe's alive. And y'all got questions I'm sure," Levon said calmly. "We'll make sure everyone knows what happened. But we got to talk to Beaumont first."
The innate respect for Joanne and her position was apparent when several heads nodded. Esteban started shooing people away clearing a path for them to Joanne's office. It was probably only the closed door and drawn shades that kept her from being aware of the commotion going on in the bullpen.
Levon rapped his knuckles against the door before opening it and looking in without waiting for a response. "Joanne, you got a minute?"
"Damn it, Levon, didn't I tell you to go home?"
"Yep." Levon pushed the door all the way open. "But...ah, I got someone here you need to see."
"It had better be someone very import-" Joanne's mouth dropped when she spotted Joe standing just behind Levon's shoulder. "Joe...oh my god." She pushed Levon out of the doorway and moved to hesitantly touch Joe's arm. "You're-"
"Alive." Joe grinned. "Yeah, I know."
Joanne hugged him. "You're alive."
Joe was damn glad he'd braced himself for her hug. It felt nearly as forceful as the one he'd gotten from Esteban. Levon sent him an amused glance. Knowing is partner, he'd probably known just how strong their boss really was.
She pulled back suddenly, eyes narrowed in anger. "You had better have a damn good reason for putting us all through thinking you were dead."
"Wasn't my idea."
Both Joanne's eyebrows rose. She pointed toward her office, letting him move past her and inside. Levon followed him in.
"Get back to work people," Joanne ordered calmly. "When I know, you'll know."
Joe could hear people shuffling around and mumbling. He traded a grin with Levon. They wouldn't be doing much of anything but trying to look busy. He didn't blame them; he just hoped there wasn't anything really pressing.
Joe took the seat on the right. He'd come to think of it as his usual spot; it was the chair he usually took when called into the Lieutenant's office. Levon took the other seat, settling in with a soft sigh.
Joanne shut the door behind her. She planted herself in front of them, leaning one hip against her desk. She folded her arms across her chest. " to me."
Joe took a breath, trying to figure out where to start. Thinking the beginning was the best place, he opted to start from when he left the courthouse. Levon filled in the bits he'd missed while unconscious, giving him as well as Joanne a clearer picture of what had happened that morning.
Joanne held up a hand, stopping the flow of their retelling. She gave Joe a pointed look. "Should you even be out of the hospital?"
"I'm okay."
"You're sure?"
"I'll make sure he gets checked out again when we're done, Joanne," Levon stated softly.
Joe rolled his eyes but knew better than to argue. And he really wouldn't mind going back for a prescription of painkillers. He wanted something a little stronger than the leftovers Levon had at the house.
"Now that the two have you have worked out how to take care of me, can we continue?"
Joanne smirked. She waved a hand, offering him the floor. "By all means."
Levon took over the story, neatly leaving out the details of his conversation with Uncle Mikey. He made a reference to an informant but didn't get specific. They both understood it was not a good idea to mention the blond's conversation with Mikey.
Joanne shot a skeptical look at the unnamed informant but she didn't call either of them on it. Joe gave her a smile. It was always nice to know she understood necessity. And it wasn't like Levon had done anything wrong. He'd run the case by the numbers for Christ's sake, Joe thought, she should cut him some slack.
"So about the time you were tracking down Franco, the FBI is in the midst of trying to track down Joe?"
Levon nodded. He shrugged. "Figure Joe's little vanishing act distracted them a mite. That and they didn't know who the hell the sniper was to look for him in the first place." He grimaced. "Although why they didn't know even that much is still a mystery to me."
Joe snorted. It wasn't a mystery to him. The FBI agents assigned to the case were idiots.
Joanne rubbed her forehead. " Joe makes his way back to the ranch?"
"Yeah." Joe rubbed absently at his shoulder. Levon looked at him in concern, but Joe waved it off. He wanted to finish this.
Joanne picked up the thread of the story again. "And the FBI gives up looking for him when they find out we've got Marco. They show up here to stake their claim."
"Yep." Levon nodded. His eyes darkened with anger and disgust. "Nice to know the fuckers had their priorities in order."
Joanne scowled at his sarcasm but didn't call him on it. She grinned nastily. "We can certainly relay Joe's miraculous resurrection to them when we inform them of the error of their ways."
Levon smirked. "Can tell 'em Franco is worthless now too, 'cept for prosecution."
Joanne frowned. "Why?"
"You really think Michael LaFiamma is going to jus' let it go unchallenged that some upstart tried to kill a family member?" Levon gave her the same look he usually gave people who asked him what he considered stupid questions. "A family member whose safety here in Houston was supposed to be guaranteed by some nicely sworn mob oaths?"
Joanne's gaze narrowed. "You didn't tell him we have Franco in custody?"
"No." Levon glared at her, but Joe saw a momentary flash of guilt in his lover's expression.
Joe knew he hadn't done it. Levon wasn't lying, but that didn't mean he hadn't thought about divulging information. Honestly, in his position, Joe was pretty sure he'd have done more than thought about it. Hell, in his position, Joe thought, I would have killed Marco and claimed he resisted arrest so it would all be moot anyway.
"Franco isn't going to be Uncle Mikey's target," Joe interjected. "Franco is a little fish...and he failed. Mikey will go after his boss first."
Joanne glared at them. "Which makes Franco's testimony worthless if Alex Marconi is wearing concrete shoes."
She gave Levon a hard look. He didn't sound at all sorry about the turn of events. Joe couldn't see her actually making him feel bad about it either. But that didn't mean she wouldn't try.
"Regardless of how we feel about-"
"We don't have to do a goddamn thing," Levon almost snarled as he emphasized 'we', snapping it back at her with uncharacteristic viciousness. Golden brown eyes flashed as he glared at her. "The FBI can clean up their own mess. All we have to do is let them know they fucked up and just how badly. Chicago ain't in our jurisdiction and neither is the mob."
Joanne held up both hands, palms out in a gesture of surrender. Joe gave her points for immediately knowing a losing battle when she saw one. He'd tried to argue with Levon when he used that tone of voice and to date Joe had always lost. It didn't keep him from trying from time to time.
"Are the FBI agents still here?" Joe asked.
Joanne nodded once, lips twisting in a bitter smile. "They are upstairs with the Chief and the Commissioner. Right about now they are probably discussing how to discipline me for my audacity to interfere with a federal investigation and slow up the transfer of their prisoner."
Levon chuckled. "Thinkin' they're going to be singing a new tune once you call an' interrupt that little pow-wow."
"You think the secretary will put me through?" Joanne arched an eyebrow.
"Tell 'em you found Joe." Levon's smile was more a bearing of his teeth than an expression of humor. "And we want them to explain why they kidnapped a police officer. Might be good for them ta do it before we call their boss and file charges."
Joanne nodded. She picked up the phone and rang the Chief's office. Joe didn't think she'd have much trouble getting through, whether she commented on his presence or not. If she was the subject of their discussion, the Chief and Commissioner were both honorable enough, they'd want to include her at some point.
Hearing only Joanne's side of the conversation, Joe wasn't at all surprised to hear her agreeing to come upstairs. He traded a grin with Levon. Joanne hadn't mentioned him at all.
"Gonna be a nice little surprise for Simmons and Kelley."
"Oh yeah." Joe chuckled.
Joe got to his feet slowly, ready to head upstairs with Joanne. Levon reached out to help, holding him steady. He was definitely feeling the effects of the last few days. He gave Levon a reassuring look.
"Gets to be too much, you say so," Levon ordered quietly. Joe nodded. It was easier to give in than fight with his lover about it.
Every head in the bullpen turned when Joanne opened the door and they stepped out. She rolled her eyes. "Did any of you do anything but stare at the door for the last fifteen minutes?"
Several officers gave her sheepish looks, but most just shrugged, appearing unrepentant. Joanne shook her head. "We are headed up to see the Chief and the Commissioner." She glared at them. "Try to actually earn your salaries while we're gone."
Esteban smiled broadly. "Will do, Boss."
Joe bit back a laugh. They respected Joanne, but this was definitely one time when spirits were just a bit too high to be cowed by hard looks and sarcasm. She obviously didn't mind all that much or she'd have said something to Esteban instead of just nodding.
Joe grimaced thinking about the last time they'd been to the Chief's office. At least this time they weren't going because of IA or facing a possible reprimand. It was probably the first and only time he and Levon would be headed upstairs for something that wasn't even remotely their fault.
"Ought to mark the calendar," Levon whispered, a smile lurking in his eyes. "Red letter day, Partner."
"Was just thinking that." Joe chuckled softly.
"You two...let me do the talking," Joanne ordered, fixing them both with a hard look as the elevator slowed and the light indicated the top floor.
"Yes, Ma'am." They answered in unison.
If she wanted to handle the FBI, Joe was fine with that. It was okay to challenge her authority in private or among friends, but they would never consider doing so in front of the Chief and certainly not the Commissioner. She was their boss, and a damn good one at that.
Joe still couldn't understand how the top floor could be so damn different from the rest of the building. The rest of the floors were so utilitarian in comparison. No lush carpeting, plain white walls and steel accents, no soft colors or hardwood furniture. Rank definitely had privileges.
Joanne opened the outer office door. The secretary looked up at their arrival. She gave them a neutral smile that was polite but not warm or welcoming. Joe wondered if the Chief hired her for just that look.
"Chief Shawnasy and Commissioner Johnson are expecting us," Joanne said calmly, not at all put off by the secretary's look. Her tone also made it clear she didn't expect to wait long before gaining entrance into the inner sanctum.
The secretary nodded and reached for the phone. "Sir...Lieutenant Beaumont is here to see you."
Joe wondered if he should be insulted that he and Levon weren't mentioned. Levon gave him a look, rolling his eyes, clearly thinking the same thing. Joe bit the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling. If the secretary thought they were going to wait out here while Joanne talked to the Shawnasy and Johnson, she was going to be sorely disappointed.
"He said for you to go right on in."
Joanne smiled, mimicking the secretary's earlier look before nodding her head. Joe idly wondered if she always had that regal air or if it was something she'd learned after getting promoted. She had it down pat.
Joanne opened the solid oak door all the way as she stepped inside, giving Joe and Levon plenty of room to step in behind her. Joe didn't miss the startled expressions that greeted them when the occupants realized Joanne wasn't alone. He kept his own features arranged in a blandly neutral visage, not wanting to give anything away too soon. He saw Levon doing the same.
"Gentlemen," Joanne greeted them calmly. She waved a hand toward Levon. "I believe you know Levon Lundy." Another gesture toward Joe. "And his partner, Joe LaFiamma."
Shawnasy's mouth dropped open before snapping shut. He glared at Simmons and Kelley. He cocked his head to one side, dark eyes narrowing. "Would either of you care to explain how the dead man whose body you misplaced is standing in my office?"
Joe tried not to look amused as Simmons sputtered and Kelley looked momentarily dumbfounded. He had a feeling they hadn't given him much thought at all since finding out Levon had Franco. Bastards.
Simmons cleared his throat, nervously eying Joe. "He's not dead."
"I can see that," Shawnasy commented dryly. "I'm still waiting on your explanation." Dark eyes narrowed. "Why the hell did you want everyone to think he was dead? And just how many people were involved in this little sham?"
"I'd like to know just what faking Sergeant LaFiamma's death was intended to accomplish," the Commissioner added quietly. "It is rather clear that you deliberately left all of us out of the loop and I would like to know why."
Joe had never met Burton Johnson before. The man was whipcord thin, small round wire rimmed glasses perched precariously on the edge of his nose as sharp gray eyes looked over them to focus a piercing gaze on Simmons and Kelley. He had a no nonsense air about him which made Joe glad he was on their side.
Kelley licked his lips nervously. "We knew Marconi would want proof the hit was successful."
"Proof?" Johnson arched an eyebrow.
"Yes, Sir." Kelley nodded slightly. "He typically demands something physical."
"Something more than just a picture, I take it." Johnson's lips curled into a grimace.
"Yes, Sir." Simmons confirmed with a wince. "Fingers and eyes are his favorites."
"One of our agents was assigned to keep an eye on Sergeant LaFiamma as a precaution." Kelley admitted with a soft sigh. "We were hoping to prevent the hit from taking place."
"And it didn't occur to you that warning him about it might have worked out better?" Johnson asked dryly, his tone making it very clear what he thought of that lack of foresight. "Or perhaps bringing this department up to speed?"
"It was not in the best interest-"
"Just admit you risked my partner's life for a chance at nailing Marconi." Levon glared at Simmons, dark eyes hard and cold. "And havin' everyone think he was dead was your brilliant plan to salvage somethin' from the whole cluster fuck."
"Stand down, Sergeant Lundy," Shawnasy directed, clearly not pleased with the interruption. Joanne looked tempted to elbow Levon for his outburst.
"Let him speak, Martin," Johnson countered the Chief. He cocked his head as he stared at Simmons and Kelley. "I'm thinking you boys don't play poker much, because the look on your faces says there more than just a bit of truth in Lundy's accusation."
Joe liked Johnson more and more. The Commissioner was definitely more than a paper tiger. Even Simmons and Kelley recognized it, Joe thought with a silent snicker. They'd been calling him 'sir' consistently without any suggestion of insult or sarcasm.
Simmons pursed his lips and sent a dark look toward Levon. "We didn't mean for LaFiamma to get shot."
"Didn't do a whole hell of a lot to stop it, now did you?" Levon countered with a sneer. "And not meaning for it to happen, don't mean you didn't try to make the most of it when it did."
"Are you all right, Sergeant LaFiamma?" Johnson asked. "You did receive adequate medical attention for your injuries?"
Joe gave Johnson more points for asking about him as though he was genuinely concerned. Maybe he was; Joe couldn't really tell one way or the other.
"Yes, Sir," he dipped his head, "I was treated at the hospital." He gave Simmons and Kelley a dark look of his own. "Although, I did not appreciate being unnecessarily sedated for three days. Or having my family and friends grieve over my death prematurely."
"We weren't the ones who told your family you were dead," Simmons protested.
"You thought they should keep the report of his demise from his family?" Shawnasy asked, raising both eyebrows. "I am assuming you did the same when you agent was killed then."
Kelley flushed. "No."
"You couldn't ask for reports of his death to be kept quiet because that would have required an explanation," Johnson observed quietly, shaking his head. "I hope to hell not all your operations are this much of a mess."
"Franco is in custody," Simmons argued. "We have a key to bringing down Marconi. This operation was not a failure."
"Now that isn't quite true, Special Agent." Joanne cleared her throat.
"Excuse me?"
Joanne laced her fingers together. "You do not really believe that Michael LaFiamma would allow the death of his nephew at the hands of a rival family to go you?"
Kelley blanched. "He is going after Marconi?"
Joanne looked upward. "I'm guessing this whole thing worked out better on paper." She sighed, her gaze lowering to fix Kelley with a pointed look. "Just what the hell did you think Michael LaFiamma would do?"
"We didn't-"
"No, you didn't think." Joanne snorted delicately. "That much is obvious. And by not including us your back up plan, you definitely overlooked more than one obvious flaw." She waved a hand in dismissal. "That's neither here nor there. It is unfortunately done. We have no real option left but to salvage as much from this as possible."
"What are you proposing Lieutenant?" Johnson asked.
"We can make a case against Franco for attempted murder of Joseph LaFiamma and first degree murder of Special Agent Harris." Joanne held her hands as though weighing something. "The FBI will never get to use him against Alex Marconi because he probably will be sleeping with the fish long before they can make a case. And we have no way of knowing what if any additional information Franco might have relative to the Marconi crime family as a whole. We also have no real idea just how extensive Michael LaFiamma's retribution against Marconi will be. There might not be a Marconi crime family when it is all said and done."
She hesitated for a moment. "I believe this is a bird in the hand situation, Sir." Joanne shrugged one shoulder. "But I'm sure Agents Simmons and Kelley see it differently."
Simmons glared at her. "You're damn right we see it differently."
Johnson shook his head. He made eye contact with Shawnasy. "She is right. If we are going to salvage something from this mess, we need to charge Franco."
"No wait a damn minute-"
"Shut up," Johnson ordered casually. "Your agency's inept handling of this entire situation led directly to this decision." His gaze narrowed as he measured the two agents in front of him. "You are free to lodge a complaint with your superiors." Johnson's lips curled into a tight smile. "I'm sure we will have a lot to discuss."
"Lieutenant Beaumont, please see to it that Franco is charged and processed through booking," Shawnasy directed. He grimaced. "I'm sure he's got an attorney lined up."
Joanne dipped her head in acknowledgement of his order. "If he doesn't, I'll make sure one is provided." She paused. "Will you be needing me or my men for anything else?"
"No. That will be all."
Joe didn't really object to being dismissed. Simmons and Kelley weren't his problem, and they'd gotten permission to deal with his would-be killer appropriately. And Joe was ready to find a place to sit down and just let this mess be someone else's problem for awhile.
He didn't object when Levon stayed close to him, ready to give him support if he needed it. Joe didn't think he would, but he knew himself well enough to know it was better to be safe than sorry. He leaned into Levon a bit once they were safely in the elevator.
"You okay, Joe?"
"Yeah...just tired."
"Take him home after you get him checked out," Joanne ordered quietly. "And I don't expect to see either of you for at least two days." She gave Levon a hard look. "We clear?"
Joe couldn't really see either of them arguing with her. Levon still looked worn down, tired and gaunt. That little nap and bit of food he'd eaten hadn't been enough to undo several days of sleeplessness and poor appetite. And he felt like he could easily sleep for another day or two.
"You'll let everyone know what's going on?" Levon asked, holding the door to the elevator open on their usual floor, letting Joanne exit.
"Yeah, I'll give them the whole story." She rolled her eyes. "I'm fairly confident if I didn't, they'd lynch me."
Levon snorted. "Doubt that." He grinned. "But yer smart not ta risk it."
The doors closed again, and Levon hit the button for the garage level. He looked at Joe. "We go to the hospital, get you looked over and head for home, yeah?"
"Sounds like a plan, Cowboy."
Joe sighed softly, watching Levon sleep. In the two days since his 'resurrection' this was the first time his lover had slept more than a few hours without waking up from a nightmare. Joe hoped Levon's uninterrupted slumber signaled the blond was finally starting to get over the shock and grief of believing Joe to be dead.
Joe shifted slightly, wincing when his shoulder protested. It was better than it had been. In another week or two he'd be starting physical therapy. Dr. Anders might have been a schmuck when it came to letting the FBI convince him telling people Joe was dead was a good idea, but the man was a top notch surgeon.
Levon mumbled something unintelligible and snuggled in closer. Joe immediately brushed his fingers through the soft riot of curls, encouraging the other man to settle again. He definitely needed the rest. In another day they'd be inundated with members of Joe's family.
Joe was damn glad Aunt Rosa was coming. It wasn't just because he loved her; she knew about him and Levon. Rosa was also a force to be reckoned with when it came to controlling the rest of the family. In her own quiet, dignified way, she'd make sure none of them said or did anything that would overtax Joe, alienate the locals or piss off Levon.
Joe wasn't sure if he was up to telling everyone about him and Levon. Although, at this point he wasn't entirely sure which relatives knew and which didn't. Several of his cousins had hinted at knowing during his call home yesterday. He'd decided to just roll with it for now. Joe was pretty sure his return from the dead would make any family member who had issues with his sexuality keep his or her mouth shut. And he was confident if they had issues they wouldn't be part of the horde about to descend upon on him and Levon.
Joe glanced at the clock, grimacing when he realized it was after midnight. He should be sleeping. Staying awake didn't keep Levon's nightmares at bay...he knew that, but it didn't mean he didn't feel the need just the same.
It wasn't like he was really all that tired. Joe had slept most of the day. The damn pain pills always had that affect.
Levon sighed, shifting again. In the faint light, Joe could see dark eyes blinking sleepily as his lover raised his head. Levon said his name, a barely audible whisper.
"Yeah, Cowboy?" Joe kept his voice soft as well when he responded, knowing it was futile to pretend to be sleeping.
"You okay?"
"I'm good."
"Why you awake then?" Levon mumbled around a yawn, one hand patting Joe's chest.
"I slept all day," Joe reminded him, smiling wryly.
"Wasn't all day," Levon chuckled, a rough and raspy sound.
Joe rolled his eyes. "Close enough."
"You hurting?"
"No." Not enough for another pill. Joe didn't want any more meds. "I'm just not tired."
Levon snorted. "Liar."
Joe glared at him even though he knew the darkness would make it pointless. "I am not tired."
"Yeah, you are." Levon gave him a quick kiss. "I know what yer doing."
"And what am I doing?" Joe arched an eyebrow.
"Keeping the boogeyman at bay." Levon sighed. He caressed Joe's cheek. "I appreciate the effort, but it ain't necessary. 'Sides, you bein' awake don't make a hell of a lot of difference."
"I know that." Joe ground out. "But---"
Levon placed a finger against his lips. "I appreciate you bein' ready to wake me up. Believe me, I don't really want to see you getting shot over and over." Levon shook his head. "But I don't want you wearin' yerself out either."
Joe pulled Levon's finger away from his lips, holding his lover's hand to his chest. "I'm not wearing myself out. Promise."
"That's why you been takin' naps without pitching a fit." Levon sighed. "Would it kill you to just talk to me?"
Joe rolled his eyes. "Probably no more than it would if you talked to me."
"Point." Levon shook his head, rubbing at his eyes. "So, what do you want to talk about?"
Joe pursed his lips. Leave it to Levon to just lay it out there and expect him to pony up. He shifted, bunching the pillow up behind him so he could sit up more. Levon propped himself up on an elbow. Even though Joe couldn't see his face clearly in the dark, he knew his lover had that expectant countenance, dark eyes steady and patient.
"Why the hollow points?"
Levon turned his face away. "Found those, hunh?"
"Yeah, I found them." Joe waited silently, giving Levon as much time as he needed.
"I did it once, you know?" Levon shifted, sitting up, his back to Joe. "The whole shock and loss and funeral shit. Struggled to drag my ass out of bed every day. Tried to act like I really gave a damn and wasn't just going through the motions."
Levon took a deep, shaky breath. "I didn't even love Caroline any more, Joe, not like I did, and it still hurt like hell to bury her."
Joe reached out to lightly stroke Levon's back. "Cowboy-"
"I couldn't do it again, Joe. Didn't have it in me." Levon drew his legs up, head bowing to rest on his knees. "I know it sounds like some stupid cliche, but I couldn't imagine life without you."
Levon shivered. "It was you that pulled me back the last time. I don't think anyone knew just how close I was then ta pulling the trigger back then."
Joe cursed silently. He shouldn't have asked, hated that he'd dredge up both old and new pain. He sat up, and wrapped his arms around Levon, wincing that the faint chill he could feel on his lover's skin.
"Back then, I thought about it every night." Levon leaned back into Joe. "Told myself every night to just wait until tomorrow. That it might bring somethin' worth getting out of bed for... somethin' that might make breathing less of an effort and not seem so damn futile."
Levon turned his face into Joe's neck, placing a soft kiss near his pulse point. "And you showed up. Bound and determined to be contrary as hell. I had to fight you every step of the way."
Joe felt his face warm remembering their first turbulent days. He hugged Levon closer to him. "Sorry."
"Don't apologize." Levon chuckled softly. "Needed that. Needed you, even if I didn't know it at the time."
"Well...then...You're welcome."
Levon sighed softly. He raised a hand to capture one of Joe's. "Kept telling myself this time that I just had to solve the case. Just had to hang in there to get justice for you. Then I could put it all behind me. Make it so it didn't hurt any more...ever." Levon shifted, turning in Joe's arms. "Wasn't something I took lightly, ya understand that right?"
Joe nodded. "Yeah, Cowboy, I get it."
He knew he'd have felt the same way. Joe had trouble remembering he had a life before he'd met Levon. He couldn't fathom life without him.
"It scared me a little when I found those rounds," Joe said softly, remembering the cold feeling that settled into his gut at the thought of Levon taking his own life. He shuddered internally when he thought about what might have happened if he hadn't eluded the FBI when he did.
"Meant to put the damn things away 'fore you saw them," Levon admitted, sounding sheepish.
"Why not just throw them away?"
"Cause I paid for them."
"Damn, Levon." Joe couldn't help laughing at his lover's matter-of-fact, borderline indignant answer. It was so like him.
"They are just bullets, Joe. Not too different than the sort we keep in our guns every day."
Joe snorted. "Different enough."
"Just a tool, Joe." Levon shook his head. "If ya didn't know what they were for... probably wouldn't bother you so bad."
"But I do know."
"Can get rid o' them if you want," Levon offered.
Joe considered taking Levon up on that. It was an honest offer, he knew that. He also knew how easy similar bullets were to come by; more could be bought with little fuss or fanfare. And while hollow points would do the job, they weren't strictly necessary.
"They are just a tool," Joe repeated softly. "One that I hope to hell neither of us ever have to use."
"Amen," Levon whispered. "Wanna grow old with you, Joe."
"Same here, Cowboy." Joe smiled. "Sort of figured we'd spend our twilight years here," he murmured, placing a kiss in Levon's hair. "Me taking photos. You still playing with your horses, maybe a little woodworking. Spend every evening after dinner on the swing together."
"Sounds nice." Levon yawned. "Good plan that."
"Glad you think so."
"I do." Levon sighed. "Anything else we need ta talk about?"
"You okay with my family coming to visit?"
Levon chuckled. "Seem ta recall it was you that was nervous the last time, not me."
"Shaddup." Joe lightly smacked Levon's shoulder. "I had good reason to be."
"Yeah, you did."
Levon snuggled in closer. Joe pulled the comforter up to cover him more fully.
"We got a reason ta be nervous this time?" Levon didn't sound worried, just cautious.
"Don't think so." Joe shook his head. "Rosa will make everyone behave."
"Damn glad she's on our side."
"You and me both, Cowboy." Joe knew they couldn't have a better ally.
"How many are coming again?"
"Damn." Levon sounded just a bit awed. "Can I just say for the record I'm glad I don't have much family."
Joe laughed softly. "They aren't all staying here."
"Thank God." Levon yawned. "Don't think I'd survive iffen they did."
"It won't be that bad."
"Easy for you ta say." Levon chuckled. "You grew up with these people."
"You can always go outside and play if it gets to be too much." Joe grinned.
"What do you mean..if?" Levon snickered. "We both know I'm gonna spend most of my time in the barn."
"Rafe's coming." Joe knew that would please his lover; a consolation of sorts. Rafael and Levon had bonded over their mutual interest in horses when Joe's cousin had been to visit two years ago.
"Be good to see him again." Levon sighed. "Anyone else I know coming?"
Joe frowned, mentally reviewing his family members. It was sometimes hard to remember that Levon hadn't met them all. "Not sure," he said, admitting defeat a few moments later.
"S'okay." Levon patted his chest. "I'll jus' make them wear name tags."
Joe laughed. He could just see his family's reaction to his lover handing out tags for them to write their names on. Definitely picture worthy.
"You feel like maybe sleeping now?" Levon yawned. "Anything else we gotta talk about can wait until the sun comes up, right?"
"That's what three, four hours?"
"Bout that."
"Waited this long." Joe shifted, encouraging Levon to snuggle in as close as possible. He adjusted the pillow behind him and settled in. "Few more hours won't hurt, I suppose."
"Good plan." Levon patted his chest. "You always were more than jus' a pretty face."
"Well with you being good looking, I have to be the smart one."
Levon laughed. "Love you, Joe."
Joe placed a kiss in Levon's hair. "Love you, Levon."
Joe took a breath and let it out slowly. He was glad they'd talked. Even though there was a lot more they needed to discuss. It was really all either of them were probably prepared to handle at the moment. Small steps, Joe reminded himself, you get further with small steps.
Levon raised his head, one hand moving to cup Joe's face. "Stop thinking. Jus' going to keep us both up doing that."
Joe chuckled, turning his head to place a kiss in Levon's palm. "Thinking doesn't make noise."
"Does when you do it." Levon countered. Joe could make out his smile. Levon leaned in, their lips meeting in a sweet, chaste kiss.
"No thinking. No talking. Sleep now." Levon kissed him again.
"Okay," Joe agreed easily. He really hadn't planned to do anything else.
"Good." Levon laid his head on Joe's shoulder.
"Love you," Joe murmured. It was worth repeating.
"I know." Levon nodded against his chest. "Love you too."
He smiled when Levon started to hum a lullaby. He hadn't done that since the last time Joe's family had come to visit. It worked as well as it had then, soothing away worries and cares so he could rest.
They'd get back to what qualified as normal for them. It would take some time, but they'd get there. Together. Levon was too stubborn and set in his ways not to, and Joe wasn't any better. They were two of a kind. Joe wouldn't have it any other way.