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Fandom: | Houston Knights |
Series: | Alternate Universe/ Made Man |
Rating: | NC17 |
Pairing: | Joe/Levon |
Archive: | Starwinder's |
Title: | Moth Dancing With the Flame |
Author: | Starwinder |
e-mail: | starwinder2of7@gmail.com |
Standard Disclaimer: Houston Knights belongs to Jay Bernstein and Michael Butler and Columbia Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended. This is fan fiction, written out of love for the shows. I am making no money off this. I have no money so please don't sue me. Any original characters who may appear in these stories are the property of the author. |
Valdez's lawyer finally sprang us. Now we're sitting around at the hotel, waiting while Valdez tries to contact LaFiamma. Cops got Valdez's money. LaFiamma got away with the dope. It'd be an understatement to say that Valdez ain't happy. He's gonna get his money or some body's gonna die.
I can't believe how relieved I am when Valdez says that a new meeting is set. I was worried that he might make a run at Joey. It'd be stupid of him to go for LaFiamma himself, but his nephew and bodyguard would've made a good target to get the man's attention.
Meet's set for after dark and Valdez is more relaxed now, when one of the others asks about going out to get something to eat he just says go on, long as we're back in time for the meet.
I've sorta established with the others that I ain't good company, been real surly with'em, so they aren't surprised when I spilt off and head out on my own.
I get a surprise though. The elevator's empty when it arrives and I step on, turn around and there he is. Near gave me a heart attack. I never heard him come up behind me.
"Hello, Cinderella." He's got a great voice.
"Reckon that means you think you're Prince Charming." I try real hard to sound annoyed.
"Yeah." He steps on the elevator and waits till the door closes then leans in and kisses me. Just like that. Like we'd been doing it forever. Takes my breath away.
Drawing back he grins at me. "Mario said to distract you. Are you distracted?" He smirks.
I reach out, hit the stop button and grab him. Distracted don't begin to cover it. I spin him around and shove him up against the back of the elevator, covering that smirk with a bruising kiss. He opens right up to let me in and I plunge my tongue into his mouth ... and taste cum.
Stunned I jerk back.
"It's yours. Szabo said you sent it." His eyes are hot.
I'm a mite confused then I remember. Szabo dealt with the condoms after we ... . He sees the confusion in my eyes.
"You and Szabo didn't ...?" He's starting to look upset now.
"Yeah," I reassure him. "We rubbed dicks. Didn't realize he ... uh ..."
"Saved it for me." The smile is electric.
I kinda nod and shrug at the same time.
He grins in understanding at my embarrassment. Reaching out he caresses my face and says. "I'd love to continue this but ... we've got business to discuss."
"Thought your uncle wanted me distracted."
"Yeah, but what Mario wants and what I want aren't exactly the same thing."
I notice he doesn't say 'Uncle Mario'. Curious, I step back.
He restarts the elevator, and punches the button for the parking garage level.
We ride down in silence. In the garage he leads the way to a late model sedan and we get in. He drives like he knows where he's going. I'm completely lost. We end up in what is obviously a bad neighborhood. He parks the car and gets out. He sees a group of rough looking teenagers standing near by.
"Hey you!" He heads toward them. "You guys keep an eye on my car."
There's general mirth at that, till he adds. "Lemme tell you something, punks. This car, it belongs to Mikey LaFiamma. Anything happens to it, anything at all, he'll send some of the guys down here to take it outta your hides. I make my self clear?"
The amusement dies down real quick at the mention of his Uncle Mikey. It's obvious he's a known man around here. The leader gives Joey a nod and the gang settles around the car.
Joey leads me into the building. It's a rundown old tenement and I don't have a clue why we're here. He heads down to the basement and leads me over to a manhole. This guy has a real thing for sewers.
Gesturing towards it he explains. "This leads into the old storm system. It ain't been used in years. When I was a kid living in this building, my old gang the Barbarians, we used it for a bolthole." He wrestles the top off and leads the way down the ladder. Pulling out a flashlight, he turns it on.
He's right about it not having been used recently, it's dry as a bone down here. Cold, too, but we don't even have to stoop to walk through it.
We reach a junction and he points the light at the side wall. There's a big B written in red on it. He flicks the light across to the other walls. Each one has a B. Each one's a different color. "We follow the red ones. Remember that, just in case you should hav'ta come back here without me."
I don't want to know why he thinks I might be coming back without him. Half a dozen turns later we reach a main junction. The intersection of tunnels forms a room at least thirty feet by thirty feet.
He turns on a light.
It startles me and I blink then look around. There's maps on the walls, chairs, tables, a file cabinet, a bed, lamps, even a small refrigerator. I wonder where the electricity comes from, then I see an extension cord leading off down one of the tunnels.
He grins. "This is the war room where we planned our forays. I was warlord to the Barbarians before I was fifteen." He gestures toward the cord. "Took a couple of thousand, hundred footers to get electricity down here. It's plugged in at the warehouse. If need be you can follow it from there to here."
He falls silent and stands looking at me for a long moment. "You're a cop." It's not a question.
I nod. "Houston PD." I confirm. "Been after Valdez a long while."
"Tonight you'll have him." Another statement. He takes a deep breath then turns and opens up a cabinet, pulling out a laptop computer. "Everything I've got on Mario is in here. It's more than enough to put him away for life." His voice goes hard and bitter. "But I want more than that. I want him to lose everything. If he goes down for this drug deal they can confiscate it all. His house, his cars, everything."
He looks at me, sees the question in my eyes, but I ask it out loud anyway, "Why? He's your uncle."
"In blood only. He killed my baby brother! Or good as. Andy was a good kid. He'd'a never got mixed up with drugs, then he went to stay with Mario after mom died. I was in the Marines. One day I get this call, from Chicago PD, telling me Andy's dead. That he ODed. Everybody knew that it was Mario that turned him on but couldn't nobody prove it. I had signed on for seven years. I stayed till my time was up then I came home. Got in with the outfit side of the family, worked around till I was in a position to nail Mario. Now it's payback time."
He's so mad he's shaking. Must have been real hard on him to hide how he really feels from his uncle. I wanna take him in my arms and hold him, so I do. He leans into the embrace as I stroke his back trying to soothe him.
He smells good. He's wearing some kinda soft musky scented cologne. I can't resist the urge to kiss him. Nuzzling his neck I start planting tiny soft kisses along it.
He responds by turning his head to let me claim his mouth. I take my time exploring it.
After a long moment he pulls back. "Make love to me." He says softly.
I nod.
He's almost shy as he takes my hand and leads me to the bed. As I sit down on it I realize that it's freshly made. The bed clothes are clean, almost new. I give him a questioning look.
He blushes. "I made it this morning."
I draw him down beside me and kiss him again, long and tender. I want to make it last but I know that I can't stay gone form the hotel too long or Valdez will get suspicious.
He seems to understand without my having to say anything.
Drawing back and starting to take his shirt off he says. "We don't have a lot of time."
"I wish we did."
"I know. It's all right. I don't mind that. I just wanna make love with you." He hesitates then adds, "Just in case we never get another chance."
Looking into his eyes I know that he understands just how dangerous the job we're doing is. Either one or both of us might very well die today. This could be the only time we ever have. I stand up and begin to strip.
We don't waste anymore time getting out of our clothes. In just minutes we're both naked and I reach out and draw him to me. We fit together perfectly, no awkwardness or uncertainty.
As we caress each other, quickly coming to full arousal he whispers to me, "I've always been on top ... but I want you to make love to me. I want you to be the first."
I lean back to look into his eyes and see the love there. Smiling, I lean back in for another long tender kiss.
When I break the kiss he blushes again then hesitantly asks. "Uh ... What's your name? I mean the real one, not ..."
I can't help grinning, "Lundy," I say softly, "Levon Elmer Lundy, Jr."
He laughs. "Elmer? Oh, my God! I'm in love with a man named Elmer!"
For a second I'm insulted then I realize what he said. [In love with ...] Suddenly it doesn't matter that he finds my name amusing. The only thing that matters is the love part.
"I'm Joe. Joseph Anthony LaFiamma." He says it proudly.
I reach up and caress his face. "I'm very, very pleased to meet you, Joe." I whisper as I take his hand and draw him back toward the bed.
We come together in the center of the bed. His hands stroke and caress me. He kisses down my throat to the base and gently sucks at the hollow there. He trails kisses down to my nipples and licks and sucks them. I'm trembling now. My cock is standing full and hard, leaking pre cum on the bedclothes beneath us. He bends his head and kisses the tip.
His lips trail kisses down the length of it to my balls and he tenderly kisses each of them. Then he slides back up to kiss me.
I can't keep my hands still. They're exploring his body. I roll onto my side coming up on one elbow to lean over him so I can reach more of him.
He moans and rolls onto his back, spreading his legs, bending his knees, giving me easy access to him. He begins to writhe on the bed as I ran my exploring hands over his belly and down across his fully erect cock to massage his balls. I slip my hand between his legs and he arches up to let me slide a finger between his ass cheeks and stroke his anus.
He moans loudly, trembling with need as I withdraw the finger and stick it into my mouth to wet it. Returning the spit slicked digit to him I murmur. "I'm gonna need more than spit to lube you, Boy. You're way to tight to get into without anything."
He groans but rolls over and grabs his pants off the floor. Fishing a tube of lube out of the pocket, he turns back and quickly slicks up my cock. I take the tube and smearing some on my fingers, return to work on his anus, slicking it up and stretching it. He's relaxed and eager for me, not at all the nervous virgin, I'd half expected when he'd said he'd never been on the bottom. It doesn't take long to prepare him and I'm soon kneeling between his spread thighs, his knees over my shoulders as I slowly press into the tight hot passage.
He gasps when I breach him and his eyes widen, the pupils dilating, till they're almost all black. He moans and trembles as I press in, taking my time working the length of my cock in him, inch by inch until at last I am buried to the balls.
He is so tight. I'm almost afraid to thrust but he's not. He moves, wiggling away then tilting his hips to ride back onto my shaft. I take the hint and begin to thrust, withdrawing and thrusting back slowly. He bucks up against me and I begin to pick up the pace. He shifts and I must have hit his prostate hard because he cries out and begins to shake.
"Oh, God! Do that again!"
I'm more than happy to comply. I'm not gonna last long but at least I know he's enjoying it.
"Oh, Yeah! Harder, Cowboy!"
I'm not very vocal during sex, it's hard for me to think clearly enough to talk. He doesn't appear to have that problem.
I'm on the verge of coming and reach between us to pump his cock, get him off with me but he pushes my hand away.
"No! Don't need. Come from you ... !"
Well, maybe he's not completely coherent but I know what he means. He wants to come just from having me pumping in him ... and that's just fine cause I can't hold back any longer.
I thrust one last time and empty my balls in him.
"Oh, yeah!" He shouts when he comes, spurting across his belly.
I collapse on top of him, as his legs slide off my shoulders and fall to the side. I kiss him, tenderly, reaching up to caress his hair, smooth it out of his face.
"You are so beautiful." I whisper.
He smiles and says, "L'Amo! Mio solo amore!"
I don't understand a word of it.
He translates, "I love you. My only love."
I kiss him again. "Likewise." I murmur.
I roll off him and we lay cuddled together for a long few minutes before he sighs and says, "We've really gotta be getting back."
I hold him close for another minute then tilting his head back so that I can look into his eyes I say softly, "I want you to know that I love you. I don't pretend to know how it happened but it did. Whatever happens, I will always love you."
He smiles, a beautiful smile that makes my heart sing. "I love you, too, Cowboy. Now and forever."
"Now and forever." I echo. It feels like a vow.
We kiss one last time then pulling apart, get up and start getting dressed.
Half an hour later I'm back at the hotel, waiting with the rest of the guys to go meet LaFiamma.
We head out right after dark and as soon as Valdez sees the meeting place he's pissed again. The warehouse is back to back with the first one. Address only sounded different cause they face different streets. Guess that's part of the problem with doing business in a strange town. You don't know the territory. He should've sent someone to check it out before hand.
We go inside and LaFiamma's already there. Things start deteriorating right off. Valdez gets out of the car and storms toward LaFiamma yelling as he goes. LaFiamma yells right back. In just seconds they're toe-to-toe shouting.
Our guys start getting itchy and I can see that LaFiamma's bunch are, too. Somebody, I don't see who, comes up with a gun. First I know, I hear a shot. After that everything comes unraveled real fast. Only good thing I note is that I hear sirens. Cops are on the way.
I see Joe pull his guns and duck for cover. I grab mine and try to get to him so we can cover each other. I ain't took a half a dozen steps when I hear an explosion behind me. The blast knocks me down. My head collides with something solid and everything goes black.
The End.