Willow typed Xander's name into the Megahack search engine for the millionth time, not really expecting to get a hit, so it was a complete shock when she got an almost instant response.

Willow started scanning the information, yelling for the others at the same time, "Hey! I found him! I found him!"

Giles peered over her shoulder, "Does it give his address? Or a phone number?"

Willow nodded, smiling cheerfully, "Yep. Both. 1342 Sunset Drive, Malibu, California. Number is 619-555-3274. It says here that he applied for college at Seaver University, but they turned him down." Willow continued reading then pointed at the screen. "Do you see this? Less than two hours after they refused his application, Zoltran Industries pulled all scholarships to Seaver and Pepperdine Universities. Then they took back all their computers, and released all their interns from both schools. This DiBlasi guy doesn't sound like someone who messes around."

"Are you sure that this incident had anything at all to do with Xander? Maybe it was just a coincidence." Giles said.

Willow shook her head, "Antony DiBlasi has the same address as Xander, and his sister personally over saw the removal of all the computers."

Giles rubbed his eyes, "This could get complicated. We can't very well demand he return Xander, and I doubt that the law will be able to do anything."

"Maybe we should just leave Xander alone." Buffy said quietly.

Willow almost killed herself turning around in her chair. "What! How can you say that, Buffy? We can't just leave him with that, that, person! Who knows what could be happening to him right now!"

"Buffy?" Giles asked, wondering what his Slayer was thinking of.

Buffy shrugged, her face a little red. "I just mean, maybe Xander's better off? This DiBlasi guy obviously cares about him. Look what he did when that college wouldn't let Xander go to school there. And how would Xander pay for school anyway? DiBlasi must have been going to pay for it. Willow, can you pull up this guy's financial records? Like for the last few days?"

Willow nodded, and started typing. "What are you getting at, Buffy?" Giles asked.

"Wait a second, Giles, let's see what Wills comes up with first."

Record after record started scrolling across the screen. Buffy smiled and pointed at the purchases. "It looks like he bought Xander clothes and a bunch of other stuff. He even took him out to dinner at the Wilshire."

"That doesn't matter, Buffy. So what if he spends a lot of money on Xander. He's still a prisoner."

Buffy shook her head, "Wills, let's face it, Xander's life couldn't get much worse. His parents gave him away. Even if we did manage to get him away from DiBlasi, what's he going to do? He wouldn't have anywhere to live, no job, and he's probably safer in Malibu. At least he's away from the Hellmouth. It's amazing that he lived this long. One day I wasn't going to be able to get there in time, and then he'd be dead, or turned. Isn't this better?"

Willow stubbornly shook her head, "He could be hurting Xander, we have to help him!"

Giles stepped between the quarreling girls, "We'll go to Malibu and locate Xander. We'll decide then what we should do." Giles awkwardly patted Willow on the shoulder, "Don't fret, Willow, I'm sure that Xander isn't being tortured."


Xander tugged futilely on the velvet ropes that bound his wrists to the headboard. He thought about begging for mercy, but he knew all too well that if he talked, Tony would add another 15 minutes onto his punishment.

Punishment, hell. This is torture. Tony isn't human, that's all there is to it. He has to be some kind of demon. What was that sex demon called? Oh yeah, an incubus. That's what he is, an incubus. How in the hell did I get here again? Oh yeah. Fuck. Me and my big mouth.


"Xander, come on. Time to get up."

"Nooooo. It's too early, can't we sleep a little longer? Please?"

Xander shivered when the blankets were suddenly ripped from his body. "Move, Xander. In case you've forgotten, we agreed that today things change. Unless you've changed your mind, you now do what I say without argument, or you face punishment."

That got Xander's attention. "When you say punishment, what exactly are we talking about here?"

Tony stared at him for a minute, wondering if Xander had changed his mind. "Fifteen minutes to start with. Any infraction of the rules during punishment increases the length of the punishment in fifteen minute increments. I won't ask if that sounds fair to you, that would defeat the purpose. Xander, have you changed your mind about this? If so, please tell me now. I won't be angry, I promise. Even if we don't do this, I'll still want you here."

Xander grinned and stretched, blushing at the way Tony's eyes wandered over his body. "Nope. Haven't changed my mind. So, if I sleep in for another hour, I get fifteen minutes of..."

"No sexual release." Tony said with a grin, relieved that Xander wasn't having second thoughts. "Fair warning, I'm going to make this as difficult as possible on you. Once punishment starts, you aren't allowed to speak. You can moan, groan or scream, but no talking."

Xander grabbed the blankets and buried his head in his pillow, stealing Tony's pillow to add to his pile. "I can do fifteen minutes standing on my head, Tony. No sweat."


Xander had woken up with a metal ring around his dick and balls, a vibrator up his ass, both hands tied to the headboard and a maniacally grinning Tony sitting beside him on the bed. "I hope you enjoyed that extra hour of sleep, Xander, I know I'm going to enjoy this."

'No sweat. Fuck. I'm delusional. If I sweated any more, I'd float off the bed. Except, of course, for the fact that the bastard tied me to the headboard.'

A tug on one of his nipple rings made Xander's eyes roll back in his head and his body clench. Which only caused the vibrator currently driving him insane to push that much harder against his prostrate.

Xander's entire body shuddered and then went lax. Tony chuckled and nibbled on Xander's ear lobe before saying, "Fifteen minutes is up, Xander you can talk now."

Xander opened one eye and tried to glare, but didn't have the energy. "That was more than fifteen minutes, Tony." He rasped. "It had to have been."

Tony shook his head and reached up to loosen the ropes around Xander's wrists. "Fifteen minutes, I timed it. I tried to warn you, but you wouldn't listen." Tony grinned and tilted his head, "If I remember correctly, and I do, you said you could do fifteen minutes standing on your head."

Xander managed to throw one arm around Tony's shoulder and pulled him closer, "Listen closely, because I'll never say this again. I was wrong. I'm a wimp. I'll be good for the rest of my life, I swear. Can you please get this thing off of me now?"

Tony looked down at the platinum cock ring he'd bought for Xander. "Don't you like it?"

Xander sighed, "I love it. It's the best present I've ever had. Can we get it off now? If I don't come, I'm going to explode." Xander said emphatically, too far gone to feel any embarrassment at all.

Tony slid between Xander's raised knees and drew one tanned finger around the edge of the ring. "Sorry. Didn't I tell you? You have to come before you can get if off."

Xander groaned and flopped his head down on his pillow. "Christ, kill me now." He muttered.

Tony grinned and gently removed the vibrator from Xander's overly stimulated body. Easing one slim leg onto his shoulder, Tony carefully breached Xander's body and both men groaned in unison.

Tony rocked gently, slowly inching his way into Xander's body until he could go no further. Xander wrapped his other leg around Tony's hip and rocked his hips up, trying to get Tony to move.

Tony had planned on taking his time, drawing out the pleasure until Xander was begging, but Xander wasn't having any of it. Xander wrapped both arms around Tony's neck and tightened his leg muscles.

Groaning loudly, Xander tried to take what he wanted, but his position didn't allow him enough leverage to get a rhythm going.

Tony finally took pity on his young lover. He pulled both of Xander's legs up and out, giving himself the room to move freely. Slow and steady was out of the question at this point, now Tony wanted, no needed, to fuck Xander as hard and fast as he could.

Xander screamed his appreciation and finally came, Tony following only seconds behind. Tony let Xander's legs fall to the mattress and eased himself down on Xander's sweat covered chest.

Xander let out a small, muffled groan of contentment, "I feel better now. Much better. Thank you."

Tony chuckled weakly, "No. Thank you. So, now that you have an idea what your punishments are going to be like, are you still sure about this?"

Xander nodded, "Yeah. I'm sure. So, Tony, if that was punishment, what are the rewards like?"

"You'll see."


Xander shoved his hands in his pockets and tried to look interested, but after three computer stores, he just didn't care any more.

"What about this one, Xander?" Tony asked, again.

"Tony, I don't know that much about computers. Besides, it doesn't really matter which one we buy, it'll be old news next week."

Tony nodded, "You're right. I'll call Vo and her pick one out, she knows more about computers than both of us put together. But there is one area where Vo can't hold a candle to me."

Xander smirked, "Just one?"

"Smartass. Cars, Xander, I was talking about cars." Throwing an arm around Xander's shoulder, Tony asked, "So...what do you think? Jag or Ferrari?"

Xander shook his head, "I'm thinking Ford."


"Yeah. The Ford SVT Lightning. It's so cool. Wait'll you see it."

"Let's go." Xander laughed when he heard Tony mutter, "Ford? Ferrari I could understand, but a Ford?"


Xander and Tony stood out in the driveway, just staring. Tony nodded, "You're right, I like it."

Xander's grin was huge as he looked at his truck. Black paint, tinted windows, sport wheels and a totally killer stereo. Xander picked up a bucket and sponge, "You ready?"

"Oh yeah, let the christening begin."


Giles parked his car across the street from the address Willow had gotten off the internet and just watched. Xander was with an older man in the driveway. They were both wearing cut-off jeans, no shirts and both were sopping wet.

That was surprising, at least to Giles. Willow had printed out a picture of Antony DiBlasi. The man currently chasing Xander around the driveway with a garden hose didn't really look much like one of the most powerful men in the country. Even more surprising was the gold hoops Giles could see gleaming in Xander's ears, on his chest and even in his belly.

But the most shocking thing of all was Xander's face. Xander looked totally and completely happy. He was laughing freely and apparently couldn't stop smiling. When Xander threw himself on the hood of the black pickup sitting in the driveway, kissed it and started yelling, "It's mine. All mine! Yessss!!!" Giles had to chuckle. Antony DiBlasi was obviously spoiling Xander, much to the boy's delight.

Xander then proceeded to throw both arms around the older man and kissed him. Giles knew he wasn't exactly current on American mores, but that was not a kiss between friends. Giles started to think that if they didn't take what they were doing inside, someone was going to be arrested.

He almost managed to convince himself that what he'd seen was enough. He'd spent hours trying to convince the girls to stay in Sunnydale. He'd finally resorted to a rather underhanded tactic. He waited until they were in class and left. Since neither had access to a vehicle, other than his of course, they would just have to take his word for Xander's well being. He wouldn't of course, tell the girls what he'd just witnessed, but he could surely reassure them that he'd seen Xander and the boy was alive and well. Giles sighed and put his head down on the steering wheel, he knew damn well that he was going to have to talk to Xander, or he'd be back here tomorrow. And he wouldn't be alone.

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