Tony stared down at the cringing man on the floor, he clenched his fists and tried to fight back the urge to just kill him where he lay. "Get up, Harris. I said GET UP!" He sneered when the man turned pale and tried to sink into the wall behind him.

He reached down, grabbed Harris by his shoulders and pulled him to his feet. He slammed him back into the wall and held him there with a forearm across his throat. He leaned in close and whispered in his ear. "What's wrong, Harris? Scared?"

The acrid smell of urine suddenly filled the room. Tony looked down and smirked when he saw the strain on the front of the older man's slacks. "Guess you are, Harris. Tell me, how does it feel to be on the receiving end for a change?" Tony put a little more pressure on Harris' throat, his voice almost a purr. "I could kill you right here and no one would do a thing. It's unlikely these people would bother to call the police now is it? I wonder what they would do with your body? Probably just burn it and flush down into the sewers where you belong."

Tony abruptly stepped back and watched Harris slide down the wall. "You aren't really worth the effort, Harris." He started to turn away and stopped. He faced the older man again, a cruel smile on his face, "By the way, Harris. You're fired."


Xander had never been so happy to see anyone in his entire life as he was to see Tony come through the door to his cell. And to see his father put in his place almost made him happy, but the cruelty of Tony's taunts bothered him. He sounded almost like his father on one of his rants. Xander's voice was little more than a stuttering whisper when he called to the other man. "Tttony?"


Tony heard the fear in Xander's voice and all thoughts of revenge were chased away by concern. He wrapped both arms around Xander and held him tightly. "Are you okay? They didn't hurt you did they?"

Xander melted into the warm embrace. Relief at being safe making him shake. "I'm okay." Xander's voice was rueful, "Scared out of my mind, but I'm not hurt."

He buried his face in Tony's chest and let the heat from the other man's body warm him. "Can we leave now? Please? I really don't want to be here anymore."

Tony kissed the top of the dark head buried under his chin and pulled back to look in Xander's eyes. He smiled at the relief he found on the boy's face and nodded. "Yeah. Let's go."

They turned to leave only to find Harris long gone and two of the brutes from upstairs standing in the doorway with another man holding a black medical bag.

"Mr. DiBlasi, it's time to mark your purchase. Have you decided what you want done yet?"

Tony looked at the men blocking the door and then at the confused expression in Xander's dark brown eyes. "Oh fuck."


Frank Harris moved as soon as DiBlasi was distracted by Xander. He crept out of the room and down the hall. He heard footsteps coming down the stairs and ducked into one of the other cells. He quietly shut the door and slumped against the wall. Luckily for him the room was empty. He counted to 100 and then opened the door. Or tried to open the door. He pulled and tugged but it wouldn't budge. He turned his back to the door and slid down it to sit on the floor.

"Think Harris. There's a way out of this. There's always a way."


McDonald turned off the monitor and turned to his client. "Well Staci, shall we go see Mr. DiBlasi now?"

"No. Let's wait a few moments. Let the doctor finish with the boy first. I think this will be good for both of them in the long run."

"Whatever you say, Staci."


Tony pulled Xander to one side and spoke to him quietly. "Xander, I got a phone call this morning telling me you were being auctioned off. I had the highest bid, but they won't let you leave without some kind of mark proving I bought you."

"What kind of mark?"

Tony took a deep breath and hoped Xander would handle this better than he had. "Either a brand, a tattoo or piercings."

Xander was so tired his brain wasn't working right, Tony couldn't have just said what he thought he'd said. "Branding? You want to brand me?"

Tony grabbed Xander by the arms and shook him lightly, "No. I don't want to brand you. But without some kind of proof of ownership, they won't let you leave."

The man holding the doctor's bag interrupted their whispered conversation impatiently, "What will it be? I have others to see to." He took in the paleness of the boy's face and the tense look the older man was giving him. He sighed, 'God I hate this job.' "Look, the kid gets a couple of piercings, you get the kid. He doesn't get marked, he doesn't leave. We'll give you your money back and he'll go up at the next auction. Your choice."

Xander turned a chalky white color at the idea of being sold to a stranger. He gulped hard and turned to Tony, "I'd rather not get a brand, but if it's the only way to get out of here I'll get a tattoo or pierced." A sudden look of concern crossed his face, "Huh, what exactly are you planning on piercing?" he asked.

The doctor turned and nodded at the men guarding the door. One of the went back into the hall and came back with a small table. The doctor sat his bag on the table and opened it up. He began removing various instruments, absently talking all the while.

"Well, we usually pierce both ears, the nipples and the bellybutton. In extreme cases we'll add a Prince Albert too. But I really don't think that'll be necessary in this case. Besides, it takes a long time to heal and most men pass out when they get their penis pierced."

Xander swayed on his feet, "Penis? You aren't piercing *my* penis."

The doctor raised his head and frowned at the boy. When he saw how close he was to fainting he shook his head. "I said I didn't think that would be appropriate in your case. However, it is up to your new owner."

Xander turned pleading eyes on Tony, "Tony? You aren't going to let him do that to me are you?"

Tony pulled Xander back against his chest and kissed the top of his head, "No. But are you okay with the others? If not we could do the tattoo instead."

Xander turned and looked at the doctor, "Which is faster?"

"Well, if we just do the five piercings it'll be a lot faster than the tattoo. They generally heal better too." The doctor moved his bag to one side and patted the edge of the table, "Jump up here and I'll have you out of here in no time."

Xander slid up onto the table and held onto the edges for dear life. He relaxed a little when Tony stepped up behind him and pulled him back against his chest. He rubbed Xander's shoulders and nuzzled his hair, "Just a few minutes, Xander and then we can go home."

The doctor pulled a flat wooden case out of his bag and set it on the table. He then took a black marker and marked the sites he planned on piercing on Xander's ears, nipples and the edge of his belly button. He opened the case and Xander had a glimpse of gold before the doctor looked him in the eye and said seriously, "Close your eyes. It'll be easier on you and me both if you're not jumping around."

Xander did as he said, every muscle in his body tensing up, waiting for the pain to hit. He was startled at the slight sting in his belly, the smooth tugging sensation that followed didn't really hurt at all. He breathed deeply and chanted to himself, I'll be home soon. I'll be home soon.

The needle sliding through his left nipple made him hiss but he managed to hold still. The pain from the first one was distracting enough that the second didn't seem so bad. But when the doctor pierced his ear he yelped and opened his eyes, "Hey! That hurt!"

The doctor shook his head and got ready to do the other ear, "Sorry, kid. You have a lot of cartiledge in your lobes, but you're almost done." The doctor stepped back and admired his work, the kid looked great. He nodded once and put his instruments back in his bag. "All done Sir. Keep them clean and use antibiotic ointment if any sign of infection shows up. If it persists remove the ring and let it close. But I don't think he'll have any problems. Now if you gentlemen will excuse me, I have a branding to do down the hall. Good day."

The doctor and the goons left just as Ben and Hamid came into the room. Xander slid off of the table and stood behind Tony. He didn't know who these guys were, but he'd heard stories about desert sheiks and the guy wearing the robes definitely looked like a sheik to him.

Tony pulled him back to his side and introduced them. "Xander. This is my good friend Ben-ashir Ahkbar and his assistant Hamid. They came to help me get you out of here."

Xander nodded his head but didn't speak. Hamid smiled at him and handed a bunch of papers to Tony. "It's all taken care of. Here are his papers. I suggest we leave immediately before something else happens."

"Not quite yet gentlemen. There are some things I need to discuss with Antony and Xander first." She turned to her lawyer and spoke to him in an undertone. "Would you see to our other guest please? Bring him in after the others have gone."


The four men in the room stared at the petite blonde woman standing in the doorway, Tony and Xander spoke at the same time, "Staci!" "Staci?"

They turned to look at each other in shock, "You know her?" Xander had to fight down the urge to say "Jinx", he didn't really think Tony would see the humor in it right now.

Staci smiled and came farther into the room. "Xander. You're all grown up. You were so little the last time I saw you."

She turned to Tony and he was amazed at the changes in her. Gone were the revealing clothes and the perfect makeup. This woman wore a knee length flowered dress and very little makeup at all. But the biggest change was her eyes. They were calm, if he were a philospher, Tony would say she was at peace. But she still had a lot to answer for.

"I don't know what your game is Staci, but leave Xander out of it. You want to get even with me, fine. But he's done nothing to you."

Staci looked resigned for a moment and then straightened her shoulders, "Actually, Xander has a very great deal to do with this." She smiled at the young man, and spoke to Tony in a calm voice, "Did you know I was originally from Sunnydale, Tony?"

She shook her head and looked back at him, her expression sad, "No, I suppose not. We never really talked all that much. Not that you didn't try, I just wouldn't listen. I've known Xander since he was a baby. I used to watch him when he was little." She laughed at some long forgotten memory. "He used to steal flowers from the neighbor's garden and give them to me. He said I was a princess and a princess had to have flowers." She ran her hand along Xander's cheek, "I haven't seen him since he was ten, but I have kept tabs on him."

"But now I think we need to talk in private Tony. There are some things you need to know and he doesn't really need to hear."

Tony looked at Ben and Hamid, "Please. Take Xander and wait for me in the car. I'll be out soon."

Xander started to protest, but Tony leaned forward and kissed him lightly, "Please, Xander. Wait for me in the car."

Xander nodded and moved towards the door, at the last moment he turned and gave Staci a hug, "I missed you when you left. Will you call me? I'd like to see you again."

Staci smiled and kissed his cheek, "I'd like to see you too. I'll call as soon as I can. I promise."

Xander left the room with one last look at Tony.


Staci twisted her hands together, her only sign of nervousness, "I want to apologize for what I did to you. It was wrong, none of what happened was your fault. And you were right. I did need help. And I got it." She gave him a twisted half smile, "I still have a long way to go, but I am getting better."

Tony still didn't trust her, not one bit, "Why all of this then Staci? The sabotage at the Sunnydale office, Xander, Wolfram and Hart, Frank Harris? If you weren't trying to get me what you were doing?"

Staci's face grew icy, "It wasn't about you, Tony. None of it. I got you involved because of Xander. I wanted him to be safe. And no matter what ever happened, you never tried to hurt me. I knew you'd take good care of him, and he'll make you happy if you let him. But the way he was raised." Staci shook her head in disgust. "I don't think you'll be able to have a regular relationship with him, not yet. He doesn't trust easily, and if you don't tie him to you, he'll leave eventually. He's smart and sweet, but he needs someone to guide him. That's where you and this auction comes in. He'll feel guilty about you spending the money on him. I know it sounds horrible, but use that. Bind him to you so tightly he'll never be able to leave. That's the only way he'll be safe. He doesn't think much of himself, you'll have to work on that."

Tony cut her off, "How do you know so much about him Staci? I thought you hadn't seen him in years?"

"I haven't. But like I said, I have been keeping tabs on him." Staci braced herself as if expecting a blow. "Frank Harris is the one I was after. He hurt me when I was young and while I thought I was over it, I was wrong. I need to settle things with him before I can move on."

Staci giggled at the look on Tony's face, "I'm not going to kill him, Antony. I won't lay a hand on him. But you reap what you sow and Frank Harris is about to get what he has coming to him."

Staci raised up on her toes and kissed Tony's cheek. "Now go find Xander. Take care of him and make him happy. You'll never regret it."

"Staci, I don't know what you have planned, but please, don't do anything foolish. You're starting a new life. Don't let your need for revenge ruin it for you."

Staci shook her head sadly, "After everything, you still try to take care of me. You're a good man, Antony DiBlasi." She smirked suddenly, "Even if you do think I'm a pyscho bitch from hell."

Tony's face turned red and he squirmed for a moment. He finally gave in and laughed at himself. He ran a hand down Staci's long blond hair and kissed her forehead. "Be well, Staci, I hope you find what you're looking for."

He left the room and headed out to start his new life with Xander. He chuckled as he ran up the stairs. No matter what else happened, this was bound to be interesting.


Staci waited patiently for McDonald to return, the sight of Frank Harris turned her stomach, but she refused to let her fear show.

Harris leered at the pretty blond and looked around for his son and DiBlasi, "Hey! Where did they go?"

"They're gone. It's just us now." McDonald said.

"But what about the plan? Make DiBlasi squirm and use it to get a foothold in his company. Then Wolfram and Hart would take over and put him out. And I would get a cushy raise and a corner office. Hell, I even gave him custody of my mentally incompetent son so he'd need a good lawyer when everyone found out he was banging a retard he was supposed to be taking care of! What about that?"

The blond woman looked at him in disgust, "The plan wasn't to get DiBlasi. It was to get you. All you had to do was say no and you would have been all right. But your greed has led to your downfall."

"Who are you bitch? And what the fuck are you talking about?"

Staci stepped closer and looked the monster who'd been haunting her dreams for years in the eye. "Don't you remember me, Frank? I used to live next door to you. I watched Xander for you. How old was I, Frank, the first time you held me down and raped me? Eight? Nine?"

Harris turned pale and he stepped back towards the door. Slim white hands caught his arms and held him in a bruising grip. He looked over his shoulder to see his secretary Bambi standing behind him with a hungry look on her beautiful face. He struggled, but couldn't get away.

Staci dug her nails into his cheeks and made him face her. "There's a special place in Hell for child molesters, Frank. But I didn't really want to wait that long. You made it so easy for me. What you did to me and who knows who else guarantees you punishment, but hurting your own child. Your only child, well that calls for something special. You deliberately sold your son into slavery to satisify your own filthy greed. So Hell is coming for you early, Frank."

Harris turned white and struggled harder, but couldn't break the inhumanly strong hold Bambi had on him.

Staci laughed in his face, "Don't worry, Frank. We're not going to kill you. We want you to live with the consequences of your actions for a *very* long time." Staci nodded at Bambi and smiled, "Frank, I'd like you to meet your punishment, Bambisca."

Bambi turned Frank to face her and smiled at him, Harris laughed in relief. "She's my punishment? No problem! Feel free to punish me all you want."

Bambi's lip curled up, revealing way to many jagged white teeth. Her voice sounded like it came from the bottom of a well, "Thank you, Frank, I do believe I will."

Harris felt his heart try to jump out of his chest when Bambi started to grow, her skin sliding off in the process. When the transformation was complete an eight foot tall demon with dark blue skin was holding Frank Harris. A male demon. Harris felt something nudge his chest and looked in horror at the huge cock brushing against him. It had to be as big as his forearm and it wasn't fully erect yet. His mind gibbered in terror as Staci and McDonald quietly left the room and shut the door behind them.

Bambisca laughed at the mortal's feeble struggles for freedom. He tore the clothes from the mortal's body and bent it forward over the table. Huge hands held it down easily, the demon's smooth black claws digging into the soft white skin.

He rammed forward, burying his cock into the screaming mortal. Bambisca grinned wickedly and sent a surge of power into the mortal, healing damage as it occured, but doing nothing to ease the pain. He leaned forward and bit the mortal's shoulder, drinking the blood that welled up. He whispered into the mortal's ear. "Don't worry, Frank, you'll get to like this, to crave it. You'll beg for it and anything else I decide to do to you. You'll be swallowing my cock whole in no time at all Frank. No time at all."

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