
Year Sixteen.


Helena looked at the little appliance on her bathroom counter, and then shook her head. "I am so screwed," she muttered, mentally preparing the steps she'd be taking in the next few days.  She sat down with her cellphone, calling Goemon.  "Hey, it's me.  It's not a real emergency but I need you to give Jigen a message in the morning.  I want you to know it's not a booty call so you don't have to blush when you say it.  Just tell him that he makes a girl want to forget birth control. Okay?"  She smiled.  "I know, and if he's confused then he can call me.  It'd be a good idea anyway.  Thanks, Goemon."  She hung up and then looked back at the bathroom.  "Well, that's one hell of a way to wake up."  She grabbed her jacket and wallet, grabbing the stick as well.  Everything else was still in the car waiting on her.  She went to work, just like she did most other days, and headed directly into her boss' office.  Where she carefully laid the stick in front of him on the desk.

He looked at it, then at her.  "It's not mine," he said instantly, and she relaxed.  "You tell your man yet?"

"No, I left a coded message and I'm hoping he'll be calling sometime today for an explanation.  I know I'll need leave papers.  I don't know what else I'll need."

"When were you thinking of going on leave?"  She shrugged.  He nodded.  "Then you didn't plan this?"

"No.  Not at all.  I like kids, but I personally think I'll be a crappy mother."

"You won't.  It shows in how you treat your cats."  He reached into a desk drawer, pulling out a file he hardly ever used.  Most of his guys were guys so they didn't need the full packet.  "This is departmental policy and all the papers you'll need.  I want you to prefill out a set of leave papers and leave them in your locker.  All but dates.  That way if something happens and you get stuck on bedrest, I can hand them in immediately."  She nodded.  "You'll also be needing a new vest.  How far along do you think you are?"

"He was last in town about two and a half months ago," she admitted.  "It's nice, since he's never here I can say things like that with surety."  Her boss snickered.  "Okay, I need to give you official confirmation?"  He nodded.  "Then I'll schedule an appointment today.  As for the vest issue, I've got a catalog from a German supplier.  It might be hard to get things shipped to me but I'm guessing this is one of those times that being a cop will be helpful."  He nodded.  "Thanks, boss, for not screaming."

"Hey, I like you, Helena.  I want you to be happy and I think you'll make a good mother.  As soon as your vest won't fit, I want you in the next larger size, and if it won't close, you don't leave your desk until you go on leave.  Got it?"  She nodded.  "Good.  Go."  She nodded, heading off to make her appointment and to find that catalog.


Goemon blushed as he walked into brunch the next morning.  "I got a call from your girlfriend last night," he said, handing over the note.  "That was the exact message and she said to tell you it was not a booty call."

Jigen looked at it.  "You make a girl want to forget birth control?"  He looked up at Goemon, already frowning.  "Did she provide an explanation?"

"Just that it was not a booty call," he said, blushing brighter.

Lupin continued to snicker. "I'm thinking we have different definitions of booty call going on," he said between laughs.

Jigen put it into his pocket.  "As soon as we have some free time, I'll call her."  He threw his fork at Lupin.  "Quit snickering."

"Fine," he said, letting it out in large, loud laughter instead.


Helena looked down as her new vest finally arrived.  It had been held up by Customs for nearly two months.  Good thing she had ordered early.  She tried it on.  It was heavier than her old one but the adjustable straps on the side made it fit quite a bit better.  She shifted to let it settle better and then sighed in relief.  She'd been without one for over a week now and she hated riding her desk.  She took it off and sat down to look at her choices of outfits.  Even her fat clothes weren't fitting properly now.  She pulled out a stretchy dress.  She'd look like a whale in it, but it'd save her from shopping.  That and a pair of flats and she was ready for the convention.  It was once again in her city and she and Zenny were going to pal around again, as usual.  She patted the cats and headed out.  As soon as she checked in, someone told her where he was and she went to give him a hug.

He smiled at her then his eyes drifted over her, stopping at her stomach.  He gulped the rest of his drink, then turned to face her.  "Does the crook know?"  She shrugged.  "You don't know?"

"I sent a coded message through Goemon, he didn't call, but then again you ran him out of Argentina around the same time.  I sent a letter, I haven't heard anything yet.  I figure he'll either call me or he'll suddenly show up some day soon."  She shrugged, but held in the sniffle by the merest margin.  "I'm okay.  Since you're here and all I was going to ask if you wanted to come to my ultrasound tomorrow.  That way I have someone to cry on afterwards."

"Sure," he said gently, giving her a smile.  "I've got one of those myself at home.  It's not so bad."

"Bet me, I'll have to go shopping soon," she said bitterly, sitting next to him.  The bartender smiled at her.  "Can I have a coke, no ice, and are there any pickles?"  He gave her a look, so she shrugged.  "I'm not hiding it from anyone."  He got her both, waving away her money for them.

"Helena," a male voice said as arms went around her.  "Ooh, our mascot."  She turned and hugged him back.  "Oh, you're a sight for sore eyes."  He pulled back and looked her over, then his mouth hung open.  "Oh, hell, woman."  He looked into her eyes.  "You're pregnant?"  She nodded.  "Wow.  What's the man got to say about that?"  She shrugged.  "He dumped you?"

"No, he hasn't answered the letter yet," she said dryly, nodding at Zenigata.  "He's been keeping him busy."

Zenigata chuckled. "I try."

"Then we'll just have to pick up some of the idiot's slack," another cop agreed as he came up to hug her himself.  "Your poker buddies are always available for writing to."

She looked around.  "Where's Dale?"

"He got shot earlier this year," his teammate said sheepishly.  "Not fatally, just an upper chest wound, a lung shot."

"I had one of those but it barely clipped mine," she admitted.  "He okay?"

"He's on oxygen and retired for good," his teammate told her.  "He'd like a letter too."

"I can see that card.  'Why didn't you' on the front and a hard pinch on the inside with 'tell me'," Zenigata said dryly.  He was accepted as her friend and therefore welcome at their games, though he usually lost.

She beamed at him.  "I'll have to remember that for when I make one tonight on my laptop."  She slid off the barstool. "Are we set for a game now?"

"Nah, later," the guy who had hugged her said with a grin.  "You should probably nap."

"Why, I had today off."  They laughed and went up to their rooms to nap.  She looked at Zenny, who held out a hand and let her pull him off his stool.  "Dinner?"

"Sounds good.  Is that Chinese place still around?"

"Nope.  But there's a new pork place in town."


"Pork.  All pig and sides.  Southern cooking too.  Sound okay?"

"Sure," he agreed, walking out beside her.  Everyone smiled at them, they were always together during any of the conventions.   Someone took their picture and she frowned at them.  "It's all right, I'll send the idiot crooks a copy," he soothed.  She smiled and nodded, letting him get in to drive since pushing her seat back to give her stomach room left her barely touching the pedals.  "Did I ever show you pictures of my kids?  I've got one who's about fifteen and one's two."

"No, you haven't, meanie."  He chuckled and tossed over his wallet, letting her look at the pictures.  "Wow.  Your son's pretty cute."

"He's much too young for you and gay," Zenny said firmly.

"Then definitely not my type," she agreed, tucking it back into his pocket for him while he pulled out of the parking lot.  "Sixteenth."  He nodded, heading that way.  It was nearly outside her house and he knew where that was.   "So, you're on for the ultrasound?"

"Sure.  Wouldn't miss it.  It should be greeted by someone who likes his mother."


"Okay, prejudice on my part, but I think a firstborn son is a good thing."  He shrugged.  "Sue me, it's a cultural thing."

"It's okay, I don't care what it is, as long as it's healthy."  She stroked her stomach.  "I have got to find something bigger to wear for work. Maternity clothes are tents and mostly dresses."

"They make pants."

"Yeah, but they're in pastels and they've got elastic waistbands, they're grandma pants with stretchy stomach panels."  He snickered at that.  "I'm serious.  I can't even fit into my leather pants anymore."

"Give it a year," he promised.  "No health problems?"

"Not a one.  I'm healthy, my thyroid is good, and morning sickness stopped a few weeks back," she said happily.  "My new vest finally came and it's heavy, but it's got real steel plates.  It's adjustable and I've got six whole inches of expansion room, plus I bought the side expanding gussets too."

"Good job," he praised.  "Do I get to be an uncle?"

"With the way those guys are being, you may be the only uncle," she admitted.  "But you can be a Godfather if you want."

They stopped at a light so he hugged her.  "Anything you need," he promised, patting her on the head as he moved on again at the honking behind them.  "I thought New Yorkers were impatient in traffic."

"It's the start of the weekend," she reminded him.  "They're all wanting to go hide in their homes and get into their underwear and nothing else."  He snorted.  "They do.  Chicago's guys like to sit around in their underwear in front of the tv.  Even some fathers."

"I'd never do that in front of my kids," he said firmly.

"Mine's going to come out covered in cat fur."  She pouted as she saw someone turning a sign on the door.  "Hurry up."  He let her out and she waddled over.  "Tell me you're not closing," she pleaded.  "I brought Zenigata in and I talked you up and everything."

He patted her on the back.  "We figured you'd be late.  We saved you some dinner. It's inside, little one."  She grinned and he let her inside to pick up their dinners to go.  She slid back out so he locked the door and put up the sign about the wedding he had to throw for his daughter.  "You behave," he called after her, going to his own car.

She got back in with a little squeal.  "Let's go back to your room and eat.  I forgot his daughter's getting married this weekend."  She sniffed the boxes of food.  "Unless you want to eat at my place."

"Sure, we can go to your place," he offered.  "It's closer and that smells good.  I haven't had home cooked food in months."  He turned the corner, heading for her house, which was only a block and a few buildings away.  He followed her up the stairs, smiling as the cats came running to greet him.  "Hey, little monsters."

"You and Goemon both," she said, grinning at him.  She wiped the table off quickly and grabbed them forks, then sat down in her usual seat.  He sat across from her and moaned as he sniffed the food.  "Tuck in, it's damn good."

"I'm missed real food."  He dug in, cutting into his pork chops and barbeque pork ribs.  As soon as he tasted, he moaned again.  "Damn good.  Clean kitchen?"

"The woman who cooks, Nan, is one of those old-time women who cleans everything with bleach.  Pure bleach."  She looked down at the begging cats. "You know he won't give you any."  She opened a small box and put it down. "Fortunately Miss Nan still loves you guys."  She dug in too, Miss Nan knew exactly what she was craving.  Even the vegetables were perfect.  "She makes her corn a bit salty but if you want sugar it's in the kitchen."

"No, it's good," he said, digging into that too.  He did get up to get them something to drink since he moved easier. "How are you doing on the job?"

"So far it's okay.  No one's made me chase them yet."  She grinned as she took her soda.  "My doctor said I should be fine to work as long as I want to."

"Are you going to retire after having it?"  He picked up his fork and dug in again, eating quickly.

"Slow down, you're giving me indigestion," she teased.  He grinned and slowed down; no one was going to come by and make him chase them before he was done.  "I don't think I'm ready to retire yet, but I might.  I haven't decided yet.  I might try to get on as a consultant or something."  She shrugged.  "I've got a good record and I know more than most Vice officers about the local syndicates and drug connections."  She took another bite, chewing slowly so she wouldn't get as bad of indigestion this time.  "Right now my boss treats me like I'm fragile.  It's appreciated but the other woman in the unit is giving me dirty looks.  I'm not sure if she realizes I'm pregnant or not yet.  She made a snide remark about my weight the other day."  She ate another bite of corn, then sipped her soda.  "Miss Nan said that once I showed I was craving sour stuff I was going to crave salty stuff too and she was right."  She took a larger bite of pork chop.  "They're not usually this dry, they must have been made a while ago."

"You're kidding.  My wife's are dryer than this," he told her.

"Really?  Usually hers are really moist.  You can push juice out of them."  She grinned at him. "Since Jigen seems to not be able to figure out the coded message I sent, want to help with baby names?"

"Sure.  Got any ideas yet?"

"I was going to wait to see what it was tomorrow.  If it'll show me.  One of the women in the waiting room last week said hers pretended to be a girl and came out a boy."

He grinned.  "There's a place in Central America, or somewhere near there, that the boys don't develop real male genitals until they hit puberty.  Until then they're called girls because they look like them."

She dropped her fork and patted her stomach.  "Jigen's not from them right?"  He shook his head.  "Thank you, God!" she yelled, looking up.  She shook her head.  "Don't scare me like that."

"Sorry," he said with a small smirk.  "I should tell my wife that you're pregnant.  She'll want to give you many tips on back pain.  She did to others."

"Sure. I like your wife now that she knows I'm not sleeping with you.  Then again, isn't that why you have a two-year-old daughter?"  He nodded, looking quite smug.  "You he- man you," she said, kicking him under the table.  He laughed and swatted at her, but they both went back to eating.


Helena looked at the screen as the doctor started the ultrasound.  "It's fuzzy."

"They always are," he agreed.  He shifted the wand over, then nodded.  "Can you see anything now?"  She shook her head.  He nodded and shifted it, pressing harder.

She winced, but squealed.  She could see something now.  She felt the baby shift and arched her back.  "Ow, kid."

"Is that what I think it is?" Zenigata breathed.

"Congratulations, it's a son," the doctor announced.

They both giggled,  "Not mine," Zenigata laughed.  His wife had made sure of the same thing and had pointed out that a child between them would be a horrible thing on the world of crime.  That would be one unstoppable cop.

"That's okay, if he doesn't come soon, you're going to be the kid's only uncle," she said firmly.  "Can I get pictures?"  The doctor nodded and printed some out for her.  "Can I go pee now?"

"Just a moment longer," the doctor soothed.


Helena walked into her usual poker game and sat down with a sigh of relief.  "Finally."  The guys looked at her so she put the pictures in the middle of the table.  They cheered and slapped her on the back. "The next one of you who sees the father, would you taunt him or herd him this way?  I have no idea where he is this month."

"Sure," one of the guys agreed and the rest nodded.  "What is this one?"

"The first and only is a son."  They all chuckled at that.  "Whose turn is it to deal?"

"We know better than to let you deal," one guy scoffed, pulling out his supply of matchsticks.


Lupin picked up the newsletter from the convention, smirking at the picture before handing it to Jigen.  "She's off her medicine again."

Jigen grunted, but he nodded, putting the paper aside without reading it.

Goemon picked it up later that night, reading the news.  He choked and handed it to lupin when he looked up.

"We know.  She still looks okay."  Goemon shook his head.  He would not be abandoning her.  Now he understood that message.


As the time came closer, Helena decided that Jigen either could not figure out how to open a letter or he was ignoring her.  So she leaned on the only man available to her.  She and Zenny emailed each other every few days.  He was good about helping her through the usual problems, and he was acting as the voice of reason for the poor kid's name.




He'll throw fits if you name the baby a name like that.




This child will have to live with this name for life, Helena.


Malaki?  All the names I like are girl names.


Naming your son a girl's name would make all 3 of them throw fits.  But I do like malaki for a middle name.


<bg> Zenny?


If you do that, I want pictures of the fit.  LMN first so I can stand there and tape?


Sure.  You want to help w/ the birth?


Hell.  No.


::chuckles:: you sure?  Your wife said you could in her latest email.  She offered me your hand to break.


My wife and I are going to have a talk, Helena.  I didn't want to watch her have our daughter and I'm very thankful I didn't have to see our son being born.  Watch the tape, you'll understand.




lamaze, woman.  It helps, really.  It'll help you focus.  Try it, you'll be pissed for whole new reasons once you see the tapes.


okay, it's been two weeks, what's wrong?  I do worry about you, witch.


sorry, had a small bout of stupidity here in Chicago.  I tried a lamaze class, hated it.  I'd almost rather have Cat and her pagans come chant over me.  Saw the tape.  If I look like that, Jigen's getting castrated.  Oh, gained ten more pounds.  Give me opinions on names.

First                     Middle
malaki                  Zenny
Melvin                  homer
Todd                    Perry

do you have a first name, Zenny?  Just for the records.


> do you have a first name, Zenny?  Just for the records.

Why, are you suddenly going to use it?  Did you want me to pair up or draw lines?


no, but I thought I'd honor you somehow.  Maybe as a middle name?  However.


In order of preference, personally:


and my first name is Kochi.


Then I guess the baby's gonna be a Malaki Kochi then, huh, Zenny? <G>



I used the phone your crook dropped to call and taunt lupin about you, telling him that for gentlemen they certainly didn't treat his girlfriends very well.  He got really quiet but I think he missed the point.  Sorry, I tried.  I'll try yelling it at jigen's back next time.


hey, you managed to talk to one of them, that's better than I've done so far.   Goemon knows, I got a present from the kitties' buddy.  It went well with your kevlar footies.  He got me a kevlar baby snuggler.


and no one told Lupin?


I'm thinking that goemon assumes they know and are ignoring it.  He's back in japan right now according to his note.  I just wrote him back. ::pause:: ooh, strong kick.  Definitely going to get goemon to teach him how to kick ass.


Go.  Take.  A.  Nap.


::blown kiss:: I did when it happened.  And now I'm at work and working on going to bust a new drug dealer.  Laters.  Happy chasing.  I hear he's coming your way again.


saw your crook, he's clueless.  I yelled something about you being too good for him and he smiled and nodded before waving.  I don't think he's managed to open the letter yet.


Helena, it's been two weeks, aren't you online?


am, on rest.  Blood pressure spiked.  Not supposed to sit up too long.  Be back in few more days. ::kisses cheek:: pat the new one for me.  I heard.


Inspector Zenigata knocked on Helena's door, looking down at her as she answered it.  "I need some help and I know you're not in any shape to deal with this."  She nodded and let him in, along with the kid with him. "This is the oldest son."  He stood him upright then smacked him across the back of the head.  "He was picked up in a Vice bust in a club.  Whoring and using drugs."

She nodded.  "Needed reality?"  He nodded.  "Sure, I'll do that if you'll go paint the hidden room."  She grabbed the kid by the ear.  "Come along, little Zenny.  We're gonna go visit a few friends in the hospital."  He struggled but she wasn't putting up with it.  "You know your dad's worried sick if he brought you here."  She got him into the car and flipped the childproof locks on the new sedan's door.  Then she walked around and got in her side.  "So, you're using, you're whoring.  Are you still clean?"

"I'm fine," he snorted.

"Uh-huh.  We'll see."  She drove off, leading him to a boy she knew.  He was in the hospital from this, his AIDS had gotten too far gone to live alone anymore.  She hauled the kid in, nodding at the nurses.  "Reality check for a friend's kid," she noted, dragging him into the room.  "Hey, Ran.  This is Zenny's kid, Kori.  He's a stupid idiot who's doing the same thing you did."  She locked the door and leaned against it.  "I want him to have a reality check."

The kid raised his bed, looking this kid over.  "I think it's too late.  He likes it."

"Wonderful."  She crossed her arms.  "Take a good look, Kori, this is your future.  This or cut up and dead.  He did it to survive.  He's now got full blown AIDS.   He used heroin for six years.  He's also just about twenty."  The boy looked stunned, giving her a hot look.  "Your dad thinks you're going to end up this way."  He started to open his mouth.  "Trust me, kid, all it takes is one mistake.  Ran here got attacked by a client that wanted more than he was willing to give.  He gave it to him."  Ran nodded, coughing hard.  She came over to support him, soothing him.  "You still okay in there?"

"For now," he agreed, patting her on the hand.  "You really are pregnant, aren't you?"  She nodded.  "Then I don't want you near me, I won't ruin two lives," Ran told her seriously.  "Take her back to your father and listen to him, kid.  Ending up like me is pain.  Every day my body aches as it's slowly eaten inside.  Cell by cell popping as its killed and absorbed.  Pain from the jonesing for the heroin.  If you have a chance to get out of the life, take it.  Ending up here isn't fun and the alternative is worse.  I hear being tortured and killed hurts more as they chop pieces off you to send them to your father to torment him.  Mine's a dirtbag, he sold me into this life.  Appreciate the hell out of yours.  Now take her and go.  Make sure she's given some hand sanitizer or something."   Kori drug her out by the arm, making sure not to touch her skin.  "Poor thing.  She won't save that one," he said, changing channels on the tv.  "Hey, Oprah.  You go, girl."


Zenigata looked up as his son and his friend came back.  "It help any?" he asked her.  She shrugged.  "Where did you take him?"

"To see a young man who probably won't see twenty.  His father sold him about eleven years ago."

Kori shuddered.  "That was a horrible sight, but I won't end up like that.  I'm looking for a sugardaddy."

"The only one who would have you is the mob, kid, and they'd use you to get even with your father."

"Everything's not about him!" he shouted, stomping off.  His father brought him back and sat him on the couch.  "It's not, sometimes it's about me and what I want."

"Then *want* not to end up in that bed.  His client was a fine, upstanding minister."  The boy gaped at her.  "He wanted to rip him to shreds and Ran protested.  You're putting yourself in that situation willingly and hoping that it'll all work out.  It won't.  This isn't a fairytale.  There's no prince, no horse, no pumpkin, and no fairy godmother.  Zenny, I'd send his ass to boot camp."

"I wanted to but the ones I checked into won't take him."

"Hey, let me talk to Cat.  Let's see what she knows."  She picked up the phone and called her best female friend. "Hey, Ray, it's me.  Is Cat home yet?"  She grinned.  "Hey, Cat.  I have a friend's kid who needs some reality and Ran isn't doing it for him.  He still thinks the fairytale sugardaddy will magically appear and not use him against his father."  She listened. "Please.  Sure, come help us paint.  Invite Ray if you want.  He hasn't worshiped my stomach yet."  She grinned and hung up.  "They'll be over after dinner."  She looked at the boy.  Then back at his father.  "The paint dry?"

"Mostly and I've been letting it air out.  Want me to lock him in there?"

"Yeah.  The tv's in there, let him hang in there."  He nodded and put his son in there, locking him in.  "Um, cat?"  He walked in and got the cat, leaving his son in there.  "Thanks.  What's his poison of choice?"


"Hmm.  Coke good.  Coke nice.  Coke can make you happy while you're high and not coming down.  Then the bugs attack you."  She walked into the kitchen, cleaning out the fridge.  "I have no doubt Ray will bring food.  Can you clean up my messy living room?  Just toss the dirty clothes up the stairs."

He nodded, ignoring the underwear when he came to them.  They all got tossed onto her bedroom floor and he came back down.  "How did Jigen break his foot that time?"

"Felix likes to play with my bras and left one on the stairs.  He got it tangled and slipped on it," she said with a small grin when he snorted.  She sniffed and tossed that whole jar out.

"That was the kimchi my wife sent you," he said patiently.

"I know, but water spilled in it.  It wasn't vinegary anymore."  She shrugged and continued to clean the thing out.  "There, clean," she announced, cleaning up her hands.  "I don't even want to know why I had chinese food that was fuzzy."

"That's probably better, yes," he agreed dryly.  The door was knocked on.  "That was quick."  He opened it and stared.  "It's Goemon," he said, letting him in.

"Hey, babe.  Come on in, join us in helping straighten out Zenny's oldest son."

Goemon came over and looked at her then gently hugged her.  "I was on my way back to Lupin's side so I thought I should check on you.  How are you feeling?"


He smiled.  "I'm told that's normal."  He gently patted her stomach, eyes going wide and stepping back as the baby kicked.  He calmed himself again at Zenigata's laugh.  "It is quite strong."


"He is ....."  He smiled at her.  "Congratulations.  Should I pass on a message?"

"I had someone send Lupin a newsletter.  I wrote it out in a note.  If he can't read, then he should have told me earlier in our relationship," she pointed out bitterly.

"Hmm.  I will try to deal with him.  Give me a bit longer. When are you due?"

"Columbus day."  He looked clueless.  "Early October."

"Then I will see you after that.  I do not want to see the child appear.  I would have to look at you differently I'm afraid."  He kissed her on the forehead.  "Let me exit before more cops show up."  He nodded at Zenigata and went out the window, heading up and across the roofs.

Zenny looked at her.  "At least he's gentle with my godson."

"He is.  He's the same way with the cats too.  Sits on the roof and meditates with them."  She nodded at the door. "That's Ray, he's dragging his feet."

He opened the door, smiling at them.  "Come in.  My son's locked in the hidden room."

Ray walked in and looked at her, then his mouth fell open.  "You never told me you were knocked up!" he accused.  "Am I not a friend anymore!"

"I thought you would have heard through the grapevine," she defended.  "Your sister seems to know all."

"Maybe, but I don't listen to her."  He walked over and patted her stomach.  "You'll go long.  When are you due?"

"Columbus day."

"Good."  He kissed her on the cheek.  "My girl's in bed with the flu.  Let me grab the brat and take him with me."  She smiled.  "You go sit."

"Hey, I was cleaning out the fridge hoping for more of your mother's cast offs."

"I've got some in the car.  Let him get it," he said, smirking at Zenigata.  "So, you've known?"

"Since the convention.  I got to go to the ultrasound with her.  Her crook is either ignoring her or hasn't learned how to read letters or make phone calls yet."

"Yeah, but they've been busy," she defended.  "I'm sure he'll figure it out eventually."

Zenigata and Ray shared a look, they could work together to support her.  "I'd hope so.  I should send Lupin a picture."  He went down with Ray to haul up the food, then turned over his son.  He knew Cat, if Helena couldn't straighten him out, she could if anyone could.  He sat down beside her, helping her work on what she'd need for the nursery.


Two months later, Lupin opened up his London Times, heading for the 'odd stories' section.  "Ooh, here we go," he announced.   "An American woman named Kathy Schepaniwitz, what a name, was due to have her baby on October tenth of this year.  During the biggest early blizzard in nearly fifty years in Chicago."  Jigen's head popped up.  "It seems that she thought about going to a hotel just in case when the snow started but she couldn't find a room anywhere decent so she stayed at home.  She went into labor the second night of the blizzard and EMS couldn't get near her street.  So she told the paramedics she'd walk up the street to one of those cute little minimart places that's open no matter what.  She made it in time to interrupt a stickup.  The thief was jittery but she grabbed him and shook him, then made him help her deliver her child when her water broke.  The thief was given probation for helping her and gave back all the loot he had stolen.  She and the baby, Malaki Kochi, are doing fine."  He looked up.  "The editor's note says that she asked that they run this story since her husband is somewhere in Europe on business."  Jigen snatched the paper to read.  "And she can't reach him," he finished.  "Know her, Jigen?"

"Yeah.  I do."  He reread the story, then groaned and shook his head.  Suddenly a coded message six months prior made perfect sense.  "I'm going to check on her.  She's an old friend."  Goemon followed him out.  "What?  Need a ride somewhere."

"We had both wondered why you couldn't figure out how to call her or answer her letters."

"You knew!"

"I did, but I thought you did as well.  I was going to chide you for not paying proper deference to her or your son, but now I see that you simply had no idea."  He walked back into the dining room.  "He is packing now."

"Cool.  Malaki?  I didn't know he knew many black women."  He sipped his juice.  Goemon shook his head.  "You don't think so?"

"I like the name," he admitted.

"I'm wondering if it was coincidence that he shares Pop's name," Lupin continued.  "Poor girl.  Must be a bastard not to stay in touch with his pregnant wife."

Goemon nodded.  "Probably," he agreed.  Inside he was cackling.

"You know, that name seems familiar somehow," Lupin said, considering it.  "Do we know her?"  Goemon shrugged.  "It'll come to me."  He went back to his eggs and toast.


Jigen snuck into the apartment, going where he could hear some cooing.  He looked down at the baby, smirking at the little pom-pom hat the baby was wearing.  "Hey."  He touched his hand, waking the baby up.  "You're very tiny."  He heard movement.  "When I said I wanted to know the important things, I meant this sort of thing too," he said dryly.  "Why is he wearing a hat?"

"He fusses when I take it off him," she said, coming into the hidden room to stare down at their son.  "I sent you a coded message and you never called back."

"I dropped my phone and Pops took it," he admitted.

"I know, he told me."  She looked at him.  "And the three letters?"

"We haven't been at the house since that night in Paris," he admitted sheepishly.  "You sent it there?"  She nodded, giving him a scowl. "I'm sorry, babe.  If I had seen them, I would have come running to be here with you."

"Uh-huh, yet I got an email about my weight during the convention from Lupin."

"Yeah, but that got sent to our on-the-run address," he pointed out.  He pulled her into his arms, kissing the top of her head.  "I'm so sorry," he whispered. "If I had known, I would have been here for all of it.  Is that why my kid's named after Pops?"

"Yup."  She pulled back to look at him.  "I'm still mad at you."

"I'm sorry, but we weren't at the house!  I never got any letters," he said, following her up to her room. "I swear, if I had, I would have been here, Kathy."

She grimaced.  "So you don't call for ten months?  The baby's nearly two months old, Jigen."

He sat next to her, stroking her back.  "I was really busy and it's not a good excuse but I kept wanting to at odd moments and never remembered when we had a few free hours.  I'm sorry, babe.  Please forgive me?"

"I'm considering it," she said, laying down next to him.  He kissed her so she pushed his head away.  "There's no way I'm having sex ever again."  He looked hurt.  "What!  You saw how big he was and you *know* how big the hole he came out of is."  He shuddered.  "Shit, I had to get long-distance counseling from Zenny when I went into labor thanks to the stupid blizzard."  He nodded, resting his head on her stomach and stroking it.  "Don't start, Jigen."

"I'm not, but I'm feeling this uncontrollable urge to cuddle and hold you," he admitted, moving up to hold her.  "I'm feeling the most macho I ever have in my life."  She pinched him hard, making him wince and hiss.  "If I had known, I would have been here the whole time.  None of my contacts told me, Goemon didn't tell me.  No one."

"I'm sure they thought you already knew," she said dryly.  "By the way, Zenigata wants to take you and have you fixed.  Me getting pregnant made his wife want another one."  He snickered.  She pinched him again.  "I'm serious.  He's having trouble with his oldest."

"I heard about that," he admitted, kissing her gently, trying to inflame her.  "May I check you over?  Make sure you're fine?"

"Fine," she sighed, laying on her back.  "Go for it and prove your manliness for having a son."  He grinned and moved to kiss and suck on her, making her like it.  "If you don't use a condom, I will cut it off," she warned when he got them undressed.  He pulled one out and put it on. "Thank you."

He grinned down at her as he entered her.  "Babe, I'd wear two if it'd make you happy and more secure," he promised.  He slowly moved in and out of her, making her moan and wrap herself around him.  "I love you, Helena."

"Me too, idiot."

He kissed her.  "Want to run to Vegas tonight?" he asked.

"Do I look like I'm ready to retire yet?" she countered.  He nodded.  "I'm not."

"You'd better!  You can't do that and be a full-time mother."

"I can so, I'm consulting.  I can do most of it from my desk."  She got out from under him and looked at him.  "I've done fine so far."

"I'm not saying you can't do it, just that you shouldn't have to," he offered.  "I don't want you to have to work so hard and wear yourself out.  Your job'll suffer when you're being a mom and I want you safer."

"I'm perfectly safe," she said tiredly, getting out of the bed and heading down to the bathroom to run a bath.  He followed her, kissing her until she was breathless.  "You're not winning."

"Retire and move closer so the godfathers can spoil the baby," he pleaded.  "Please?  It'll be safer.  Chicago's going to go unstable soon and I don't want you trapped."

"As soon as it does I'll move," she promised.  "I planned that all along."

"Do it now, make me the happiest father in the world," he begged.

"Not yet, Jigen.  I still have unfinished cases and commitments here."

"Yeah, but I'm selfish, I want you both closer."  He kissed her again.  "Please, Kathy.  Let me find you a nice house and move you closer.  I'm in Europe most of the year, I want the baby to be nearer to me so I can come be a real father to him.  I'll even cut back on work.  Please?  Don't make me worry about you and the baby."

"Chicago's settled again," she said firmly.  "I'm still a cop, I'm needed here."  He slumped.  "I promise, as soon as the city becomes unstable we'll be leaving."

"Fine," he said bitterly.  "I'll have to do more work this way."

She shrugged. "That's your thing then."

"He's my son," he said firmly.

"Yes, he is, no one's doubting it.  He came out wanting a hat."  He glared at her.  "Sorry, but truth.  He's had that thing since the moment of birth and he grew attached to it.  He won't sleep without it on.  You can't make me give up my life, Jigen.  It's my life.  I fought long and hard to have this life.  I can't just give it up because of our son.  It'd be like I was playing all those years I fought to get it.  Six years on the force isn't good enough.  People are looking to me for help and support.  These are my people and they need me.  I need to be here for them.  The son is fine.  If something happens, I'm sending him to you immediately.  Plus, the only godfather of this one is Zenny.  He was actually here for the christening."  She turned off the tub and got into it.  Then she pulled the curtain.  "Go suck up to Mal."

"Fine.  We'll talk when you're calm again," he said quietly, going to talk to his son.  He picked him up, startling him awake.  "Hey, little guy.  I'm the father," he said, sitting on the leather couch.  "How are you today?  I guess you're a lot like me.  Your mom's willing to kill for you.  So am I, but I don't want to fight with her about you.  How about we work this out, man-to-man?"  The baby cooed and kicked at him.  "I know I deserve that.  I'll be around a lot more often, I promise you that.  Unless I die, I'm gonna be here."  He let the baby snuggle against his chest and go back to sleep.  He was comforted as much as his son was by the simpleness of the scene.  He knew Helena was probably crying in the bathroom.  "Come cuddle," he called quietly.  "Your men need you, Kathy."  She got out of the tub and joined them, sitting against his side.  "I don't want you in danger.  I don't want him in danger but I'd die if you died," he said quietly.  "Please, start to wean Chicago from you.  You can be a good cop in Europe.  Once he's walking and able to understand the concept of a nanny, you can go back to work and all of it.  I swear.  You can even go work with Pops if you want."

She stroked his arm.  "I'll think about it," she admitted.  "I'd miss my friends here."

"Hey, I'm not saying you can't come back all the time, but not to live.  It's getting dangerous.  There's things outside the city that are affecting it and you haven't seen them yet.  I want you safe."

She nodded.  "As soon as it's unsafe, we'll move.  I've had that planned all along."  She gave him a gentle kiss. "It'll be fine."

"It won't be fine," he said firmly.  "I want you where I can pop around to play for an afternoon, at least once a week, until you're ready to live with me at least."

"You can move in here."

"I could?"  She nodded.  "Then I might do that."  He kissed her again.  "You're amazing.  You had him and it made you even more amazing."  She blushed and swatted him gently.  He pulled her under his arm to hold them both.  His family.  It was a sobering thought.  He needed a drink and a smoke.

"No smoking while holding him," she ordered.

"Yes, dear."


A few weeks later, Helena picked up her phone, dialing a familiar number.  "Hey, got a few minutes?" she asked to the voice on the speaker.

"Sure, I've always got time for such a pretty lady.  What can I do for you, little sister?  Help you find a house over here so Jigen can spoil you like you deserve?  A pretty new piece of jewelry for the Ball this year?  Name it and it's yours," Lupin said happily.

"Oh, don't be so sure.  It's not a favor for me.  It's a favor for Zenny."  He grunted.  "His son, his oldest son, Kori.  You've heard of him?"

"I heard through the grapevine that he disowned the brat for being a whore and a drug user when no one could straighten his ass out.  Why?"

"He called me a bit ago.  His son was taken in by someone named Peter Kovalski.  Someone big in the Russian Mafia.  He was drunk and nearly in tears, Lupin."

"There's a good reason.  Kovalski is known as a butcher.  What's he need from me?"

"He wanted to know if we could remove the kid before he lost him for good.  He wants to try and help him."

"I'll look into it, but I can't promise that," Lupin sighed.  "Damn, you don't ask the easy things."

"Hey, if you can't, I'm more than willing to find something to arrest him on."

"No, you go nowhere near that man," he said firmly.  "That man takes nice cops like you and hurts them before bending them into pretty shapes, cutting them so they fit in those shapes, and then buries them in shallow graves. You're not going near him."

"Fine," she said quietly, shuddering.  Now she knew why Zenny was in tears.  "Can we help him?"

"I'll try," he promised.  "I know the kid may resist."

"It may already be too late, Lupin.  The kid I introduced him to over here to try and scare him straight said he was enjoying it too much.  He was going high-class rent boy at the time."  Lupin groaned and she heard a quiet fuss so she grimaced.  "Please?  I'll pay you back however I can."

"No payback needed," he promised.  "We'll see you soon, Helena.  You stay safe and tell him I'm working on it."  He hung up and went to talk to the others.  "We've got a problem," he announced.  Everyone looked up at him, Fujiko grimacing. "Helena just called."

"She okay?" Jigen asked quickly.  He hadn't figured out how to tell Lupin about this or his wanting to cut back yet.

Lupin nodded.  "Just fine.  One of the cats was being pitiful but otherwise fine.  Pops called her in tears.  Kovalski took in his oldest son as a playmate."

"Shit," Fujiko summed up.  "He wanted our help?"

"He went to her with it and she asked us for our help."

"It may be too late already," Goemon offered.  "He's not known for having an attention span."

"Then we've got to find out."

"I know a thief over there," Fujiko noted, grabbing the phone and her purse.

"Thanks, guys.  She said Pops was in tears over this.  She didn't know what he was like. She offered to go after him herself."  Jigen growled.  "Calm down, I'd never let her go up against an inhuman being like that," he reminded him.  "It's not going to happen, Jigen.  Your girl's safe."  He went back to email Zenigata and promise to do what they could.  He had some respect for the man after all.

To The Next Chapter