
Year Eighteen, Barely


Helena sighed as she looked at the little stick, shaking her head.  Last month she had written Jigen and ordered him to stay away because the city had completely unbalanced.  All the old alliances were gone and even she wasn't safe anymore.  She looked at where her son was laying.  Then she sat down at her computer and wrote Goemon a coded email, before writing one to the Chief of Police.  It was too unstable for her to leave.  People still remembered her and her fleeing would start a panic among the lesser players who were hoping she'd stabilize things.  The only way for her to do that was to kill them all, and she couldn't do that.  When she was done resigning, stating very clearly why, both reasons, she got up and packed two bags, then grabbed the soft-sided cat carriers.  She stopped when someone knocked on the door.  "Who is it?" she called, grabbing her gun.  It was never far from her hand these days.

"Delivery," a familiar voice called.

"Hold on, I'm naked," she called, moving her son to a safer spot.  Then she stood off to the side of the door, opening it as far as the chain allowed.  The man on the other side chuckled.  She opened the door, looking at him.  "Hey, even I have to be careful," she noted.

"I know," he agreed, handing her the flowers he carried. "I'd like for you to consider taking care of this situation.  I know you haven't left yet because others will panic.  It shows you care."

"And I'm still a cop," she reminded him.  Her son let out a wail because a cat was licking him.  She walked over and picked him up, holding him and patting him gently on the back.  "Why can't you guys take them out?"

"We could, but the main person isn't really touchable yet."

"Then make his friendship and take him out last," she noted.

He walked in and shut the door.  "I understand.  It's a good idea, but he took out Dean this morning."  She sat down, staring at him.  "What can I do to help you?"

"Take them out with sniper shots," she advised, breaking her own rules.  "Sniper shots as they're driving, make them accidents.  Take out Don Terrisone last.  Make Zucko's old third the new head of the city.  He's smart, he's capable, and he's not in this as far as I know."

"He's not, he also got blown up with Dean this morning."  She winced and slumped.  "Let's get you moved, just in case," he soothed.  She nodded.  "What needs to be done?"

"I need the cats put into the bags.  I need to change him and put on my vest and his carrier."  She laid him down on the table, going to get one of his kevlar outfits to put him into.  He kicked and fussed but she didn't care.  He went into the kevlar stomach snuggler and her pregnancy vest went overtop of it.  "There.  Grab the bags.  I've got enough weapons as is."

"I'll have them sent to you."

She looked at him.  "I'm not telling you where I'm going."  He smiled and nodded.  "Call me a cab?"

"You sure?"

"Yeah.  I'm sure."  He nodded, making the call while she packed more guns into her other bags.  Most everything personal was already in storage.  As soon as she was done, they carried the baby's bags and the cat carriers downstairs, waiting on the cab.  He was even nice enough to shield them.  When the cab pulled up, she gave him a long look, then nodded and turned to her old friend. "I'll miss you.  As soon as I can I'm heading to Jigen's side."

"I understand.  Be safe, Helena.  If I'm still alive, I'll send my people to move you.  If not, then I'll leave orders for my sons if they're alive."  He got into his car and drove off.

She got into the back.  "I need to go to an animal friendly hotel, one that has a suite and some security," she told the cabbie.  "I just got a death threat from the shit on the streets."

"Why?" he asked.

"I'm Jigen's girlfriend.  This is his son."  She patted her vest.  He nodded and started the engine.  She got out, getting the last carrier, coming back and putting it back inside with her.  "Sorry, they're my extra kids."

"That's fine," he agreed.  "Need to hit an ATM?"

"No, I've got my special wallet with me," she told him.  He nodded and headed for the Radisson, walking inside with her to carry most of the bags.  The valet got the rest.  She looked at the desk clerk.  "I'm Detective Helena Nichols," she said quietly.  The woman nodded, leaning closer.  "I've just gotten a death threat. I need a suite for myself, my cats, and my son."  She undid the side of her vest and let her see the baby.  "It'll be for a long stay."

"Let me get my manager," she said calmly, calling him out immediately.  She told him everything.

"Detective, you do know how much our suites go for?"  She nodded.  "That's fine.  How long were you planning on being in residence?"

"Until I can escape the city."  She pulled out her wallet and put down the card.  Then she tipped the cab driver a hundred dollar bill.  "You never saw me, never carried me."  He nodded, winking at her.  He went out and got the last carrier, bringing it back then leaving her there.  She looked at the manager, who was running the card.  "We don't need somewhere extravagant, just somewhere safe.  The son will need a crib.  The cats will need some stuff.  Do we have a messenger service?"

"We do," he agreed, looking at her. "How did you get a card like that?"

She grimaced.  "I'm also known as Helen of Troy."  He winced.  "Yeah, it was me.  Money's not an issue, safety is."

"Then let us cushion you until you can find somewhere safer," he agreed, nodding at the valet to take her bags.  "We'll bring a crib upstairs immediately.  This one is a three-room suite.  It should be big enough and it has a nice bathroom.  The kitchens are open until ten and open at six.  We've got a small courtesy store here and a pharmacy on the corner.  Or there's always the grocery store up the road."  She nodded, and he followed, taking the last cat case.  "How many do you have?"

"Five," she said tiredly.  "I had four, but then one was put into my car through a broken window.  I couldn't let it starve.  They're pretty good cats, they won't cause any problems and I'll gladly pay for any damage."  He nodded, smiling as he helped her into the elevator.  She undid her vest and sighed as she took it off.  "Real steel," she said.  He looked impressed, touching the baby's head.  "That's Malaki.  He's nine months tomorrow."  She smiled.  "And I'm pregnant again.  I just found out an hour ago."

"That's fine, detective.  We'll do what we can to protect you without endangering the other guests."  He let her into her room and handed her the key.  "Here.  You rest for a while.  I'll send one of the waiters up to run errands for you."  She gave him a hug.  "Thank you.  You rest."  He walked away, going to find someone he could trust not to brag.  "Jose," he said, snapping his fingers.  The boy had been homeless, she worked with them.  "Come here."  He looked fearful but came closer.  "There's a new guest upstairs.  She'll need someone to run errands for her and her baby."  He nodded.  "You can go if you don't shoot off your mouth.  She's in danger."

"Who?" he asked quietly.

"Helena Nichols."  He blanched.  "You know her?"  He nodded quickly.  "Can I trust you?"

"You can, she stops bad people."  He took the room number and went upstairs, taking her list and some cash.  "Anything you need, ma'am.  Momma said to help you before she died."  He hurried off, reading down the list.  He knew where to get all this stuff quickly.


 Lupin walked into Jigen's room with a brief knock.  "Don't panic."

"This can't be good.  What?"

"Someone tried to get Helena to fix the situation in Chicago.  She ran instead, knowing that she was a target now."  Jigen sat up, staring at him.  "I just got a message.  She's safe.  No one knows which hotel but she started off at one."  Jigen nodded.  "Her cell's been turned off.  Her apartment was being packed up by some guys.   No one knows where she is, but the cats weren't in the apartment."

"So she's escaping," Jigen said, starting to relax.  "Do we know anything about her?"

"No," Lupin said, shaking his head.  "Not a thing.  Her computer was being packed and if her cell was back at the house, then she doesn't have the number with her.  We'll keep an eye on it, and the local networks.  She knows we're in France at least half the time and she'll come this way or she'll go to Pops."

"Thanks."  Goemon tapped and walked in.  "More news?"

"No, but I did get a coded message from Helena."  He handed it over.  "I don't know German."

Jigen looked it over.  "I don't understand half these words.  It's textbook, not street."

Lupin looked at it.  "I recognize some of them.  You are a strong man, your body goes through...."

Goemon looked.  "Protector.  It's an ancient word for a guardian.  I've run into it before in certain family diaries."

Jigen flopped backwards, understanding what it meant.  "She's in greater danger than you think, Lupin."  He looked at him.  "When she gets over here, we need to make sure she can't leave again, ever again." Lupin nodded, grinning at him.  "She's still street smart, she'll make it over here.  She'll have someone escort her."

"There was a bit of news on the news a while back," Goemon offered.  "Someone shot the Mountie last week.  He'll live, but it's still an open case."

"Then shit's about to hit everyone's fan," Jigen told him.  "The Mountie's an institution.  Vecchio's partner. He'll get respect like Helena does.  If someone shot at him, Chicago's on the verge of going up in flames again.  A strong leader could take it over but they're eliminating the old families."

"That's why they went after Paige and Pietro," Lupin agreed.  They had stopped that attack personally.  "So what can we do?"

"Clear the way for her?" Jigen suggested.  "My bounty's back.  It was reinstated last year."  They both nodded.  "I don't know how to help her except to get Pops on her case."

"She probably already called him," Lupin suggested.  "They're tight."  He gave Jigen a pat. "We'll deal, buddy.  You know that."  He left him there to think. He'd do anything reasonable to help but even he didn't see a way around this one.

Goemon looked at the doorway, then at Jigen.  "He doesn't know?"

"No, he doesn't know," Jigen sighed.  "I haven't figured out how to tell him yet."  He shrugged.  "He'll be hurt."

"Of course.  Introduce them first."  He left, closing the door behind himself.

Jigen laid there, staring at his ceiling.  There had to be something he could do.


Helena answered the door after peeking out the hole.  "Yes?" she asked quietly, letting the manager inside.

"There's a new hotel that's partially open," he said, handing her the card.  "I've arranged for you to have a suite there.  The only people there are long-term businessmen.  There's only three occupied rooms and they're corporate people for the construction company.  They've agreed to shield you and your family.  Their rooms have a mini kitchen and better amenities than you have here, plus it's nearer to the airport.  As you requested."

She hugged him.  "Give me ten minutes to pack."

"We can send on everything," he promised.  "I have a driver waiting."  She nodded, grabbing the baby and putting him back under her vest again, then the cat carriers.  He helped her get them down the freight elevator, taking her out to his personal car and driver.  "Expect Jose by tonight."  She nodded, giving him another hug.  "Be safe, Detective.  The world needs more of you."  She got in, sliding the cats across the seat.  He went back inside to find Jose and have him pack everything.  No one expected her to be out there, it was only corporate flunkies.


Lupin looked up as the paper was dropped on his plate by Goemon as he walked past him.  "Thanks, man."  He opened it, heading, as always, to the odd stories section.  "Hey, remember that woman a few years back?  The one with the baby in the minimart?  She had another one.  This time there was a hostage situation on her floor."  Jigen snatched it.  "Damn.  She must be a good friend.  Is her's the baby on your dresser?" Jigen nodded.  "That's cool.  I'm sure she's fine."

Jigen read the account of the humorous hostage situation.  A drug fiend looking for opiates got turned around.  Got onto the maternity ward.  Had most everyone gathered in the hallway.  This one patient, Helena, went into hard labor and walked out, taking his gun from him and making him cry, then dragging a nurse back into her room to help her.  "She'll be fine.  It says she's leaving Chicago," he said, relaxing.  "We need to listen harder for Helena.  She knows her and could be sneaking out with her."  He tossed it back.  "Any news on that front?"

"No, not yet," Lupin admitted. "I'm sorry, Jigen."

"Not an issue.  We'll know soon."  He drank his coffee, thinking about his poor daughter.  What a horrible start to life.


Helena walked into the small French town's police office.  "Hello," she said in badly accented French.  "I'm Helena Nichols.  I just bought the old house up by the river."  He smiled.  "I'm also a former detective from America.  How do I register myself and my weapons?  I've still got people who could come after me from Chicago."

The officer got his boss, who came out to help her personally.  "You're from Chicago?" he asked in English.  She nodded.  "How bad is it?"

"Very," she said honestly.  She patted her daughter's head.  "My son's in the car."

"That's fine, you parked outside the window," he said with a smile.  "It's not a lot of paperwork and I imagine you're used to it."  He handed over the papers.  He noticed her name.  "You're undercover?"

She smiled.  "No, the other is the identity I had while I was undercover. This is my real one, almost no one knows it," she admitted, filling it in.  She handed over a list of the weapons she had shipped and that were still coming.  "Here, everything I have."

He looked it over, nodding at each entry.  He looked up.  "A grenade launcher?"

"Someone gave it to me for a job," she said with a shrug.  She looked outside and frowned.  "Where is that girl," she said in frustration, going out to look at her son.  The nanny was missing.  She walked him back inside. "Sorry, I had a nanny."

"That's all right, detective.  I understand. I'm assuming we can come to you for help?"

"I'd love it," she admitted happily.  "I'll miss the job but I'm retiring and my boyfriend is coming to live with me."

He smiled and nodded. "I thought I recognized you.  You were seen with the Zenigata."

She nodded. "We're best friends and I'm dating Jigen.  Zenny's my kids' godfather."  She grinned.  "It's odd, but it works for us."

"That's fine.  As long as they do not pull anything in town and lay low, I cannot really say anything.  You are married?"

"I told him I wouldn't until I retired."  She waved her free hand around.  "Here I am."  He chuckled.  "We'll behave.  I may do targets in the backyard but nothing else."

"That's fine.  There is a young woman who has been tracking rumors of you.  Where is that girl?" he called out.

"The store," the first officer said.  "She was shopping for beans."

He looked at her again.  "She has been wanting to speak to you. She is a college student and wants to do a paper on you.  I don't know why."

She winked.  "Ask Zenigata when he comes up."  He laughed and she waved her son's hand.  "Come on, Malaki.  Let's go meet this strange woman.  Maybe she'll think you're cute too."  She walked her son out, taking him up to the store.  She walked in and a young woman's squeal echoed around them.  "Wow.  That was loud."

The woman rushed up to them and Helena had the opportunity to note she was partially Asian, young, slim, and pretty before she was hugged.  "Ooh, I heard right, you're here."  She backed off and held out a hand.  "I am Kitsune Reynolds.  I'm a student of Criminology in Paris.  I want to use you for my Master's thesis."

Helena shook her hand.  "I took memory erasers."

"I know.  That's fine.  Whatever you can give me.  I'm willing to beg, bow, borrow, steal, and even suck up to your boyfriend if I have to," she said honestly.  "Especially if you can get me in with Zenigata as well.  My Advisor says you're not real, you're a mythical person made up to cover the real problems."

"No, I'm real.  I used my mother's maiden name because my father was a drunken cop."  Her son tugged on her hand and pointed at the candy display.  "No, you don't need a candy bar," she said patiently.  He nodded.  "You're more and more like your father every day," she said in disgust.  "No candy."  He sniffled and his lip started to quiver.  "Keep it up, don't get any this weekend either."

"The only cure for candy-hungry bellies is lunch," Kitsune said firmly, smiling down at him.  "I would be most pleased to help you with them."  She looked up, seeing the shocked look. "I was an au pair last semester."

"Why did you quit?"

"Because I didn't want to sleep with the man of the family," she said dryly.  "Men like that annoy the hell out of me."

She shook her hand.  "Come on, I'll even buy.  I know how poor college students are."  She walked out with the kids.  "This is Malaki and Jissan.  Of course, they are Jigen's," she said as they walked.  One of the cops waved so she smiled and waved back.  "I like them, they're decent.  That's why I picked this town."

"They are.  I heard you were coming this way and I immediately came up here for the summer to try and interview you."

"Hey, if we can work this out, I'll help you all I can.  I sued my department because I didn't want it to be able to happen again.  Getting the truth out there means that it can't."  Kitsune sighed in relief.  "Why did your mother name you Kitsune?  If you don't mind my asking."

"My father married her because she was as cute as an Asian doll, his words.  He thought it was a suitable name.  Then he dumped her after she had me."  She grimaced.  "He thought she was so adorable while pregnant, just still so cute and tiny.  Then she had to take care of me and couldn't really take care of me and give into his massive sexual demands.  So he dumped her and she sued him grandly.  Unfortunately she took a bad hit in the Stock Market crash of '87."

"Me too," Helena agreed dryly.  She smiled at the waitress at the cute little bistro, sitting them all down.  "Do we have highchairs that lock?" she requested.  The woman frowned so she tried it again in French.  She nodded and got some.  "So, let me guess, you hate men?"

"No, just most of them.  I know that there are men who aren't like that.  As far as I can tell, most of them are priests or already married."

"Or Goemon," she offered.  She smiled at her.  "Mind being called Kit?"

"Not in the least.  At least my name shortens.  I have a half-sister who's Blossom.  Her momma was a blonde hippie woman."

"Poor thing.  Did someone castrate him?"

"Actually, Blossom did.  She put the car into gear one day when she was four and ran him over.  Then she laughed beautifully and went to play without calling anyone.  Her mother found him six hours later, after she came back from a long trip."  Helena laughed.  "If I may, could you maybe let me glance at some of the duty logs?"

"Shit, girl, I've got a full copy and so does Lupin, and he didn't like it as much as I didn't."  She leaned on the table.  "I'll make you a deal.  I'm new here."  The waitress brought them some water.  "May we please have some ham sandwiches, no mustard or any other condiment?" she requested in French.  The waitress nodded.  "A coke for me, water for them.  It cleans up easier."  She nodded and looked at Kit.  "Go ahead, I can buy lunch."

Kit smiled at her and ordered a soup and some crackers in flawless French.  "Thank you.  I've been eating Ramen for weeks now," she admitted.

Helena nodded.  "I'll make you a deal.  You can study my logs.  You can ask me questions and I might be able to answer, and you be the nanny since the last one seems to have disappeared."

"She went dress shopping.  Does it pay anything besides room and board?"

"Well, I won't try to sleep with you," Helena said with a grin.  "I sometimes like women but I like mine as tough as I am."  Kit nodded.  "I can see my way clear to shove a bit of money your way.  Say four hundred Francs a month?"

"I can do that," she agreed.  "I can take my next year via distance learning anyway.  I'd need to write my Advisor and explain things."

"Go ahead," she agreed.  "I've got a computer coming and we'll need to do some shopping since the house will be bare."

"I can help there too," she agreed.  "I know some of the cutest faux antique markets."  They shared a smile.  "I would be most honored.  If I can do my senior project on your boyfriend and my Master's on you, it'll make my career."

"Honey, ask Lupin to brag about himself.  Tell him what you're doing it on and why.  Let the boy brag.  He *loves* to brag."  They smirked at each other, then the food came and they got busy feeding the kids.


Three months later, they finally got word of where Helena was and Jigen took off, with the others following him unsubtley.  He got out of the car outside the house, looking up at it in awe.  "Damn, she said she wanted a house, not a fricken' mansion," he said.  It was probably about as big as the main hideout, but it was much nicer.  The lawns had been groomed, the bushes were neatly trimmed.  He walked inside, looking around. Someone had very good taste as well.  The paintings were all good copies and a few less expensive pieces that were more recent, yet not Modern.  He walked up the stairs, heading for where he could hear noise.  He knew the kids were home, he could hear one fussing.  He walked into the nursery, looking down at his kids.  "Hey," he said, picking up the new one.  "Good morning.  What's wrong?"  She let out a very loud fart so he sighed and changed her, putting her back into her crib.  Then he went to find his girl.  Her bedroom was at the end of the hall and she was asleep on the bed so he laid down on top of her, kissing her gently awake.  "You have very nice taste," he praised. "And taste good too."

"Hmm.  Welcome home."  She wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him gently.  "I'm in the middle of my fertile phase."

"Do you care?"

"Not really at the moment.  I might in a few months.  You?"  He shook his head.  "Then we're both overdressed."  He chuckled and stripped them both, laying down to pleasure her.  He had missed her.  She arched up into his body, moaning in ecstasy.  "Damn, missed you, Jigen."

"Missed you too, Kathy."  He kissed his way up her stomach to her mouth, inserting himself while they kissed.  "Love you."

"Love you too."

"Marry me now?"

"Hmm, maybe.  Talk later, sex now."  He went to work.


Lupin and Goemon got out of his car, looking up at the house in shock.  "She said she wanted a house, not a mansion.  I could have found one closer to ours if I knew she had wanted one this big," Lupin complained.  He walked into the house, looking around.  "Nice."

Goemon nodded.  "Very nice."  His head shot up when he heard a cry.  "I do believe that needs some attention."

"That sounded like a baby," Lupin said, looking really confused.  Goemon nodded, heading up the stairs toward the noise.  Lupin followed, walking into the nursery.  "Why are there babies?"

"I was wondering why there were two babies," Goemon offered.

"Two?  You knew about the older one?"  He hit him.  "Why didn't you tell me!"  He turned at the polite cough.  "Hey.  Who are you?"

"I'm Kit, the nanny.  Who are you?"  She looked him over.  "Get away from the children.  My mistress hasn't said anything about any ruffians."  She pulled her sword.  "Out, now.  Right now!"

"Jigen!" Lupin called. "Helena!  Why is there a woman with a sword in your nursery!"  She got between them and the babies.  "Hey, not gonna touch Jigen's kids," he said calmly.

Goemon stood in front of her, looking down at her.  "You do well for having little training.  Your balance is off."  He knocked her down then squatted next to her.  "You may help me work out tomorrow.  That way we both have something to do while the parents play with the children."  She scowled at him. "You will know soon enough."

Jigen walked in, gloriously nude and sweaty.  "You're interrupting," he said blandly.  "What?"

"Jigen, kids," Lupin said, pointing at them, looking put upon.  "You never told me you had kids.  You never said one word about having kids.  Isn't that something you should *tell* your best friend, so we can at least buy presents?"

"I bought the first one a kevlar carrier," Goemon told him. "It was in the newsletter.  Perhaps you should read such things when sent them."

"And in the stack of letters waiting on me at the house," Jigen admitted. "Guys, that's Malaki Kochi, and Jissan Ciera Zodiac.  Don't ask, I don't know where the girl's name came from.  Who are you?" he asked the woman on the floor.  "And why do you have a sword?"

"Mistress!" Kit yelled.

Helena strolled in, handing Jigen a robe.  "Yeah, Kit?"  She looked around. "Ah, it took you three months to find me this time.  Feeling old?" she asked Lupin.  "Kit, the guys, guys, the Kit, the nanny, the researcher.  I'm going back to bed.  The kids okay?"  Kit nodded.  "Then handle it, I'm having sex."  She drug Jigen off, locking them in their room.

Kit shook her head.  "Apparently she's missed him," she said dryly.  She bowed to Goemon.  "I would be most honored if you could improve my stance.  I had to cut my training short.  Mr. Lupin, sir, if you wouldn't mind, I was told I could beg you for an interview for a paper for my criminology classes."  He looked stunned.  She grinned. "Helena is my future Master's thesis."

"Oh."  He nodded.  Then he shook his head.  "I don't understand."

Goemon patted him on the back.  "You are feeling old," he offered.  "It will pass soon enough."  He looked at the nanny.  "Which would be our rooms?"

"She said you'd want one that had a balcony, I put you in the garden room."  She led them to it.  "Mr. Lupin, that one was your's, it used to belong to the original owner's mistress."  She opened Goemon's door when they got there.  "She said you'd want something simpler, but this way I figured the children could bother you or you could watch nature.  I'm sorry if it embarrasses you, I decorated it myself."  She walked away, going back to take care of the children."

Lupin came out of his room, looking at the stunned Goemon.  "Hey, you in there?"  Goemon shook his head and closed his door, going to look around his room.  He found the secret entrance that led up to the attic and smiled, taking it up to check out the roof.  It had a perch already set up for him.  Someone had anticipated him.  He sank down onto the built-in bench and looked out at the woods.  It was a nice set of grounds.  He could hear a river in the distance, making him smile.  "She chose very well," he said quietly, looking satisfied.

Lupin walked around the house, checking everything out.  He ran into Helena and Jigen taking the tour.  "Done already?  After all this time?"

"It's been an hour, asshole," she said dryly.  She looked inside a room, then nodded at it.  "Stress relief."  She walked Jigen on, showing him the rest of the house.  "This is my study," she said happily.  "I'm doing some minor consulting work for the ICPO.  Zenny's seen the house and he loved this room.  He said he was going to camp in here the next time he came over."  She walked him into the kitchen.  "And all this is stuff I don't know what to do with, but Kit plays with it very well."

He kissed her.  "Kit?"

"Kitsune.  Her father wanted an Asian doll."

"Ah."  He nodded.  "I've met men like him."  He kissed her again.  "You wanted something this big?"

She nodded outside, pointing at the woods.  "Head that way a quarter mile and there's a small house.  Just in case Lupin ever gets off his ass and pins Fujiko to the bed again."   He looked stunned.  "It was cheap, it's got security.  The fence is electrified.  The walls are sensor mined.  The grounds have motion sensor activated cameras.  There's a hidden room downstairs with a really old computer setup that hooks into the CIA and the FBI as I found out.  There's a costume closet.  There's also a river to play in.  The next door neighbors raise carriage horses and don't mind if we walk over there to watch them frolic in fields.  The grounds are good.  The only thing I would have wanted is a pool.  The river's slow but it's still got a current.  It was cheap actually.  The former owner was dying and wanted it to go to someone who would appreciate it and not rip it all down.  Ta-da," she said happily, jogging out onto the lawn to do a cartwheel.

Jigen leaned in the doorway, shaking his head.  "My girl is a loon," he told himself.  He walked out when she started to laugh, finding Goemon already on the roof.  "You comfortable?"

"There was a bench up here already.  It is quite suitable," he called down.  "Your robe gapes," he noted.  He stared at the woods again.  "We have animals."

"A few deer and the next door neighbors have horses," she said happily.  "Kit and I take the babies over to watch them."  She got up and went to pounce Jigen on the floor of the kitchen.  He grunted and let her have her way.  She was happy so he was happy to let her manhandle him and rub his back later.

Kit walked out with the baby, turning the baby around to look down at them.  "There they are.  There's no need to yell more, Ciera," she noted, walking outside with the baby.  "Come, let's crawl in the grass," she offered.  Ciera laid there and happily waved her hands and feet.  "See, keep doing that and soon you'll be running as well as your brother."

Lupin walked around the couple on the floor, coming out to join her.  "So, you want to study criminals?"

"I study criminology," she corrected.  "The reasons behind crime patterns and things.  Criminals like you are rare and set the standard higher.  The system is not set up to deal with you and those who try are usually ridiculed by their fellow officers for fighting a useless battle."  He nodded, sitting beside the baby.  She looked down at him.  "I figure that you do know a bit about criminal patterns."

He smirked. "You could say that.  We even influence them.  The higher criminals not only set the bar higher but also more-or-less set the value of things.  If I go for diamonds, others want diamonds more.  If I go for statues, there's a run on art.  There's a symbiosis between the levels.  I have more in common with the lowest of the low criminals than I do with the guys who want to be me."

She sat down across from him.  "See, my books never seem to distinguish between the levels.  That's what fascinates me.  There is much that isn't covered by modern criminological studies.  Kathy herself is never covered.  It's usually seen as a dichotomy, good versus evil."

He nodded.  "I know.  It's laughable in some ways, but it's still a very young field."  She nodded.  "I'd be more than happy to brag and share some insights."  He grinned.

"Kathy said I didn't have to sleep with you or any other male of the household, or her," she said firmly.  "I'm not here for sex."

He shrugged.  "Hey, you're cute, I had to try."

She smirked.  "I know.  It's part of your style, your modus operandi.  While I'm flattered that you think I'm cute, men like you make me want to castrate you all and turn toward women."

He burst out laughing, rolling around on the grass.  "Oh, damn, you're fun.  I'm gonna enjoy helping you with your work."

"Thank you, Mr. Lupin."

"It's just Lupin, sweetheart.  We're not formal."  He gave her a quick hug then picked up the baby to look at.  "Well, you're small, and you're cute, and you smell," he said, handing her over.  "I've never had to deal with babies."

Kit looked at her, then shrugged.  "I was a nanny before, but I refused to sleep with the man of the house.  Same as this house."  She stood up.  "Come on, princess.  Let's get the grass stains off.  Maybe we'll show off your godfather's new presents for you."  The baby cooed and kicked.  "Yes, you like the Uncle, don't you?"

"Godfather?" Lupin asked, shocked.  "I'm not a Godfather?"

She looked at him.  "I think she expected for you to be smart enough to figure out the coded message," she said with a shrug.  "Inspector Zenigata was quite nice.  He got them kevlar outfits and it goes very well with Goemon's kevlar carrier.  Speaking of, do you think he was serious about helping me with my swordwork?  I used to use it to reduce stress."

"Sure.  Can you shoot yet?"  She nodded.  "Really?"

"My mother taught me how to hunt.  My father had no idea what sort of little doll he married when he picked her because she was cute."  She carried the baby inside to wash and change her.  "Come, princess.  It's time for a bath and if you're lucky your brother help us."  She noticed the baby heading for the stairs.  "Malaki," she said sharply and he gave her a small grin.  "Not down the stairs.  Come, let's get dressed."  The naked boy followed her, finding his hat in the drawer.  He knew he could only wear it when he was wearing other clothes.  It had stopped his naked problem quickly.  He came in to help with his sister's bath, he loved her a lot. He hugged her all the time, even when it nearly did drown her.


Jigen sat down in the living room, looking at the big tv.  He looked at the three remotes.  Then he looked at the tv again.  He looked at his son.  "Which one turns on cartoons?"  The boy picked up one to gum, turning on the tv to the cameras.  Jigen hummed and took the remote to check it out.  He flipped through the cameras.  He found the biggest remote between the cushions and used it to change the input device.  Now he was looking at the cameras inside the house.  He snickered when he saw Lupin trying to break into a room.  He looked at the remotes, picking up one that had things like 'shock' written above a button.  He pointed it at the screen and pushed it, snickering when Lupin flinched and jumped back.  "Decent.  I want to know who designed this house."  He changed the input again, then turned off the DVD player so the porn would quit playing.  One more click and he was on the tv, on the kid's station, the one with all the cartoons and slime.  He looked at his son, who was bouncing.  "Better?"  His son hugged him. "You're welcome, Mal."

His son looked up at him, then grinned.  "Present," he said firmly, demanding.

Jigen patted him on the head.  "Try that with Lupin, kid. He's used to giving presents.  I only give them to your mother."  Mal shifted closer until he was snuggled against him.  "Good, kid.  We'll figure it out together. Where's your sister?"

"Kit Kit."

"Hmm, haven't seen a cat.  Where's the cats, Mal?"

Mal gave him a confused look so he went back to the internal cameras, finding them napping in Goemon's room.  "Ah, right where they should be."  He turned it back to the cartoons, pleasing his son.  "Why is the sponge wearing pants?"  His son laughed, clapping with the music. "I guess it's a little bit above you and below me, kid."  He patted him on top of the hat.  "We need to get you a new one of those.  We'll do that tomorrow."

Mal gave him a hug and stole his hat to wear.  "Mine," he said happily.

Jigen took it back.  "When you're old enough.  Until then, we can get you your own.  We'll go with Uncle Lupin tomorrow, your mommy needs a new present anyway for giving me you guys."  He pulled him into his lap, holding him.  It was comforting, his son cuddled very well.

Lupin took a picture from the doorway.  "You two are cute.  He's even got a baby Jigen hat."  He grinned and walked on, finding Helena.  "Who built this house?" he pleaded.  She shrugged.  "You don't know?"

"His lawyer approached me, not him.  He was dying of throat cancer.   I have the papers in my desk."  He nodded and followed her in, letting out a long moan at her study.  "Mine.  No Lupins behind my desk unless he's going to help me help the ICPO."  He whimpered and put his head on her shoulder.  "I mean it.  My desk, you can't take it over and neither can Zenny."  She pushed him off and walked inside.  "Zenny promised to camp in here at least once."

"I can see that," he agreed.  He closed the door.  "We can't be godparents?"

"It's amazing, Lupin.  I had the newsletter sent to you.  I sent a confusing message that should have made at least one of you call me.  I sent four letters and I heard nothing from any of you except Goemon."   He looked pitiful.  "Tough.  If you had thought to read them or call me I would have told you, then you could have been there for the birth and the christenings."

"Fine," he agreed. "But the next one is ours and all ours.  Promise me."

"If you're here," she agreed dryly.  He nodded, hugging her.  "Thank you."  She got free and sat down, pulling out the folder.  "Here you go."  She smiled up at him.  "Remember, my desk is my desk.  If you want a desk, you can put one in."

He nodded, sitting across from her.  "I understand. You're pissed at us.  I'd be pissed at us too.  Hell, I'm pissed at myself for not figuring out either message."  She nodded.  "But please forgive us?" he pleaded.  "This is so important to Jigen."  He gave her his most pitiful look.  "Please don't blame us for being dumbasses."

She nodded.  "I'm not yet.  Yet."  He nodded, hanging his head. "Good.  As long as we've got that straight and you know that you're not allowed to spoil the children."  He looked shocked.  "You're not allowed to spoil the kids, Zenny's not allowed to spoil the kids, or else his wife gets mad at him, and the other two can't spoil the kids either."

"Fine, spoil our fun," he sighed, shaking his head.  "Spoilsport."

"Very much.  I want my kids to be happy children who aren't spoiled by the time they're five."  He grinned at her. "Or ten or twenty."

"Fine," he agreed with a small smirk, which she fought not to mirror.  She finally broke and grinned at him.  "Let up pay for private schooling?"

"The kids will go to a normal school with normal children who will probably pick on Jissan for her name."  He nodded.  "Hey, Mal almost became a Meldrake."

He shuddered.  "Poor kid.  Hopefully someone talked you out of that one?"

"Zenny and I emailed back and forth about the name things."  She grinned.  "See, if you answered letters, they'd have different names."

"I had wondered who came up with the evil wizard name."

"Evil wizard name?" she asked dryly.

"I know you've read the books," he said smugly.  "I saw them on the bookshelf."

She nodded.  "Yeah.  Mordred was a choice as well."

He shook his head.  "If there's ever another one, we will be godparents, even with Pops, and we'll help you with the naming thing."  She shrugged.  "Thanks.  Are you sure I can't play with the computer?"

"Yup.  If you want an office, you'll have to help me with the consulting stuff and then I might let you set up your own office in an empty room.  We have plenty of those on the third floor."

He grinned.  "Thanks, Helena."


"You went back to your real name?"

"It's safer for everyone."  He nodded, getting up and taking the folder with him.  She logged onto the internet and smirked as she turned off her recorder. Then she saved it down and moved on to check her email. She found one from Zenny.  "Hey, a son," she said happily.  She pushed the house-wide intercom.  "Zenny's newest is a son.  Perfectly healthy and his wife is doing fine too," she said, then turned it off.

"I feel like I'm in a highschool," Jigen called as he walked down the hall.  He looked in and smiled.  "I like this office.  Nice job, Kathy."  He headed back to the kitchen.  His son wanted a brownie and he would see if they had any.  If not, maybe he could get Lupin to mix some up.  He couldn't find any so he went to find Lupin in the basement.  "How do you make brownies?  The son wants some."

"Really?  She said we can't spoil them."

"No, she said *you* can't spoil him. He's my son."  He smirked.  "Knock Fujiko up again, see if she'll like it this time."  He strolled off, going back to the kitchen.  Lupin followed, coming to make brownies for the kids. "Thanks, man."

"Welcome.  It's a small spoiling attempt and we'll see how the kids react.  Then we'll figure out how to get around their mother."  They shared a look then a smirk.  "Shopping tomorrow?"

"Yeah, the little guy needs a new hat.  His won't stretch anymore."

"Sure.  We'll keep it out of the local town, just in case."  Jigen shrugged. "We could even send Goemon back to pack our stuff back at the main hideout.  Make this one it."

"I wouldn't mind," Jigen admitted.

"Cool."  He looked out the door.  "Goemon!"  He heard a grunt of annoyance.  "Want to go pack up the former main hideout?"  He heard another grunt and it sounded like an assertion so he came back to finish making brownies.


Jigen walked his son back into the house with his new hat, which looked a lot like his old hat, only this one was darker blue, but it still had a pom-pom.  His son ran off to show his mother and Jigen shook his head.

Lupin chuckled.  "He's your son.  Be thankful your daughter doesn't need a hat."

"No, my daughter needs to not crawl without supervision," he said, looking up at the top of the stairs.  The baby stopped and patted the wall, her new bracelet jingling.  "They put in a dog fence?" he asked, looking confused as he went up to pick her up.  "Morning, Princess.  What's that?"

"Just what you thought, a new application of invisible fence modified for children," Kit said, taking her back.  "You can't crawl away from me this time, young lady.  You will take a bath, you will get changed, and your mother said you will look pretty today."  She grinned at Jigen.  "She hates the dress her mother picked out."  She walked back to the nursery, taking her charge to pretty her up for her father.

Jigen looked down the stairs.  "Okay."  He waved.  "Going to find the woman."  He headed back into the bedroom, following the snores.  He gently laid the present on the pillow next to her, sitting down to watch her sleep.  She was curled around his pillow, it was cute.  He was having a serious case of the warm fuzzies.  He coughed to break it up before he got mushy.  "Morning," he said when she moaned.  She gave him a bleary glare then closed her eyes again.  "I bought you a present."

"Don't need presents.  Come cuddle."

"Sure."  He kicked off his shoes and climbed in behind her, putting the present right in front of her.  She moved it and cuddled him.  "You really don't want presents?"

"They're not required for you to come to bed," she assured him.  "Having you in here with me is a present."

"Damnit, that fuzzy feeling's coming back," he complained.  She chuckled.  "Sure, laugh now, but I'm not used to things like that."

"Tell you what, I'll get used to receiving presents and you get used to having some mush around you.  Deal?"

"Deal," he agreed, kissing the back of her neck.  "Do you really want another one?"

"I find that I'm liking this motherhood with nanny available thing," she admitted.  "I wouldn't mind another one."

"When can we find out?"

"Not for weeks and weeks," she told him.


"Eight or nine," she said, looking up at him.  "I'm not one of those women who know early."  She kissed him gently.  "Nap with me?"

"Sure."  He gave her squeeze.  "How often does Kit take the kids?"

"Not very often, but she said I needed a nap."

"Looks like she was right," he teased.

"Yeah, she was, but that's more the getting up in the middle of the night to feed the baby.  You didn't feel us get out of bed but we did."

"Royal plural?" he taunted.

She pinched him.  "You're the one who told me I'm a princess."

"Hmm, my queen now," he told her, kissing her again.  "I'm serious.  This last one will have my name."

"They have your name now."

He pulled back to look at her.  "Are you scared of commitment?"

"Not really.  I'm more waiting to see how long it takes before you get the itch and have to leave again."

"Lupin said we're coming back here."

"That might cause you some problems.  Zenny's coming over in a few weeks."

He kissed her.  "Then he'll just have to deal with us, won't he?"  He stroked her back.  "I'm coming back."

"I know you are, I'm wondering about how long it'll take."

"A few months at the most.  We'll figure that out today.  Can we at least consider a long engagement?  Do it sometime before the next one is born."

"If I'm pregnant now, that's not really a *long* engagement," she noted dryly.  She kissed him.  "We'll talk about it tonight."

"Fine," he sighed.  She snuggled in and nuzzled his chest, letting herself drift off again.  Lupin walked in with his camera and took a few pictures.  "She won't marry me."

"No, she said she wanted to give you a chance to back off," he corrected.  He patted Jigen on the back.  "We'll help you tie her up and carry her to a minister.  Or to Vegas."

"The US is too dangerous for us, Lupin.  No more over there."

"Sure."  He grinned and headed back off, going to take more pictures of the kids.  "Aaaaah," he cooed at the sight of Jissan.  "You are so adorable!"  He tweaked a curl and she batted at him, scowling.  "And now you look just like Goemon, princess."  He snapped a few more pictures and went back downstairs.  "Jissan's in lace," he told Goemon as he walked past him.  "She's scowling just like you."

Goemon snorted but went up to take his time with the babies.  Mal met him with his new hat and underwear. "I do not believe you should be dressed that way," he noted, picking him up into the nursery and handing him over.  He smiled down at Jissan.  "Hello, little one."

She patted herself then whined when he didn't pick her up.  She was finally picked up so the big things would be easily trained.  She smirked at her brother as she snuggled in, making him growl and lunge over to get her back for himself.

"Enough," Kit warned.  "Malaki, you can share.  Ciera, you will quit picking on your brother."  She gave them both looks and they hugged their respective adults.  "Thank you."  She walked Malaki over and got him dressed in his suit. "Leave it on for one hour, long enough to have pictures taken.  Then you can run around without it on."  He pouted and pulled at his collar but she swatted his hands.  "No."  She looked at Goemon.  "Kathy said so.  We're doing a portrait on the back lawn."  She handed off the boy and went to wake her up.  She coughed from the doorway.  "You said to wake you up in time to get ready for the photos."

Kathy waved a hand.  "Yup, here."

"I know you are," Kit sighed in frustration. "It's bad enough your son has decided a pair of underwear constitutes clothing.  You have to look as nice as they do."

"Fine, I'm up," she agreed, standing up. She headed into the bathroom to do something with her hair.  She came out with it wound up and clipped to the back of her head, heading for the closet.  She looked inside, then sighed and closed that door and went to the other door, pulling out something dark and soft.  "I need to lose the rest of the baby weight."

Jigen got up and took the dress, tossing her onto the bed.  "In a minute, Kit."  She sighed and went to deal with something else.  "This way you don't need anything to plump your lips," he said, giving her a sucking kiss.  She moaned and stretched out for his pleasure.  "Let me help with the hair stuff?"

"You can do women's hair?"

"No, but Lupin can," he said smugly.  "Plus I found a nice dress earlier and I'm a decent enough judge of size."  He walked over to the door.  "Lupin, we need some clothing help!" he called.  Lupin jogged in with the bag, handing it over.  "There, try that on."

"I've gained weight," she noted, heading into the bathroom.  She came out tugging at the dress.  "Too tight."  Lupin frowned then nodded.  "Fine, find me something to contrast with the kids."  She went back in to change out of the dress.  She'd just have to lose weight.  It was two sizes bigger than she usually wore.  She came out, accepting the bra and panties from Jigen.  Lupin was looking in the closet, then at the dress on the floor, then at her.  "A friend bought it for me, it's very comfortable and soft, plus fits well."

"It might, but you'd need a belt," he said.  He looked in the other closets, then sighed and nodded.  "Okay, give me a minute."  He dug into his pocket and tossed something over.  "The necklace you liked," he noted, going back into the back of the closet.  He saw something blue and sparkly back there.  He pulled it out to look at the fancy dress, then looked at her.  "Where did this come from?"

"Police Officer's ball," she reminded him.  "I took Zenny.  His wife was pregnant with the last one and I was relatively small at the time.  We looked adorable together.  There's a picture in the study."  She looked at it.  "Well, that will definitely contrast with the kids, but I don't think it'll work."

He snorted and put back the dress.  "I don't think you and Pops could ever be as cute as you and Jigen."

"Not as cute, but still cute," she defended.  "He makes up for my lack of height.  Besides, they're always boring and he livened it up this year.  There was all sorts of gossip.  It made a lot of women's weeks."  She sat on the bed, crossing her legs.  "This only has to be for the pictures."

"Shush," Lupin ordered, moving back into the other closet.  He found a dress and looked at it, then at her.  "I've never seen you in this one."  He pulled out the dark brown velvet halter dress to show it off.  "Think it'll fit?"

"Yeah, but I think I'll look like a stuffed sausage in it."  She took it to try it on, taking off the bra.  "Well?"

Jigen turned her to look in the mirror.  "Not bad."  He stroked her waist.  "It needs to be a bit bigger, maybe a size."

"There's a midriff baring one," Lupin offered.

"No, I look like a slut in it," she protested.

Lupin snorted and found it again, handing it over.  "Or here, try this," he said, finding something that he had carried up.  He handed it over with a smirk and walked out.  Then he came back once she was dressed and fixed her hair so it was up and the wetness was concealed.  He turned her around to do her makeup, weathering the swats.  "Quit."  He did her lips, then smirked.  "Now kiss her."  Jigen kissed her gently, making her moan.  He did her eyes and it accented her sleepy look perfectly.  "Done.  Shaving?"

She looked at her underarms, then grimaced.  "Sorry, no men for nearly two years."  She went in to use her electric razor, coming back to take the shawl that went with the outfit.  She stepped into her velvet heels and took Jigen's arm to gather the children.  Jissan had to have her hair fussed with and Malaki needed to be rebuttoned into his suit, but they all made it out onto the lawn, where the photographer was finding the perfect spot.  He had her spread out on a bench, smiling down at the kids sitting on a blanket on the grass.  That picture was taken and then he demanded the father come into the picture.  Jigen sat beside her, settling his girl into his lap.  "I'm too heavy."

"Hush or else," he warned, pinching her on the butt.  She swatted at him but smiled and that's when the photographer took the picture, with the kids staring up at them.  They didn't realize it, they were kissing and the kids were clapping, which was the third picture.  Lupin and Goemon came out, playing with the kids on the grass, getting another picture taken.  Then Lupin went to get Kit, dragging her out to put her between them.  Jigen looked down at him.  "Now all we need is Pops."

"Next week," she murmured, kissing Jigen again.  Someone tickled the back of her knee so she swatted down at them, glaring down at her daughter.  "I can kiss him."  She pouted.  She picked her up, cuddling her between them.  Then Mal climbed up, demanding his share.  The photographer got that one as well, with the adults giving him tolerant looks.    He packed his things and got one last picture as the kids stole their mother's hair sticks and poked at each other across their father's lap.  He walked out, shaking his head, and found a person at the door.  "Inspector," he said, nodding at the back yard.  "We're doing family portraits, should we get you in one?"  He shook his head.  "Tell her I'll have them done in a week and in the sizes she wanted."  He left, heading back to his studio.  Some of these were just great.

Zenigata walked into the kitchen and frowned at the giggling going on.  He walked out, heading to where they were sitting, crossing his arms over his chest.  "I should be upset that it took them this long to show up and take my place as favorite uncle."

"Uncle!" Malaki yelled, running over to try and crawl up him.  He was picked up and grinned, patting him gently on the cheek.  "Hat!" he said, pointing at it.

"I can see that.  You are definitely your father's son," he said dryly, kissing him on the forehead.  "Go play with your sister."  He put him down but the baby sat on his feet, making sure he couldn't move.

"Truce.  This is a no-hostility place," Kathy reminded him.  She gave him a look.  "Deal?"

"Deal," he agreed bitterly.

"Deal," Lupin agreed, grinning at him.  "Hey, Pops.  I should hit you now that I now what you were talking about back then."

Zenigata sneered at him.  "Not as smart as you thought?"  He walked over to hug the little pouting girl, giving her something out of his pocket and tossing the other to his godson.  "There, big suckers," he said with a grin.  "Kathy, you look well."

"It's the sex," she said dryly, grinning up at him, holding up her arms.  "Don't I get one?"  He hugged her gently.  "Thanks."  She pulled back.  "Why are you in town?"

"I got a letter saying you were in town, finally.  The idiot there sent me on a wild goose chase to Brazil."

"I thought you'd be at home with the wife and new one," Lupin said smugly.

"I was until someone decided to try and be you.  He managed to kill about nine people in his attempt.  It took me two days to track him and they were most grateful.  Speaking of, the wife's heading this way tomorrow.  That okay?"

"Sure," she agreed, smiling at him.  "I want to see the new one anyway."  She stroked his hand.  "I'm sorry, Zenny, I know you're making comparisons, but it'll hopefully get easier."

"Thanks.  I'll be fine," he assured her, sitting on the grass.  Mal and Jissan both curled up in his lap.  "Have you two been driving your father insane?" he teased, tickling them.  Jissan choked but he helped her fix it and didn't let her lose her lollipop.  "Sorry, little one."  He gave them a squeeze.

Lupin pouted up at Helena.  "See what we missed by you being sneaky?"

She kicked him gently.  "If I had come out and told you, then you would have shouted it from the rooftop in Paris."

"Berlin," Zenigata corrected.

"Fine, Berlin.  It still would have gotten back to the families in Chicago and the drug lords who wanted to kill me before I was prepared.  I thought for *sure* that a coded message would at least get a confused call from one of you."

"I started to but I lost my cell," Jigen reminded her.  She nodded, giving him a look.  He gave her a squeeze.  "Besides, did you *really* want Lupin there during the birth to squeal, bounce, and tape it?"

"The crook did enough of that for five people," Zenigata announced.  "The security cameras caught it all, with sound, and it was sent to me."

"Not by me," she snorted.

"No, by Vecchio."  He smirked at her.  "He said I should come back and make you calm down again before you made Mal play in the snow.  He didn't want the kid to be tainted toward his father's lifestyle."

"Mal will be whoever he becomes," she said patiently.  "No matter which side of the family he takes after."

"He takes after Lupin," Jigen told her.

"How?" she asked dryly, giving him a look.

"Easy, he stole your present earlier," he said dryly.  "Took it right off the counter and walked out with it without the clerk noticing."

Her mouth opened and she eventually whimpered and shook her head.  "Son, no stealing until you can spell the names of the things you're stealing."

Zenigata snorted.  "I'm sure that'll hold.  We'll have to give him the cop speech soon too."

"Hmm.  True.  Baby academy lessons?"

"Definitely," Lupin agreed.  "You have to know the law to break it."

"Perhaps some lessons in honor would help that," Goemon offered.

"Guys, he'll be what he'll be," she said firmly.  "If he becomes a crook, he'll be a crook.  If he becomes a thief, he'll be a thief; if he becomes a gunman, he'll become a gunman.  If he becomes a Chicago cop, we'll beg and plead for him to switch departments, but he'll be a cop."

Zenigata snorted.  "Where would you rather he serve?"

"Somewhere nice and small, like where the Mountie served," she said firmly.  "With very few deadly cases."

He nodded.  "If he becomes a cop, I'll sponsor him into the ICPO."

"Good," she agreed with a grin.  "Think we'll win?"

"Maybe with Jissan," he offered.  "She's much sweeter."

"True," she agreed, smiling at the sleepy kids.  "How do you do that?"

"I don't get much chance to do it with my own," he said bitterly.

"Hey, no one said you *had* to chase us all over," Lupin reminded him.   "You can stay home with your kids if you want.  We're all slowing down."

Someone came to the door and walked out, joining them with two small children and an older one in tow.  "Here you are.  See, your father."  She handed them over, sitting down with a sigh of relief.  "I like this house, Kathy.  Good job decorating."

"Thanks.  Kit here helped me."  She patted Kit on the head.  "This is Mrs. Zenigata."

"Wow, Pops has good taste," Lupin said suavely.  She slapped him.  "It's still not my fault."

"No, but if you weren't such a smug bastard it wouldn't challenge him," she said firmly.  "I hope you don't mind watching them?"

"Where are you two going?"

"We have a night out planned," he said quietly, smiling at his wife.  Then at Kathy.  "Please?"

"Sure, not an issue," she agreed.  "I'll watch 'em all play, that way Kit can have a night off too."

"Thank you."  He handed the children to Goemon, then kissed her on the cheek.  "I want a copy of the pictures without the crooks."  He helped his wife up off the ground, looking down at the children.  "That one as well."

"Fine," she sighed, handing the baby to Lupin.  "Be careful with him, he is more precious than a vase."

"Hey, babies are fragile.  I know that much about them," he agreed.  "We'll help her watch the kids."

"Try not to make them crooks too," Zenigata said bitterly, leading his wife away.  "We'll be back in the morning, Kathy."

"Have fun.  Happy anniversary."  She smiled and let the kids onto the ground to play.  "Play nicely," she ordered her son.  He latched onto the little baby and hugged him until Goemon removed him, then he threw a fit.  "Son," she snapped.  Mal gave her a guilty look and settled down to pet and stroke the baby like he did the cats, even scratching behind the baby's ears.

"You're dumb," the older daughter snorted.  She was nine.  "Babies don't get petted like dogs."

"Cats," Goemon corrected, "and that was not polite."  She sneered at him and he glared back, making her wilt.  "Thank you.  Should someone help with dinner?"

"That always seemed to be my job," Lupin pointed out.  "I'm good to help whoever.  You've got a really nice kitchen."

"Too bad I don't cook, huh?" Kathy said dryly.  "Kit, I know I promised a night off, want to show him where everything is?"  Kit nodded and got up, walking him inside to show him the freezer.  Kathy looked at the older girl.  "You, be helpful or sit and read.  No snarking at the younger kids or go to bed early."

"Yes, auntie," she sighed, looking defeated. "I never get to see the daddy."

Kathy grinned at her.  "Trust me, you'll be seeing him a lot more pretty soon.  He still loves you, he talks about you all the time."  She brightened up and nodded.  "Good girl.  Now, let's move everyone inside so I can change back into sweats and Mal can pretend to wear clothes again."

"I like you in that," Jigen said as he helped her back to her feet and took his kids inside.  "You won't stay dressed for me?"

"Jigen, I can't get down and play with the kids in it," she pointed out, giving him a small smile.  "I'll dress up for you tomorrow, or once the others go ahead for the first job."

He kissed her.  "Lupin said he's having a dry moment.  We don't have anything planned for months and months."  She stared at him and he nodded.  "Really.  Months at the least and then we're coming right back here.  He said so."

"He's looking forward to warping the kids?"

"Definitely," he agreed with a grin.  "Hey, think we can get him to teach our daughter how to dance?"  He stopped her for a hug, stroking her stomach. "I was serious earlier," he said quietly, kissing her gently.

"Me baby!" Mal demanded.  "No kissies."

"You, hush.  I can kiss your mother if I want to," Jigen told him, glaring down at him. "It's the daddy's right to kiss the mommy."  He kissed his woman again.  "I'll beg, Kathy.  I really will."

"I'm not sending you away!" she said hotly, heading upstairs to the suite that was on the other end of the hallway from hers.  Usually Zenny stayed in there when it was him and his family.  It had the other cribs.  Both babies were put down and she turned, finding Jigen standing in the doorway.  "Have you even thought about what having a wife will do to your career?  Or how much of a target that makes you because of the people still after me?"

He walked in and held her.  "I do.  I also know that there are people who are after me who'll use you too."  He tucked her underneath his chin, holding her tightly.  "We'll deal with it.  This house is my dream for security.  You're a damn good shot still.  You and the kids will be safe even if I have to wipe out every syndicate in Europe to make my point," he said firmly.  "I want that stability.  Something to come home to.  I was so tired of going home to nothingness and quiet.  It was not only stale, it was rock hard and moldy."  She snickered at the description.  "I want to have a reason to come home.  Something that makes me want to do my best."  He pushed her back.  "Before you say it, I have that in you and the kids, but I need more.  It's not right to my way of thinking for the kids to be the flowerchildren at our wedding."

"Damn, you want a big wedding?" she asked, looking horrified.

"Well, a modest one with a few friends, family, and people to thumb my nose at," he admitted with a grin.  "Maybe a hundred people total, including us?"

"Wow.  You really thought about this.  I thought girls were supposed to plan weddings."

"I had to do something to keep myself from worrying when you were trapped in Chicago," he said bitterly.  "We would have come for you."

"Me running would have sent the wrong sign and the lower level crooks would have panicked.  Most of the cops would have panicked too.  Me, the old me, running in a blind panic would have caused more problems than not.  That's why I made an orderly retreat once things settled down.  I gave Vecchio the authority to find someone to help the homeless community there.  I planned everything so it'd look like I had only went into hiding to protect our son from the massive bout of car bombs.  Everyone knew I'd be leaving soon, and most figured out that I wasn't able to travel for part of it.  Or else I would have left when I was six months along."  He frowned, looking into her eyes.  "Not a real problem, an unexpected side effect of the memory eraser," she said quietly.  "My doctor sent my file with me so the next one can figure it out."  He nodded and relaxed.  "Anyway, it was perfectly planned.  Having you three run in like the world was going to end and stealing me in the night would have proven that things were bad.  The other auxiliary people - the strippers, the minor dealers, the suppliers, the weapons people, all of them - would have panicked.  It would have spread.  When I disappeared a minor panic was started until it was said that I was hiding my son just in case.  That eased it.  There was nearly a riot among some of them and there was a stampede to leave the city."  He sighed.  "I couldn't do that to Chicago."

"I know, but it still sucks ass," he told her, kissing her on the tip of the nose. "You're avoiding the subject, Kathy."

"I'm not.  I'm thinking about it," she admitted.  "I'm thinking about all the bad things that could happen if we do."

"Nothing bad will happen.  I promise nothing bad will happen."  He gave her a gentle kiss.  "Why does Pops have a suite?"

"Because he brings the kids over all the time.  I figured he'd be more comfortable down here since we don't have a divided bedroom."  She picked up a picture on the dresser.  "That's us at the ball," she said, handing it over.

He smirked at the duo then shook his head. "You two are just odd.  Was this the old Master or old Mistress suite?"

"Well, the Mistress's rooms are now Lupin's.  This was the lady's suite if I remember right.  It had a view he liked better.  I wanted to look at the woods."  She grinned and stole a kiss.  "Come on, help me out of this dress and shoes so I can crawl around with our kids and save Goemon."

"I'm not sure he needs saved.  He likes them nearly as much as he does the cats."  He followed her across the hall, helping her find some clothes to put on.  "I like you at this weight."

"You're a liar," she said sweetly, grinning at him.  "I need to lose it and if you complain, I'm going to make you sleep outside."  She took her shorts into the bathroom and came back out to get a bigger pair.  "Middle age butt spread has set in," she announced.  "I'll have to start wearing house dresses soon."

"I'd never let you do that," he vowed.  "You will never have to worry about going stale with me, I enjoy everything you do."

"So far.  We've never lived together for more than a couple of weeks, Jigen.  Years are different."  She changed and jogged down the stairs since someone was crying.  "What happened?"

"Mal hit her," Lupin said, cuddling the older Zenigata daughter.  "Shh, it's all right.  He's being mean."

"And you did what before that?" Kathy asked her.

"I offered to read to him, like you would.  He said I'm not you and he punched me."

"Hmm.  Let me talk to him."  She gave her a gentle pat.  "I'll bring back an ice pack when I bring back an apologetic son."  She walked outside, going to find her son and make him not only apologize but figure out what was wrong with him.  "What is going through your mind?  You hit her?"

"She not steal you!" he said firmly.  "My mommy!"

She sat down, frowning at him.  "Son, she's not moving in.  We're babysitting.  They'll go home.  Just like I sometimes leave you with Kit for a few hours, they're leaving their kids with us."  He shook his head. "No what?"

"No, hims stays.  Uncle."  He hugged her.

"Okay, I'm confused but maybe Kit knows what you're talking about.  You will apologize to Miriam."  She carried him inside and took the ice pack from Goemon on her way through the kitchen.  "Apologize."

"I sorry," he said miserably, hugging her.  "You no stay?"

"He's worried that you're marrying Pops," Lupin said flatly.  He looked up at her.  "How often does he visit?"

"He's been here twice, both times with the wife and kids," she told him.

"You only moved three months ago," he pointed out.

"He met us at the airport and took Mal on ahead so at least one of them could go on if something happened to me," she said firmly.  "Drop it.  I'm not taking up with him!"

Lupin shuddered.  "I hadn't thought you were," he defended.  "That's a horrible thought."  He patted Mal on the back.  "Trust me, he's not stealing your mother and neither are the other kids.  They've got a very nice mother."

Miriam nodded.  "I do.  I love my mommy.   This uncle makes my daddy leave me all the time."

Mal frowned at his new uncle.  "Why?  Uncle nice!  Miriam nice sometimes!"

"It's not on purpose.  It's a very complicated situation that we'll tell you more about when you're older," Kathy soothed.  She patted her son on the head.  "Go get me the baby monitor for Uncle Zenny's suite."  Mal nodded and went to do that, bringing them both back.  "Thank you, Mal.  Now, can Miriam read to you?  She needs lots of practice reading."

"We color later?" Mal asked her hopefully.  She nodded and grinned, still holding the ice pack to her eye.  "I sorry."  He hugged her gently.  "Me no hurt."

"I know, you didn't understand," she soothed.  "Come on, we'll get my book from my bags."  He nodded and followed behind her as fast as he could.

"I really never thought you'd go for him," Lupin said quietly, listening to Jigen talk to his daughter on the monitor.  "You won't accept a proposal, still?"

"Think about it.  How many people will make him a big target because of me?"

"Most of them already know that you're together," Lupin offered.  "Plus, Jigen needs something to come home for.  Something to give him a reason to keep going when things get rough.  Like they have been recently."  She stared down at him.  "Not of our making.  Some things that no one knew about popped up suddenly.  We couldn't have anticipated it."

She grimaced.  "It's not just that, Lupin.  Think about how he's been traveling.  Think about how often he travels."  He nodded.  "Being married means he'll be tied down a lot more often."

"Not really.  You'd still let him go on vacations and jobs, right?"  She nodded.  "Then there's not a problem. You're not clipping his wings and he's not going to force his way into you.  I know you haven't had the chance to really live together but you two have been dating now for nearly twenty years."

"Not even close," she defended.

"Count backwards," he said dryly.   She did and blanched.  "Yeah, the nineteenth anniversary of when we met you was last month.  It's been nearly twenty years of fighting to stay together, Hel...Kathy.  He loves you.  Otherwise he wouldn't have come back after your first fight.  I won't let you rip him to shreds over this."  He stood up, going to find Jissan.  "Naughty, kitten," he teased, tickling her when he found her trying to get out the door.  "Come on, come help your Uncle Lupin make naughty plans.  It's about time you learned the family business."   He walked her into the study, making sure she couldn't break in to interrupt them.  First he emailed Fujiko for advice and to join them.  Then he looked up the proper protocol for weddings, small ones of course.  Neither of them knew that many people and there weren't that many she'd *have* to invite.  Their side might be bigger. Maybe some of her friends from Chicago?


Fujiko knocked on the front door of the house she had been emailed to come to, frowning when a familiar woman opened the door.  "He told you where the new hideout was?" she asked as she walked inside.  A little boy wearing a hat ran past them.  "Why are there kids here?"

"Mal, get back here," she called.  "You're more and more like your father every day, always on the run!"  He came back, waving at this strange woman.  Fujiko whimpered.  "Oh, quit," she sighed, walking away.  "Lupin, your girlfriend's here."

Fujiko looked at the little boy, then smiled.  "Hey, you're Jigen's aren't you?" she teased, wiggling her fingers at him.  "Are you a good baby?"  He shook his head.  "Good boy."  She winked and stood up, walking to join Lupin as he walked up the hallway carrying another baby.  "Another one?"  She looked at this one but it too looked like Jigen, or possibly Goemon with the way she was scowling.  "What?  I'm not moving in," she promised, patting her on the head.  "Kids?"

"Yeah, apparently we should have been smart enough to figure out what a coded message said," he said dryly.  "Remember those cute stories in the London Times, the ones with the woman who went into labor in the minimart and then during a hostage situation on a maternity ward?"

"Yeah, I read them in one of the Japanese papers.  Why?"  He pointed upstairs.  "Really?" she asked dryly. He nodded and held out the baby.  "Oh, no," she said, backing away quickly.  "Those things are communicable diseases in my book.  I want nothing to do with babies.  At least they're not yours, but I'm not playing with kids."  She went to find the others, finding Jigen in a room that probably held a piano at one point in time.  "Hey.  I got summoned.  Are we up for a new job?  I'd ask Lupin but he's holding your kids."

Jigen looked at her.  "They're not catching."

"Yes they are.  Lupin will want one," she said bitterly.

"Too late," Jigen sighed, shaking his head.  "Fujiko, you're a woman, I guess.  Why is mine scared of marrying me?"

"I am a woman all the time, thank you.  I may not be a lady but I am a woman."  She frowned at him.  "I'm guessing that she's scared, Jigen.  Not only of you turning into whatever male scarred her so badly but also of finding out that things aren't always great when you're together all the time.  It's a normal fear.  Most people get over it."  She shrugged.  "Stay here for a while, it's probably the only thing that will cure it."

"Yeah, but I want our next kid to be legal," he said.  "I hate it when kids have six or seven stepfathers."

"Yours will have uncles, not stepfathers," she pointed out.  "I doubt she'd ever marry Zenigata, no matter how much the rumors have them sleeping together behind his wife's back, and sometimes with her depending on who's spreading it."  His mouth fell open and his cigarette fell out.  "Yeah, them."  She smirked.  "We all know it's not the truth, but there's probably a bit of a fear there for you.  She doesn't often take care of herself before others and if motherhood just happened to her, then she's barely gotten into being a mother.  Why would she want to add a wife to that?"  She shrugged.  "No job?"

"No, not yet.  We're all considering moving here though."  He walked past her, heading up to wake his baby up.  "Kathy," he said as he walked in.  "You do know that I'd never make you some little homemaker, right?  That you've got just as much right to take short vacations as I do?"

"With the kids?"

"No, I'd watch them if I could," he offered, laying down behind her.  "Fujiko's here."

"I met her at the door."  She handed over the small derringer.  "I don't want to know where Mal got it from."

"Probably her garter," he said, tossing it onto the bedside table.  "At least he handed it over."  She nodded. "Good job with that talk," he praised with a grin.  "We'll work on safety lectures together?"

"That would require you being here all the time," she pointed out.

He grunted and sighed, suddenly getting it.  "You're not scared of becoming your mother, you're scared of becoming Pop's wife," he said lightly.  She shrugged but didn't refute it.  "Honey, we're all older now.  I'm over forty.  Lupin's just reached that age.  He found a white hair the other day and had to drink himself to sleep after pulling it out."  He stroked her hair.  "We're not going to be on the run forever and we won't be pulling jobs forever either.  We'll be retiring some year soon.  Even Pop's wife will have to get used to having him around all the time.  We'll all be at home.  For me, home's now here or wherever you and the kids are.  Even the other hideouts if you wanted."  She rolled, hugging him.  "I'd never do that to my woman.  I'm not mean like that. I won't make you cook, clean, or even dress up for me if you don't want to."

"Jigen, we still haven't really lived together."

"So?  People got along all the time in the old days and this house is big enough to hide me if I want some privacy.  It'll be fine.  I promise."  He tipped her chin up.  "Say yes, let me find you a rock worthy of my babies' momma."  She snickered, shaking her head.  "Not hip?"

"A bit too hip for you," she taunted.

"Fine, spoil my illusions of youth," he sighed in mock distress.  "I'll simply have to kidnap you to the Riviera and have the wedding there."

"Not a chance," she said firmly.

"You won't have one by the sea?"

"With all the idiots who go on vacation there?  We'd have a helicopter news crew and so many syndicate people that we'd never get through it without shooting someone."

He laughed.  "If you say so.  The garden?  Or the main hideout is pretty if you wanted to go there.  It's a few hours away."

"Most everyone I wanted to know already knows where this place is."

"Good.  Then we can invite Ray and his bitch over too," he said fondly.  "Too bad she fell for him, she would have made Lupin a great mate."

She hummed and stroked his chest.  "She would have," she agreed lightly, teasing his buttons.  "She likes the way Ray dresses though.  He wears dress shirts with buttons for her."

He swatted her hands.  "No developing kinks at this late a date," he chided.  He kissed her, rolling him underneath him to pin her down and make her brainless for a bit longer.  With any luck, she'd say yes soon so they'd have some time to plan things.

Downstairs, Fujiko turned off the listening bug she and Lupin had been listening to.  "Do not even ask," she warned, holding up a finger.  "Marriage and children are both communicable diseases and if you catch either of them, I'll be your mistress."

He sighed.  "I wasn't even thinking about it," he said quietly.  Another hope dashed.

"You were, it's in your eyes," she said, staying firm.  "I'm not ready to settle down yet."

"I agree, you're not ready yet," he said simply, nodding at her.  "But we'll have to help them plan theirs.  Jigen would get away with a grunt and a nod.  Kathy would want to ride up on her bike and kidnap him."  She snickered at that image.  "So we'll have to help make it tasteful, decent, and short enough that both of that couple can stand it."

She shrugged.  "Vegas?"

"With how dangerous the US is to her?"

"Good point."  She looked outside, then at him.  "Who is Goemon walking with?  I didn't know you had taken on an apprentice thief."

"That's probably Kit; she's the nanny and a student of Criminology," he said with a small grin.  "She's a great young woman.  Fairly feisty, she tried to kill us because she found us in the nursery and didn't know who we were."

Fujiko shook her head. "I knew it was communicable.  If you get with the little girl, we'll keep it quiet if you stick with me too," she said, heading out to check out the house, listening to Lupin chuckle madly.  "Whatever."

Lupin opened the window to the garden, sticking his head out.  "Hey, Kit, Fujiko's finally here," he called.  She grinned at him.  "She thought we were dating."

Kit burst out in laughs, leaning against Goemon.  "Oh, dear God, I thought that woman had brains."

Goemon patted her gently on the back, shaking his head.  "Not that she always uses them, but she is smart sometimes."   They continued on, hunting for the cat they had heard meowing last night.  It hadn't sounded that happy with life and he wanted to check on it.   She and Lupin were close but he could not say anything and it was not his place to say anything to the girl about Lupin and his ways.


Kathy looked at the test strip on the counter, then groaned, shaking her head.  "Asshole," she muttered, heading down the stairs with it.  She put it onto the table in front of Jigen then headed out to take a jog through the woods.

"I'm not sure devices that hold bodily fluids should be put on the table," Lupin called after her.  He craned his neck to see, then grinned at Jigen.  "Congratulations."

He sniffled once then got up, heading after his woman.  She wasn't going to tell him no this time.  He saw her jogging off and grimaced, heading after her.  She didn't run that fast and he had more experience at it.  Even though she knew the woods better he was sure she'd be breaking after a mile.  He noted that a few paths had been started through the woods and took the one with the most recent disturbances, heading down to a small pond.  He found her bending down, splashing her face with water.  He grabbed her, holding her tightly as he kissed her.  "My woman," he said firmly, not able to ignore the shaft of machismo that was flowing through him at that moment.  He took off his jacket and put it onto the ground, then put her on top of it to celebrate this new accomplishment.  "We're marrying within two months," he ordered between kisses.  "If you complain, I'm tying you up and doing it anyway."  He kissed his way down to her stomach, kissing and licking it for her.  "My kid."

"The baby's barely seeable without a microscope," she pointed out dryly.

"So?  It's my baby."  He kissed her navel then moved lower to please her for this new pleasure in his life.  She wouldn't complain about that.


Lupin looked at Kit.  "We're having the wedding here.  Are there any health issues we should consider?"

"She said she had a few seizures the last time," Kit offered.  "Her medical record is in the safe downstairs.  Though I do think you're moving ahead of yourself.  She doesn't want a formal union."

"Jigen won't let her slip away now," Lupin told her smugly.  "He'll force her if he has to.  The more we do, the less she'll have to worry about.  Goemon, can you please find a list of who's who in the underworld so we know who we *have* to invite?  I'm sure it'll be soon so she won't be showing.  That extra baby weight is going to hamper the dress selection."

"Talk to her friend Cat, she's heavier," Fujiko offered.

"Good idea, Fujiko, I'll have to talk to her anyway.  She'll know who to invite in Chicago."  He grinned at her.  "Okay, I want you in charge of the invitations.  You have ways of getting things to people that don't have real addresses."  She nodded.  "Goemon, you and Kit can handle the small details.  The dress, the exact spot, the kids helping during it.  All that stuff.  I'll deal with the food and help Jigen with the ceremony itself.  Got it?"  They all nodded, but Kit raised her hand.  "Yes?"

"Kathy's going to kill you for this," she said lightly.

"Kathy hates planning things and we all know that," Lupin said smugly.  "Make sure the bridesmaid dresses are good to fit you or Cat.  I'm not sure if she'll want Fujiko or not."  His phone rang and he answered it, grimacing as the voice on the other end told him off. "Who asked your opinion, Pops?"  Fujiko looked stunned so he shrugged.  "Yay.  She won't be too mad.  She likes us."  He hung up and looked at the table.  "Everyone got their assignments?  Then let her *help* but I doubt she'll need the stress of doing it all herself."  They finished breakfast and went to start their various tasks.  They'd tell her tonight.


Kathy wandered back into the kitchen, grabbing some water to drink greedily.  "Damn, he wore me out," she panted when Kit came in.

"Then I guess it's good that Lupin's decided to take over your wedding and make it very easy for you to have everything done," she said with a grin.  "Goemon and I are in charge of the place and the little details.  Did you want it in the garden or in the house?"

Kathy gave her a look, and then shook her head.  "No way in hell."  She headed for her office, slamming open the door when she didn't hear the kids babbling at him.  "I'm not marrying him yet," she said evilly, smirking at him.  "Deal with it."  She turned and found Jigen behind her.

"Yes, she is," Jigen agreed.  "Do something RenFaire.  Those always looked cute and annoying."  He picked her up and put her over his shoulder.  "The future-wife and I are going to figure out a date before she gets morning sickness."  Lupin snickered as he carried her off, kicking and howling in outrage.  "Tough.  You're mine.  We're having a formal announcement of that state.  If you don't like it then divorce my ass and give me half of everything."  He put her down in the tv room, looking down at her.  "You are mine, Kathy.  The kids are mine.  You are mine.  I'm going to be able to prove it to everyone.  It's important to me."  She glared at him.  "He's high handed but he's trying to spare you some stress," he said more quietly.  "He's being a nice guy, let him have his moment since Fujiko is a bitch and a half on the point.  She suggested Lupin take Kit from Goemon and marry her while keeping Fujiko on the side."   Her glare turned to another source.  "So let him do this for himself since he'll probably never have one of his own."

"The RenFaire thing?"

"Is his idea.  He used ta have a dream of his bride riding up on a horse."  He smirked at her.  "That fine with you?"

"I'm not ready."

"You are, you're scared.  There's a difference."  He kissed her again.  "Sorry.  I'm still feeling really manly at the moment."  He laid her onto the couch and had her again, making her scream her pleasure.


Lupin looked up as Kit walked into the office.  "What's wrong, kitten?"


"It's a natural thing with your shortened name," he said with a shrug.  "What can the big, bad Lupin do for you?"

"Take a blood test," she said firmly.  He raised an eyebrow, then smirked at her.  "Kathy said it's not fair to force her to marry Jigen when it's your wedding you're planning."

"True," he agreed dryly, "but I'm apparently never having one.  Fujiko said so."

"So you can't get a vial of her blood?"

"No, I can do that," he offered. "We each take blood tests every three months because of all the sleeping around we've done."

"Good.  Go here," she ordered, handing over a card.  "He's doing Jigen and hers as well, but she'll only do it under protest and she said she's not going to feel married until she's ready."

"Hey, not an issue," he agreed.  "This is really important to Jigen and he'll work on her."  He looked at the card.  "He's in town?"  She nodded.  "Is there an OB?"

"Back in Chicago.  I asked, the only other person who knows about this drug is in Japan."

"Understood.  If we have to, we'll get them together somehow."  He smirked at her.  "An outside wedding?"  She nodded.  "Perfect.  I've got a contact for the dresses.  You'll all look great."

She beamed.  "Good, I'd like that."  She headed out to talk to someone about some flowers.  The gardens didn't really have any flowers, more bushes and plants.  You couldn't carry a whole plant up to the altar.  Lupin came out and handed her his plans, complete with how many flowers she'd need.

Meanwhile, Fujiko was answering the door.  She froze when she saw who it was, then backed away.  "Um, hi, Pops," she said nervously, taking off running.  "It's Pops."

"We're friends and we have a truce," he called quietly, holding in his chuckles when she didn't hear him.  "Good.  That makes me happy."  He headed in to look in the study, then headed down to the work area.  He found Jigen staring at the safe.  "It's not breakable," he said in greeting.  Jigen jumped and glared at him.  "It's not.  Sixteen tumblers, specially hand-built to be perfectly the same sounding at each number and it's an early application of titanium.  Three feet thick all around and the other sides are padded by multi-foot concrete.  The crook's grandfather couldn't break it the one time he tried."  He gave him a smug look.  "Where is the little woman?"

"Upstairs looking in her closet.  She's still wearing maternity clothes."

"Then you're not doing it good enough," Zenigata said smugly.  "My wife was back down to her normal size and one fewer within two months.  All that fatherly exertion."  He strolled off, going to help his trouble buddy.  "Hey," he said from the doorway.  "Fujiko's on the run and Jigen's been thoroughly chastised for not being enough of a man for you.  What can I do to help you?" he asked with a grin.

"I need a tummy tuck."

"After this one," he pointed out, coming in to help her.  "Either that or some better husbandly exercise."

"Ha!  He won't let me sleep, Zenny!"

"Of course not.  He wasn't there for the other two.  This is like his first kid all over again.  My wife lost thirty pounds before she hit morning sickness."

"I've lost five but I still can't fit into anything in my wardrobe from the rolls of fat."

"You're not fat," he said patiently.  "Most of that is stretched skin."

"Hence the tummy tuck."

"You'll be stretching it again in a few months," he reminded her.  "Pull out the thyroid clothes."

"I have, I don't fit into them!" she retorted, starting to pout.  "I'm horribly fatter than I ever have before.  I weigh more than Cat now!"

"You don't," he said firmly.  "Cat's not you and you're not at all like her.  Not that she's fat.  Vecchio and she had one recently and her weight went down again. Now, come tell me what's really wrong?"  She shook her head and went back to sorting her clothes.  "Kathy, I know you," he said quietly.  "Something's wrong."

"I'm not ready yet."

"Ready is a state of mind," he pointed out.  "I wasn't ready either but we married in quite a hurry when her father found out we were together."  She snorted and shook her head, tossing another dress onto the floor.  "That should fit you."

"I tried it on before the pictures, it was too tight."

"Fine."  He stood up, giving her a gentle hug.  "You're more than ready.  He'll take good care of you and watch your back.  Think of it like a formal ceremony to bind partners together," he suggested quietly.  "He's got your back and you have his.  The baby's just a convenient excuse to ride together."  She gave him a look and he nodded.  "Really.  I think he'd even help you be a consultant if you asked.  He's so devoted to you that he'll never leave you.  I know he didn't touch a woman in the time you've been together."

"We both still have wants and needs that we can't help for each other," she said quietly, glancing at the door.  He looked stunned.  "And you know what I'm talking about."

"I didn't know he had them too.  Does that bother you?"

"No," she snorted.  "But it's not real fair to him when I want something softer."

"Hey, make a quad and have Fujiko," he said with a small smirk.  A mean smirk at that.

"She thinks commitment is a communicable disease, like the kids."

"She would.  She's the most unwomanly woman I've ever met.  Whereas you're one of the most womanly women outside of my own wife.  You've always wanted someone to take care of you. You still do.  What do you think would happen if something happened and you had to sell the house?"

"Lupin would take us in until we could find something to do for a living."

"What would Jigen do?"

"Get really happy."

"Besides that.  Do you think he'd let you work?"  She nodded.  "Without an argument?"  She sighed and shook her head.

"You'd be right about that," Jigen said from the doorway.  "Um, Pops, hands off the wife."  He let her go and gave him a glare, sitting down again. "I've always managed to put some aside so I could retire to a beach somewhere in my old age if I made it that far.  If something happened and you lost everything, I'd take care of you and the little people.  You're my bitch now," he said with a smirk.  "No one else's."  He walked in and tipped her face up, leaning down to kiss her and even letting her take off his hat and toss it aside.  "I'm going to take care of you and the babies.  I've got your back.  I've got your heart.  Now all I need is that stubborn head of yours."  He looked at the pile of clothes, then at her.  "Having a yard sale?"

"I can't fit into them and it's depressing to look at."

"Fine," he promised, kissing her again.  "We'll deal with it."  He kissed her a third time.  "Watching, Pops?"  He didn't stop, just took off her shirt.

Zenigata stood up.  "I'll go kick the crook out of your office.  I've got a file for you to help me with when you're done," he told her, walking around them.  "Five pounds isn't a good average, Jigen."

"It's only been a week," he complained.

"Ha!  My wife lost thirty in a month."  He headed down to kick Lupin out of the office and log onto the internet and the ICPO's site to pull down the file for her help.   He hadn't been allowed to carry it overland.

To The Next Chapter